Reborn as Acnologia by Fantom-Phoenix

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( He was a construction worker from Earth thrown into Earthland against his will. There were a few catches he wasn't aware of too, no tasting, sleeping, or living a life of comfort. Why? Simple, he was given someone else's body. The worst person in all of Earthland's history, Acnologia. )

Chapter 1

He was simply walking down an alleyway that night. Contemplating all that had gone wrong in his life. Failed college, couldn't get into the military, it had all gone down the drain for him. Now, he was stuck working construction and living in some rundown apartment in the city.

'When did it all go so wrong?' He thought. He kicked a garbage can, and to his surprise it fell in front of him, spilling garbage everywhere.

"Hey! What the hell is going on in there!?" Someone yelled.

"Uh oh! Better book it!" He said to himself before jumping over the trash can and racing through the alleyway. He ran through the dark alley, dodging dumpsters, trash and a homeless druggie on the way. Before something tripped him.

"Ah! Fucking, hey, hey wait what are, AH HELP!" He screamed as he saw some weird, pale hand grab onto his leg from a shadow in the wall behind the dumpster. He gripped the pavement and tried everything, but couldn't get the grip to release. He was soon dragged into a dark abyss. Floating in nothingness.

"Tell me, do you desire a new life?"

"H-huh? What's going on?"

"Answer, or perish. It is up to you."

" life…really went down the drain."

"Then the answer is given. Release mortalinn shackles at bounð þessi maðr til kenterinn realm earth. Senð hann til magician realm ór futureinn false goð. Earthland."

He suddenly felt his body drift into a new state. Something akin to slumber, yet also different. He could not feel anything and yet was well aware of his presence in a large void of nothingness before something overtook his vision.

Slowly, stars began to appear over the horizon, and they quickly filled the night sky up. Rich Blue crystals also appeared all around himself, floating in space, and ever so beautiful.

'How long has it been, since I've been able to see something that gorgeous?' Was the first coherent thought he was able to generate. He soon saw a tear in space, and his presence was pushed through it. The sun blinded him as if he still had actual eyes as his soul travelled through the sky.

A dream was all this may have been.

But oh how he wished it wasn't.

He was flying across a rich, and beautiful ocean. Birds and seagulls flew past him and dived towards the ocean catching fish. Yet, there was something strange about this ocean. As he saw creatures of fantastical nature spring out of the water at high velocity. He saw a whale, larger than any he had seen before, and one with some kind of giant, red, fish-like fin on its back spring out of the water. Its mouth was lined with rows of sharp teeth and was full of small fish before it crashed back into the water, causing tidal waves of epic proportions to rattle the sea around itself.

He saw countless mountains. Colourful, massive birds soaring across the skies. He saw a land full of beautiful crystals beyond compare, and a land full of colourful forests. He saw villages high up in the mountains, ancient ruins long abandoned and lost to time. He saw vast forests that stretched across the horizon, and massive beasts lurking within the depths of those forests. He saw cities and towns that almost had an old European feel to them, and then, he was back out to sea.

He plummeted into the ocean, and everything went dark once again.

He began to regain a sense of feeling in his body. Yet, it felt different, his body felt larger, and he realized he was submerged underwater. He felt long hair floating all around himself, he felt incredibly sharp teeth lining his mouth. He felt a pressure on his arm and a strange absence of feeling regarding his other arm. Slowly, his eyes opened to the sight of himself lying on the ocean floor, with fish swimming above him. Long blue hair floated around himself, and remnants of a black cloak floated around with it. He could see the sun shining down through the water, and what looked like a port above himself.

He felt no pressure as he slowly rose to his feet, and he had no trouble at all holding his breath. He was still in a half-sleeplike state, and all that he was focused on was getting out of the water. His feet planted themselves on the soft dirt underneath himself, and he moved one of his bare feet onto a stone before pushing off lightly.

He wasn't prepared for what came next.

That light push had somehow propelled him out of the ocean in less than a second, and now he was high up in the sky. His mouth went wide as he stared at the entire village below him, seeing people walking through the streets with smiles on their faces. It seemed so serene compared to the cities he was used to. He saw fishermen selling their catches, and he couldn't even comprehend the sheer variety of people he saw. People with Blue, Green and even pink hair were roaming around the place and no one even batted them a second glance. He even saw a person with feline features down in the town.

'Amazing.' Was all he thought before he had finally reached the peak of his ascent. He felt himself start falling back to the Earth and this caused him to wake up a bit. He blinked a few times to realize what was happening as the air rushed past his face.

"OH FUCK!" He screamed in terror before waving around his one working arm. He didn't even care about the fact that his arm looked different in that moment or the fact that his hair was dragging about four feet behind himself as he plummeted to the Earth. He spread his body out as best he could to slow his descent, and tried to see if he could find a soft spot to land before it was too late. He was too far into the land to even consider landing back in the water.

He decided to risk the cliff face at the side of the town that he was near and leaned to move towards it while in free-fall. Maybe it was sloped enough to slow his descent, a stupid decision, one that may cost him his life, but he was desperate. So without thinking, he made it to the edge of the cliff.

