Warning: Caine by maragas

Caine is pissed and the poor bastards in The World of Darkness shall suffer for it.

Link: https://fiction.live/stories/Warning-Caine/WRuSTrMK7XvjG4aXW/home


Drowning your sorrows away usually leads you to sleep a century or two. Not this time. Anger is your motivation, keep it up before your regrets drags you to inaction. Expect irregular updates at best since I am mostly writing this in April Fools' mood.

May 1, 1999

Today was the day.

Get your special stash, drink until you can't even remember your name, bury yourself deep into the Earth, ignore Ennoia's presence, and pretend that you don't exists.

"Look at him, I couldn't see him among the trash!"

So how did it come to this?

"It's because he belongs there, big G! He is trash!"

Getting rightly laughed at and mocked by a bunch of children, amidst the polluted and corrupted trash and shit-stained walls.

You really shouldn't have murdered Abel drank that 1000-year-old magical moonshine you nicked from that old Archmage.

"Let's go boys, we don't belong here unlike him."

Next time you will bury yourself before drin-

A small bundle of ten dollars smacks your face, making you open your eyes for the first time since you got into this alley.

"Here, take this, clean up and make yourself useful."


"Big G?"

"Eh, felt bad for him. Everyone deserves a chance."


They dare? "Clean up", "Make yourself useful", "Felt bad"

"Everyone deserves a chance?"

"I SHOW YOU WHO IS USEFUL! IF NOT MY NAME IS NOT CAINE! FUCK YOU GOD! " you shout in a language long lost to history, your body pulverizing the concrete around you as you stand up. Ignoring the group of teenagers' shocked looks, you simply disappear in a burst of speed, so fast that not even a sonic boom happened.

Motivation Anger Level: 10


If Anger gets to 0, you will go back to normal. For the purposes of this quest, that will be the End unless something changes.

As the purple sun set over the Duchy of Balefire, the sky turned a deep shade of blue, mirroring the glow of the radioactive volcano. The air was thick with the smell of sulfur and ash, and the ground trembled beneath the feet of those who dared to tread upon it. In the center of the Duchy stood the balefire volcano, its blue Cherenkov radiation illuminating the surrounding landscape with an eerie, otherworldly light.

Around the base of the volcano, hideous fomori legions roamed freely, their twisted forms a testament to the horrific power of the balefire. They had once been human, but now they were something else entirely – monstrous beings chained in cages until the balefire completed its corruptive work.

But Duke Kerne saw value in these fomori. After some time in his radioactive presence, they became especially monstrous Banes, creatures that he sold to other Duchies for a hefty profit or used against them for even bigger gains. And so the fomori wandered this realm, released there only to serve their master.

Kerne's castle sat embedded in the side of the volcano, a fortress of stone shot through with veins of plutonium. From foundation to ceiling, the castle was a monument to the Duke's power, a place where he could watch over his Duchy and all who lived within it. And as the night fell and the glow of the balefire grew stronger, it was clear that this was a realm unlike any other, where danger lurked around every corner and the very air was thick with the scent of death and basked in radiation.

But for you, it was nothing.

The sky split open with a deafening crack as reality simply broke under tremendous power. You fell to the radioactive ground like a meteor, accidentally vaporizing a few unfortunate fomori.

You really should have been more careful when you punched through the Umbral Gauntlet. But really, you couldn't give fuck. What's going to happen to you, you are Caine!

On the Earth Side, where Caine punched through the Umbral Gauntlet

"Warning, this is not a drill, all non-essential personnel are ordered to prepare for an emergency operation to establish a parameter around the California B-20 area. Civilian casualties are estimated to be in the hundreds. The presence of alien entities of para-biological origin, confirmed. The presence of a semi-stable rift in Spacetime, confirmed.

Prepare to suppress the anomaly."

Back to Caine

Yeah, you are awesome like that.


You are getting annoyed at all the Banes and Fomori staring at you with bewilderment. Maybe you should do something about it. Or the radiated acid rain that is falling on you, it is starting to itch a bit.

"INTRUDER!" a shout that shook the realm startled you and made the surrounding wastes of space fearful.

A giant, nearly skeletal humanoid riding an even bigger chariot bursts through the volcano. For lesser beings, his appearance would be both terrifying and awe-inspiring. His form, cadaverous and frail like that of a walking corpse, similar to your grandchilde Cappadocius. But his flesh is a different story. It's as if his body is made of boiling lava, with red-hot cracks and veins of molten plutonium running through it. His eyes are sunken and glowing with an eerie intensity and blue light.

As the chariot drew to a halt before you, Lord Kerne stepped down, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Who are you to dare to enter my realm?" he thundered. With every word, atomic fire escaped his mouth "You will pay the price for your insolence!"

"It's Caine, maybe you heard of it seeing as you are already pissing lava everywhere. Scared?"

Fiery being stood still at the words, before his sunken eyes blazed with the fury of a nuclear reaction.

"You should not have come here, vampire," Lord Kerne hissed, his voice crackling with energy.

"This is my realm, and I will not tolerate any challengers. Not even someone like you"

Breathing the filthy air, you chuckle.

"I don't need to be tolerated by the likes of you." With a burst of speed, you grab his ankle before he can react. Truly, you are tiny compared to him.

Not to mention your hand is starting to burn a bit. "I only need you gone"

"Wha-" Lord Kerne couldn't finish his first word before you smashed him to his own chariot. Again and again. Each time chariot broke more and more, along with its owner.

