Chapter 259: Mist Ninja Battlefield


"Lord Yoru, for the peace of the ninja world, the elite of the Hyuga main family are willing to join the Mist Ninja's war."

That night, Hyuga Hiashi paid a late-night visit, choosing to submit directly.

Under the cover of night, the lights were bright in the Hokage office building, and inside the office, there was a huge sand table displaying a panoramic view of all the houses and landscapes of Konoha .

In front of the sand table, Uchiha Yoru looked melancholic, staring at the small flags on the sand table representing various major bloodline clans and secret technique ninja clans, which also signified their status in the village.

"Now, although there are some vacancies in the center of the village, after all, there are only so many positions."

As Uchiha Yoru's voice echoed, Hyuga Hiashi respectfully bowed at a ninety-degree angle, clearly understanding the implication of these words.

Just a few years ago, the other party could only talk to him by relying on their family and the status of the Sannin, but now he has become someone Hyuga Hiashi must look up to.

Despite feeling the unpredictability of life's changes, Hyuga Hiashi respectfully showed his submission.

"All ninjas of the Hyuga main family, from top to bottom, pledge loyalty to Lord Yoru, even to the Root! The Hyuga main family's ninjas are also willing to obey the orders."

Hyuga Hiashi's sincerity was evident, considering the Root's status in the village, which was feared like a venomous snake.

Now that Hyuga Hiashi has agreed to this choice, it shows how serious his sincerity is.

Seeing the loyalty of the Hyuga main family, Uchiha Yoru smiled, "Hyuga Hiashi, as a Jonin, I don't like to see dramas between the main and branch families. I will try to separate the main and branch families in the missions executed within the village, but I hope you understand what I mean."

"Lord Yoru, I understand!" Hyuga Hiashi replied.

This was a warning. Now that the Konoha and the Mist Villages have merged, Uchiha Yoru would not tolerate any mischief in his sight.

"I will arrange for the branch family to guard the borders of the Land of Wind, Earth, and Lightning. Therefore, I entrust the Mist Village to Jonin Hyuga Hiashi."

With the current situation in the ninja world, the three major ninja villages of Wind, Lightning, and Earth are simply waiting for information from the Mist Village, so these areas are mostly on high alert.

But in the Mist Village, a real war is about to break out. Hyuga Hiashi knew this was their main family's declaration of allegiance.

Serving as a vassal of the Dragon has too great a risk. The branch family is forced to have no way out, while the Hyuga main family has always remained neutral, pledging allegiance to whoever comes to power.

But this time it was different. With so many bloodline families from the Mist Village joining, along with Uchiha Yoru's ambition, Hyuga Hiashi knew that if he didn't make a stand now, the main family would be marginalized.

And since the branch family had already boarded the ship, ready to ride the waves, he could not fall behind, nor did he want the main family to become insignificant in the future.

"Lord Yoru, in the Mist Ninja's battle, the ninjas of the Hyuga main family are willing to follow orders with all their might, even if it is against the Mist Village's elite Jounin."

This time, Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but show a hint of surprise in his eyes, looking at the staid Hyuga Hiashi, his lips curling up slightly. It seems that the leader of the Hyuga clan is quite bold.

The Mist ninja Aoi has a Byakugan from the main family, and Hyuga Hiashi's actions are almost a complete display of setting aside prejudices.

"Hehe, I see the sincerity of Clan Head Hiashi."

This time, Hyuga Hiashi was full of sincerity, and Uchiha Yoru was also very satisfied. After all, Konoha is flourishing, and it's great that no one is causing trouble. As for the Mist ninja, that's even more needless to say.

What kind of days were passed in the Mist Village? Days worse than a dog's life. Now, giving them a chance to live a normal life, they would be grateful, not to mention that he also provided a better environment and future.

"Hinata's talent is not bad. Besides Gentle Fist, she can learn medical ninjutsu from Tsunade."

Uchiha Yoru also showed his goodwill. Under Hyuga Hiashi's grateful gaze, he pointed to a spot on the sand table.

"Just right, the Yamanaka family also has a girl who will learn medical ninjutsu from Tsunade in the future. Moreover, being from the same village, you can be neighbors."

Upon hearing this, Hyuga Hiashi was immediately startled and looked at the position indicated on the sand table. The center of power in Konoha was already considered to be on the periphery, but at least it was joining this circle.

However, he was surprised to see several houses marked with the Yamanaka family crest. Thinking of this, he immediately narrowed his eyes.

Indeed, in the face of the general trend, or perhaps the way of survival for the great clans, sending out a part of the clan members is a way to keep an option open.

In a dark cavern, on a huge and ugly statue, a pair of indifferent eyes were revealed.

These were the Rinnegan.

