Chapter 278: Fate

Konoha, the Hokage Building.

In June, Konoha bustles with people. Dignitaries and merchants from all over the ninja world, and even Daimyos and vassals from distant small countries, arrive in droves.

In July, Konoha in the Land of Fire will host the most grandiose Chunin Exam in ninja history, attracting everyone's attention.

"Tonight, the Daimyos of the Land of Fire and the Land of Water have both arrived," Tsunade and Terumi Mei report with grave expressions, while Uchiha Yoru responds with a gentle smile and a light nod.

"If they have arrived, then let the Anbu ensure the Daimyos' safety. However, we can slow down our plans a bit," Uchiha Yoru says with a light laugh, slowly taking out an intelligence scroll from his chest, looking at the two.

"It seems like even the heavens are on our side this time."

After reading the intelligence, Tsunade and Terumi Mei also smile.

"It looks like you have planned everything already."

"This is an opportunity that has been handed to us. After this Chunin Exam, there will be only one voice in the Land of Fire and the Land of Water! As for the Daimyos!"

A mocking look flashes in Uchiha Yoru's eyes as he sneers, "If they won't listen, then we'll just have to replace them with someone who will."

The prosperity of Konoha astounds all the Genin who have come from various ninja villages.

The fertile land of the Land of Fire and its springtime scenery are incomparable to their cold and harsh homelands.

Upon entering Konoha, they face meticulous checks by the patrolling security teams, exuding powerful auras, showcasing the strength of the strongest ninja village.

At the gate of Konoha, they encounter the most stringent checks: the Byakugan and Sharingan bloodline ninja, the Aburame clan's insects, and the Inuzuka clan's dogs with their keen sense of smell.

This almost perfectly prevents anyone from sneaking in using transformation techniques.

The hotels they are arranged to stay in are decent, but the rooftops are monitored by Konoha's Anbu, and there are vigilant police patrols outside.

There's no attempt to disguise it; it's a blatant warning not to cause trouble, to be mindful of their lives.

In a remote street of Konoha.

"Ouch, you little brat."

Kankuro, wearing a Sand ninja headband and with a face full of purple markings, teases as he lifts a little brat with one hand.

"It hurts!"

Confronted by a powerful aura, Konohamaru struggles, trembling. Although he has lost the honor of being the Third Hokage's grandson, he is still a young master of the Sarutobi clan and has lived a life of luxury at his age.

"Stop it, Kankuro, or you'll get scolded."

At this moment, Kankuro and Temari scrutinize the two Konoha ninja in front of them: Uzumaki Naruto with blonde hair and Sakura with pink hair.

As for the kids from the Ninja Academy, they are not even given a second glance.

"Let go, you jerk!"

Uzumaki Naruto, seeing his friend being bullied, shouts in anger, his chakra aura making the two opposite him tense up.

Temari is secretly shocked, "This blonde kid has such immense chakra."


Just then, with a crisp sound, Kankuro grunts, and everyone sees a stone falling to the ground and a figure appearing in the tree.

"Another brat showing off his mouth!"

An ugly smile appears on Kankuro's face when he's interrupted, and the figure in the tree is revealed to be Sasuke.

"Kankuro, stop!"

Suddenly, a cold voice rings out, surprising everyone present.

Kankuro's face shows nervousness, and Temari anxiously says, "Stop it, Kankuro."

In the tree, an upside-down figure appears, with red hair and a blood-red 'love' character on his forehead, exuding a cold, indifferent aura.

"This is the jurisdiction of the Police Force of Sand ninja. If you go any further north, all that will be left is corpses."

Uchiha Sasuke speaks indifferently to the sudden appearance, but his voice comes from behind Gaara.

And there's no longer any sign of Uchiha Sasuke in the front treetops.

In a brief confrontation, Gaara's eyes revealed a hint of solemnity as his body turned into a whirl of sand and dissipated in the wind.

As Gaara's figure landed, the figure of Uchiha Sasuke also appeared.

"Be careful!"

At that moment, Temari and Kankuro both showed a tense and guarded expression.

Uchiha Sasuke's move, though not showing any aura, proved everything through action.

"I'm a bit interested in you, your name?"

