Chapter 265: Jiraiya was alarmed!

It's the height of summer, yet Jiraiya's face is pale and he's sweating profusely.

Damn it! There's something wrong with Naruto, damn, whose child is this determined?

At first, he thought the kid was thick-skinned, inheriting his mother's personality. But now, it's clear there's an issue! And Uchiha Yoru, standing nearby, slightly curves the corners of his mouth, showing a smile and shaking his head.

The reincarnations of Ashura and Indra, it would be strange if there weren't any issues. Damn it, generation after generation, Ashura's personality seems to remain the same.

You say there's no problem? Nonsense.

He never lies. Uzumaki Naruto's soul definitely contains the power of Ashura, the most noble lineage in the ninja world.

You, Jiraiya, just need to dig deeper, and you're sure to find something, even if it's just a clue.

The seed has been planted, just waiting for Jiraiya to realize there's an issue.

Uchiha Yoru has done so much, mainly because he's troubled by Naruto, and it's not fake.

This Naruto really has a problem, his brainwashing tactics and the secret tests by Shisui really didn't work.

Otherwise, holding the aces of Naruto and Sasuke, he would have the future of the ninja world in his hands. Unfortunately, there's a problem with Naruto, so he must kick out this problematic person first.

Let Jiraiya take Naruto outside, don't let him affect the rule of his village. After all, he's also troubled by Naruto's talk-no-jutsu. He can't just dispose of this kid, right? Would the Sage of Six Paths appear and dispose of him?

It's hard to say, he even suspects that the Sage of Six Paths is always lurking in the shadows.

After all, there have been several times when Uzumaki Naruto should have died, like when his heart stopped beating in the middle of Short Book Street, and even Kurama was closing his eyes waiting for death, but he survived? Maybe the Sage of Six Paths is helping from the shadows.

He doesn't want this generation's Ashura to fall.

So he can't act against Naruto, there's only one possibility.

"Lord Jiraiya, haha, these are just some of my guesses."

Looking at Uchiha Yoru seemingly comforting him, Jiraiya's face is ugly, he waves his hand and says, "Don't comfort me."

"If there really is someone in the shadows, then the ninja world is truly being manipulated by an invisible hand."

The manipulation of souls, Jiraiya can't help but fear it.

Uchiha Yoru, seeing his objective achieved, immediately shows a smile. Your verbal jutsu, Naruto, is powerful and influential, but when everyone starts doubting you, no one will believe you anymore.

Of course, this doubt is not about doing something to you. At least when you shout your hot-blooded and silly slogans and deceive people, they won't be easily fooled anymore.

He doesn't want to work so hard to build up such a force, only to have it fall apart because of the protagonist's verbal jutsu, leading Shisui and his group to stand by Naruto's side.

Then everyone shouts, 'Understanding each other is true peace!' Nonsense! Uchiha Yoru sneers coldly, believing that in the future, when Naruto uses his verbal jutsu, at least his own people will be wary.

Here it comes! What does the person behind this child intend by manipulating him like this?

"That Naruto, I!"

Jiraiya's face is a bit ugly, now he has to decide whether to take Naruto away or not.

Seeing this moment, Uchiha Yoru internally exclaims, "Jiraiya, you must not back down, take him away quickly, don't interfere with my plans."

"Jiraiya, in terms of souls, the only one who has researched it is Orochimaru, but I think you should just probe a little, don't startle the snake. After all, someone who can wield such power could bring disaster to the ninja world."

Uchiha Yoru speaks seriously, and Jiraiya nods in agreement, apprehensive about the hidden hand behind this kid.

It seems there are great secrets hidden in the ninja world.

"Also, Jiraiya, keep the issue with Naruto's soul a secret, it's top secret! Not even the Sages of Mount Myoboku should know!"

Finally, to prevent accidents, Uchiha Yoru speaks out directly. After all, the techniques of the three great summoning lands are very powerful in the original story.

"Who do you think I am?"

Hearing this, Jiraiya pats his chest and promises, his face serious.

"Don't worry, I, Jiraiya, am not a fool. I understand the more people know, the greater the chance of something going wrong."

Uchiha Yoru has already taken action, and Jiraiya cannot remain inactive.

However, Jiraiya still feels secretly alarmed in his heart. I can choose not to inform the Sage of Mount Myoboku, but I can find another way. For instance, I could mention that I've discovered a powerful force within Naruto, a force that isn't the Nine-Tails but seems to come from his soul.

