Chapter 268: Graduation

In the central area of Konoha, the Ninja School.

Under the rich atmosphere of the Land of Water and the Land of Fire, the Ninja School has undergone professional modifications over the years, perfectly integrating the traditional cultures of the two countries.

Inside the classroom.

The number of ninjas in this class is not large, less than a hundred, but these soon-to-graduate students are among the top talents of their time.

"Haha, Sakura, look at me, I've become much stronger after years of training outside since I graduated."

Uzumaki Naruto, different from the original story, is more sunny and radiant with a bright smile. After all, some things have changed since the identity of the son of the Fourth Hokage has been revealed, though some things remain the same.

For instance, Uzumaki Naruto is still as excited as he was in the original story, even after many years when he returned, showing off in front of Sakura.

Sakura, however, wore an awkward and stiff smile, her eyes drifting towards Sasuke. Clearly, Naruto's identity as the son of the Fourth Hokage made her more considerate, no longer hitting and scolding him like in the original story.

"Naruto, can you not do this, I…"

Sakura tried to control her emotions, pretending to be a lady, but Naruto was straight-eyed, thinking Sakura liked him, and suddenly became more energetic.

Uchiha Sasuke in the front row, arrogant and disdainful, snorted coldly when he saw this scene, calling them idiots.

"Women are really troublesome, as Teacher Yoru said."

Sasuke thought to himself, frowning slightly. He even started considering the proposal Teacher Yoru jokingly made to him once.

"The former leader of the Mist Village has a granddaughter, although her talents are ordinary compared to you, she is a qualified good wife and mother. If you find it troublesome, this girl is actually quite good."

For a moment, Sasuke thought of his own mother, and he showed a hint of interest, seemingly considering that finding such a girl would save him a lot of trouble in the future.


A moment later, Sakura's roar echoed in the classroom, proving that it's hard to change one's nature.

Furious Sakura scolded, and Uzumaki Naruto was so scared that he awkwardly shook his head on the side.

This scene, however, only emboldened Sakura. Originally, she regretted yelling after she did, but seeing Naruto's boot-licking manner and the surprised looks from her classmates, her vanity was triggered.

It was as if she was saying, "Look at me, Sakura. Although I don't come from a prestigious background, the son of the Fourth Hokage is my bootlicker, letting me hit and scold him without talking back."

In an instant, Sakura snorted coldly, showing her proud demeanor and said, "Naruto, we are going to be divided into classes soon, shut up."

At this moment, Sakura was still somewhat restrained, while Uzumaki Naruto fantasized that Sakura was concerned about him, instantly revealing a look of happiness on his face.


Goodness, this scene of the 'dog licking the hand that feeds him' and the 'green tea girl' is truly an eye-opener.

Just then, the classroom door was pushed open, and Iruka walked in with the class division roster, drawing the attention of all the students in the class.

The students of the past, now each wearing the forehead protector symbolizing a ninja, brought a tear to Iruka's eyes.

"Now I declare that you have officially become ninjas, and you will be led by your Jounin team leaders to become true ninjas."

Iruka looked at each of the graduating students with satisfaction, his eyes brimming with tears, as he delivered his last lesson to them.

In the classroom, there were forehead protectors of the Mist and the Konoha, these iconic protectors had become representatives of their respective regions, and upon becoming Jounin, one would wear a uniform protector.

Ninjas are also allowed to wear decorations with clan emblems, regional patterns, and even tattoos.

The ninja academy's classes are also clearly divided, with the top students of the A class graduating to be led by Jounin from the Konoha and Mist villages.

The B class, those with higher rankings, can be led by special Jounin to become guiding ninjas. The rest, in the regular classes, after graduation, are led by teachers who are all of the Chūnin rank.

"Class three, follow me."

"Class five…"

As the students left one by one, only an empty classroom remained, with Iruka's eyes firm yet filled with deep reluctance and turning slightly red.

"Haha, I knew it, Iruka, you would definitely cry."

Just then, Mizuki suddenly opened the classroom door, pointing at Iruka's reddened eyes and laughing loudly.

"Mizuki! You!"

Caught in an embarrassing state, Iruka immediately widened his eyes in anger, glaring at his friend.

Under the reign of Uchiha Yoru, Mizuki's life also changed. Knowing his limited talent, he settled down early, focusing on nurturing students at the ninja school.

However, his heart, yearning for power, was now placed on his future children.


Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, and Haruno Sakura, who were assigned to Team 7, were somewhat speechless as they looked at their lazy jonin leader.

"Now you guys introduce yourselves."

Kakashi, with a lack of enthusiasm, yawned lazily, while there were three other classes beside them.

Team 8 led by Kurenai Yuhi, with members Hyuga Hinata, Yamanaka Ino, and Haku (from Mist).

Team 9 led by Momochi Zabuza, with Members Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba, and Kotohime (from Sound)

Team 10 led by Sarutobi Asuma, with members Yamanaka Hi, Akimichi Choji, and Nara Shikamaru.

The four elite jonin-led teams gathered on the rooftop.

The four elite jonin, being classmates, chose the same location for this gathering.

"What should I say for the introduction?"

This was asked by the seemingly obedient and sensible Haruno Sakura. Kakashi, upon seeing this, lazily waved his hand and said: "Just talk about what you like, what you dislike, your dreams for the future, and your interests. That's about it."

"I think it's better if the teacher introduces himself first," Naruto said boldly, pointing at Kakashi.

Looking at Naruto, Kakashi scratched his silver hair and lazily said: "Me? My name is Kakashi. What I like and dislike, I don't want to tell you. As for my dreams for the future... Well, I have many interests."

"What? In the end, we only got to know his name," Naruto complained loudly.

Watching this, Kakashi thought to himself about what Jiraiya had taught Naruto over the years, feeling like Naruto hadn't changed at all.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I like ramen and..."

Naruto, excited, glanced at Haruno Sakura, and then continued his introduction enthusiastically.

"What I dislike is waiting three minutes for ramen. My dream for the future is to surpass the Hokage."

Naruto's determination moved the others, but Kakashi felt a chill inside, knowing the secret and problematic information about Naruto.

Kakashi, yawning, pretended to be casual and joked, "So what will you do after you surpass the Hokage?"

Naruto, with a bold laugh, replied, "When I become the Sixth Hokage, I want to earn the recognition of the entire ninja world through my own efforts."

Naruto, having traveled with Jiraiya for years, had matured more than his peers, witnessing the strife in the ninja world.

However, Kakashi frowned upon hearing this and said in a serious tone, "Naruto, your thinking is dangerous. The village now is a family of peace between Konoha and the Mist, not just Konoha!"

Naruto, stubborn, showed a defiant look, "Teacher Kakashi, the Mist ninjas originally came from the Land of Water, it was because of the war that they..."

Before Naruto could finish, Kakashi's lazy demeanor vanished, replaced by an unprecedented seriousness, as he stared intensely at Naruto.

"Naruto! Shut up!"

At this moment, Kakashi was furious. His teacher's child had actually reached this extent. Damn the manipulator behind the scenes.

Looking at the stubborn Naruto, Kakashi showed no pity, and directly scoffed, "Since Naruto, you say so, then your father, the Fourth Hokage Minato, wasn't a person of Konoha either. Don't tell me you don't even know where your ancestors came from?"

"Your grandfather was a civilian from the Land of Wind, who also came to the Land of Fire due to the war and eventually settled in Konoha Village."

"So! Shouldn't you, Uzumaki Naruto, also leave Konoha!"

When serious, Kakashi is very particular. Over the years, the Mist and Konoha villages have gone through many hardships and finally became one family. And now, there are still people who want to separate their family members!

"Teacher Kakashi! I…" Uzumaki Naruto was full of frustration and at a loss for words. After all, he is still a child.

However, Kakashi didn't indulge Naruto and continued coldly, "And your mother, she was from the Uzumaki clan, now part of the Land of Water. So, should you go to the Land of Wind or the Land of Water? Or maybe your forehead protector, I think you should change it to that of the Mist, since you inherited the Uzumaki surname."

Goodness, under Kakashi's sharp language, Sakura is frightened pale, and Uzumaki Naruto is speechless and a bit panicked. His parents, it turns out, are not from Konoha, who would have thought!

Indeed, when it comes to others, one speaks confidently, feeling like a righteous hero. But when it's about oneself, silence falls.

This is human nature! Looking at the frightened Uzumaki Naruto, Kakashi sighed lightly, reducing his intimidating aura, but still looked solemnly at the three.

"How difficult it has been for Konoha and the Mist to come this far, it's not something you can understand by just seeing and hearing a bit. The current peace and coexistence between the two great countries is like a family. Anyone who dares to have thoughts of destroying our home, I will personally kill them!"

