The Sword Whisperer by Melenco

Words: 34k+


( House Lannister has always wanted a Valyrian Steel Sword. When they finally get one, its more than they bargained for when they find it haunted by a man from our world.

Inspired by the A voice in our heads fanfic. (Which was left unfinished, SAD!!!) )

King Tybolt III stood at the pier, surrounded by his guards. His servant loading bags of gold on the ships docked in the pier. In front of him, stood an open chest with a Valyrian steel sword inside. He stared at it, admiring the sword his family had just come to possess. He grabbed it by its hilt, holding it up in the air and stared at its blade.

Huh?! Where the hell am I?

Tybolt turned, trying to make out where the voice came from. He turned to one of his guardsmen. "What was that? I heard some sort of voice."

The guardsman shrugged. "I am not sure, my king."

"Strange. Must have been one of the guardsmen slacking off." He shrugged and put the blade back in the chest. Reminding himself to sternly discipline the guardsmen later.

"A finely crafted blade, thank you, smith Aelor." He set the sword down on its chest and smiled at the Valyrian smith. Aelor Faelerys, the finest smith within the Valyrian Freehold.

He had paid him a massive fortune, enough to buy a whole army of Sellswords. Many in his household called him mad, foolish, for pissing away a huge chunk of the family treasury. But it didn't matter, this would add to the prestige of his family, no more would they be looked down upon by their rivals and even vassals for not owning a sword. And they were Lannisters, they practically shat gold, this expense was like taking a cup of water from a lake.


He was sitting in his chambers, admiring the sword once again after taking it out from its chest, he swung it a few times in the air to test it out. It felt surreal, it was lighter than most swords he had ever wielded. The sound it made while whishing in the air was exhilarating. He couldn't wait to use it in battle and lop off the head of some Reachermen or Ironborn savages.

Man, you must feel stoked owning this blade.

"Who's there?" He turned, looking around his room in search for the source of this voice.

Hi there.

"Where are you?! Show yourself coward!"

That might be a problem, I was in the sword. But now it seems I'm in your head for now.

He dropped the sword, gasping. "Those dammed Valyrians, they sold me a cursed sword!"

Hey! That's not a nice thing to say, and I'm not cursed. I remember dying in a work accident. Next thing you know, I woke up in this sword.

"So you're a ghost?"

Probably, I thought this was the afterlife when I first woke up.

"When did you wake up?"

Around the time you held me in the pier, I didn't want to make it awkward, so I figured I'd wait until you were alone. I don't like being an inconvenience to people.

He nodded in approval as he sat at the foot of his bed. "How...kind of you. Tell me, sword, or ghost. Do you even have a name?"

Well, my family did call me Samuel, just call me Sam.

"Sam huh, not a fitting name for a blade for our family. No....." He sheathed it and sat on his head, putting his hand on his chin.

Hmm....what would be a good name for the blade. The Tarly's have Heartsbane.

Heartsbane? That's a pretty badass name.

Wait? You can read my mind too?

Seems like I can, we're apparently bound together as far as I can tell.

I see. He nodded. If that's the case, help me come up with a name for you Sam, house Lannister deserves a blade with a far better name than Sam.

Hey! That's not very nice, Sam is a good name.

For a person yes, but this blade represents my family, a legacy. Plus, you did say Heartsbane is a badass name. So how about it?

Very well, lets start.


Death's Roar.... He let the name hang on there for a second.

"No." He Shook his head. "Too extravagant.

What do you mean too extravagant, lions roar, and the sword brings death. I will die on his hill.

"How about." He put his finger on his chin. "Brightroar."

Cringeeeeee..... he made a raspberry sound.

"Cringe, what the hells is that?"

Its lame, dumb, come on man, Death's Roar, its intimidating, and its somewhat related to lions. Come on man.

Tybolt sighed. "Fine. If you insist."

Awesome, better than Sam as least. The voice chuckled a little.

Tybolt yawned, setting the sword back in the coffin and going back to his bed. I'm turning in for the night sword. Seven hells I'm exhausted. Who would have thought having a blade whisper to me would be tiring. You drive a harder bargain for a name that this one fishwife I bedded a few moons ago. He smiled at the memories of Lanna, the teats on her were amazing.

Nighty Night chief.

Tybolt laid down on his bed, closing his eyes and letting sleep take hold of thing. Everything went black for a few moments. Next thing he knew, he realized his eyes were open and his body was moving without his command.

"What the hell? I can move again." He saw his body standing up. Looking around the room and walking around. What the hells is this?! The disembodied voice of Tybolt rang in his head.

"Ah! Don't sneak up on a guy like that."

Give me back my body gods damn you. I command it.

The voice felt a little awkward. Looking around uncomfortably and covering his ears. "Ok, Ok, chill, give me a minute and let me try to figure it out." He looked around the room trying to do something.

"Ok, how about this, it seems I took over when you slept. Let me try sleeping ok?"

Fine, but make it quick.

The voice went back to his bed. Closing his eyes and trying to sleep, it was hard, Unlike Tybolt he had trouble sleeping in his old life and couldn't sleep so easily. He spent an hour trying to sleep, eventually it worked, once Tybolt's nagging ceased, realizing he wasn't helping. Finally, sleep took him, and king Tybolt had his body back.

It seems, we switch places every-time we fall sleep. A shitter version of Lookism it seems.

What in the hells is that? Tybolt frowned as he sat up on his bed.

A webtoon.

What the hells even is a webtoon. King Tybolt sighed in frustration.

Damn I have a lot to explain don't I? Lay down, we have a lot of time to kill I guess.