Chapter 251: How to Carve the Hokage Face?


Once the most prosperous and bustling village in the ninja world, it now exudes a sense of oppression. People on the streets hurriedly walk with their heads down, even when shopping for supplies, and nobody lingers on the streets.

The various ninja forces within the village were already showing signs of tension.

With the full support of the Third Hokage's faction, Tsunade almost had an absolute advantage, initially overwhelming the opposing ninja faction.

However, the situation changed the next moment, as Uchiha Yoru and his forces returned.

In the center of Konoha, several clans were established around the Uchiha clan territory, displaying strange yet familiar clan crests.

The Kaguya Clan, Yuki Clan, and Hozuki Clan, three major bloodline families from the Mist Village, declared their allegiance to the Fifth Hokage of Konoha.

Now it was clear that the Uchiha, along with the Hyuga, Aburame, Inuzuka, and Kurama and other smaller clans, as well as the Mist's three major bloodline families and a group of Mist bloodline ninjas, had integrated and coexisted.

Under external pressure, the two bloodline clans merged unexpectedly well, and if one didn't know better, they'd think these bloodline ninjas had been comrades for many years.

The Uchiha-led Konoha clans, under the combined pressure of Tsunade and the Third, were relieved to find external support, eagerly forming alliances with smiles.

As for the Mist bloodline clans, who were despised and lived miserably in the Land of Water, their arrival in Konoha was met with welcoming smiles, feeling like family, and they quickly integrated.

Indeed, only under pressure do people find motivation. In a very short time, the bloodline families from the Land of Water and the Uchiha-led families started intermarriages, entering a honeymoon phase like one big family.

In the Hokage's office building.

The ninja from both sides were clearly divided, even in the mission office, with a red line down the middle of the Hokage's desk.

"Reporting to the Fifth Hokage, this is the mission report," said a Konoha Chunin team, respectfully saluting in front of the desk, where Uchiha Yoru smiled satisfactorily.

"Good, the mission was well done, and the client is satisfied."

In the Chunin team, there was an Uchiha ninja, a civilian, and a Kaguya clan ninja, who clearly had blended well in a short time, forming a bond.

On the other side, another Chunin team also reported respectfully: "Fifth Hokage, this is the mission report."

But Tsunade, sitting on the left, frowned at the mission scroll and scolded, "Are you useless? Sarutobi Ichiro, look at your mission report!"

"What do you think your teammates are? Your servants or slaves? Because of you, a teammate got hurt, and you still act so superior!"

Tsunade, in her anger, was full of authority, turning Sarutobi Ichiro pale and speechless under her intimidating gaze.

"Waste! Go back and let your father teach you how to cooperate with your teammates."

Tsunade's capriciousness was at its peak, reprimanding anyone slightly dissatisfying, especially those from formerly high-standing clans like Sarutobi.

In her presence, everyone felt insignificant, just taking her scolding.

Both sides presented a stark contrast, a glimpse into the whole situation.

Uchiha Yoru's faction almost formed a unified whole, without much filth, even with these bloodline families from the Land of Water.

This group of bloodline ninjas from the Land of Water wasn't all, but just half, and in the ruins of the Land of Whirlpools, some Konoha ninjas also merged with the Mist ninjas.

But both sides faced immense external pressure, so they naturally developed a mentality of sticking together like family, hoping for the best and thus moving towards a positive direction.

Looking at Tsunade's power, the Third Hokage's lineage has been deeply entrenched and complexly intertwined after years of management, forming a solid whole.

Tsunade's greatest strengths are her prestige and connections. The prestige is evident, and those family ninjas like the Sarutobi clan, who suddenly lost their high status, naturally harbored dissatisfaction and wanted to regain it.

The power built by Tsunade's connections mostly consists of civilian ninjas, which led to conflicts with the ninja groups that have long been integrated with the Third Hokage's lineage.

Although both parties were restrained, their starting points were different.

The many civilian ninjas following Tsunade were purely motivated by her prestige and life-saving grace. They just wanted to honestly complete their missions, but the Sarutobi clan ninjas, under the guise of companionship, treated them as servants.

