Chapter 277: Pakura made up her mind

Sand Village.

In the meeting room of the Kazekage's office building, it was unknown what agreement was finally reached, but Enma walked away with the scroll of the Fourth Kazekage.

At the same time, this secret was classified as top secret, not even revealed to Pakura, the hero of the Sand Village.

No matter how great, most of the power in the ninja world's villages has already been established.

Rasa, inheriting the Third Kazekage's Sand Release techniques, became the Fourth Kazekage, and his son remained the Kazekage!

Pakura was born a civilian, and her rise to power was a threat to those who had already divided the benefits among themselves, and they were not satisfied with her intervening.


Pakura as an ordinary Jonin was one thing, but once she began to exceed this limit and become uncontrollable, it was different.

The interests of the Sand Village could not accommodate another person, so Pakura was abandoned.

Even when she returned, the thorn was already planted, even though Pakura pretended to know nothing for the sake of the village she loved.

Under the sandstorm, the Kazekage's office building reached some kind of top-secret agreement.

Pakura, who had just returned from a mission to the Konoha, walked home, exhausted.

Along the way, the ninjas of the Sand Village somewhat avoided this legendary 'Sand and Flame Flower.'

One was her formidable strength; the other was the rumors in the village.

Unknown when it started, a dark and cruel legend about Pakura began circulating in the Sand Village.

Rumors about Pakura loving to roast her enemies into jerky and then perversely admiring her work spread.

Over the years, Pakura's influence did not expand but rather shrank. Only some civilian ninjas saw her as a hero of the Sand Village, a hero who rose from their ranks.


After closing her house door, Pakura shed her disguise in front of outsiders. She looked at the hurried passersby outside the village with a hint of coldness in her eyes.

"A decaying village! A village stagnant like dead water, it's been so long since fresh blood was added. No! The decaying village no longer allows the addition of fresh blood."

Pakura murmured to herself, shaking her head with a bitter smile.

Over the years, she endured the abandonment and betrayal for the sake of the village, not because she forgot her hatred, but because her love for the village suppressed it.

But the events of these years, and the changes after the Konoha and Mist villages merged...

"Maybe you're right, a decaying ninja world needs a god to redefine this world."

Pakura slowly took out a red-covered book from the table, her eyes revealing complex emotions.

"For the Sand Village, not for you decaying higher-ups, I must change the Sand Village. The Sand Village cannot be without a future."

At this moment, a green chameleon slowly appeared in front of the table.

Seeing this, Pakura showed curiosity, "Did you find something?"

Looking at the summoned beast, Pakura showed a hint of tenderness. At least she could trust that person's promise, and this summoning beast was personally given to her by him.

The chameleon lizard slowly spoke in human language, "Because a barrier appeared, I could only hide outside it. But I discovered a summoning beast appearing in the meeting room. This is the image of that summoning beast."

The chameleon lizard gestured in front of the table, eventually describing the image of a summoning beast resembling a monkey wearing a tiger's skin.


Pakura suddenly realized and was shocked to utter the name of this summoning beast. After all, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was so famous, and information about the Kages of the major ninja villages circulated in the ninja world.

It can be said that becoming

Kage of one of the five great villages requires formidable strength. Thus, intelligence has almost been completely leaked, but relying on this formidable strength still makes others wary.

"Enma has come to the village and is even conspiring with the village!"

Instantly, Pakura sensed the smell of conspiracy and narrowed her eyes.

"You go and keep watching, and remember to be careful."

"Yes, Lady Pakura."

The chameleon lizard is a summoning beast that Uchiha Yoru obtained from Pain.

This summoning beast's talent for invisibility is clearly described in the anime. Once invisible, even Jiraiya can only rely on sensory ninja techniques.

From this, it is evident how strong the invisibility talent of this summoning beast is.



"Sasuke, your teacher has taught you enough for you to digest. I have almost nothing to teach you, so besides the usual missions, how you train is up to you."

In the forest, Kakashi spoke lazily, and Sasuke respectfully nodded in response, "Understood, thank you, Teacher Kakashi."

