A Propa Orky Warboss (30k SI) by The Propa Orky Reda

Words: 6.9k+

Link: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-propa-orky-warboss-30k-si.1112887/

( Peace through war;

Or: Some git set the Galaxy aflame in the hopes it brings the Primarchs together. Does it work?

Does it sound like it's gonna work? )

Chapter 1

The Ragdan and the aliens who surrounded them had always posed a potent issue to the Crusade. Ancient Races, who had lingered far before the downfall of Man, or ancient horrors that had been spawned by long-gone inventors. Bashmu had been tasked by the Captians to prepare and survey as much of Ragdan's space as he could. Five Legions had amassed themselves and waited for a long-awaited attack upon the Imperium.

The Imperium had long stayed clear of the Horrors of the Ragdan while they focused upon reuniting the long-lost sons and daughters of Mankind. The Primarchs built their legions to new heights and consolidated the Imperium's power alongside the Emperor of Mankind. The Dark Angels had long clashed with just a mere outpost of the Ragdan and lost 4,000 of their battle-brothers as an effort. Efforts had been made to fortify the Border but it was scant compared to the colossal war efforts ongoing across the Galaxy.

It wasn't until recently, when the Ragdan had invaded human space, bringing with them dozens of War-Moons and Thousands of ships against the fringe human colonies, that things escalated. It was only by the efforts of the local forge worlds, bolstered by the Khan himself and the splinter fleets of the Raven-Guard, that they held long enough for the Dark-Angels and Death-Guard to arrive.

It had been one of the bloodiest conflicts in the Imperium's short-lived history. An entire splinter fleet of the Dark Angels was nearly decimated, and the Deathguard was given a heavy toll for the worlds they had reclaimed from the Xeno. Nearly 25,000 Marines had perished before Lion'El Johnson arrived and, with his Brother, the Khan drove the Ragdan out of Imperial space. Across the Galaxy, the White-Scars, Raven-Guard, Dark Angels, and Deathguard had been mustered in their totality, and the Alpha Legion had sent companies as well. Each, with their respective Primarchs heading such vast armies. All are waiting for a new offensive from the foul Xenos as the forces rallied.

To further add to the oncoming attack, countless Titans and knights had been devoted to the cause. The Forge-Worlds, for once, agree upon the fact that the wretched Tech Heresy of the Ragdan and their defilement of the Holy Human body must be stopped. The Border was utterly silent for Months Until a Psyhich wave of such strength rang through the Galaxy. Every Astropath, Psyker, and Librarian is feeling it. None knew what it was, or at the very least none spoke of what it was.

Thus, it was decided by the Primarch Corvus himself that scouting parties could be sent without risking the Ragdan prying the memories of Imperial intelligence from any captives. Bashmu and his brothers had been picked from those within the Alpha-Legion to help gather intelligence about this foe in preparation for the Offensive. What Bashmu had found was empty worlds. In the place of the Empire, which had been spoken of in hushed whispers, and fearful words were dead, cracked, or looted worlds. Bashmu had only found this as he ventured deeper and deeper into Ragdan Space. Until today.

They had discovered the shattered remains of a Ragdan Warfleet, destroyed, and in its place, an Ork Fleet stood victoriously. A fleet so vast that they could not number it with the Auspex. Thousands of ships and countless moon-sized warships counted before the first shots had been fired upon their vessel.

Although not the greatest of the Imperium Aresnal, the ship which they piloted was plenty capable of keeping itself hidden. It was standard to jump in furthest, possibly from a Systems Gravity well, and go in at sub-FTL speeds into the system; the Only issue was the Ork fleet spanned well beyond the system. Their numbers are so thick, even here on the furthest outskirts of the solar system, that the sheer storm of shots had gotten lucky and clipped the vessel, giving us away.

Before any emergency warp jumps could take place, Harpoon-like structures had pierced our hulls, dragging us in. Disabling us, with startling ease, as Ork's slightly larger than space marines flooded out from the inside of the Harpoons. The giant Ork's wielding power armor, far smoother and more logical looking than any he had ever seen an Ork wear.

He was far too used to scrap and junk, making the armor of the Odd Ork they found in the various Ork Empires which they crushed during the Great Crusade. There was something horrifically wrong here. Never had he seen an Ork wear something remotely advanced looking, much less something that looked like it actually worked.

They had tried to Self-Destruct, An only partially successful endeavor. The vessel had been destroyed, but not before he and a dozen others had been captured and pulled back to the ship. All he could do now was gather information and wait for a chance to escape or die crippling the foe.

Bashmu can only listen to the screams of Ork being sucked into the void of space from the remains of the destroyed Harpoon Bridge. The bulkheads sealing behind him as he stares in sheer horror at the assembled sight before him. Dozens of Ork's towering above anything he had ever seen. All looking down at him with malice and joy.

