Chapter 266: Nine-Tails Jinchuriki

Konoha, the iconic village gate.

Standing guard at the gate are two Chunin from the Hyuga clan, who show great respect upon seeing the visitor.

"Goodbye, Brother Yoru, I'm off."

Uzumaki Naruto excitedly waves his hand, carrying a huge backpack, as if the previous day was like a dream.

First, he was assigned a huge house in the center of Konoha, then there was a massive inheritance, and also the news about his parents, something he always wanted to know.

All of this seemed like a dream. Ever since Brother Yoru became a presence in Konoha stronger than even the Hokage, all this had been possible.

Jiraiya, standing by, has a face full of proud smiles, roughly messing up Naruto's blond hair, but there's an invisible tension in his eyes. There's a problem with Naruto!

"Jiraiya, are you really not going to keep Naruto for a few more days? I was planning to announce Naruto's identity in the next day or two."

Uchiha Yoru says with a smile, to which Jiraiya bursts into laughter.

"Haha, I will train Naruto well."

Naruto is still too young to face the changing winds in the village, and Jiraiya fears it might hurt the child.

Moreover, there's a problem with Naruto! Jiraiya thinks deeply, planning to take him out of the village to investigate these unstable factors.

Just then, three figures appear, including Kakashi Hatake with white hair. Seeing the people at the gate of Konoha, he shows a surprised expression.

Scratching his white hair, Kakashi lazily greets, "Lord Jiraiya, Yoru, you're both here."

Looking at the increasingly laid-back Kakashi, Jiraiya wonders if this is the release of pressure after a successful transformation.

"Kakashi, don't let your personality get in the way of your training."

Kakashi laughs it off, waving his hand, "I have a mission, so I'll take my leave first."

Ao, Yamato, keep up."

"Yes!" Yamato and Ao, of the Mist ninja, shout tensely, following like true ninjas.

Outside the Konoha gate, Uchiha Yoru squints at the departing figures.

Uzumaki Naruto, truly worthy of being the protagonist, at such a young age, yet his values are unshakable. Clearly, there's a problem here, possibly influenced by the reincarnation of Ashura or Chakra.

But he can't act rashly, for if he alarms the Sage of Six Path, he is but a slightly stronger ant in his eyes.

"However, it's different with Sasuke."

Uchiha Yoru smiles confidently, planning to cultivate Sasuke in the coming years.

Considering the original story, Indra realized that only power could make all things possible. Later, due to the injustice of the Six Paths and Black Zetsu's instigation, Indra and Ashura became enemies.

From this, it's evident that Indra's thinking was normal, and inheriting the Rinnegan made his personality more paranoid.

And since Black Zetsu had once deceived him, he was confident. He even suspected that Black Zetsu discovered that Indra was unaffected.

In the original story, Sasuke also stubbornly rebelled later, at least proving that the Six Paths Sage didn't control Ashura, perhaps related to inheriting the Rinnegan.

But all this is no longer his concern.

Hokage's Office.

"Tsunade, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire has been far from quiet lately."

Uchiha Yoru amusingly passed the intelligence scroll to Tsunade, who huffed coldly after reading it.

"When my grandfather and my second grandfather were in charge, the Daimyo's mansion was completely a vassal of the Hokage, and they dared not have any objections. Now, hmph."

Tsunade also had some displeasure towards Daimyo's mansion.

After all, one is influenced by one's surroundings. The rule of the First and Second Hokage was vastly different from that of the Third, and there was already a slight emotion in their hearts, but it had not been provoked.

However, after the spread of Uchiha Yoru's political philosophy, that slight dissatisfaction in their hearts was directly aroused.

Uchiha Yoru smiled at this scene, tapping his fingers on the table, and three masked Anbu appeared.

Uchiha Itachi, Yamanaka Fu, and Aburame Torune, the three respectively appeared respectfully.

"Lord Hokage, Lord Yoru."

There's no need to say much about Uchiha Itachi. Aburame Torune, who was abandoned by the Root in the beginning, had long been cultivated into Uchiha Yoru's confidant, and was also Itachi's companion.

As for Yamanaka Fu, he was a capable general obtained after taking over the Root.

Looking at the three, Uchiha Yoru narrowed his eyes and slowly threw an intelligence scroll to them.

"Itachi, you will be the team leader for this operation, with Yamanaka Fu and Aburame Torune as your team members."

"Don't make too much noise, just eliminate a few old fellows from the Fire Temple who firmly believe that all power should be ruled by the Daimyo!"


