The Human King by SocialistBukharin

Words: 101k+


( "Name's Kenshin Ogura. I am not a hero, nor a villain." A protagonist of his own tale, detached from the powerplays happening between the organisations in Tokyo. Beware as this man is not a simple pawn, but a self-made King. OC-Insert! Gamer!Fanfic! New Rewrite Available, check last chapter! )

Chapter 1: Prologue


The following is a fan-based


Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul Root A and Tokyo Ghoul:re and other products related to the TG Series are all owned by Sui Ishida, Shin Towada and Shueisha.

Please support the official release.

Prologue: Soft words, big fist!

You know something is wrong when you woke up in a bench in some park without recollection of the past few hours.

Kenshin Ogura did felt like something that something important was eluding his sore mind but he couldn't pinpoint it with his usual precision.

His brain was his holy domain and that was worrying, to say the least.

Yet, as he jumped up and away from the bench, a curious purple box caught his never-decreasing attention.

The golden words written upon said projection fueled the initial curiousity that had thrived in that moment and a small amused smile appeared on his unblemished visage as he read the shocking but well-explanatory text.

[The Gamer]

Your impressive potential has been noticed by the higher deities and, seeing the world you grew up as someplace that limited your capacities, you have been moved away from your original dimension and put in a acceptably harsh but rewarding universe with the limitless ability known as The Gamer.

Kenshin's eyes glowed greedily as he recalled the absurd power that made Han Jihan a relevant player in his world.

Player.. hehe..

A yellow box replaced the previous one urging once more his attention away from his plans.

[While you have a good grasp regarding The Gamer, it's advised to all the new Gamers to pass through the Tutorial stage.]

White flooded the young man's sight as the park was replaced with a virtual location, similar to the Animus loading screen from Assassin Creed's games.

[Tutorial 1/5]

It's time to check for your stats. After the recent patches, the Stat Menu can be opened with a thought input.



Possibly a good thing to have to limit embarassing moments in the future.

Stat Menu

And the world opened before him.


Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 1 - Exp: 0/50

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 100/100

Special Points (SP) : 400/400


POW: 9

INT: 8

AGI: 7

WIS: 10

VIT: 7

CHA: 8

LUK: 20


Gamer Body (LVL Max.) - Congratulations, your body had been turned into one influenced by the rules of the Game Module. This Skill is present in all Users from the very beginning.

Gamer Mind (LVL Max.) - As a Gamer, you are blessed to have a mind devoid of possessions and manipulations. The emotional impact to your actions has been reduced of the 50%.

Beginners' Luck (Non-Level Skill) - This temporary Skill will add a EXP multiplier related to LUK for Skills and LVLs. Expiration Level: LVL 10.


Educated Intellectual - A fine man of knowledge, you crave to learn more about yourself and everything around you. +10% experience from learning books and Intellectual-Type Skills.

Soul of the Fighter - You have fought your way in the world for almost your entire life. You are a prideful but careful warrior that cherish fighting without falling in a battlelust. +15% experience from fights and Fighting-Type Skills.



Kenshin admire with a confident smirk his high stats and almost ignored the cheerful song that followed the appearance of a blue box.


Congratulations, you have LVLd Up!


Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 2 - Exp: 0/80

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 100/100 +20

Special Points (SP) : 400/400 +80

Money = 0 Yen


POW: 9+1

INT: 8+1

AGI: 7+1

WIS: 10+1

VIT: 7+1

CHA: 8+1

LUK: 20+1

Since his skills were upped automatically and without Stats Points for him to assign, the young man deduced that his predicament was different from many stories he had read on his free time.

Still the tutorial had given him a level for free and for something as easy as opening the Stat Menu.

[Tutorial 2/5]

Fights are going to be frequent in the world you had been placed and you need to be as prepared and careful as possible against most opponents.

Defeat 5 Shadowlings!


-Power Punch!-

Already a fight? Kenshin felt the soothing blanket of confidence washing away his questions and he focused on the new threats.

These 'Shadowlings' appeared quite similar to Heartless from KH but seemed to be a bit more smarter than the weakest enemies of that franchise.

With a growl, one of the fiends tried to land its claws on the young man's chest but, as it was still in mid-air, his left fist kissed his face and a short but loud crack echoed in the white void.


The beast recoiled for a moment at the quick jab and barely grasped the concept of keeping its guard on.


