Chapter 255: Jiraiya and Tsunade

On this day, the village of Konoha was bustling with noise.

Countless Konoha ninjas and villagers were heading towards the Hokage's building.

This day was also a key moment in the history of Konoha, witnessed by envoys from various nations and ninja villages, all anxiously coming to see this moment that would influence the direction of the ninja world.

In front of the Hokage building, it was already crowded with people, with ninjas crouching everywhere on rooftops and trees, waiting solemnly.

Meanwhile, a large number of police force ninjas began to maintain order, and many ninjas from within the village assisted.

As people outside waited in agony, an eerie atmosphere pervaded the Hokage's office.

Tsunade stood calmly at the window, looking at the crowded figures outside, "Brat, leave the Third to me and Jiraiya."

Faced with this choice, Uchiha Yoru just smiled and nodded nonchalantly, "Fine, but after that, I want 70% of the Sarutobi clan's ninjas for the ninja army's mobilization."

It was clear that the two had reached some sort of agreement, and upon hearing this, Tsunade also sighed lightly and nodded in agreement.

"The Sarutobi clan rose by feeding off the nutrients of Konoha under the Third, it's only right they repay now. And a too powerful Sarutobi clan could also arouse unwanted thoughts in some people."

"But brat, think carefully about this. This time, you will be facing the entire ninja world! It's not too late to regret now."

Tsunade clearly knew his plans, or rather, Uchiha Yoru never hide anything from his own people, even Jiraiya knew.

Looking at Tsunade's solemn expression, a proud smile gradually appeared on Uchiha Yoru's face.

"No one starts out standing in the sky, not you or me, not even the gods. But it's time to end this vacancy on the throne of this ninja world. From now on, I will stand at the top! I will end the chaos in the ninja world!"

Looking at the domineering Uchiha Yoru, a strange emotion flashed in Tsunade's eyes, but her nature led her to quip, "Arrogant brat."

"Time is almost up. Enjoy your last moments of leisure. From today onwards, you will face the entire ninja world. I'll go out first to deal with the Third's matter."

After dropping these words, Tsunade turned and left. Although she said she was going to deal with the Third's matter, her gaze unintentionally glanced at a corner, and with a cold snort, she left.

As the door of the Hokage's office closed, Uchiha Yoru's gaze shifted to the corner Tsunade had looked at before leaving.

"Kukuku! What an ambitious man."

At that moment, a mesmerizing voice echoed in the Hokage's office, and a figure slowly emerged from the shadows in the corner. It was Terumi Mei from the Mist Village.

She wore a blue strapless dress with a white belt around her waist, and her nails were painted with dark blue polish. Terumi Mei had matured and now possessed the aura of the Fifth Mizukage as depicted in the original story.

"Mei, you've arrived."

Terumi Mei, appearing in the Hokage's office, seductively surveyed her surroundings and then boldly snuggled into Uchiha Yoru's embrace, sitting on his strong and powerful thighs.

Despite the enchanting scene, there was an unprecedented clarity in the eyes of both Terumi Mei and Uchiha Yoru.

After exchanging looks for a while, Terumi Mei was the first to give in. The feigned mature seduction on her face faded, replaced by a sense of weariness and melancholy.

"What would you have done if I hadn't come?" she asked, revealing the doubts hidden deep in her heart. Uchiha Yoru responded with a casual smile.

"It doesn't matter. A declining Mist Village would have met its end sooner or later."

"And what about me?" Terumi Mei asked nervously, eager to pursue the question.

This question was as difficult as deciding whom to save first if it had fallen into the sea.

However, Uchiha Yoru just smiled and slowly extended his hand, gently stroking Terumi Mei's smooth hair. "Since the Sharingan could control the Fourth Mizukage, I suppose it's not too much for my eyes to control the Fifth Mizukage."

Hearing this response, a hint of disappointment flashed in Terumi Mei's eyes, along with a trace of understanding.

"Indeed, you are a person full of ambition."

But it was this very quality that made him charming. Terumi Mei leaned gently against the familiar chest, squinting her eyes in contentment like a Persian cat, enjoying the momentary peace.

Hokage Conference Room.

The conference room, which once had four chairs, now has only one remaining. It represents the end of the era of the Konoha's Third Hokage and his high-ranking F4.

