Skill and Strength in Equal Measure by vexin980

Myths say Because of his noble and benevolent deeds, the gods, immortals, and humans proclaimed the Jade Emperor the supreme sovereign of all.

Link: -


Devils, Angels, Yokai, Gods, Dragons, and who knows what else. Everyone is looking for power one way or the other. Sometimes you have to strive for it, and sometimes you're just born with it.




The dripping water wouldn't stop. It just kept going and going without end. The pipe it was dripping from having burst a while ago, but nobody had bothered to fix it. It was just a pipe in the room of a couple of foreign orphans after all.

"Don't worry, we'll be adopted!" Your sibling told you, day in and day out. "Someone will like us enough to adopt us! There's no doubt of that!"

Someone had already adopted one of you, at least you thought they had. You couldn't remember how they'd left, just that they had, and that the orphanage staff wasn't worried when you'd asked about it.

"Don't worry about ###, we'll get adopted too! You definitely, you're the best!"

Day in and day out, full of empty platitudes.

You never did get adopted. Your sibling did at least, but not you. You were just stuck where you were.

Some days you thought back to that first sibling that had been adopted. You'd always gotten along with them better. They understood you.

Your beloved...

Choices -Voting closed - 21 voters

Sister. She was cool and caring, never thrown off by anything no matter how shocking.


Brother. He was hot blooded and loving, never one to give up when he saw something he didn't approve of.


Your sister, Atsuko, had always been there for you. Always comforting, never affected by anything negative. She almost never smiled but the night before she'd left...

"It's okay." She said, smiling. "You're going to be all right."

You hadn't seen her again.

You were ten then. Almost six years ago now.

Now? You were busy running between school and a part time job every day to help afford a place to live. That was why you were allowed out of the orphanage after all.

School was a hassle. You managed to get into Kuoh Academy through working your ass off, but most of the school populace were from rich families. The kind of people that thought that if someone offended you, it was fine to beat them with a stick.

Didn't help that until recently the school was only for girls, so guys were heavily outnumbered. You supposed you were happy enough that the girls hadn't done something like request to carry weapons due to fears of being around men, but still.

There were two main factions in the school, three if you counted the tennis club but why would you count the tennis club, and honestly they'd probably be offended if you called them that to their faces. One was the student council, run by Student Body President Shitori Sona, while the other was the Occult Research Club, run by Gremory Rias. Honestly to call them faction's wasn't quite right, but it seemed like there was an otherwise cold war between the two girls.

You didn't care though, you just tried to stay out if things. Especially given you knew someone in the two faction's. Better to stay out of trouble, for now at least.

At the moment, you really only had one friend and you were content with that.

Choices -Voting closed - 14 voters


Toujo Koneko


Kiryuu Aika


Meguri Tomoe


Hyoudou Issei


Toujo Koneko, member of the Occult Research Club, was essentially your only friend. You're not sure if she'd call you her friend though.

You're decently sure she only really sticks around you to steal your homemade lunches. Especially the sweets.

She was generally quiet but strangely domineering, despite being so small, that you couldn't just ignore her. So, you talked to her. Sometimes it was just basic stuff and other times it was the problems you were facing. Either she was a really good listener, or she was just really good at ignoring you. Either way, she was a bit of a comfort.

Most of your time was filled up with school and works your free time sparse. There was one thing you did when you could however...

Choices -Voting closed - 15 voters


You were part of a club(#### ####### recommended)


You napped as much as humanly possible.


You did community service



Three blows and the girl you were against was down, clutching at her face

You were in the Karate Club. It was something hous joined on a whim once you were told you had to join a club, and after that you'd found you actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Unfortunately, you sometimes forgot to hold back enough...

"Han-kun, you need to be more careful." The captain scolded you. "You could've seriously hurt Miya-chan."

"...are you interested in her or something?" You asked him. "Or am I just the exception here? You're always calling everyone by their first names but me."

"That isn't important, you could've hurt an important member of the team right before a tournament." Captain Tsubasa sighed. "I have to take you off the roster. I'm sorry."

You just stood up and walked out at that. You probably wouldn't have been able to join in the first place. You're used to it.

Checking the time, you found that it was almost time to head into work, so you changed out of your uniform in the locker room and took off. It was about as far from your apartment as the school was, just on the opposite side, so you had to hoof it to get there.

Entering it, a little bit sweaty, you saw the normal setting of...

Choices -Voting closed - 11 voters


The quaint cafe you cooked for.


The construction site you were hired onto a month ago


The clothing store you stocked


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20+5

2 + 5 = 7

Dice: 1d20+5

18 + 5 = 23

Dice: 1d20+5

7 + 5 = 12

The cafe was less quiet than you'd prefer, but if it got you paid you didn't really care. While when you'd first started working there it was pretty empty, things had quickly changed.

After you started working there, more and more customers had come in. Mostly girls. There was even a new menu item added, an omurice that the chef wrote a message in ketchup on, right at the table.

It was strangely popular.

To be honest, you didn't really get hour appeal to these girls when the girls at school tended to look down on you. It was a nice boost to your ego, but it didn't really matter all that much.

"Han-kun, another Chef's Special Omurice!" Your coworker, Maki, called out.

At least it wouldn't matter if having to constantly go in and out of the kitchen didn't slow down you making other meals. You sighed and finished up the rest of your orders before making the omurice. You had to measure things correctly to make sure the customers that weren't just coming in for you, for some reason, would keep coming in.

Carrying the dish out, you patted Maki on the shoulder and indicated the other food, before walking over to the table she indicated. It was a couple of middle school girls that had ordered it, their faces quickly flushing red when you got there. Setting down the plate, you addressed them.

"Hello there, Ojou-chans." You wearily said. "What message would you like."

"T-t-t-to Yuri a-a-and Airi!" One squeaked out.

You quickly spelled out the message with ketchup and stood back up straight. "There you girls go, please don't order this again."

Unfortunately they would proceed to order this dish weekly from now on.

"Han-kun." Your employer, an older man named Sojiro, called you over.

"You've got to try being more friendly with the customers." He said. "Some of them like you a good deal, after all."

