It's in the Blood (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss OC) by JBukharin also known as Socialist Bukharin in

Words: 214k+


(Alan couldn't have imagined to be descendant to one of the most terrifying Overlords in Hell. 'Uncle Al' sure is planning to catch up with what is left of his family, and he will not stop until his silly 'great-grandnephew' shows his smile to the world; (Helluva Boss characters are in this story.) )

Chapter 1: Prologue: Omega and Alpha


The following is a fan-based


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are all owned by Vivienne Medrano + numerous amazing independent animators, music-makers, and voice actors.

Please support the official release.

Prologue: Omega and Alpha


The building was on fire. A gun was leveled to the approaching red darkness that threatened the man standing before the unknown yet familiar creature. His stance was firm, but his mind was filled with doubts as he prepared to take one last shot with the sanctified pellets.

"Nestor, my kind brother. Don't do this, you don't want to see me angry," The demonic entity calmly addressed, his stretching limps expanding as his form increased the more time passed without the human taking that initiative. Gone was the fear, only the resolution that this was the only thing he owed to his mother and his sibling.

"I'm sorry it came to this, Al," Nestor muttered, his lips tainted by the blood pouring by the large gash where once his left eye existed. "This is for you and those you killed. I… I love you, little brother."


The pellet exploded out of the shotgun, the fragments shredding through the monstrous flesh and tearing the beast apart as it collapsed down into nothingness. Fire rushed all over the room, destroying and ravaging what was left of that long abandoned manor that Nestor once called his home.

Gone was his past family… only the one he had built with love and attention, something his father never cared much for, waited for his return. Bloody, broken, and heavily damaged, the man persisted and, miraculously so, he managed to live through his injuries from that day onward. He died of old age, in his sleep, keeping watch over his children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren.

Before he left for the afterlife, he warned all those he cared about of the one he had to let go in the most painful of ways… with a single individual among the bunch of boys and girls that he was tied by blood with that actually heed to his words. But it wasn't for fear. No, the child wanted to know of the sibling that he loved despite the horrors that he had committed, the deeds he had done in the name of personal gratification.

The child's name was-



"Gah!" I woke up from my slumber in a complete panic. The loud yell coming from mother was so sudden that I quickly rolled and fell off the bed on my back. The wood of the floor creaked at the crash, and I groaned when I realized what was going on.

It was painfully early in the morning, I was still in my sleeveless white shirts and short blue pants, the usual sleepwear. I was staring at the ceiling of my room, the curtains were low enough to avoid any sunlight-induced migraine, and my mother was the one screaming at me at the moment.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back, my hands pressing the sides of my head in an effort to keep my headache under control. Seriously, it was four in the morning, and she had to scream like a fucking banshee instead of knocking at my door. Sure, I told her to wake me up but… never mind.

"You're running late! You should be leaving in an hour!"

Wait, what?

"Why didn't you wake me earlier then?!"

"I forgot!"

Fucking bat. Not even in her late forties and she was already forgetting everything I needed to know. I sighed as I pulled myself off the ground and started to plan out how I was supposed to get everything set before I was screamed at once again.

First thing, bathroom routine. I blitzed around silently and without pause, ditching the idea of trying to get a turn in the shower and going for a minimalist route for the occasion. After twenty minutes of endless procrastination I was out of the bathroom, I swiftly put on the fresh pair of clothes I had prepared the night before.

A dark-gray jacket that was over a light red shirt. A pair of dark-blue jeans, sport shoes with a red theme. I was as smooth as I could get, and it was a pity ladies were never going to learn about my pure awesomeness since I was leaving this town forever. Chicks might be an objective, but I was aiming to get out of that house first and foremost.

After picking up the satchel filled with documents, keys and some snacks for the trip, I proceeded to rush downstairs to face the music one last time. The kitchen was quite cramped considering how small-sized it was. There was just enough room for the stoves, some shelves on the uppermost corners, and a table that could be used to put on plates out of the oven. Right now mom was trying to not burn some eggs, while dad was sitting quietly by the table reading some papers about the last football matches.

