Skill and Strength in Equal Measure part 2

As some other fics the first chp of this one is too long for webnovel to accept posting so this is the part 2

You sighed. Hyoudou was a pervert and he looked down on you... but he didnt deserve to die.

Besides... hadn't they asked for your aid so long ago?

Your body seemed to walk itself forward while your eyes focused and almost sharpened. What you were seeing wasn't right. No, it wasn't right at all.

And to see such a thing before your eyes...

It offended you.

Raynare smiled. Issei Hyoudou was, ultimately, a worm. One that wasn't even exciting. He hadn't tried anything during their date past staring at her chest and holding himself back.

So, she decided to follow through on her orders. Issei was supposed to have some kind of powerful Sacred Gear that could run rampant, but to be honest it didn't matter if he never manifested it. Azazel-sama had ordered that he be killed because he could be a threat, and this date confirmed that she couldn't think of a reason not to.

So, Raynare asked him to die for her. As she was readying the spear to impale him, she heard someone approaching. Looking up, she saw that foreign boy from earlier.

The one she had felt a spark of holy energy from.

When he looked her in the eyes, she saw something strange. No, she saw two strange things. First, his eyes with lit up with symbols; the lowercase Alpha in one eye and uppercase Omega in the other. And second, there was something... no someone behind him.

She couldn't stop the shaking once it started.

"First, an infestation of bats." He spoke slowly and deliberately, with a tone of false cheer. "They were quite annoying, but I let them off with a simple refusal. Next, I find an infestation of crows. One has not just attacked me, but attacked those that have asked for my aid." He sighed, annoyed. "Whatever am I supposed to do?"

She barely managed to make her mouth work. "Wh-who a-a-a-are y-y-you?"

"Me?" He smiled, closing his eyes. "I'm the Jade Emperor. And you, little crow, are to be my example. I will give you a single chance. Just one." He held up a finger. "If you put away your weapon and surrender... I'll only break one of your wings."

Dice: 3d100-70

Options: Individual. Threshold: 29.

78,60,76 - 70 = 8,-10,6 (0 successes!)

"Jade Emperor?" Raynate asked. "Don't make me laugh! You've been dead for centuries, if you think I'll just bow to someone that makes a ridiculous claim like that," she stabbed Issei through the stomach, "you must be an idiot!"

"My aren't you prideful for a mere pet." His smile grew wider. "I'll be sure to temper that."

And then she was hurtling towards him at high speeds before slamming into the ground hard enough that she couldn't even begin to push herself up.

Gravity X15

"Now let's see." He said, grabbing her wings. "I think it goes something like... this!"

With a twist and a vicious snap, Raynare let out a blood curdling scream as her wings were outright torn in half, the bone shattered and the flesh torn.

"And to make sure you don't bleed out," he said, still cheerful, "Strong Force."

Raynare could feel a small sun erupt on her back as the remnants of her wings were burnt to ash.

"No need to thank me, it did sting a tiny bit after all." He said. "Now, run along. I'm done now."

He casually tossed Raynare into the fountain and walked away, seeming content.

You blinked.

You were at the park entrance. Weren't you walking towards that fallen angel...?

Shaking your head, you turned around and saw what could only be described as carnage. The ground was burnt and partially melted, there were a couple of torn off human side wings, Hyoudo was laying in the ground bleeding out, and Yuma was nowhere to be found.

You got over to Hyoudou's side as quickly as possible, crouching over him.

"Uh... shit. Haetae." You called upon your Charyeok, causing the apparently divine beast to appear. He quickly began licking the wounded boy, which sealed the wound, but he started whining after that. "Not good enough, huh?"

Haetae bumped his head into your chest, whining.

"It's alright, you did your best." You said, patting him on the head.

This was... a problem. Hyoudou Issei wasn't a friend, but he was still a person. You could try to bring him to the hospital, but that would leave you covered in blood.and suspicious looking when he inevitably died. Assuming he survived all the way there in the first place. Not really an option.

You could just leave him, it felt heartless but there wasn't really anything you could do. You tried to heal him and it simply didn't work.

You could always cremate him... no that wasn't an option. He wasn't quite dead yet, and even then that's just a way to hide your involvement. There's cowardice and then there's that.

Or... you could just sit with him. They say that no matter what, you're alone when you die. You could help Hyoudou avoid that at least.

Choices -Voting closed - 39 voters


Sit with him


Leave him there


Dice: 2d100-10

Options: Individual. Threshold: 70.

23,27 - 10 = 13,17 (0 successes!)

