Chapter 256: From now on!


In front of the Hokage building, countless villagers and ninjas from the Konoha had gathered. At this moment, everyone was holding their breath, not daring to even breathe heavily, filling the scene with a tense atmosphere.

At the top of the Hokage building, several figures appeared: Uchiha Shisui, Hatake Kakashi, and Uchiha Itachi. They seemed calm as they watched the scene unfold, but their eyes betrayed excitement.

There were also Jiraiya and a group of Anbu members.

"Is it going to be announced?"

Envoys from various ninja villages looked solemnly at the Third Hokage and others who appeared. As for the Mizukage Terumi Mei, they were more considered as supporters for the event.

The frail and haggard Third Hokage slowly came into view of everyone in the Konoha. At this moment, many knowledgeable ninjas showed complex expressions.

Regardless, this Third Hokage had governed for many years and was now an old man nearing the end of his life. His retirement in such a manner was like the closing of a curtain.

"I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, have led Konoha through many storms since becoming the Third Hokage. I have witnessed the glory of the Konoha and ultimately brought it to where it is now."

At this time, the Third Hokage wasn't wearing his Hokage hat, revealing an old face that made many Konoha ninjas sentimental. The Ninja Hero was indeed old.

With white hair and beard, even his once straight spine was now bent, and his face was covered with age spots.

After a brief moment of reflection by the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, he turned around, holding up a brand-new Hokage hat. Under the gaze of everyone, a figure slowly walked forward.

Dressed in a white kimono with hexagonal plum blossoms, the wide sleeves edged in red also adorned with hexagonal plum patterns, and a proud neck and shoulders draped with a circle of snowy white fluffy shawl.

With long, flowing blonde hair and sparkling gold eyes, the Sannin Tsunade displayed her imposing and majestic demeanor, coupled with an overwhelming sense of nobility.

"Princess Tsunade!"

"The Fifth Hokage is Princess Tsunade!"

At this moment, the villagers of the Konoha looked at the blonde figure that appeared, Tsunade, whose reputation was now very strong.

Seeing Tsunade, envoys from various ninja villages showed a hint of secret joy, even a hint of schadenfreude on their faces.

It was unclear if there would be any unexpected incidents during this Hokage inauguration ceremony. Would internal strife start today or later? All Konoha ninjas were filled with mixed emotions. It wasn't that they were dissatisfied with Tsunade, but whoever became the Fifth Hokage today, the Konoha would face turmoil.

Like a swan, Tsunade stood with her proud neck, surveying the entire Konoha. Her face exuded a unique aura. She casually took the Hokage hat passed by the Third Hokage and raised it high.

"From today onwards! I am the Fifth Hokage governing Konoha!"

Under Tsunade's powerful declaration, the many Konoha ninjas below showed a solemn expression, and a scene of mutual wariness even emerged.

However, at this moment, a blue figure slowly stepped forward, the Mizukage from the Mist Village.

Dressed in a blue tube dress with a white waist belt, her nails painted with deep blue polish, she slowly removed her blue Mizukage hat, revealing her mature and charismatic face.

"From now on! I am the Fifth Mizukage of the Land of Water!"

Terumi Mei, emanating a dignified, gentle, and friendly aura, surprisingly declared herself as the Fifth Mizukage right on the Hokage building, making a high-profile announcement.

This scene left many Konoha ninjas utterly astonished, and even the envoys from various ninja villages felt that this Fifth Mizukage was, well, a bit eccentric!

"Da Da!"

Despite the emptiness of Konoha, at this moment, everyone's ears echoed with the clear sound of footsteps. When a figure appeared again on the Hokage building, everyone was shocked.

Wearing a pure white kimono and black pants, his chest slightly open revealing captivating muscles, his forearms and hands covered by deep black armguards, a straight sword hung horizontally at his waist.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the tall figure of Uchiha Yoru slowly emerged between the two Fifth Hokages, as if he were the moon surrounded by stars.

At this moment, the Third Hokage bowed his head, his expression hidden from onlookers, but he was seen holding a Hokage hat similar to his own.


"What is the Third Hokage doing!"

"What is Konoha planning!"

Numerous Konoha ninjas were shocked, but many still secretly speculated that the parties had reached some agreement in private.

The envoys from the ninja villages of various countries were also astonished at this scene.

The hats of the Five Kages, brightly colored, represent the cultures of the five great ninja villages: the red of the Hokage, the blue of the Mizukage, the deep green of the Kazekage, the deep brown of the Tsuchikage, and the earthy yellow of the Raikage.

However, the hat in the hands of the Third Hokage this time was a brand new snow-white color, with a touch of red on the brim.

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru, with a calm expression, surveyed all the Konoha ninjas and the envoys from various countries, and slowly took over the Kage hat handed to him by the Third Hokage.

As he raised it high, everyone's gaze became fixed. With the exceptional vision of the ninjas, almost everyone clearly saw the Kage hat in Uchiha Yoru's hands, or rather, the big red character on the hat.