In this life, Sasuke, who did not experience the clan massacre, is proud but also more obedient and well-behaved.

Moreover, having known Kakashi for many years, he was aware that his teacher's strength was not to be underestimated despite his lazy demeanor.

"And you, Naruto."

Kakashi turned to look at Naruto, sighing with a troubled expression.

"Your training, although guided by Master Jiraiya, I feel that in his absence, it's my responsibility to help you formulate a training plan."

"And you, Sakura, you are currently the weakest link in the team."

Kakashi's blunt tone made Sakura feel embarrassed. She knew she was lacking, but it was somewhat embarrassing to be called out in front of everyone.

"Teacher Kakashi, I believe in Sakura,"

The thick-skinned Naruto said, laughing heartily. His sunny smile made Kakashi somewhat emotional.

If only he didn't have those foolish, stubborn thoughts.

"Alright, Sakura, I have planned for you to train in medical ninja techniques, to become a support member of the team."

Seeing Naruto still wanting to argue, Kakashi immediately raised his hand to stop him.

"Sasuke is from a prestigious family, having received training from the Uchiha clan since childhood, even personally taught by Lord Yoru. And you, Naruto, also come from no ordinary background, with your mother possessing Uzumaki bloodline and your father being the Fourth Hokage. But what about Sakura?"

"What does Sakura have?" A single sentence stymied Naruto, who still wanted to argue.

Kakashi then sighed with relief and said, "The training you guys have undergone over the years, Sakura has never had. So, it's already too late in terms of time, not to mention talent."

"So, Sakura, the role I have planned for you in the team as a support member, are you willing to learn medical ninja techniques? If you are, I will write a recommendation letter for you, and you can then go to the medical department for systematic learning."

At this moment, Sakura suddenly realized that she seemed to be the only one in the team who had nothing, mistakenly thinking of herself as a princess, only to find out she was just a commoner.

Her parents were not her backing, and Sakura forced a strained smile, bowing respectfully and saying, "Thank you for your trouble, Teacher."

Sakura wasn't foolish; she knew her own status. Otherwise, she wouldn't have scored full marks in theoretical courses.

Watching the obedient and sensible Sakura, Kakashi showed a satisfied smile. But when he turned to see Naruto, he felt a headache coming on.

This time, he deliberately kept Naruto behind, essentially to see if he could change Naruto's stubborn views through his own efforts.

Although he knew the chances were slim — after all, Jiraiya had tried for many years — people never give up hope.

"Now, disband!"

Clearly, Kakashi was only tentatively hopeful, not firmly committed.

Training Ground 44.

The Genin of Team Might Guy were undergoing rigorous training.

"Neji, although you're a genius, I must tell you that next year's Chunin Exams will bring together all geniuses. You should understand what a true genius is in the eyes of Lord Yoru," said their teacher.

Hyuga Neji, drenched in sweat and panting, became solemn and focused upon hearing his teacher's words.

He had seen true geniuses, like Haku, Uzumaki Karin, and that terrifying boy who used bones.

"A genius! Isn't Neji's talent already the strongest?"

Rock Lee, who was training hard against a wooden post, couldn't help but be shocked and looked at his teacher, Might Guy.

Might Guy, in his somewhat comical green outfit, solemnly gave a thumbs up and showed a determined smile.

"I won't talk about the genius of Night God, but let me tell you about my lifelong rival, the genius Kakashi."

"He graduated from the Academy at the age of five, the youngest in Konoha's history. He became a Chunin at six, and a Jonin at twelve, even creating his own A-rank jutsu."

The record of Kakashi's brilliant genius, even when heard again, was still astonishing.

A Jonin at twelve! And he created his own A-rank jutsu. And them? Still Genin, even if they believe themselves as strong as Chunin. The idea of being a Jonin and creating A-rank jutsu was almost suffocating.

"Might Guy!"

Just then, Zabuza appeared at the training ground, and Might Guy's face lit up with excitement.

"Yo! Zabuza, let's have our thirty-seventh duel!"

