May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story by RoBlueKiran321 and in questionable questing as (Fire Emblem Heroes) May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story by RoBlue312

Okey this one holds a special place in ny heart not because I just love the fic but because the author of the fic is a online firend of mine and I am also involved in worldbuilding aspects of the world

What Happens when people in fire emblem world summon an adherent of science? one thats actually willing to go immense lengths to have it being enacted on the world he is summoned in? uplifting lots of uplifting for now other stuff takes his immediate attention enjoy

Words: 278k+

currently the original fic is in the version on questionable questing is being uploaded gradually so it will take time before that one catches up to the originals latest chptr


(Fed up with his own world, a teenager that desires to become a scientist is teleported to other universe where he will find what he always wanted... heroes that fight for justice. The problem? that world is still in the medieval age. He takes the responsibility of changing that while he performs the role of a legendary "hero". Meet Kiran C-137DMC-12T-800!)

The Great "Hero" From Another Universe

The people are too used to their moral ideals, their traditions, to basically all their lifestyles that when somebody else gives a different idea they tend to ignore that person because questioning your own ideas isn't something everybody likes to do. People's ideas are their everything, their motivations, and living with the doubt about if what you believe is true or may be fake is hard to do.

One of those who actually were able to do it was a Latin American guy.

He still could have been a normal teenager if he didn't despise his world so much. In his opinion, the only thing he could say it was good was the technology, product of the science, but the rest was not really worthy of existing.

In the school, his classmates behaved like kindergarten children.. they were too immature to be high school students... he hated them... he also hated the government, his country was a paradise for criminals, the impunity was normal thing because of the corruption and ignorance, those two things were introduced into the society as a model of life.

The worst part was the fact that the good people thought that all that would be fixed just by praying to "higher power".

His father said he had to get adapted, but if getting adapted meant degenerating into a mindless pervert asshole, with mediocre goals or even no goal at all in his life, he preferred to remain bitter.

He just wished to destroy all those things that made the world a miserable place... or at very least... if he couldn't save it, get away from that world, but of course, that wasn't gonna happen just because he wanted it.

He was a lover of justice, lover of the knowledge, but the other persons around were not.

This was just another day in his no-desired life as low-middle-classss person. He went to the school, spoke almost nothing to anybody else that wasn't one of his very few friends, returned to his house, did his homework, and then he was just trying to find something to do.

Although he could try playing a videogame, there was nothing new to try since he couldn't afford videogames without saving up money for months and even with that there was nothing truly interesting for him to buy in recent times.

So he just decided to go outside out of curiosity.

What he didn't know was that by doing it... his desire of being gone would become true.

He walked through the streets, showing an emotionless face. He was looking around to try to find something, anything or anybody that would make him get interested, but it never happened... until he was in the limits of his town.

The landscape had nothing especial, just a road towards the horizon in direction to another city.

Feeling his feet needed to rest, he sat down and yawned.

Which made him look at the ground after he was done.

And then he saw it...

A shiny thing on the floor.

His eyebrow raised a little, it didn't look like a coin. He approached more to said object.

It was a sphere... a yellow sphere.

It in his opinion, he would have preferred a blue one.

However, after some seconds of holding it... it started to shine even more.

"¿Qué demonios?.. (what the hell?)..." he had to partially close his eyes because the object was blinding him... but then it shone even more!


And then, the light swallowed him.

In a different part of the infinite reality, a big conflict between nations was happening.

A red-haired woman, who wore a golden uniform that had white feathers was looking with exasperation at a monument, a monument with the form more or less of a rectangle and a circular hole in middle of the top and decored with golden lines.

She had just done a ritual to summon the person that, according to the legend, was the one destined to save her country.

Soldiers under her command had sacrificed their lives in order to give her time to summon them.

It had been two minutes since she had placed that yellow ball inside the hole and said the magical words... it flashed a little, but since that, nothing else had happened... had she done something wrong? did she forget something? those were her thoughts.