"I'm pretty sure part of my professional image is my apathy at this point." You pointed out. "Besides, them constantly ordering that chef's special gets in the way of me making other customer's food. Shouldn't I have some professional courtesy?"

"Ah, I'll come back and help if it gets to be that troublesome." He waved off your concern. "But that's actually not the main reason I wanted to talk to you. Are you doing alright? You seem less patient than usual."

Choices -Voting closed - 17 voters


"A little annoyed. The members of the Karate club I'm in aren't the friendliest."


+Why do the customers like me, but my classmates hate me?


"I'm fine. Just school stuff."


"No offense, but it's really not your business. I can handle myself just fine."


"I'm a little annoyed, I guess. The other people in the Karate club I'm in aren't the friendliest." You admitted a bit hesitantly. "It seems like they go out of their way ti exclude me however they can, and punish me more harshly for mistakes I make than others."

"That's pretty harsh." Sojiro agreed. "You're Korean, right?"

"To my knowledge, yeah."

"That's probably it." He nodded. "You're at that private school for rich kids, so their prejudices against foreigners is going to be stronger than usual. I'd bet you they'd never even seen a Korean in real life before they met you, so every bad thing their parents told them about Koreans is just coming to them."

"I see... but then, why am I so inexplicably popular here?" You asked him. "If the students don't like me, why would the customers?"

"You're a natural chick magnet." Sojiro immediately said, raising his thumb.

"...manager I'm sorry but I think your mind is fading."

"Hear me out, Han-kun." He said, holding his hands up placatingly. "You're good at cooking, you have an attractive face-"

"I didn't know you swung that way."

"-you have a good dress sense given this cafe doesn't have a specific uniform, and even if you lose your patience you don't lose your temper." He finished. "To be perfectly honest, it's what makes you a good chef and waiter in one."

"...I'll just take your word on it." You replied.

"You're not one to take compliments much, are you?"

"I'm not used to them." You simply replied.

"Hah... well, you did good today, same as usual, so you can probably expect a small raise in the future if you keep it up." Sojiro told you. "You want to take today off early?"

"Nah, I need the hours. My landlord isn't a fan either." You politely declined.

"Alright, if that's what you want."

"Han-kun!" Maki called out. "Another Chef's Special Omurice!"

Maybe you should've just take today off early...


A few hours later it was dark and you were heading out. You didn't really have any plans for today so it would be fine to head home immediately. You could go window shopping to plan for buying something later though. Or maybe just take a walk to loosen up a bit before heading home.

Choices -Voting closed - 12 voters


Take a walk


Window shopping


Head home


Dice: 1d20+3

8 + 3 = 11

Dice: 1d5

5 = 5

Dice: 1d100

23 = 23

Your nightly walk was pretty relaxing, all things considered. Kuoh was a pretty quiet place, and at worst you'd have to deal with a mugger. You were pretty confident, however, that you could handle some minor danger like that.

So, you carried on without a care in the world.

Part of the way through your walk, you stopped in front of an apartment building. You got a weird feeling from it, so you stopped to look. Nothing seemed odd from the outside, just an ordinary building. Then someone stepped outside.

A westerner by the looks of him. Weird clothes.

"Oh. Hi there!" He greeted you enthusiastically. "I got a quick question for you. You believe in God?"

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 55.

99 = 99 (Success!)

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 55.

73 = 73 (Success!)

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 55.

55 = 55 (Success!)

You looked him up and down and noticed some odd things. First of all, he was holding the hilt of a sword and some kind of gun. Next, there were little spots of blood. And finally, his eyes looked utterly insane.

"Sorry but I need to be somewhere." You tried to explain away. "I'm kind of late for a meeting so I can't really spend time discussing theology."

As you turned around to walk away, making plans to call the police, a strong gripped hand fell on your shoulder.


You froze, the hairs on the back of your neck rising up and your muscles all collectively tensed

"What'd you see?" The foreigner's chilling voice floated into your ear. "You can tell me. I'm a priest after all."

You were going to die.

You could already tell.

So, you did the only thing you could think of...

Choices -Voting closed - 14 voters


You fought


You prayed


You ran


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+15

47 + 15 = 62

Dice: 1d100+15

14 + 15 = 29

Dice: 1d100+15

57 + 15 = 72

Dice: 1d100+15

54 + 15 = 69

Traded Artificial 69 for two Genericrits.

For future reference strength of crit goes:

Nat Hundred(Or equivalent)


Nat 96/69

Nat Dub/Repeat

Artificial 96/69

Artificial Dub/Repeat


Dice: 3d100-5

Options: Individual.

22,48,76 - 5 = 17,43,71


Spinning around, you grabbed the priest's wrist and yanked him towards you. Rather than catching him off guard, he just gave a demented grin.

"I love it when sinners fight back!" He cried.

Then he cried out again as you tightened your stance and launched a rotating punch into his solar plexus. In Japanese, it was called the Gyaku-Zuki, practically the central blow of Karate.

The priest stumbled back, gagging, before he gave you a vicious scowl. "You think a sucker punch is enough to keep Freed Selzen down?"

And then he raised his gun.

Choices -Voting closed - 16 voters


Hit him before he can pull the trigger


Get out of the way


Protect your vital points


+Call him Fred

Pick a better time


Scream like a little girl

Use haetae's power!


Dice: 3d100+10

Options: Individual.

64,70,56 + 10 = 74,80,66

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

41 + 5 = 46

Dice: 1d100+5

7 + 5 = 12

Dice: 1d100+5

94 + 5 = 99

Dice: 1d3

3 = 3

You shot forward, not wanting to give him time to pull the trigger. He ended up doing so, but his aim was off enough that the projectile, judging by the sound it wasn't a proper bullet, scraped by your cheek rather than hit you full on in the head. Reaching towards him, you grabbed the gun and wrenched it backwards, hearing and feeling his finger snap.


He reached for his sword handle, but you had already taken your stance. About to throw another punch, you hesitated.

'Hey,' a strangely familiar voice echoed through your head, 'you should try this stance instead. It might work out better.'

So, you did. Your offhand raised and turned upside down while some strange new power gathered in your right hand. You could feel it.

