Digimon Adventure Tri Another Way by GreyKing46

Words: 179k+

Link: -https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14014772/1/

( Three years after the battle with MaloMyotisemon, the world was now in peace. Humans and Digimon living together peacefully. But now... that peace is tested, and the DigiDestined are needed once again. A retelling of Digimon Tri because... it had problems. Lots of problems. Or rather, it is our own sequel to 02 using some of Tri's elements. Enjoy ! )

Co-Written by GhostKaiser23

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, it is owned by Toei


Heyo guys!






So... to celebrate, Ghost and I are doing some stuff.

We have two new stories up! Well, Ghost and I are only working on one. The other is a solo project I will mention there.

First, we have this! A remake of Digimon Adventure Tri! Because...


Ghost will vouch for me here. I have LITERALLY ranted for fucking HOURS about Tri and all its problems.

So... new story remaking it.

We are doing all 6 movies, the exact same format. However we will break it down into three chapters per movie to make it more managable and better paced. For now it will be uploaded once a month, on the first week. I'll find a good day. However once Ghost and I have finished writing... it will become weekly uploads. Haha!

Now... this is still us. This is still Ghost and Grey. You guys know what we are like.

We are not pretending this is what Toei should have done. Because, let's face it, Ghost and I can not help ourselves. We have a harem and some lemons in here.

Honestly I can not even be bothered trying to remake Tri without them, the series gives me such a headache with problems and frustration.

So... yeah. Harem. Tai/Kari/Sora/Mimi/Meiko alongside Agumon/Gatomon/Biyomon/Palmon/Meicoomon

Plus lemons.

We have fun, don't we? Haha!

Without further adue, let's start the show!


Oh yeah, the other bit. Right. Well the other new story is a remake of my second ever GokaiShadow. A project I am writing solo with input on by several of my friends to help make everything go MUCH better. It is called "GokaiShadow Reboot: The Shadow Returns", check it out if you want.

Also another update to James' Harem 2.

I hope you all enjoy both!

Let's go!

Digimon Adventure Tri Another Way

Movie 1 Part 1

Return of the Digital World

It was the start of a warm early Autumn day in Japan, the hot weather made everyone wear loose clothing to prevent overheating.

Apartments had open windows just to air out their homes because it was too warm to be inside and too hot to be outside.

We fly high through the sky, watching as the cloudless bright day settled down.

Humans and strange monsters walked side by side along its streets

Some were plant-like, some reptillian; some were strange animals made to look like various mammals or winged animals. Some walking on two legs, some with multiple legs, some humanoid looking. All with humans with them as they treated this as the most normal thing in the world.

These beings... Where Digimon!

Digital Monsters!

It had been three years since the last battle against MaloMyotisemon. Three years since the human world was forced to achnowledge the one they where connected to, The Digital World!

Many Digimon crossed over in the week following. Some partnered with humans, some lived on their own. And the human world accepted them... As best they could.


And then the gate between worlds had to be sealed once again.

The battle with MaloMyotisemon, and the still recovering Destiny Stones, made the Digital World unstable. And so they needed to break the connection in order for the world to heal. Many Digimon decided to stay on the human side, with their partners or just in this new world they enjoyed.

It has been three years since then. And things have been slowly progressing to a more stable situation of the future.

We zoom into a certain house, the home of the Kamiya family. Into the bedroom of Tai Kamiya.

Here, we see a young man in his late teens, spiky brown hair, wearing a pair of white three-quarter shorts with white socks, he was trying to cool himself off with his chilled pillow while his thin blue t-shirt hung on the back of a chair "Why is it so hot~!" He whined as his door opened with a creak

"Tai? You in here?" A voice spoke through.

"Yeah... In here." Tai responded, removing the pillow and looked at the door.

Walking through was a young brown-haired teenage girl, wearing a loose white top and blue short-shorts. She was 'covered' just enough to show her shoulder and a bit of her chest. "Do you want a drink?"

"Please, Kari... what're you wearing?" Tai asked, looking at her.

"... Shirt and shorts." Kari responded casually

"My shirt. It's a bit too big for you." he deadpanned

"But I like it." She pouted.

"Jeez, Kari..." Tai sighed. "Alright, you can wear it."

"Yes!" She cheered and kissed his cheek gently.

"I'll take a glass of ice water if you're still offering." Tai cheekily remarked, to which Kari playfully slapped his chest.

Elsewhere in the city, we see a young man with short red hair wearing a vest and wearing shorts, working in an air conditioner room filled with computers that needed much needed attention

"Phew... today's a scorcher." The young man sighed heavily, wiping his head from sweat, before taking a drink from a large sports bottle. He typed away at his computer, making a computer program when a message popped up on his screen.

Izzy, you working on your programs again?

You coming out?


"Oh jeez, Matt." 'Izzy' sighed heavily as he saw that.

"You really should get out, Izzy." A buzzy voice commented from behind him "You need Vitimin D."

"I know, Tentomon. But these programs are important for everyone." Izzy turned around and looked at a foot tall, red ladybird-beetle looking creature. It had a red shell with black bumps on the shell, red legs with black 'wires' on the arms and fingers, a yellow torso, black clawed red feet, compound green eyes, yellow antennae, and a yellow mouthguard.

"But your own health is important." Tentomon grabbed the chair and pulled Izzy away from the computer. We go through the city once more, where a girl groaned as she got out of bed. Still fully dressed from the night before.

"Mimi, I said you shouldn't have gone to that part last night." A plant like being spoke

"But... it was fun, Palmon." The young woman groaned, slowly pulling the quilt over her body. She was wearing a short shirt that barely covered her C-cup breasts and midriff, a pair of loose shorts and bare feet, shoulder-length brown hair that had streaks of pink still in her hair.

"And you're exhausted. With school today." Palmon was a green humanoid plant-like being, a pink flower on her forehead with a red stamen, green to purple gradient vine-fingers, root-like feet and large black eyes with a green tail.

"I'll drink plenty of water and energy drinks to fix my sleep." Mimi mumbled.

"No, that's not going to be enough... but we're low on time. So it'll have to do." Palmon sighed heavily.

We rush across the city once more, where the sound of a guitar filled the air. A young man was making a new song, wearing a white button shirt, green shorts, spiky blonde hair and holding a red guitar with three strings coming from the top of the tuning pegs; a pile of sheet music was on the floor with pencils on the side. Matt Ishida hummed as he strummed his guitar, doing his best to tune it up.

"How's the music writing, Matt?" A gentle voice spoke, coming from a strange reptilian creature spoke. It had yellow skin, white toe claws, a blue stomach with purple markings, a white fur pelt with blue stripes with red claws, a single straight horn coming from the forehead, red eyes and a bumpy yellow tail. Its hands were kept as fists to keep the pelt in its hands, using it as its own limbs.

"Oh, it's going fine, Gabumon." Matt responded. "Sent a message to Izzy too."

"Reminding him that he DOES still have to go to school?" Gabumon joked

"Yeah, I had to." Matt nodded. "He might be the smartest guy I know, but still."

"You better not forget either." Gabumon poked him playfully.

"No, I haven't forgotten." Matt rolled his eyes.

"Have you heard from-?"