With such an excuse, I can approach the great sage, which should help reveal if there's really something wrong with Naruto.

But at this moment, Jiraiya doesn't know that Uchiha Yoru has already shared the analysis that there's something wrong with Naruto to all his trusted ninja. Of course, this information is top secret, sealed in the depths of their minds.

"What about Naruto then!" At this time, Jiraiya hesitates, then his face shows a hint of determination.

"What if I don't teach Naruto powerful ninjutsu?"

Seeing Jiraiya so cooperative, Uchiha Yoru smiles, but he shakes his head.

"Jiraiya, we don't know who is behind all this or what they're planning with Naruto. Just train Naruto normally, let him become a qualified ninja. As for the rest…"

As he speaks, Uchiha Yoru shows a meaningful expression, which causes Jiraiya to smile bitterly and wave his hands.

"Don't worry, I will not teach Naruto any chaotic will or anything like that, unlike you and the Third Hokage."

"Jiraiya, perhaps you misunderstand me. I believe you should teach Naruto to have a pure ninja's mindset and then observe him in secret. If he truly follows some incomprehensible and unrealistic ideals of peace, then there's a problem."

A being trained as a pure ninja should become a simple ninja, not filled with chaotic thoughts.

Hearing this, Jiraiya obviously frowns. This way, Naruto would just become a weapon.

But Uchiha Yoru is prepared, his eyes narrowing as he smiles, "When the Fourth Hokage Minato sealed the Nine-Tails, only half was sealed inside Naruto. The other half, through Orochimaru, will lead to a new jinchuriki in Konoha in the future."

"I can promise you, Jiraiya, that once Naruto inherits the identity of the Fourth Hokage's son, he will enjoy a true ninja's future, not just be used as a weapon. You can be assured, this is the information of the Nine-Tails' jinchuriki."

The information about Uzumaki Karin directly appears on their tea table. Jiraiya, with wide eyes, thinks to himself: what else are you hiding, you little brat.

"You've made an arrangement with Orochimaru to create another Nine-Tails' jinchuriki from the Uzumaki clan!"

"This child has inherited the true Uzumaki bloodline and has awakened. In time, Karin will replace Naruto as the village's jinchuriki. So rest assured, I won't use Naruto as a tool or weapon."

At this moment, Jiraiya falls silent. Everyone has their own selfish desires. He doesn't want Minato's child to be used as a tool, but he can't stop the village from having one.

A jinchuriki has always been a tool and the strongest weapon for the five great ninja villages.

"Alright, I will make Naruto a true ninja."

Jiraiya promises, and Uchiha Yoru smiles lightly and nods. Then, he speaks softly towards the room's entrance, "Karin, you can come in now."

Jiraiya had noticed someone at the door earlier but thought it was Uchiha Yoru's guard.

However, as the wooden sliding door opens, a red-haired girl with glasses walks in respectfully.

"Lord Yoru! Lord Jiraiya."

The girl is extremely respectful, but Jiraiya feels somewhat awkward, especially since he just chose another child right in front of her.

Is it too cruel for a child?

"Karin, you heard our conversation just now. What is your choice?"

Uchiha Yoru smiled gently, while the red-haired Karin raised her head and showed a determined expression.

"Lord Yoru, please do not give up on me! I am willing to replace Uzumaki Naruto and become the strongest weapon in your hands."

"Karin, you are naughty," said Yoru gently, rubbing her hand on the red hair and shaking his head with a smile.

"Although you are the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, I will take you as my disciple. From now on, I will be your teacher, and we will be family, not tools or weapons."

"Uzumaki Naruto has problems, so I wanted to ask you. If you are unwilling, I will not force you."

However, upon hearing this, Karin's eyes widened, and she shook her head like a bobblehead doll. How could she refuse?

"Lord Yoru, Karin is willing to stay by your side."

At this moment, Karin's heart screamed with joy, being able to stay by Lord Yoru's side. And wasn't it recorded in her little notebook about the secrets between a teacher and a student that must not be told?

Jiraiya, standing nearby, was astonished. The red-haired girl, though wearing glasses, clearly showed her misty eyes twinkling with an inexplicable fiery light.

This kid! Really! Just like the Third Hokage and Orochimaru, all beguiling, it's obvious that Jiraiya, as an old virgin, never thought so much or that such a young girl could be so precocious.

