Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Girls! by Serendipitous House Pet

Words: 174k+

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13617429/1/Godzilla-Enter-the-Kaiju-Girls

( Godzilla's faced trial after trial, fought countless battles with other godlike Daikaiju, and even the forces of Hell could not prevail over him. However, his struggle was far from over. He wasn't in his world anymore, not the one that belonged to him. This world belonged to the Kaiju Girls and Godzilla had no idea what was in store for him... hail to the King of the Monsters! )

Chapter 1: So I walked out of Hell

AN: This art is mine and I have to live with it.

Beta'd by DragonKingDragoneel25!


Hell. It wasn't something Daikaiju had a concept of and even if they did, many of them most likely wouldn't care. What was a blazing inferno to a titan, even if it lasted for eternity? A few would probably even be eager to crawl, slither, fly and stampede into the abyss, ready to conquer and destroy all that stood in their way with a glee humans couldn't imagine beasts would have in their minds, their chaos instinct focused minds.

But Daikaiju were smarter than what most of the humans have them credit for and, scarier yet, hell was all too real. Godzilla, standing at one hundred and seventy seven meters, could attest to both of these things, a raging nuclear powerhouse, the god of destruction, and now the conqueror of Hell itself. He faced trial after trial, worse than what he ever went through in the land of the living, and despite the odds, the horrors, the nightmares of the past, he made it. He would be free once more.

He scaled the mountain, the body of Hell's mighty guardian, and marched towards the opening. He could feel in his flesh made of living Hell Bats whose minds he dominated to his will, still covering his bones. Freedom was within his grasp within a few steps. He closed his eyes and stepped forward through the gate.

"It is better to conquer yourself... than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. This cannot be taken from you... not by angels, or demons... Heaven or Hell." - Buddha


Utter darkness that was followed by pain. Immense pain is what hit Godzilla's senses first. His skin was burning, his bones felt as if they were reforming, and with his physical shift came a shift in his mind. The agony came harder than any beam or missile and he cried out in pain, roaring a great and powerful, "Skrreeooongk!" Then came nothing. Just an eerie calm that almost made the great Daikaiju shudder out of anticipation of what awaited next.

Water, fresh sea water is what hit Godzilla's hide next. The King of the Daikaiju opened his eyes and was greeted to the sight of the open ocean, probably somewhere in the Arctic or Antarctic from the feel of it. The temperature of such a place never bothered him as he was naturally hot blooded thanks to his nuclear energy filled body.

His body. It felt strange, as if it wasn't truly his. Godzilla took that moment to look over himself and his bright orange eyes went wide with what he saw, what had become of his great saurian bulk. Mostly the fact that his body was no longer such. His body remade into the shape of a human, scales were gone, replaced by what looked to be tan human skin. He immediately felt around his head, his face remade into the shape of man with hair atop his head. It felt short, probably spiky once he was out of the water and dry. His teeth at least still felt sharp. He also still felt his tail, swishing around, and he could feel his dorsal plates on his back. That was good at least but even more strange, he was wearing an outfit of some sort he saw the humans wear near the beaches, dark gray swim shorts with blue lines on the sides, dark gray fingerless gloves, and footwear that left his toes out. He needed to find a reflective surface and see just what was wrong.

He immediately went up to the surface. Nowhere to land. He looked down and saw a face that was not his but moved as he did. His face was that of a young man with a mop of spiky blue highlighted hair. His eyes were still the same at least, being bright orange and slitted.

"What the hell?" He muttered, not noticing how human his speech was until a second after. "What the hell!?" A voice that wasn't his coming from his mouth. It was deep at least but Godzilla didn't speak in the language of the little evolved apes. He also didn't resemble them either, so now that he thought about, the language was the least of his worries. Was he even still a Daikaiju at this point? He felt big, but he figured humans always felt like that. He was sure the arrogance was now in his system and he nearly wretched.

He growled and swam as fast as he could. He had a knack for navigation and could triangulate himself easily enough. Once he got his bearings, he'd head straight back to Infant Island. He hoped the other monsters would be smart enough to leave him be as he figured out what the hell was going on. Maybe Mothra could even help him out and do that thing where she communicated with her little fairies or whatever. Either way, he just needed to fix this and the faster, the better.

As he swam, he couldn't help but briefly wonder what became of the other monsters, some of the ones he fought against. Were they even still around or had they fallen to the same he did, worse yet, the exact same fate only to not make it out. The first monster on his mind was Minilla, his son, Prince of the Monsters. The only one he truly cared for. The one who he knew who hadn't...

He pushed those thoughts away. He'd find answers on the others soon enough.