You sat down next to Hyoudou and sighed.

"I'm really not all that good at the saving thing, am I?" You asked yourself. "I make the decision to help you, and all I manage to do is lose my memory for the last few minutes. I come to and you're almost dead and the area is ruined. Couldn't even help heal your wound."

You gave the surrounding area a tired look around before your eyes fell back on the dying boy. "You know... Issei, you're not that bad. You're just too upfront about yourself. If things were different, we could've been friends." Your sight floated upwards to view the sky that had gone from blood red to an even blue. "But those circumstances were probably few and far between. Even if you're a good guy, you're too willing to believe the words of others without actually checking to confirm them."

"If you get another chance... I don't know, just try to be more aware of why people feel what they feel, rather than just that they are feeling things."

As you said that, a crimson light burst from within his shirt. You leapt to your feet and were almost ready to start throwing around beams of nuclear energy, which you just became aware you could do now, when from the light unexpected figured emerged. The entire Occult Research Club.

"You guys are actually devils." You slowly nodded. "You told me you were, but even after meeting Haetae and two fallen angels, I still didn't quite believe it."

"You remember that conversation we had?" Rias asked. "That's not supposed to happen."

Choices -Voting closed - 30 voters


"You guys are kind of late. Pretty sure he's missing part of his spine."


+ Saying something like that makes you sound Evil you know.


+....You tried to mind wip me....*Sigh* just great.


"Before anything else, I have to say that I didn't do this." Can't be automatically suspected because you're Korean.


+It's Karate, turn out it help with a lot of thing, even resisting mind wiping.


+ (if the sound evil vote wins) "Oh wait, devil..."


"What's that supposed to mean?"


+look we can fight and waste time or you can try to save issei


+ 'Mental note, spit in her food for the mind wipe if she comes back to the cafe'


"So devils can teleport then?"


+ "Lot of things aren't supposed to happen Red."

Not in character

Did they seriously try to mind wipe you? Seriously? That's probably what that warm pulse of energy was that Haetae woke you from. Whatever, you can deal with that later.

"You guys are kind of late." You informed them. "I'm pretty sure part of his spine's missing. I did what I could, but I'm not a miracle worker. Aside from that, what you just said makes you sound incredibly evil. I cannot stress that enough."

"Quite a claim for someone who tore the wings off a fallen angel." Akeno remarked.

You blinked. "I did what?"

"Oh, you don't remember?"

Rias interrupted the two of you before you could get into it. "There are currently more important things right now. Such as saving Hyoudou-kun's life."

"I don't think a hospital would be able to save him at this point." You pointed out.

"I know, that's why I'll be using this." Rias said, pulling what looked like a chess piece out. Unfortunately that's all you could really tell, as you'd never actually played chess before.

It was one of the small pieces without distinguishing features. You wanted to call it a... civil servant? Is that what the piece is called? Shit.

"If I revive him as my pawn," oh that's what it's called, "then it will restore his body and save his life. Much the same process I offered to you, though in your case it would be my remaining Rook."

To save his life, Rias would change him and take away his humanity. Should you really stand back and just let this happen, when he doesn't have any say in it?


Yeah actually. You would. You couldn't save him and Hyoudou clearly didn't want to die. There really wasn't a choice outside of it happening. So, you just let it happen.

Choices -Voting closed - 66 voters


Stick around, you've still got questions.


Leave it to them. If Rias is confident she can save Hyoudou, then your job is done.


You decided to wait there as Rias pushed the red chess piece into Hyoudou. It glowed as she put it in, sinking into his chest.

"Eh?" She asked. "I need more?"

Then she pushed another one in.

Then another.

Yet another.

By the fifth you were wondering if she had messed up somehow. Was it supposed to take less? Was this procedure nowhere near as safe and assured as Rias Gremory had assured you it was?

Finally, with eight pawns stuck inside his chest, Rias was satisfied.

"You sure that worked?" You asked her.

"I'm absolutely certain!" The buxom devil said with not at all deserved confidence.


Choices -Voting closed - 60 voters


"I'm not altogether confident in these Evil Piece things since you got confused while using then."


+So just to be clear, have you enslaved Issei?


"So, you mentioned how I shouldn't be able to remember that conversation we had."


But are you SURE it did? Because it seems like it didn't, but I don't want to embarrass you by asking again... Maybe it's performance anxiety? I could leave the talk for tomorrow


+So is he gonna retain his memory of what happened earlier today & when he got impaled.