This was a move meant to destroy.

Kyokushin Karate: Fist of the Black Turtle

You shifted your hips and slammed your fist into Freed's chest. You felt his ribs give immediately before you followed through and outright launched the priest down the street. Blood was flying from his mouth and nose as he flew through the air before crashing to the ground.

You felt the sudden rush of energy drain out of your body, leaving you feeling exhausted. It was probably just the adrenaline rush fading, but you felt like you were going to pass out any second so you decided to make your retreat.


You were dead on your feet as you got to your apartment, barely able to open the door and close it behind you before collapsing onto the couch that made up your bed. It wasn't long before you fell asleep.

Your dreams were strange.

Very strange...

Choices -Voting closed - 14 voters


Memories of a Life Never Lived


Brother and Sister


A King's View


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

58 = 58

Dice: 1d100

49 = 49

Dice: 1d100

87 = 87

You dreamed of yourself.

You dreamed of someone else.

You dreamed of someone similar.

You dreamed of someone different.

Of somebody that had everything.

Of somebody that held nothing.

You dreamed of you and you dreamed of him.

He had friends and family, though he lost one relatively early.

A mad cow that threw everyone out of the way.

He found people to fight for, and fought hardest for him, to the detriment of himself.

To the detriment of everyone else.

He was a man that died for the woman he loved.

He was a man that lived for the sake of the man he respected.

When he stood up and opened his eyes, one that had been closed for so long...

A hand covered your eyes.

"I think you've seen enough for now." He said. "Take some time to process it, or else you might not understand it all."

"Who are you?" You asked.

"Who are you?" He simply replied. You could hear the smile.

"I'm Han Dae-Wi."

"Interesting name. I knew someone with that name once."

"What was he like?"

"He refused to give up anything, no matter how much it hurt."


"Whether or not you're like that, that's up to you." He said, uncovering your eyes. "Just remember. Whatever choices you make, try not to regret them too much."

"Or else it'll eat you up inside."


Your eyes flew open as you gasped for air. What was that? Who was that? Did he know you?

Why did you see his life?

You couldn't understand.

But, you understood better now. Yourself, at least a little bit. And another thing... your karate.

Kyokushin Karate was... a little more complicated than you'd expected. You'd need to look into that.

Dance of the Four Gods Kyokushin Karate gained.

For now though, it was time to head to school.

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Dice: 1d100-15

65 - 15 = 50

Dice: 1d100-15

3 - 15 = -12

Dice: 1d100-15

88 - 15 = 73

Honestly, things were surprisingly good at school. Nobody was messing with you, nothing unfortunate happened, and you were even in a good enough mood that when you saw Hyoudou running from a pissed off mob of kendo girls you casually shoved him into a bush so they passed by none the wiser.

You just felt good today.

That was threatened when Koneko came by at lunch, eyeing your homemade lunch like a predator stalking her prey. Almost like...

"You're like a big cat, you know that?" You asked, causing her to suddenly freeze. Did that comparison embarrass her or something?

"..." She just sat down and looked away.

"Oh well." You said, opening up your lunch and replying the veritable buffet of seafood and sweets. "This fish is pretty good. Good thing you aren't catlike, or else you'd probably really enjoy this."

That got a twitch out of her.

You bit a tempura shrimp in half, savoring it. "You probably wouldn't like desert either. It would probably be too sweet and creamy."

A couple more twitches.


Wordlessly, you placed a couple of pieces of fried fish and a mochi in front of her. In the blink of an eye they were gone and she was eyeing you expectantly.


You didn't get much more of your lunch today.


You'd gone to Karate twice in a row, a rarity for you. You knew you were unwanted there, but your enjoyment sometimes won out over the dislike. Today, you had just felt a stronger affinity for it.

That had led to a spar where you'd been handling it pretty well. Deflecting strikes while returning your own, you felt more in control of your body than you ever had before. While before you sometimes had trouble controlling your strength, now you were hitting exactly as hard as you wanted to.

A blow to the stomach caused you to knock the boy you with sparring with down, before you brought your fist down, stopping just in front of his face.

"Point." You simply said.

With that the spar was over and you helped the other boy, Akira, to his feet. "...Thanks."

"You did pretty well." You complimented him. "Just focus on not hesitating so much and you'll probably make it into the next tournament."

"You... you really think so?" He asked uncertainly.

"Sure, it'd be a good chance to grow too." You replied. "You can only get so much development starting with the same people over and over again."

"Thanks Han-senpai, I'll make sure to work on it." Akira said before taking his place.

"Senpai, huh?" Sure he was your underclassman, but it was the first time you'd really been called as such...

A bit of clapping interrupted your thoughts, causing you turn towards the source.

"Good job Han-kun, you managed to go through a spar correctly." Captain Tsubasa mockingly complimented you. "Of course, you're still suspended from the upcoming tournament. One good spar doesn't make up for repeated mistakes."

"Of course." You agreed. "I was going too hard before."

That seemed to catch him odd guard a bit, but Tsubasa quickly regained his footing. "I-it's good that you've noticed it as well. Maybe next time you'll be allowed into the provisional bracket."

The provisional bracket, where first time tournament joiners tended to go. The rules were a bit more lax and over all you weren't expected to do as well. In short, it was where amateurs and problems went.

You let out a sigh.

"Do you have a problem with that, Han Dae-Wi-kun?" Tsubasa asked, stepping a bit into your personal space. "Or are you willing to accept that judgement."

You looked right back at Tsubasa passively.

Choices -Voting closed - 22 voters

Just walk away. He's trying to start something.


" you not like me because I'm Korean, or because you're afraid that I'm actually better than you?"


+ if we're walking away make sure to be prepared in case he decides to attacks us


"I'm not sure tournaments are my place anyway."


"No problems. I'll do my best."

"Punchingbagsaywhat?!" Then punch him in the face.

Dice: 1d100-5

84 - 5 = 79

Dice: 1d100-5

67 - 5 = 62

Dice: 1d100-5

78 - 5 = 73

"Alright." You simply replied before walking away. "Do what you like."

"Wh... hey, hold on. I'm not done talking to you."

