Chapter 267: The Plot Begins!

Time flies, and the years pass in the blink of an eye. Konoha has reached the time for graduation exams again.

In just a few short years, the ninja world has undergone earth-shattering changes. The Konoha and the Mist ninjas have integrated almost perfectly.

Genin and Chunin can still distinguish between ninjas from the Land of Water and the Land of Fire, as they still wear headbands representing their regions. However, for Jonin, the unified headbands make it impossible to distinguish their origins.

After years of collaboration, ninjas from these two lands have become familiar and close to each other, forming deep bonds in life-and-death situations.

A large number of elite ninjas from the Mist Village in the Land of Water, along with their families, have relocated to the most fertile areas of the Land of Fire in the Konoha, achieving a complete merger.

Defense and mission execution in the Land of Water are now jointly conducted by ninjas from both lands.

The Konoha itself is filled with architectural and industrial elements that reflect the fusion of the two great nations.

In the Konoha Hokage building, the once symbolic 'Fire' character has been moved to one side, with a 'Water' character on the other. Above them, a little higher, is the character 'God'. The office is surrounded by a safe and reliable barrier.

Inside the office, there are unusual sounds, like those of a massage or the indescribable sound of sucking on an ice pop.

"Damn brats!"

At this moment, Tsunade, wearing the Hokage's robe, is in front of her desk, her face red and sweating profusely, diligently carrying out her daily duties as Hokage.

On the other side, Terumi Mei, the Mizukage, is doing the same, just having finished an ice pop, her voice trembling as she looks up.

In the sweltering heat of summer, an ice pop is indeed a great relief.

But under her trembling body, Terumi Mei has her legs on the table, with Uchiha Yoru scrutinizing her work as Mizukage.

"Yoru, your Taijutsu is too powerful, worthy of being called Tailed Beast level."

Both exclaimed excitedly.

"Terumi Mei, Fifth Mizukage, Tsunade, Fifth Hokage, I need to thoroughly check your work today. You've been Kages for so many years, how come there's only so little progress?"

"You must strive for the peace of the ninja world, for the future of Konoha and Mist..."

Uchiha Yoru sternly criticizes the administrative abilities of the two Kages, while also seriously correcting their work.

After an unknown amount of time, the office regains its usual calm as Terumi Mei and Tsunade let out a long sigh of relief, as if the day's administrative work has finally been completed.

With the windows of the Konoha office open, a cool breeze fluttered in, allowing the three people inside to breathe in fresh air.

Uchiha Yoru frowned as he walked to the window, looking at the village now brimming with life.

At the office desk, both Terumi Mei and Tsunade showed worried expressions, seemingly never able to satisfy Yoru with their work capabilities.

After all, Uchiha Yoru's administrative abilities were regarded as the best in the ninja world.

"Sigh, after years of training in Lightning Release and physical combat, my physical strength is now enough to battle Tailed Beasts without falling behind. I can even suppress the Nine-Tails."

Feeling the strength in his body, Uchiha Yoru murmured to himself by the window.

In the room, Tsunade, exhausted, wiped the sweat from her forehead and habitually took out a nearly empty bottle of perfume from her office drawer.

Spraying it, the room quickly filled with the rich scent of trees, clearing the stale air of the closed office.

"Really, this place is always so stimulating."

Terumi Mei, tired and rubbing her cheeks, complained, but her eyes couldn't hide the excitement and satisfaction.

"Sister Tsunade, your perfume is almost out. You should prepare a few more bottles soon."

"I know."

The two calmly discussed perfume while stretching their bodies and tidying up after a busy day of administrative work.

"Mei, you'll take care of cleaning the office."

Terumi Mei, tiredly formed a hand seal, and suddenly the moisture in the office, as if losing gravity, turned into water orbs. Then, with a snap of her fingers, these orbs emitted high heat and instantly evaporated.

"Yoru, Mei and I will go back to rest."