But, as if the object felt it was done puzzling her, it shone stronger. Some smoke was expelled from the bottom part, and finally, in front of the monument, a white and blue light beam was generated. It was shooting up into the sky, increasing its volume. It blinded Anna for a few seconds, making her cover her eyes.

Inside the pillar of light, the interaction between universes paid off as a humanoid figure gradually materialized, floating in the air.

Her mouth was very open as a result.

She had done it! she had actually done it!

"Oh..." her eyes got illuminated with a "magic" bright. "The ritual actually worked!"

After the pillar dissolved, there was now a new person there.

"This is... this is amazing!" she exclaimed.

The summoned one heard a voice, stunned and a little blinded by sun's light, he attempted to get his vision to work correctly.

After he was able to see, he saw a red-haired woman wearing a white and golden armor with feathers.

Before he could ask something, she knelt as if she had great respect for him.

"Ahem... Oh, Great Hero from another world! thou hast come so far to fulfill your role in our legend! For our kingdom now stands on the very brink of ruin, and thou.. and thou..." it was then that she suddenly had paid attention to a certain detail about him. "Hold on... what kind of clothes are those?" she scratched her hair, standing up.

This guy didn't look at all like a hero.

She was talking a lot and he had no idea about what was going on, fortunately, she was talking in a language that he knew.

"Hey hey hey!" he reached out with his hand, in an attempt to make a hand signal and order her to slow down. "Great Hero? your kingdom? first... can you please explain to me where am I and what the fuck is going on?" he clenched his teeth as he asked and he was looking around.

"Fair enough. you're in-"


Before she could give him an answer, the voice of a man was heard, the hero and Anna turned to see... a man wearing black and golden armor... with feathers and wielding an ax.

"Drat! how did one of those Emblians get here already?" The red-haired woman turned around and prepared her combat stance. "Stand back! I'll take care of him somehow!" exclaimed she, even if this person she summoned didn't look like a hero, it was her duty to protect an innocent.

The girl ran towards the man, they two started a fight with axes.

Still feeling confused, the "Great Hero" reflected something "No sé en que clase de problema me he metido.. pero supongo que es mejor para mi ayudarla.. (I really don't know in what kind of trouble I got into... but I guess is better for me to help her)." he shook his head and then...

He ran, too.

When the man was about to hurt the woman, he received punches on the face from the "Great Hero"

Combined with an attack coming from the red-haired woman, the enemy dropped his weapon and the "great hero" managed to grab it.

"HUREA!" the "hero" yelled as the ax made a curve movement and he killed the man, cutting through the neck.

The "hero" blinked multiple times and breathed slowly as looked at his first victim.

"(Así que así se siente matar a alguien... (So this is how to kill someone feels like...))"

He hadn't killed a person before... but it wasn't like he hadn't wanted to do it since a lot of time ago...

Yet, he couldn't enjoy it the way he had desired... this was a random idiot he barely met. The "hero" didn't have any evidence his victim had been a criminal of those he despised so much or anything that could justify enjoying sending him to the void of nonexistence besides claiming that he did it in self-defense...

He sighed as he rubbed a part of his forehead, he gave a more serious face, and turned to see the red-haired woman.

"Whew..." the woman scratched her head's back part. "We took care of him... thank you." she smiled.

The "Great Hero" let the ax fell, closed his eyes and crossed his arms "I wish that we could have met each other in better circumstances... I guess." he shrugged. "Well... now, going back to what I asked before. Who are you and where am I?" he moved his free hand in an expression that claimed: please proceed.

The woman nodded. "My name's Anna. I'm the commander of the Order Of Heroes." she explained, placing a hand on her chest area.

Making his eyes able to see Anna again, he asked. "The Order Of... Heroes?" he raised his eyebrow.

"Yes, we're a group that fights for the freedom of the heroes." then she narrowed her eyes. "But our enemies, however, they enslave them."

"Ok." he grimaced. "... that doesn't sound good... at all." he slowly shook his head.

