Chapter 288: Susano Armored Thousand Hands Buddha vs Susano Armored Nine-Tails

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation"

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Uchiha Yoru calmly brushed off the dust before slowly forming hand seals in front of everyone. The next moment, he suddenly exhaled a sea of fire, resembling a tsunami.

Boom Boom~

In the Forest of Death, under the towering inferno, everything in its path was leveled to the ground. The blazing Fire Release, so intense that even Uchiha Madara showed a hint of surprise and admiration upon witnessing it.

"Truly worthy of the Uchiha bloodline."

At this moment, everyone at the distant Chunin Exam venue could clearly see this battle of the century.

One by one, the Jonin were dumbfounded as they watched this terrifying and unbelievable ninjutsu. Even Hatake Kakashi was shocked, exclaiming, "Yoru's Fire Release has reached such a level!"

Even a Jonin felt like a child before such power, let alone lower-ranked ninjas.

On the spectator platform for the Kage, both Onoki and the Raikage A showed signs of wariness. Uchiha Yoru's strength far exceeded their expectations.

"Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave"

In an instant, a tsunami rose opposite the sea of fire. It was real seawater.

With infinite chakra, the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, shouted and formed hand seals, releasing a terrifying level of Water Release ninjutsu.

Boom Boom~

As the two techniques clashed, a massive steam cloud arose. In the confrontation between fire and water, the steam was scorching hot.

"Fire Release! Fire Release is actually overpowering Water Release!"

On the venue, countless Jonin felt a chilling sensation watching this scene, followed by unprecedented excitement the next moment.

"Go, Lord Yoru!"

Roar Roar~

The Chunin Exam venue erupted in cheers, with the Mist ninjas clearly leading, as they did not wish for Uchiha Yoru to lose.

Then, the Leaf ninjas followed, cheering loudly.

"Brat, let me teach you what real combat is," said Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, who had unknowingly arrived on either side of Uchiha Yoru, beginning their pincer attack.

However, at this moment, Uchiha Yoru's face showed an excited smile, "Is that so? I also want to spar with both of you."

Instantly, the Mangekyou Sharingan appeared in Uchiha Yoru's eyes, and his body flickered with electric arcs.

Thud Thud~

In a moment, both Madara and Hashirama's faces were distorted. With a punch and a kick, Uchiha Yoru, at full power, confronted their limited strength.

The Cursed Seal had already covered his entire body without anyone noticing, with the Mangekyou rapidly spinning.

"Dōjutsu: Three Wheel Divine Eye"

Under the power of the Mangekyou in his left eye, known as the Sage's Eye or Eye of Immortal, now an Eternal level, Uchiha Yoru unleashed its power, significantly increasing its might.

Thud Thud~

In his Thunder Release Armor mode, Uchiha Yoru turned into lightning on the battlefield, leaving afterimages everywhere. For a time, both Hashirama and Madara, despite joining forces, were beaten into a sorry state.

"Damn brat! If not for this body!"

At this moment, Madara's face turned green with frustration. His body could only exert up to seventy percent of its full strength, while the young Uchiha Yoru's power had almost reached the level of Madara's during the battle at the Valley of the End with Hashirama.


Flying Thunder God Slash!

Just as the Second Hokage, Tobirama, seized the opportunity to perform the Flying Thunder God Slash, he was suddenly grabbed by the wrist by Uchiha Yoru, who exerted force instantly, breaking the arm with a snap.

"Do you want to join the dance too?"

A mocking and indifferent voice echoed in everyone's ears. In an instant, lightning flashed, and under pure physical power, the Second Hokage, Tobirama, was seen continuously suffering in the air.

The body, revived through the Impure World Reincarnation, was extremely resistant to beatings. It was beaten into a battered state, with a broken arm and deformed legs.

"Well done, brat!"

At this point, Madara excitedly shouted as he saw Tobirama being beaten up, while Hashirama's face turned green with frustration.

"You young Uchiha, you are too presumptuous!"

Meanwhile, Hiruzen, weak at the edge, realized that he couldn't participate in a battle of this level, even in his prime.

More embarrassingly, he knew that countless people were watching this scene, and he, the Third Hokage, reputed to be the strongest in history, felt utterly humiliated.

