[Christmas Gift] Chapter 247: Rogue Ninja Shimura Danzo

Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique

In an instant, fireballs shot out one after another, completely blocking in all directions. The masked Obito couldn't help but let out a mocking laugh.

"Very good, isn't it? Whether it's the timing of the ninjutsu or the speed of its release."

The scorching fireballs whistled past, and shockingly, they passed directly through the masked man Obito's body, as if the figure standing there was an illusion.

When Uchiha Itachi, who suddenly launched the attack, saw this, a grave look appeared in his eyes.

"Itachi, Guy, don't be rash. The enemy is skilled in space-time ninjutsu. Although the identity of this mysterious masked ninja is unclear, he is definitely the one controlling the Nine-Tails."

Just then, Uchiha Yoru spoke with a grave expression, and upon hearing this, Might Guy and Uchiha Itachi were first startled, then a wave of hatred and anger emerged.

The Night of the Nine-Tails is a scene all the ninjas of Konoha would rather not recall, and today, they finally discovered the true enemy.

Upon hearing Uchiha Yoru's words, the masked Obito was first stunned, then showed a look of realization. "It seems you got this information from the Root division."

On the Night of the Nine-Tails, he had fought a great battle with the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. Although the Fourth Hokage died sealing the Nine-Tails, he must have passed on the information about the mysterious enemy to the Third Hokage who arrived at the scene.

Minato Namikaze, who had fought him, naturally knew his combat information, especially about his space-time ninjutsu. With such information, under the rule of the Third Hokage, it would be natural for the Anbu and Root divisions to secretly investigate this matter.

And Uchiha Yoru directly attacked the bases of Anbu and Root, even capturing three members of Konoha's F4, so it was normal for him to know some information.

Indeed, Uchiha Yoru then gravely said to Uchiha Itachi and Might Guy, "This mysterious masked enemy is proficient in space-time ninjutsu. According to the information left by the Fourth Hokage, it must be related to his Mangekyo Sharingan's ability."

"The enemy's space-time ninjutsu allows his body to become ethereal, existing in a different dimension, thereby ignoring attacks from ninjutsu and taijutsu. At the same time, he cannot launch effective attacks in this state. When he attacks, his body becomes solid, and that is the best time to counterattack."

Listening to Uchiha Yoru narrating the information, Obito on the bridge narrowed his eyes and thought deeply, worthy of being Minato's student.

"Lord Hokage, isn't this space-time ninjutsu invincible then!"

Upon hearing about the enemy's ninjutsu, Might Guy frowned and showed a grave look. Such a ninjutsu was too abnormal, ignoring all physical and ninjutsu attacks while being ethereal.

But Uchiha Itachi, calm as ever, solemnly said, "No! Every ninjutsu has its weaknesses. Lord Hokage just said that the enemy's body becomes solid when attacking."

True to his nature, Uchiha Itachi analyzed the combat information with a calm mind.

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Yoru nodded and said gravely, "According to the information revealed by the Fourth Hokage before his death, the duration of the enemy's ethereal state in this space-time ninjutsu is estimated to be about 3-6 minutes. Of course, it's not ruled out that the enemy's abilities have improved over the years, extending this duration."

When the masked Obito heard that Minato Namikaze had already analyzed his ethereal state's approximate duration, his eyes narrowed, and a murderous intent emerged.

A ninja's leaked information is a matter of life and death, so no ninja wants an enemy who knows their ninjutsu to live. It's instinct.

"Heh, worthy of the Fourth Hokage. It was really a pity back then."

At this moment, the masked Obito revealed a mocking smile. No matter how powerful, they all die in the end. However, seeing the formation set up by Uchiha Yoru, Might Guy, and Uchiha Itachi, he suddenly laughed.

"Hokage, your enemy this time is not me, but your old acquaintance."

Under a sinister smile, the masked Obito's right eye, with its Mangekyo Sharingan, spun, and the space around them began to ripple. To everyone's shock, a figure wrapped in bandages slowly appeared.

"The evil Uchiha."

The figure that appeared had a stiff and extremely ugly complexion. His right arm was a ghastly white, and what was even more disgusting was the spinning of the crimson three-hooked Sharingan on his right arm.

"Shimura Danzo!"

At this moment, Might Guy and Uchiha Itachi were shocked to see the figure that appeared. It was clear that Danzo was now controlled by the cursed seal, his body stiff and unable to move.

Masked Obito looked at his creation and couldn't help but reveal a sickly smile, "Hehe, Danzo, you really should thank me. Spending your remaining life in the dark prison of Konoha, it was I who brought you out, and I even installed the much-desired stable Wood Release cell arm for you, not to mention the Sharingans I've collected over the years."