Tsunade and Terumi Mei stood up to leave, their legs numb from sitting too long. Tsunade's legs trembled, but thanks to fully awakening the Senju clan's physique, she was relatively better off.

Terumi Mei, on the other hand, was worse off, her legs trembling and swaying as if cramping, and she weakly leaned against the wall.

This scene of Terumi Mei leaning against the wall made Tsunade laugh mockingly.

Terumi Mei glared back and then looked resentfully at the silhouette by the window, thinking of him as a monster.

"Alright, we'll be assigning teams tomorrow. I'll use Flying Thunder God to send you two back to rest, and I'll handle the assignment of the Jōnin later."

Uchiha Yoru, helplessly shaking his head, walked steadily towards them and wrapped an arm around each of their waists.

Whoosh! In an instant, the three appeared in a spacious and luxurious room. Seeing this, both Tsunade and Terumi Mei sighed in relief and slumped onto the bed, exhausted.

However, Uchiha Yoru frowned and sighed, "You two..."

Seeing the large scroll that Uchiha Yoru took out, Terumi Mei and Tsunade felt aggrieved.

"It's just a mission, brat. Haven't you had enough? We're not smart enough to solve it, but you can find someone else. Haven't you already recruited assistants?"

"Yeah, yeah, there's Anko, Kurenai, Yugao, and Shizune too. Aren't they all taking turns as assistants in the office?"

Looking at the two of them, Uchiha Yoru shook his head and sighed, "You know, a ninja's strength is everything. That's why they still have to focus on improving their strength. Even when they're on rotating shifts and there are no busy tasks, I still make them take the opportunity to train."

Clearly, Tsunade and Terumi Mei had finished their shifts, and with exhausted faces, they waved their hands, saying they couldn't deal with today's government affairs and they would handle it themselves if it really came down to it.

"Lady Tsunade."

Just then, the sliding door was pushed open, and Shizune looked surprised to see her returning superior but also showed a look of realization, followed by a bit of embarrassment on her face.

"Shizune, don't leave. As your teacher, I need to see the results of your recent training. Let's start here, I will personally supervise."

Just as Shizune was about to leave, Tsunade stopped her. Shizune, embarrassed, bowed her head, her face flushed with shame. Her business capabilities were almost the worst.


Uchiha Yoru, however, let out an unsatisfied cold snort, criticizing Tsunade and Terumi Mei, "I need to check Shizune's training results, but I am very dissatisfied with your years of training."

"Use your hands! Use your feet! I don't care what method you use, even if it's holding a pen in your mouth, today's government affairs must be dealt with."

Faced with Uchiha Yoru's criticism, Tsunade immediately showed a defiant look and glared, "Little brat! You're really getting ahead of yourself! Just you wait..."

Finally, after a busy period of more than two hours, the three of them, working together in a flurry, managed to barely complete their assignments.

Looking at the huge scroll that was barely completed, Uchiha Yoru was finally satisfied and put away the scroll, saying, "You all rest well, I'll go to the office to continue dealing with government affairs."

On the luxurious, huge bed, Tsunade, Terumi Mei, and Shizune were all exhausted and panting heavily, barely able to keep their eyes open.

Shizune's lips were red and weak, with remnants of drinking milk tea when her mouth was dry, "Lady Tsunade, I have disappointed you."

Tsunade, weakly lying on the bed, immobile, equally weakly said, "It's not you who disappointed me, it's this kid who's too strong. You tell me, a proper ninja, you don't practice ninjutsu, but actually practice taijutsu, pure physical taijutsu."

"Damn it! This monster's taijutsu."

In the messy room, the three of them, weak but with satisfied smiles on their faces, fell into a beautiful dream, as if it was the smile of completing the task.

At the same time, the messy room was filled with torn stockings of various colors, high heels, and all kinds of strange clothes.

It looked like the three had gone shopping, tried on all the clothes in turn, and then, dissatisfied and angry, threw them all over the place, even tearing some up to vent.

Finally, after a busy day of shopping, the three fell into a deep sleep.

In the evening, at the Hokage's office.

