Chapter 250: Two Hokage!

At the border between the Land of Iron and the Land of Fire, there stands a broken stone bridge, seemingly bitten by something.

"This ending!"

When Jiraiya hurried back to the bridge and saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh deeply, his eyes filled with complex emotions. Shimura Danzo of the Konoha had met his end, an ending that truly evokes a myriad of emotions.

"Jiraiya, just a rogue ninja, no matter how great his achievements, just like the First Hokage, does anyone in Konoha remember him now?"

Uchiha Yoru emerged from the shadows with a mocking smile, further ridiculing the Will of Fire of the Third Hokage, suggesting that the Konoha had long forgotten the contributions of the First and Second Hokages.

"Lord Hokage!"

Might Guy and Uchiha Itachi quickly arrived, guarding Uchiha Yoru. Both demonstrated their duty to protect to the fullest extent.

The two Toad Sages had returned to Mount Myoboku, and with the release of Sage Mode, Jiraiya's appearance gradually returned to normal.

Meanwhile, Orochimaru slowly walked onto the stone bridge, licking his tongue with a sinister smile.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to lure out the culprit behind the Nine-Tails incident, and it turned out to be Uchiha Madara!"

Underneath his meaningful smile, Uchiha Yoru scoffed, "A mere mouse showing its tail can't be compared to Uchiha Madara."

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Uchiha Yoru shook his head: "The glory of the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara has long disappeared in the Konoha under the Third's regime, and within a few decades, the ninjas of the Konoha have forgotten their past."

"However, in the scrolls of the Uchiha clan, there are records of Uchiha Setsuna, the elder, who in his youth witnessed these two figures who quelled the chaos in the ninja world. Uchiha Madara's elegance is not something to be hidden, and while people may change, the Mangekyo Sharingan does not!"

At this point, Uchiha Yoru smiled, "Uchiha Madara's Mangekyo Sharingan might be unclear in its techniques, but it is definitely not of the space-time ninjutsu type. And considering the enemy's Wood Release ability, I suspect it might be an experimental subject from the Wood Release trials."

Wood Release experiment subject!

Hearing this speculation, Jiraiya's expression became serious. He was well aware of the Wood Release experiments led by the Third Hokage of the Konoha, which ended tragically.

But thinking of Danzo's methods, it was possible that many evil materials were secretly added, even turning himself into this state. There must have been experiment subjects.

The Nine-Tails Incident and this assassination attempt all indicated the enemy's hatred for the Konoha. If it were truly a member of the Uchiha clan, they should have secretly helped their clan.

Moreover, Wood Release and the Sharingan, these two Kekkei Genkai of the Konoha, could not have been leaked. This meant that it was very likely a surviving experiment subject who escaped from the Konoha's laboratory, hence the hatred for the Konoha.

"It must be similar to the experiment subject from the Wood Release project secretly initiated by Orochimaru under Root's orders. That experiment was almost deemed a failure, but when Danzo went to erase the traces, he accidentally discovered a surviving experiment subject 'A', who is now 'Yamato' in Konoha's Anbu."

Listening to Uchiha Yoru's narration, Jiraiya rubbed his forehead with a headache, wondering what else the previous generation's old man had hidden, and the Third as well!

The Konoha actually had another Wood Release experiment ninja, which means it's possible that the enemy is a surviving experiment subject from the Konoha's laboratory.

"Hehe, interesting. It seems there are many secrets hidden between Wood Release and the Sharingan."

Orochimaru, as a scientist, was not concerned with conspiracies. In his excited snake eyes, there was only interest in the new world he had discovered.


Jiraiya was about to ask Orochimaru to return to Konoha together, but under Orochimaru's sinister smile, his body gradually turned into mud and water.

"Hehe, Uchiha Yoru, it seems you have grown to another level." Saying this, Orochimaru's snake-like eyes looked at Jiraiya with a mocking tone: "Don't die, idiot Jiraiya."

Clearly, this was Orochimaru's twisted way of showing concern. With Jiraiya's personality, he would probably investigate secretly, and such an existence was already a threat to their lives.

"Damn you, Orochimaru!"

Faced with Orochimaru's mockery, Jiraiya exploded in anger, pointing at the mud and water that Orochimaru had become and ranting, but he couldn't hide the amusement in his eyes.

"Lord Jiraiya, I need your help this time!"

