Chapter 258: Konoha and Mist Ninjas


Two banners, one red and one blue, hang on the left and right sides of the Hokage office building, symbolizing the Land of Water and the Land of Fire, respectively.

"The integration of the Mist and Leaf ninjas, and likewise in each department, must continue, even if there is a lot of friction in the early stages."

"Even the Anbu under my command are not exempt. I plan to appoint Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi as the new Anbu Head."

"Kakashi Hatake and Uchiha Shisui will be the Head and Deputy Head of Konoha's Jounin Team."

In the office, Uchiha Yoru exudes a confident and composed demeanor. Faced with the merger of the two villages, he is not only headache-free but also filled with a confident smile.

As if he had everything under control, the series of policies he issued surprised everyone, making the headache seem less daunting at the moment.

"Hehe, should I say he's worthy of being the man Terumi Mei has set her sights on?"

At this moment, Terumi Mei, on the left side of the office, seeing the headache resolved, reveals an enchanting smile on her face.

She makes tea effortlessly. However, Uchiha Yoru, looking at Terumi Mei serving him, can't help but twitch the corner of his eye, wishing he didn't have stacks of political affairs on either side of him.

Meanwhile, Tsunade plays with a deck of cards, smiling broadly, "Not bad, truly deserving of the title 'God of Ninja.' Just looking at the efficiency of reviewing these political affairs, you surpass all five Kage combined."

Faced with the two of them enjoying leisure time and leaving all the political affairs to him, Uchiha Yoru's smile is somewhat unnatural, but his eyes reveal warmth.

He knows this is a compromise from both sides. After all, who handles these important political affairs during critical times, the Mizukage or the Hokage?

If there's no issue, it's fine, but in times of crisis, what then? It could be exploited by the malicious, or even sow the seeds of disaster.

Uchiha Yoru's prestige among the Mist ninjas is high, especially because of his book 'My Struggle,' which became famous throughout the Ninja world. Its policies are particularly adored by Terumi Mei's Mist forces.

Moreover, Uchiha Yoru stands above even the Kage, directly in charge of them, ensuring that the documents he approves won't lead to various issues.

Of course, this is just the initial period of integration between the two villages' ninjas. Things will improve after this phase.

''I must say, the Blood Mist policy of the Mist ninjas directly accelerated the integration of the two villages' ninjas."

Facing this issue, Terumi Mei also sighed deeply. This time, she no longer has to be strong on her own and can drop the facade.

Terumi Mei rubs her temples wearily.

"The Blood Mist policy alienated many Mist ninjas, even making them feel oppressed and stifled in their birth village, especially the Kekkei Genkai ninjas who were ostracized and ultimately exterminated."

"This time, nearly all the Mist ninjas leading the way are Kekkei Genkai ninjas. Especially in their integration with the Konoha ninjas, these once proud Kekkei Genkai ninjas are now showing their goodwill."

Even Terumi Mei couldn't help but feel emotional about this change. Once haughty and bloodthirsty, these Kekkei Genkai families are now eager to greet everyone with a smile.

Everyone knows that these Mist ninjas just want to integrate quickly, and it's unexpectedly effective.

From being despised and shunned in the Mist Village, the sudden change to this place where there is no hatred or loathing, only unfamiliarity, makes their most urgent task to turn this strangeness into familiarity.

"As for the forehead protectors of the Mist and Leaf, this is a new rule I have established."

Looking at Terumi Mei and Tsunade, Uchiha Yoru said with a smile, "The Mist and Leaf represent the customs of two different countries. Changing anyone's forehead protector could lead to issues of superiority and inferiority. Redesigning new forehead protectors might not satisfy the ninjas of both villages."

"After all, it's hard to let go of one's homeland, so I am preparing to issue a new decree. The forehead protectors of Mist and Leaf will represent their hometowns. For example, a Leaf ninja born in the ruins of the Land of Water or Whirlpools could wear a Mist forehead protector, among other measures."

"Similarly, for ninjas below the Jōnin level, respect their choice. For those above Jōnin, design new forehead protectors. All Jōnin from Mist and Leaf should switch to these."

Jōnin-level ninjas are already high-end combat forces, and Uchiha Yoru also needs to win over these people. The forehead protector, though small, signifies subtle psychological changes.

"Since you've been titled as the 'God of Ninja', exposing your ambition to the ninjas, and in your rules, the issue of Jōnin status can be explained as an envoy of the god."