Godzilla always liked the calm that usually flows through the ocean around Infant Island. Warm, tropical water, large lush greenery that he and his kind were even dwarfed by, even the rocks that could provide comfy places to rest a Daikaiju's weary head, and he liked it all. It always was a massive pain in the ass when monsters had to come start trouble out of some need for conquest or some nonsense and when humans decided they were bigger than they truly were. All the Monster King ever really wanted was to be left alone to rest, to watch as Minilla grow, to just watch time fly by in peace. If he got some rest, he doubted it would be for long, but he'd sure as hell savor it.

He poked his head from the water, surveying the island for anyone in particular. Nothing. Not a monster or anything human in sight. Perfect.

With a deep sigh, Godzilla took his first steps on actual land once more, not some construct of Hell's nightmarish designs. He felt so wrong walking like this, awkward in a way. His weight was off and his limbs were less proportioned to what he was used to. That being said, it was worse in the water and it's not like he was Baragon or Anguirus. His original bipedal stance made walking in this new body of his easy to handle in terms of simple movements.

He walked forward and grumbled under his breath, eager to see if he could find Mothra somewhere on the mainland as soon as possible. Seemed barren though, more barren than usual, and he figured he should've heard at least one roar by now.

He halted as he heard a rustle in the foliage and immediately turned to the source of it. He growled out, "You can't hide from me whatever you are." It was more so for himself but the figure clearly heard it and stepped out from its hiding spot. It made Godzilla freeze in his tracks.

The figure was human looking save for the tail, dorsal plates just like his, and wasn't too far from reaching his upper thigh in terms of height. However, that's where the similarities ended. She resembled a small human girl with dark gray hair, cut short and ponytails that resembled feline ears, equally dark gray sweater with a frill above her black pants, and stringy straps around her arms. Her big red eyes stared up into Godzilla's orange with the utmost curiosity.

All he could mutter was. "Minilla?"

The little one cocked her head to the side and asked, "Who?"

He slowly reached out, blinded by what he perceived, and the little odd Daikaiju took a step back, creeped out by what she perceived as a complete stranger. She was about to scream out as he was close to touching the top of her head until something shot out of the water and tackled him to the ground. Dust and debris rose into the air as two forms crashed and thrashed against numerous giant trees. Godzilla snarled in fury and looked up to see his attacker, ready to take down whoever dared to blindside him.

He looked up to see who was atop his chest and again, he was caught in momentary stupor once more. Another Daikaiju resembling a human female and, oddly enough, resembling him too. A Godzillasaurus tail and dorsal plates running up it, four on each side of her back, two on the sides of her head. The figure had long black hair that went back down to her back with a single curly strand out and blazing red eyes, reminiscent of the little ones. Her outfit, like Godzilla's, left little to the imagination. It looked like a single piece outfit that barely covered her breasts and other assets.

She stared down at Godzilla with fury blazing in her eyes and growled, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing with my daughter!?"

He snapped out of it and growled. "I'm Godzilla! Who the hell are you!?" He punctuated this by managing to kick her away and he stood back up, ready to brawl even in his new body. No matter what form he took, Godzilla never backed down from a challenge.

The strange Daikaiju woman rolled and regained her footing. She stood up to her own height, just as tall as Godzilla, and roared, "The humans call me Godzilla, false one!"

"Impossible!" Godzilla knew that there were only two members of his kind: him and Minilla. The rest were extinct, but then again, there could be mutants made from his DNA. After all Godzilla has witnessed and dealt with, it was possible. "What freakish mutant dares to impersonate me?"

Godzilla, the female one, clenched her fist and snarled, "First my looks then my lines? Someone's hungry for abuse."

Godzilla had a mild hunch of what may be happening but cared little as of now. He had a fight on his hands and was about to leap right into a brawl with the impostor until he ducked under a large projectile coming straight at him. Said projectile landed right next to Godzilla and revealed itself to be another Daikaiju of this world. Long orange hair, dark brown skin, and a single body suit. But what Godzilla noticed first and foremost were the spiky tail and spiky armored back. "Anguirus?"

"The one and only!" She said with a fang filled grin before her face turned serious and she gave a glance to her Godzilla. "You know this stranger? Kinda resembles you and Junior."

"Not a fuckin' clue." She replied and glowered at the other Godzilla. "Calls herself Godzilla."

"I'm a male." Godzilla blurted, not sure why they'd make a mistake like that. The monster women each gave him a confused look.

Anguirus cocked a brow. "A what?"

Godzilla stared at him for a moment before rolling her eyes. "Sounds annoying."

"No more so than your kind." Godzilla rumbled out while also rolling his eyes. Anguirus took a mental note of that, finding the resemblances extremely uncanny.

