Chapter 289: Uchiha Yoru vs Madara & Hashirama


The giant wooden figure caught the Tailed Beast Bomb with one hand. In an instant, it roared angrily and smashed it down.

Facing such an attack, the Nine-Tails, wrapped in Susano, roared furiously and charged head-on without dodging.

Just as the huge black Tailed Beast Bomb hit the Nine-Tails' head, a black, eerie pattern appeared instantly, and at the same time, the Nine-Tails was not idle.

The second Tailed Beast Bomb, fired from its mouth without being fully charged and less powerful, instantly destroyed half of the wooden figure's body.

Flying Thunder God Guiding Thunder

In an instant, behind the Susano Buddha, space rippled, and at that moment, the Second Hokage, Tobirama, who could only restrain from the outside, shouted in shock and anger, "It's space-time ninjutsu! Big brother, be careful!"

However, the Susano Nine-Tails had already torn the wooden figure to shreds in a mad roar, and as it roared, it arrived in front of the Susano Buddha. The Tailed Beast Bomb, almost unobstructed, smashed onto its exposed back.


The entire village of Konoha shook, and the dazzling white light blinded countless people momentarily.

When vision was restored, the sound of a massive explosion reached their ears, accompanied by violent air waves sweeping in all directions.

Just the air waves caused by the explosion, like a hurricane, uprooted towering trees and sent rocks flying.

Fortunately, this time the Chūnin Exams venue was chosen at the edge of the Forest of Death, a remote area of Konoha, otherwise, the loss would have been unimaginable.

Roar! As the gale swept past, pairs of eyes stared blankly at the terrifying scene before them, filled with shock.

"Is this... really a ninja?"

"What a joke... this is something only a god could achieve."

"Our predecessors were so terrifying."

"The strongest Third Hokage!" At this moment, a Konoha Jōnin, looking at the Third Hokage who could only dodge on the outskirts, felt incredibly ironic.

This Jōnin had once had great faith in the Third Hokage, and even now, believed that despite his faults, his achievements were also significant.

But at this moment, the Jōnin showed a self-mocking smile, "It turns out Lord Yoru was not mocking. The so-called 'strongest Hokage' is really just the longest in office."


After the explosion, the armor on the back of the Susano Buddha was shattered, and even the Buddha itself was reduced to splinters.

At this time, the Nine-Tails roared excitedly, finally able to avenge the past, and even dominating these two fools in the fight.

At the venue, the geniuses participating in the Chūnin Exams watched the battle in shock and disbelief. Was such power really attainable by humans?

"Yoru! Teacher Yoru!"

At this moment, Sasuke was stunned by the battle before him, and he finally understood the words his brother had said: Teacher Yoru is the god of this era, the god of the ninja world.

A god who will bring change to the entire ninja world, bringing peace under his divine rule.

At this moment, Sasuke, as if grasping something, was excited. His two-tomoe Sharingan eyes crazily spun, evolving into three tomoe.

"Teacher Yoru! I understand now. The decaying ninja world needs change, and I will become the sharpest weapon in your hand of reform!"

At this time, Sasuke's mind was completely subdued, and he muttered to himself in excitement, as if he had found his life's purpose.

The way of the ninja! His true way of the ninja!

Once, he blindly followed in the footsteps of his elder brother, and many more teachings were about not losing the honor of the Uchiha.

But these were not his own. Today, his path as a ninja became completely clear.

"Roar! This is the youth that Teacher Might Guy talked about! Under the rule of God, the ninja world will welcome a true revolution!"

At this moment, young Rock Lee in green, excitedly roared, his face flushed with excitement.

Not just them, now all the ninjas of Konoha and the Mist Village had their faces flushed with excitement, their eyes filled with fanaticism and madness.


If Uchiha Yoru was previously called a god, the idea of unifying the ninja world was more of a dream passed down through generations.

Especially with the alliance between the Mist Village and Konoha, many quick-witted people thought this was a way to shift the pressure of war and relieve internal stress.

But today, after witnessing such a heart-stirring battle, everyone was filled with fanaticism, and past concerns were forgotten.

This time they finally understood that Lord Yoru's concept was not empty, nor did it need generations of effort; it would be realized in their generation.

Such power! Could it be achieved by the gathering of the Five Kage of the ninja world?