"You're in Askr, this is a realm that has gateways to the worlds where heroes come from, have you heard of the World of Awakening?" Anna asked.

World of Awakening? what kind of stupid name was that?

"Em... no.." he shook his head again, more fastly and with a face that could tell: are you fucking kidding me?

"How about the World of Birthright then?"


"The World of Conquest?"

"No, I don't know a shit of what you are talking about..." seriously, where all that bullcrap was coming from?

Now it was the woman who also crossed her arms. "You always use that kind of words in your vocabulary?"

Weird, normally only his mother would complain about him swearing "My... apologies..." he was not planning to stop it at all any time soon though. "I guess people here are not as used to say things like those as people from my home." he started to detect a feeling of... familiarity?

He didn't need much more explanation to get an idea of what was happening.

Suddenly being in a completely different location than before... people dressing in medieval-style armor and wielding weapons from that era...


The concept of being sent to another world...

Did he... did he actually became the "protagonist" of one of them?

"Well, you have to know at least one world." said Anna, now it was she who raised her eyebrow. "It's not like you were born just now."

"Well.. yes..." his face became more disgusted than anything else. "But I don't know if you know that world... I mean... I barely can believe I'm... in a different world... this is... what could be described as surreal." he scratched his forehead with his index finger.

Anna's face became softer as she placed a hand on his left shoulder. "About your world, maybe we could find it. Anyway," she turned to see the corpse near them. "That man of before was from the Emblian Empire."

"And I guess they must be stopped..." he rubbed his forehead. "(Como casí todo político de mi mundo (almost like every politician of my world))." he thought, rolling his eyes.


So, an evil empire too? well, he better put in practice most of the stuff he had learned.

"The only problem is that they're invading our kingdom right now. I was desperate for help so I performed a summing ceremony. The next thing that happens is that you're here" she pointed to a monument behind her. Said object seemed to have engraved what looked a lot like a three with a single hole in the middle.

"Em... I don't wanna disappoint you... but this was the first time that I wield a weapon like this..." he commended, raising a little the ax while looking at it. "I'm not a soldier... besides... I don't know how I'm supposed to defeat an entire empire." it wasn't like he had gained a superpower from the summoning ritual that would have transformed him into a one-man army... or a SOLDIER.

"Well, the legend doesn't say anything about you helping us through fighting, the legend only says that you're the one who will use the Breidablik, that's the name of this relic I've brought, to save the kingdom..." then her face illuminated again as she remembered something. "Oh right!"

Anna turned to see the monument. The yellow ball had disappeared, the relic inside was now free to be touched, she grabbed it and showed it to the "Great Hero".

He recognized the form of that thing "It is..." what in the hell was doing one of these in a place like this? especially one with such a curious design?

"It is capable of firing something according to legend... but the Breidablik doesn't look like a bow or any other thing that I've ever seen in my entire life." she, indeed, looked confused by the relic. Then she handed it over to the "hero" "The legend also calls it "The True Key" which, if placed inside that hole there, will summon the Great Hero who can fire it, just like I did."

He placed his hand on the trigger section. He had only had touched a real one a few times in his life... after that, it seemed his father had hidden it very well since he never saw the thing again. "This is something that is called gun."

"A... gun?" she inclined her head as she scratched her hair.

"A gun, yeah, better known as a fire weapon." he nodded. "The only thing you must do to fire a bullet, which is its ammo, is to pull the trigger."

Before he could do a demonstration, another voice was heard.


"Drat... More of those Emblian soldiers..." Anna looked at them with a very worried face. "I'm not sure if I'm able to defeat all of them by myself..." the grab on her ax strengthened as she stepped forward and placed herself in front of the "hero". "Great Hero! please! run away! take the Breidablik with you and keep it safe!"

The "hero", knowing what that thing was very well and having seen its potential through many videogames and videos, knew it would be pretty stupid to run when you had such a big advantage in power.

He shook his head "No."

"Why not?!" Anna thought for a moment he was insane when he walked towards the Emblian soldiers.