"So, I know it's sudden, but I'll be going now-"

"What about breakfast?" Mother lamented, glaring at me the moment I paused by the entrance. "Don't tell me I was right about you skipping meals to get that slim."

"As if I need to go through that. I got sports and gym for that," I dryly shot back. The woman was hounding me on every occasion, expecting to see how 'rotten' of an apple I really was. It was always her comparing me to that 'lucky cousin' of mine.

"Hey..." Father hummed from behind his newspaper, the old man staunchly opposed to read any news from a modern device. "Pay respect to your mother."

"Sure thing- by the way, I'm leaving, bye," I waved happily as I rushed outside and bolted towards my bike. The old girl didn't look any different than yesterday, and it purred like a fighter when I started her engine. Putting on my helmet, I revved the engine some more before allowing the vehicle to take me away from home and towards uncertain lands and mysterious tales of glory.

Yeah, I was really giddy about being out of that hellhole. After years of decline, the family just settled down for some crappy places where to live, and I was forced to endure through it all until this very point. But today… was a different day. A good kind of different since, after debating for long with the old man about what to do after I was done with high school, I managed to convince him to allow me to keep the money meant for college as a way to actually 'take' the house that was once owned by Great-Grandpa Nestor.

Nobody from the family ever tried to visit it, even though the place was barely looked after ever since the now-dead old timer had perished in his sleep. I was convinced it had something to do about an agreement Nestor had with his kids, urging them to keep away from the property even if the house was given to one of his children or grandchildren. So even though Mother was picked as the one to pick that burden off his cold hands, no plans were ever made to check or even live in that place.

It was a fucking manor, one that should've had space even if a family thrice as the one I came from was sent to live there, and yet neither mother nor father ever wanted to give it a proper thought. Which is why, when I offered to take it off the old bastard's hands so he wouldn't have to keep track of any documentations from time to time, he eagerly shook my hand and gave me the documents that made me the new owner of that abandoned place.

With college a future I didn't want to invest into since I had already taken a liking in being a bartender and having the capacities and the experience to do so, I decided that skipping right to the alley of 'living alone and away from the shitty situation back at home' felt more appropriate. And better for me so I could get away from any stupid rules that I had to face for years now.

I mean, I could understand a curfew if I was still a minor, but I was nineteen now and I expected some respect after handling my last years at school properly and leaving with some brilliant grades at that. But no, only rules and restraints, and some shouting aimed at me if I tried to oppose that.

And now this was no longer the case since I was going to have an entire manor for myself. The idea was thrilling as I had more than enough coin to fix stuff, refurbish the place and make sure that I could live a pleasant life from now on. It took me about four hours to reach the hometown where Nestor hailed from and… the place was deserted. Not only at the entrance, but even as I drove around and beyond its core. It was like visiting 'Ghost Town' to some degree. I could see a couple of bitter-looking elders grumbling about everything they could look or comment against about, but I didn't linger long enough to get targeted by these senile morons.

Instead, I reached for my destination as I had a lot to check about and because I really needed to see how bad things really were at the manor. Gates ruined, the garden had seen better days and the entire entrance was in shambles. Broken mirrors, ruined portraits, charred parts of the wall covers, and finally graffiti adorning most of the walls all around. There were a couple of cool drawings, but some shit was just fruit of a nightmare fuel experience.

I quietly started taking into account the growing tally of the fixing before I could start living properly in a place like this, and I grimaced when I ended up stopping a little beyond seventy percent of my current funds. It was going to be a few tight weeks for sure if I wanted to avoid getting bankrupted. Still, nothing to truly scoff at. I knew that by the time everything was fixed, I was going to live a King's life.