As soon as they met, Might Guy's green spandex, familiar watermelon-head smile, sparkling teeth, and signature pose were all on display.

This scene made Zabuza's eye twitch, and, suppressing his embarrassment, he said with a stiff face, "Guy, I need a favor."

Zabuza asking for a favor was unexpected, even for the thick-skinned Might Guy, who showed a look of surprise.

Zabuza then took out a green mission scroll from his chest, saying awkwardly, "I have a B-rank mission requiring me to stay for half a year, so..."

Might Guy, though not the sharpest, was not dumb and smiled.

"Ah, it looks like you're preparing to train your disciples, Zabuza."

Zabuza awkwardly nodded and said, "For next year's Chunin Exam, according to the rankings, Kakashi and I have a bet."

Upon hearing about the bet, Might Guy immediately became passionate and excitedly shouted, "Yo-ho! I want to join this bet too!"

After a conversation between the two, Might Guy excitedly gestured with a thumbs-up and said, "Don't worry, next year my student, Lee, will definitely surprise you all."

At this point, Might Guy glanced at Lee, who was training hard in the training field, a young man who looked almost exactly like him, and his eyes brimmed with excitement.

Being a team leader Jounin is just a teacher, after all, while a disciple signifies a master-apprentice relationship.

"Zabuza, is your disciple in the Land of Rice Paddies?" Might Guy curiously asked, expressing his doubt, and Zabuza nodded helplessly and sighed in response.

"He's from the Hozuki clan, and because of Lord Orochimaru's research, he joined the Sound Village."

Might Guy couldn't help but smile; Zabuza specifically went to the Sound Village for his disciple, which was indeed rare.

Although Zabuza's excuse was to win a bet against Kakashi, it was also about affection.

"Ah, this is youth," Might Guy excitedly shouted, causing discomfort to Zabuza standing beside him.

The entire Konoha and Mist ninjas were full of enthusiasm for next year's largest-scale Chunin Exam in the ninja world.

Especially the talented Genin who wanted to make a name for themselves, and some Jounin were secretly plotting.

For Konoha's Genin, this was almost a feast. The usual team leader Jounin and Chunin appeared lazy, and even the person in charge wouldn't take it too seriously.

But this time was different; almost all started training their subordinates with great effort, and the transfer of knowledge between master and apprentice began in earnest.

These team leaders Jounin and Chunin didn't aim for a top ranking, just a decent one to save face.

However, the announcement from the Hokage's office building ignited the passion of both Konoha and Mist ninjas. The Genin in the village looked at their instructors, energized as if injected with adrenaline.

The announcement from the Hokage's office stated that the team leader Jounin of the Chunin Exam's outstanding performers would receive a B-rank ninja technique as a reward.

And all who pass this Chunin Exam and become Chunin will be gathered for a three-month special training.

The persons in charge of this special training are Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui.

The special training instructors also include four Kage-level powerhouses, each conducting a three-day training session in the last twelve days.

These four Kage-level powerhouses are Jiraiya, the Fifth Hokage Tsunade, the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei, and Orochimaru.

This news instantly ignited the passion of Konoha and Mist ninja villages.

Uchiha Yoru, in the office building, looked at the bustling village with a satisfied smile.

"Mei, Tsunade, after this time, we'll select talented and loyal Jounin from the village. After the Chunin Exam, this will be not only a feast for the Genin but also for the Jounin," Uchiha Yoru remarked while tapping on a huge scroll, the "Sealing Book," clearly visible.

Terumi Mei couldn't help but remark, "Yoru, you're really generous."

Tsunade scoffed casually, "What an ambitious man."

Over the years, Uchiha Yoru hadn't been stingy with talented and loyal Konoha and Mist Jounin.

S-rank ninja techniques weren't something ordinary Jounin could learn, but he would give an opportunity to those with talent.

A-rank ninja techniques were generously rewarded, giving his Jounin subordinates an extra trump card.

Compared to hoarding these powerful techniques in the past, Uchiha Yoru disdained such behavior, seeing it as the actions of those afraid to lose control over the weak.


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