[Christmas Gift] Chapter 246: I'm Uchiha Madara... eh?

If Hokage, Uchiha Yoru is about to take over the Mist Ninja forces from the ruins of the Land of Whirlpools. The first challenge he faces is from the Mist Ninjas of the Land of Water, followed by the Land of Lightning, given their adjacent territories.

The former glory of the Rain Village has witnessed the Ninja World's five great villages disallowing the emergence of a sixth major village to share the spoils. But this time it's different.

This time, it's about creating a third-party force from the interests that the Land of Fire and the Land of Water should have had, without any loss to the other ninja countries. The only ones who lose are the Mist Ninja and Konoha.

The two major ninja villages have now split into three forces. Tsk tsk.

During the Five Kage Summit, an overwhelmingly one-sided situation nearly occurred, with the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura, having a terribly gloomy face.

However, Uchiha Yoru had a smile on his face as he turned to look at the Tsuchikage, Raikage, and Kazekage, saying, "Everyone, there are still rebellious forces within the Land of Fire that refuse to submit."

Damn, you still want benefits! Everyone had already seen the shamelessness of the youngest Hokage, but some couldn't help twitching at the corners of their mouths, even the Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, was cursing in his heart.

Too shameless, he was simply taking advantage of their hope to see Konoha split, this brat was endlessly asking for more, as if they owed him something.

"By the way, after the third war and the treaty, I, Uchiha Yoru, am now the Hokage of Konoha."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru said to himself, squinting his eyes, obviously with an implication, as the Fourth Kazekage of the Sand Village, Rasa, sneered.

Now you are smug, wait until Konoha is beaten out of its wits, and its strength greatly reduced, then we'll see how you can still sit comfortably as the dominant power in the ninja world.

"The treaty of the third war, the Sand Village has always been fulfilling it, handing over its annual task share to Konoha."

Watching the Fourth Kazekage, Rasa, pretending to be dumb, Uchiha Yoru nodded with a smile: "That's great for the Five Kage Summit. Konoha's Third Hokage has retired, and it's just right for you and me to take over this matter. From now on, the task share of the Sand Village!"

At this time, Uchiha Yoru didn't look the least bit embarrassed, while the Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, and the Fourth Raikage, A, exchanged glances and nodded in silent agreement.

As long as the Sand Village didn't break ties with Konoha and the war defeat treaty had to be followed, it didn't matter who they handed the task share to.

Rather, giving it to this kid would just be perfect to cause discord within Konoha.

Moreover, they also received news during the Five Kage Summit that the Third Hokage and Tsunade had already gone to the Daimyo's mansion of the Land of Fire, clearly wanting to seize the opportunity to become the Fifth Hokage officially.

So they defaulted to supporting Uchiha Yoru as the Hokage, even his continuous accumulation of power was tacitly approved by them.

Two Fifth Hokages, it's clear to anyone that a civil war in Konoha is imminent.

"The ancestors of the Uchiha and the First Hokage once built Konoha together, a memory still vivid. Now looking at Konoha, alas, it really feels like things have changed."

The Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, said with a sense of nostalgia and concern for Uchiha Yoru: "If there is turmoil in the Land of Fire, Hokage, do not hesitate to exert your power, I am willing to lead the elite forces of the Land of Earth to assist you."

Clearly greedy, the Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, did not hide his intentions, as if saying, if you can't win, just give a word, and I'll immediately come to help, obviously wanting to bite a big piece off the Land of Fire.

Even the Fourth Raikage, A, scoffed, obviously, if the Land of Fire really got into a situation where both sides suffered, they would not miss this opportunity.

A blatant scheme!

Unless Uchiha Yoru gives up his ambition and willingly submits, it's clear from his every move that it's impossible for him to give up.

The weakest Kazekage, Rasa, although silent, had already begun to calculate in his heart. After the internal conflict in Konoha led to a significant loss of power and the village no longer held the dominant position in the ninja world, would the so-called Three Wars Treaty still be valid?

Seizing this opportunity to accumulate strength, he even thought of taking a piece of the Land of Fire for himself.

"Ah, the leader of the Root, Danzo, is so sinful, yet the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, protected him. He even repeatedly resisted my succession to the position of the Fifth Hokage in secret, and even went so far as to bring back the Sannin Jiraiya and Tsunade. Now, I…"

Uchiha Yoru simply took advantage of the situation to demand benefits from the other villages, without the slightest hint of embarrassment, as if they owed him.