Uchiha Yoru directly revealed his killing intent. This was a warning; he intended to gradually erode everything the Daimyo relied on with a slow-boiling frog approach. When he was in a good mood, the Daimyo would just be a mascot; if not, he would kick them away.

Seeing this, Tsunade, on the other hand, didn't say anything. After all, the Daimyo had already become an obstacle with the power they currently held in their hands.

"Right, the reward for this mission!"

At this point, Uchiha Yoru looked at the three with a smile. The three were about to shake their heads and say something like doing it for the sake of Konoha, but then he seemed to think of something.

"Right, I've thought of the reward for this mission. Isn't there a method of Sage Art training passed down in the Fire Temple? Let's consider that as the reward for this time."

"You three are my confidants, and Yamanaka Fu, I hope in the future, you and Aburame Torune can support the Root. This method of Sage Art training can be considered a foundation to enhance your strength."

With this move, Uchiha Yoru didn't spend a penny, got people to execute the mission, and made them excited. After all, this was the method of Sage Art training.

Looking at the five great ninja villages, if you want to practice such an S-class forbidden jutsu, without a special reason or special merit, don't even think about it.

Among them, Yamanaka Fu was even more excited. If this mission was completed beautifully, he would directly enter Uchiha Yoru's sight.

"Yes! We guarantee to complete the mission."

The three shouted excitedly, while Uchiha Yoru, as if nothing had happened, turned his head and smiled at Tsunade.

"Tsunade, next, please announce that Uzumaki Naruto, as the son of the Fourth Hokage, and tell everyone that Uzumaki Naruto has been taken as a disciple by the Sannin Jiraiya."

During this operation by Uchiha Yoru, Aburame Torune and Yamanaka Fū listened respectfully on the side, while a hint of worry appeared in Uchiha Itachi's eyes.

The exposure of Uzumaki Naruto's identity means the exposure of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki's identity, doesn't it?

"Tch, you really are too concerned," Tsunade said, though her face was full of disdain, her eyes showed pride. See, this is my man, who has generously resolved the tragedy caused by the previous generation.

"By the way, spread the news that Uzumaki Karin has become the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, and remember to reveal that this generation's Nine-Tails Jinchūriki is the disciple of both you and me."

Uzumaki Karin! Uchiha Itachi was startled upon hearing this name, then he calmed down. Lord Yoru is trying to confuse everyone, hiding the true Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

"You and Orochimaru really are daring."

Even Tsunade couldn't help but admire these two when it came to this matter. They dared to play tricks with the Grim Reaper and even created a second Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

The revelation of Uzumaki Karin as the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki is to protect Uzumaki Naruto, after all, the identity of the Fourth Hokage's son is worth doing so.

At the same time, letting everyone know that this generation's Nine-Tails Jinchūriki has been taken as a disciple by the Fifth Hokage Tsunade and Uchiha Yoru will also stop some people's hatred.

After all, he didn't want Karin to suffer the same treatment as Naruto did in the original story.

Then, Konoha issued a notice revealing that Uzumaki Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage and not the Nine-Tails fox or something similar.

Immediately, the Konoha ninjas were shocked and in an uproar. The Fourth Hokage had a child? They never heard of the child of the Hokage who saved the village for all these years!

Then the news that Jiraiya, one of the Legendary Sannin, took Uzumaki Naruto as a disciple also came out, and now he has taken the child on a training journey.

While everyone was reflecting, another piece of news broke out: the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki is Uzumaki Karin, a child they had never heard of or seen before, who seems to be a girl.

Then, this child was taken as a disciple by the current Hokage Tsunade and Uchiha Yoru.

Dawn Base.

Pain, revealing his Rinnegan, looked at the information from Konoha and said solemnly, "Obito, has the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails in Konoha been replaced?"

Obito, behind his mask, sneered disdainfully, "It's just a boring trick."

"Konoha once had an incident with a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki test subject. This so-called Uzumaki Karin is probably just a pawn that was cultivated."

"The real Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is still Uzumaki Naruto. The actions of Uchiha Yoru are just to manipulate the public opinion, nothing but a boring trick."

Obito, with a knowing smirk, said, "Don't bother with this so-called Uzumaki Karin. She's just a fake pushed to the front. When capturing the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, our target is still the son of the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto."

Listening to Obito's explanation, Pain showed a sudden realization and nodded, "I understand. A fake is put forward to attract everyone's attention, while the real Jinchuriki is hidden."

Jinchurikis themselves are deterrent weapons of the great ninja villages, naturally kept secret. Even if exposed, information and whereabouts within the village would be erased or confused.