"Nagato, this is the latest intelligence."

Hidden in a secret chamber, Nagato's complexion was noticeably better than before. His thin body finally had some flesh, and even the muscles in his legs were trembling, clearly regaining sensation.

Upon seeing the intelligence, Nagato showed admiration and was deeply moved.

"Indeed, Mr. Yoru's ambition is the same as ours, all for the peace of the ninja world."

Regarding the recent major events in the ninja world, the Akatsuki organization was certainly aware. Nagato, upon receiving the news, showed his admiration. By manipulating the ninja world, the entire realm became a support for Mr. Yoru.

Otherwise, how could the rebellious army of the Mist Village have been so easily captured?

"Mr. Yoru's ambition is great, but his actions are too protracted," Nagato said, flipping through a red-covered book he had read countless times.

"Although he seems to dominate the ninja world, he can at most take over the Land of Water. The major ninja villages are already wary and are isolating him. Once Mr. Yoru makes a move, he will face the entire ninja world."

"The God of the Ninja World! Maybe in twenty years Mr. Yoru could achieve this, but before that, I will prove in my own way that my path is the fastest and most effective."

Nagato's eyes shone with determination. He admired and even agreed with Uchiha Yoru's desire for a peaceful and unified ninja world, but he also had his own firm ninja way.

Perhaps at this moment, he even considered the idea of eventually collaborating with Yoru to shake the ninja world together.

Using the war weapons formed from gathering all the Tailed Beasts to intimidate the ninja world, and then implementing Uchiha Yoru's concept of unifying the five great nations.

"Nagato, Uchiha Yoru's development of the Mangekyou Sharingan abilities, as well as the Fifth Hokage Tsunade's Wood Release, should not be underestimated."

Konan was more cautious, calmly taking out the gathered intelligence from her ninja tool bag.

"These are the intelligence on the God of Ninjas, Senju Hashirama, and Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Yoru's ninjutsu data used in Konoha are all included."

Facing this intelligence, Nagato appeared solemn, but more so proud, "Konan, I have the eyes of the Sage of Six Paths. Mr. Yoru's strength comes from both power and strategic layout. Even the village could become an obstacle to his power enhancement."

He didn't deny the power of the Mangekyou Sharingan and Wood Release, but what he possessed were the Rinnegan, the legendary eyes of the Sage of Six Paths. How could he lose?

However, at that moment, ripples appeared in the dark space, and both Konan and Nagato's expressions turned cold.

"Heh heh, it seems you also know about the emergence of this God of the Ninja World in Konoha."

The masked man, Obito, who appeared, looked at the intelligence in Nagato's hands and let out a hoarse laugh.

"Madara, you must be very familiar with Uchiha Yoru's Mangekyou Sharingan and Tsunade's Wood Release."

Konan's face clearly looked unwell. She knew, but she didn't say anything, needing to investigate further. This clearly showed a lack of trust in their cooperation.

During their meeting, Obito felt extremely frustrated. He knew some information, but as for the battle between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, he knew nothing.

He was not the real one.

"Uchiha Yoru should not be underestimated. Even in my prime, I would have to be somewhat serious to deal with him," said the masked man Obito, pretending to be deep and thoughtful, making both Konan and Nagato cautious. Although they had some doubts, they had to take Madara's words seriously.

How strong was Madara in his prime!

"The Akatsuki organization needs to recruit more members."

At this moment, the masked man Obito felt frustrated. The members he had eyed, Hoshigaki Kisame and Biwa Juzo, had all gone to Uchiha Yoru. What was going on?

And the Uchiha clan's Mangekyo Sharingan was something he was very wary of.

"These are the targets for recruitment, along with the intelligence," said Obito, clearly getting a bit anxious, or perhaps wary of Uchiha Yoru, a member of the same clan and class.

"Okay, Akatsuki really needs to recruit more members to prepare for the upcoming goals."

Currently, Akatsuki is short on members. They had high standards for recruitment; their future targets were the Tailed Beasts, so naturally, the ninjas they recruited needed to be at least Kage-level in strength.

"Madara, the Nine-Tails is of utmost importance, and it seems that the Tailed Beast of the Mist Village will fall into Konoha's hands soon," said Nagato calmly, directly addressing the key issue. Obito narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "The Tailed Beast of the Mist must not fall into Uchiha Yoru's hands, or else it will be a huge challenge for Akatsuki in the future."

"The Six-Tails' Jinchuriki, Utakata of the Mist, I will give you the intelligence. Capture the Six-Tails first," Nagato decided, but he still didn't want to confront Uchiha Yoru too soon, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's capture the Six-Tails' Jinchuriki and imprison him. We'll extract the Tailed Beast later when we're sealing them."