The grand Kage Summit, under the incredulous and embarrassed gazes of the village guards, ended in just one day, but the gossip that ensued was the biggest of their lives.

In the howling blizzard, under the cover of night, Uchiha Yoru hastily left under the watchful eyes of the other Kage, openly expressing concern for the safety of the Land of Fire, and indirectly informing everyone about the tense situation in Konoha.

"The Fifth Hokage is a good person."

In the blizzard, after watching the Hokage and his two guards swiftly depart, the Kage of the four major villages couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded, drawing everyone's attention to the Fourth Mizukage, Yagura.

The Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, with a cunning smile, said, "Fourth Mizukage, no need to rush. Now that the rebels in the Land of Water and the internal strife of the Mist ninjas are consuming their strength, why not stop the war and recuperate?"

Everyone present was no fool, and they clearly understood Ōnoki's implication: once Konoha was tired and weakened, wouldn't it be easy for Mist to eliminate the weakened rebels?

Was Uchiha Yoru unaware of this? Of course, he knew that everyone was using each other, but for the sake of the Hokage! For Konoha! For power and benefit! This is the origin of war.

Otherwise, there would have been no wars in the ninja world a long time ago.

The Land of Iron is close to Konoha, and as the Kage Summit ended, the borders of Konoha, near the ruins of the Land of Whirlpools, were just a hundred miles away.

Under the rolling sea and amidst the blizzard in the Land of Iron, the climate changes to a blooming spring as soon as one enters the borders of the Land of Fire.

Under the night sky, with the sound of the waves rolling, as a hawk's screech echoed across the sky, the forces appearing on the coastline immediately turned their attention to each other.

A group of Mist ninjas appeared densely over the sea, the rebel forces of Mist stationed on the islands of the Land of Whirlpools, led by Terumi Mei.

And from the forest, numerous Konoha ninjas emerged, nervously watching the opposition.

Summoning Jutsu!

Suddenly, clouds of white smoke from the summoning jutsu appeared in front of both armies, and as the smoke cleared, Mitarashi Anko, with a giant python under her feet, was revealed.

With the regurgitation of the giant snake, Uchiha Yoru appeared before everyone's eyes.

"Lord Yoru!"

"No!" At this moment, everyone saw the Hokage hat at Uchiha Yoru's waist, and instantly, many people showed fervent expressions.

"Fifth Hokage."

Tumultuous cheers echoed along the border, as the group of Konoha ninjas excitedly cheered, still unaware of the situation Konoha was facing.

"Anko, you're really timely. Thank you."

Uchiha Yoru emerged from the summon snake with a smile, while Anko stood with her hands on her hips, laughing heartily: "Yoru, as I thought, I knew you would succeed."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru turned his head, looking at the densely packed Mist ninja appearing on the horizon of the sea, revealing a smile. The leader, Terumi Mei, also slowly walked out, showing the Mizukage hat at her waist.

"Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru!"

"Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei!"

With a handshake reminiscent of a century, smiles appeared on both of their faces. Both were recognized by the other ninja villages in the ninja world as the fifth generation Kage, a move intended to weaken the Mist and Konoha.

"It seems that this Kage Summit was very successful."

Terumi Mei smiled, and Uchiha Yoru also nodded with a smile: "It's a success, but there's still one last step to go, so it depends on how we get along during this period."

Upon hearing this, Terumi Mei, her brown curly hair hiding her eyes, flashed a mysterious light and revealed a dangerous smile.

"Is that so? It seems that Konoha still has another Fifth Hokage."

Looking at Terumi Mei, Uchiha Yoru's gaze shifted to the Mist ninja beside her, and Terumi Mei also introduced with a smile: "These are all bloodline ninja families from the Mist village, including the Ice Release clan, the Kaguya Clan, and the Hozuki clan."

Sure enough, along the coastline, each figure dressed in white with red dots on their eyebrows and strange hairstyles belonged to the nearly extinct Kaguya clan.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Yoru smiled and nodded, "From now on, we are allies."

With a wave of his hand, the Konoha ninja and these bloodline ninjas, ostracized by the Mist, slowly came together under the night sky to form some kind of cooperation.

The two sides had friendly exchanges, and eventually, some of the Konoha ninja joined the Mist ninja camp, including members of the Uchiha clan, and likewise, some Mist ninja joined the Konoha ninja ranks.

In this strange scene, the sound of the waves continued, and the ninjas along the coast had disappeared.