This wouldn't have been an issue, but there was a contrast. Under Uchiha Yoru's policy, the hierarchy was clear. Although it prioritized bloodline ninjas, it also upheld the policy of strength above all. If you reached the Jonin level, you would have everything a bloodline ninja had.

Even among ninjas of the same rank, if you showed talent comparable to a bloodline ninja, even as a civilian, you could receive the same treatment as them.

This comparison naturally led to dissatisfaction.

Uchiha Yoru's policy was based on bloodline theory, but it was actually a policy of strength above all, elevating ninjas above others.

Children with ninja talent were inherently different from civilians without it, according to the bloodline theory. Bloodline ninjas were superior because those who awakened a bloodline were extremely powerful, dominating the high-end combat force.

Moreover, under Uchiha Yoru's fifth Hokage rule, it wasn't just about having the surname; awakening the bloodline was key.

Before awakening a bloodline, even if you were an Uchiha, you were treated the same as ordinary ninjas.

"Heh, it seems Lady Tsunade has many troubles."

Watching the easily angered Tsunade, Uchiha Yoru, sitting to her right, teased with a smile, to which Tsunade coldly huffed.

"Uchiha Yoru, don't be so smug. If it weren't for these old guys!"

Tsunade's face clearly showed two words, dissatisfaction! After all, families like Sarutobi, Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi from the Third Hokage's lineage, occupied high positions and enjoyed superior status, only to be suddenly brought down.

Just like the Uchiha clan in the center of Konoha, who were relocated to the outskirts after the Nine-Tails incident, anyone would feel discontent.

It can be said that what was once east of the river for thirty years is now west of the river. The feelings the Uchiha once had, they now experience.

Therefore, having Tsunade as their banner, they eagerly hoped she would lead them in regaining everything they had lost.

However, Tsunade was not easy to control. Her character determined everything. She straightforwardly asked for funds and then established her own secret forces.

This led to dissatisfaction. Many ninjas from the Third Hokage's lineage harbored resentment, thinking that Tsunade was not doing her job and was instead using their funds to build her own power.

"Recently, the major ninja villages have sent quite a lot of supplies."

Tsunade looked at Uchiha Yoru with a meaningful smile, and Uchiha Yoru, upon hearing this, nodded and laughed openly: "These are all for the peace of the ninja world."

"Peace? Then why have I heard they're all explosive tags, blade tools, and war supplies? I've never heard of weapons being linked to peace."

Tsunade said sarcastically, while Uchiha Yoru shook his head in righteous denial.

"Although you're one of the Sannin, I absolutely disagree with you on this point. What is peace? Is it just about talking? Both you and I are not children; we should know that peace is built on power! Why was the ninja world peaceful when the First Hokage was alive?"

"After the First Hokage left, the brutal Ninja War broke out immediately. Peace only exists under power! So, weapons, although they represent war, are also linked to peace!"

In the Hokage office, two Fifth Hokages once again had a disagreement, and the Konoha ninja in the Hokage building were already used to it, looking helplessly at the two Hokages.

Honestly, both Fifth Hokages were not bad, at least they were working towards the benefit of the Konoha. For a time, all ninjas felt that even if they had to endure both Fifth Hokages in power at the same time, at least there would be no internal strife.

Below the Hokage Rock, a group of civilian craftsmen looked worriedly at the huge and sturdy mountain, as if pondering how to carve it.

"What's this about? Both Fifth Hokages have ordered the carving of the Hokage's portrait, but which one should we carve?"

"Damn it, I've been working my whole life. The First was carved by my father, the Second was carved by me and my father and me, the Third I handled personally. Now I'm in trouble. I can't carve two Fifth Hokages."

The old carving master, with a worried look, smoked his pipe, truly distressed. For the first time, he felt the money was hard to earn, burning in his hands.

However, at this moment, his young son came scratching his head, even more troubled, "Father, it's not two now, but three."


The old father's worried face showed suspicion, "Aren't there two Fifth Hokages? Did another one pop up? Who?"

The young son sighed and took out three photos, "Father, it's the Fifth Mizukage."