Seeing Nagato's agreement, the masked man Obito also showed a bloodthirsty smile, "Don't worry, I'll take care of the Three-Tails' Jinchuriki."

Hearing this, both Konan and Nagato frowned, their expressions growing solemn.

The Three-Tails' Jinchuriki was Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage. It wasn't that his strength was formidable, but even a weakened Mist Village was still one of the Five Great Ninja Villages.

The masked man Obito's casual attitude, as if capturing the Three-Tails was as easy as child's play, also demonstrated his strength to them.

The ninja world is stirred, with almost all attention focused on the Mist Village of the Land of Water.

It can be said that the current Mist Village serves as a stepping stone to test the so-called God of the Ninja World, Uchiha Yoru. If he demonstrates his formidable power, the battlefield will turn into a quagmire.

Then, the entire ninja world will challenge Konoha and this so-called God of the Ninja World.

After all, this God of the Ninja World previously made a fool of the entire ninja world, toying with everyone.

On the territory of the ruins of the Land of Whirlpools.

The past opposition between Mist and Konoha no longer exists, and now they are both in the same camp.

Terumi Mei had previously used the Land of Whirlpools as a rear base and had already occupied eight islands around the Land of Water, completely blockading the Mist Village.

This time, a large number of Konoha ninjas and Terumi Mei's Mist ninjas have gathered, but their forces have not increased significantly.

Under Uchiha Yoru's command, most Konoha ninjas have replaced the original Mist ninjas to defend the territory, while the Mist ninjas remain the main force.

After all, this time is for the peace of Mist Village. It's fine to encounter acquaintances in infighting, but if Konoha ninjas accidentally kill someone's relative, it could provoke hatred. It's better to let them resolve it themselves.

"Everyone, the Fourth Mizukage has already summoned tens of thousands of Mist ninjas for layered defenses in our homeland,' this is the intelligence we've gathered."

Tens of thousands of Mist ninjas! This time, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura has mobilized the entire village's strength. Fighting on home turf, everyone knows this will be a tough and bloody battle.

Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, Ringo Ameyuri, and Might Guy, five of the highest commanders from Konoha and Mist at the frontline.

Now the forehead protectors from the rear have been delivered. As Jonin, they have all replaced their protectors with new ones marked with the character 'Shin' (God).

At this moment, the five are gathered around a sand table, with Hoshigaki Kisame, a pure ninja, calmly analyzing the situation for everyone.

This time at the front, Hoshigaki Kisame is the highest commander, after all, one is a native ninja, and the other is to win people's hearts.

At this moment, many ninjas are gathered in the tent, all Jonin. Because of the change of forehead protectors, it's almost impossible to tell which village the ninjas belong to.

"So, how many ninja troops will Lord Yoru send this time?"

Someone, still puzzled, raised this question. After all, it's been several days, and there's still no news of reinforcements.

Faced with this question, everyone showed curiosity. The native ninja army of Mist Village amounts to tens of thousands. Even if they have an advantage in high-end combat power, they would need a similarly large number of ninjas for support.

However, facing all the doubts, Uchiha Shisui simply said in a deep voice: "Lord Yoru will only send an additional thousand ninja troops, mainly medical ninjas."


Hearing this news, everyone showed a look of astonishment, as if they couldn't believe it.

They had, at most, a little over two thousand ninjas on the front line. What use would another thousand reinforcements be? Could three thousand fight against more than ten thousand? And the three thousand were on the offensive side, on enemy territory?

Yet, faced with everyone's astonishment, Hoshigaki Kisame snorted coldly, always prioritizing mission completion as a ninja, he hated such questioning.

"This time, the mission is to overthrow the Mist's Blood Mist policy and the strategy of the Fourth Mizukage, directly commanded by Lord Yoru. This is the battle plan, and all Jonin should come to receive their mission scrolls."

A stack of mission scrolls, each bearing the name of a Jonin.

When everyone received and opened their scrolls, the tent was filled with sounds of astonishment and disbelief, as if they had read something wrong, even exchanging glances of confusion.


"Lord! Why does my mission seem like persuading the enemy to surrender and gathering defeated ninjas?"

"Same here, mine too."

"And mine, why do we all have this task?"

At this moment, everyone was discussing fervently, completely baffled. None of them had been assigned a combat mission.

However, facing everyone's questions, even though Hoshigaki Kisame had already known the plan, he was still filled with shock and fervor in his heart. Mr. Yoru's strength was probably truly worthy of being called the God of Ninjas.

"Everyone follows the orders and waits for further notification. The frontal ninja troops will be dealt with by someone else."

Hoshigaki Kisame's indifferent voice echoed in the tent, and the ninjas, out of habit, nodded in agreement.


— 90 Advance Chapters!