The ground was less than one hundred meters away now.

"Shit!" He exclaimed before risking it and placed his foot downwards to catch the slope of the rocky cliff.

He did not expect his foot to crush the rock underneath himself like butter as his descent slowed to a halt. He lowered his arm from his face in shock and turned around quickly to see that his foot had somehow torn into the cliff-side and left a permanent indent in the rock.

'H-how? WAIT, WHAT HAPPENED!? WHERE AM I!?' He mentally screamed as his mind fully woke up. He looked around, he was in a small cluster of trees at the edge of town, and this had somehow shielded himself from view from the citizens. He walked out from the brush, and his eyes went wide.

This wasn't his home.

This place looked way too clean and was far too close to the ocean for that to be possible. He didn't live in some out of the way Port town! He lived in a large, noisy, trash-filled city!

Although he could get used to living here if he had to. It certainly was a lot nicer then what he had grown used to seeing. Clean streets, friendly-looking people, no heavy traffic beside horse-drawn carriages. Children playing in the streets, and the sound of gulls and other seabirds squawking overhead. The air felt so much nicer too, and the feel of the sea on his skin was more refreshing then he would've imagined it being.

He stepped out into the cobblestone street and looked to his feet.

They looked a whole lot different.

For one, his skin had become a few tones darker. Not only that, but there were blue, tribalistic tattoos swirling up his arm as well. He lifted his cloak, and his heart sank.

He was missing his left arm, all that remained was a stump in its place.

'How did I lose an entire freaking arm!? How did I get tattoos all over my body!? Is this even my body!?' He thought.


That was impossible.

Then he remembered.

'I was pulled behind a dumpster by some pale handed monster when running through an alleyway! What!? Am I some horror movie protagonist!? Is this some drug-induced dream!? I never did hard drugs! All I ever did was smoke and drink! Not illegal drugs!' He was panicking. This all felt way too real to be some normal dream, he felt far too aware and awake. He pinched himself, it hurt, so he had to have been awake.

'Okay think, what do you do in this kind of situation?... I don't fucking know because this shouldn't ever happen to anybody! Why me!? I'm just some random construction worker! I'm new actually! I haven't even had a good routine down yet like the other guys!' He screamed. A ball hit his feet as he was thinking and he paused. He looked to his right and saw a little girl running towards him before stopping, probably frightened by him. He didn't like that and knelt before rolling the ball to her as gently as he could muster. Luckily it didn't fly into the stratosphere as he had a moment ago. It just rolled a bit faster then he would've liked, but the girl caught it just fine. She smiled.

"Thanks, mister!" She exclaimed before running off to play with her friends.

If this was a horror movie then he was still waiting for the twist.

'...Maybe this isn't all bad. Might as well make the most of it, where am I anyway?' He thought as he walked down the street. His feet never stung from the rocks that stabbed into them, anything that did stab into him just broke on impact, so he barely noticed the fact that he was walking around barefooted. He looked at his right hand and began clenching his fist.

'My grip feels stronger too. Who am I? Why does this all feel so familiar to me?' He wondered. He caught another ball as he was walking and gently tossed it back to some kids before accidentally bumping into someone, they fell over and he barely felt a thing. If he hadn't seen them fall he might not have known he hit anything.

"Sorry about that, I need some help?" He asked. It felt strange, talking with this new mouth of his. His voice was deeper, and the feeling of sharp teeth was new to him. He had yelled earlier, but he was too preoccupied with falling to his supposed death to notice the changes.

"Huh? Yeah sure mister, make sure you watch where you're going now. Felt like I hit a wall when you bumped into me."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind. See ya." He said while gently, picking the man up. It almost felt like the whole world was made out of cardboard at this point. It was strange and new.

But also annoying.

He was afraid he'd accidentally break something if he tapped it too hard.

'The superman life sucks.' He decided.

He walked through a cobblestone street and had to avoid another carriage. Except this one was being driven by…a purple boar.

Well, that was new.

'Where the fuck am I!? Neverland!?' He mentally exclaimed. Still, there seemed to be something strangely familiar about all of this. He just couldn't place his finger on it.

He walked past a place that was just called Restaurant in big blue letters and his stomach growled. He checked to see if he had any money in the black, torn up pants he was wearing.

'Nothing. Wait, what about this thing around my neck?' He wondered before taking it off. He stared at it for a few moments, they resembled giant teeth. They felt real, and they were massive too. Each one was almost the size of a banana.

'Wonder if I can sell these…wow...why did that thought make me a little sad all of a sudden? Weird. Well, food comes first.' He thought before looking around for anyone interested. He didn't see anything that resembled a pawn shop nearby, but he did manage to catch a few people looking at the teeth he was holding with interest. He picked out a rather large bearded man who was eyeing the teeth and walked over to him.

"Hello. Couldn't help but see you looking at these teeth. I'm in the mood to sell, know anyone interested?"

"I'm more curious to know where exactly you found them. Are those actual dragon teeth?"


Dragon teeth?

Holy shit! Either this man was crazy or Dragons existed!