You didn't respond to him, instead just walking towards the locker room. It was almost time to leave for work and you were done with the club, so that was it for you. A quick shower followed by changing into your usual clothes and you were on the way to work.

You were a bit early, so you could take it easier today. As long as there were no distractions...

Koneko stood in your way as you went to leave the school. She was at the gate, staring right at you. You stared back.

She refused to move.

Choices -Voting closed - 21 voters


"I'm going to work, do you need something Toujo?"


"Yes?" What could she want?


"..." Just pick her up and move her to the side. You can't wait.


Just walk past her. "Sorry, I have to get to work. I'll bring some cream tomorrow."


Pick her up and take her home with you.

"I'm going to work, do you need something Toujo?" You asked patiently.

"You work?" She asked.

"I cook at a cafe." You replied without thinking.

She stared at you silently for a few seconds before speaking again. "Where do you wo- I mean, Buchou wants to see you."

"Buchou... Gremory? Why does she want to see me?" You asked.

"Don't know, that's just what she said." Koneko replied.

Choices -Voting closed - 23 voters


"Sorry maybe next time. Gotta make omurice with personalized messages on it for the next five hours."


"Tell her to come to cafe if she wants to talk to me."


+tell Koneko she can follow you. But she needs to pay if she intends to eat there.


"...okay, but she's explaining to my boss why I'm late."


"I really can't."


"Alright, but it has to be quick."


"No." And go to work.


Dice: 1d20+3

10 + 3 = 13

"Sorry but maybe another time." You told your fun sized kohai. "I've got to spell personalized messages on omurice for the next five hours for my job, when I'm not making actual food, so I really don't have time right now."

"Ah..." It looked like Koneko was going to say something else, but stopped herself.

Seeing that, you walked past her and left with a wave.


"C-could you write Love Han Dae-Wi?"

"...of course."

You were going to kill your boss for this one day. Probably after you found another job.

"Oh Han-kun~!" Sojiro called you over. "I need you for a second."

"What is it, boss?" You asked, walking over.

"I was just wondering if you knew that girl that was staring in through the window?" He pointed out one of the windows.

At first there was nothing, only for a white haired head to pop up for a moment before suddenly retreating when the possessor l saw you looking at it.

"That's Toujou-san." You replied. "She likes to steal part of my lunch."

"A friend?"

"How friendly would you say a cat that demands food is?"

"Fair enough."

She peeked up again.

"You going to invite your friend in?" Sojiro asked with a teasing smile.

" what you like." You replied, heading back to the kitchen.

Working with food was relaxing. You could zone out as you cooked and nobody was around to give you shit over random things. The fact that it smelled good was just a bonus.

Definitely... definitely not the reason you started cooking in the first place. Perish the thought!

Then, of course, you got another Omurice order. Truly, this job was just here to make you suffer.

Bringing the dish out, you were directed to a table with a familiar face.

"Toujo." You greeted.


"What's the message you want?" You asked her. You just wanted to get this over with.

"You can choose." She replied.

You stared down at her. She was giving you the choice, eh? Well, you'd use it to the utmost extent that you could.

Choices -Voting closed - 23 voters

Go all out. Show her why this was an unwise decision.


Make a kitty face, run with the joke.


+ Add a 'Nya~' with the kitty face for extra memes


A smily face.


Just put her name down


Put a generic message on it.


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

85 = 85

Dice: 1d100

48 = 48

Dice: 1d100

97 = 97

Dice: 1d100

89 = 89

This kitty treat is for Koneko-nyan, specially made with love :3

You looked down at the abomination you'd created and nodded with pride. It was perfect.

"Here you go." You laid it down in front of the younger girl. "Bon appetit."

Koneko looked down at the dish, slowly reading through the message. By the time she finished it, her cheeks were lightly stained with red. Without another word, she quickly shoveled it into her mouth before paying for her meal and immediately leaving.

You smirked a bit at that. Maybe she'd think twice before stealing your lunch near time.

That was when Yiu noticed the blush on several of the other female customers. Shit, they'd probably read it too.

Whatever. You could deal with it.

Or at least you thought you could until the latest wave of omurice.

You had miscalculated.



"It's really not that funny."

"How could you just play with a maiden's heart like that?" Maki demanded, taking on a scolding tone. "Young girls need to be treated gently!"

"I don't want to hear that from the woman that tries to get me to tale her out drinking, just so she doesnt have to pay." You flipped the argument on her.

"W-whaaat? I-I'd never do something like that..." She denied meekly, looking away. "Ho-how could you accuse a gentle girl like me of such a thing?"

"No no, he's got a point." Sojiro agreed. "You're pretty immature in that regard."

"You can't just team up to bully me!"

"I don't need help to bully you, Maki." You replied. "Even if it is appreciated."

She just puffed up her cheeks at that and walked away. You just rolled your eyes and got back to work.

Today was going to be a long day.

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Dice: 1d100+10

6 + 10 = 16

Dice: 1d100+10

21 + 10 = 31

Dice: 1d100+10

56 + 10 = 66

Dice: 1d5

1 = 1

Dice: 1d100-20

18 - 20 = -2

Walking home at night again was less daunting than you'd expected. Maybe it was just because you were heading straight home, but you felt relaxed about this.

"If it isn't Han-kun, what a coincidence." You glanced at the source of the voice. "I never expected to see you out here."

"How long have you been waiting in front of my apartment, Tsubasa?" You asked.

"Me? I haven't been waiti-"

"I'm guessing at least two hours." You cut him off.


"Just tell me what you want, and we can go about our nights."

"Tch." He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I want you gone. Out of the club. Out of the school if possible. You're a stain on Kuoh's otherwise reputable reputation."

"" You offered. "I'm going to say no."

"You think you can just refuse an order from me?!"

"Tsubasa, you're the head of the Karate club." You pointed out. "You have no actual authority. Please get out of the way."


Choices -Voting closed - 17 voters


"What's the actual problem here? I literally can't be causing you this much grief just by existing."


"Out of the way. I'm tired."


+you are aware of hyoudo right?


Just walk past him.


"Do you want to fight? Is that it?"


