Galar's Secret Miracle by Pikaboo73

Words: 316k+

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( Victor fled from a lab with his mother at the age of 4, moving to the Galar Region with a delicate secret that will bring him trouble if anyone finds out. Despite this, at the age of 15, he still wants to travel through Galar to become the champion! But he has to be careful on his journey, because after all... The world isn't ready for a human with the powers of pokemon. )

Chapter 1: Prologue-A New Beginning

~{?- 2:53PM}~

A woman frantically ran through corridors of white halls that were lit up by the red lights of blazing sirens. Her ears were getting pierced by the loud ringing of the alarms while she ran as fast as she could, not looking back out of worry of something being there. She was a young woman with long, dark brown hair that went down past her shoulders but tied into a ponytail with a green bandana. She wore circular glasses with brown frames and her brown eyes matched these frames even with the current look of panic in them. She had a lab coat on that was visibly torn by claw marks, clearly the marks of a pokemon.

In her arms was an unconscious boy of about four years of age. He had short brown hair and was only wearing a white hospital gown that was visibly burnt, yet the boy's skin seemed fine.

The woman took a sharp left down the hall before she heard some commotion up ahead. She stopped running and ran into the first room on the right, just a storage room where she remained still and listened to the outside despite the alarms still ringing.

She heard a squad of people running and stopping right beside the room she was in.

"Did you find her yet!?" One asked.

"Negative, sir. We only know she went through here."

"Then what are you waiting for!? That means she's still running ahead! Get going!"

She heard them start running again, knowing well who they were searching for.

She felt the boy in her arms start to move, looking down at him to see that he was still unconscious, but was making a face of pain with some small tears in the corner of his eyes.

The boy whimpered, and the woman hugged him close while caressing his brown hair.

"Shhhhh... It's okay, Victor. Mommy is gonna get us out of here. Then we'll have a normal life. You'll make friends like you wanted. You don't worry about a thing, baby... I'll get us out."

She took a deep breath and listened outside, waiting as more people passed by. The first chance of hearing no one, she bolted out of the room and kept on running through the halls.

"Keep running... Just keep going!" She panted as she turned another corner and started heading for the stairs.

But then two lab staff came into view with a Salandit and Manectric with them.

"There she is!" One of the staff pointed.

The woman gasped and screeched to a halt.

The other staff pointed a palm, "Salandit, use Flamethrower!"

"Salandit!" The pokemon opened its mouth and released a burst of flames hurtling at the woman.

Her eyes widened, but she dashed out of the way of the flames and continued down another path of the lab she was in.

"Hey! You could've killed them! Remember, we need both alive!" She heard one of them shout from behind.

She heard their rapid footsteps behind her.

"Manectric, use Quick Attack to catch her!"

"Manectric!" The electric pokemon started glowing white and suddenly sped forward must faster than before.

The woman heard them and gritted her teeth, then using only one arm to hold her child as she used the other to pull out what seemed to be a repel of the sort, yet it had a pin on it rather than a nozzle. She used her teeth to pull the pin and tossed it back.

Manectric was nearly catching up when the repel rolled in front of it and went off, exploding with a thick mist of orange.

"Nyah!" Manectric let out a growl as the substance seemed to sting it, especially in its eyes. This caused it to mess up it's running and crash to the ground.

"Mantectric!" The staff shouted as it rushed to his pokemon.

"Where did she go!?" The other asked once the thick wall of orange mist disappeared.

The woman was already busting through another door using her shoulder and kept on running.

"We had to take a detour, but we're almost there!"


The woman looks down in shock to see her son coming to, yet looking terribly tired.

"Where... Where are we?..."

She moved his face against her shoulder.

"We're leaving Victor, don't worry." She ushered him.

"But... What about papa?"

She felt her heart crushed.

"He... He had to stay behind and finish some work..."

All of a sudden, and explosion came from a room behind her with enough force to send her forward.

"Mama! I'm scared!" Victor cried out in fear, burying his face in her clothes.

The woman tightly held her child as she stumbled along the ground but managed to regain her balance and keep on running.

"Don't be scared, Victor, we'll be out soon! J-Just close your eyes and go back to sleep." She whimpered.

She kept running and running, following the exit signs and not caring about the pain in her lungs from running so much. But she felt her heart stop when she saw the exit.

Only, it had four different staff members with pokemon waiting for her, being led by a higher-up with an Arcanine.