The usually indifferent Gaara showed interest and spoke to Sasuke who appeared behind him.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

Hearing this name, Temari and Kankuro were visibly startled, their faces showing a hint of solemnity. The Uchiha clan's influence in the ninja world was known as the strongest, especially with the emergence of so many Mangekyo Sharingan users in this generation.

"I am Gaara of the Sand."

Gaara also introduced himself, and Uchiha Sasuke, upon hearing this, was equally taken aback and secretly astonished.

He's the son of the Fourth Kazekage and the One-Tail Jinchuriki of this generation.

Uchiha Sasuke, unlike in the original story, was more knowledgeable due to the Uchiha clan's strength and the teachings of Uchiha Yoru, broadening his horizons and informing him of many secrets.

Clearly, both parties recognized each other's identities, each showing a solemn expression.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto."

Uzumaki Naruto, feeling left out, loudly announced his name, while Uchiha Sasuke looked indifferently at everyone.

"Stop! During the Chunin Exams, no one is allowed to go to the Sarutobi clan."

"Hey, Sasuke, what do you mean? I want to see the Third Hokage, are you stopping me?"

Faced with Naruto's unreasonable demand, Uchiha Sasuke showed a look of annoyance and said, "This is an order from Teacher Yoru, also approved by the two Hokage. Anyone who disobeys is considered a rogue ninja and will be killed without mercy!"

"What!" Naruto exclaimed in shock, and Konohamaru, who was rescued, glared hatefully at Uchiha Sasuke.

"Why? Your Uchiha clan has been monitoring our Sarutobi clan, and now you want to restrict our freedom too!"

A young Konohamaru yelled angrily, while Naruto protectively stood by his side.

This scene made Sakura feel awkward, and Uchiha Sasuke, even more annoyed, took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"The village just made a decision, no foreign ninja are allowed near any clan grounds, and if you want a reason..."

At this point, Uchiha Sasuke's lips curled into a vengeful smile, "Because Teacher Yoru said the Sarutobi clan is unstable."


Uchiha Sasuke, although young, was well aware of the discrimination within the village and the ordeals his clan faced.

Now, it was just a matter of returning the favor.

Despite this, Uchiha Sasuke added coldly, "Of course, it's not just the Sarutobi clan. Foreign ninja are forbidden from entering any major clan grounds. Disobedience will be seen as provocation and will be met with death!"

A shuriken was slowly taken out of the ninja pouch, and Uchiha Sasuke seemed to be threatening Naruto, but his gaze was coldly fixed on the three Sand ninja.

The implication was clear.

"Hehe, we just arrived in Konoha and weren't aware, our apologies."

Temari, who would later support Gaara in leading the Sand Village, showed her flexibility without any embarrassment, as if she truly felt sorry.

Seeing Temari's apology, Uchiha Sasuke did not make it difficult for them but simply nodded, "No problem. Continue north for one more street, and I think you will encounter the elite members of the Police Force."


Temari smiled awkwardly but was secretly alarmed at Konoha's preparedness.

"Let's go."

A destined encounter, a casual departure, and a future reunion yet to come.

At this moment, far away in the big tree, Uchiha Yoru, watching this farce, revealed a smile.

"Indeed, it's a fateful encounter. That child is the son of the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, the jinchuriki of the One-Tail, Gaara."

Jiraiya, with white hair, leaned against the big tree, his eyes showing a color of sadness, looking at the Sarutobi clan.

"Jiraiya, you called me out, it wasn't just to watch the children's farce, was it?"

At this time, Uchiha Yoru spoke with a smile, while Jiraiya sighed deeply.

"Yoru, you should know about the Sarutobi clan's information."

"So what about it?" Hearing this, Uchiha Yoru showed a look of surprise, followed by a shake of his head.

"I've already handed over the matters of the Sarutobi clan to you and Tsunade. As for how you and Tsunade divide the work, that's your business, isn't it!"

Uchiha Yoru's mouth curved up, obviously not wanting to take responsibility.

Seeing this, Jiraiya felt even more aggrieved, with only a deep sigh.

"Yoru, the militant faction of the Sarutobi clan seems to be plotting something. Even Asuma doesn't know exactly what they are scheming, but I think you should be clear."

Jiraiya, after investigating for so long, indeed found some problems, and even had some vague guesses. After all, the militant faction was so determined, there must be a leader.