"Yeah, he's busy though. I mean, we live separate lives but we still meet up."

"That's good!" Gabumon grinned

"It'd be good to see him for more than just an afternoon." Matt nodded, before placing his guitar in its stand. "We better get going."

"Yeah, it's getting warm in here." Gabumon nodded.

We go to the next home, a quiet place where a young ma with short blueish black hair, wearing rectangle framed glasses, a white shirt a green tie and black trouser had just finished breakfast. "Ah~, delicious." The young man sighed in relief, patting his stomach and looked at his watch. "Oops, we gotta get moving, Gomamon."

"Ah~! I could've told ya that, Joe." A white seal-like creature responded, it had purple markings on its front flippers that had black claws, two small feet with three black claws, a white tail, green eyes, an orange mohawk, and two long ears with purple tips. He was currently at the table eating some breakfast with his friend.

"Then why didn't you?!" Joe called as he rushed off, grabbing his bag

"We were having such a nice breakfast." Gomamon responded, hopping onto Joe's back.


We hurry across the city once more, to where a red head girl was returning from a morning run. She was panting as she had done a couple of kilometres around the park and sweaty, she was wearing a white shirt that showed off her C-Cup bosom, a black band that held her music player on her arm, blue shorts and a pair of black trainer socks under her well worn blue sneakers.

"Sora~! You're back!" A pink bird Digimon cheered

"Hey, Biyo!" Sora waved as she embraced the Digimon.

The pink bird Digimon had yellow feet with black claws, a silver ring on the left one, red claws on its hands, a red beak, blue eyes, dark blue tips on its black and head feathers while a plume of a striped pink and blue feather curled on top. "I was worried you weren't going to meet up."

"Had to help some people." Sora said honestly

"You care too much for people." Biyomon chuckled as she heard that.

"Crest of love." She commented. She walked in, frowning at a picture of herself and Matt that was on the wall and taking it down

Biyomon saw that motion and frowned. That was... difficult for Sora. Especially since they were originally friends.

Sora and Matt had dated for a while. And then a few weeks ago...

There was no cheating, no one was the bad guy, no one ignored each other. They just... didn't fit. And yeah there was an argument during that night. It was... loud. To say the least. They decided that they might be better off as friends. But there was still some... Bitterness about it.

"Are you going for a shower?" Biyomon asked nervously.

"Yeah. I just... Need to cool off, Biyo." Sora nodded.

And for one last time we hurry across the town. Hurry across Tokyo. The home of the last of the eight original DigiDestined. Here was a young man with short blonde hair, wearing a green shirt and dark blue trousers, black shoes on his feet as he was getting ready to go out to school.

Flapping behind him was an orange and white, bat-wing-eared pudgy marshmallow mammal Digimon with green eyes and four stubby limbs. "Hey, TK, have you got everything?"

"Yep, Patamon. I've got everything for school." TK responded with a smile.

"Great; you called Matt, right?" Patamon added

"Yep, already done that. Sent a text his way." TK assured

"Oh, TK, you're leaving already?" A female voice asked as the owner, a blonde haired woman, left what was their homes kitchen

"Yeah, mum. I've got school." TK responded.

"I see." She nodded, humming "Well, Matt is coming over for dinner. Right?"

"Oh, yeah!" TK nodded, checking his messages from his brother. "One second... Ah, here." And he showed a chain of text from Matt saying that he was excited to come over for dinner.

"Oh, that's great. And what about your other friends? Davis, Cody and Yolei?" TK's mother asked.

"Sorry mum, I forgot to mention. They and Ken left yesterday to go to that DigjDestined convention in America." TK responded

"Oh, I see." She nodded and tapped her chin. "At least they're with their partners and with friends."

"Yep." Patamon nodded, fluttering towards TK.

"Have a good day Patamon." Nancy Takaishi smiled as she kissed the orange hamster thing in the forehead

"I will." Patamon odded

"Bye, mum." TK rolled his eyes and waved at her.

"Bye sweetie!"

As TK left his home, we head towards the Takaishi computer, flying through the screen and through the datastream, billions of terabytes passing through a large barrier as we soon arrive at a large expanse of a new world.

These eight teens are the DigiDestined. The first eight that the human world has record of. The protectors of the Digital World, as well as the ones to protect the human world FROM the Digital World

Unfortunately with the barrier up once more, they had no idea of the threat that was currently spreading...

*? ? ?*

The skies were dark, thunderous crashes of lightning and storms brewed overhead. Digimon of various shapes and sizes were fleeing for their lives, the wire-grid that was hidden from the sky was exposed as the Digital World was going to destruction."

Digimon screamed as an immense shadow loomed over them, tearing up the land below and sky above.

We see a simple human looking man, running and stumbling a bit. He had short brown hair with a ponytail, white robes, brown boots and bracers. He was panting heavily from fear and exhaustion.

This was Gennai. A protector and guide of the world

"Have to contact them. Our worlds... they're in great peril!" Gennai told himself, motivating himself to call the DigiDestined.

However he suddenly fell, his face smashing into the floor. Tentacles of black energy wrapped had wrapped around his ankles

"GAH!" He looked back and tried to claw at the ground, trying to force himself forward as he attempted to escape from the gargantuan creature ensnaring him.

Large ribbons of red and black flowed in the wind, as a giant green reptilian hand the size of a building reached out for him...

Sat up high, a knight clad in black and gold armour looked down. It was a giant of a Digimon, a humanoid in shape. It had onyx black metal boots with golden claws and golden edges, black metal for its torso armour with two red gems inlaid in the centre with golden edges and diamonds, large pauldrons with golden edges, black metal arms with hexagonal styled chased markings, large golden bracelets with golden triangles in an upwards and downwards pattern, heavy gauntlets, two large mechanical wings that looked like jet-wings with golden 'feathers' protruding from the inside, a humanoid face with red eyes and a red gem on the forehead with two rabbit-like ears and a long flowing white cape with a blue interior.

The knight Digimon looked at the figure of Gennai being engulfed by this... abomination. It knew it had to flee.

There was only one option left.

The warriors large white cape fluttered in the breeze as it left, silently.

*Time skip, human world*

"Yeah, you better hand over everything!"

We zoom into Tokyo. Down into a small, quiet part of the city where small 'ma and pa' type stores where...

And a few of them where currently being threatened by a punk.

The guy looked to be in his early twenties and had a shaved head with a black shirt with a skull on it and a leather jacket, ripped jeans and combat boots. A bunch of piercing and sich hung from his bodies

And behind him... Was an armoured triceratops looking beast as large as a car

The owners of the shop were terrified as they saw this, they didn't know what to do. The triceratops-like Digimon was there licking his lips like it was hungry for something and growling.

"Didn'tcha hear me? I said fork'em over!" The bald young man ordered.

"Hey! What're you doing?" A familiar voice called out, grabbing the thug's attention.

"Huh? What do you want kid?" The skin-head turned with an incredulous gaze, looking down at the kid, who happened to be Tai.

"P-pl-please. He-he has a dangerous Digimon." The owners panicked.

Tai saw this and frowned, these were good people he often passed by who he bought from after school. He looked at the Digimon and the thug. "A Monochromon? That is your partner Digimon?"