She stopped and could feel her hope start to diminish. She turned around but saw the two other lab staff already catching up. There was no left or right way to go, she was surrounded on both sides.

"Finally, we're done with this cat and mouse game." The higher-up staff member snarled. He reached a hand out as if trying to reach her, "Stop this foolishness. If you choose to remain here, you can live a happy life with your son every day."

The woman grew angry and quickly covered her child. "My son, or your experiment!?"

"You don't know what we're trying to do! We're creating a new future of man and pokemon! A future where both can fight alongside each other!"

"The world is already doing that!" The woman shouted back.

"You mean those foolish battles where we must rely on animals to protect us? How foolish! Humans are meant to evolve, that is our purpose!"

"Humans are also meant to choose the path that they want to take! Victor is only a boy, not even five yet! Why are you choosing his future for him!?"

The man tightened his hand into a fist and rose it up as a demonstration of power. "It is necessary for the future of humanity. We must be able to defend ourselves from pokemon if the day ever comes where they turn on us! Your child is a result of years of hard work! Years of our own sweat and tears! You will not leave with him! Now hand him over, or we'll have to take him from you!"

"Never! He's my son! And his life is his own! Not your lab rat!" The woman tightened her hold on her son and looked back and forth at the staff and their growling pokemon.

The man sighed, "So stubborn... Just like your husband. He didn't agree either..."

The mother turned her head back to the man in worry.

"What did you do?"

He adjusted his glasses.

"We had to take him out of the picture."

The woman felt horrified. "Y-You didn't..."

"It was necessary to keep him quiet, as it will be to keep you quiet. Get them." He snapped his fingers.

The men started to march towards her.

"Mama, what's going on...?" Victor mumbled on her shirt.

She gently caressed his hair. "N-Nothing, Victor... B-But I need you to do something for me. Okay, sweetie?"

"Yes, mama..."

"I need you to think of the place that makes you feel the happiest. Somewhere that you love more than any other place in the world. Don't tell me what it is."

"Okay," Victor mumbled sleepily.

"Now, think about how much you want to be there right now. Keep thinking about how much you want to be there as much as you can."

Victor did just that, thinking about a specific place with a gentle smile.

He and his mom then started to glow purple.

The man noticed this and his eyes widened.


Hearing him shout, the others bolted towards the two.

"Xatu, use Air Slash!"

"Crawdaunt, use Water Gun!"

"Noctowl, use Peck!"

So many pokemon rushed at them.

The woman just smiled gently while staring down at her son.

"Now... Go."

They flashed in purple right before vanishing on the spot.


She fell to the ground and tumbled in a field of some sort, tightly holding her son Victor in her arms as she rolled, rolled, and kept on rolling.

Soon they both came to a stop.

"Ouch..." She forced herself up and revealed her hair that had been turned into a horrid mess. Tangled up with stems, leaves, and petals. She glanced down at her arms and saw her child wincing.

"Victor, are you okay!?"

The child was breathing soundly asleep.

She let out a breath of relief, hugging him tightly now that they had a moment to rest.

She then rose her head and took a look at the landscape around her, smiling as she knew exactly where they were.

It was a beautiful field full of flowers of all types of flowers. The warmth of the sun hit the two of them with the addition of the cooling breeze. She turned her head and saw in the distance a based of some sort, the place where she had just been.

"I knew it... When we brought him out here, he loved it... This was the only place we could've gone."

She thought of her husband left inside the lab and the words of the leader implying his death. Now it was just the two of them, her and her son. She ignored the water trailing down her cheeks from her eyes as she stared at the base.

"I can't start crying now..." She got a good hold of her son and shakily got to her feet, turning her back to the lab. "They'll realize where we are soon... I.. have to... leave..."

She took one step forward, but nearly tumbled over.

"No... why isn't my body listening to me now? We already made it this far. I need to move. I need to give Victor a normal life... I have to go where they won't ever find us..."

She took another step but ended up on one knee.

"P-Please..." She begged herself, desperately trying to move.

A white light suddenly caught her attention.

She rose her head, her eyes widened in awe, and she froze at the being floating in front of her.

There stood what was supposed to be a legend to her and her previous lab. A piece of superstition that many scholars would never think to exist. The blinding white color, the shining golden cross-like wheel attached to its round abdomen, and its green eyes with red pupils. It was a creature she never thought she would see.

"Arceus..." She was in a trance by the bright lights as this pokemon stared down at her.