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100-10

80 - 10 = 70

Dice: 1d100-10

69 - 10 = 59

Dice: 1d100-10

51 - 10 = 41

Dice: 1d100-10

27 - 10 = 17

Dice: 1d100-10

62 - 10 = 52

"What's your actual problem Tsubasa?" You asked him. "I know I can't be causing you this much grief just be existing."

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

"You're right." You agreed. "So please tell me."

"I..." he got quiet at that. "...never mind. I'll just go."

You sighed.

"Tsubasa, hold on." You stopped him. "I asked you to explain. So explain."

"...I'm getting married soon." He admitted. "It was arranged a while ago. Part of a company merger. I came here to... I don't know. Maybe to goad you into a fight, so I could put it off a little longer. Maybe just to tell you."

He sat down on the curb and rested his head on his knee. "I'm scared because I don't know what in supposed to do. I'm not used to that."

"Why are you telling me?" You asked, sitting down next to him.

"...because you're the first person that asked."

"Shit, that's just bad luck." You replied. "How has nobody asked before?"

"Probably because they don't like me." He replied. "I know how I am."

"I... really don't know what to say to that."

"Do you think it's easy being born into a wealthy family?" Tsubasa asked. "You're always expected to act a certain way. In school, you're always watched. At home, youre aleays watched. You can never slip up, or else there's one punishment or another. Until you end up in charge, you're just a pawn to be used by the family head. Marriage, adoption, fostering, there's a lot of different ways to be used."

"That sucks." It's really all you could say. "I honestly can't really sympathize there. I've got not experience."

"I'm not expecting you to."


You and Tsubasa spoke for around another hour before he eventually left. You didn't know if you actually helped or what, but he seemed like he had another weight off his shoulders.

So, that was something at least.

Walking up to your apartment you did your usual, opened the door, closed it behind you, prepared to collapse onto the couch...

And stopped.

Did you... actually want to go to sleep right now?

Choices -Voting closed - 13 voters


Practice your Karate, the kind you apparently just learned


Practice cooking. You have some ingredients you can use.


Yeah just pass out


Well, you could always go on a walk as long as you avoid the area where you met that Freed guy.


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+10

21 + 10 = 31

Dice: 1d100+10

65 + 10 = 75

Dice: 1d100+10

45 + 10 = 55

Dice: 1d100+10

91 + 10 = 101

You decided to spend some time practicing the Dance of the Four Gods before you went to sleep.

Fist of the Black Turtle

A strong punch that disrupts the attacks of the opponent

Kick of the Phoenix

A disruptive stomp to make the enemy unstable.

Dance of the White Tiger

A full in assault to break through the enemies defense.

However, as you went through the motions you noticed something else. As you did them, the air around you began to move. Each technique moved it on a specific way. Black Tortoise disrupted it, Phoenix started to direct it, White Tiger brought it towards you and then...

Storm of the Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon was about directing the now unnatural airflow to hit the enemy as hard as possible.

You understood it. You didn't know how long it would have taken you to get this without those memories. They were amazingly detailed. That dream before was just...

You shook your head.

Well, you'd gotten this down. You felt like you'd be way more helpful in the event of an important fight in the future now, rather than being just some random Karateka.

Now, you finally decided to collapse onto your couch.

And time for sleep...

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20

9 = 9

Dice: 1d20

5 = 5

Dice: 1d20

2 = 2

Choices -Voting closed - 21 voters


The King's View


The Frozen Daughter


The Prodigal Son


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

28 = 28

Dice: 1d100

8 = 8

Dice: 1d100

13 = 13

Dice: 1d100

66 = 66

Dice: 1d100

43 = 43

Dice: 1d100

82 = 82

You saw the primitive world below.

You turned your head.

And smiled.

"What if," you said, "we met them?"

And thus, the Gods descended.


Your eyes opened.

That dream was weird. You couldn't really make out most of it.

Sitting up, you checked your phone. It was the weekend. You would normally have a half day today, but you had some kind of school holiday off today. So, two day weekend.

You didn't really have work until later and you didn't have much else to do...

Dice: 1d4

3 = 3

A knock came at your door, interrupting the potential decisions you were about to have. Who could it be? To your knowledge, nobody outside of... Tsubasa now, and the school staff, should know where you lived.

Actually how did Tsubasa figure out where you lived?

Well, whatever. Standing up with a groan you stretched and cracked your back, walking to the door. Opening it up revealed an unexpected sight.

Gremory Rias, leader of the Occult Research club, and ezzentislly considered one of the "queens" of the school.

"Hello Han-kun, I'd like to speak to-"

You closed the door in her face.

This was too odd. What had you done to garner this kind of attention? Koneko had said yesterday that she'd wanted to speak to you, but to track you down to your apartment? You couldn't figure out what it could be.

You'd also left a rich girl on the other side of the door...

Choices -Voting closed - 49 voters


You're not too high up. Slip out the window.


Open the door and see what she wants


+Leave a note you went out


+"How do people keep finding my house?"


Open the door again, surely now your awake enough and she will be gone, after all one of the school idols suddenly poping up in front of your door can only be some dream...


Just wait. She'll leave eventually.


Open the window, leave a note you went out and go hide

Dice: 1d100-10

77 - 10 = 67

Dice: 1d100-10

66 - 10 = 56

Dice: 1d100+10

10 + 10 = 20

Dice: 1d100-10

95 - 10 = 85

Dice: 1d100-10

77 - 10 = 67

Dice: 1d3

2 = 2

Walking back in, you hopped in the shower quickly before changing your clothes. Then, you walked over to your back window, opened it, climbed out, and closed it behind you while hanging on the ledge.

You may have overestimated your athletic abilities. You were still on the third floor after all.

Maybe if you-

You fell.

Before you could even properly react, you landed harmlessly in the recycling dumpster filled with broken cardboard and plastic milk jugs. It was a surprisingly soft landing, and you got out of the dumpster without a speck of dirt on you.


Dusting yourself off, you walked out of the end of the alley and looked around.

Dice: 1d4

3 = 3

You could see Yuuto Kiba and Koneko looking around, presumably for you.

How should you deal with this?