"Hey, Tri-Skull-Crusher is the strongest Digimon there is!" The thug proclaimed, getting angry at Tai's calm tone. "He's 'Champion' Level!

"... Agumon?" Tai asked, turning to his best friend as he pulled a small device out of his pocket. It was the Digivice!

The Digivice was a pale-blue almost white curved octagon-shaped palm-fitted item with seven grooves tracing on the faces, a blank digital square in the centre of a black circle and light digital lettering on the two circles, two dark-blue buttons on the right-hand side, one dark-blue button on the left-hand side. And finally, a small black antenna, on the left-hand corner. The grooves of the device went over the top and bottom, two going to the two buttons and one to the slightly larger button. It began to beep, a small light begining to flow from it.

Agumon simply nodded as he turned to the Monochromon and took a calming breath as light erupted from the Digivice"Agumon, Digivolve too...!"

Within the orange light of the device around Tai's waist, Agumon's outside was being 'ripped away' as a multitude of 0's and 1's flowed around him. Agumon's inner self, a green wireframe on a black figure was growing and shifting. Horns grew from his head as his skull became more prominent like it was a helmet or armoured head; his small reptile body tripled in size, his straight hands began to curl almost as if they were humanoid, a long tail and hulking legs and torso.

The 0's and 1's wrapped around this new form's body, becoming his skin and armour as Agumon had turned into a new creature. It was an orange dinosaur with blue stripes, clawed feet and hands, burning red eyes under a thick brown rhino-beetle-like shell on his head. And a mouth full of sharp teeth and taller than Monochromon.

"GREYMON!" Agumon, now Greymon, proclaimed. His roar shaking the feet of both the thug and his Digimon.

"N-No way! Y-You've got a Champion too?" The thug called out.

"First and only warning. Stop what you're doing and apologise." Greymon and Tai spoke, frowning at the thug. There was a small flash from Tai's heart, an orange sun symbol appearing over his heart for a second for a moment.

"Hey buddy! We can do it!" The Monochromon snarled "Let's trash these punks!"

"Yeah! We're the strongest here!" The thug cheered, making a rude gesture with his arms and then pointed at Tai.

"Greymon?" Tai closed his eyes as he focused inwards on his heart.

"Yeah, Tai?" He growled as his large tail flicked back and forth

"Let's go dinosaur crazy!" Tai smirked, pointing at Monochromon

"I WAS HOPING YOU'D SAY THAT!" Greymon roared as he rushed forwards


"Everyone, please stay inside." Tai called out as both dinosaur Digimon crashed into each other, Monochromon's head almost goring Greymon, but the larger dino's arms grabbed the horns.

Greymon grabbed his arms around the large horn, his large feet digging into the ground.

Monochromon blinked as he was stopped, his feet still trying to grab purchase into the ground while Greymon began to strain...and strain. And strain. Until, Monochromon lost their purchase and their balance going forwards but their back legs flopping in the air.

The mighty orange dino smashed the armoured beast into the ground, face first. He then reversed his hold and momentumz spinning the opposite direction. The quadrapedal grey and black champion was pulled into the air.

As it hung there for less than a second, it's stomach revealed to its foe, Greymon smashed his tail into it's stomach

Monochromon grunted in shock as they were overpowered by Greymon, being slapped into the air and flung upwards.

However Greymon didn't stay down. His powerful legs cracked the ground below him as he jumped high, after his foe.

"GREAT HORN!" he called as he slammed his middle horn into Monochromon's stomach

"No! Tri-Skull-Crusher!" The thug called out in shock, seeing his Digimon getting manhandled this way.



Monochromon came crashing down, Greymon landing atop him

Both Digimon glowed and began to shrink seconds later. In Greymon's place, was Agumon who brushed off the debris as his foot revealed underneath was a Gotsumon. A grey stone, child-sized humanoid Digimon with three toes and fingers with swirling yellow eyes.

"NO! What did you do?!" The thug called out in shock.

"He just de-digivolved." Tai explained as he took a step forwards, throwing a punch across the guys jaw


The thug fell to his face in one punch, falling flat on the floor.

"Sorry about this." Tai apologised to the mom and pop shop owners.

"You are you?" One of the shop owners asked

"Just a passing through DigiDestined." Tai smiled humbly while giving a thumbs up

"... You dork." Agumon deadpanned as he heard that, walking off towards Tai.

"Wait... A DigiDestined?!" One gasped

"Bro!" Kari yelled from the other side of the road "Hurry up Tai! You're gonna be late!"

"Oh crap! Err, sorry! Later!" Tai panicked. "This guy won't be a problem. Sorry, bye!"

"Bye!" Agumon waved

"Bye..." The shop owners waved nervously.

*Time Skip*

The DigiDestined were now at school, the group in their classes around the school in different levels.

Tai, Mimi, Matt and Sora where the only four to share a year. Matt and Mimi both in different classes, Sora and Tai sharing one

"Where were you earlier? You almost got in trouble?" Sora whispered to Tai as they were close enough in class.

"A thug with a Digimon throwing his weight around." Tai whispered back.

"What is it with certain people?" Sora sighed and continued to write her notes.

"I dunno, but it's more relaxing than the world ending." Tai admitted.

"True." She smiled at her old friend

"Turn to the next page please." The teacher asked their class, trying to keep their attention.

"Shoot. Which page is it?" Tai whispered.

"Fifty-nine." Sora responded, flipping the page over.

In another classroom, Matt and Mimi were currently in math class, where Mimi was still feeling the effects of her late night. "You went out partying again, didn't you?" Matt hummed

"It was a good... night." Mimi yawned as she was holding herself up with her leaning arm making Matt roll his eyes

"You're going to burn yourself out. Take it from someone who knows." Matt pointed to himself.

"But it's the last week of school~!" She whined "I wanna have fun before I have to worry about next year~!"

"Something you'd like to say, Ms Tachikawa?" The teacher asked

"Nothing!' she gasped


"Ah! Miss! I broke my pencil again!" Gabumon called

"Oh, Gabumon." The teacher sighed gently and got another sharpened pencil out for the Digimon. "Here you go."

"Thank you." Gabumon responded.

The world had changed a lot in the last three years. With the human/Digimon intergration. Some kids with partners, some Digimon partnering with adults.

Society had changed.

And so; teachers, police officers, almost everyone had to update their standings with the new members of their society. A good example here, is that students with a partner where allowed to have their partners in class with them

"Please don't break this one." The teacher asked politely.

"I'll try." He said with a big grin

Palmon hummed as she was doodling in her book.

She didn't quite get mathematics and was unintentionally letting her mind wander. "Excuse me, Palmon."

"Eep!" She immediately covered her book "Y-Yes?" She squeaked

"Do you think this is art class?" The teacher asked, looking down at her book.

"Noooo..." the flower girl mumbled sadly

"Then please stop doodling in your notebook and pay attention." The teacher informed. "Or I will see you and Mimi after class."

"Yes ma'am." The partners mumbled, the human more bitterly than the plant like Digimon

Matt chuckled a little as he saw that, the pair of them were such a good fit as partners. Well, at least the teachers had grown accustomed to the Digimon and saw them as children who didn't know better, they just need guidance.

"Matt, save us." Mimi whispered.