He narrowed his eyes "Because this." he aimed his weapon against the forehead of one of the soldiers and then, he pulled the trigger.

He was expecting a man with a skull pierced by a bullet... but not what actually happened.

An orb was fired from the gun and then it started to shine, after that, a portal was opened... and from it, a man appeared, he fell on the ground, until he opened his eyes.

"Um... where am I?" he asked, looking around. A natural reaction considering what just happened.

"Ok..." the "hero" suddenly stopped walking. "That's not what I thought it was going to happen... but I guess it's better." a smile formed on his face "I mean... he has a real bow." he laughed

"You-you summoned a hero!." exclaimed Anna in surprise.

"I guess I did." he shrugged.

Honestly, had he not been a dream weaver he would have thought the classical: this gotta be a dream.

A thing for sure was the fact that the Emblian soldiers weren't happy about what they saw, Anna explained to the hero what happened and that they needed his help, fortunately, he accepted and then, they two started to fight the enemies.

Meanwhile, now knowing what the gun actually could do even if it seemed to be against common sense, the "Great Hero" thought "Bien... supongo que tengo más munición... (Well... I guess I have more ammo...)" he raised the weapon a little to look at it as he moved his head a little to the left. "Vamos a ver (let's see.)"

He pulled the trigger as many times as he could, being four times more in total.

More orbs got out from the weapon and he, indeed, summoned four heroes and... curiously, all of them were women... the first one, a blue-haired girl who had a very interesting golden sword and blue clothes, the second one, a woman who seemed to be a ninja... she had... big boobs... he throw those thoughts away from his mind as he shook his head again, the third one, a white-haired girl who had a strange type of armor. The fourth one, another blue-haired girl, but she was dressing in red clothes and carried a book with her.

He approached to them. "Can you understand me?" he wanted to confirm they spoke this language too.

The woman of white hair nodded and quickly so did the other girls.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, I mean we just met, but could you please help those two there?" he pointed to Anna, who was dodging attacks from at least three soldiers as the male hero shot some arrows to assist her.

Fortunately, the girls did not seem to mind a lot and they quickly went to work.

"(Wow.. supongo que tengo talento para invocar chicas fuertes..(I guess I have the talent of invoking strong girls...))" he thought as he saw the girls fighting the enemy.


The girl with white hair raised what looked like a crystal and then... she shone and... she was replaced by... a dragon...


A dragon... a fucking dragon... like... an actual giant lizard with wings.

Once again: medieval world, a kingdom and an empire, now a dragon... probably he was going to see "magic" soon or later...

Yeah... this was an isekai universe...

And he was there...

He blinked multiple times... before smiling, closing his eyes and placing his left hand on his forehead while shocking in denial.

Today was a crazy day.

After the battle was finished, Anna approached to him.

"This... This is amazing! forgive me for doubting, you really are the hero of the legend!" her smile was so wide.

"Aaaam... yeah..." it was still a lot of information to process... "Well..." he then realized he needed to say something. "Heroes! I know that maybe you're annoyed to be brought here without warning, I mean, it's a perfectly reasonable complaint," he laughed nervously as he scratched the back part of his head. "but we need your help, can you please help us to accomplish our mission?!" he gave his best smile... the best one anybody could express in that kind of situation anyway.

Some of them turned to see each other, probably considering that request...

"I appreciate your consideration." the blue-haired girl in red clothes commented. "and because of that, I will help you." she smiled.

The reaction of the other girls was not that different. The man... he seemed to enjoy what he saw...

"You said that this wasn't your kingdom... so... why did you say that it's our mission?" Anna asked. She wondered why he changed his mind about helping so quickly.

As if it was the most obvious thing in the universe, he shrugged and answered with his eyes narrowed. "Well, I have two choices now: I help you with this, or I don't help you with this... which one do you prefer?" he closed his eyes with a smile.

"I guess the first one." she laughed. That certainly made her feel better.