Wood Release Secret Technique: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees

Watching his younger brother being beaten, Hashirama, who was overly protective of his brother and usually kind-hearted, also got angry and clapped his hands with a loud shout.

Instantly, the ground roared, and under the shocked gaze of many, the forest, which had just been destroyed by ninjutsu, suddenly sprouted countless vines and trees.

"Little Uchiha, we may be your seniors, but don't blame us for being underhanded!"

Taking a breather, Tobirama, despite his frustration, continued to mock with a cool tone.

Under Hashirama's terrifying Wood Release, even Yamato was astounded. Such a level of Wood Release was beyond his capabilities, even if he exhausted all his chakra.


In an instant, the landscape changed, and a forest appeared. Hearing Tobirama's provocative words, Uchiha Yoru also showed a mocking expression.

"Underhanded? I won't say you're underhanded. Four against one, this should be fun."

As Uchiha Yoru's arrogant voice echoed, a black giant suddenly rose from the ground, while Uchiha Madara also showed a look of frustration.

"Brat, are you looking down on me?"

Madara, always proud, had his Sharingan's Mangekyō spinning crazily. He was frustrated. This brat was too much like him, even the words he spoke.

But these words were infuriating.


Uchiha Madara's terrifying Susanoo also appeared.

A blue and a black giant appeared at the same time, both spewing massive flames.

Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation

Two meteor-like fireballs collided fiercely, but obviously, Uchiha Madara, unable to exert his full power, lost in the fire release.

One was a fiery red fireball, while the one spat out by Uchiha Yoru was a scorching white terrifying fireball.


In an instant, the newly appeared Trees turned into a sea of flames.

At this moment, the numerous ninjas watching this scene were stunned. An elite ninja, in his dazed gaze, didn't even realize when the kunai in his hand had fallen.

"This! This is out of this world."

"The battles of our predecessors are so terrifying."

Lord Night God, actually able to suppress the Hokages of all generations!"

Under the shocked and dazed eyes, even those with Kage-level strength fell silent.

The Fourth Raikage A and the Third Tsuchikage Onoki were filled with endless jealousy and fear in their eyes at this moment. Such an enemy could no longer be suppressed by numbers.

And the ordinary villagers on the spectator stand shouted excitedly, while the high officials, nobles, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, the Daimyo of the Land of Water, and their respective Daimyo vassals were filled with despair under their fear.

Such power! How could they resist!

Boom boom boom~

The battlefield had escalated to a terrifying extent, with a single strike capable of changing the landscape.



At this moment, both of them were rarely boiling with excitement. The strength of this Brat was genuinely formidable, and they could enjoy themselves even in their prime.

Of course, Madara's excitement was more about looking forward to having such an opponent after his resurrection.

When the two exchanged glances, Hashirama's face had already shown a sage-like expression. Clapping his hands, he shouted loudly, "Madara!"

As if they had a tacit understanding, a single glance was enough to understand each other's intentions. Uchiha Madara also excitedly clapped his hands and shouted, "Hashirama!"

Sage Art · Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands

Instantly, the ground rumbled, and countless people stared dumbfounded at the scene before them. A wooden figure, even more exaggerated than the Tailed Beasts, rose from the ground with a rumble.

With thousands of arms displayed, it truly appeared like a giant mountain, resembling the Thousand-Armed Buddha statue in temples, but this was a bit too large, and there was also a terrifying pressure.

However, immediately after! With a rumbling sound, terrifying armor-like patterns appeared on the Thousand-Armed Buddha statue.

Mighty Gear · Susanoo

Susanoo Clad Great Buddha

The True Several Thousand Hands clad in Susanoo, this scene stunned everyone, even Uchiha Yoru couldn't help but show a solemn expression.

And at this moment, as the Susano armor is put on, under the protection of the Susano statue at the top, Madara and Hashirama stand side by side.

"This! Is this the strength of the two legendary predecessors who quelled the chaotic world?"

"So terrifying!"

At this time, standing side by side, Hashirama is filled with long-lost boiling blood, and excitedly shouts, "Madara, we fight side by side!"

However, Madara, standing beside him, snorted coldly, "Susano wearing the great Buddha, I just didn't want to be underestimated by the younger generation."