"Just focus on the lesson, it'll be alright." Matt responded.

Mimi whimpered as her head fell onto the desk. 'I'm dead.'

*Time Skip*

"Hnn... What a day." Sora stretched her arms as they left class as Biyomon flew above her

"Yeah." Tai agreed, hands in his pocket "We all meeting at the normal place?"

"Sorry guys, I got band practice and then I'm spending the night with my mum and TK." Matt commented

"Ah, okay. Mimi? What about you?" Tai asked.

"Sorry, got a party tonight!" she said as she clasped her hands in front of herself, bowing nervously

"Again? Weren't you at one last night?" Palmon frowned, chewing her out.

"I promised Tomoki I'd go to her party! I promised, like, three weeks ago!" Mimi replied

"You've got to stop making plans this far in advance. We never see each other anymore outside school." Sora sighed.

"I know!" Mimi mumbled, bowing deeply

"Speaking of. I have an important meeting tonight." Izzy flinched "Some UK computer company is planning on updating their servers and they need my help or they might loose it all."

"Jeez, you're busy, Izzy." Tai commented.

"Don't make my name rhyme, Tai." Izzy deadpanned.

"Well, I guess that leaves..." Tai asked as he looked at Sora with puppydog eyes

"Sorry Tai, mum is sick. I need to run the store." she sighed

"Oh, come on!" Tai groaned "And Joe's busy with his studyong for his tests!"

"There's... Kari?" Mimi responded. "You can hang out with her."

"I guess." He sighed, his hands slipping into his pockets

"We'll try and rain check another meet-up... next week?" Izzy suggested.

"We can at least try." Matt answered. "... Unless there's something-"

"I'm sure you'll find SOME reason not to come, Matt." Sora frowned

"What was that, Sora?" Matt glared

"You heard me." she responded

"This is..." Izzy blinked

"Awkward? Yeah." Mimi nodded "More than when they where all lovey-dovey."

"Guys! Please don't ruin this." Tai groaned.

"Fine." Sora mumbled

"Whatever. Later." Matt grumbled as the group parted

"Sorry Tai!" Izzy waved

"Bye~!" Mimi waved

"Bye guys!" Agumon waved ...


"So~... 'Guys' night' again; right?"

"Yeah... Guys' night." Tai sighed heavily as they walked.

"Aside from this morning, we're getting rusty." Agumon commented.

"We aren't doing that bad." Tai shrugged "Besides, it's not like we have had anything big to deal with for years."

"I suppose so. It's kind of sad to see good digimon go bad because of idiots like today." Agumon admitted

"Yeah, true." Tai nodded

*time skip*

It was about an hour later, Tai holding his bag over his shoulder as he unlocked the front door "We're home!" Both called out, thinking that either their mother or Kari was here.

"Hi boys!" Gatomon smiled, waving, as she sat on the couch "Kari is in the shower."

"Hey, Gatomon." Agumon waved.

"Cool." Tai smiled and dropped his bag, headed for the bathroom.

"Tai, don't you dare!" Gatomon called out.

"I'm just going to say 'hi'." He answered.

"Yeah, we all know what that means." Gatomon got up and walked over to him, grabbing his trousers.

"Oh come on, Gatomon. It's nothing he hasn't seen before." Agumon responded, trying to calm her down.

"Agumon, please." Gatomon frowned, looking at her fellow Digimon.

"The others aren't coming around." Agumon responded "It's just them all night. Mr and Mrs Kamiya are staying around their aunts so the team could have a hang out night, but they aren't coming. They don't have to hide tonight."

"Oh... Fine." Gatomon huffed

'Yes!' Tai thought with a smile, knocking on the door to the bathroom and opened it "Kari?" Tai spoke out as the bathroom was slightly steamed up because of the shower.

"Tai? What're you doing?" Kari gasped.

"Can't I join you?" He joked.

"Tai~!" Kari teased. "Don't you have soccer practice?"

"I don't actually." He answered.

"Then you're just being a perv." Kari responded.

"You're saying that now?" He joked as he pulled open the curtains nd saw her naked body

"Tai~!" Kari 'gasped', covering her chest as water cascaded over her hair and body.

"You're beautiful, Kari." Tai reassured her, taking his clothes off.

"What about everyone else?" she asked nervously

"What do you mean? You mean Sora and Mimi?" Tai asked

"Aren't the others supposed to be around? A big group hang out?" she asked nervously

"No one can make it. Just you, me and the Digimon tonight." he shrugged

"Again?" Kari frowned, not liking the fact that the team seemed to be drifting apart.

"Yeah." he sighed, now naked as he slipped into the shower.

"I miss them." She mumbled, gently leaning against Tai.

"Yeah. I do to." he nodded, wrapping his arms supportingly around her.

The two remained in the shower in their embrace, before Kari kissed him on the cheek. "Can you cheer me up?" She playfully asked.

"Sure." he laughed as his hands sliped down to her ass, giving it a squeeze , before lifting Kari off her feet

"Whow!" she gasped as she was lifted high, wrapping her legs around Tai's waist as her back pressed against her back

"You okay?" He asked, gently rubbing her back as he prodded against her.

"Yeah." She smirked and kissed him deeply

Tai slowly entered Kari's pink flower, feeling her warmth wrap around his shaft as he penetrated her. Kari exclaimed with pleasure, feeling his warmth pulse within her, something she enjoyed thoroughly.

Now a lot of you are probably wondering; 'What the hell?!'

Well the Kamiya siblings have always had a strange relationship, closer than most siblings. Following that, over the years Kari had grown a large crush on her big brother. Now three years ago, on Christmas, Tai confessed his love for Sora. Back when she started dating Matt... You can put two and two together.

So as you can guess, heart break ensued.

Following that, as Sora and Matt's relationship began to deteriorate a part of Tai was hopeful she would get with him. Which, of course, made him feel like a terrible person when Matt is his best friend. And of course made himself feel extra bad because he'd potentially be using Sora when she was on the rebound.

So he wasn't good, emotionally, for a while.

But Kari was here for him, the younger sibling could give him the comfort he wanted. In fact she offered. Pushed for it.

"Ah~! Tai!" She moaned out happily, kissing him on the lips as the shower covered them.

She had entered his room one night, wearing just her underwear. She was the one who talked him into it, how he needed a release or he'd be consumed by his guilt. And she assured him that she wanted it.

Kari knew it wouldn't last. There was no way her brother would want to stay with her. To date her. To marry her. No, one day he would call this off and be with an actual girlfriend. But she loved Tai and so she wanted to cherish this as much as possible.

'Kari. You're the best.' Tai thought, knowing that this was all for him as he embraced her.

The water washed over their, and he had to admit Kari looked beautiful. The two moaned and embraced, Tai was close to climaxing, his arms were wrapped around her as he wanted to cum.

"Kari... I'm close." He warned, holding her tightly around the waist.

"On. On my belly. Pull out." Kari moaned wanting to be safe.

Tai grunted and pulled out of her slit, rubbing against her lips before climaxing onto her belly.

The warm seed covered Kari's belly which was being washed away by the water before it was turned off. Kari looked at Tai and kissed him gently, feeling his stress wash away as they embraced... as well as the water.