Looking at Jiraiya, Uchiha Yoru showed a smile and slowly took out a scroll from his ninja tool bag.

Seeing this, Jiraiya's eyes widened in disbelief, "This! How is this possible!"

Afterward, anger filled Jiraiya's eyes, while Uchiha Yoru calmly looked into the distance.

"As an exchange of information, after the Chunin Exam, I want you to go to the Land of Wind to be in charge."

At this moment, Jiraiya clenched the information into pieces, and then fell silent for a long time.

"What are you planning to do to the old man?"

Uchiha Yoru turned his head to look at Jiraiya, his mouth curling up in a mocking smile.

"What am I planning to do? This matter, I have left to you and Tsunade."

The Sarutobi clan, just like the Uchiha clan back then, is a hot potato, difficult to handle.

In the original story, the Third Hokage and Danzo's group annihilated the Uchiha clan. Didn't that really have an impact? It should have had a huge impact.

It can be witnessed during the Chunin Exam. The lineage of the Third Hokage is already unpopular, with many Jonin already dissatisfied.

And similarly, this time too, although Uchiha Yoru is strong and reputable, the Sarutobi clan has gone too far, and if they overdo it, it will affect his reputation.

But relatively speaking, Uchiha Yoru is not the Third Hokage. He rose to the top through both strength and policies.

Jiraiya is worried about this, so he took over, not expecting it to be such a hot potato.

Looking at Uchiha Yoru, who washed his hands of the matter, Jiraiya felt like crying without tears, both helpless and a bit relieved.

The helplessness is because it's his teacher's family that ended up in his hands. The relief is that there's still a chance of survival in his hands; otherwise, it would be a dead end.

"Jiraiya, do you know? The prejudice in people's hearts is like a big mountain, no matter how hard you try, you can't move it."

Uchiha Yoru laughed self-mockingly, "After the night of the Nine-Tails, the Uchiha clan made so many efforts and concessions, I think you know, Jiraiya."

"But what was the result? The concessions of the Uchiha clan led to them being increasingly cornered, and their dignity trampled upon without any scruples. Is the Uchiha clan really so evil and unforgivable?"

As he said this, Uchiha Yoru pointed to the bustling center of Konoha and said with a cold laugh, "Now, it's the evil Uchiha clan that's in charge, implementing evil policies, yet the village is more prosperous and powerful than ever, shaking the ninja world, with a territory even larger than during the First Hokage's time."

"So what about the self-proclaimed righteous Third Hokage and the Sarutobi clan?" As he said this, Uchiha Yoru took a deep breath and smiled.

"Now, I represent the righteous Uchiha, representing the entire village. The Sarutobi clan has become an unstable factor in the village, so Jiraiya, for the village, for peace."

In the last part, although Uchiha Yoru's face was righteous and smiling, his eyes were filled with immense irony.

Clearly, he was stating a fact.

Righteousness and evil?

Now that I hold the power, I hold the justice! The resistance of the Sarutobi clan is an unstable factor in the village.

Watching the disappearing Uchiha Yoru, standing on the tree and looking at the isolated Sarutobi clan, Jiraiya showed a complex expression.

"Old man, you are too stubborn. If only you had the determination of Fugaku from the past, under Asuma's leadership, the Sarutobi clan would not have come to this point."

Standing on the treetop, Jiraiya looked at the Sarutobi clan being monitored in the distance, showing a complex expression.

The recent intelligence clearly recorded the war materials secretly accumulated by the militant faction of the Sarutobi clan, obviously preparing for a coup.

What's more outrageous is that Enma's figure appeared in the Land of Wind's Sand Village, and although the specific plan formulated in secret is not understood.

But the intelligence brought by Uchiha Yoru has already proven everything; an elite ninja corps of the Sand Village has secretly infiltrated the Land of Fire.

It wouldn't have been so easy, but with the protection of the Sarutobi clan, it's much simpler.

After all, with the industries and influence of the Sarutobi clan, providing such cover is not a problem.

Colluding with ninjas from other countries to wage war against one's own village has already crossed the line.


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Also this fic ends at Chapter 355 not 299! One Patreon said that he can't see the rest. Have to respond fast. Oh fck, now he left the Patreon! *Crying emoji*