"Besides, it's not like I could go anywhere... I don't have money, weapons... or even a simple house." he gulped.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of you." Anna placed her hand on this young man's shoulder.

"Just don't do it the same way you do it with our enemies," he joked with a smile at the same time he shook his left hand.

"No promises." she joked.

"So, who are those persons you talked about?" she had said they were going to reunite with some important people, but he had been looking at the landscape most of the time so he had not heard a lot.

"They are the prince and the princess of Askr, they also are members of the order of heroes." she clarified.

"Interesting... (... Si la realeza de aquí es como la de mi mundo... debería tener algo de cuidado... (if the royalty of here is like the royalty of my world... I should be a little careful...))."

"Commander Anna! it's good to see you safe!"

They encountered a tiny squad of soldiers led by a young man of blue hair and golden clothes just like Anna.

"I barely made it." Anna smiled as the prince approached.

Then, the prince finally noticed the weird-dressed guy. He frowned "Who is this?..." as the prince paid more attention to the detail they were being followed by five persons he easily recognized as heroes, his eyes went a little wide. "Could he be?..."

"It is, Prince Alfonse!, the legend is true!" Anna almost jumped in happiness. "I placed the Breidablik inside that monument, and then he appeared! our hero is here, and he was able to summon more heroes using the relic!" she pointed to the heroes.

The prince nodded as he rubbed his chin, clearly still surprised. "Wow..." he cleared his throat before giving a serious face. "It's nice to meet you, as you heard, I'm Alfonse, prince of Askr."

Then, they did a handshake

"Nice to meet you, too... I guess..." the "hero" was not exactly sure what he should do in this situation. This was a prince after all... who knows what stuff could he do if he got on his mad side.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

True, he at the very least should have said it.

"Oh, it's true, I never asked for it." Anna commented with a finger on her chin.

The nameless hero considered for a moment his answer. "...You can call me... Kiran... (No es mi verdadero nombre pero mejor uso otro aquí (it's not my true name, but it's better to use another name here))"

"Well, Kiran, I'm sorry to ask this of you so soon, we've just met, but we need your help." the prince sighed.

"Yeah, Anna already explained it to me." Kiran crossed his arms as he nodded. "The Empire called Embla is trying to conquest all the worlds... besides, it's not like I have anything else to do." at least in a near future, he did not have a definitive goal.

"Thanks, Kiran, well, talking about the worlds, one of those is the World of Mystery, the empire has newly taken over that world." Alfonse started walking around as he gulped.

"So, we're going to free it, right?" Kiran made his fists collide. "What the fuck are we waiting for?"

The prince frowned, but he decided to ignore certain detail. "Right, but, first... Commander Anna, there's one more thing... there's a strange man, he does not seem to be an imperial soldier but not a hero neither... he's followed by some soldiers though."

"Do you have an idea of who might he be and what he wants?" Anna asked.

"The answer is no, I've never seen him before. Our scouts told me he wears a mask and keeps his face a secret, his soldiers are coming here."

"I can see them." Kiran said, looking at the horizon.

"That was fast..." Alfonse drew his sword, preparing himself for battle. "Kiran, you have an ax, can you help me with those guys?" Alfonse pointed to two soldiers who had a spear and an ax.

"I guess... which one should I attack?"

"Em... considering the usual advantage an ax has against a spear... you must attack to the spear soldier... it's pretty obvious..." Alfonse was confused... why a hero did not seem to know such a basic concept?

"In that case... let's get them!" Kiran raised his ax.

During the battle, Kiran learned more about the triangle of weapons, or how he called it "Stone, paper or scissors", being a difference that there were more weapons that could mess up with the system, bows for example.

If he was honest, he was surprised that medieval weapons had this kind of... strategy balance.

Kiran barely dodged a lunge from the spear before he used all the force he could use to hit said weapon with his ax. Alfonse then finished off the man before covering his right side with his shield.

During the battle, he was not of much use... he just supported the prince in battle.

"Who are you, stranger?" Anna asked to the man Alfonse had mentioned previously who... did not seem to aid his allies.