Behind her, a giant explosion echoed throughout the land and had so much force the winds violently swayed the surrounding trees.

When the winds died, and she turned around, she was shocked to find the entire lab up in flames.

She slowly turned her head back to Arceus in fear.

"D-Did you... do that?"

Rather than answer, the pokemon slowly hovered down until it planted its four hooves into the ground.

The woman couldn't tell if this mystical pokemon was impressed or angry as it stared at the extraordinary child in her arms.

The woman shot up to her feet, "A-Are the pokemon that were in the facility safe!? They didn't do anything wrong!"

Arceus seemed to glow intensely as if to quiet her. He then gazed his head to the direction of the lab, to which the mother turned as well and saw many pokemon unconscious a safe distance away from it.

He then leaned his head down at the sleeping boy.

"Tell me... What is this young one's name?"

The mother was shocked to hear him speak but managed to maintain enough professional composure to answer despite shaking.

"H-His name is Victor..."

Arceus's head was right by the sleeping child now.

And as if on instinct, the Victor smiled in his sleep and reached a hand to him, gently petting Arceus oh his face.

"How... peculiar."

The mother just stared in worried silence.

Arceus moved his head back and kept a straight stance.

"Your child is the only one of his kind and will continue to be the only one for several years to come. What those humans have done should never have been attempted. And yet... they managed to succeed."

Arceus gazed at the burning facility ahead in the distance.

"But there will be no more of that. There is no trace of those accursed experiments. Except..." He gazed down at the child.


On instinct, the mother held him tightly to protect him.

"I'm not going to take your child away. He is innocent, but also very dangerous. He has the gift that no ordinary human should ever have. It will be your job to teach him of this and send him on the right path."

He turned his back to her and a large white portal emerged in front of him.

"Come." He started to step to the portal.

"W-Where are we going?" The woman asked out of worry of if her child would handle where they went.

Arceus stopped and turned a red eye back to her.

"You wish to leave this all behind, don't you? If you wish to take responsibility for those experiments you've done, then you will raise your child to live a normal life. I'll take you to an area where the events of this place shouldn't reach him for years. A place where he can choose his own path."

She thought about it.

"Keep in mind, this doesn't mean he'll be safe forever... There is no doubt that there are others who know what experiments have taken place and will wish to replicate it. They will try to find him, they will try to take him. If his power is revealed to the world, then the uproar will bring danger to him."

The woman had tears in her eyes as Arceus waited for her.

"Please... take us." The woman bowed.

Arceus didn't waste any time and started to walk through the portal.

The poor mother rushed to catch up with her child in her arms.

The mythical pokemon's eyes shined red after the woman went into the bright white light.

"Let us go... To the Galar region."

The portal close behind them, leaving all of their troubled past behind.

For now.

~{Galar Region- 11:33PM}~

"Will this suffice?" The god-like pokemon asked as he gently put down the mother and her child.

The woman stared at a house that she considered downright beautiful. It was only a one-story house that has signs of being abandoned for years. There were outgrown vines and leaves all over the gutters, tall grass on the sides of a dirt path with stone slabs, an old wheelbarrow on the side, signs of what used to be a small garden, pots with wildly growing lush plants, and one large green gate that was wide open.

The mother just stared at the house.

"I understand this may not be much and it will need a lot of work. But I've overheard others wishing for someone to move into here. They also seem to be quite friendly with children of their own. I hope you can give this site a chance to call home..."

Arceus heard a sniffle and glanced down at the woman he saved, noticing tears going down her eyes along with a genuine smile.

"It's beautiful..."

Arceus took a moment to appreciate her happiness before turning back to the house.

"Then, this is where I leave you. There is some furniture inside, but you will have to put in a lot of work. For now, I'll humbly ask the surrounding pokemon near here to offer support in helping you adjust and acquire materials. Do you believe you'll be alright?"

The woman turned and gazed up at him.

"We'll be okay. Thank you, Arceus... Thank you so much..."

Arceus faced his body to her."Don't misunderstand. It's not like I get myself involved in these personal human matters out of the kindness of my heart. I guard this planet against cataclysms that would ravage them, but..."

He gazed at the sleeping boy.

"He is special. He has the potential to be able to protect the world... or devastate it. In the future, if he would choose the latter... then I'm afraid I will have to step in and put an end to him myself..."

The mother didn't hesitate to answer.