These are the common tactics of the great ninja villages.

Meanwhile, these two notices from Konoha also reached the desks of the great ninja villages.

But the Kage of each village reacted differently, many falling silent.

Such blatant revelation of the identity of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki is a sign of confidence in their own strength.

Some even wondered if Uchiha Yoru, with the Mangekyo Sharingan, had already gained perfect control over the Nine-Tails.

After all, it had happened before. Their intelligence recorded that during the final battle in the Valley of the End, Uchiha Madara, rode the Nine-Tails into battle against the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju.

Konoha, Uchiha Clan area.

"Lord Yoru, it's okay now."

Uzumaki Karin, with a flushed face, lifted her lower abdomen, revealing the seal mark, while Uchiha Yoru's warm palm was placed on it.

"Karin, focus your mind, I'm about to enter your body and help you resolve some issues."

"Yes!" Uzumaki Karin quickly threw away her impure thoughts, her expression gradually becoming solemn.

She knew that she could only qualify to stand behind Lord Yoru if she became a perfect Jinchuriki.

Uchiha Yoru's eyes flashed a scarlet light, and instantly the vision in front of them changed.

A golden cage appeared before them, with a giant fox inside. Upon seeing them, it angrily revealed its terrifying eyes.

"Damn! It's you ninjas again, just wait for me to get out and tear you apart!"

Before them was a terrifyingly large Nine-Tails, different from the orange one that once caused chaos in Konoha; this one had grey-brown fur.

"Are you talking about me!"

Karin was momentarily intimidated by the Nine-Tails' terrifying aura, being a sensory ninja she could feel the horror of the Nine-Tails even more clearly.

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru shielded Karin behind him, his Sharingan eyes slowly evolving into Mangekyō as they spun, causing the Nine-Tails' expression to stiffen noticeably.

Clearly, the Nine-Tails was reminded of some terrifying memory, its face revealing a fierce murderous intent.

"Mangekyō! I didn't expect it to appear in this generation, and at an eternal level like Uchiha Madara!"

Obviously, the Nine-Tails, having lived for so long and witnessed the changes in the ninja world for thousands of years, knew a lot.

"Nine-Tails, Karin is the Jinchuriki of this generation. I hope you can cooperate with her well, adapt quickly, and become a qualified perfect Jinchuriki."

Uchiha Yoru's calm voice echoed in the space, his composed demeanor infuriating the Nine-Tails, who roared angrily.

"Uchiha brat, are you ordering me!"

However, Uchiha Yoru's Mangekyō calmly stared at the opponent, and the big fox was ferociously defiant.

Being the strongest tailed beast, the Nine-Tails, how could it submit.

"Nine Lama, there are some things I need to tell you, things I think you'll be curious about."

Nine Lama! At this name, the Nine-Tails was stunned, disbelief in its eyes, but looking at the domineering brat, it swallowed back what it wanted to say.

But Uchiha Yoru calmly continued.

"There's a mysterious force in the ninja world that even I can't track down. This force has a member, someone you should be familiar with. He calls himself Uchiha Madara!"

"Impossible!" Hearing the name Uchiha Madara, the Nine-Tails exploded, staring wide-eyed and exclaiming, "Damn, that old guy isn't dead yet?"

Dealing with one Uchiha's Mangekyō was hard enough, let alone if that old guy was still alive.

Too unfair to the tailed beasts.

"Also, according to intelligence, there's the legendary Rinnegan." Uchiha Yoru didn't give the Nine-Tails a chance to explain, but calmly continued.

"The information I've gathered suggests this force is plotting something against the entire ninja world, targeting the tailed beasts."

"According to bits and pieces of information, we've learned that this mysterious and terrifying organization plans to gather the nine tailed beasts and create the most terrifying weapon known as the Ten-Tails, to achieve their own ambitions."

As Uchiha Yoru narrated, the Nine-Tails broke out in a cold sweat, this young kid didn't know, but it was all too clear to him.

The Ten-Tails isn't a weapon that was made, but something that truly existed.

Damn! The ninja world is too dangerous.

"So Nine-Tails, you wouldn't want to fall into this organization's hands, right? Karin's talent goes without saying, perfectly inheriting the Uzumaki Clan's bloodline…"

As the Nine-Tails was stunned, Uchiha Yoru calmly pushed Karin forward, and a human and a fox in a sealed space reached some kind of agreement.

Eventually, in front of the golden cage, Karin timidly approached the cage, extending her fist to bump with the haughty Nine-Tails, who snorted coldly, deciding to cooperate for the time being.


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