Both were being pressured by a junior, especially since they couldn't exert their full strength. Hashirama and Madara roared in unison, infuriated.

The long-missing passion boiled up instantly. Although they were reincarnated bodies, their eyes met, finding a different feeling.

In their excited roar, it was a tacit understanding.

"Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands."

The giant Buddha statue roared furiously, instantly waving countless arms. Meanwhile, Uchiha Yoru's face showed long-lost excitement.

"Haha, this is the power of Senju and Uchiha!"

Susano clad Nine-Tails, facing such an attack, the Nine-Tails' pupils showed fear, as if recalling an unpleasant memory.

However, as the Mangekyo in Uchiha Yoru's eyes spun, he shouted, "Nine-Tails!"

The embarrassed Nine-Tails, realizing its fear, roared ferociously, thinking today was the day for revenge. Its fierceness escalated.


As the Nine-Tails roared furiously, Uchiha Yoru's chakra and ocular powers intensified, and the Nine-Tails slowly grew three heads and six arms.

These were arms and heads formed by Susano's chakra.

Behind its nine ferocious tails, a dense chakra entity spun crazily.

Rasengan and Chidori!

Many were shocked to see this. No! This was a Rasengan infused with chakra nature and an even more ferocious and bizarre Chidori.


The three heads of the Nine-Tails simultaneously gathered a Tailed Beast Bomb, and its body furiously rushed towards the opponent.

Under such terrifying might, countless people were already intimidated.

"Not good! The power of this level of ninjutsu collision is too close!"

Just then, Kakashi roared in shock and anger. At the same time, he revealed his Sharingan eye, spinning wildly, ready to use its power to nullify the incoming shockwave at the crucial moment.

However, at that moment, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui, along with a dense group of elite Uchiha clan ninjas, arrived at the outskirts of the Forest of Death, suddenly appearing at the venue of the Chunin Exam. Both activated their Sharingan and shouted in unison:

"Set up the barrier!"

Following their shout, hundreds of elite Uchiha clan jonin gathered, forming hand seals and shouting together. A fiery red barrier instantly rose from the ground, enveloping the vast expanse of the Forest of Death.

Uchiha Flame Formation

Meanwhile, a dazzling white light flashed in the Forest of Death.


When the white light dissipated, endless explosions and their terrifying aftermath wildly burst forth, turning the entire Forest of Death into a white wasteland, while the powerful barrier shook violently.

Especially at the end! The barrier, under immense pressure, began to expand rapidly.

"No good! The barrier can't hold much longer!"

However, at that moment, Tsunade, standing on the Kage platform, saw this scene and, with a serious expression, formed hand seals to summon a slug.

"Quick! Transfer chakra to the Uchiha clan ninjas to maintain the barrier!"

Instantly, the slug disintegrated, turning into small slugs that attached themselves to the Uchiha clan ninjas. In a moment, their chakra was replenished, and the barrier, which was on the verge of collapse, began to solidify.

"Damn it! Can't any of them be less troublesome?"

Seeing this, Tsunade couldn't help but curse, while the Fourth Raikage A and the Third Tsuchikage Onoki looked pale and shocked at the scene before them.

Terumi Mei also breathed a sigh of relief and said to Tsunade with a smile, "Can't be helped, who would have thought someone could summon the former Hokages? But after this battle, the Land of Fire and the Land of Water will be spared countless slaughters."


Inside the red barrier, as it was reinforced and bulged, the residual force erupted upwards towards the sky.

The massive roar and explosive wave in this chimney-like barrier vented straight into the sky.

But under the immense power, all the ninjas in Konoha were left in a daze.

The sky, once dotted with white clouds, instantly became cloudless!

The clouds were torn apart and scattered by the terrifying shockwave, revealing a clear blue sky.

As if the sky had been wiped clean.


At this moment, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui were shocked as they looked inside the barrier. As the dust cleared, the figures inside became visible.

The Buddha's arms were severed, his head and half his torso gone, and the Nine-Tails opposite him fared no better.

Half of Susano's body was shattered, revealing the true body of the Nine-Tails, the supposedly strongest Tailed Beast, now pathetically sprawled on the ground.

"How is this possible! How can this evil Uchiha brat have such strong power!"

Under the terrifying aftermath of the explosion, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked dazedly at the scene before him, while in front of him, a half-body was continuously regenerating.