The thought of Dragons made him somewhat angry, weird, he always liked to read about dragons. Not that he would ever want a close encounter with one.

"Um…I'll be honest and say that I have no idea if these are real or not. Kinda just found it a while ago in the forest." He explained.

"Now? Well, that's quite the find then. I think I have a friend who would be quite interested in these. Would you care to come with me? It's just down the road a bit."

Well, honestly judging by how safe the town looked it couldn't be that bad.

"Sure." He agreed. The larger man smiled before standing up. He was surprised to see they were about the same height, never having realized his height had increased a bit as well.

'Good lord I must be a good six foot four.'

He followed the man down the road. He saw the occasional person glance their way and whisper to one another.

What he didn't expect was the fact that he could hear every word that they were saying.

"Geez he's a scary one isn't he?"

"Man look at that guy. Must be another one of those crazy wizards."

"You don't think he's a dark guild mage do you?"

"Maybe. He certainly looks the part."

Mages, dark guilds? Now, something about this was certainly ringing a bell.

'There's something oddly familiar about all of this.'

He followed the larger man into a small collectors shop. There were beautiful crystals, fossils, and fancy looking weapons all in display cases scattered around the store. Some people were looking around, and he saw that prices were listed for each item.

'...100,000 jewels? Better not be the same as Canadian or US dollars.'

"Hello there Bjorn! Brought a friend today have you?"

"Yeah, he's got some teeth he wants to sell. He says he doesn't know what they are." Bjorn explained while pointing to him. He placed the necklace down on the glass counter and let the shop owner examine them. He brought out some kind of magnifying glass that glowed for just a moment.

Then something crazy happened.

Some kind of giant, glowing, green circle appeared out of thin air around the magnifying glass and the teeth began glowing under its gaze. He couldn't believe his eyes as they wandered the many various patterns scattered around the circle.

"Holy Anksheram Bjorn you hit the jackpot! You say you're willing to sell these!? How do ten thousand jewels sound?"

"Hey!" Bjorn yelled angrily. Guess that wasn't much at all.

"Alright, you caught me. In all seriousness, these are one hundred percent authentic dragon teeth, all dating back to over four centuries old to the dragon king festival. For teeth like these, I would be willing to pay you around 200 thousand jewels for each!" The shopkeeper said.

"Deal." He said without hesitation. Hopefully, one million jewels would be enough for something good around this place.

"Excellent! Give me but a moment! I could sell these suckers to the capital museum for goodness sake! Wahoo!" He said before leaving and coming back with a large brown sack. He opened it, and it was revealed to be full of ten thousand jewel bills.

'That looks like a fuck load so maybe I'll count it later and come back if it's wrong.'

"Thanks. If you don't want anything else I'll be going."

"Wait! What's your name sir? I'd like to credit the man who gave me these when I go to the museum."

"Oh, it's Barry."

"Ha! R-really? Okay, I was expecting something more exotic."

Barry felt somewhat insulted but shrugged it off. He took his money and headed back to that restaurant he saw earlier and walked in. The smell was overwhelming, he could smell just about every piece of food in the establishment. Fish, salad, noodles, pizza, burgers everything.

"Hello there! Table for one?" A waitress wearing an orange apron asked.

"Yeah, that sounds good," Barry replied easily. He was socially adept enough to order food properly. Barry sat down at a booth and looked at their menu. It was listed with everything…

That's where the problem arose.

'What the hell is a Wyvern wing burger? Or a Black Boulder rex steak?" He thought in confusion upon seeing the menu. Shrugging he decided to just settle on Boscan boar sausage pizza. Sounded exotic at the very least.

"All right, oh what's your name sir?"


"O-oh. I see! Be back soon."

'Why do people have a problem with Barry!? What's wrong with Barry!?'

His food arrived in roughly twenty minutes or so. He said his thanks and bit into the food.

He couldn't taste it.

'...What the fuck is going on here?' He wondered. He took another bite.


He furrowed his eyebrows in disappointment.

'Maybe it's the style? No, I should be able to at least taste the bread. No one else is complaining which means…It must just be me…shit, I lost my sense of taste!' He mentally screamed in both anger and sadness. If there was one thing Barry enjoyed it was good food, and now that had been robbed from him.

He quickly ate the tasteless pizza and handed about two thousand jewels to the waitress. He realized that the currency must have been US dollars times one hundred if a pizza that size cost around twenty dollars and two thousand jewels here.

Right before he left the restaurant. He saw a magazine to his right and decided to read it. Maybe it would give him some insight on where exactly he had ended up.

The title was sorcerers weekly, and his eyes went wide when he read the headline.


He dropped the magazine onto the floor. Everything around himself went numb, every sound, scent and lack of taste.

It made no sense at all, yet so much at the same time.

Dark guilds


Strange animals

Dragon teeth

He wasn't on Earth anymore.

This was Earthland.

However, the most shocking part of it all, was when he looked into the mirror next to himself and saw his blue tattooed face alongside his black cloak.

'This is the world of Fairy Tail…after the Alvarez war…yet...somehow...I'M ACNOLOGIA!'