+I got a fallen as a training buddy so I will ask you not kill them before I deal with the others.


+So you have performance issues. Is okay, it could happen to anyone.


+So this means that I can call him your bitch and be literal about it?


"So, Hyoudou is a devil now. That going to cause any problems with the Fallen?"


+Can we talk tomorrow when your done saving Hyoudo, I got some questions if your willing to answer?


+So, why did you have to use 8 chess pieces on him...Is that normal?




+Can i ask you some questions tomorrow if I keep this as a secret *Take picture for blackmail* (questions about this Devil,Fallen,& angel business)


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+20

96 + 20 = 116

Dice: 1d100+20

49 + 20 = 69

Dice: 1d100+20

80 + 20 = 100

Dice: 3d100+10

Options: Individual.

16,43,58 + 10 = 26,53,68

"I'm not really all that confident in those Evil Pieces of yours, Gremory-san." You spoke up. "After all getting confused while using them doesn't cause much confidence in you."

Rias went to speak, but before she made any noise you cut her off.

"The words, 'Eh? I need more?' come to mind immediately." You pointed out. "Gremory-san, just how sure are you that they worked? Did you actually heal him, or did you just desecrate a corpse?"

"Th-that is-"

"While I can't really say anything against it, it's awfully convenient that you managed to get here just in the nick of time to save his life without actually having to fight off Yuma." You said.

"Han-kun, that is-"

"You're acting pretty familiar right now, after all while you may be an upperclassman you don't hear me constantly calling you Senpai, Gremory-san." You continued flatly. "And I don't really appreciate you coming to my address, that I never told you, and my place of work, just to try harder to recruit me when I got away from you in the first place by jumping out of my window."

"You what-?!"

"I made sure to close it before I dropped, don't worry." You reassured her. "But to be honest, doesn't all of that paint you as kind of desperate? Why do you want me that much anyway? At the time, I hadn't shown anything particularly special."

Rias's face had turned red and you weren't sure if she was close to crying or not.

Choices -Voting closed - 44 voters


Drop it. You've basically gotten all you needed here. Time to leave.


+"Whatever. just pointing out some of the issues i can observe. how you fixem is up to you."


"Am I wrong?"


+Sorry. It's been an incredibly long and stressful day.


+Look. I know that you may don't know how to 'human' well, the last guy that I talked with didn't know what exercise was. There are ways to fix this if is about missunderstandings.


+ admit you might have been a pit too rude.


All right, that was a nice talk. See you guys next time.


Just keep it up. You're not even angry, but she had to realize how ridiculous she looks.


+ Leave without saying anything.


"I'm just pointing out issues that I've seen, Gremory-san." You evenly explained, turning to walk away. "If you change things up or not is entirely on you."

With that, you nodded to Koneko and took your leave. You were done there anyway. You didn't want to leave Issei to die alone, and you didn't. Simple as that.

That his human life ended and devil life began was none of your business.


You found yourself wandering a bit after that stupendous event. Haetae wasn't manifesting himself this time so you were left alone to contemplate things.

Why were you bothering with this supernatural bullshit when you had school and work to do? Because you dreamed about an older version of you and an old man being cryptic and granting you power? What was the point of power?

This wasn't the days of the Sengoku Jidai or the Three Kingdoms. You couldn't just conquer areas with martial prowess and charisma to make the locals feed you. People nowadays had responsibilities to corporate overlords and such.

Either die in the job or die in shame, as one old japanese man had told you before complaining about "those damn Chinese," and how, "we should've gotten them harder." To be honest, you'd just appreciated racism that wasn't aimed at you for once.

Damn Chinese.

You might have lost your temper a bit back there, but in your opinion it had been warranted. Gremory Rias represented the kind of person you just didn't get along with. She was part of the Elite that looked down on you for being poor, and she perfectly bought into the image that Japan peddled to foreigners. A land of anime and samurai that loved foreigners visiting and was full of polite yet quirky people.

It wasn't pronounced, but you were isolated in that school. You didn't have any real friends, Koneko was more just an occasional lunch partner, and there were two groups in school that could have at least offered help or camaraderie: The Occult Research Club and Student Council. For all Shitouri was a model student, she was a model Japanese student, content to let her leaders run around and do as they pleased as long as it didn't disrupt her plans. And Gremory didn't bother to even notice you until she wanted something.

It almost made you esnt to grind your teeth. To be honest, you didn't fit in with this rich private school. You'd probably be more comfortable in a public school with a lot of delinquents. A faceless mass you could blend in to as much as possible. The only real delinquents in Kuoh Academy were... the Pervert Trio really.

You wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with them, not least because they were happy to spread rumors about you. You knew because you'd caught them in the act of doing so.

"I heard Han Dae-Wi abuses the girls in the Karate club."

"They come back with bruises on their face because he's so rough with them."

"I heard Han Dae-Wi blackmailed Captain Tsubasa into keeping the abuse quiet."

"No wonder such a well to do guy just let's him get away with it all."

It pissed you off, of course it pisses you off, but what could you do? You were an outsider that lacked a similar group of outsiders to belong to. Karate was enjoyable, and you figured it would be a bit easier for you to deal with after your talk with Tsubasa, but even there nobody really trusted you.

You were too rough for competition, too foreign to act as a real face for the club and... you hated to admit it, but too violent to act as a proper figure. Maybe you could shape up... but you couldn't find a reason to do so. You didn't exactly have anyone on your side in that school, so why should you bother?

A small part of you was reminded of your brother, not related but in the orphanage you and a pair of twins had declared eachother siblings. The only ones any of you could trust. He got adopted by a rich family and was shaping up to be a proper heir.

You'd seen him in school, though you didn't share any classes. You'd tried to talk to him a single time, but ultimately nothing came of it. You were in two different worlds.

The world of the Elite, where you were unnaturally intruding, and the world of the plebeians. You just didn't belong. So, you bowed out willingly and isolated yourself from your brother.

Consider it your last act of affection, to allow him to life his new life to the fullest without being dragged down by his past. Of course you missed Ryuichi, but you'd let go of the past so the future would open up.

For him at least.

As you walked, you found yourself getting unreasonably lonely. You didn't appreciate your brain for making you feel this way. To be honest, you had options. You just didn't necessarily want to take advantage of them...

Choices -Voting closed - 31 voters


Head back to the river. Don't really know why. It just feels right.


Head to the Cafe. It should still be open. Sojiro doesnt mind employees hanging around when they're not working, even saying to co sider the place a second home.


Just head home. You'll sleep and get ready for school. Simple as that.


You could try the abandoned church, Dohnaseek should be there after all. There could be a problem what with you burning off a fallen angel's wing though.


Dice: 1d10

5 = 5

The river called to you again, despite spending most of your day there already. So, you obliged your new aquatic genius loci and walked over to it. The sky was finally starting to get a bit dark as you got there and sat down.

The light reflected on the river of the setting sun was honestly pretty beautiful. It just left you staring at it as your thoughts drifted.

You are the King of Humanity

I am the Jade Emperor

I recently killed a Fox and Cow with it

The Blade of #########

The Sage's #### repels attacks quite well

I flooded the world from this ark

Memories that weren't yours floated around your head and they made you groan in annoyance. Who even were you? A human or the Jade Emperor?

Han Dae-Wi? But which one? The one that lived a shitty life in an orphanage or the one with friends and a girl he loved more than anything else?

What was the point of getting confused like this? At some point you'd probably get all the same power as what you saw in your dreams, and then... you wouldn't have earned it. It would just be something handed to you. You'd be just another privileged bastard that had what they owned handed to them by someone even higher up.

You sighed. Why couldn't you just go through life with all the regular discrimination?




You were drawn out of your thoughts by the sound of someone walking towards you. Looking up, you saw your classmate, Kiryu Aika.

"Why are you staring at the river?" She asked. "Trying to turn into a broody anime character?"

Choices -Voting closed - 20 voters


"Already succeeded. What's up with you?"


+ "Excuse you, manwha character at least."


"I wasn't aware I turned into a target for you. Did I mistakenly step into your strike zone?"


"Didn't know you lived around here, Kiryuu."


"Nah, I already did that." You replied easily. "What's up, Kiryuu?"

"Decided to go on a walk." She replied. "Mind if I take a seat?"

"Not my river." You replied.

"I'll take that as permission." Aika replied, sitting next to you. "What're you doing out here?"

"Dealing with some difficult thoughts and circumstances." You told her. "You know, I didn't think being able to afford rent and food each month would be the least of my problems."

"Wow, that really does sound complicated." Aika commented. "...want to talk about it?"

Choices -Voting closed - 33 voters


"...why are you being so nice?"


+ Ah what the hell, this wouldn't be the weirdest thing of your day


Well if you insist. You know i said i turned into an anime character... i wasn't kidding.


+Manifest best dog


+ genuinely confused face


"Not sure, you've got some bad rumors about you." Said casually.


Just nostalgic...about Korea,life,love...