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru turned his head and spoke to Jiraiya with a serious expression, directly stating his request. Jiraiya, hearing this, fell silent. He had always been reluctant to get involved in this matter.

"There's a terrifying enemy in Konoha, even in the ninja world, as you've seen. The Third Hokage's actions over the years, though meritorious, have now overshadowed those merits."

"Being guards of the Second Hokage, they indeed abandoned the Hokage and returned to the village. When it came to Sakumo Hatake, their attitude, huh, Lord Jiraiya, do you think they felt ashamed? One abandoned the Hokage and took over Konoha, the other gave up the mission for his comrades."

"If Sakumo Hatake's incident was wrong and he should have completed the mission, then why didn't they fight to the death to protect the Second Hokage back then?"

"And there are many such incidents, one after another. Konoha, once feared in the ninja world, has now militarily declined to the point of being surpassed by the Hidden Cloud and Hidden Stone villages."

Uchiha Yoru spoke angrily about the decline and corruption of Konoha over the past decades, showing a deeply pained and disgusted expression.

"With my current strength, I have enough power to execute an armed coup, but I haven't! Why? Isn't it for Konoha, for a stronger village?"

Looking at the young Uchiha Yoru, who already carried such a heavy burden, Jiraiya shook his head with a bitter smile, "Kid, I admit your eloquence, your strength, and your methods are indeed stronger than the Third."

Jiraiya agreed to stand on his side, mainly because of the sudden appearance of this terrifying enemy.

When there's a powerful hidden enemy, internal conflicts begin to shift. Under external pressure, Jiraiya had already made a decision.

The village couldn't afford this anymore. It seemed necessary to suppress another power to bring peace to the village.

Uchiha Madara!

At this moment, Jiraiya thought deeply. He even suspected that the human experiments in the root might involve combining Uchiha Madara's bloodline with Wood Release. Otherwise, why would the other party call themselves Uchiha Madara?

Leaving aside Jiraiya's assumptions, Uchiha Yoru showed a smile on his face after seeing Jiraiya nodding.

The situation was under control, and the net was cast. It was just a matter of seeing how big the catch would be this time.

The Five Kage Summit, which attracts the attention of the Shinobi World, nearly affects the hearts of the entire Shinobi World.

As a result, the Shinobi World is in turmoil. The nations of Earth, Thunder, Wind, and Water respectively acknowledge Uchiha Yoru as the Fifth Hokage.

However, at the same time, Tsunade is appointed as the Fifth Hokage in the Land of Fire by the Daimyo of Konoha, making the Shinobi World take notice.

The appearance of two Fifth Hokage in Konoha at the same time is unprecedented. Isn't this a clear indication of an impending civil war and division?

Even more explosive news is that the Fifth Hokage, Uchiha Yoru, was attacked on his way back from the Five Kage Summit! This moment drew the entire Shinobi World's attention to Konoha. The attack on Uchiha Yoru, the Fifth Hokage, immediately heightened tensions, and even the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, in Konoha was filled with anger.

He initially thought of using Tsunade to suppress Uchiha, but the nature of this attack changed everything. It almost directly accused him of firing the first shot.

The situation in Konoha is precarious and seems to be a prelude to a storm.

In the Tsuchikage's office in Stone Village, an anxious Uchiha ninja from Konoha arrives.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Fifth Hokage Lord Yoru has sent me to ask for help!"

On returning to the village, the Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, observes the turmoil in the Shinobi World with a serious expression, but his excitement is unmistakable.

"What happened? I just returned to the village, and the Fifth Hokage is already asking for help?"

In the tense atmosphere of Konoha, a confrontation could happen at any moment. "You mean to say, Tsuchikage, you don't know? The whole Shinobi World knows, how could you not?"

But the Uchiha ninja, with urgency in his eyes, solemnly says, "Fifth Hokage Lord Yoru was attacked on his way back. The situation within the Land of Fire is critical. The ninja forces loyal to the Third Hokage are threatening, and we urgently need support."

Wow, this is escalating to war! The proud Uchiha clan is even asking for help. At this moment, the Third Tsuchikage, Ōnoki, is visibly excited.

He never thought he would witness a civil war in Konoha in his lifetime. What a moment!

"Damn it, Hiruzen dares to defy the justice of the Shinobi World. Don't worry, for the sake of peace in the Shinobi World and for the justice of the Fifth Hokage, Stone Village will definitely provide substantial support."