After Shimura Danzo's exposure, even the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen could only imprison and seal him away for life.

However, Obito somehow rescued this old silver coin and even installed for him the arm of White Zetsu and a number of Sharingans.

"Madara, huh!" Although controlled by the cursed seal, Shimura Danzo still looked gloomily at the situation before him. When he saw the Hokage hat at Uchiha Yoru's waist, he suddenly widened his eyes, revealing an expression of anger and disbelief.

Naturally, this scene did not escape Obito's eyes. He teased with a laugh: "That's right, the Fifth Hokage of Konoha now is Uchiha Yoru. I think you, Danzo, wouldn't want the Uchiha clan to ascend to the position of Hokage, would you? Konoha falling into the hands of Uchiha?"

"Tsk tsk, this Uchiha Yoru, after returning to Konoha, might really become the true Fifth Hokage."

Under Masked Obito's provocation, Shimura Danzo's eyes showed ferocity and hatred, and he gritted his teeth and said: "How could Konoha fall into the hands of the evil Uchihas!"

Although he knew this was Masked Madara's conspiracy and even using him, now that he has been exposed and his dream of becoming Hokage shattered, his lifelong persistence would never allow the position of Hokage of Konoha to fall into the hands of the Uchihas.

"Sarutobi! What are you doing! How could Konoha fall into the hands of the evil Uchihas!" At this moment, Shimura Danzo cursed angrily in his heart and made up his mind.

No matter what conspiracy Masked Madara had, he couldn't care less now, but he now had a chance to eliminate the evil Uchiha Yoru and save Konoha from the Uchihas, as he is the root of Konoha.

"Sarutobi! It seems that this time I will be ahead of you. For Konoha, Sarutobi! I will eliminate this evil Uchiha for you."

After seeing the light of day again, Shimura Danzo looked in the direction of the Land of Fire and muttered to himself, his face showing a resolute expression.

"Madara, I don't know what your purpose is, but I agree to help you eliminate this evil Uchiha."

Shimura Danzo's reaction did not surprise Masked Obito, who instead revealed a mocking smile.

"Good, this time let me see the means of the shadow of the ninja world."

Masked Obito's palm lightly patted Danzo's shoulder, and the next moment, the black cursed seal that emerged on Danzo's exposed skin receded like a tide, and at the same time, Shimura Danzo's stiff body regained its freedom.

"Lord Hokage, we are at most half an hour away from the border of the Land of Fire."

At this moment, Might Guy's face showed determination. He stood in front of Uchiha Yoru, ready to sacrifice himself.

However, Uchiha Yoru's face revealed a disdainful and arrogant smile, "What cats and dogs trying to impersonate Uchiha Madara, they just want to use Danzo to analyze the ability of my Mangekyo Sharingan."

"Itachi, Guy, you two distract the enemy with the mask, I will slay Danzo as quickly as possible."

"Be careful, Lord Hokage!" At this time, Might Guy and Uchiha Itachi already regarded Uchiha Yoru as the Fifth Hokage of Konoha.

Yet, it was this action of the two that made Danzo's eyes split with rage, and he roared, "Evil Uchiha! I will never allow the Konoha to fall into your hands."

Fire Style: Great Fire Annihilation

Suddenly, Might Guy and Uchiha Itachi dodged to both sides, while Uchiha Yoru, who was protected behind them, was already prepared. The Mangekyo Sharingan in his eyes instantly evolved into a Mangekyo Sharingan, and at the same time, he spewed out a torrent of flames from his mouth.

The fire, like a torrential waterfall, swept in, creating a sea of flames resembling a tsunami. Even Obito with the mask couldn't help but exclaim, "Such a terrifying amount of chakra."


In an instant, the sea of fire engulfed everything, and at the same time, a puff of white smoke suddenly rose on the opposite side. Following the cry of a hawk, a black hawk charged straight into the sky. However, under the cover, a snake and a toad quietly slipped into the lake beneath the bridge.

As the sea of fire dispersed, Obito, seeing this scene, frowned and said in a deep voice, "Danzo, Uchiha Yoru has already sent the signal. The Konoha's reinforcements will arrive in an hour to rescue their Fifth Hokage."

"Shut up!"

The title of the Fifth Hokage sounded extremely ironic in Danzo's ears. At that moment, he roared, tearing off the bandage on his face to reveal his right eye, and quickly advanced towards Uchiha Yoru.

After the Mangekyo Sharingan was taken away, Danzo no longer had one, but Obito had several spare three-hook Sharingans, all of which compensated him.