Deciding to take a moment off the exploration, I checked on the floor where I remember Great-Grandpa Nestor mentioning that his room used to be. It was a long hallway with just two doors on one side, and another on the opposite one. I paused by the closest door, frowning as I saw the half-ruined tag that was once meant to highlight who owned each of the available rooms.


"This is… where great-grunkle Alastor's room used to be, uh? I guess little Al can learn some more about old Al for once."

I could still remember how much of a pest I had been with Nestor about that part of his past. He spoke so fondly of his younger brother, the man having died of a hunting accident. With the praises there were also some stubborn refusals to add some more about what kind of person Alastor was. What he liked, what he hated, his hobbies, his work, and his personality. All of it was pretty censored by the stern old man, and nobody seemed to know that much about what kind of hunting accident led to his death.

After opening the door, I paused at the unnerving loud creaking noise it made. I glared at the simple thing, shaking my head as I was really trying to not get uneasy in this massive place that was now mine. With proper loving, this manor was going to shine and not be the scary location of some cheap horror game.

The room was… particularly spartan. Most of the furniture had been destroyed by the passing of time or vandals that had once wandered this abandoned house, leaving nothing of the clothes or books that were once there when people still lived in it. There was still a rotting mattress, with bugs and mold staining it, but also an unexpected Ouija board sitting idly on it.

"Yeah, I'm not touching you, not even if someone offered me half the country." I've seen The Exorcist way too many times to know what happens when one plays alone with that. Yet the table looked particularly newer compared to the entire place… which meant that someone had left it in there quite recently.

I tensed up, looking around as my mind recalled how it wouldn't have been unusual for thieves, or worse, a cult to make a hideout from this old building. The chances of this being true made me even more reluctant to wander on my own. I should call some cops to check the premises… ask for some to remain around so I could get new locks and fix the broken parts of the external gates.

I wasn't sure that could be requested, but the problem in that very moment was keeping to that room which I already knew didn't have any sneaky murderer around and plan out a way to get out of the premises without catching any strange group with murderous intentions. Just as I nodded to this idea, I felt something sturdy suddenly slam on the back of my head. I crashed on the ground and… someone in a cloak stood above me, holding a stone that had been on the floor.

"A sacrifice? What are the odds?" He exclaimed in delight.

Fuck no.

"L-Look pal, there is no need to go for the deep end-"

"You will be just fine! He will certainly approve!" He exclaimed madly, preparing to bash me down with the stone as I brought my arms up to defend against the aggression. And I waited… for a while. But nothing seemed to come my way.

I looked up, worrying that the guy was just waiting for me to show any weakness and attack me while I wasn't blocking. Instead of that, I found the bastard's body lifted off the ground and his neck slowly pulling an 180. My jaws dropped at the every so familiar scene as I realized that the Ouija board was trembling insanely at that paranormal event escalated some more. The man's neck snapped at that unnatural pull and the body fell on the ground and soon a figure materialized out of the board itself.

I stared at the lifeless corpse of the cultist, then up to the one that was surely behind that kill.

His figure was as slim as mine, but what instantly jumped to my attention were his sharp yellow teeth that were shaping a wide smile. He sported a short bob cut with black cowlicks extending from the top of his head, those resembling deer ears. His eyes had red scleras, bright red irises, black pupils. He wore a dark-red coat which is slightly ragged along the bottom, a bright red dress shirt with a black cross on the chest underneath and long burgundy dress pants with matching bright red cuffs.

"Oh my, so much blood staining the floor," The new entity remarked, his voice altered by what looked to be a long microphone. "And to think I was really planning to avoid any bloodshed. A pity that I found out that I couldn't just let you die, young man."

I frowned. "What?"

"Oh dear, forgive me I… tend to forget people don't know me by name in this realm of existence," He mentioned before leaning his head to the side. "My name is Alastor. Pleasure to meet you, unlucky soul."

I opened my mouth, then I closed it, my confusion increasing at this revelation. This man, which was supposedly great-grandpa Nestor's brother, was a demon. A demon that didn't look any interested in keeping me alive from the malicious feeling his grin was giving off.