"Lord Tsuchikage, our forces are at a disadvantage, so we urgently request a batch of war supplies, especially explosive tags!"

Now that the situation in Konoha is so tense, Ōnoki has already thought a lot, but his resolve is firm.

Uchiha is in a disadvantageous position. They can lose, but they cannot afford to lose so quickly. They must exhaust Konoha to the greatest extent.

"Don't worry! Stone Village has always firmly stood on the side of justice. On behalf of Stone Village, I will inform the Shinobi World and immediately supply a batch of war supplies to Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru, including one million explosive tags!"

Ōnoki, with a righteous expression, slams the table as if he loathes those who disrupt peace.

The Uchiha ninja, excitedly, says: "Thank you, Lord Tsuchikage. I need to return to Konoha now to help the Fifth Hokage."

"Someone inside, dispatch an elite squad to escort this righteous ally from Konoha."


Watching the Uchiha ninja returning in such a hurry, Onoki became even more convinced of the tense situation in Konoha. Not only that, but the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru's envoys were also sent to the villages of Cloud, Sand, and Mist Village.

The situation in the ninja world instantly became turbulent. Under the alliance of the Third Tsuchikage, the Fourth Raikage, and the Fourth Kazekage, they, along with several smaller ninja villages from neighboring countries, denounced the corruption of Konoha's Third Hokage's regime.

They stood righteously on the side of the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru, and at this moment, the legend of the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru spread throughout the ninja world.

Justice! That is the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru.

Ninja activities surged, and the three major ninja villages joined forces with many smaller ninja villages. Besides voicing their condemnation, they also collaborated in transporting the first batch of supplies.

These supplies included a large amount of ninja tools, explosive tags, and medical equipment. This was not mere aid for justice and peace, but rather military support, as if fearing that Konoha would not be able to start a conflict.

The situation in the Land of Water was rather peculiar. The Mist Village, under lockdown, seemed to have undergone some unknown changes, but one thing was clear: facing the upheaval in the ninja world, the Mist Village remained silent.

However, the major ninja villages recognized the Mist Ninja rebels in the Land of Whirlpools as the legitimate Fifth Mizukage.

What a situation! Konoha had two Fifth Hokages and a retired Third Hokage, creating turmoil in the ninja world and a looming civil war.

The Mist Village then had two Mizukages, one being the Fourth and the other the Fifth.

At this moment, the situation in the ninja world became clearer. It was obvious that this was a scheme by the major ninja villages to split the Mist and Konoha, making both feel like they were falling from grace.

However, the Land of Water remained silent, as if oblivious, and the next development made it clear to all knowledgeable ninjas what was happening.

The Mist Ninja rebels in the ruins of the Land of Whirlpools officially allied with the Fifth Hokage of Konoha, Uchiha Yoru, and even signed a mutual defense pact.

At the same time, the Fifth Mizukage withdrew from several islands near the Mist Village.

At this moment, everyone in the ninja world understood that the Fifth Mizukage and the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru had joined forces, and the silence of the Land of Water was because this Mist Ninja rebel force was clearly joining the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru of the Land of Fire.

The leaders of the ninja villages realized that this Kage Summit would truly change the structure of the ninja world.

The Mist Village played dumb, pretending not to know, and their mere silence and ceasefire allowed this rebel force to join Konoha, thereby escaping warfare.

Under such significant moves, Stone, Cloud, and Sand Village seemed blind, instead offering many favorable conditions for the merger of these two forces.

This was clearly a move to shift the battlefield to the Land of Fire while strengthening the power of the Fifth Hokage Uchiha Yoru, leading to a firestorm in Konoha.

In just a few days, the turmoil in the ninja world exceeded that of the past decades.

The first Kage Summit confirmed the supreme status of the five great nations. The second Kage Summit, quite evidently, would also change the ninja world's structure.

As the dominant force in the ninja world for many years, Konoha's fall from grace would start with the civil war.

Meanwhile, the silent Mist Village in the Land of Water was the biggest beneficiary. First, the internal conflict stopped. Second, the rebel force shifted its target to Konoha.

The end of Konoha's civil war would be the moment for the Mist Village to reclaim its lost territory, and even take a chunk of the weakened Land of Fire.

As for the ambitious Cloud and Stone, they wouldn't just stand by when Konoha fell from grace.

Sand Village would likely be the first to break all treaties with Konoha.


— 90 Advance Chapters!