"At the same time, it declares your ambition. Now it's Mist and Leaf, maybe other villages in the future."

Discussing political tactics, Tsunade played with her playing cards, speaking with a meaningful smile.

"Indeed, this time you've announced to the entire ninja world, recruiting all wandering bloodline ninjas/families, even secret technique families to join. One reason is to show your resolve to the ninja world, and another is to ease the integration of the two great ninja villages of Leaf and Mist."

"These wandering ninja clans are like lubricants, buffer zones during the integration period of Mist and Leaf."

At this point, Terumi Mei couldn't help but show admiration.

"The Kamizuru clan, expelled from the Rock Village, though defeated by the Aburame clan, another insect technique family, dwindled over the years to just a few members. Now they choose to join for the survival of their clan."

"There's also the Fūma and Tsuchigumo clan recommended by the Sannin Orochimaru. These so-called secret technique families are actually very small, with only a few to several dozen ninjas, and those with Jōnin-level strength are extremely rare."

These small clans are almost pitifully weak, with not even a Jōnin among them. Chūnin-level is considered the top combat power. Their secret techniques are weak, and while there are various reasons for wandering the ninja world, they have not been targeted due to their lack of strength.

Regarding these wandering clans, Terumi Mei laughed, "After inspection, these wandering families indeed play a buffering and lubricating role in the village, more valuable than ever before."

"For the intelligence department, I've decided to have Hyūga Hizashi and Biwa Juzo take charge together. As for the medical department..."

At this point, Uchiha Yoru looked at Terumi Mei and shrugged.

"There really aren't any outstanding medical ninjas in Mist now. I plan to appoint Yakushi Nonō as the head of the medical department."

Regarding this appointment, Terumi Mei had no objections. In terms of overall power, the Mist ninjas joining Leaf were no more than three thousand.

Important departments almost always had Mist ninjas involved, of course, all based on their abilities. Although the overall strength of Mist ninjas might be slightly weaker, their quality and individual combat capabilities are by no means inferior to those of Konoha ninjas.

Therefore, when the ninjas from the Mist appeared in these positions, neither side had much of an opinion. After all, for these departments, aside from whether the ninja's mindset and personality are suitable, a more important point is their strength.

Without strength, everything else is meaningless.

In terms of combat, the ninjas from the Mist are among the top, but in the field of medical ninjas, they are quite lacking.

"Currently, the ninja world seems too quiet."

After dealing with almost all the trivial administrative affairs, Terumi Mei squinted her visible eye and said with a smile, but her eyes clearly showed a hint of seriousness.

Hearing this, Tsunade snorted disdainfully and said, "They are all old foxes. When faced with absolute strength, naturally, no one will dare to make the first move."

"But just watch. Right now, everyone in the ninja world is watching the Mist Village, especially since Yoru's ascent was a declaration to the entire ninja world, bringing the Mist Village of the Land of Water under his control."

"This battle is the ninja world's way of observing our strength. Even if our strength is slightly lacking this time, as long as the power of Wood Release combined with the Mangekyo Sharingan reaches eighty percent of my grandfather's, the entire ninja world will accept all this."

After Tsunade bluntly spoke of the ninja world's ugly interests, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but smile and nod in agreement.

"Indeed, in the face of absolute power, they will keep a low profile and even behave submissively, as long as they are not prepared to challenge it, provided it doesn't touch their interests."

"Once the line is crossed, it's like a herd of cows facing a pack of wolves. You can eat a little without issue, but if you try to swallow the whole herd, even the seemingly harmless herd will launch a final charge."

Terumi Mei and Tsunade, being Kage of their respective villages, are naturally not ignorant of politics; in fact, they are quite adept at it.

"Hey, brat, this is for the peace of the ninja world."

Suddenly, Tsunade, with a stubborn look on her face, spoke out. After all, her status is one of the most prestigious, and yet she is involved in such a situation.

"I think we should announce to the ninja world and invite emissaries from the various countries and ninja villages to Konoha once again."

At this point, Tsunade's gaze shifted away for a moment, but thinking of her plan, greed still prevailed.

"We should demand generous gifts!"

Watching Tsunade, who was clearly trying to fleece the ninja world for gambling funds, or rather, money, was quite cunning. And Terumi Mei, listening to this, narrowed her eyes, already calculating in her mind.

