Scorched Earth (Worm/Fallout Altpower/AU) by VisV

Talor got fallout techbase jesus christ and he is going to be mutated into soemthing much more get ready for madness and sexual depravity folks!!!!

Words: 171k+


The Queen Is Dead.

Heyo! It's me! with another fanfic!

Do you like comic book style Radiation? Do you like wacky 50's retrofuturism? Do you like SCIENCE!!!! that creates abominations against both common sense and basic human decency? Most importantly do you like [SPOILERS]?

Because this fic has all of those things in varying degrees!

This is just a side project for whenever I need a Break from mutagen, so Updates will be irregular

and you'll likely see another, different version of this same crossover from me later on!

You guys all know I want from you by now… So GIB ME FEEDBACK!!!!!

And of course… Enjoy~

It hurt.

As she sits there in the slowly rising water, tinged green with Radio-luminescent materials and… a failed project, she can barely focus on anything other than the pain, the feeling of her skin burning, her lungs scorching as a result of the red tinged mist in the air.

Is this how it ends for her? Trapped in her own lair, and killed by drowning or by her own creations?

Just another casualty of the bringers of the end…

It had been… Frightening… To hear of the Leviathan's impending arrival at Brockton Bay. But she had started this whole crazy endeavor to help her home town… She certainly wasn't going to just abandon it to some monster!

So she'd sent out her robot's to do search and rescue, to provide medical aid, even to fight the beast itself!

To no real effect of course.

She hadn't really expected the beast to open up a sinkhole right below her secret underground vault though, A sinkhole that her precious lair, a structure that she had spent the past year and a half building up and perfecting, promptly fell straight to the bottom of.

It was a testament to her prowess as a tinker and as an architect that her vault hadn't just broken apart then and there… hell some sections even still had power!

Unfortunately, while the structure hadn't been broken to bits on impact like a normal building would have been, her vault still fell hard, cracks in the superstructure spider webbing through it, containment vessels for everything from toxic materials to DNA samples had been broken open pouring out into the flood waters that had started creeping into the building, and of course one of the reactors had been torn open, spewing radiation into the building.

And of course she had been sent for a tumble too, until eventually landing on one of her own experiments… back first.

She couldn't feel her legs.

And so, unable to move, let alone escape, she'd just been forced to sit there as the polluted water rose ever higher around her.

No one would be coming to save her, she'd used a verbal command code to put the whole vault into lockdown… Hopefully that would be enough to spare any survivors in Brockton from the toxic materials that were now loose in her lair.

She coughs, hacking up a small dribble of blood as she does. A bitter laugh leaving her mouth soon after.

So much for "Building a Brighter Tomorrow, Today!" huh?

Then again… she'd always been a failure at that hadn't she?

Almost everything she made ended up failing to make anything better.

Her Fixer? The Cure-All for drug addiction? It just allowed the addicts to avoid the physical consequences of their bad habits, encouraging even more abuse.

Her Crop Protecting Fungal Symbiote? It certainly protected the plants… boosted their yield's, even! And it drove off pests and disease without all the nastiness involved with normal pesticides… It also caused full body skin rashes in humans that resulted in agonizing pain.

Her Pan Immunity Virion Project? Oh it definitely rendered the test subjects immune to all known diseases just like she wanted! But it also massively increased the subject's aggression and sometimes rendered them infertile, and that was only the "Normal" reactions!

She shuddered as memories of the subjects who underwent "Extreme PIV Reaction's" coursed through her mind… Would she end up like that? The Vat had almost certainly been broken open, The PIV was almost certainly the source of the green tint held by the flood waters pouring in.

It didn't matter, Either the radiation would kill her, she would drown… Or her Anti-Regenerative Cloud weapon would finish eating through her lungs, long before the PIV could finish its work.

Speaking of weapons… those seemed to be the only things she built that ever seemed to work as intended.

Well besides the helper robots, but those just helped her build more weapons…

The point was, her goal of making Brockton Bay into a better place was nearly a complete failure.

Sure she and her robots went out to fight crime and the public seemed to think well of her… but Crime wasn't something you could just beat up and call it solved, you couldn't kill poverty with a bolt of superheated plasma, and urban decay didn't care at all about how many laser pulses her guns could spew out.

In the end, she was just another costumed circus attraction, beating up criminals and changing nothing.

Well she had been at least, she was pretty sure she wouldn't be much of anything soon enough.

On one hand, maybe that was for the best, her power had been showing her ever more destructive technologies lately, an endless parade of scientific horrors and technological atrocities dancing through her skull.

On the other hand, it was a shame, she had one more thing she had wanted to try… she was even pretty sure it was foolproof!

A power source that could be burned like coal but produced little in the way of waste, and had a power output more akin to nuclear fusion!

Her newest discovery was many times more durable than steel with only a fraction of the weight, and in it's depleted state was completely harmless to human tissue!

Energy production, Material science, Engineering, Medical Prosthetics… Her Ultracite could have revolutionized all of those fields and more.

But now it just served to cause her pain, tiny shards of the non-depleted and very radioactive crystalline material embedded throughout her body.

She was pretty sure one of those shards had severed her spinal cord.

Well at least that spared her any pain that might be coming from the lower half of her body.

It was… It was getting hard for her to stay awake now. Everything just hurt so much, her lungs were burning, her skin was burning.

She struggled to hold her eyes open longer, knowing that once she closed them she wouldn't be opening them ever again.

But it was a losing battle.

Her last thoughts were of happier times, of a mother still alive, of a father still vibrant and happy, of a best friend who still loved her and who she loved back…

Maybe just a quick nap…

Lost in the memories of better days, The Independent Heroic tinker Atomica, otherwise known as Taylor Hebert, slumped over into and beneath the polluted water that flooded her self made home.

As per her final order's her beloved robotic assistants, minions, bodyguards, and friends, would stand guard over her vault, preventing any intrusion of, and repairing any damage done to, the structure, so as to seal away the harmful materials within.

Atomica would be mourned by a significant portion of Brockton Bay's heroic population, and even select out of town capes such as Dragon.

In her civilian Identity she was mourned only by her father, and a friend who had come to regret past decisions.

Though she was mourned for a time, the turmoil that engulfed the ruin of Brockton Bay soon after Leviathan's departure would soon see Atomica reduced to nothing more than a fond memory tinged with sadness in the minds of a few select capes, and a tragic footnote in the history of the Troubled Seaside City, and of parahuman history in general.

Yep that's it, Taylor's dead.

One hundred percent dead, absolutely dead, completely cadaveriffic, she has left this mortal coil, kicked the bucket and bought the farm, never to return.


Anyways… Tell me what you think! Gib feedback and speculation about where we go from here now that I've definitely killed the MC of the canon work in the first chapter!

Anyways see you all later, I'm going back to Mutagen nao!

Hope you all liked it! Byeeeeeeeee~