"Anyway, it tried creeping up on my kid and claims to be me." Godzilla explained, cracking her knuckles. Anguirus didn't need to hear anymore and took a fighting stance.

Godzilla felt his already short fuse shortening fast and barked out. "I was not creeping on her and I am the only Godzilla besides my child!"

"Fuck me, there's more!?" A loud and aggressive female voice rang out from above.

"Why must there always be strange ruckus of some sort to ruin my sleep?" Came a tired, more mature voice from the shadows of the trees.

Godzilla watched as two more Daikaiju women came into view, familiar rippling details in a sea of what were unimaginable differences. The flying one had crimson wings that were orange to yellow on the undersides, a short red tail, and her hair was styled in spikes going back and upward with a single antenna like strand. Rodan, this one had to be Rodan, in the form of a human woman wearing a single piece red outfit with a yellow underbelly that cut off just above her waist. The other one had a much more fluffy look, in a one piece dark brown outfit with tufts of golden fur around the thighs and shoulders. Judging from that and her orange hair that stretched into five golden pony tails, three going back and two looking like long canine ears, her small brown tail with a gold tuft of fur at the end, Godzilla could safely say that was King Caesar... Queen Caesar, actually.

Huh, now that Godzilla noticed it, they were all wearing gloves that matched the style of their main outfits as well as thigh length high heels, save for Rodan who's footwear was close to her normal counterparts. And they were all scantily clad and curvaceous, not that Godzilla cared for or noticed it like that, having no concept of scanty to begin with and was unfamiliar withe the more human female form. Though, he was, for some strange reason, feeling odd as he looked at them.

"Who the hell is this Pendejo?" Rodan growled, hovering in the air. "Is it itching for an ass whooping?"

"It look's related to you." Queen Caesar verbally noted.

"We'll explain later, the time for talk is over!" Godzilla began charging up her nuclear energy, Anguirus got ready to pounce, Queen Caesar began to hop around, and Rodan flexed talons.

"My thoughts exactly, false ones!" Godzilla roared and mirrored his counterpart's actions.

Anguirus was the first to charge in, curled up in her ball form to bludgeon Godzilla. She had no idea he's seen that trick before and was swatted away by his tail as he did a three-sixty, though his strike was rather clumsy in comparison to what he was used to.

He snarled as Queen Caesar landed a solid kick against his left side and had one of his arms held back by Rodan's right taloned heels, the other was also roughly placed on his head. He glanced to see the other Godzilla was rushing up to him, fist raised to ram into him. Rather than stand there and take it, he lifted his legs up and performed a kangaroo kick right into Queen Caesar's chest.

This action momentarily threw Rodan off as the kick also propelled Godzilla into the air, making him narrowly dodge the other Godzilla's punch as he and Rodan spun in the air. He latched one of his hands to Rodan's left thigh, yanking it off his head before he sank his teeth in her ankle. "Aaagh! Mother fucker!"

Godzilla smirked until the air left his lungs as Anguirus rammed into his chest in ball form and knocked him away from Rodan. Anguirus was able to bounce away and Godzilla was knocked to the ground. He recovered quickly, rising back to his feet only to take a point blank blast in the face from his counterpart that nearly knocked him off his feet. For that split second, before the smoke cleared, all the Kaiju Girls there assumed that the impostor was now going to topple over in unconsciousness. They were wrong.

When the smoke cleared, it revealed a pissed off Godzilla, his face only a little scuffed by the blast. That radiation blast actually felt kind of good, recharging him even, but that pleasantry was overshadowed by his rage. The impostor used his own attack on him. Something felt wrong about that to him, especially since the blast was so weak. "You call that an atomic breath attack!?"

"What the hell!?" Godzilla herself had never seen another Kaiju girl take her blast head on. Then again, he said he was male, whatever that was, but that shouldn't have been the reason he was able to withstand that with little problem. Even if he was a copycat of her, he should've at least fallen from the force alone. She had to imagine that the blast would've hurt her too.

"Let me show you how it's done!" Godzilla quickly channeled his nuclear power through his body and unleashed it from his diaphragm like always, right at the other Godzilla's bouncy chest. It knocked her right off her feet and what would've been a few yards to them.

'"Godzilla!"" Her companions shouted in concern.

That blast dazed her. The atomic energy would've felt good flowing into her had the force of the blast not knocked the wind out of her sails. She growled and looked up to see her rival tower over her, some of the blue fire leaking out of the corners of his mouth. "Let me tell you something, copy," He roughly placed his foot over her stomach, making her grunt in pain. "There's only room for one ruler of the monsters and you aren't it."

Then something hit him in the face and a cute voice shouted, "Get off of her!"

