Via's First Friend by JBukharin also known as SocialistBukharin in

Words: 21k+


( Goetic Childhood What-If AU for It's in the Blood) A simple visit to the park ends up creating a major shift in the timeline, with Via ending up with her first ever friend, Stolas getting many new concerns, Stella's personality taking a strange turn, and Alan finally having a good but dysfunctional family. Sounds easy but... Hell is sure an odd place for a human child to grow in. )

Chapter 1: Fated Childhood Meeting


The Following is a fan-based


Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are all owned by Vivienne Medrano + numerous amazing independent animators, music-makers, and voice actors.

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Chapter 1: Fated Childhood Meeting

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Prince Stolas Goetia was a man of family. That notion was undeniable, yet it would be a lie that it extended to its full meaning.

He cared little to nothing for his wife, with his daughter being the subject of most of his kindness and paternal affection. Ever since little Via came to the world, things had taken a pleasant turn of events. The suffering of dealing with an arranged marriage was somewhat smoothened by the fact that now he had a heiress to groom into a wonderful and powerful princess. Years of 'enduring' Paimon's antics had let him to understand what it meant to be a real father to a child.

From the very beginning, he cared for Via. He gave her affection, attention, and even spoiled her a bit. Not enough to risk her turning into Stella, but enough to warrant such a lovely smile every time that she asked for something nice to add to her collection of toys or pretty dresses. Yet, as a parent, doubts started to rise up when he realized that his beloved daughter lacked something: a friend.

Stolas couldn't say he was completely fine with the idea of providing his child with a peer to entertain and play with. There were so many... dreadful children within the family. Via hardly left his side whenever her cousins were visiting. The poor child couldn't find any playmate in this bunch of fools. No, Stolas knew that he couldn't rely on these people for that.

An Imp? Fond memories of that little impling known as Blitzo returned to mind, filling him with grand memories of his childhood before the two departed and never met again. It sounded like a good idea- if not for the fact that Stella would throw a fit. Paimon had cared nothing if one of his youngest children interacted with 'lesser beings', all because he didn't seem to have it in himself to entertain the notion of fatherhood as he was meant to.

To Stolas, that had been an exciting development, but he knew he couldn't warrant a repeat, no matter how hard he tried. So, back to thinking and back to evaluating any potential solutions. A sinner? Despite some children being there, most had already 'grown up' and would be a bad influence for Octavia. A hellhound? Same issue as Imps with Stella, except she would treat them even poorer than that.

No, no- the Goetic Prince had to find an unique, unusual- something that Stella would hardly have any reason to whine about and thus give Octavia the chance to enjoy a playmate while playing under... the sun.

The expression, albeit wrong considering there was no Sun in hell, gave Stolas a most unusual and yet interesting idea. It would be seen as a bit of abuse of his powers as a holder of the Grimoire that allowed him to study Astronomy to understand the future and the stars, but he was already given a bad reputation, so he saw no point in trying to keep up appearances in that regard.

Hence why he decided that it would be a lovely time for him and Via to spend some time in the living world. And he knew he got it right as he personally told this to Via and got quite the adorable squeak from his beloved child.

"Really, daddy? The living world?" Little Via inquired, vibrating in pure excitement. "Can we really visit it?"

"Sure thing, my dear owlette. Of course, this is a secret visit that your mother will not learn about," Stolas replied. "You see, my child, your mother wouldn't-"

"Approve?" The girl guessed and Stolas nodded.

"That would be correct. Your mother can be quite strict and would prefer you to hang around children of our family-"

"Which are yucky and creepy. And also mean!"

"I know," These two words never felt truer in his whole life, remembering the time he had to endure similar circumstances as a child. "Which is why I wish for you to make friends that will take you for who you are rather for who your daddy is."

"Friends? With... humans?" Via pressed on, clearly confused. "But wouldn't it be... bad?"

"For a low demon, yes, but we are above that and I can assure you that this little rule-breaking will be forgiven if you are happy to find a new friend."

"I guess that would be nice," Octavia said, a bit shyly but happy. "Say, daddy."


"What if I met... my prince?"

Stolas snorted playfully. "My sweetling, that would entail that your daddy is no longer your prince."