"F-Fuck. Thanks, Kari." Tai panted as he looked into her eyes, feeling relief and joy.

"Any Tai-m." Kari joked while nibbling at his ear

"... D-Did you-?" Tai blinked and then groaned as he felt her fingers drop down his body. Kari responded by dropping to her knees and grasping his cock "Ah~, Kari." He gasped as he felt her tongue and hand clean him off. Kari's affectionate licks and rubs on Tais' cock made her warm inside, it was honestly good to hear her brother enjoying this "Thank you, you're the best." Tai panted as he leaned on the wall.

"Any time Tai." She smiled as she sucked his cock "How are the others?"

"They're busy; Matt's busy with his music... Izzy's talking to people halfway around the world. Mimi's still a party girl." Tai moaned.

"Do you like Mimi?" She asked, jacking him off "Or are you still stuck up on..." She silenced herself, sucking him off once more..

"Ah~! F-f-f-I... Do like Mimi." He admitted.

"Hmm~?" Kari looked up at him, her mouth down his shaft as she teased him with her tongue.

"I've just... I've put it off. I like her. I like Sora. I can't... I can't choose." He admitted, being honest with himself. "The situation with Sora is all... And what if I fuck it up with Mimi like I did Sora? And does she even like me? ... Also, do we have to have this conversation with my dick in your mouth?"

Kari humphed and pulled off Tais' dick, gulping as she cleaned him off. "Fine. But, for what it's worth... I don't think you'll fuck it up."

"If you say so." He sighed as he reached for the towel.

"So... Naked movie night?" Kari asked as she kissed along his shoulder while he began to dry himself "Or should I wear some sexy underwear?"

"... Naked movie night is tempting." Tai admitted, gently holding her hand as he rubbed the towel over his hair


"I want to see you in your sexy underwear." Tai admitted.

"Ooh? Do you want the frills or the plain?" Kari teased leaning down and whispered in his ear.

"Surprise me." he chuckled as he pulled back, playfully throwing thr towel into her face

"Puh, pleh, pleh." She teased, removing the towel from her face and headed to her bedroom.


Outside the bathroom, Gatomon and Agumon were relaxing. Well, one was. "You feeling better?"

"Yes." Gatomon muttered.

"Sounds like it's movie night again." Agumon stretched and sighed. "It's gonna be okay. I know it." He wrapped his arm around her, pulling Gatomon close and caressing her side softly.

"Hmm~, Agumon." She mumbled, liking his hand going down her.

"Yeah?" He smiled down at her

"Thank you." She purred and nuzzled up close to him and even pecked his cheek.

"Any time, Gatomon." He smiled, the orange dino nuzzling their foreheads together

"Should we get them popcorn or will they get it?" Gatomon asked softly

"Nah, we'll leave them to it."

"Hmm~" Gatomon nodded as she shifted herself, setting herself onto his lap


"Yes, actually." She nodded. "Besides, I know what you're capable of."

"Well I DID kill Machinedramon!" He said boastfully, proudly

"Oh yeah, as I think you said 'slice him up like an apple." Gatomon teased.

"'Like an onion', I said... Oh, you tease!" He tickled her.

Gatomon giggled and purred as she sat on him, wriggling on his lapt. Her tail wrapped around his shoulders, holding him close

"You're beautiful, pussycat." He praised her, gently stroking her fur with a smile.

"Thanks Rex." She purred, wiggling her hips slowly

"You know just how to get me going; don't you?" He whispered in her ear, gently nibbling them as something poked her from behind.

"Well... Seven years as a couple does that." She joked

Agumon chuckled as he slowly spread her legs open, as a pink fleshy rod appeared between them.

"You're gonna scewer me again?" She teased

"We both know you love it." Agumon responded, rubbing his reptile dick between her slit and prodded against her pink pussy.


*In the bedroom*

Tai was currently in his underwear while Kari was looking for a movie to watch. "Hey, I've got the popcorn."

"Brilliant, I'm just looking for the movie." Kari responded as she crouched down wearing a pair of white flower-styled undergarments that hugged her chest and her ass. "So... You like Mimi?"

"I... Yeah. It's difficult to explain." He admitted.

"Why? Tai, she's single. She's a gorgeous girl." Kari hummed

"And she's one of my friends." Tai sighed heavily. "If I ask her out... what's to say that I won't fuck it up? Or if she sees it as 'Oh, Stupid Tai's rebounding from Sora onto me.'?"

"Tai, stop selling yourself short." Kari answered.

Tai looked at her as she picked out the DVD and put it into the player. This was one of the reasons they worked well together as a couple, Kari helping him get out of his funks.

"You aren't 'stupid'. You're a good person and friend. You deserve love and a chance at it." Kari explained. "I mean, what we have is proof of that."

Tai sighed and nodded, his little sister was more mature than him at this sort of thing after all. That's what made them click together. 'She's right.' He thought to himself. "You're right. But I don't know if she feels the same."

"Tai, we'll figure it out. Let's just watch our movie." She responded, putting the DVD in.

"Okay, which one are we watching?" He asked as he grabbed the remote and Kari sat next to him.


We find Sora currently running her family flower shop, she was wearing a short-sleeved shirt while wearing a green gardener's apron, blue jeans and handling a few long-stemmed flowers in water pots to keep them fresh.

"Here, Sora. I've got the watering can." Biyomon commented, walking in with a full can.

"Thanks, Biyo." Sora sighed with a small smile.

"Are you still thinking about earlier?" Biyomon asked sadly.

"I just... I miss hanging out with everyone. Almost everyone." Sora answered.

"Sora... I understand your frustrations." Biyomon frowned, putting the watering can down. "But... it's not healthy to hold all those bad feelings inside."


"Yeah, you're right." She sighed

"Do you want to talk about it?" Biyomon asked, patting a seat.

... "Yeah. That'd be best." She sighed as she sat down next to her best friend. "It's... I know we're not seeing each other, we still go to the same school. And it's just difficult to talk about. It's like I want to talk to him about how awkward it is... but we're still friends."

Biyomon nodded as she heard that. It was good that they were still friends, but this lingering feeling of unspoken emotions was problematic if they didn't voice them soon... it might go sour in the long run "Maybe it could help that... there's an intervention? You voicing your thoughts to matt while everyone's there to back both sides up?"

"That's a good thought, Biyo... but I don't think an intervention will help." Sora answered.

"Well, you can always talk to me." Biyomon put her clawed and feathered hand on her partner's hand to reassure her.

Sora ignored that and pulled Biyomon into a hug.

Biyomon smiled gently and patted her back with a smile. "It's okay. It's alright."


Izzy was rubbing his eyes as he was on this call to this overseas call because of the time difference.

'This is going to be tough, all these meetings will be difficult if they go on too long.' He thought to himself.

"Izzy, are you going to be long?" A woman's voice spoke through the door.

"Sorry, Mum. I'm on a call to England." Izzy apologised.

Tentomon looked up at Izzy and saw how exhausted he was and how chilly it was in this room, knowing he had to focus on this hard work at hand... he had to do something.


"We're home!" TK called

"Ah, TK. Welcome back, how was school?" His mum responded, calling from the living room.