"Tell us, are you a soldier of Emblian Empire? if so, I'm afraid that we have to defeat you for the free of the heroes, leave them alone!" the prince yelled.

"Oh? interesting, I guess you want us to close the gates too... right?" his mask did not hide a lot, so it was easy to see the sarcastic smile he had. "Pff, in your dreams." he ordered his horse to advance as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, because all the soldiers, heroes included, were infantry units, nobody could really attempt to follow him.

"Hey, where are you going?" Alfonse attempted to run after him with evident results. "Come back!... damn... he's gone... tsee."

"You must know," Anna turned to Kiran. "Those gates he mentioned... they connect our world to all those where heroes live. The royalty of Askr, like Alfonse, can open a gateway," Anna said.

"And the royalty of Embla are able to close them... time ago our families worked together to open and close the gates... but now Embla is leaving the gates open and is trying to conquest those worlds... again... tch" Alfonse growled, clenching his fists.

"Someone in your family didn't get married to someone from Embla and gave birth to someone with both powers?... I mean.. you know..." Kiran frowned. Arranged marriages were some common in the medieval age so the whole idea this hadn't happened before was kinda insane.

"I'm afraid that it's not the case." Alfonse shook his head. "The power of closing or opening gates is not something you inherit so easily. It's a power the previous king gives to you through a ritual."

"I see..." Kiran crossed his arms.

"We can fight them at least" Anna responded "That's why we made the order of heroes." Anna then walked in direction to Alfonse. "Was not your sister with you?"

Alfonse negated it "No more, we sent her with a few soldiers on a scouting mission to the world of Mystery once we captured the portal... I fear that she may be in danger..."

Anna was worried. "She may be in danger... let's hurry to the World Of The Mystery."

Kiran nodded, "(Supongo que esta mierda se puede poner más compleja (Guess all this shit can get more and more complex...))."

After hours of walking, something Kiran was kinda used to do due to having to walk a lot from the old restaurant of his father to his house once he told him he had helped enough, the group finally got in the World of The Mystery, Kiran was asking himself what it had of a "Mystery"

But he got to admit that the Gate was... magnific!

A beautiful portal between universes...

Finally, they found a little group of soldiers. There was a blonde girl, she had the same clothes as Anna and Alfonse and she had a spear as her weapon.

She ran towards them.

She seemed to be a little angry.

"Commander Anna! brother! what has taken you so long to get here?" exclaimed in frustration.

"Sorry sister. We had to battle our way to reach you here a few times..." the prince rubbed the back part of his head.

She hugged him. Although the prince did not seem to like that a lot... it was obvious he could do an exception for his sister.

"Mmm? who is the guy with those clothes? they look so... cool!... oh... OH MY!" she started to get excited.

"W-What?" Kiran asked, feeling the needing protect himself as he backed off.

"You're holding the legendary relic... and it's all aglow!" she smiled "Are you the Great Hero!?" she placed her hands in such a way she almost seemed to be praying as she looked at him, expectantly.

"Uh... technically speaking... yes.. but I rather don't be called like that..." he sighed. "My name's Kiran... nice to meet you... em..."

"I'm Sharena." she said with an even bigger smile. "it's a pleasure to meet you Great... Kiran! I'm going to be your number one fan!" she immediately hugged him... Kiran didn't really have a problem with hugs, he actually loved them, but... this was... uncomfortable due to the context.

He raised his eyebrow "T-Thanks?..."

"All right." Alfonse grab his sister's hand and ensured she wasn't touching Kiran anymore. "Just tell us, sister, what's the situation here?"

"Simply put... Absolutely dreadful... we've seen the empire has taken control of four heroes. The leader is a woman, she swoops through the skies, a fearsome figure, all in red."

"It sounds like the princess Minerva..." Alfonse knew this was going to suck. "This battle is going to be tough."

"Great..." Kiran sarcastically commented.