It was the Second Hokage, Tobirama, who had protected his disciple in the final moments.

As the smoke cleared, Uchiha Yoru was revealed atop the Nine-Tails' head, gasping for breath, unable to hide his fatigue.

Seeing this, Hiruzen immediately showed ecstasy, "Haha! Evil Uchiha, no matter how strong you are, what's the use? The body revived by Edo Tensei cannot die, and its chakra is infinite, you're dead!"

However, in the next moment, Hiruzen's expression froze, and he looked in disbelief at another spot.

When the smoke cleared, the bodies of Madara and Hashirama were revealed, their bodies covered in black sealing patterns.

"When did this happen!"

At this moment, both Madara and Hashirama were staring at their stiff bodies, disbelieving the sealing curse marks that appeared on them.

The Self-Cursing Seal

"No! This is not just a simple sealing technique."

Hashirama felt that he had regained control of his body and the familiar feeling made him look up at the opposite Uchiha Yoru.

"What an impressive junior, to be able to manipulate Senjutsu so skillfully."

Hashirama had realized that the sealing technique controlling them was in fact Senjutsu.

Senjutsu: Self-Cursing Seal

"Hehe, after all, he's a legendary ninja from the Warring States Period, and I do know the characteristics of Edo Tensei.'

At this moment, Uchiha Yoru appeared in front of them, slightly out of breath, but his face showed more satisfaction than exhaustion.

He could now empathize with Madara's loneliness. In the entire ninja world, only Hashirama could stir a bit of his desire to fight; the rest were just uninteresting, nothing more than playful games.

"Is it a space-time ninjutsu?"

Even though Madara had lost control of his body, he still spoke indifferently with an air of authority.

Looking at the two, Uchiha Yoru nodded with a smile, "Exactly, it's space-time ninjutsu. During the initial physical confrontation, I had already left a spatial mark on your bodies."

"And the battle just now, although it was a clash of the strongest, was also when you were most off guard."

Watching this young one in front of him, Hashirama couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Haha, impressive indeed. No wonder Little Tsuna was fond of you. It seems you had already left a shadow clone."

During the recent battle, Uchiha Yoru had two shadow clones secretly hidden, waiting for the best moment to appear behind them using space-time ninjutsu to launch the sealing technique.

Seeing the excited, silly laughter of Hashirama, Madara coldly snorted, "Idiot."

Although Madara had not exerted his full strength, it had to be said that today's battle rekindled his long-lost passion.

"Hey, brat."

But Madara couldn't stand the sight of Hashirama's foolish laughter and turned his head coldly towards Uchiha Yoru, "Since you married Hashirama's descendant, according to custom, that so-called Fifth Hokage should change his surname to Uchiha."

Hearing this, the still-laughing Hashirama suddenly widened his eyes; he was kind but not foolish.

"Hey, hey, Madara, you're being unreasonable. This young one has already agreed to the name of Senju Tsunade. We are both long dead, why interfere?"

"Hmph! Customs cannot change."

"Madara, you're being unreasonable. When I married Mito, I agreed to the Uzumaki surname, didn't I? Did I ask for a change in surname?"

"Tch! That's because you're an idiot. Anyway, any woman who joins the Uchiha must take the Uchiha surname!"

"Little Tsuna has already awakened Wood Release!" At this point, Senju Hashirama was also shocked.

Sarutobi Hiruzen already explained the reason. This brat not only promised to take on Senju Tsunade's surname, but also promised that his future descendants could also bear the Senju name. How can this be changed?

Looking at Hashirama's serious expression, Madara also snorted coldly, "What about Wood Release! In the future, Wood Release will belong to the Uchiha clan, what does it have to do with you, Senju?"

"Madara! You're actually coveting my Wood Release!"


At this moment, Madara is laughing smugly in his heart. Everyone thinks he lost, but when his plan is set in motion, the world will know that he is the real winner.

And this brat, he really fought a good fight for him, not only taking Konoha but also snatching the Senju's Wood Release. How satisfying.

"Madara! You are just coveting what I have!"

Hashirama glares with wide eyes, while Madara also strikes back fiercely.

What a situation! Even though they were already sealed, not only did they not show any annoyance, but they even started arguing over this matter.

However, at this moment, an unexpected change arises!


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