He turned to it and his irate facial features turned to confusion. Glaring right at him was the child, her own dorsal plates glowing with atomic energy. "Minilla... you learned to -"

"My name is Junior, you creep! Now get off my mom!" The child Kaiju Girl roared.

"Junior?" Godzilla questioned. He heard Anguirus roar and braced himself for another impact of her shell with his forearms. He recoiled and this gave the female Godzilla a chance to kick out Godzilla's leg from under him then get back on her feet, far from done.

Godzilla's sentiments were shared exactly, even in his growing confusion.


Conquest and genocide. There was nothing else that the queen of space loved more.

Queen Ghidorah sat on her throne and watched as her ship was approaching Earth at high speeds. Another ball of dirt and rock teeming with life to decimate... and new potential pets. She had been reviewing the earthling data and apparently, more Kaijus Girls lurked and mucked about on this satellite. Most of them were hardly worth her notice save for one the people of Earth called Godzilla, Queen of the Monsters. Oh, such ignorance.

They had no idea that the true queen was upon them. The great Monster Zero had arrived to revoke much of Earth's life privileges along with rights to freedom.

"My queen." Came the voice of her second in command and favorite little upstart. "We'll be arriving at Infant Island shortly."

"Excellent." Queen Ghidorah chuckled and took a sip of her wine. "Just wait 'till they get a load of me."


The fight went on, decimating a good portion of the jungle around the Daikaiju, one versus four, both sides getting a little banged up. The Kaiju girls had to admit it, the male he was tough. On Godzilla's end, he gave the Kaiju Girls credit, especially Rodan, Queen Caesar, and Anguirus, they were tougher than the mind controlled ones he beat down in his world, but to be fair, he still wasn't used to his body despite his raw power and his copy was aiding them. His copy... he was unimpressed with her. She must've been a copy of his younger days or simply had yet to experience actual combat. The fact she was working with these mooks yet still unable to take him down spoke volumes of her lack of talent.

Anguirus and Queen Caesar had both been knocked down at this point and Godzlla was rising once more, having taken a kick to the head from female Godzilla. There was power there, he could feel it, but she was lacking.

"Why the fuck won't you call it quits!" Rodan roared as she flew towards him with an aura of heat starting to form around her.

He swung at her, remembering to make a fist since he lacked claws, but missed, taking a burning claw against his shoulder which he shrugged off. He roared out, "It's not in my nature, whelp!"

He grunted in pain as the other Godzilla delivered a knee to his gut, "Bow before the queen!"

He didn't let up and grabbed her by the shoulders before delivering a head butt on her, shouting, "Kneel before a king!"

Godzilla grunted, doing her best to fight off the disorientation to cock a fist back. The male Godzilla noticed and cocked his back. Both of their punches landed against their rivals cheeks. Godizlla had his head thrown back while Godzilla was knocked off her feet once more. One Godzilla roared, confident that he would triumph another trial once more while the other 's rage was building as she felt herself losing. She was being outdone by a pretender as far as she saw it and she would not submit. She looked towards Junior, who was cheering her on, to take the other down, and stood once more, her comrades coming to her side. "It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever kneel."

Godzilla snorted at her comment. Had they not started becoming bitter enemies, he'd laugh with her not, especially if he hadn't just came from there. "Don't say that so casually, pretender. King, emperor, queen, or whatever, I don't bow. They bow to me."

"Oi, putas, what the hell is that?" Came the voice of Rodan. Everyone looked up as she did and noticed an aircraft of some sort making its way overhead. None of the Kaiju Girls recognized it but Godzilla sort of did.

Godzilla roared and clenched his fist. "Aliens again!"

The Kaiju Girls turned to him, Godzilla being the first to speak. "Care to explain, impostor!?"

"More trouble and bullshit!" Godzilla swiftly replied. "I take it you're not with them, so be ready to fight! And put up some decent effort this time!"

The Kaiju Girls, Godzilla and Rodan in particular, were about to make a heated response until a voice came from the massive vehicle. "Don't feel the need to try too hard as I doubt it will amount to much. Save yourself the embarrassment."

Someone, another Kaiju stepped forward. She wore a bright golden outfit, another one piece, that barely rose to barely cover her breasts. On her arms were gauntlets resembling dragons along with wings on her back, yellow spikes along her jawline and from her head, one large horn on her forehead, and two rattling tails that protruded from her back that added on to a draconic image. Out of all that hair Godzilla seen, hers was the most flamboyant, long and spiky, also with a single strand antenna. He was sensing more patterns here, but more importantly, something about her made him instantly hate her and it wasn't just the attitude.