Moving swiftly through the dense jungle, the surrounding scenery quickly passed by. As we moved from the blizzards of the Land of Iron towards the Land of Fire, the snow gradually began to lessen, eventually revealing a landscape where all four seasons are like spring.

At the border between the Land of Iron and the Land of Fire, a sturdy stone bridge stood prominently at the junction of the two countries, under the spring-like scenery of all seasons.

A glint of cold light flashed, and with a soft 'thud', a shuriken glittering with cold light was embedded in the stone bridge. At the same time, the shadow of someone traveling hurriedly came to a sudden stop.

Two figures immediately took up a defensive stance. They were Uchiha Itachi and Might Guy, staring solemnly at the shuriken tied with an exploding tag in front of them.

"Lord Fifth Hokage, there's an ambush here!"

Might Guy shouted, followed by the sound of the exploding tag. Protected behind them, Uchiha Yoru slowly raised his head, looking towards the enemy figure appearing on the stone bridge.


Just then, the exploding tag detonated. The sturdy stone bridge was hardly damaged, indicating its strong material.

The enemy standing on the bridge's stone pillar had disheveled long hair, an orange mask with black stripes covering one eye, and a black robe.

"Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru!"

The masked Obito, revealing only one eye with the Sharingan, calmly greeted Uchiha Yoru.

"It's unexpected that the Uchiha clan has come this far, even producing a Hokage!"

Uchiha Yoru and Obito calmly narrated as if discussing something trivial, but Uchiha Itachi and Might Guy in front of Uchiha Yoru were on guard.

"Who are you!"

Might Guy asked loudly, while Uchiha Itachi remained calm. Seeing this, the mysterious Uchiha Obito couldn't help but remark, "I never thought that so many Mangekyo Sharingans would appear in this generation, the youngest awakening at just twelve years old."

The mysterious man exuded a sense of having experienced the vicissitudes of life, looking at everyone with calm detachment, as if everything was insignificant.

Meanwhile, Uchiha Yoru, observing the suddenly appearing and pretentious Obito, couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes, but he still pretended to be calm and unaware.

"Mangekyo Sharingan! Are you under Danzo's command? Or are you a lost Mangekyo Sharingan of the Uchiha clan?"

Uchiha Yoru frowned, clearly showing his ignorance on his face, but he was secretly observing the surroundings, silently furrowing his brows.

The stone bridge, the road from the Land of Iron back to Konoha, and the sudden appearance of Uchiha Obito made Uchiha Yoru speechless.

He is not Dnazo, nor will he seal a stone bridge here. It's like a fateful encounter.

"Heh, a descendant of the Uchiha, you're quite impressive," said Obito in a voice that had seen the vicissitudes of life, praising him in the tone of an elder.

In response, Uchiha Yoru just sneered, "A clown who hides behind a mask and dares to be so presumptuous in front of me."

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru perfectly displayed the inherent pride of the Uchiha clan.

"Youngster!" Obito looked deeply at his old classmate, but a cold light flashed in his eyes as he remembered what he had to do.

Yoru! I will create a world with Rin, where you will continue to be Hokage.

"Youngster, my name is Uchiha Madara!"

A mysterious, imposing figure with open arms uttered a shocking statement. However, the next moment, the atmosphere on the quiet bridge between the two parties became somewhat eerie.

A breeze blew, and Might Guy, wearing a green tight suit, scratched his head and quietly asked Uchiha Itachi next to him, "Itachi, who is this Uchiha Madara? Is he famous?"

After Obito proudly announced his name, Might Guy was confused and didn't know him, but when it came to Uchiha Itachi, he just put on a cold face, showing no reaction.

Faced with Might Guy's question, Uchiha Itachi activated his three-tomoe Sharingan and calmly said, "Guy-senpai, Uchiha Madara was a ninja who died many years ago."

Well, that was a succinct answer. Seeing the reactions of the two, even Obito was confused, wondering why there was no shock as he expected.

Uchiha Yoru even showed a mocking smile, looking at Obito who appeared on the stone pillar, and disdainfully said, "Next time you pretend to be Uchiha Madara, please go learn about this person from the Uchiha clan first."

"You're just a rat showing its tail!" Under Uchiha Yoru's disdainful gaze, Obito frowned at that moment, realizing he couldn't deceive him.

If it were someone else, it might be okay, but Uchiha Itachi, who could write his own ''My Struggle'' story and had analyzed both Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara, the founders of Konoha, clearly understood Uchiha Madara's personality.