"I won't let that happen! He's a boy that loves pokemon as much as he loves people! He would never wish to cause any harm to the world!"

"Yes, I can see he's a child like that... But power changes people. Whether it's the person with that power or those around him. If people discover what he is capable of, then they may treat him differently. Like a creature, like a monster, and that torment can change the boy's love to hate. I know this place has kind people, but there are always those shadows in the light..."

"I-I know he won't do anything... I know it."

"We shall see... Perhaps in the future, people will be more accepting of such the only person with these abilities. But right now, try to keep him from interacting with others. After all..."

He leaned his head down to the boy.

"The world isn't prepared for a human with the powers of a pokemon."

~{The Next Day- Postwick 9:23AM}~

"This... Might be a problem..."

The mother was still in the same clothes she was wearing yesterday while her child, Victor, curiously stared up at her while barefoot in his patient gown.

The house they were in had dust all over the area but surprisingly looked to be in good shape. But she didn't even know where to start without any cleaning supplies.

She furiously scratched her messed up hair in irritation.

"Mama... Where are we?" Victor tilted his head curiously and gazed around at the dusty house.

His mother turned to him with a smile.

"Our new home, sweetie."

"...Is papa coming?"

She froze.

"I-I'll tell you later... W-We have to clean this place up!"

Victor looked down at himself.

"But I'm cold..."

"Er, I'll fix that!" She took off her dirty lab coat and put it on him despite not fitting.

"Not good, he could get sick if he stays this dirty... There's a river right near here, but it's too much in the open. And I KNOW that someone will see us... Oh what to do..."

She didn't want to leave the house and risk being spotted so soon.

"Skwo! Skwo!" She heard something squeak.

"Hm?" She turned to an open window and found a Skwovet sitting on the window frame.

"Oh, sorry little fella, I don't have any fruit..."

Victor pointed at the pokemon, "Mama! He says he wants to help us!"

His mother and the Skwovet both seemed stunned.

She crouched down to him. "Victor, you can understand it!?"

Victor looked confused, "Didn't you listen to him?"

"Skwo!" The Skwovet jumped from the window frame and scurried over beside Victor.

"He says the big scary white pokemon asked him to help us." Victor said as he petted the cheeky pokemon with a smile.

"Arceus!" His mom had stars in her eyes. "We would love your help! Can you tell us where there is a hidden river or lake?"

"Skwo!" The Skwovet turned to the window, where two Drifloons floated in.

"Drifloon!" Both cheered as they floated down to a curious Victor.

Their string-like hands wrapped around both of his arms.

"Eh?" His mother blinked as the Drifloons started to lift him up.

"They say they'll take me!" Victor innocently smiled.

"WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!" His mother dived to grab him, but missed and faceplanted to the floor, kicking a cloud of dust up as the Driftloons carried him out the window.

She immediately got back up and dove out the window.


The Skwovet awkwardly watched as the frantic mother chased after the pokemon carrying her son away in the forest.

He turned to look at the house and put its paws on his cheeks.

"Skwo! Skwo!"

Many other pokemon suddenly started coming in from the open windows. Rookidee's, more Skwovets, and even Nickits. Surprisingly, the last one to arrive was a small Munchlax. One that had somehow gotten to the window and fell inside.

The first Skwovet started squeaking as it pointed around at the house, giving off instructions. Some Rookidees began flapping its wings to move around the dust, the Skwovets and Nickits started moving small items around or were getting rid of them, and the Munchlax yawned before then carrying around some of the more significant objects such as chairs.

Outside, as the pokemon were cleaning, a young woman was taking a walk with her son and another girl. The woman had short black hair, was wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and green slippers of the sort.

Her son was a four-year-old dark-skinned boy with brown eyes and purple hair, along with one of the most energetic smiles ever.

Next to him was a four-year old girl with short brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a green beanie with a white puffball on top.

They happily walked down the path until the boy noticed the house that was supposed to be empty suddenly had dust flying out of it.

"Mum! There's something in that house!" The boy pointed out.

"Hm?" The mother turned to the house and was shocked to see pokemon moving around through the window. "Oh! Are those pokemon planning to live there!?"

The girl pointed excitingly. "Lookie there, Hop! There's Rookidees, Skwovets, and Nickits!"

"I know, Gloria, I can see!" The boy named Hop bounced excitingly.

"Oh dear, I may need to call Leon down here. Or those guys could wreck the entire house." Hop's mother muttered.

