Chapter 245: Five Kage Summit

The Five Kage Summit was brought forward by several years this time, but this time's Kage emanated an intriguing aura. After all, it was clear to anyone with eyes that this was a setup by the Tsuchikage, Raikage, Kazekage, and Mizukage against Konoha.

This time at the Five Kage Summit, each Kage brought two guards with them, in the same blizzard weather.

In the Land of Iron, atop a large castle in the midst of a blizzard, flags representing the five great shinobi villages were flying.

Inside the castle, the temperature was in stark contrast to the blizzard outside.

Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, Lightning – the five flags represented the five great shinobi villages, and under each flag, there was a seat with a Kage hat representing the identity of each village.

"The Five Kage Summit begins now!"

A commanding voice echoed, and presiding over this Summit was the General of the Land of Iron, Mifune, who looked solemnly at the five Kage with a frown.

This Five Kage Summit was clearly meant to create chaos in the shinobi world, but circumstances forced actions. The Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, chose this place for two reasons: the neutrality of the Land of Iron and considering the safety of Uchiha Yoru.

Inside the territory of the Land of Fire, the Uchiha clan, who controlled the region bordering the Land of Mist, was adjacent to the Land of Iron.

"I am Mifune, the overseer. The Five Kage Summit begins now." As the neutral party and the host of this Summit, Mifune sat solemnly and announced the start of the meeting to the five Kage.

At that moment, sitting in a U-shaped arrangement were the Third Tsuchikage Ōnoki, Fourth Raikage A, Fourth Kazekage Rasa, Fourth Mizukage Yagura, and the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru, recognized by all four great shinobi villages.

The guards of the five Kage were standing behind their respective flags, solemnly observing this much-anticipated Summit. This was only the second time such a meeting had been held since the First Hokage's era.

During this Summit, the other Kage were covertly observing the legendary Uchiha with the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Uchiha Yoru, in his white robe, with the Kusanagi Sword at his waist, looked calmly at everyone.

"Everyone, at this Summit proposed by me, I want to clarify one thing first!" The first to speak was the oldest, the Third Tsuchikage Ōnoki.

Though he was short and had a big red nose, Ōnoki's presence was imposing. After glancing around at everyone, his gaze finally settled on Uchiha Yoru.

"I must express my deep abhorrence for evil human experimentation, especially that involving the taking of Kekkei Genkai. I won't deny that all nations have done it during war, but no one has ever done such experiments on their own villagers!"

At this, Ōnoki spoke righteously, while the other Kage remained calm, but their guards looked somewhat embarrassed.

It seemed a bit shameless of Ōnoki, as he was clearly referring to Danzo of the Root from Konoha conducting unauthorized human experiments and trying to acquire the Mangekyo Sharingan and Wood Release.

However, Uchiha Yoru, the main focus of this Summit, did not retort but instead nodded in agreement to Ōnoki's shameless speech.

"Indeed, whether it's the five great shinobi villages or smaller ones, there has never been an incident of conducting human experiments on fellow villagers."

Each of the Kage was cunning and calm as if judging an evil act, but the guards they brought with them were so embarrassed their faces turned red.

Human experimentation has always existed in the shinobi world. It's just that smaller villages lack the technology and funds. In contrast, the great villages have always been doing it secretly. Of course, there have been experiments on rogue ninjas from their own villages.

"Hmph! Ōnoki, stop your pointless babbling."

The fourth Raikage, known for his explosive temper, slammed the table in anger and bellowed, "If I find such evil events happening in the Cloud Village, I will flatten them with thunderous measures."

The seemingly rude fourth Raikage, A, was obviously using the situation to stir up trouble, banking on his rough temper.

As an experienced and cunning person, Ohnoki could easily see through this. He nodded in agreement, his face showing approval, and then turned his gaze to the Hokage, Uchiha Yoru.

"Here, I would like to express my sympathy to Hokage Uchiha Yoru. After all, what Danzo has done in the Root can no longer be described as merely cruel."

Kazekage Rasa, who was obviously supporting the internal strife in the Land of Fire and Konoha, was currently the weakest. Now under the restraint of Konoha, he was silent but actually the one most hoping for trouble in Konoha.

The fourth Mizukage, Yagura, with a gloomy expression and an aura of unapproachability, kept his head down.

Watching Tsuchikage Onoki and Raikage A fanning the flames in their own way, Uchiha Yoru's face gradually revealed a cold smile. He slammed the table, and with a dull sound, the Kage Summit temporarily quieted down as everyone turned their heads to look at him.