"Uh... excuse me?"


Choices -Voting closed - 23 voters


Tell her everything and show Haetae for proof


Just gove her the regular person outline.


Dice: 3d100+30

Options: Individual. Threshold: 60.

85,82,8 + 30 = 115,112,38 (2 successes!)

"...why are you being so nice to me?" You asked directly. You were suspicious.

"What do you mean?" Aika asked.

"I've got terrible rumors floating around about me and nobody in school likes me." You replied. "So why aren't you ostracizing me?"

"Guess my name's Nobody." She teased with a smirk. "Besides, I've got rumors about me too. Do you really think I listen to the Lolicon and Hentai Megane?"

"Point." You admitted. "Really want to know?"

"Hit me." She replied.


He immediately floated over to Aika and began inspecting her. He floated this way and that, sniffing at her, before finally... licking her all over the face.

"He likes you." You noted.

"What even is he?!" Aika asked, fending off the tongue.

"Haetae, he's about a day old." You explained the supernatural dog... lion. Dragon.


"He's part of something called Charyeok."

"You're going to need to explain this." Aika pointed out.



"That's... wow."


"Shouldn't this be kept secret or something?" Aika asked.

"Nobody ever told me it should, and besides I don't particularly care. I don't exactly have anyone I care about enough to worry about putting them in danger from spreading this information." You pointed out. "It's kind of hard to make friends."

"Sounds like it." She agreed, humming a bit as she rubbed Haetae's head. "Well, I honestly hope things work out better for you. Like, a raise at work would probably help or something. Where do you work anyway?"

"Sakura Cafe." You immediately replied. "I cook there."

"Mind if I stop by some time?"

"Do what you want."

"Well, I think I'll be bugging you from now on. You're pretty fun to talk to." Aika told you with a small smile.

"You're pretty okay yourself." You replied.

That just made her snort. "You're pretty prideful for someone going through such complicated circumstances."

"Emperors are pretty prideful, right?" You asked with what could almost be called a smile.

"Well maybe you need to be taken down a notch, eh~?" Aika asked teasingly.

Choices -Voting closed - 19 voters


"I'm actually pretty curious if you're really capable of doing that."


"You're not allowed to guess 13 centimeters by default."


"Well aren't you just happy to.make.rapid jumps I'm our relationship."


"I'm genuinely curious if you can actually do that." You told her. "Go ahead."

That seemed to catch Aika off guard, causing her to blink. "G-go ahead? That's new..." Then, she was all business, peering around your body and looking you up and down. "..."

"What?" You asked.

"I don't really want to do this anymore." Aika replied.

"I guess superior Korean genetics win again." You told her.

She just scoffed and looked away. "21.59 centimeters..."


Choices -Voting closed - 45 voters


"You know, you're pretty forward with staring at the crotches of guys you don't know."


"Impressive! I never expected that kind of precision without tools."


"I can see why something like that might be embarrassing for other guys."


+I think that I just assert dominance without moving a finger


Maybe ? I didn't check.


That's a neat ability, you ever use your skills for something other than.... that?


+ T-pose to assert dominance


+I could say something lewd about it but it would give you options for banting and firepower for it

Not in character

"Truly? Then I wonder how long it will be when fully awaken"

Wow that's fuckin chuuni

"You know, it's pretty forward of you to make one of your first interactions with me blatantly staring at my crotch." You noted.

"I'm a pretty forward girl." Aika replied with a smirk. "Got a problem with that?"

"Only if you have a problem with me shaming your countrymen."

It took Aika a second to realize what you meant before she snorted.

"Believe me," she said, "the average japanese man doesn't need any help to be shamed."

"Noted for the future conquest of your country."

"You can be pretty funny when you try to be." Aika noted with a small smile, resting her chin on her knees.

"That's assuming I'm joking." You pointed out."

"Pfft." Aika snorted again. "Well, it's already pretty dark. I'm gonna get going."

"Seeya, Kiryuu."

"Not even an Aika-chan? How rude." She stood up and stretched. "Bug ya again later."

With that, Kiryuu Aika walked away as carefree as ever.

It was nice talking to her.

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

13 = 13

Dice: 1d100

8 = 8

Dice: 1d100

52 = 52

Dice: 1d100

22 = 22

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d15

3 = 3

Dice: 1d15

14 = 14

Dice: 1d15

11 = 11

Dice: 1d15

8 = 8

Dice: 1d15

4 = 4

Choices -Voting closed - 42 voters




Captain Tsubasa