Seeing the hard-mouthed Madara, Hashirama can't help but laugh out loud.

Meanwhile, a figure appears on the battlefield, attracting the attention of many.

"Karin! Danger!"

Uzumaki Karin has already quickly arrived in front of Uchiha Yoru, anxiously saying, "Teacher, I can do it!"

Seeing the girl, Hashirama raises an eyebrow in curiosity, "This hair, she's from the Uzumaki clan, but this chakra."

"She's the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!" Karin, emanating the Nine-Tails chakra, is immediately recognized by Madara.

Seeing Karin's determined eyes, Uchiha Yoru can't help but smile.

"Teacher, you first recover your chakra."

Uzumaki Karin, with a slightly flushed face, stretches out her arm, and this time Uchiha Yoru sweeps his gaze over everyone, indicating that some trump cards are not yet to be revealed.

With a hiss! The canine teeth protrude, piercing Karin's arm, leaving not a tooth mark on Karin's smooth arm, but just two sharp wounds.

But with the warm lips sucking, Uzumaki Karin's face turns even redder, excited and unable to control herself, feeling tingling.

"This brat's chakra is rapidly recovering, it seems to be because of this Uzumaki girl."

Hashirama and Madara quickly notice the cause of the situation.

The tongue gently licked the wound, and the two blood spots had stopped bleeding and began to heal. Nearby, Karin let out a moan.

But then Karin shouted urgently: "Kurama!"

Boom! The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki completely transformed into the Tailed Beast!

A Nine-Tails suddenly appeared on the ground with a loud boom, and at the same time, a roar that shook the heavens and the earth.

Majestic Attire: Susanoo. Black armor kept condensing, and in an instant, a Nine-Tails clad in armor stood before the world.

At this moment, two giants faced each other.

"There have been records in the clan about the two of you in the battle at the Valley of the End. I never thought there would be a move like Susano-clad Buddha, with Madara riding the First Hokage in battle."

Uchiha Yoru, also under the protection of Susano and appearing atop the Nine-Tails, proudly uttered these words.

And before Hashirama could say anything, Madara revealed a smile upon hearing this.

"Good, I, Uchiha Madara, will fight with you today, Brat. Although we are not at our full strength, you have already gained my recognition. Now, you possess the power of our prime."

Hashirama, finally reacting, widened his eyes.

"Madara, when did you ride me? We fought side by side."

"Shut up!" Even the proud Madara couldn't hide his excitement at the rare opportunity to have an advantage over Hashirama.

He had known Hashirama for so many years, fought for so many years, and it was always him at a disadvantage. Today, he finally gained the upper hand.

"Hey, Brat, you're also riding the Nine-Tails."

The hot-blooded and straightforward Hashirama turned to Uchiha Yoru and said, However, beneath Uchiha Yoru, no, at the feet of the Nine-Tails.

"I am willing."

"Priceless is my willingness!" At this moment, Karin was thrilled. She could finally help her teacher and fight alongside him, a long-awaited dream come true.

"Hey, girl, it's time to give me back my body."

The Nine-Tails couldn't help but clamor, and in an instant, the control of the body switched.


The Nine-Tails, finally free, let out a long howl to the sky, as if venting years of frustration from being sealed.

Then, the Nine-Tails' eyes, as big as houses and filled with fierce blood vessels, stared fiercely at the two opponents, no longer feeling the fear it once had.

"Hashirama! Madara! Old grudges and new, today I will beat you thoroughly!"

With the strong and terrifying Uchiha Yoru backing it, the Nine-Tails roared arrogantly and confidently in the face of Hashirama and Madara.


Suddenly, a black, deathly Tailed Beast Bomb appeared in the Nine-Tails' mouth.

Roar! The huge black Tailed Beast Bomb came rushing, and Hashirama, feeling a sense of déjà vu, revealed an excited smile upon sensing Madara next to him.

Senju Hashirama, excited, clapped his hands and shouted: "Wood Release: Wood Human Technique!"

Boom! Instantly, a giant wooden figure grew rapidly from the trees, facing the terrifying Tailed Beast Bomb and reaching out to grasp it with its hand.

Catching the Tailed Beast Bomb with one hand!


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