"The Fifth Mizukage has issued a task, saying that as the Fifth Mizukage, leading the Mist ninja army to join the Konoha, it's only right to leave a commemorative symbol. She even said she could give up the power of the Kage, but the honor must be there."

At this moment, the old father was stunned, "Carve the Mizukage on the Hokage Rock? Does the Hokage know about this?"

"The Fifth Hokage, Uchiha Yoru, knows and has agreed."

At this moment, father and son looked at each other and fell silent, looking at the three photos of the Kages, finding it difficult to decide.

Three Kages! Appearing together on the Hokage Rock, how should they handle this?

Just then, as the three photos overlapped in the sunlight, a sudden inspiration struck the old father.

"Since the Fifth Hokage's ceremony hasn't been held yet, why not overlap the three Kage portraits?"

In the sunlight, the three portraits overlapped slightly, with Uchiha Yoru's smiling face in the middle, flanked by Tsunade and Terumi Mei, their faces close together, like intimate partners.

Seeing this scene, the old father suddenly had an inspiration and laughed excitedly, "Haha, we can start working now, three in one frame, representing the prosperity of the Konoha and the harmonious coexistence of the three Kages, leading the Konoha to its peak."

Clearly, no one in Konoha wanted to start a civil war, and under the old master's inspiration, he wanted to use his carving skills to influence the world.

To let the three Kages put aside their differences and lead the Konoha to a bright future together.

"Father! Hey."

The young son looked at his old father's eyes filled with longing and tears. He fell silent, not wanting to shatter his father's extravagant hopes.

Even he knew that it was impossible for two Hokages to coexist.

As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Yet, he remained silent, unwilling to break his father's extravagant hopes, but it was also a fantasy deep in his heart.

"Forget it, since we've accepted the mission, and the three Kages haven't said anything, let's work hard."

The hearty laughter echoed on the Hokage Rock, lightening the gloomy atmosphere of Konoha.

As the iconic Hokage Rock of Konoha began to stir, every ninja of Konoha could see, from initial helplessness to later astonishment.

The outlines of three faces became more visible day by day on it, and then a huge tarpaulin covered it, as if waiting for the official inauguration ceremony of the Hokage to announce the results.

The Sarutobi clan.

On the wall hung a calligraphy with the character "Ninja." The pressure during this period aged the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, by a decade. Now with white hair and beard, slightly hunched, his frail and short stature resembled his appearance during the original Chunin Exams.

The pipe in his mouth clicked and clacked, filling the room with smoke. The retired Third Hokage, now living a reclusive life, stared solemnly at the shogi board in front of him.

Seated opposite him was Nara Shikaku, known as the brain of the Hokage, and the captain of the Konoha Jounin.

"When two kings battle, one is bound to get hurt, and all pieces protecting the king on the board will be affected," Nara Shikaku remarked as he looked at the board, seemingly alluding to something, while the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, understood but remained silent.

"Do you regret it, Shikaku?"

Faced with this question, Nara Shikaku bitterly smiled and shook his head, "Is there a choice in regret? The Ino-Shika-Cho clans have enjoyed privileges and must bear the corresponding responsibilities."

This was the price. The Ino-Shika-Cho clans chose to fully support the Third Hokage, enjoying rapid development for decades, growing from small families to their current status. As many years as the Third Hokage ruled, they enjoyed privileges.

The clans have grown to the point where even their side branches are more powerful than the entire clan used to be.

It's not easy to change and shed the labels in the ninja world. Betrayal and treachery are despised, especially when it's by an entire clan.

And moreover! Nara Shikaku looked up deeply at Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage.

The Ino-Shika-Cho clans were at most accomplices. Though they enjoyed everything and now had no choice, they still had a chance to breathe.

The Sarutobi clan, along with the Mitokado, Utatane, and Shimura clans, had no choice at all.

The Ino-Shika-Cho clans, at worst, would be targeted and weakened to a certain extent but would be spared. But the Sarutobi clan!


Just Finished Translating the Last Chapters! This Fanfic Ends at Chapter 355!

— 90 Advance Chapters!