Then someone else came forward. Someone in a jet black skin tight suit lined with a single row of belly spikes that went from her waist up to her cleavage. Her arms had large blades on them, she had a bladed tail, and three red wings of some sort protruded from her back. Her hair was stark white and the middle of it was done in a mohawk, two fangs around ears, and a long ponytail while her eyes were hidden by a bright red visor. That particular Daikaiju made Godzilla grit his teeth. Without much warning, he bellowed as he recognized the figure, "Gigan!"

"That's extremely peculiar." The golden one, Queen Ghidorah, noted. "There were no reports of two Godzillas. At least not living."

"And why did she shout my name? Last I checked, I never murdered one of their kind before." Gigan muttered, a little freaked out. She hoped that these weren't a bunch of loud psychics like Planet 419. She hated Planet 419.

Queen Ghidorah narrowed her eyes. "Rather broad Kaiju. And flat."

Gigan shrugged. "We do have Orga."

Queen Ghidorah shook her head. "Yes, but she's far more curvaceous."

"Hey dumbasses, we can hear you!" Rodan shouted, rather annoyed at how calm the invaders were being despite invading their turf. First this weird Kaiju copying her friend and now these assholes. This was already turning out to be a long day.

Queen Ghidorah giggled and turned her attention back to the Earth Kaiju. "Ah, yes. You were all playing around weren't you. Please, allow my girls to join you while I talk it out with your little queen."

""You mean me!?"" Both Godzillas growled. They paused and turned to glower at each other, only holding back to prepare for the invaders.

Queen Ghidorah was momentarily perplexed. She snapped her fingers and said, "You know what? Go play with the broad one, Gigan. She seems to be acquainted with you."

"I'm a male!" Godzilla roared. He really needed an answer into the world he was in.

Gigan quirked a brow as she rubbed her blades together. "The fuck is a male?"

"None of my concern. Now go." Monster Zero said in a sweet tone laced a tiny bit of annoyance. Gigan knew better than to argue and begrudgingly did as she was told. Behind her came her two teammates.

More Kaiju Girls, more armored than the others. One was gray skinned, had yellow eyes, black spiky hair, and was larger than her comrades. She was wearing heavy armor along her body that was particularly bulky near her right shoulder. Considering her bulk, the Earth Kaiju figured that was Orga.

The other had a mostly gray lightly armored bodysuit with dark brown insectoid wings as well brown arm guards and shoulder pauldrons, a facial mask with a yellow visor, and the horn of a stag beetle. Her most prominent features were her giant drill hands. Her human features, other than her body shape, lied in her dusky skin and brown hair.

All three of those Kaiju Girls unleashed a ranged attack as they jumped down, Orga with her shoulder cannon, Gigan firing a single beam from her eyes, and the beetle one firing an arc of lightning from her horn. While they would've preferred to incapacitate their foes, it merely drove them back, the male Godzilla included.

Meanwhile, a sudden storm came over the island as Queen Ghidorah flew down to greet what she saw as her latest victim. The queens would duke it out while their pieces squared off.

Godzilla's frown deepened and he gnashed his teeth together. His frustration was close to the boiling point once more, especially with an old face in particular.

Gigan. The Daikaiju cyborg who Godzilla fought against in the battle for Earth. Him and Monster X nearly took him down. It was only thanks to Mothra's intervention that they hadn't overwhelmed him and it looks like Godzilla would be getting another round with the bloodthirsty giant metal fowl, albeit not in a way he would ever expect.

Gigan sneered at the Godzilla and Anguirus as she glided down, antsy to cut something apart. "Let's make this quick, malezilla. Time is monetary after all."

Godzilla dusted himself off and sneered right back. "Worry more about your worthless life than whatever that is, failed cyborg."

"Failed cyborg, eh?" Gigan fired off a beam, aiming straight for Godzilla's head. He narrowly dodged the blast by leaping out of the way, though he got nicked on the shoulder. He returned the fire with his own blast only to miss as Gigan teleported out of the way and reappeared behind him.

He turned and backed away, only receiving a slash across the cheek as opposed to losing his head. Before he could retaliate, Anguirus came in her ball form and crashed into Gigan's side, causing her to crash into some trees. The earth Kaiju Girl bounced back to land at Godzilla's side with a smug smirk. "Decent enough for you?"

"Hardly." He retorted, tracing his not so shallow cheek wound. "We've just begun."

Anguirus glared at him, but then her eyes widened and she shoved Godzilla out of the way as a yellow beam flew overhead. This came from a raging Orga trying to knock Rodan out of the air. The pterosaur proved formidable with her hit and run tactics, but she wasn't making much of a dent on the larger Kaiju Girl who was now starting to fire off her shoulder cannon wildly.