Before you can smash him once more, Lord Kerne detached his leg.

Bewildered you looked at the massive leg you had in your hand, bigger than you several times, and tried to make sense of it with your drunken mind.

Lord Kerne however, floating in the air, raised a clawed hand and unleashed a torrent of radioactive fire that engulfed you in a searing atomic blast.

For a moment, you thought you are going to die. But then you remembered who and what you are. Barely burned by the atomic blast, you regenerated your wounded flesh.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for you, the same couldn't be said for Lord Kerne.

His giant form was squirming in the air.

"Oh" you realized. "It's the first time you got burned by your own radiation and fire, right?" Mark of Caine was a bitch like that.

"How…how could my own fire burn me! I am the Master of Balefire, I am the Balefire itself! You did this, you leech" screamed Lord Kerne, radiation, lava and fire spewing out from his very being. " Burn until not even your existence remains!"

With those words, he opened his mouth wide, summoning all of his power to unleash a devastating beam of atomic fire that shot forth like a bolt of lightning, so intense that it seemed to warp the very fabric of reality itself.

The beam struck you with incredible force, sending you hurtling backwards through the radioactive air toward the volcano.

Then it exploded. By that, you mean the volcano exploded with you at the center.

As you lay at the now ruined remains of the volcano, lava and radioactive fallout falling on you, you think.

That shit-stained alley was more comfortable. Mundane trash is preferable to radioactive lava.

At least you aren't Kerne right now.

Looking across the desolate radioactive wasteland, Lord Kerne is screaming in pain. His corporeal form is slowly dissipating, like a leaking water balloon.

""Not so!" replied the LORD. "If anyone slays Cain, then Cain will be avenged sevenfold." "

Wait…does that mean…God is killing that fool.


Without hesitation, you launched yourself towards the molten creature, fists clenched tight. With a fierce cry, you brought your fist down in a powerful blow that quaked the whole realm and caused Kerne to sink into the realm's radioactive earth

Again and again and again and again you struck Kerne, the first blow piercing his chest, the second blowing up the corporeal body and leaving only the spirit and the very essence of Balefire, Furmos itself, vulnerable.

Normally, physical attacks can do nothing to beings like this. But you are Caine, your pinkie had more spirituality than most legendary Werewolves. Mastery of Potence helped as well.

Blow by blow you smashed the very essence of Radiation, each time the fire of the cosmos glowed less and less. It reminded you of how you smashed Abel's head open like a coconut.

With a snarl, you grabbed what remained and opened your mouth, far wider than any human could, and ate Furmos.

A Stroll Through Nightmares and Madness – Part 1


Broke the Umbral Gauntlet in an alley in California:

-Caused an interdimensional invasion

-The Technocracy emergency teams managed to push back the invasion and contain the semi-stable rift in spacetime. They are now looking for the cause.

-Civilian casualties are around a thousand, Technocratic casualties are about a dozen.

-You successfully reached Malfeas.

Overall Rating (According to Caine): Perfect

Invading Malfeas: Lava Zone (Elemental Duchy: Balefire):

-Impressive Entrance

-Fought and killed Lord Kerne, Balefire Maeljin Incarna, the Master of Hellfire and the Holder of Furmas, the Essence of Balefire. Radioactivity in the universe is massively reduced. Several Pentex projects have been negatively impacted and halted. Other Maeljin Incarna are preparing to move in to take over the territories of Lord Kerne.

-Devastated the Duchy of Balefire, the vast majority of Banes and legions of Fomori died in crossfire between Caine and Lord Kerne. The remaining Balefire Elementals are fighting for control of what's left and trying to establish authority. The heart of the Realm, Lord Kerne's Castle is gone along with the volcano it resided on. As a consequence of this, Radioactivity in the universe is even further reduced.

-As you had the…bright idea to eat Furmas, the essence of Balefire, no one in the universe except for the Wyrm itself can use Balefire as long as it is contained in your body. The forces of the Wyrm are weakened considerably as Balefire was the most popular element among them.

-The Maeljin Duchies guarding the Central Duchy learned of your actions, they will be prepared.

- The Defiler Wyrm, one of the three heads of the Wyrm, took a heavy blow with your actions and got weakened. You took one of 4 corrupted Elements from its, metaphorical, hands. It will remember this.

-Beast-of-War: The Calamity Wyrm, is getting stronger…

Overall Rating (According to Caine): Take that God! I am useful!

Result: Regain 1 Wrath, gain perk "Containing Furmas, the Essence of Balefire"

Updated Character Sheet

Health Status: Perfect

Emotional Status: Suicidal Depression and Apathy

Full-on Breakdown:

Drunken Anger

Motivation Anger Level: 8



-Physical: Major God: Don't bother rolling against anything less than a God

-Spiritual: Major God: Don't bother rolling against anything less than a God

Disciplines: All of them, full mastery of main Disciplines.


-Mark Of Caine: Immortal, anything negative will be reflected back to the cause x7 before anything else.

-Containing Furmas, the Essence of Balefire: ???

Doesn't really matter, you are Caine.

Scribes Note: For those who want to get into wod lore..... well here is a list and ohh boy is this universe complicated








and there is many more playlist for vampire clans and fera lore those who want ti further research can look them up in youtube and other sites this is all the links I am willing to provide because there is just so much