Kenshin's right fist wished to experience the same thing his counterpart had showed but ended up tearing the head of the creature without much of a 'squish'.

Glancing at his hands, a small satisfied smile appeared on the Gamer's face as he gauged the the defense the quite weak monsters had.


So he could already start to get some headstart with those freaks? Amazing.

His amused eyes turned to the remaining four, sending chills to the now scared monsters.

[Through determination, two new Skills have been created!]

Killer Intent/KI (LVL. 5 0/150) - The ability to instill fear on the minds of your foes. At your current level, you have a 100% chance of sparking 'Scared' status on weaker enemies, 45% on those on your level and a 5% to those above your current rank.

Detect Killer Intent/KI (LVL 5 0/150) - 'The Spider Sense is tingling..', you can now feel the direction and the strenght when someone is releasing their KI on you.

Kenshin let his smile widen as he eyed the results of his morbid study and decided to further interest himself on his current capacities, destroying the shellshocked monsters with punches, kicks and a mix of both.





With a relieved sigh, the young man stared at the empty space previously occupied by the Shadowling and thought what else was left for him to do in this Tutorial.

Thankfully enough for his curiousity, a red box appeared in front of him and supplied him with a new objective.

[Tutorial 3/5]

The Fighting-Type Skills can also be used out of fights. Sometime the places you might found yourself into might require the usage of particular Skills.

Destroy the iron door!



-100xp for Power Punch-

As Kenshin finished reading the text, a small building appeared in front of him with its only, white door barring his entrance.

Power Punch (LVL 1 0/50) - The power of a mighty punch! Your fist is coated in energy that let you deal a single punch with a damage ten times it's normal. Outside of fights this Skill has the power of a small explosive device. Drain: 50SP per hit!

With a shrug, the Gamer moved right in front of the door and prepared his fist.


His fist was soon covered in a golden aura and the young man wasted few moments to analyze in awe the phenomenon.


As Kenshin slammed his fist on the door, he was surprised to see that the entrance, while damaged a little, held against his attack.

+50xp for Power Punch!


Power Punch (LVL 2 0/100) - The power of a mighty punch! Your fist is coated in energy that let you deal a single punch with a damage ten times it's normal. Outside of fights this Skill has the power of a small explosive device +1. Drain: 48SP per hit!

The Gamer stared in awe as the energy around his fist increased a little and he decided to try once more.

"Power Punch!"

The door didn't held this time and his punch sent it fly for about few metres, sending it smashing to the opposite wall.

Smoke rose from his fist as the energy vanished as quickly as it came.


Congratulations, you have LVLd Up!


Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 3 - Exp: 45/120

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 120/120 +20

Special Points (SP) : 382/480 +80

Money = 0 Yen


POW: 10+1

INT: 9+1

AGI: 8+1

WIS: 11+1

VIT: 8+1

CHA: 9+1

LUK: 21+1


Power Punch (LVL 3 0/130) - The power of a mighty punch! Your fist is coated in energy that let you deal a single punch with a damage ten times it's normal. Outside of fights this Skill has the power of a small explosive device +2. Drain: 47SP per hit!

As Kenshing walked calmly towards the curious wood chest held in the midst of the room, he felt the LoZ's little theme for this kind of occasions buzz in his ears and, as he pulled the container open, he blinked in surprise at the content.

As he picked in one hand a red flasket and in the other a blue one, he was pleased to see those disappear on some white cloud, together with the other ones still inside the chest, as a the description of the two types was given on him.

[Basic Health Potion] x10

Basic Loot Object. Cures 20HP.

[Basic Special Potion] x10

Basic Loot Object. Restores 50SP.

Yet, even in front of so much generosity, he felt like he was missing something quite obvious.

[Tutorial 4/5]

While you are the Gamer, you are entitled to find unique ways to deal with dangerous foes. Most of those interactions are reserved to bosses.

Deal with the Tutorial Guardian!




It happened very quickly as the young man's arms closed in guard as a dark armored foot swiftly appeared directed for his head and smashed his body away from the room.


"What a rude nuisance.." Kenshin picked himself from the ground and stared in calm anger the one who had dared to start the fight.

Armored Ghoul LVL.5


The Gamer whistled at the high HPs and prepared himself as the boss approached him.

With an impressive jump, the Ghoul shortened the gap between them and Kenshin sidestepped the mindless clawing at him, planting a solid Power Punch on the foe's armor.