When they were finally seeing the woman who fit the description Sharena gave because she appeared and approached to them... Kiran was very... impressed.

"Begone, outsiders." The woman was... riding a dragon?

That was badass.

"I have no time to waste with you right now," she seemed to be very frustrated. "Get out of my way!"

"I'm afraid that we cannot do that". Anna answered.

"Well..." the woman in red sighed. "Princess Veronica gave me an order. I must attack a kingdom near her empire. if insist on standing in my way, I guess I have to defeat you first." Minerva raised her ax, preparing herself to attack.

"Is it really necessary?" Alfonse clenched his teeth.

"I'm under contract to obey, there's only ONE way to release me of that, prove you're stronger, and beat me." Minerva crossed her arms.


"Just give up Alfonse, you have heard her, we have to defeat her... considering what you told me about the triangle of weapons... Virion, please take care of those girls riding... um.. flying horses?... you're the only one with a bow here so that's your mission. Some of you, cover him, Alfonse, let's fight her, you and me." Kiran said.

"Hey!... I'm the commander... " Anna exclaimed.

"Maybe you are, but it doesn't matter from who is the order, it only matters that the order makes sense... do you have a problem with what I've said?"

"Um...well... no... maybe I would have said the same..." Anna sighed.

"Well... if nobody has more complaints... let's go!"

"Right!" most of them yelled.

"So, lemme try to get this straight... you're under a spell that turns you all into slaves... but you're aware of it?" Kiran asked. This had him very confused... usually, in stories, magic allowed you to pretty much transform anybody into puppets or erase memories easily.

"It's not as simple... If we refuse to cooperate, they can kill us all by a heart-attack" Minerva responded.

"Don't worry, we'll save you!" Alfonse exclaimed, then he ran towards the woman.

The battle wasn't easy, Kiran actually didn't know how to fight, he had no practice at all regarding wielding a medieval weapon. He was only helping Alfonse, a difference was the fact that Kiran dropped his ax and now he was holding a sword he took from another corpse.

They two had the advantage of the triangle of weapons and, fortunately, the dragon Minerva was riding wasn't fighting too.

Had it shot fireballs, they would be screwed up so badly.

At a certain point of the battle, Virion appeared behind Kiran, he had many wounds... apparently, when one of his heroes was defeated, they were teleported behind him to protect them, he told him to run away, what he did.

The battle finished when Kiran got to jump and get on the dragon. Holding Minerva, he hurt the animal and when it fell, Alfonse gave to Minerva the final blow.

After she got multiple wounds, it could be seen that, from her blood, a kind of dark energy was expelled from her body.

Minerva placed a hand on the area of her heart... and sighed in relief.

The curse was broken...

"Well done," she said " You two have proved strong enough to break our contract... well... maybe you are an exception..." her contempt for Kiran was easy to perceive as she pointed to him.

Nervously, Kiran scratched his neck and laughed, he also gave a few steps back.

"So," she turned her attention to Alfonse. "Now we are free once more, I give you my oath that we won't attack your kingdom... farewell... I need to cure my wyvern..." then, the princess and her knights began their travel back home.

"And that completes our mission, Kiran." Alfonse smiled.

"Maybe you could be a great tactician!" Sharena said.

"Em..." tactician? while he didn't consider himself stupid... that wasn't exactly an easy task. His "experience" commanding armies was videogames... "Maybe... I'll do the best I can do." but it seemed they were putting so much... faith... on him... all because he was this "legendary hero"...

"I think I'm going to be very fond of you." Sharena hugged him again.

"Em... ok... I like the idea... I guess..."

"Let's go back to Askr for the moment, we don't have such a big army to fight more soldiers of the Empire if they are here too..." Anna commented, her ax resting on her shoulder.

Kiran is bilingual, besides, he's not wearing his classic white coat of the game... at least... not yet...

The story has been rewritten to improve quality, but even with that there's always room for better stuff.

To all the new readers, welcome to May The Future Be Bright, one of the oldest fanfics of FEH. I hope you enjoy