~{Meanwhile- Slumbering Weald}~

Victor's mother had frantically chased after the Drifloons that carried her child through the foggy woods. She didn't care about the danger of encountering any pokemon without one of her own, she was a driving force going after her child.

"Weeeeeee!" Victor laughed as the Drifloons cheerfully swung the boy front and back.

"VICTOR!" His mother leaped over some skittering Skwovets, ducked under some flying Rookidees that tried to attack her, and even threw aside a Nickit that jumped in her way.

"Drifloon!" One of the flying ghosts said to Victor.

"You're gonna throw me?" Victor repeated in confusion.

"NO!" His mom shouted.

"Okay!" Victor smiled.

The two Drifloons pulled him back and then flung him forward.

"GYAH!" She dove with her arms reached for her boy.

Only for both of them to fall right into a calm river.

The Drifloons giggled as the mom came out with Victor in her arms.

"Hey, mama! We can take a bath now!" He smiled.

The mom was dripping wet as she glared at the Driflooms, who flinched and hid behind a tree.

She sighed, "Well... At least we can wash this muck off you..."

"Drifloon!" A Drifloon floated down with a soft sponge and bottle of soap in each of its stringy arms.


She ended up taking the hospital gown off of Victor and scrubbed him all over. She thought about washing herself there too but glared at the watchful gazes of random pokemon passing by.

"...I'll take one later."

When she was done washing Victor, she realized that the only clothes she could make him wear were either the already dirty patient gown or her dirt lab coat.

She felt someone poke her from behind and turned around to see a Munchlax offering a blue towel to her.

"Oh. Where did you get this from?" She took both, first using the towel to dry Victor and then wrapping it around him.

"Munchlax!" The pokemon cheered.

"He says he took it from a lady." Victor said.

The Munchlax turned black and white in shock that the child understood him.

"..." Victor's mother just picked up her child. "At least you did it just to help us... Can you lead us back?"

The Munchlax awkwardly waddled ahead to lead them.

As they walked, the mother couldn't see a thing.

"This fog is so thick. I'm glad I didn't lose Victor in here..."

A loud howl echoed throughout the forest, scaring many of the pokemon that were watching them.

Both she and Munchlax froze, glancing around at the surrounding thick fog.

"I-I think we need to go..."

"Munchlax!" The Munchlax waddled faster.

As they moved, they didn't notice two pairs of eyes staring at them from afar.

Eyes of two large-wolf like creatures.

~{Five Minutes Later}~

"WHA-!?" Victor's mother was dumbfounded when she got back into her house, dripping wet. The place was completely free of dust, the area was cleared up of any trash, and there was even a pile of fruit in the middle of what she assumed was the kitchen judging by the old stove and cupboards. But there was also a small set of clothes for a child on the counter.

All of the pokemon had cleared out, leaving only the Munchlax that had led them back from the forest.

"Look, mama! Food!" Victor jumped.

Rather than getting the food, his mother went to the set of clothing on the counter and took it with a smile.

"Before we eat, let's get you dressed!"

As she dressed him, Munchlax was already eating berries.

At the same time, outside of the house, two children were peeking from behind a moss-covered brick fence at the home that had just had wild pokemon 'rampaging' through it.

"Um, Hop? Didn't your Mum say to stay away from that house and to wait for Leon to come back from his battles?" The short brown-haired girl, Gloria, asked the overly excited Hop.

"But that many pokemon have never gone in that house before! Don't you wanna see why they suddenly started going in?" Hop turned to her with a grin.

"But it looks like they're all gone to me." Gloria pointed out.

Hop stared at the house as he noticed that his friend was right. There weren't any signs of any frantically rampaging pokemon in the living quarters.

"Pooey... Wait, hold on. I think I see someone in there." Hop carefully started to go up the small slope up the house.

"Hop! I told ya we ain't supposed to go!"

"We don't hafta go in. I just wanna see inside. I think I saw a lady."

"A lady? In there?" Gloria was curious now, inching closer up with Hop.

The two of them sneaked to one of the windows and got on their tippy-toes so that their heads barely peeked in.

The woman and her son were sitting cross-legged on the floor now with a happy Munchlax with them, eating away at the piles of berries.

"See? A lady!" Hop grinned. "Oh, wow! Why does it look clean!? Did the pokemon that came here clean up?"

