Chapter 227: Mist Ninja Rebels

Town in the Land of Whirlpools.

With the covert support of the major ninja villages, this chaotic town, intermingled with multiple forces, strangely became the territory of the Mist Ninja rebel army.

Of course, "rebel army" is what the Mist Ninja call it; they proclaim themselves as the Revolutionary Ninja Legion. Interestingly, this title went unchallenged within the ninja world.

This was because the leading villages - Cloud, Rock, Leaf, and Sand, four of the five great ninja villages, acknowledged it. It was clear to any astute observer that this was to further intensify the internal strife within the Mist Village.

On the streets, Mist Ninja were seen patrolling everywhere. The biggest difference between them and the Mist Ninja in the Land of Water was the red armbands they all wore.

Under the banner of the Revolutionary Army, this place gathered countless resisting forces from the Mist Ninja, especially those bloodline ninja who were homeless and oppressed.

Even the current leader of the Revolutionary Army, Terumi Mei, publicly announced a call to recall the Mist Ninja who had defected due to the Bloody Mist policies, causing a stir in the ninja world.

Among the five great ninja villages, the Mist Village had the most defectors. They had either been forced by the village or couldn't tolerate its policies.

In the highest building, Terumi Mei, rubbing her forehead, looked at the current intelligence of the ninja legion and couldn't help but show a satisfied expression.

"Everyone, the situation is very favorable. There are occasional disturbances among the ninjas in the villages of the Land of Water, especially those oppressed bloodline ninjas who are continuously joining us."

In the room stood Kisame Hoshigaki, Zabuza Momochi, Juzu Biwa, and Ringo Ameyuri, the four ninjas who now served as her right and left hands.

Kisame Hoshigaki, with a shark-like face, showed a ferocious smile, "When can I meet Mr. Yoru?"

Holding a red book, which seemed ordinary but was treasured by him, he often mentioned, "Mr. Yoru's book has shown me the true meaning of life. It's his book that rescued me from my void of suffering. I want to achieve Mr. Yoru's vision of an ideal world."

Kisame's face showed a fanatic admiration, but Juzu Biwa snorted coldly, "Kisame, do you even understand the philosophy in Mr. Yoru's book? Every time I read it, I gain new insights. Do you even know what an ideal world is?"

Instantly, Kisame Hoshigaki and Juzu Biwa stood opposed to each other, neither willing to back down.

Zabuza Momochi, unconvinced, scoffed in his heart. In his opinion, only power could change the situation in the Bloody Mist, not a mere book.

Among them, only Ringo Ameyuri, looking somewhat pale and coughing, observed this scene, causing Terumi Mei to snort coldly and immediately stopping the argument in the office.

"Kisame Hoshigaki, currently rebelling in the Mist Village, although not yet successful, has caused unprecedented turmoil. If not careful, the Mist Village may fall from its pedestal among the five great ninja villages."

Since Terumi Mei declared her intention to overthrow the Fourth Mizukage's Bloody Mist regime, she had gained a lot of support, especially from Zabuza Momochi, who was already extremely dissatisfied with the village.

Upon hearing the news, Juzu Biwa, a wandering defector, silently turned towards his long-estranged village.

Kisame Hoshigaki, purely because he was betrayed by Suikazan Fuguki and subsequently recruited by Terumi Mei, found a new life goal after reading 'My Struggle' during his recovery.

Ringo Ameyuri joined Terumi Mei's team purely because of her former master, but her expression was visibly off.

"Numerous people in the ninja world are watching the Mist Village. Although we have used these people's strength, others want to see the village's decline. However, we never thought that way. We want to save and change this crying country."

Terumi Mei looked at the four, speaking righteously, with a copy of 'My Struggle' also on her desk.

At this moment, Terumi Mei felt a sense of awe towards this book. Uchiha Yoru was indeed a genius, perhaps even a genius who could lead the era.

'My Struggle' creates an ideal world, filled with the supremacy of Kekkei Genkai ninjas and a fanatical ninja system with an orderly hierarchy. This book made Terumi Mei feel fear.

She saw Uchiha Yoru's ambition in it, yet she found herself unable to part with the book.