Farther away, Godzilla noticed his counterpart receive a powerful kick to the chin from her opponent, the golden dragon one, before she could fire her atomic ray. Something about that sight made him clench her fist against the dirt. He almost forgot about Gigan and had to roll away before she could impale him with one of her blades as she came down.

"Focus on me. Queen Ghidorah will be done with her soon enough." Gigan taunted, her voice filled sadistic pleasure.

That made Godzilla pause, his eyes wide with shock. He didn't even flinch as the cyborg ducked and blasted Anguirus away with her scattershot beam, causing her to crash into Queen Caesar before she could pull off her dropkick on the beetle Kaiju Girl. He muttered, "What did you say?"

"Queen Ghidorah. Your new ruler." She pointed to where Queen Ghidorah and Godzilla were battling, the former continuing to have the upper hand, throwing Godzilla into a cluster of trees. She loved it when she got to watch as other lifeforms suffered, both emotionally and physically. She glanced at Godzilla, who had a blank look on his face, then turned back to the battle of queens. Judging from the way the male was frozen up, he was starting to become terrified. Gigan couldn't help but cackle. "So much for your Queen of the Monsters!"

So lost in her enjoyment, she didn't notice Godzilla's face contort into pure rage. Only one word lingered in his mind. "Ghidorah."

Gigan took a few steps towards him, not seeing his face under the shadow of his hair, and unwisely put her face closer to him. "What was that, malezilla?"

In a swift motion, a blur to Gigan, Godzilla's fist crashed against the cyborg's face and sent her up into the air. He rose, eyes bright white, atomic energy swirling in his dorsal plates, and he roared into the heavens, "Ghidorah!" Then he charged towards with his burning hatred.

Queen Ghidorah, who now stood over a fallen but still conscious Godzilla, heel atop the other Kaiju's girls head, turned to the roar and activated a shield of electricity as an atomic ray was sent her way. To her shock, this attack made her buckle and forced her back under the power. Her hands were actually burning from that. "What the hell!? No, seriously, who and what are you!?" Meanwhile, Godzilla was starting to feel rejuvenated, not taking the brunt of the blast but being on the edge of it was doing her some good.

Queen Ghidorah pulled down her shield once the attack dissipated only to receive a powerful punch across her cheek courtesy of the raging Godzilla. She flew into several relatively small mountains, stopping at the third one. She growled and wiped her mouth, the storm over the island growing more violent as Ghidorah's irritation rapidly grew. "Do you have a death wish, interloper!?"

"I do! It's for you to drop dead!" Godzilla retorted, charging straight towards her still. Queen Ghidorah let out a brief roar and met his charge head. They created a small shockwave as they clashed.

As they struggled, she growled as she slowly lost ground. This was the first in a long time to ever happen to her. "I don't even know who you are! Did I murder your family or something!?"

She figured it must've been that as Godzilla's roar came as a response and he viciously sunk his fangs into Queen Ghidorah's left shoulder, making her howl in pain. She activated the lightning in her hands and shocked Godzilla, but he refused to let go, and opted to dig and thrash further. In fact, held on to her hands tighter, nearly locking her fingers in a painful grip.

Despite the pain and thrashing, Queen Ghidorah noticed as Godzilla's dorsal plates grew bright and began to lose her cool. She was tough, but she wasn't going to tank that blast at point blank and walk away so easily, she knew that. She removed her hands from Godzilla's grasp and wrapped her arms around him before flying high into the air. Then she came back down with Godzilla under her. Hard.

Godzilla truly felt that one and grunted as his nuclear power was discharged into the ground, leaving a crater behind him. That wouldn't stop him though and he released a small burst of his left over atomic flame at Queen Ghidorah's gut, forcing her back once more. He rose again and let out a mighty, "Skrrreeeooongk!" He pressed on and madly swung another fist towards her face. Queen Ghidorah ducked and delivered a powerful fist to Godzilla's gut that stunned him, then followed with a roundhouse to his side. Godzilla turned the tide by grabbing onto her leg and swung her around, slamming her back into the ground before throwing her away, knocking over a few dozen more large trees in the process.

Queen Ghidorah managed to catch herself midair, rose up, and looked down upon Godzilla. She charged up all three of her beams and Godzilla charged up his atomic breath. Almost in sync, they launched the beams together and were caught in a deadlock... that only last for a second. This Godzilla's breath was over taking her beam. She watched and felt as she was slowly losing metaphorical ground. thinking fast, she immediately pulled back and flew out of the way, Godzilla's atomic breath damaging the edge of her right wing, causing her to hiss in both agony and fury. She turned in the direction of the beam and watched as it completely blew a deep hole into the portion of a mountain and seemed as if it went further. Monster Zero was left speechless.