"Lord Jiraiya, I am your fan, and today I finally see the living Lord Jiraiya."

Because she could stay by Uchiha Yoru's side, Karin was so excited that she was almost incoherent, her trembling hands taking out a pink novel from her tool bag.

[Intimate Heaven Series: The Secret I Must Not Tell My Teacher]


Seeing this book, Jiraiya's eyes bulged, and when he turned his head, he saw Uchiha Yoru's gloomy and dripping expression.

"Kid, no! Yoru! Listen to me, this book is a pure love story, let me explain..."

The innocent Karin still didn't know the impact of the pure love novel she was reading.

Jiraiya, wanting to cry but having no tears, quickly signed his name. It really is a pure love story.

"Karin, read this book later."

Uchiha Yoru glared fiercely at Jiraiya, who was really harmful, and then took out a red book from the side.

After receiving it, Karin's eyes sparkled. She treated it like a precious item, carefully placing it in her arms, not in her tool bag.

Under the gesture of Uchiha Yoru, Karin respectfully knelt behind her teacher, and she too looked out the window, following the gaze of the two.

At this moment, Karin's heart was triumphantly shouting, truly thankful for those two, or else how could she accompany Lord Yoru.

"Haha, don't worry, I will come back when Naruto graduates, after all, he still has to participate in the ninja graduation exam."

As Uchiha Yoru and Jiraiya chatted, the look in Karin's eyes behind them became increasingly twisted.

"Such warm, sweet chakra. Lord Yoru, no! Teacher Yoru's chakra is still so terrifyingly dominant..."

Under the heightened senses of a ninja, Uchiha Yoru was somewhat speechless. The girls in the ninja world really are precocious.

"Lady Fifth Hokage, I am ordered to carry out a mission and need the support of your Anbu."

Kakashi Hatake came to the hospital, where he saw Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, comfortably leaning in her chair, enjoying her afternoon drink.

This scene made Kakashi's mouth twitch, as Tsunade seemed to have completely delegated her responsibilities to others.

"Yo, it's Kakashi. Let me see the mission."

Tsunade looked content, and in the medical room, Kakashi clearly saw three girls: one from the Yamanaka clan with a determined look, another, a somewhat shy girl from the Hyuga clan, and the last one, a young girl from the Mist village, whom he did not recognize.

"So it's like that. To think you'll be carrying out a mission with the Mist village's Byakugan user. I was planning to bring him out of the Anbu and, as Yamato, make him a part of the Konoha's Jounin. Consider this mission his first step out."

Tsunade laughed heartily, signing the scroll with her chakra and leaving a secret signature.

Kakashi just needed to take this scroll to the two of them, and they would naturally go.

The Mist village's Byakugan user, left in the Konoha by Terumi Mei to handle affairs, was well-known for his abilities.

"Lady Tsunade, I will take my leave now."

Kakashi respectfully excused himself, leaving the medical room where the three young girls were sweating as they awkwardly performed their medical ninjutsu on a fish on the operating table.

"Ino, this is for you."

A soft voice spoke. Yamanaka Ino, who lost her parents and became more mature and determined than in the original story, turned to see the bashful Hinata holding out two candies cautiously.

Ino had matured, but she was visibly undernourished, clearly struggling in the Yamanaka clan.

After all, ninja training consumes a lot of chakra, and without proper nutrition, it's insufficient. Not everyone is a protagonist or a Jinchuriki.

"Thank you."

For Hyuga Hinata, her shy classmate, Ino felt a warmth in her heart. She knew her own body was weak, and prolonged chakra use made her dizzy, a result of malnutrition.

Observant and gentle, Hinata noticed this and carefully offered her prepared candy during class.

Tasting the sweet candy, Ino's face lit up with a smile.

Their friendship, and even Tsunade's lax attitude, did not go unnoticed. Tsunade knew about Ino, but that's just how the ninja world is.

However, Ino harbored hatred towards the Nara and Akimichi clans, blaming them for abandoning her father, leading to the outcome.

Tsunade shook her head at this, knowing Ino's loyalty to the Konoha and that she wouldn't betray, thus never harboring resentment towards the Third Hokage and Uchiha Yoru.

But why should she worry about this? The future of the Ninja world and the schemes of these youngsters will probably shift the village's internal strife outward.


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