"Everyone, I don't want to talk much about idle matters in this Kage Summit. After all, my Konoha is still somewhat unstable," Uchiha Yoru calmly looked at everyone. "I won't elaborate on the details, as you all are aware. I came to this Kage Summit at the call of the third Tsuchikage and fourth Raikage to assist Konoha in its justice. Time is pressing. Every second I stay here, there's an increased chance of change in Konoha."

"Now, I am facing some problems and need all kinds of war supplies: medical equipment, ninja tools, medicinal herbs, explosive tags, and food."

Wow, Uchiha Yoru, in front of the Kage of the four major villages, is blatantly asking for things, so righteous, as if others owed him.

This scene made Might Guy, dressed in a green tight suit behind the fire flag, feel his face burn, somewhat embarrassed. He whispered to Itachi next to him, "Itachi, does becoming a Kage require this?"

Though Guy's voice was low, everyone present was a ninja, but the Kage's 'thick-skinned' skills were top-notch, showing no sign of reaction.

However, the guards brought by the other Kage were different. The Tsuchikage brought Akatsuchi and his granddaughter Kurotsuchi, obviously wanting to bring his granddaughter to gain experience.

But young Kurotsuchi's eyes widened, especially after hearing the voices from Konoha's guards, she couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Seeing everyone looking over, Kurotsuchi, trying to suppress her laughter, looked at the Kage Summit and whispered, "Indeed, maybe becoming a Kage requires this. But the Hokage is really cool."

After exchanging glances, the two bodyguards of the Fourth Raikage, Darui and C, remained calm. The bodyguards brought by the Kazekage were Maki and another unnamed Sand ninja.

The bodyguards behind the Fourth Mizukage wore masks, clearly indicating they were elite members of the Mist's Anbu.

Among the guards from the five great ninja villages, the most noteworthy was Uchiha Itachi from Konoha, who, legend has it, activated his Mangekyou Sharingan at the age of twelve.

The young Uchiha Itachi, with a calm expression and no ripples, said, "Guy-senpai, remember to maintain your image."

"Cough cough, I understand." Although Uchiha Itachi did not imply otherwise, in front of so many people, Might Guy realized his comment was somewhat inappropriate and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Everyone looked at Konoha's Jonin, who was somewhat comical in his tight green outfit. Although curious, no one dared to underestimate him.

Might Guy, also considered a legendary ninja of the Konoha, mastered Konoha's forbidden technique of Eight Gates. Although they had not seen it, they knew the power of the forbidden technique, not to mention its explosive nature.

During the Five Kage Summit, the neutral representative from the Land of Iron, the General Mifune, couldn't bear to look and closed his eyes, pretending to listen calmly, but in his heart, he thought each of the Kage was shameless.

The young Hokage, Uchiha Yoru, clearly aware of the intentions of the major ninja villages, brazenly demanded resources from the four great ninja villages.

"Hokage, before you shamelessly demand resources, is there something you need to explain?"

Facing Uchiha Yoru, who brazenly demanded resources, the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karatachi, looked young but was not to be underestimated.

"Your Excellency seems to have close ties with the leader of the Mist's rebel army, Terumi Mei. Even the management system is exactly like the Police Force's, perhaps even more so. According to reports, the Uchiha clan has been trading with this rebel army for years."

As the Fourth Mizukage Yagura asked his gloomy questions, everyone's attention was drawn. Uchiha Yoru, however, righteously retorted, "Fourth Mizukage, this is a normal trade relationship between us."

"Furthermore, the Mist Village and the entire Land of Water's policy of ostracizing bloodline ninja has led to resistance. This rebel army is based in the ruins of the Land of Whirlpools, so the Uchiha clan has never interfered in the affairs of the Land of Water."

Wow, the entire ninja world knows about their close dealings, and there are even rumors that they have joined forces. There are also rumors that Uchiha is planning to transform Konoha into a village that prioritizes bloodline ninjas.

Yet, Uchiha Yoru, in front of the most respected Kage in the ninja world, blatantly lies, feigning innocence and ignorance of interfering in the affairs of the Mist Village.

At this moment, the Tsuchikage Ōnoki, Raikage A, and Kazekage Rasa pretended to be foolish, as if they didn't understand a thing.

The Land of Iron's General Mifune sighed internally and shook his head. This was not a Five Kage Summit but rather a meeting of thugs.

"Cough cough, since the Fourth Mizukage has spoken of this matter, I too have heard of it. Perhaps you would like to hear my opinion."