"It was fine." TK nodded

"Hi mum." Matt called

"Ah, Matt. How was school?"

"It was okay." Matt responded as he gave his mother a tight hug

"Oh~, what's brought this on?" She smiled as she hugged back.

"I haven't seen you in months?" He laughed

"Okay, that makes sense." She chuckled, ruffling his hair.

"Ah, jeez, mum." Matt grumbled as he heard that "Do you know how long it takes me to get this right?"

"I'm guessing... three minutes? Or three hours?" Their mum joked.

"It takes a half-hour, don't be ridiculous." Matt responded, knowing she was doing this out of familial jest.

"Don't forget to wash boys, I don't want to see dirty paws." Mrs Ishida asked.

"Hey! I keep them VERY clean, thank you very much?" Gabumon huffed jokingly

"And I fly most everywhere, my paws are clean too." Patamon added making the woman laugh

"We better get our homework done first." Matt commented as TK groaned


Mimi was currently in her room, panicking as she was looking for clothes.

"Hello?" Palmon asked in slight shock

"Oh... Palmon, I messed up. I messed up!" Mimi panicked

"Why? What happened?" Palmon asked in worry

"I told everyone I was going to a party and I'm not!" She cried. "What do I do?"

"... Wait, you're not?" Palmon asked in shock

"No, I'm not. I lied and now I'm caught in it!" She groaned and flumped to her bed. "Why did I say that?"


"Why did you lie?" Palmon asked, sitting next to her

"I... I didn't want to be... hmm. It's Tai." She admitted.

"Tai?" Palmon asked "You mean that crush thing you keep mentioning?"

"Uh-huh." She nodded while her face was in a pillow. "I... I want to tell him how I feel. But I keep messing up."

"Really?" Palmon asked "Why?"

"Because I don't know if he likes Sora, then there's the whole thing with Matt. I'd probably come off as a slut or something if I asked him." she commented "Especially since he and I have never been CLOSE. Like, we are friends but... you know. Tai and Sora have always had that whole 'childhood best friend and sweet hearts' thing going on."

Palmon frowned and patted Mimi's back reassuringly. "Oh, Mimi." as Mimi groaned into her pillow. "Why don't you not go out tonight?" Palmon suggested.

"Then I'd be a liar on two counts." Mimi answered.

'Oh jeez, what do I say?' Palmon thought to herself, unsure how to console her partner.

"Palmon... I like Tai. But what do I do?" Mimi mumbled. "Is this the same for you and Agumon?"

"Me and Agumon?" She asked as she turned from pale green... To a beat red

"Yeah, I mean, don't you find him cute?" Mimi responded. "I saw your doodles from earlier." making Palmon laugh nervously

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Palmon mumbled, her hands now in her mouth as she tried to quieten herself making Mimi smirk

"It'sh. It'sh noh like." Palmon mumbled with her hands in her mouth. "I wanh him hoo cuddle me in his arms and-and make me shudder in joy."


"You are so adorable!" Mimi cheered, picking Palmon up and hugging her

"Mimi!" Palmon groaned as she was hugged in her partner's arms and her head in the crook of her neck.

"Stop! Please! Can't breath!" She coughed out


Joe was yawning as he arrived back home with Gomamon, the pair of them having a long day studying. "So~ bored~!" Gomamon complained

"Sorry, but I thought you'd be used to this by now." Joe apologised to his partner and carried hi.

"Yeah, well your classes are still boring." Gomamon complained

"Well, how about this? You get to play on our console when we get in as compensation." Joe offered.

"Alright!" Gomamon cheered "And I get to pick the game!"

"... Alright. Just don't go over my saves."

"Joe, I'm hurt that you'd think I'd do that." Gomamon feigned being hurt making Joe laugh

*With the Kamiya's*

"Hmm... That was a good movie." Tai groaned a little as he stretched on the couch, Kari having gone to sleep on his shoulder.

"Hmm~" Kari hummed against him, snuggling closer. Her underwear gone during their watch along.

'Little minx.' Tai smiled as he held her close. She must be real tired. To pass out before any more fun. He gently kissed her forehead and pulled over a cover for her to sleep under while he managed to slip out and lay her down on the couch.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Agumon whispered as he walked out of Kari's room, alone

"Parents aren't back until midday. She should be up by then." Tai chuckled

"I hope so... I don't want an incident like what we had." Agumon admitted.

"Yeah... mum was not happy about that." Tai flinched, remembering the screams.

"I'm surprised she has such big lungs." Agumon joked

"How's Gatomon?" He asked.

"Still asleep." He pointed behind him. "... I think you need another shower."

"I'll have one in the morning." Tai waved off

"Yeah, okay." Agumon stretched. "... You gonna put some pants on?"

"Yes, mum." Tai rolled his eyes as he wondered if he and the others would ever be back to normal.

Like the old days...

*A few days later*

It was time for school once again, the Digidestined who were already in their homeroom were relaxing before the day began. As the teacher came in, they spoke out to grab their attention. "Alright, settle down. We've got a new student joining us today."

"'A new student'?" They each spoke as a girl walked in.

She seemed to be about the same age as Tai, sixteen maybe eighteen years old. She had long black hair with a fringe, pink eyes behind a pair of red-framed glasses, wearing the school's long-sleeved white uniform and short blue skirt, a pair of long black stockings and flat school shoes.

"This is Meiko Mochizuki, she's recently moved here, so be nice." The teacher ordered.

Meiko looked down and shuffled her feet a little as she was put on the spot. "H-hello. M-my name's Meiko... I-I've just moved here and... And... Hmm." She mumbled as she tried to introduce herself.

Sora and Tai saw this and how nervous she was, she must've been about their age and yet she acted like a grade-schooler from shyness. Sora looked behind her to Tai and nodded, Meiko was going to need some help to fit in the class. The 'Team Mother' energy was rising once more!

"And this is her partner, Meicoomon." The teacher added, as a cat-like Digimon entered

In walked an orange furred, bushy-tailed, cat-like Digimon with two shoulder tassels that had black diamond-shaped DNA markings on them, white paws with white belly fur and muzzle, green eyes with + pupils and a black 'M' on her forehead with two pointy cat ears. And on her paws were two clear blue hexagon-shaped gems. "Hi, I'm Meicoomon." She waved.

'Fluffy~!' Agumon thought as he saw her.

"Please treat Ms Mochizuki well, I know you're all good kids." The teacher asked.

"Yes sensei." The class called as one

Tai looked at Meiko as she approached his right-hand side and sat at the empty desk while Meicoomon sat next to Biyomon.

"Hello." Biyomon greeted

"Hey, nice to meet you." Meicoomon replied. "You're a Biyomon, right?"

"Yep!" She nodded with a smile

"And you're an Agumon... sorry if I seem stupid, but I haven't met one of your species before." Meicoomon apologised.

"I'm not just A Agumon, I'm THE Agumon!" He boasted, making a V with his claws

"'The' Agumon?" Meicoomon asked, tilting her head. "I don't quite understand."



And Agumon's head dropped against his desk

"Don't mind him. He's got an ego." Biyomon laughed

"I killed two Dark Master's, damn it!" Agumon cried silently to himself

"Welcome to our school, Meiko. If you need any help, just ask us." Sora offered.