"Tsunade, I think that's a good idea. We should inform the ninja world first. As for the date, well! After swallowing the entire Mist Village of the Land of Water, haha, I think then..."

After exchanging glances, both Terumi Mei and Tsunade licked their lips, their eyes shining with excitement, unable to hide their thrilled expressions.

Clearly, given their statuses, the wedding must be extraordinary, and they were particularly keen on fleecing the ninja world once more.

By annexing the Mist Village and ending the rebellion, as long as the power displayed can shake the ninja world, the subsequent wedding will naturally see emissaries from all the major ninja villages in attendance.

Don't just look at the before and after, the gap is huge. Now, if you invite the ninja world, they will surely come, but the money, no! I mean, the congratulatory gift will obviously be of a lower value.

If we take down the Mist Ninja and reveal our power, it will shock the ninja world. Then, the congratulatory gifts we receive later will obviously be of the highest standard.

"You guys!"

Looking at the two people's beautiful eyes shining with golden light, Uchiha Yoru was somewhat astonished, but then thought that it seemed reasonable.

Maximizing benefits, don't miss any opportunity.

"I also think it's good."

Uchiha Yoru, stroking his chin, also showed a meaningful smile on his face. The three of them looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter.

"For the peace of the ninja world."

The three of them laughed heartily, as if celebrating something, and then energetically joined in handling governmental affairs.

On the outskirts of Konoha, in a secluded area surrounded by forests, it truly is a great place for cultivating one's character and temperament.

Under the cover of the forest, a large clan territory appears, with buildings that are newly constructed on the surface.

Judging by the clan emblems on the surrounding buildings, there are the Sarutobi, Shimura, Utatae, Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka families, among which the Sarutobi clan is the largest.

Scattered about, these clan territories barely form a commercial street, but this place has an oppressive atmosphere not found in other parts of Konoha.

One by one, the ninjas who pass through here are silent and taciturn, clearly indicating something is amiss.

Inside a simple house.

"Ah, the current situation is so similar to that of the Uchiha clan back in the day."

In the dimly lit house, Jiraiya shows a complex expression. Upon entering, he feels an unusual atmosphere, oppressive and unnatural.

After the Nine-Tails incident, he returned to attend the Fourth Hokage's funeral and also witnessed the relocation of the Uchiha clan. The atmosphere was the same, only now it has reversed.

Meanwhile, inside the house, Sarutobi Hiruzen has lost his usual sharpness. His aura is diminished, resembling an old man in his twilight years, even his gaze somewhat vacant, as if suffering from senility.

"Old man, look at Konoha now, intimidating the ninja world, with no one daring to challenge it. Although this is temporary, I don't know if it's right or wrong, but Konoha has truly become strong."

Jiraiya muses to himself, "The policies of the Blood Mist in the Land of Water have made these Kekkei Genkai ninjas and clans have no desire to remember the Land of Water, joining Konoha without any nostalgia."

"Now that these Kekkei Genkai ninjas from the Land of Water have joined Konoha, I see that they truly want to integrate into this village. And with the powerful Uchiha clan at the helm, these families won't cause trouble."

"Today, with Konoha's kage-level and high-level jonin forces, Konoha is the strongest in the ninja world. Right now, just with military strength, neither the Stone nor the Cloud ninja could stand alone against us; they would have to join forces."

Jiraiya continues talking to himself, pouring himself more drink, with a self-mocking smile.

"Back then, facing the quagmire of Konoha, we all chose to flee, but who would have thought a young brat would change the ninja world's structure. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but maybe this brat is the child of destiny."

Jiraiya talks about the changes in Konoha and the situation in the ninja world, while Sarutobi Hiruzen opposite him remains vacant-eyed, indifferent to everything.

Seeing this, Jiraiya gives a bitter self-mocking laugh.

The old man, perhaps too greatly impacted, has been stimulated mentally, turning into this senile state since the succession ceremony of the Hokage.

Even Tsunade shakes her head and sighs. It's a mental blow, perhaps caused by the refusal to face reality, leading to self-escape.

"Old man, I'm leaving. This time the brat has orders for me. Never thought I'd see the day, haha."

"But Tsunade is really impressive, an older cow eating tender grass, haha. I'll come back to see you during Tsunade's wedding, off I go."

The wind stirs the curtains.

In the dimly lit room, only an empty wine cup and a vacant-eyed old man remain, but after a long while, a glint of sharpness flashes in the old man's eyes.


— 90 Advance Chapters!