"Now, since you have been a dear to keep quiet, I can promise to make your death a quick one and-"

"W-Wait, you once lived there right? You are... Nestor's younger brother, that Alastor?"

He tensed up at the name, eyes going wide at my words as he leaned closer and… then he started to hum.

"And how do you know that name now, young fellow?"

"Well, I'm… I'm your great-grandnephew," I explained nervously. "Nestor was my great-grandfather."

Just as I said this, the man hummed again, studying my face with a serious look and then… smiled again. This time more excited than before.

"I think I can see some… resemblance. Yes, you have his nose and his jawbone. But the rest is… mine. Surprisingly so," Alastor commented in pure surprise. "Still, what's your name? Don't be shy to tell Uncle Al."

"I'm Alan." And what's this about 'Uncle Al'?

"Nice to meet you, Alan."

"Uh, likewise-"

"Now, this is truly an interesting revelation. You see, I was actually expecting to find an unfortunate soul that I had to personally take care about and send to Hell. But right now I find myself in front of lovely news," The demon commented happily as he pulled me off the ground and pulled me close in a one-arm semi-hug. "One of my descendants, and a smiler from the looks of it. I can tell that you and I are going to have some good time together, Alan. Uncle Al's guarantee."

I frowned at these words, my headache from earlier this morning slowly returning right to me as I failed to make sense of that madness I was now pulled into.

"W-What is this about… 'Uncle Al'?"

"Granduncle is too long. Plus, I love the ring. I hope you don't mind, because I will not accept any compromises on that front," He happily declared, and I frowned at that.

"Well… It was nice meeting you, Uncle… Al. Yeah, really nice," I nervously replied. "Still, have lots to do. Unpacking things, making sure there are no other criminals, that kind of stuff, really."

Despite my insistence, he didn't make way, leaving me stuck in that predicament.

"Alan, Alan. I praise you for trying to coax me in letting you leave. I know you will try to destroy the board the moment I'm gone," Alastor chided mirthfully. "But still, I can't allow you to do that."

"I would never break a possible tie with an ancestor like you… Uncle Al. I swear on my badges as a boy scout."

I never joined the boy scouts-

"You never joined the boy scouts."


"Y-You… You can read my-"

"Oh no, you're just easy to read when you're nervous. I don't blame you, I'm not certainly known in Hell as a trustworthy individual," The demon admitted. "In fact, I made a reputation through my cruelty and my ruthlessness. Which is why I believe you would be safer away from the cult currently housing the manor and right to my house."

"Wait, isn't that in Hell-!" Panic swelled as I felt my footing lost as a red portal opened beneath my feet. I managed to grasp at him quickly enough before I fell through it.

"L-Look, I understand the fact you- you want to spare some time with family but-"

"No butts," Alastor interrupted, his smile growing ferocious. "Now, I believe you should get set for this new fate of yours. I will wait at Pentagram City, don't be too late."

And with a simple shove, I was sent to the deepest and crappiest corner within reality itself. I looked down as my body entered the portal, my eyes widening in dread as I saw the height I was falling from and the great fiery pentagram I was falling towards.

This is hell. I'm in hell. I mean… I thought I was going to eventually end up there but...

The landing was surprisingly soft despite the height I had fallen from, but I could tell from the pure heat in the air that something about the landing zone wasn't… alright. It took me just a moment to realize that I had landed between a scary looking fiend with curved horns and an unnerving grin that was holding a silver scythe aimed at me and… a particularly small demon red skin with white freckles on his cheeks.

The short guy had white pointy hair that led up to his curvy black and white striped horns. He also had yellow sclera with what seems to be no irises and only slit pupils. He was wearing a black coat with red buttons and white cuffs, black pants, a white shirt that has a black turtleneck, a large red bow-tie, and fingerless gloves.

What the fuck is going on?