His eyes widened a little at the measle damage but he continued to focus on the rash fighting behavior his enemy seemed keen to show.

Let's see..

The Game had called for him to go creative? Then Kenshin will show creative.

A kick almost got into his defences and the Gamer started his short plan.

Power Punch one of the leg


While the Ghoul was sturdy to damage, it could still feel the strenght behind the blow and, if said blow happened to his limbs, it would feel it much more than a strike to his chest.

As the Ghoul kneeled because of the pain, the young man moved to the next part of his plan.

Power Punch his head

This time the attack yelded a more than acceptable result as some part of the armor cracked, giving him the opportunity to strip the Ghoul from the defensive plates covering his face.

Pulling it from the newly-created cracks, the headpiece ceded at the strain, revealing two familiar red eyes with black irises staring at him with rabid anger.

Power Punch his weak point!


The snarl on the foe's visage vanished in a pained grunt as Kenshin's fist pushed harshly on the exposed skin.

"Not so good without something protecting your soft body, aren't you?"

As the human-like being attempted to bite him, two other Power Punches drilled on it, completely destroying its head in a red and boney mush.

The body fell on the ground, dark smoke replacing it with some Yen and two SP potions.


Power Punch (LVL 5 48/180) - The power of a mighty punch! Your fist is coated in energy that let you deal a single punch with a damage ten times it's normal. Outside of fights this Skill has the power of a small explosive device +4. Drain: 45SP per hit!



Congratulations, you have LVLd Up ! x2


Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 5 - Exp: 75/180

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 90/140 +40

Special Points (SP) : 147/520 +160

Money = 5000 Yen


POW: 11+2

INT: 10+2

AGI: 9+2

WIS: 12+2

VIT: 9+2

CHA: 10+2

LUK: 22+2

As the young man tasted the pleasant sensation of power flowing in his veins, a new box appeared in front of him.

[Tutorial 5/5]

The Tutorial is almost over. Your last learning path is the Perk System. Every five levels you can choose a new Perk between three possibilities.

The secret reward of 'Tutorial 4/5' is another Perk you can choose so you can now pick two Perks between the six that we present you.




Perks Available:

Apprentice Brawler: You prefer to solve problems with your fist than with diplomacy. Gain a 20% DMG bonus for any Bare Hands attacks.

Shrewd Salesman: Your experience in selling stuff has made you capable of buying things at a cheaper price. -15% discount to any shop's object.

Hunger for Fight: Fighting replenish your HP by 1 per attack.

Young Wise Man: You have reached a good understanding of life and can understand better those around you. Immediate +20% to your CHA and to your WIS.

One Last Time: Your mind refuses to surrender to a sure defeat. Receive back 50% of your HP back if your HP reaches below 10%.

Golden Touch: Enemies drops 10% more money than before.

It was a difficult choice as all six of those sounded useful in his mind, yet he decided to take the risky but more rewarding two.

So Kenshin selected Apprentice Brawlerand Young Wise Man and confirmed his choice.


Congratulations, you have LVLd Up !


Name: Kenshin Ogura

Title: The Gamer

Level 6 - Exp: 95/210

Age: 20

Health Points (HP) : 90/180 +20

Special Points (SP) : 147/680 +80

Money = 5000 Yen


POW: 13+1

INT: 12+1

AGI: 11+1

WIS: 16+1

VIT: 11+1

CHA: 12+1

LUK: 24+1

As he nodded at the Stats, Kenshin felt panic rise for the first time in a while as the ground where he stood started to shake violently.

Soon the floor collapsed with a sound similar to glass breaking and he felt like falling in the darkness.

Yet, as soon as he closed his eyes, the sensation that had caused so much fear in his heart vanished as he opened his eyes back to stare at the sunny sky, once again laying on the bench of that park.

I am back to the real world... but which 'real world' is this?

His question was replied by a white box with black writings.

Tokyo, 1st Ward, 7th June 2011 (Four Years before the Steel Beams Incident)

Finally Kenshin's theory was confirmed by the familiar and detailed date of that day.

The Gamer has been dropped on a world quite wrong.

But... will he actually work to make it right?


One of the longest chapter I have ever written and the second Gamer fanfic I've written.

I think I will possibly add much more details in this one as I ended up leaving much unanswered in the early chapters of FPO as I was still learning to write this particular theme.

I had a little glance around this fandom for