Her rebellion against the Mist Village's bloody policies lacked a crucial element: spirit. This book provided that spirit, giving her followers a direction.

Because of her proposals based on the book for the future direction of the Mist Village, many ninjas secretly defected and joined her, or had already covertly switched sides.

The ninja class system elevated ninjas to the position of world controllers.

Fervor! Terumi Mei saw the zeal in her subordinates from the Mist Village and even felt a secret fear herself, sensing she was almost becoming bewitched.

"Ringo Ameyuri, you can't delay treating your illness any longer." Shaking off her chaotic thoughts, Terumi Mei sighed to herself, realizing she too was a beneficiary of the book.

She was a pure Kekkei Genkai ninja, with dual bloodlines. Looking up at Ringou Ameyuri, Terumi Mei expressed her concern seriously.

Ameyuri jokingly responded, "My illness isn't something ordinary medical ninjas can treat."


Seeing Ameyuri's stubbornness, Terumi Mei, not wanting to lose a great general, said coldly, "This time is different. I've gone to great lengths to invite someone."

"Tsunade the Legendary Sannin of Konoha. If such a medical ninja can't treat your illness, then you're truly beyond help."

Upon hearing that the medical ninja was Tsunade of the Legendary Sannin, Ameyuri, who initially didn't care, suddenly widened her eyes in surprise, eager to live.

"Where is she?"

"At the border of the Land of Fire, I permit you to leave temporarily." Ameyuri was a rare elite among Jonin, and Terumi Mei, knowing the importance of talent, was grateful she had a past with Tsunade, otherwise, she couldn't have managed this.

Hearing this, excitement shone in Ameyuri's eyes. Everyone wants to live healthily, and she was no exception.

"Haha, I'll set off right away."

Finally, Terumi Mei turned her attention to Zabuza Momochi, speaking gravely, "Go down and get a book. Read it carefully, understand it. This book contains the future direction of the Mist Village."

Terumi Mei had to admit, this book was a guide full of spiritual leadership, exactly what her revolution army, lacking in faith, needed the most.

Zabuza Momochi, despite his cold expression, was curious as he observed people holding a book each.

"Kisame Hoshigaki and Juzu Biwa, these two books have the author's personal signature, along with some annotated insights."

Casually tossing an old book to each of the two, Kisame Hoshigaki and Juzu Biwa, usually indifferent, carefully caught the books, treating them like treasures, placing them against their chests instead of in their tool pouches.

As everyone left, Terumi Mei stood tiredly at the window, looking out at the bustling streets filled with Mist ninjas, noticing the fear once seen in the villagers' eyes towards ninjas had vanished.

Even the life of Bloodline ninjas in Mist Village, who had to hide and live like rats, had disappeared.

Here, after the dissolution of the Mist, it had become a guardian deity maintaining peace. The strict system, rather than causing resentment, showed a scene she longed for.

"Come out."

A hissing sound of a spitting snake followed, and a figure slowly appeared, then stood beside Terumi Mei at the window, looking out at the revitalized town.

"Although it's a shadow clone, I must say this jutsu is really disgusting."

Terumi Mei, looking at the peaceful atmosphere in the town, relaxed a bit and teased the figure beside her.

Uchiha Yoru shrugged his shoulders, laughing, "Have you ever thought that the Mist Village would turn out like this?"

Looking meaningfully at the town, Terumi Mei sneered, "You've been encountering quite some trouble recently."

"Sympathy for a fellow sufferer, helping each other. You want to change your village, and I want to overthrow the corruption."

After exchanging glances, they began discussing official matters.

"The resources owned by Uchiha can be managed by you, but the division of benefits will follow the usual rules."

"Also, we need the special products from the Mist Village, mutual assistance for mutual benefit."

"Some unsold goods, we can jointly deal with the Cloud and Rock ninjas, they would likely be willing to handle these goods."

Uchiha Yoru and Terumi Mei began discussing their mutual interests.

"Although we both want to change our villages, the Cloud, Rock, Sand, and even various other ninja villages in the ninja world won't just watch us easily overthrow our villages."