On this only remaining chair, the aged Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, sits alone. His cloudy eyes are filled with countless memories.

"Old man, sometimes you shouldn't be so stubborn. The future belongs to the young."

Jiraiya, with white hair, leans against the window, looking at the crowded people outside the building, then glances at the Third Hokage, who radiates an air of loneliness in his later years, and he can't help but feel a touch of sadness.

Tsunade, who just entered the room, immediately notices the Third Hokage silently and alone, sipping tea, enjoying his last moments as Hokage.

Seeing this, a smile curls up on Tsunade's lips as she turns to look at Jiraiya.

"Tsunade." At this moment, faced with Tsunade's meaningful smile, Jiraiya's face is filled with blatant embarrassment and speechlessness.

"Didn't expect you, Jiraiya, to make your move so quickly, tsk tsk."

Hearing Tsunade's sarcastic remarks, Jiraiya's face turns green, as if stepping on something, he suddenly retorts back like he did when he was younger.

"Cut it out! You think everyone is like you, going for younger ones."

It's clear that Jiraiya already knows something, or has figured it out. Although he felt empty and heartbroken at the time, as a hero, Jiraiya couldn't sink into it and laughed it off the next day.

"Jiraiya! You're asking for it!"

The last thing Tsunade wants to hear right now is this, her forehead veins bulge in anger, and her beautiful eyes blaze with fury.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen, lost in his memories, is startled by their noisy quarrel and looks up at his two arguing disciples.

With a deep sigh, Sarutobi Hiruzen sets down his cup, just about to say something, his face suddenly changes in shock.

His chakra inside turns harsh - he's been poisoned!

The next moment, the Third Hokage's eyes widen in disbelief, shocked and angry, he looks up at Jiraiya and Tsunade.

The tea is poisoned! Only Jiraiya has touched this tea. It was Jiraiya who poisoned it! But it was colorless and tasteless, he didn't notice it at all. The poison was prepared by Tsunade!

In an instant, the experienced Third Hokage has analyzed who the poisoner is, and even figured out who prepared the poison.

"Jiraiya! Tsunade! You!"

A hoarse roar, like an old tiger, echoes in the conference room. However, a tall, imposing white figure has already appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At this moment, the hero Jiraiya, with a complex expression on his face, doesn't hold back. His palm heavily hits Sarutobi Hiruzen's abdomen, sending the man in his sixties flying into the wall.

Sealing Jutsu: Five Elements Seal


Under the intense abdominal pain and the uncontrollable chakra within, Sarutobi Hiruzen, struggling, slowly slid down from the wall, letting out a desperate roar of despair.


"That! That teacher, I!"

At this moment, Jiraiya stood there, scratching his white hair in an embarrassed manner, lacking the aura of one of the legendary Sannin, looking as clueless as a young boy at the bottom of his class.

"Jiraiya did well, acting swiftly and decisively. You really haven't neglected your training over these years."

Tsunade, standing by, clapped her hands in approval, not minding making a scene, which made Jiraiya even more embarrassed.

"Tsunade, you!"

Feeling aggrieved, Jiraiya turned to look at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was bent over, coughing violently on the ground, and awkwardly said, "Old man, I didn't want to see you throw your life away for nothing. And with Konoha in this state, if that kid really goes crazy, the whole village would be buried with him."

Watching Jiraiya's incoherent explanation, Tsunade disdainfully smirked, "Stop rambling. Don't you know how stubborn the old man is? Let him see for himself and he will understand how ridiculous his ideas are."

The poison prepared by Tsunade was so potent that even Jiraiya, after being poisoned in the original story, admitted he couldn't gather chakra and was completely paralyzed, unable to even throw a kunai, and only managed to recover about 30% of his strength with Shizune's help.

This time, lost in his memories, Sarutobi Hiruzen unknowingly drank a whole pot of tea under Jiraiya's watch. If the peak Jiraiya could barely handle it, much less an aged Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Jiraiya, that's harsh, making the old man drink an entire pot of tea."

Tsunade picked up the tea, looking at the nearly empty teapot in astonishment, as if to say to Jiraiya, "Do you not trust my poison, or do you not trust a 60-something year old Third Hokage?"