"Thank-Thank you." She squeaked

"Do you want a tour after class?" Tai offered politely.

"O-Okay." She blushed

"Don't worry Tai, I can handle it." Sora assured

"You sure?" He asked before he backed down. "Yeah... Yeah, okay." He leaned back in his chair and sighed.

Sora frowned as she saw the leader of the DigiDestined back down like this. When was this a thing? It honestly made her worried a little. "We'll talk after class and I'll show you around." Sora offered

"That... that would be very nice. Thank you." Meiko muttered

"Now, we'll turn our books to page 247 and continue where we left off." The teacher spoke, as each student and Digimon got their books out for the lesson.

*time skip*

Tai was setting up his bike after another long day of school. Tai sighed as he knew this was going to be a long day, he was still thinking about that new girl and Sora.




Why couldn't he get over her?

"Hey, Tai." Mimi spoke as she saw him. "Heading out?"

"Yeah Meems, heading home." he nodded

"I thought you had soccer practice?" she asked

"I... I am thinking of dropping it."Tai admitted

"What? You're dropping soccer?" Mimi double-took. "But you're the best at our school, why the sudden choice?"

"I love soccer." Tai sighed "But... I don't know if it is what I want to do with my life. And what if there is a Digimon attack while I am in the middle of a game? And soccer player is not a carrier that people have for their entire lives. There is an age gap when you are past your peak you... it's time to stop. Plus the risk of injury. And... I'm just so unsure nowadays Meems."

Mimi nodded as she lowered her head. "I... I guess that makes sense. But what will you do then?"

"I got no idea." he shrugged with a calm sigh.

"Well, you're smart... I'm sure you'll figure something out." Mimi mumbled.

"Thanks Mimi." he nodded with a smile as he finished prepping his bike "Hey Agumon, you ready?" he asked

"Yep!" Agumon nodded, hopping into the side-car of the bike that Tai had installed so they could get to school together.

"Hup! Bye, Palmon." He waved to her.

"B-Bye." She waved

The two rode off towards the school, Mimi and Palmon still standing there as they saw their friends go.


Mimi put her head into her hands and screamed quietly

Soon followed by Palmon as she was embarrassed too. "Why can't we tell them?"

"I know!" Mimi cried

*With Tai and Agumon*

Tai was cycling away, the winds of Tokyo rushing through his hair. It felt liberating in a weird way; like he didn't have a care in the world, as he just pedalled to school into his own routine.

"Tai, can we make a stop at the bakery?" Agumon asked

"Sure." He nodded

"Thanks, I've got my cash here." Agumon smiled as he patted his side-car for a secret pocket.

Tai nodded as he parked up, watching Agumon rush inside. He smiled, looking around. God... The world had changed so much thanks to the Digimon adding themselves to society. They had been part of their lives for a long time now... it was a little worrying because some Digimon caused problems for some people... but to others, they were a best friend; someone that they could talk to and interact with.

He looked around, just... Observing the world.

It was heartwarming, their world had adapted and changed for the better. He saw a Gazimon on all fours, acting almost like a horse, for the four year old on his back as the child's parents laughed and smiled. A Gaomon was helping an older woman with her groceries, carrying all the bags with ease. There was an Elecmon walking in front of a woman acting as a guide-dog and reassuring her by talking to them. A Pomumon was doing its best to fly, smiling down at their male human friend who was jogging after them. The man was a bit overweight, clearly trying to loose it with the help of Pomumon encouraging him

"What a world." Tai sighed and smiled as he leaned on the handles of his bike.

"Tai! Look at these!" Agumon called out, holding a couple of stuffed croissants. "These are amazing!"

"You sure you have enough?" Tai chuckled as he saw the size of the croissants.

"NOM! Hmm~!" Agumon moaned as he took a bite out of one. "Yeah. I think so." He spoke with his mouth filled with food.

"Nya!" A cat leapt up and snatched Agumon's second croissant, running away with it.

"Wha-! Wait! Hey! That's mine!" Agumon called out, chasing after it.

"Agumon! I-!" Tai called out, only to see his friend run off after his just bought meal


"I'll see you at home." He sighed

Tai kicked up his rest and took off for school. Agumon was probably lucky to get out of this day, it was going to be a long day involving double sized lessons. Heading home after a long day? He was tired 'What do I do now?' He asked himself, he felt lost. Soccer lost its fire and he felt conflicted by being a DigiDestined.

But... was that ALL he was?

He shook his head as he tried to clear his head from the day at school and lack of social life.


God he didn't really HAVE a social life, did he?



His bike shuddered and jumped as he heard that kaboom. "What the hell?" He turned to the site of the sound as he saw a large red stag beetle standing amongst some rubble. "No... Not again. Not you." Tai's eyes widened in shock as he saw that figure. "Kuwagamon?"

"SKREEEEEEEEE~!" the large champion roared

It was a beast that was as tall as a five, mayve six, story tall building. Its body was a bright blood red with sixlimbs. A pair of legs, a set of 'lower arms' and a set of 'upper arms'. All of its limbs where super thin like noodles, at least compared to his over all body shape. Its legs had four claws at the end of its feet, set in a cross formation. Each arm ended in three claws per arm, ending in claws as sharp as anything.

On this beasts back was a large shell, see-through wings peaking out from underneath. However the shell and the wings soon unfolded, revealing their full length. Its head was massive, again compared to its overall body, with a green lower jaw. Its mouth was filled with razor sharp fangs, drool dripping down menacingly. The top of its head showed it had no eyes, black markings criss-crossing its head. And finally a pair of long, sharp, scissor-like pincers emerged from the side of its mouth. The scissor-pincers snapped again and again, sending chills down peoples spines

"He's in the shopping district!" Tai realised, having to do something since people weren't used to seeing Champion level Digimon attackign. 'No, no, no, no!' Tai thought pedalling as fast as he could to the Kuwagamon, he couldn't just do nothing. There were innocent people in danger! 'Come on, Kamiya. Use those damn legs of yours!' He thought to himself, pushing his body even further to get to the giant Champion.


"HEY YOU OVERGROWN STINK BUG!" he roared The sound of that disrespectful human caught Kuwagamon's attention, making it turn around and growl at Tai. It seemed to recognise him. "... Oh, you are NOT the one from our first adventure!" Tai glared "No way! Well, if you are? How do you keep damn finding me?! You want payback? Well, catch me if you can!"

The Kuwagamon hissed and screamed angrily, his massive wings buzzed loudly as it leapt from the shopping area and flew after the spiky-haired boy, with whom he had a history with.

"WOW!" Tai yelled as he barley dodged, taking off even faster as he peddled away



Tai peddled as fast as he could, pushing his body to its limits to find an open place that had no people... a difficult thing while in the middle of Japan. Everyone screamed and got out of his way, yells of terror filling the air like it was a horror movie "Everyone, out of the way! Hide!" Tai called out, trying to save them as he rode off, distracting the large insectoid Digimon. 'This is like that one bad B-Movie!'

"GUWRAAAAAARGH!" Kuwagamon roared as it grew closer to Tai, its pincers and jaws were dangerously close.


A burst of fire shot at Kuwagamon's face, setting it on fire and enraging it as it tried to put it out.