"Got it!" Might Guy, holding a nunchaku, suddenly appeared behind Obito. The heavy iron stick swung and passed through him at the moment of contact, as if it were an illusion.

"Guy!" Suddenly, Uchiha Itachi's cold shout came, and the shuriken in his hand had already been thrown.

At this time, Obito, in his ethereal state, couldn't help but show a serious look in his eyes. Might Guy, a taijutsu ninja, and Uchiha Itachi, this little devil, should not be underestimated. Their cooperation was perfect.

Might Guy's close-range attack exposed a weakness, and Uchiha Itachi's long-range shuriken was already on its way. If Obito materialized to attack Guy at this moment, he would inevitably be hit by the shuriken.

"Lord Hokage, leave the enemy to us!"

Facing a powerful enemy, Might Guy roared with a youthful face, showing no fear but instead bursting with fighting spirit.

Eight Gates Release Formation: Open

"Open the First Gate, Open! Open the Second Gate, Open! Open the Third Gate, Open! Open the Fourth Gate, Open! Open the Fifth Gate, Open!"

Might Guy instantly activated five gates in one breath, his face turning red as powerful chakra surged out, multiplying his speed and strength, giving the enemy no chance to breathe and launching a series of attacks.

Meanwhile, Uchiha Itachi moved around the perimeter, filling in for Might Guy's openings, continuously attacking with shurikens and simple ninja techniques.

Under their perfect cooperation, Obito couldn't help but frown, realizing that the battle here wouldn't be resolved quickly.

After all, most of his intel on Kamui was leaked, and the enemy was prepared.

This battle was filled with tension and haste, while another battle elsewhere was eerily strange.

On the stone bridge, Uchiha Yoru and Shimura Danzo were both frozen in place, only a step apart. Black curse mark runes slowly appeared on the skin they exposed.

Self-Cursing Seal.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the evil Uchiha to also be skilled in sealing techniques!"

With the same sealing technique, Shimura Danzo, frustrated and angry, glared at his opponent. Both were affected, but Uchiha Yoru remained calm, glancing at the other battle and showing a relaxed smile.

"Do you think I'm also affected by your sealing technique? Danzo, you seem to have forgotten that my teacher, Orochimaru, spent time in Root. I'm well aware of your tactics."

Uchiha Yoru wouldn't admit to knowing all of Danzo's methods, instead shifting the blame to his teacher again.

Upon hearing that Orochimaru leaked his intel, Shimura Danzo furiously retorted, "Damn it, you and your teacher are birds of a feather, I should have killed you long ago."

Just then, a figure slowly emerged from the shadow of the stiff Uchiha Yoru. Seeing this, Shimura Danzo grew even angrier.

"Jiraiya's Shadow Manipulation Technique."

With a bang, the sealed Uchiha Yoru turned into a puff of smoke - it was a shadow clone.

At this moment, the real Uchiha Yoru, looking at the rigid Shimura Danzo, sneered scornfully and slowly drew the Kusanagi Sword from his waist.

"Shimura Danzo, I now, as the Fifth Hokage of Konoha, sentence you. You, Shimura Danzo, have endangered the peace of Konoha and even attacked the Fifth Hokage of Konoha. I hereby declare Shimura Danzo an S-rank rogue ninja of Konoha. Any Konoha ninja must kill him on sight!"


Uchiha Yoru stood on a moral high ground, looking down like a victorious judge, trampling on Shimura Danzo's last line of defense.

"Evil Uchiha! You will never become the Hokage of Konoha! I will never allow it!"

Just like Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, with his unwavering will of fire, stubbornly believed only he could lead Konoha to glory. Like Hiruzen, he was extremely opposed to the Uchiha clan.

He would never allow an Uchiha to become Hokage, nor would he acknowledge it!

Uchiha Yoru's actions were a blatant provocation, and Shimura Danzo, his bottom line crossed, roared with exertion.


The sharp Kusanagi Sword slashed, blood splattered, and Shimura Danzo's eyes widened in disbelief, his pupils contracting with ferocious bloodshot veins.

The crisp sound of metal hitting the ground echoed on the bridge. It was Shimura Danzo's forehead protector, usually covered by a white cloth.

But this time was different. The Kusanagi Sword sliced through without any resistance, blood splattered from his waist, but Danzo showed no anger, instead staring blankly at the fallen Konoha forehead protector.

His forehead protector, stained with his own blood, now also bore the mark of a rogue ninja.

"I, Uchiha Yoru, as the Fifth Hokage of Konoha, sentence the rogue ninja Shimura Danzo to death!"