"But daddy is daddy! I love daddy a lot too!"

Drat, this is going to be quite a pain to endure if she befriends a boy.

And sure as he had dreaded, a human-looking Stolas was soon sitting by one of the benches of one of those the random parks he picked for this visit. Nice, the wind was warm but not too much and her baby girl, now in her human form, was playing around. With a single boy becoming the subject of her attention rather than anyone else. While that was indeed paining him a lot, he could see how giddy her daughter had gotten. And how nicely the boy was treating her in return.

For a moment, his eyes tricked him. Instead of Via and this little child that wore slightly torn clothes, he could see himself and Blitzo playing around, having fun and truly feeling blessed by the fruits of friendship. It hit differently than just that- to be the one allowing this to happen as he wasn't shying away from the view as his father would have. Stolas watched and smiled, his baby girl looking so happy that it melted his heart by merely staring at this.

And made it bearable as some lonely mothers tried to get to him due to how handsome he looked. That's not to say that he was outright disgusted by the attention, but he was upset that this was happening within a park near to the playground. Can't people have some dignity about this sort of thing?

Still, it was a nice activity, and the fun soon came to an end as he decided it was time to finally leave. Via looked happy, and yet sad that she had to depart from her newest friend. Little Alan was... a nice little guy. Brown-hair and eyes, he looked absolutely charming despite his bland appearance. He was a child and yet he looked so content with what he got through this experience. Many boys his age would have been upset and whining about being given so little time to enjoy this new friend and yet it was clear Alan was fine with it. Almost feeling blessed by such matter.

It was a curious red flag, the first of many as Via turned out to be the one upset by this, but asking for something that he wouldn't have expected his beloved child to ask for.

"C-Can we keep Alan?"

"Dear, Alan is not a dog?" Stolas remarked, but Via stubbornly held onto the boy's left arm. "You should let him go to his parents."

"They are not here!" Via rebuked strongly, and... that perplexed him.

Sure, some humans tend to leave their spawns on their own due to the fact they are pests but... Alan hardly fit that role. He sounded too polite, too calm... too nice to be a pest. And it all felt so honest about his overall personality.

"Well, you can't just get someone without him wanting. That would be kidnapping-"

"Is it true that you always get Via food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, Mr. Goetia?" The boy questioned, interjecting rudely but also appearing a bit desperate about it. "Via told me that I would be able to have that at the very least."

"Well, of course! Why, are you perhaps telling me that your parents don't treat you to that?"

He shook his head. "Nope. But I think that's not right."

"It is not," Stolas agreed softly, and felt quite a lot of dread forming at the notion of a neglected child being the first friend of his daughter. "Still, I hope your parents love you very much."

"Mom wouldn't mind if I left. I am not as good as my cousin so I am not good enough for her."

Teeth-gnawing, Stolas sighed.

That sounds horrible.

"What about your daddy?"

He shrugged. "He just drinks beer and watches TV. Last time I spoke with him was... three months ago."

And now Stolas was feeling somewhat vindicated about this kidnapping. Was this even that? A kidnapping would entail taking a child from a good family. Right now, this sounded more like a 'rescue' than anything else. Yes, that made him at ease and allowed him to make it 'quick and nice'.

There was a bit of an internal struggle about what to do but... his daughter was already set to help, Alan was willing to go with it out of genuine friendship for Via and... Stolas decided that if he was to make an omelette he needed to crack some eggs anyway.

"Fine, but understand that we aren't exactly a normal family-"

"You're demons. Via told me."

His jaw dropped at that and Via puffed her cheeks.

"Alan is nice. Plus, he promised to help me brush my head-feathers once I show him my real form!"

That sounded so innocent and so painfully odd.

"And you would be fine with demons taking you in?"

"Well, mom says demons are bad. But then Via is nice. And mom is bad. So, I think she lied and demons are nice."

No... and yes.

Dammit! This is not how I wanted this to end but...

It took a quick look back at the duo for Stolas' mind to be made.

If Via wanted to help her first best friend, then Stolas was going to do his best to be a supportive father... and hope Stella wasn't going to shout at him too harshly once the news broke about a new permanent guest at the manor.


Little AU where Via befriends Alan much earlier than in canon, effectively changing their respective growths.