Gloria had noticed the lady, but her eyes had been drawn to the kid sitting beside her. He looked to have a set of casual clothing on, consisting of a small black shirt blue shorts. But what had caught Gloria's attention about the boy was the gray beanie he was wearing.

"Hop, ain't that your beanie?"

Hop turned to where Gloria was gazing and saw Victor, then blinking when he saw the gray-beanie his friend referred to.

"Hold on! That's my clothes!"

His sudden shouting caught the attention of all three beings inside the house.

"Mama! Look!" Victor innocently pointed with a smile at the two kids peeking in.

"Oh, no!" His mother panicked. She was going to have Victor and herself stay in low profile as long as possible, yet their cover was already blown.

"Munchlax!" The big eater pokemon waved at them.

"Eep!" Hop and Gloria ducked from the window.

Victor ran to the door rather happily and jumped to grab the handle, turning it and using his weight to pull the door open. He dropped down and ran outside.

"Victor! Hold on!" His mother chased after him.

Munchlax just kept munching on fruit.

"They saw us!" Hop cried as he and Gloria started running back to the closest house, which was Hop's own. They had barely crossed a stone bridge that went over a river before they saw something blazingly past them from the corner of their eyes and ending up ahead of their path.

"Hi!" Victor waved ahead.

"What!?" Hop and Gloria both screeched to a halt.

The moment they stopped, they were only a few feet away from the boy.

Hop's head went back in forth as he tried to process what happened.

"Oi! How'd you do that!?" Hop asked him with sparkling eyes and a broad smile.

"Hm? Do what?" Victor asked confusingly.

"You were behind us, but now you're here! We were running away!" Gloria looked somewhat panicked compared to Hop.

"I just ran faster." Victor smiled.

"Hold on!" The trio turned to Victor's mother finally catching up to them while panting. "Wh-Who are you children?"

Hop proudly stood tall, "I'm Hop! I live right the path close to your guys!" He pointed at a house that was literally just down the path.

The girl seemed to calm down and smile too. "I'm Gloria! I live in Wedgehurst right next to the Pokemon Research Lab!"

"Should these children really just be saying this to strangers!?" Victor's mother wondered.

"I'm Victor! We just moved into that house you looked at!" Victor cheerfully smiled.

Hop and Gloria curiously stared at Victor in wonder. But then Hop realized the issue with Victor's clothing.

"Those are my clothes!" Hop pouted with his arms ups.

"Eh?!" Victor and his mother both uttered.

"They are? But the pokemon gave them to me..." Victor pleaded innocently, although with a hint of embarrassment.

Hop's annoyance subsided and turned into curiosity. "They did? Are they all yours?"

"No, they just came from outside and helped clean up the house."

"Really? But why?" Gloria tilted her head.

"A pokemon told them too."

His mom looked uneasy, "Er, Victor? I don't think you should-"

"A pokemon told them too? How do you know!?" Hop got closer with an eager grin.

Victor smiled at his enthusiasm.

"I know because I could talk to-"

"Hold on!" His mother scooped him up from the ground and covered his mouth. "W-We saw big pokemon with them before leaving! That's it!"

"Mmph?!" Victor was surprised by his mother's actions.

"Ehhhh? Which one!?" Hop jumped.

"Er, um... We didn't see it clearly because we were still waking up!"

"Hop, there you are! Wait, who's that?"

This new voice made Victor's mother start sweating. She turned to see two pairs of young couples coming over to them. One couple had the same skin tone as Hop's, while the other had the same brown hair and eyes as Gloria had.

"Mum! Dad! They say they moved into the old house!" Hop pointed

"Hop, deary. It's not polite to point." His mother said as she came up to him.

His father looked curious. "We didn't get any news that anyone would be moving in..."

"Um..." Victor's mother removed her hand from her son's mouth, the boy staring curiously at the new people that came.

"They say that a pokemon told a bunch of other pokemon to clean up the house!" Gloria added.

Gloria's mother chuckled. "Oh, really? That sounds nice of them."

"I don't think she believed that..." Victor's mother sweatdropped.

Gloria's father puffed his chest. "Where did you come from?"

"Er, I-we, um..."

"Mum! Let's check out their house!" Hop pulled on his mother's sleeve.

"I would normally say that's rude, but..." Hop's father smiled. "I think it'll be a way to get to know our new neighbors."

Victor's mom sweated nervously while Victor smiled with the effect of a ball of sunshine.

"There goes our peaceful life..."