"Currently, we're at a disadvantage, so they're naturally helping us from behind. But once we have the upper hand, these people will also turn against us."

In the ninja villages, there's only interest, no true friendship. In just half a year, Terumi Mei had rapidly grown to become a strong contender for Mizukage.

Looking at Terumi Mei, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but narrow his eyes and smile, saying, "So, what we need now is to continue to build strength, presenting ourselves as a seemingly aggressive but actually disadvantaged existence. We wait for the right moment, and then with the force of a thunderbolt, we sweep away the turmoil to end the chaos."

The two exchanged glances, each showing their firm will.

"Then, about your ambition, the legendary Sharingan is indeed powerful, but your eye power is also your weakness."

Terumi Mei, who had only this much understanding of the Mangekyo Sharingan, narrowed her eyes. She didn't believe that Uchiha Yoru, capable of writing this book, would be someone whose ambition was limited to becoming the Hokage of Konoha.

Facing Terumi Mei, Uchiha Yoru did not reveal his true intentions but instead said with a smile, "The iron and other metals mined by the Land of Whirlpools can be used to arm ninjas, but I want to trade for some Chakra metal."

"Of course, the trade would be for an equivalent value. The Uchiha clan provides a large number of explosive tags in exchange for your precious Chakra metal."

Hearing this request, Terumi Mei shook her head and chuckled, "You yourself said it's precious. Chakra metal is invaluable to the Mist ninja."

"It's different," Uchiha Yoru said, knowing he had to think of a fair trade rather than just seeking an advantage.

"Given the current situation in Konoha, the ninja world would love to see the Uchiha clan and the Third Hokage at odds. So, if we start buying a lot of Chakra metal now, it might cause conflicts. That's why I need you to step in."

When Terumi Mei heard the real purpose, she was not surprised but instead narrowed her eyes and said with a smile, "A large number of explosive tags, it seems the Uchiha clan has some skilled seal ninjas."

The production of explosive tags is a seal ninja's job, so anyone who can produce and sell them in large quantities must have such a force.

However, Uchiha Yoru just smiled without saying anything. Although he had some seal ninjas, he didn't have many. He wouldn't reveal that he bought so many explosive tags from the Akatsuki organization.

Konan's paper ninjutsu, perfect for mass-producing explosive tags, was like a printing press for money.

Each of the Five Great Nations has its own resources, so they don't lack explosive tags. In fact, the entire ninja world's explosive tags are mostly their business.

Konan of the Akatsuki, although she has a large number of explosive tags, couldn't get involved in this trade because once exposed, it would alert the Five Great Ninja Villages and lead them straight to the Akatsuki.

Therefore, the explosive tags Uchiha Yoru has are extremely cheap. Even now, buying in bulk from the Akatsuki and reselling them would bring in a considerable profit.

But the origin of these explosive tags is a hot potato for Uchiha Yoru. Although he seems strong in Konoha, it's more of a bluff. If he really starts to prepare a large number of weapons and war materials, it might provoke the Third Hokage.

So, he needs a channel for the explosive tags he's hoarded, and Terumi Mei is the best choice.

Using explosive tags to trade for materials, the other Great Ninja Villages might see the impact on the explosive tag market but would endure it. After all, losing some money is worth it to destabilize the Mist Village.

And the origin of the explosive tags? It's reasonable for Terumi Mei, as a rebel, to have a group of seal ninjas at her disposal.

"I'm taking the risk, so we'll split the profits fifty-fifty."

"That's impossible. The production and raw materials of explosive tags are strategic resources. I can only give you a twenty percent share of the profits."

"No way, at least forty percent."

"Thirty percent! That's the most I can offer, and it's conditional."

After some dispute, they finally decided on this trade. Then, they separately negotiated various other material trades.

After all, the Land of Whirlpools is the center of chaos in the ninja world, with the richest material trade market. Even goods that are unsuitable for public view can be traded or even sourced from there.

Similarly, the resources provided by the Uchiha clan are exactly what Terumi Mei needs. The two reached a secret trade agreement in the office for future operations.


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— 70 Advance Chapters!