"Oi, Git shut da noise da Big Boss bout to speak," One of the Larger ones spoke. A pit of dread filled Bashmu at the sight of the Ork, hoping that this was the Warboss and not a Mega-Nob as he suspected.

All the Orks and Gretchins silenced themselves, turning to various screens. Barmus and his brothers remained silent even as they were chained to whatever could be found, tied with thick metal chains.

The Orks quickly assembled around small stoves and tables as they stared. Cheering at the TVs, I finally found a signal showing a ruined city. Some sort of Flying craft showing the city from above.

The City was strewn with cheering Orks and on the outskirts of it, a Gargantuan scrap of metal with a weapon larger than a Titan, fired off thousands of weapons into the sky. The rate of fire was so intense that even the Ballistic weapons appeared as a stream of light.

Smoke filled with sky, and a Knight Sized horror zapped and flashed its body made of thick worm-like things trying to zap its attacker uselessly. The Orkasaurs were unphased by this Flesh Knights's attempts to harm it and consumed it almost lazily.

Bashmu inspects the chains as his brother Voxs to him, "I see a way to untie us from the wall. Shall we proceed?"

"Wait. We need to at least record and transmit whatever we see. Just a visual confirmation of this Warboss alone may act as vital information," Bashmu mutters as he watches the Orks and Gretchins cheer. A Gretchin carrying a massive tray of Mugs filled with alcohol of some sort.

The Marine feels slight disgust at another Gretchin entering the room with meat that scanned humans and giant worms that scanned as Ragdan. The Orks slurping and feasting as the Camera finally settled on the largest Ork Bashmu had ever seen or heard of.

A Ork the size of a small Gargantuan held a squirming mass of screaming worms in its hands. The Worms, letting off massive bolts of psychic energy which obliterated dozens of Orks surrounding the Warboss- No. The War Lord.

Yet each bolt dances harmlessly across the Warlord's skin, diminished in strength by the smooth black stone which sat at the base of the claw. Green runes glowed across the surface of the claw, which squeezed the screaming Monster.

The Ork himself was adorned head to toe in black and white metal. One red-lighted eye stared at the Crowd before. His other hand, a large cannon with some sort of power field surrounding it. A brutal and massive power bludgeon.

Upon the top of its head, a top hat sat with a ring of blue gems upon the rim of the hat. The Warlord spoke in perfect low gothic, "THIS HERE IS ALL THAT REMAINS OF THE BIG GIT OF THE RAGDAN! I gotta admit they put up a proper Good Scrap. But we still won because Orks are the meanest and greenest in the Galaxy!"

The Orks aboard the ship cheer like maniacs, toasting one another and one ripping his helmet off just so he could roar louder, "Ten Years! Da Humiea would have had to use their fancy imagine Emperor and Labyrinth of Night to win this. Not Us! We're just better than that!"

The Creature in the Ork arm screams. Its sound shakes Barmu down to the bone as it tries to escape. Green Energy keeps it compressed within the Warlord's grip as he giggles, "That Craftworld? They were chumps! That Tomb World? Good scraps. The Ragdan! Great! Those Warboss at Ullanor and Croz better be dead by the Imperium hands, or else they will be jealous of how great we are!"

The Orks begin firing into the air. Each dawned in advanced power armor well above the average Space Marine's height. Some of the Mega-Nobs are taller than Dreadnoughts.

The Warlord one eye begins glowing green as he shouts, "Now I know it's snarky, but we've gotta go talk to these Imperial Gits. All diplomatic like. That way, we can get them to get all their boys to Krump! The first git to grab me a Space Marine gets a Free Battle Moon! Human! Pointy ear! Spiky git or Tin Can, it doesn't matter. By the end, I wanna see all those gits working together to give us a proper fight! A Propa WAAGGHH TO END ALL WAAAGHS! A WAGH TO FIX THE COLLASAL ZOG UP THE POINTY EARS DID!"

Every single Ork turns towards the Marines in the room. Greed in each of their eyes as Barmus felt genuine fear for the first time in his life as something in the very Ork's words gripped his soul. The air rippled around the Warlord, who threw his claw into the sky and squeezed.

The Worms were snapped in half. The psychic explosion of such creatures, a creature's death, caused a massive blast of power and a miniature warp rift to rip open behind the WarLord, who swiped his ichor-soaked claw towards the rift.

Greenlight bleeds from the rift as the Ork chuckles, "I am not a Warboss! I ain't an Emperor! I am a Right Propa Warlord! While I talk with the Humies, I want you gits to go around and help every Ork you can get here and kill every nonhuman alien git you find so we can get ready! Leave the Tin Cans alone should you find them, and leave the Knife Ears alone unless they do stupid things as they're prone to. We want the GREATEST Scrap SINCE THE WAR IN HEAVEN!"

The TV ends, the Orks quickly cheering, "We got a space Hulk! Cap gonna be real pleased bout this."