"Agumon!" Tai called out in relief.

"Hey! having fun without me?" Agumon called out as he came rushing over

"I dunno. You find your snack yet?" Tai responded, laughing because of exhaustion.

"That darn cat got it." Agumon sighed. "How did a Kuwagamon get through?"

"I dunno. But we need to get it outta here." Tai answered as he gripped his Digivice "How about we kick this up a notch!"

"Right!" Agumon smirked as he and the Digivice glowed with an orange light

"Agumon Digivolve to... GREYMON!"

The Kuwagamon hisses and screeched as it saw Greymon, hearing that Digimon's voice again drove it back into memory as it was humiliated by mere Rookies.

"Come on, bug guy. Let's see if you can beat me!" Greymon smirked, taunting the insectoid Digimon.

The Kuwagamon snapped its pincers and flew at Greymon with a deafening buzz and crashed into the dinosaur.

Greymon raised his arms, catching Kuwagamon's upper arms in a tight grip before slamming his middle horn into the insect champions face.

"GREEEE!" Kuwagamon screamed as it was impaled by the horn. Its mouth trying to snap at Greymon like a wild animal against a highly experienced Digimon.

Greymon easily dodged, Kuwagamon backing away "Still as wild as the first time, you haven't grown a bit!" Greymon smirked as his mouth began to glow with fire.

"Let's go, Greymon!" Tai cheered as he ran beside his partner.

"RARRRRGH! NOVA BLAST!" Erupting from Greymon's mouth was a large ball of fire, almost the size of his head and aimed right at Kuwagamon.

The Kuwagamon's eyes, or lack thereof, turned to Greymon and tried to block the attack, or even try to escape it. It's wings buzzed wildly as he was pushed off the ground, rushing away into the distance. Barley dodging the flames.

"Greymon, grab its legs. Don't let him get away!" Tai called out, seeing the angles between the area they were in and making sure that no other civilians were in the crossfire.

"On it!" He reached up and grabbed Kuwagamon's legs, forcing it to jerk and try and escape.

"GREEE! GRAAAH! GRAAA!" Kuwagamon screamed as it struggled to get free from his grip.

"Time to send you back to the Digital World!" Greymon proclaimed, his eyes burning with flames, getting pumped for a fight that brushed off the cobwebs.

Kuwagamon tried to get Greymon off its leg, trying to escape but all it could do was lift him a bit, before jerking downwards and slicing at him

"Whoa!" Greymon gasped, releasing his clawed hand and let Kuwagamon go; but this wasn't going to be easy for it to escape. "Wanna play it that way? Fine! NOVA BLAST!"

Kuwagamon tried to fly upwards to escape, only for the flames to engulf and roast it; after being charred by the flames its wings ceased moving and crashed to the ground.

"Way to go, Greymon!" Tai cheered as he saw his partner kicking butt.

Tai grabbed his phone and went to a group text chain that... honestly hadn't been touched in months and started typing to warn his friends.

*with Matt*

The blonde was at band practice, tuining his guitar

Dow... dow-dow-dow~.

"There's the G Chord." He muttered. As he saw his band mates at work themselves.

"Hey, Matt. How's the guitar?" The bandmates asked.

"Tuning up good, thanks." Matt answered.

Brr, brr

Brr, brr

"Who's texting...Tai?" Matt asked as he opened the message.

Kuwagamon has emerged.

Greymon fighting.

"Wait, what?!" Matt doubletook.

*with Izzy*

Izzy was exhausted, that call went on for a long while. Between the translations of languages and information trading, he just wanted something to eat.

This was the third meeting this week, and it was FINALLY finished.


"Urgh..." Izzy groaned as he could have a minute to himself, face down on his desk with his eyes closed.

Stepping quietly towards him, his mother and Tentomon saw this and brought a drink and quilt for him. "Izzy." His mother sighed

"Mum...?" He groaned a little, slowly moving in her direction.

"You don't have to do this." She explained, covering him with the quilt.

"But... it's important. I don't want to let you down." Izzy mumbled.

"Oh, Izzy." She sighed and smiled, seeing how important this was to him.

Brr, brr

Brr, Brr

"Huh? Who is it?" Izzy asked, picking his phone up. "WHAT?!" He jerked up in shock.

*With Mimi*

Mimi was currently with Palmon, the two had finished their homework as they were getting ready to relax at home since this day had gone on too long "Urgh... what a day." Mimi groaned as she lay on her bed as she felt her mind relax because of what they had to do.

"I know, but it's what we have to do. I mean... we're just scraping by." Palmon frowned. "And... We can't tell Agumon or Tai how we feel."

"Can't we just... buck up and tell them?" Mimi wondered. "It might be less painful than just holding it off."

"I want that more than anything. But when should we tell-?" Palmon asked before the text came through on her phone.

Brr, brr

Brr, Brr

"Huh? Who's texting-?" Mimi wondered as she opened it up and jerked forwards in shock. "HUH?!"

*With Sora*

"Thank you very much." Sora bid a customer farewell while she worked at the cash register. 'What a day.' She thought with a heavy sigh.

"Sora, I'm back." Biyomon commented, carrying a full watering can.

"Thanks Biyomon. It's the roses near the corner." Sora nodded

"On it." She responded before she watered the plants. "Busy day; right?"

"You know it." Sora nodded as she flicked through the cash register, quickly checking the money




*with TK*

"And shoot!" the blonde called as he threw the ball, the basket ball spinning in the air for a moment before it dropped down through the hoop

"YES!" He cheered as he saw the ball go through.

"Way to go, TK!" Patamon called out.

"Thanks, that practice paid off." He chuckled as he jogged over, high-fiving his team mates. Grabbing his water bottle he began to chug away, grinning down at his partner



*with Joe*

Joe was currently busy working on his homework, figuring out some medical terminology while Gomamon was busy beating a group of baddies on the videogame.

"Another day." He hummed

Gomamon continued to play the game, muttering to himself as he tried to focus... until-



"Huh?" He turned for a moment, which gave the NPC enemies a chance to attack. "No, no, no, no, no! Argh! I'm dead." He frowned.

"What's that?" Joe asked as he got out of his chair...

*With Kari*


Kari was using her camera, taking pictures of Gatomon with the horizon in the background. They where halfway across town in a small park, Kari taking some pictures for a small album as Gatomon got to relax and have fun

"Has Davis gotten over you yet?" Gatomon asked

"I don't know." She admitted. "I mean, he's in America and he's probably busy."

"Doesn't answer the question." Gatomon commented.

"I... Don't think so? I hope he has." Kari answered. "I don't want him pining for me, or make him think I'm stringing him along."

"Yeah." Gatomon nodded "Veemon is the same. It was cute when we where younger. And there was a time I might have said yes. Heck, I would have probably really liked the relationship."

"Just way too late." Kari agreed "... He has been 'less interested' the past year."

"We know how to live; don't we?" Gatomon sighed.


"But maybe... when this is over..." Kari whispered, thinking about her situation with Tai. It wouldn't be perminant, they knew



"Huh? A text?" She asked, getting her phone out. "Huh?!"

"What is it?" Gatomon asked.

"Tai and Agumon are in trouble!" Kari answered.