Before I could say anything to the two clearly opposed individuals, the grinning fiend screeched at me and tried to hit me by lifting his scythe up and slamming it downward. Dodgeball's reflexes kicked in and I rolled out of the way as the weapon got stuck on the concrete floor. The horrible-looking figure tried to recover the blade, but a retaliatory kick seemed to distract him from the task.

Another screech, this time adrenaline made me a little less frightened by the loud unnatural noise. He leaped to strike, but another kick threw him out of the way. I pushed myself off the ground, sprinting to the scythe and pulling it out of the ground as quickly as I could. The fiend noticed what I was doing and jumped again towards me, rushing quickly and making me panic even more. I eventually pulled the scythe, but it was one of the heaviest shit I expected to handle like this. I still didn't hesitate, and I took a swing at the approaching monster.

The cut was clean, with the weight carrying most of the force behind the blow as the attacker was… decapitated. I stared at his head rolling off and-

A loud clacson caught my attention.

It was the short demon, he was now sitting in the driving post of that normal-looking car and gesturing for me to get inside quickly. I didn't need an explanation as to why there was an hurry, swiftly realizing that the gust of wind coming my way wasn't natural, but created by the pure pressure of an entire battalion of furious flying fiends soaring towards me. They looked really pissed, and I could tell it had to do with their fallen comrade.

I bolted towards the vehicle, unconsciously pressing a button that was in the staff of the blade and folding it down in a single circular tube. I was confused beyond human confusion, and yet I ran, I couldn't stop trying to try and make sense of anything at that moment if I wanted to live. I punched the tube into my satchel, ignoring what had just happened as I needed to move or I wouldn't have survived.

The very moment I jumped inside the side passenger seat, the car rumbled and rushed at a high-speed. Little the guy was, he sure knew how to handle this quick of a pace this early on the driving part. I didn't comment on it, preferring to silently stare as we managed to move just in time to dodge that swarm. The vehicle was faster, and we were getting out from the reach of these fiends.

Silence, confusion, silence… and confusion.

"A-Are you alright?" The short demon inquired and I… nodded. I couldn't think of a proper response, and then I started to list up my current thoughts.

"I think. I shouldn't, but I think I'm… fine?"

"Uh… I don't have any medicines on me. Do you need anything for that?"


"Are you-"

"No, I'm not sure," I replied with a deep breath. "I… I know this sounds excessive, but I really need a moment."

"No, no, it's alright. That was quite crazy," He muttered. "You killed an Exorcist. Holy fuck."

An exorcist? What? That's what these things were called?


I kept quiet, trying to keep my breathing under control as adrenaline ran its course. I was left trembling a little bit, still shaken by what had just happened. It was insane- everything. Cultist, Alastor, Hell, Exorcist and-

"By the way, I'm… I'm Moxxie."

I glanced back at him, slightly irked that he decided to break that request. I tried to come up with a comeback, but I was just too stomped by it all that I couldn't think of anything smart. So I settled for the easy backup.

"Alan. I'm Alan."

A simple greeting. it was the least since the guy got me out of that not-so hot situation.

"Nice to meet you."

There was silence for a couple of minutes, then he spoke again. And soon I was soon pulled in a conversation where Moxxie started to rapid-fire all of his life out for me to listen to. I was irked by this, but then I realized that it was his coping mechanism to handle the trauma we both just went through together. From the way he started to describe the exorcists and how deadly they were to the denizens of hell, the Imp should have died. And yet he didn't because I 'luckily' landed between him and a clear demise.

The road trip that ensued to get him back home to his wife and his coworkers was a brief one, but one that left me quite enlightened about Hell and what I just witnessed. Overpopulation, hell wasn't capable of housing that many demons and imps.

And now I was there to deal with it all… because of 'Uncle Al'.


A rollercoaster of emotions. Alan is sure going to his lowest… I wonder if he will pull through with how deadly Hell really is.

...Yeah, he will. I didn't let out a 'future' scene, so yeah, that's kind of guaranteed. For a while.