'If I tried to take that ray head on...' She was broke from her thoughts as she had to swiftly maneuver herself out of the way of a second atomic blast that came from the Kaiju Girl Godzilla, who looked ready for more despite her previous beating. She looked between them for a moment, hissed in frustration, and roared her own signature, "Bidibidibidibidi!" The call echoed over the violent hurricane.

The alien Kaiju Girls all heard the call of their alpha, their queen, and immediately returned to their space vessel. Gigan, as she flew off with Orga and her other partner, glanced back and glared at the male Godzilla. A small crack was visible on the corner of her visor from his punch. He was definitely on her shit list for that one.

The earth Daikaiju watched as the invaders retreated until their ship had went out of sight. Once they were gone, Kaiju Girl Godzilla fell on one knee and let out a sigh. Junior immediately came to her side and hugged her. "You alright, mom?"

Godzilla patted her daughter's head and softly smiled. "I'm fine, little one. It'll take more than that to put me down."

"You shouldn't relax just yet." All the Kaiju Girls turned to the approaching Godzilla and prepared themselves for more. He held up his hands and growled, "Stand down! We have bigger issues to worry about than our squabbles."

"You say one thing but you could mean another." Queen Caesar narrowed her gaze at him and followed with, "You certainly seem to know much about them, outsider. Mind telling us why you're here and why those things came?"

"Don't try to lie either, culo." Spoke Rodan as she perched herself on a nearby boulder. "Not unless you want to be torn limb from limb. I'm not exactly in the best of moods."

"I could care for your mood, you oversized fire fowl!" Godzilla growled. Rodan squawked at him, but he paid it no further mind and turned back to Queen Caesar. He decided it was best to put their previous engagement behind them and focus on what was important: the invaders. That meant answering those questions. "I'll be kind and answer those questions of yours. For the first one, this is my home."

"Since when?" Came Junior's voice as she stomped up to him. Godzilla had to suppress the urge to hug her having remembered Minilla. "Me, mom, and our friends have never seen you before. Never heard of a male Kaiu Girl either, bub."

"It's the truth." He spoke softly to her, a stark contrast from his previous tones. "Infant Island is my home. At least that's what it should be."

"Were you hibernating or something?" Anguirus guessed, no longer sounding so hostile, though she wasn't at all comfortable with the relatively new Daikaiju just yet. "There had to be a reason we never saw you once in our entire lives."

"No I…" He didn't know what to say at this point and cursed himself for the slip of his tongue. He was used to speaking bluntly in a sense. What would they say if they told him the truth. They didn't even believe he was Godzilla, the true Godzilla, just some counterpart of the other one. He decided to play it vague to try to save time and face. "I was away for a while. A long while suppose."

"But not hibernating?" Anguirus pressed on.

"No." He replied simply. "I was tunneling my way out of burrow far beyond here." In a way, he was telling the truth.

"That leaves the other question then." The other Godzilla spoke as she walked towards him. She was glaring into his eyes and he glared right back, neither refusing to turn away. "You clearly knew about that Queen Ghidorah bitch and Gigan. You wanna explain why?"

"I certainly don't have a choice don't I?" He groused. Now that he thought about it, in his moment of clarity, he concluded those versions were also different mentally as well as physically... in terms of memory, not so much personality as he saw it. Though, Gigan's subservience was strange. "I don't know them but they're familiar. Too familiar to old enemies I had. As are the rest of you." He said as he looked over the three other Kaiju Girls.

Queen Caesar hummed at that, unlike the others who glared at him. "Not that I'm complaining about it, you didn't go all berserk and bitey when you saw us."

He snorted and gave each of Godzilla's companions a glance, remembering his versions of them. "Those familiar to you all had yet to piss me off. Consider yourselves lucky."

"Oh, I'm shaking in terror." Rodan said mockingly. "Don't act like you're so scary. I could take you on if I wanted."

"And if I wanted it, you'd be dead." Godzilla replied with a sneer. "But luckily for you lot, I've got bigger hides to roast."

"First off, don't threaten my friends. That's my job." The female Godzilla told him as she folded her arms under her ample bosom. "Second, what do you mean by that last part? They fucked off already. As eager as I am for a rematch, I ain't goin' that far." She emphasized by pointing at the sky in the direction they took off.

"Ha! If they're like what I think they are, then they're far from gone, they're planning something else." He said bitterly. "Fuckin' aliens never stay gone for long."

"So what then?" Anguirus asked.

"I'm going to train my body and keep a lookout. The rest of you can do what you want." He told them as he started to walk off but stopped to spare one more glance at Junior. His lips moved before he noticed, saying, "Stay safe, little one."