Then, Ōnoki showed a sincere smile, but everyone saw his cunning nature.

"The Land of Water is in constant turmoil due to the influence of the bloodline rebel army, an undeniable fact. However, Konoha's Hokage also has a point, as the Uchiha have never directly interfered, choosing the Land of Whirlpool's ruins for their transactions."

At this moment, Ōnoki, with a troublemaking smile, looked at everyone and said, "Since the Third Ninja War, the ninja world has finally enjoyed peace. The instability in the Konoha and Mist is something neither I nor anyone else wants to see."

Ōnoki, you don't want to see internal strife in the Konoha and Mist? You are probably hoping for more chaos in the entire ninja world. The bodyguards of the Kage villages thought to themselves, witnessing the shamelessness of the Kage today.

"However, the Mist's bloodline ninja corps based in the Land of Whirlpools follows the Konoha Hokage's will of fire, an undeniable fact. Also, Fourth Mizukage, since the Land of Water rejects bloodline ninjas anyway, why don't I, along with the Raikage and Kazekage, mediate?"

"For the peace and stability of the ninja world, and for the stability of the Mist and Konoha, why not acknowledge the Mist ninja based in the Land of Whirlpools?"

At this point, the shameless Third Tsuchikage Ōnoki, with a sincere smile on his face, turned his head and looked at Uchiha Yoru, laughing, "Since the Hokage has such a close relationship with this force, why not just incorporate it into Konoha?"

"Of course, we only recognize the territory of the Land of Whirlpool's ruins, as for occupying the territory of the Land of Water…"

At this moment, although Ōnoki did not say anything, the guards of the Kage widened their eyes upon hearing this and couldn't help but inwardly exclaim at his shamelessness.

This was not a peacekeeper but clearly someone cutting flesh from both Mist and Konoha, creating a third power between them.

Recognizing Uchiha Yoru as Hokage was originally to divide and weaken Konoha, but now they were allying with the rebel forces of Mist. This was practically the emergence of a third ninja village.

Or rather!

Many guards were secretly alarmed, sweating profusely, fearing that Tsuchikage Ōnoki's intention was to establish a sixth major ninja village.

And this sixth village would be established by drawing blood from both Mist and Konoha, meaning they themselves wouldn't lose anything, but Konoha and Mist would have split, creating another power.

The Third Tsuchikage Ōnoki, with a shameless smile, looked at everyone as if he loved peace, making Kurotsuchi feel embarrassed, wanting to dig a hole and hide.

"Well, Tsuchikage Ōnoki is indeed right. Recently, because of the disturbances of both Mist and Konoha, even several years after the end of the Third Great Ninja War, we have been unable to enjoy peace."

The Fourth Raikage A, in a fit of anger, heavily slammed the table, as if he were upholding justice.

The Fourth Kazekage Rasa nodded calmly, "That may indeed be the key to peace in the ninja world."

Even Uchiha Yoru, with a smile, turned to the Fourth Mizukage, "Tsuchikage, Raikage, and Kazekage are right, but this also requires the Mizukage and the bloodline ninjas of the Land of Whirlpools to reconcile."

At this moment, the Kage of the five great ninja villages nodded in agreement, and the Fourth Mizukage looked at everyone with an ugly expression.

At this moment, not just the Fourth Mizukage, but all the guards and Mifune understood one thing: before coming here, the four Kage had already reached some agreement, and the only one who was tricked was the Fourth Mizukage.

"Hmph! It seems the Tsuchikage, Raikage, and Kazekage were well-prepared, and the Hokage too!"

The Fourth Mizukage Yagura stared coldly at the three Kage, finally resting his gaze on Hokage Uchiha Yoru.

"Hokage, you haven't even settled your own affairs and are already plotting against others. Aren't you afraid of inviting disaster?"

The warning was severe, clearly showing the Fourth Mizukage would not allow another power to emerge at his doorstep.

But now, the other Kage had acquiesced.

This Hokage Uchiha Yoru did not have the upper hand, only controlling a quarter of the Land of Fire, near the Land of Water.

And Tsunade, supported by many forces, including the Third Hokage's faction, the Land of Fire's Daimyo, and countless neutral ninjas.

Even Tsunade's appearance caused the wavering neutral ninjas of Konoha to lean towards her side, as her connections and background made her one of the most prestigious ninjas in Konoha.


Merry Christmas Everyone! Thank you!

— 90 Advance Chapters!