Jiraiya, feeling wronged, hurriedly explained.

"You don't know, the old man was drinking cup after cup, sighing deeply. What was I supposed to do? Tell him to stop drinking the tea before the drug took effect? That too much anesthetic could be harmful?"

'The old man might be old, but when he gets going, everyone will know. What would people say if they found out that the Sannin, Jiraiya and Tsunade, conspired to poison the Third Hokage?"

Watching Jiraiya's explanation, Tsunade burst into laughter, while Sarutobi Hiruzen, leaning against the wall and gasping for breath, looked at his two students with bloodshot eyes and roared with all his might.

"Jiraiya! Tsunade! You! You will ruin Konoha!"

However, for the stubborn old man, Jiraiya still wanted to persuade him, but Tsunade was not so patient. The events of the past had already almost exhausted the bond between them as teacher and student, and it was already good that she hadn't beaten up the old man herself.

"Come in, it's almost time."

A ninja with orange hair tied in a short high ponytail and parted to the side respectfully entered the room.

"Fū Yamanaka greets Lord Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade!"

Dressed in a brown sleeveless cross-collar shirt, a short-sleeved outer coat, black gloves on both hands, wearing black pants, and carrying a katana on his back.

Fū Yamanaka, a Konoha ninja who appeared in the original story during the Five Kage Summit, one of Shimura Danzo's personal guards.

The root has long become the private property of Uchiha Yoru, and naturally, Fū Yamanaka also became Uchiha Yoru's subordinate.

After entering, Fū Yamanaka first respectfully bowed to Jiraiya and Tsunade, then turned his head and bowed to the Third Hokage.

"I have offended you, Lord Third Hokage"

"You! What are you trying to do!" The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who seemed to have thought of something, angrily looked at his two disciples and the ninja of the Konoha.

Mind Transfer Jutsu

In an instant, Fū Yamanaka neatly used the Yamanaka clan's secret technique on the Third Hokage.

The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, in a moment of frustrated anger, trembled, his pupils shrank, and his gaze became vacant.

Seeing this, Jiraiya couldn't help but show a worried expression, "Tsunade, is this okay?"

"Don't worry, Jiraiya, I have also added a potion that suppresses mental power to this medicine. With Fū Yamanaka's strength, there is absolutely no problem, not to mention you have your Five Elements Seal for insurance, right?"

Under Tsunade's teasing gaze, Jiraiya scratched his head in embarrassment, looking at his burning hand, which had turned red from the strength of his grip.

"Lady Tsunade/ Lord Jiraiya."

After a moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen's vacant gaze refocused, showing a pair of respectful expressions, obviously a switch in personality, replaced by Fū Yamanaka.

"Three minutes to adapt to the numbness of the body, we'll need you later."

Tsunade neatly issued the order, and Fū Yamanaka respectfully nodded.

In the conference room, Sarutobi Hiruzen's body began to move awkwardly, from extreme awkwardness at first to almost normal later, showing the ninja's control over the body.

It's not a problem with Fū Yamanaka's secret technique, but because Sarutobi Hiruzen's body was numbed by the drug, it naturally needed time to adapt, so as to not arouse suspicion.

In Konoha, under the bright sunlight, countless people gathered in front of the Hokage building, all eyes expectantly on the stage.

"He's here! He's here!"

Amidst exclamations, the crowd became noisy, and at the same time, envoys from various countries and villages showed excitement, finally about to come out.

First, several Anbu ninjas appeared around the Hokage building, starting to guard each other, while the ninjas inside the Konoha solemnly observed their surroundings.

After all, this was a most solemn occasion for the Konoha, where disturbances were absolutely not allowed, especially around the envoys from different countries who were protected by multiples of Konoha ninjas.

Any disturbance would face the techniques of the Konoha ninjas.

On this day, all Konoha residents visiting the Hokage building needed to go through identity verification and searches.

"Who is that? The Mizukage?"

"Why Mizukage from the Mist Village there?"

When figures appeared in the Hokage building, those who were unaware below began to talk in astonishment.

The moment the Mizukage, Terumi Mei, wearing a Mizukage hat, stepped out, she became the center of everyone's attention, even astonishing the envoys from the major ninja villages.