Just openly walk past without a care in the world. What are they going to do? Kidnap you?


+ draw a fake moustache; they'll never figure you out


Walk right up to Koneko and ask what she's doing there.


+Moon Walk away while humming Smooth Criminal.


+Greet them good morning


++if they try talking to you ignore it. pretend they don't


Try to sneak past


Walk right up to Kiba and ask what the prince of the school is doing hanging around a cheap apartment.


+Give the Koneko a cookie.

You have none

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100-10

16 - 10 = 6

Dice: 1d100-10

82 - 10 = 72

Dice: 1d100-10

52 - 10 = 42

Dice: 1d100-10

23 - 10 = 13

Dice: 1d100-10

33 - 10 = 23

Dice: 1d100-10

28 - 10 = 18

Dice: 1d100-10

43 - 10 = 33

Letting out a sigh, you just casually walked past the two of them and away from your apartment. As you passed by a reflective window, you saw yourself.

You looked decent, if you did say so yourself.

To be honest, there wasn't much to really do to your knowledge. You didn't exactly have anyone to hang out with and you weren't working til later...

Choices -Voting closed - 19 voters


Find a secluded place to practice. You got the feeling that going all out with Kyokushin is a bit too much to handle.


That so called priest got you curious. There's that abandoned church. Maybe he was over there?


Just head to work early. You can nurse a coffee the next couple hours.


Choices -Voting closed - 44 voters


In the bank of the river.


There's a park nearby, you could try there.


Abandoned construction site near the old church


A old abandonned mansion


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+12

51 + 12 = 63

Dice: 1d100+12

96 + 12 = 108

Dice: 1d100+12

36 + 12 = 48

Each technique in the Dance of the Four Gods caused the air to move.

Each one shifted it differently.

Black Tortoise disrupted it. Phoenix guided it. White Tiger directed it. Blue Dragon unleashed it.

Over and over you did these four techniques, unceasing, hour after hour. Sweat dripped off you as you felt like the techniques were being carved into your very bones. You understood them innately, the best way to do them that your body could handle as you did them again and again and again and again until eventually...

You thrust your arms out, air swirling around you before being unleashed directly into the river, carving the river bottom deeper than before directly in front of you.

Storm of the Blue Dragon

Finally, you took a break. Panting heavily, you washed your sweaty torso in the cool river. If nothing else, you wanted to be at least somewhat clean before you got into work.

Pulling your shirt back on, you started making your way up the bank of the river only to stop. Did they see you do that?

They did.

"Oh, Han-kun, so it was you doing that." Kiba amicably greeted you. "We just so happened to be looking for you."

"Are you guys stalking me?" You asked, climbing up to the top of the bank. "Because I can tell you now, I'm really not worth it."

"Stalking?" Kiba chuckled. "Of course not. It's just that Buchou wants to speak to you."

"Has it occured to you that I don't enjoy my private time being taken up by stacked foreigners and their lap dogs?" You asked before looking at Koneko who had followed him. "You're okay."

"It's just that it's about a rather important matter, even more so now that I've seen what you did in the river." He replied.

Choices -Voting closed - 30 voters


"Unless this is about me pulling a holy sword out of a stone and being crowned king of England, I doubt it's that important."


It just Karate


+It just Karate


"Sorry, I've gotta get to work. Maybe another time."


"Hmm, counter offer. No."


"...fine. Let's go see her. I won't even close my door in her face this time."


"Explain to me what she wants, and I will think about it."


"Unless this is about me unsheathing some holy sword to become King of England, I kind of doubt it's all that important, Yuuto." You replied.

"Be that as it may," he twitched a bit, "Buchou is quite insistent you speak to her. Believe me when I say it's very important."

"It's important." Koneko spoke up.

"You guys are really persistent." You noted.

Choices -Voting closed - 38 voters


"I need to go to work unfortunately. Find me when I'm not busy."


" Important for who ? " And leave you have a job to do.


"Considering how much I get shit on at school I'd rather not get involved with the girl that has a cult forming around her"


Maybe if I get some money to offset the work i'm missing.


"Fine, if you'll stop.bugging me afterwards I'll go."


"Well, unfortunately I really don't care."


"I'll go, but I'm charging her by the minute."


"What does she want to talk about?"


+"...K, and I care about her insistence because?"

Foesnt fit with the winning vote


Dice: 2d100+30

Options: Individual. Threshold: 70.

14,6 + 30 = 44,36 (0 successes!)

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

88 = 88

Dice: 1d100

55 = 55

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum.

64 = 64

"Well unfortunately Yuuto, I need to go to work." You informed him. "So maybe another time, when I'm not so busy?"

Kiba blinked.

"You have a job?" He asked.

"Have to pay my rent somehow." You replied.


As you walked past him, you found Koneko following after you.

"What do you want?" You asked.

"Food." She simply replied.

You sighed in defeat.


"So you brought Neko-chan with you, eh?" Sojiro asked with a smirk.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't right now." You told him, beating the eggs for a fried rice dish. "She just follows me around demanding food."

"You sure you're not dating her?" He asked, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Not to my knowledge." You replied, starting the rice.

"Maybe you should get on that then." Sojiro suggested. "Or else someone else might pounce in her before you get a chance."

"... do you just enjoy harassing your employees?"


You just sighed.

Thankfully nobody had ordered an omurice today so you were left in peace to cook. It gave you time to think, and thankfully you enjoyed it too.

Chop up the onions and mushrooms.

The kitchen was a place you could focus. You knew you didn't make the best food, but it was good enough that people liked it. And you supposed that it made them like you too.

Mix the egg into the rice and keep it fluffy on the wok.

You enjoyed your coworkers too. Sojiro was a good boss. Maki was enjoyable to be around. Yun, a very large chinese man that helped stock the cafe and move heavy objects, was a lot gentler than his scarred face would suggest.

Add the soy sauce.

Honestly, even if you were being stalked by rich students today was still pretty good.

And with a bit more cooking, the fried rice was done. You loaded the group meal onto a plate and brought it out to Maki.

"Oh, they actually requested you bring it to them." Maki said.

"That's weird."

"They gave a really big tip." She explained.