One after another, famous Jonin from the ninja world entered the room, showing fervent admiration when they saw Uchiha Yoru sitting alone at the office desk.

Seeing all the Jonin gathered, Uchiha Yoru smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

"This is the graduation season for the Ninja Academy. You already know about leading the teams as Jonin. So, I won't waste time on these trivial matters."

"The other ninja classes have been arranged. For Class A, the class with the highest talent and potential, there's no need to say more. Here's the class assignment information for you to review."

Today's assistant, Uchiha Izumi, respectfully distributed the materials to the Jonin.

Among the Jonin, Sarutobi Asuma, with his full beard, seemed more mature, stable, and also more somber and taciturn than before.

After all, the Sarutobi clan's current situation is exactly like the Uchiha clan's was. It's a wonder they haven't gone mad under these circumstances.

However, this time Uchiha Yoru, with his overwhelming strength, suppressed everything. No matter how frustrated the Sarutobi clan felt, they dared not even think of rebellion.

Upon seeing the Jonin class assignments, Asuma showed a smile, having already established a good relationship with the Ino-Shika-Chō trio. These three kids were still following him.

The Ino-Shika-Chō face the same situation as the Sarutobi clan.

"Uh, Lord Yoru, is this class assignment serious? Uzumaki Naruto?"

Then, the most leadership-savvy Jonin, Hatake Kakashi, showed confusion, but Uchiha Yoru just smiled and nodded.

"Of course, it's serious. Jiraiya brought Uzumaki Naruto this afternoon just in time for the Genin graduation exam. He passed perfectly, so he's included in the class assignment."

However, upon hearing this, Kakashi became somewhat silent, as if he had an unspeakable secret.

Looking at the Jonin, Uchiha Yoru said with a smile, "Alright, you are all people I can trust, and I believe in your strength to ensure these top secrets won't be leaked. So, Kakashi, there's no need for secrecy."

"You're thinking about Uzumaki Naruto's identity, right? So, Kakashi, this star class is yours."

Saying this, Uchiha Yoru looked at Zabuza with a proud smile, "I originally planned to give this star team to Zabuza, but he said he lost to you in a recent spar."

In front of so many people, Momochi Zabuza grudgingly snorted, "Kakashi, the most talented kids naturally go to the strongest. But I won't lose next time."

Indeed, these two have a fateful rivalry, spontaneously clashing like Might Guy's passion.

Even because of this, Might Guy, Hatake Kakashi, and Momochi Zabuza, known as Konoha's three elite ninja, are natural enemies who compete whenever they meet.

"Lord Yoru, this team, is it!" Kurenai Yūhi felt awkward, the list in her hand almost burning.

Everyone glanced at the list in Kurenai's hand, pretending not to have seen anything.

Uchiha Yoru shook his head helplessly, "No help for it, Kurenai, you've had it easy lately, so this task falls to you."

"These three have been trained by the Fifth Hokage Tsunade, even under the tutelage of the Mizukage's ninjutsu. Their abilities far surpass those of average Chūnin, especially Karin."

As he mentioned Karin, the atmosphere in the Hokage's office became serious. The existence of a Nine-Tails Jinchūriki is not just a concern for them but also for Kage-level fighters.

"You all know about Karin's uniqueness, but I've personally trained her these years, so you don't need to worry about her losing control. Moreover, Karin's talent is even greater than you can imagine."

Speaking of Uzumaki Karin, Uchiha Yoru showed a proud smile, "So, Kurenai, you know these three well, take it easy for a while."

"Oh, and one more thing to tell you. It's October now, and next July, a grand-scale Chūnin Exam will be held in Konoha. Genin from all five countries will participate. So!"

Looking at them, Uchiha Yoru smiled confidently, "Your Genin teams will also participate, so it's up to you to make the most of this time."


Kurenai Yūhi, Hatake Kakashi, Momochi Zabuza, and Sarutobi Asuma, four of Konoha's Jonin, were entrusted with the most talented children this time.


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