The hats of the Five Kages usually bear the characters for Fire, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Water, but this time, the hat in Uchiha Yoru's hands was not Konoha's Hokage hat, but one bearing the character for "God."

Countless people recalled the legends of Konoha, the legend of the God of the Ninja World!

"I, the Fifth Hokage/Mizukage, declare!"

Under the attention of all, Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, and Terumi Mei, the Fifth Mizukage, looked at everyone and began their oath.

"The war and hatred between Konoha and the Mist Ninja have ended!"

At their thunderous proclamation, everyone was shocked. What was this?

At the same time, the backdrop of the Hokage's rock wall slowly fell, revealing three faces, with Uchiha Yoru's face positioned higher, flanked by Mizukage Terumi Mei and Hokage Tsunade.

It seemed to be a declaration to the Ninja World.

This was clearly an oath of allegiance declared by Konoha and the Mist under their respective Kages, but Uchiha Yoru's ambition was not just for a Konoha, nor just for a mere Hokage.

But to merge the two great ninja villages, to become the Kage of both!

Even more! To become the God of the Ninja World!

The God of the Ninja World!

Terumi Mei, although she couldn't represent the entire Mist Village, still controlled a significant part of the Mist's territory, essentially half of the Mist Village.

And the Third's response!

At this moment, the envoys from various ninja villages, after their initial shock, showed furious anger. This was a plot! A scheme of Konoha to plot against the Ninja World.

Damn it, what nonsense about Konoha's division, a coup! The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, had long submitted, otherwise, why would he offer up this hat, symbolizing the God of the Ninja World, like a dog today.

The Third Hokage submitted, and the Fifth Hokage Tsunade along with the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei announced their allegiance and submission, symbolizing the merger of Terumi Mei's territory with the Konoha.

More importantly, Terumi Mei's Mist Ninja would merge with those of the Konoha! The position of the dominant power in the Ninja World, already tenuously held, was now, under the rule of Uchiha Yoru, bolstered in strength and influence, reaching its most glorious state.

The number and quality of ninjas, along with combined military power, instantly made them the foremost force in the Ninja World, an unshakeable position.

"Shout it out!"

In the shadows, someone shouted at the top of their lungs, instantly stirring up everyone's emotions, and the entire Konoha boiled over with excitement, with numerous ninjas and villagers moved to tears.

The Konoha did not erupt into civil war! War did not descend!

"God of the Ninja World!"


At this moment, amongst the ninjas of the Konoha, and a small group of Mist Ninjas who had come over, each one was excitedly howling.

On the other hand, the faces of envoys from various Ninja Villages looked displeased. They had been tricked, played! This was all a conspiracy, a plot by Uchiha Yoru to integrate the territories and powers of the rebels of the Land of Water.

It was a scheme to unify both forces!

Had it been revealed from the start, the various Ninja Villages would never have agreed, and from the beginning, there would have been overt and covert struggles, with sabotage, assassination, and even destruction of the Land of Water's rebel forces, rather than watching them merge with the Konoha.

Uchiha Yoru, now in possession of the title 'God of the Ninja World,' exuded a unique domineering aura, surveying everyone from his elevated position.

"From now on! I, Uchiha Yoru, take control of the Land of Water. I also announce that the Fourth Mizukage's bloody and inhumane management of the Mist Village is abolished. The Fourth Mizukage, being disrespectful, is considered the leader of the rebels! The ninjas of both the Konoha and Mist Villages, from this day forward, will be under my rule!"

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru's domineering presence was unmistakable, as he arrogantly declared this dictatorial order in front of the envoys from different countries, blatantly labeling the Fourth Mizukage as a rebel leader.

"A blatant conspiracy! This is your Konoha's conspiracy!"

"Damn! Uchiha Yoru, you will face the wrath of all the Ninja Villages! A great Ninja War will start because of your madness."

With Uchiha Yoru's high-profile and domineering declaration, it not only shocked the world but also ignited the anger of the envoys from various Ninja Villages.

For so long, what were they? Mere clowns played by Uchiha Yoru?

Even to say, Uchiha Yoru played the entire Ninja World!

However, at this moment, atop the Hokage building, three figures stood out, led by Uchiha Yoru, with Terumi Mei and Tsunade, each showing a domineering smile.

Boom! Instantly, the three of them joined forces, their auras erupting, sweeping across the Konoha with their overwhelming and terrifying chakra. Under their combined chakra pressure, numerous ninjas were terrified.

The terrifying pressure of their chakra was akin to that of a Tailed Beast! Just like in the original story when Orochimaru summoned the previous Hokages, and the Second Hokage alone suppressed everyone with just a burst of chakra, showing that pure chakra at a certain level can be an extremely terrifying force.

However, at this moment, Uchiha Yoru, Tsunade, and Terumi Mei, in front of countless people, clapped their hands and formed a hand seal.

Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees

Susanoo: Complete Form

As the Mangekyou Sharingan in Uchiha Yoru's eyes continues to spin, a powerful black chakra instantly flashes around him, visibly beginning to rapidly condense and strengthen.

Meanwhile, under Tsunade's angry shout as she claps her hands, a massive flow of chakra crazily circulates, and instantly the entire village of Konoha starts to rumble loudly.

The large village of Konoha begins to tremble, followed by the cracking of the earth. A terrifying scene unfolds as large trees and vines visibly start to emerge from the ground.

"This! How is this possible!"

"Wood! Wood Release!"

"It's actually a Wood Release!"

With a thunderous rumble, in a shocking scene, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi on the top of the Hokage building exchange glances, both showing solemn expressions. They simultaneously shout and activate their Mangekyou Sharingan, while casting Susanoo.

In an instant, the landscape of Konoha undergoes a drastic change. Countless large trees sprout up without damaging any buildings, adding much greenery to Konoha.

But terrifyingly, within the vast village of Konoha, all the trees have grown incredibly tall, especially those in the training area, as if they aged a hundred years in a moment.

The terrifying growth of these towering trees is visible to the naked eye.

"This! What is this!"

All the ninjas stare in horror at this scene. The entire village of Konoha has changed, including the appearance of three giant figures in front of the Hokage building.

"This! Can a ninja really achieve this!"

'They have actually changed the landscape of this entire area!'

With a thunderous rumble, a black, imposing Susanoo appears on top of the Hokage building, attracting everyone's attention.

Uchiha Yoru's Susanoo is black and in its complete form, larger than a Tailed Beast, resembling a full suit of armor. Its terrifying chakra pressure makes even the Jonin sweat profusely, with only one thought in their minds.

That is unmatched power!

Even Jonin are but ants before such force!

At the same time, there are two smaller Susanoo giants, one red belonging to Uchiha Itachi, and the other green, belonging to Shisui.

At his young age, Uchiha Itachi barely maintained the first stage of Susanoo. Meanwhile, Shisui's Susanoo has already entered the second stage.

Summoning Jutsu!

Just then, loud shouts ring out around the Hokage building. As the smoke from the summoning clears, the formidable figures of the Gamabunta and Manda appear.

In this moment, Konoha flexed its muscles to the messengers from all the major ninja villages.

High above, Terumi Mei appeared inside Susano of Uchiha Yoru, captivating with a charming smile. "Now is the time for beautiful fireworks," she said. Terumi Mei's lips curved up, "Only splendid fireworks are worthy of a handsome, ambitious man."

Lava Release: Scorching Ocean Blast

Instantly, she spewed out a wave of fiery red magma, which exploded in mid-air into dazzling sparks, like blooming fireworks.

After all this, Terumi Mei, with her enchanting palms, wiped the residual red magma from her lips. Already famous in the ninja world for her dual Kekkei Genkai, today she revealed yet another - Boil Release, Corrosion (Melting Slime), and now Lava Release (Magma). Terumi Mei, a three Kekkei Genkai ninja.


"Is this really what a ninja can achieve!"

"Damn it, this is not on the same level."

All the ninjas of the Konoha and the messengers from various countries watched in stunned silence and fear.

Uchiha Yoru, from atop Susano'o, looked down upon everyone in the Konoha, and commanded dominantly, "Go tell your Kage, the ninja world is too small for my ambitions, barely enough for me alone!"

"The chaos of the ninja world has lasted too long, and peace has never come. No one starts as a god, be it the Five Kage or a deity! But now, the intolerable vacancy of the heavenly throne will end. From now on, I will stand at the pinnacle in the name of a god!"

Crossing his hands through his hair, his once youthful hairstyle changed, emitting mature charm. Uchiha Yoru demonstrated to the entire ninja world what true dominance and unrivaled authority meant.

"Wood Release! And this terrifying ninjutsu! What is Konoha trying to do!"

One moment, the angry messengers from various countries, the next, they looked on in fear at this scene. The power displayed by Uchiha Yoru was too strong, too terrifying.

The Wood Release of the First Hokage that quelled chaos, the legendary Susano of the Mangekyo Sharingan, and a series of formidable Kage-level ninjas.

This was a pure show of force, telling the entire ninja world about the strength and power of Uchiha Yoru.

Uchiha Yoru, atop Susano, issued his orders.

"Order Jiraiya to the Land of Earth border as the chief commander, Orochimaru to inspect the Land of Wind border. Send Hatake Kakashi, Biwa Juzo, and Zabuza Momochi to the Land of Lightning border as chief commanders."

"Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Kisame Hoshigaki, Ringo Ameyuri, and Might Guy to guard the Land of Water. Any rebellion from the Mist ninja will be considered an invasion. No mercy!"

"The Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei, the Fifth Hokage Tsunade to stay in Konoha!"

"Also, I, Uchiha Yoru, announce to the entire ninja world, any invasion of my territory will be considered an act of war!"

Uchiha Yoru's declaration resonated over Konoha, unforgettable and shocking to many.


— 90 Advance Chapters!