"Ah." Well, it couldn't be too much of a hassle.

Taking the large platter over to the table you were told, you found a crowd that you didn't want to deal with.

The Occult Research Club.

"Hello, Han-san." Rias greeted you with a smile. "You work in such a quaint cafe. I must say, I quite like it."

"You give off quite the house husband feeling, you know?" Himejima Akeno commented.

"You know you never struck me as the type to cook for a living." Kiba said.

Koneko didn't have to say anything, you just set the food down directly in front of her.

Choices -Voting closed - 64 voters


Ignore them and get back to work


"Are you stalking me?"


"Now I'm convinced you're stalking me."


"Alright. You got me. What do you want?"


"Sorry, I got to get back to work." Then leave them.


"Why can't you leave me alone?"


"Sojiro, I'm taking today off early!" Get the hell out of there.


Put the plate on the table and go back to cook.

You already out the plate down

+Get Sojiro to price gouge them

Not how it works

+I'm afraid I'm not into crazy psycho stalkers. I wish you luck in your future endeavors in love.

This choice is inconsistent with the story so far.


Dice: 4d100

Options: Individual.


You promptly turned around and walked away. You had more important things to do than deal with those weirdoes right now. You heard Akeno gasp, sounding a bit outraged, when you turned around.

You ignored it.

If she had a problem, she could say it to your face.

Sojiro just raised an eyebrow as you walked past before glancing at their table.

You walked back into the kitchen and started working on your next order.


"Dae-Wi, are they bothering you?" Sojiro asked.

"First time you've called me by my first name." You replied.

"First time I've seen you look genuinely upset." He rereplied

"I'm not upset, they're just kind of annoying. Red head wants to talk about something, don't know what, but I don't feel like it." You explained simply. "I'm more surprised they managed to track me down to where I worked."

"Your cat followed you first."

"She's not my cat." You automatically replied.

"Sure she isn't."

You ignored him and focused on washing the dishes.

"You can't just ignore your problems you know." Sojiro pointed out with a frown.

"At the least, I can put them off until I'm in a better mood." You returned. "I'd rather not lose my temper over something stupid."

"Fair enough." He sighed. "So, you have no idea what they want?"

"They keep saying it's important, but they don't sound very sincere about it." You explained.

"They connected to that Karate club of yours?" His eyebrow raised.

"No, that's the entirety of the Occult Research Club." You explained. "I'm pretty sure they're just trying to headhunt me for some reason, but I can't tell why. I've never shown any kind of interest in that kind of thing before."

"Maybe they sense a hidden potential in you." Sojiro joked. "A great power to save the world."

You thought back to your dreams...

"Doubt it." You shook your head with a smile. "I'm too selfish to be a good hero."

"Well maybe the world needs an okay hero rather than a good one. Ever thought about that?"

"That'll be the day."

Choices -Voting closed - 15 voters


Okay you've got a half hour break. See what the hell they want.


Ask Maki of she wants you to pay for drinks, so you have an excuse to ignore them


Finish up the day and get the hell out of there.


The restaurant was basically empty as you took your break, outside of the Occult Research Club, so you decided this was as good a time as any. Walking up to the table, you made your intentions clear.

"I have a half hour break right now." You explained. "Please explain things within that time."

Kiba raised his eyebrow when he saw you. He probably didn't expect you to willingly come back. Rias on the other hand just smiled wide.

"I think it might be better if we spoke about this in private." She suggested.

"If it's something my coworkers can't hear, then why would I want to talk to you in the first place?" You countered.

"That... well, okay." Rias nodded. "I want you to join my peerage."

"What's a peerage?"


It turned out that Rias and her group were literally devils and they wanted you to become one too.

"Joining my peerage would allow you to live well past the human lifespan, I would be able to support you however you needed, you would have the chance of getting your own peerage in the future, it would bestow status, and more than anything you would be part of something bigger than yourself." Rias finished her prompt. "What do you think?"

"How would this actually work?" you asked.

"I would place an Evil Piece within you, a Rook in this case, and it would reincarnate you into a Devil." She explained. "The Rook piece would give you greater physical strength and durability."

"So I'd be expected to fight?"

"Devils have some issues with the other two factions, Angels and Fallen Angels, along with the other supernatural factions. None of us really get along with eachother." Rias continued. "Heaven, Fallen, Hindu, Norse, and so on."

"What about the Shinto?" You asked.

"Strangely quiet." She replied. "So... what do you say? Would you like to become the newest Rook in my Peerage along with Koneko?"

Choices -Voting closed - 50 voters


"No thanks. I'm not really interested."


"Not really that into LARPing."


+no offence to Koneko


"Sorry I'm an atheist."


Sorry I prefer being human.


Sorry I'm against slavery.




Ok boomer




"No thanks, I'm not really interested." You bluntly replied.

"Thank you for-" Rias blinked. "No?"

"Yeah, it just doesn't seem all that appealing?" You admitted, rubbing the back of your head. "All that talk about status and aid... they just don't really sound worth it if I haven't earned it."

"You'll have more than earned it however-!"

You cut Rias off.

"And, more than that." You told her. "I just feel like..."

You are the Ki-

"...I'm supposed to stay human. For now at least." You continued. "Maybe in the future."

"You're just going to turn her down, like that?" Akeno asked, sounding like she was some mixture of shocked and disturbed.

You thought about it for a second.

"Yeah, I think so." You nodded.

"Do you think there's any way I could convince you?" Rias asked.

"Even if I could think of a way," you told her, "why would I?"

"It would've been quite nice to have you as part of the club." Kiba spoke up with a smile. "But I understand that it's just not to your taste."

Koneko simply held out the empty platter.

You took it.

Her eyes said, "Seconds."

Your eyes said, "No."

You took the platter and walked back to the kitchen.

Discussion over.

Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster


Dice: 1d100

96 = 96

Dice: 1d100

54 = 54

Dice: 1d100

7 = 7

You were laying down to go to sleep on the couch when you thought of something.

That guy...

He looked like an older version of you.

But his life was just... completely different. He had a real family, real friends. That supernatural stuff that wasn't just a Stalker redhead and her pals wanting to LARP with you.