With the last sentence, Kakashi showed a hint of killing intent, scaring Sakura into trembling with a pale face.

Then the next moment, Kakashi's expression changed, showing a lazy smile.

"Alright, let's continue."

After this interruption, Haruno Sakura also began her introduction. Almost the same, only she naturally treats Naruto as a backup, a lapdog to satisfy her vanity, without expressing dislike.

However, when it comes to likes, her eyes towards Uchiha Sasuke cannot deceive anyone.

When it's Uchiha Sasuke's turn, under the personal guidance of Uchiha Yoru, having executed missions under the secret protection of Itachi and Shisui two years earlier, he is even more mature.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, there are many things I dislike, especially denying the current village and its rule!"

Saying this, Uchiha Sasuke's gaze towards Uzumaki Naruto was filled with deep coldness, even scaring Naruto.

"My dream is to become the future Sixth Hokage, to help Teacher Yoru realize the dream of reforming the ninja world. For this dream, my father and the Uchiha clan have already shed too much blood. Anyone who dares to stop me will be my lifelong enemy!"

With a cold tone, at this moment, Uchiha Sasuke's joy of seeing Uzumaki Naruto again has disappeared, replaced only by cold indifference.

"Sasuke, I…"

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto is in disbelief, even somewhat unable to understand why.

Kakashi yawned as he saw this scene, smiling at the three people with his eyes curved, saying: "Well, get to know your future battle companions. I'm going to greet some old classmates."

This time, Asuma Sarutobi spoke up to invite them for a meal, it's rare to gather together, and given the current situation of the Sarutobi clan, it's clear Asuma is doing this for integration, to ease the current family difficulties.

Everyone naturally knew this purpose, but Kakashi didn't refuse, instead, he smiled, as he naturally hoped for peace.

After Kakashi left, Uzumaki Naruto approached Sasuke, speaking with a heavy tone: "Sasuke! Over the years, I've traveled to many places with Teacher Jiraiya, seen a lot, and witnessed the great hatred that war brings to the ninja world…"

Faced with Uzumaki Naruto, the two, as if born to be natural enemies, two twelve-year-old Genin locked eyes.

Uchiha Sasuke's mouth curled up, revealing a disdainful cold smile.

"Uzumaki Naruto, you're too self-righteous. Do you think you're the only one who has traveled many places in the ninja world? Haven't I? I started carrying out family missions in secret since I was ten. What right do you have to say these things?"

"Sasuke, only mutual understanding can resolve hatred, and hatred only gives birth to war..."

It's undeniable, Uzumaki Naruto, who had seen too much too early, matured early. His thoughts were also mature, solidifying his naïve ideal that mutual understanding among people can bring peace.

"Understanding? Did the Uchiha not understand the Third Hokage back then? What was the result? My father was killed, and the Uchiha were nearly wiped out."

"And about your understanding? Now the Mist and Konoha are one family, isn't that understanding? Look inside the village, see how many Konoha and Mist ninja have married and started families, are you saying that those born elsewhere should return there? What about their children? Right."

"Speaking of which," Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a cold, mocking smile.

"You too, your mother was from the Uzumaki clan, not a Konoha native, and your grandfather wasn't a born Konoha villager either. Why haven't you left? When talking about others, you feel superior, standing at the moral high ground pointing fingers, but now when it's about you, you're at a loss for words?"

Uchiha Sasuke, taking a deep breath, looked firmly at Uzumaki Naruto.

"Whoever dares to disrupt the shared home of the Mist and Konoha will be my enemy! And!"

With a smirk, Sasuke showed a mocking smile, "Kakashi is right, since you're an Uzumaki, you should wear a Mist ninja headband or one of the Uzumaki clan, not forgetting one's roots."

Uchiha Sasuke's last words left Uzumaki Naruto with a face of mixed emotions, unsure of how to respond, but he always believed his ideology was right.

For the first time, Naruto, skilled in verbal confrontation, met his match, and for the first time, he was left speechless.

And Uchiha Sasuke didn't let down the years of cultivation by Uchiha Yoru. Under various reforms and peace-thinking, Uchiha Sasuke perfectly inherited his thoughts.

Looking at the original work, Uchiha Sasuke's original thoughts were similar, just somewhat lacking. It can be said that Yoru's thoughts highly suited him, even perfectly filling all the gaps.


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