"Uh, okay." Junior mumbled as she leaned towards her mother, who wrapped an arm protectively around her. "Creep."

Godzilla sighed. He was about to walk off before one last thing hit him. The humans had come up with an alternate name for him, other than Godzilla. Well, a variation of his name in truth and really, Godzilla was the second variation. "By the way, to avoid confusion… call me Gojira."

With that, he was off to another part of the Island and the Kaiju Girls were left alone once more. Anguirus suddenly piped up and said, "I was just gonna call it Zilla." She looked towards Godzilla and said with a chuckle, "A discount version of you, hehe."

"I'm calling it pendejo." Rodan grumbled, her gaze locked in his direction. "None of us fully believes what it said, right?"

"Of course not." Godzilla mumbled, thinking over her fights with Queen Ghidorah and Gojira as well as his words. "Come on. Let's go wash up in the volcanoes. I gotta do some thinking anyway."

"Don't try too hard." Queen Caesar yawned out. "It's not your specialty."

That comment earned her a solid dope slap to the back of the head.

While the Daikaijus went about their business, the human world would soon be thrown into panic once more. Unbeknownst to the Daikaijus, a human documentary crew came to Infant Island in secret and filmed them, looking to merely document their daily activities for Geography International. Needless to say, the film crew would earn many views, money, and an intense need of therapy after having gone through that whole ordeal.

And the Kaiju Girls may end up facing more problems than simply an alien invasion.

Another faction now on the move were two fairies, twins no bigger than human hands, dressed in simple red ceremonial garments. With all the danger around, they needed to call upon the one thing to help unite those against the tyranny of the invaders and help keep the peace. They outright needed the Goddess of Peace for the protection of Earth.

It was time to contact Mothra.


"I'm not sure if I'm incredibly infuriated or incredibly excited. Both perhaps?" Queen Ghidorah hissed as she felt her bloody shoulder wound as well as her burns slowly heal themselves up. "The first was rather disappointing, but the other actually drew blood. And worse. All that pain and power." She mused to herself. "I'll admit it, even the disappointing one is worth some intrigue, especially if she's anything like her male counterpart. This planet is something else."

"Are you alright my queen?" Came the voice of the beetle based Kaiju Girl.

Queen Ghidorah said nothing for a moment before her frown grew into a wicked smirk and turned to her subordinates. "Actually, dearest Megalon, I've haven't felt this good in quite a while."

Megalon quirked a brow, a little afraid of that response. "Truly?"

"Truly. I believe this planet might be more special than I thought." She giggled and motioned to Orga. "Have the monitors zero in on both Godzilla's."

Orga nodded and began typing on one of the throne room's computers. "Yes, you're highness."

Queen Ghidorah turned to see each half of the main ship screen display each Godzilla, the Male stretching out his chiseled body and the other Godzilla soaking completely nude lava up to her breasts. "All that power they store in those bodies… It'd be a waste to simply kill them. I want their power."

"Among other things." Gigan muttered. Megalon elbowed her in the gut and hushed her.

Queen Ghidorah turned to the duo with a malicious smile and spoke. "I have a special assignment for you both. I'm starting a pet project, you see."


AN: So, this is a fanfic based on the webcomic called Kaiju Girls by Alexander Hall and the art is now by Witchking00, SDKNinja, and Zombie_Ernie. Dub talents by Oolay_Tiger, Sinfulseeds, and Reiyusan. Check 'em out if you have time. They made some genuinely cool designs, even if you're not a fan of fan service.

Yep, this OG Godzilla is a fusion of Godzilla from Final Wars with the appearance of KOTM 2019 for his backstory, the strongest version in my opinion, and the comic version from Godzilla in Hell, a crazy ass comic I recommend reading.

Fun fact, Final Wars Godzilla is the original Godzilla only if he didn't die and came back a solid badass. Some people say he's junior and they are incorrect. Check out the wiki, I'm not fibbing.

So, is Godzilla stronger than Godzilla? Yes, but that's because Kaiju Girls Godzilla isn't as experienced as regular Godzilla, obviously. She hasn't fought like OG Big G. Yet. As with most Godzilla's, she has potential.

I feel like this may be a thing, so I'll address it now: don't request pairings or anything like that. I already have ideas in mind and they're set in stone. I'll just tell you right off the bat, Godzilla's gonna be with… interesting Kaiju Girls to say the least. But not all of them. Sometimes, you just need best friends. Or family.

Yes, this is indeed a poly/harem fanfic.

Everyone of mature age is sexy in this fanfic like the comic.

Hope y'all stay healthy. With much love, SHP.