What was it called again?

Oh right...



"It's too bad he didn't want to join, Buchou." Kiba spoke up. "But I suppose a man must have his priorities, hmm?"

"It truly is unfortunate." Rias sighed. "Akeno, would you like to do it or should I?"

"I'll erase their memories of us mentioning the supernatural." Akeno volunteered.

"You know with this I could just ask as many times as I wanted and it would be the first time..." Rias mused, "but I'll respect Han Dae-Wi's wishes."

"It's like the for best, he didn't seem all that agreeable after all." Akeno commented.

"Is that so?"


As your eyes began to close, you felt a pulse of energy flow through you. It was comforting and warm. You just wanted to sink into it...

And then you felt a weight on you chest and heard some kind of whining.

What the-?

Upon opening your eyes you found some large tongued beast licking your chest back and forth.


It's- no his, eyes widened in seeming happiness before licking you all over the face.

You sat there and took it, waiting for the strange animal to stop, when a thought came to you.

"Are you-?" The tongue interrupted you. "Are you a Haetae?"

The lion-dog stopped before floating in the air and wiggling happily. His massive tongue flipped around before landing on your chest again.

You let out an 'ooph' as the air came out of you, but found yourself petting the mythical creature on it's big fuzzy head.

"Where did you come from?" You asked. He didn't seem the type to speak however, instead just laying down on you. "Alright then, guess it's sleeping time..."

You closed your eyes with a smile on your face, before drifting off...

Choices -Voting closed - 27 voters


The King of Heaven


The Princess of Heroes


The Sage of the East


The Prince of Gold


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

25 + 5 = 30

Dice: 1d100+5

13 + 5 = 18

Dice: 1d100+5

8 + 5 = 13

Dice: 1d100+5

66 + 5 = 71

"I didn't think there would be another after him. But then, I supposed there, there wasn't another."

An old man was speaking to you

He had three eyes.

"You may call me Okhwang." He introduced himself. "You may also call me the Jade Emperor."

"'re the one that came first, right?" You asked. "I saw you before."

"So, you met him first? Interesting."

"I met Haetae too." You informed him.

"Already you make fair progress." Okhwang chuckled.

"I'm dreaming, right?" You asked.

"Indeed, however I have a fair bit more control here than he does. I can offer you a choice."


"Would you rather see, or play a game with me? If you win I suppose I can give a gift."

Choices -Voting closed - 25 voters


Play some Janggi




"Let's play." You decided. "What game?"

"You'll see."


You were playing Janggi against a man with three eyes. You felt you were at a slight disadvantage.

"You are quite good for your first time playing but-" Okhwang started.

"Janggun." You declared Check.

"...meonggun." He got out of it. "Unexpected, however-"


He moved his piece out of danger and started to say something else.


"Are you mocking me boy?" The Jade Emperor asked threateningly, his third eye beginning to glow pink as his hair floated. "I am far more dangerous than you could guess. You see I have Wisdom."

"Janggun." You repeated, practically slamming your piece down. "And stop cheating."


The game board blew up.

"Fine, I suppose you win." The Jade Emperor sighed irritably. "Tell me, how would you describe yourself?"

Choices -Voting closed - 18 voters


You've got a kind of gravity that draws weirdoes to you.


You're weak, and you don't really like it.


You feel that you lack the magnetism some people have.


You feel like you're strong.


You didn't even need to say it before Okhwang smiled.

"Gravity, eh? The first that he used too... an interesting choice." A wisp of energy flowed from the glowing eye into your forehead. "It really wouldn't be right to say I'm giving you a gift, bit rather awakening what was already inside you. This should kickstart the process."

You could feel... something inside, but you didn't quite know what it was. Weird.

"I grant you an awakening of a Fundamental Force." He said, the smile he had going fron confident to gentle. "I trust you'll know how to use it correctly. Now, it's time for you to wake up."

As you felt yourself fading away, one more thing was said.

"I've got another game to play..."


Your eyes slowly opened, revealing your one room apartment to you. Haetae was nowhere to be seen, but you knew you could summon him at any time. Standing up with a groan, you went and took a short shower.

Again, you didn't really have anything planned out to do but...

There were possibilities.

Choices -Voting closed - 55 voters


Train with your strange new ability and Haetae you guess.


Just go on a walk. You dont have work today so eh.


Rias mentioned supernatural factions. You met a priest that tried to kill you. Maybe something to do with fallen Angels? And where would fallen angels be but an abandoned church?




Train karate


+see if you can apply it to yourself

This is part of training

+call koneko and make sure we're still cool


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+15

89 + 15 = 104

Dice: 1d100+15

70 + 15 = 85

Dice: 1d100+15

79 + 15 = 94

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.


Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.


Dice: 1d100

66 = 66

Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.



The river again.


Deep inside a park


An empty lot


On the roof of the school


Where do you train?

A bubble filled with water floated before you. Inside you could feel your energy flowing around. Reaching out, you held the bubble in your hand. It felt solid yet liquid...


Letting it fall back into the river, you held out your hand. Beneath it, the water seemed to condense a bit more within the river

Gravity X2

"That could be useful." You decided.

So, you started applying it to yourself as you trained.

Every single movement you made was harder. Simply standing made you sweat. Add in the resistance from the water around you were standing in and it felt like you were trying to move through mochi.

You felt how you moved much more finely however, and this allowed you to make your movements much more efficient. When too much movement would tire you too much and too little meant you weren't putting in enough force, you found a way to balance it.

You experimented with Haetae's abilities too. For example, his saliva helps to heal you and cut down on aches and pains. Which of course meant he was licking you all over the face again.

You were going to have to get used to that.

On the other hand, you could focus his water into your martial arts. Launching piercing projectiles with punches and kicks, channeling water through the shockwaves created by Kick of the Phoenix to create a barrier of water or even combining it with Storm of the Blue Dragon to launch a dragon made of water that waa as surrounded by swirling winds.

You could also made ice blades, so that's pretty cool. Just spring up from the ground to stab or cut things.

A few more hours of practice and you were laying back on the bank if the river, drying off and resting. Gravity... you didn't really know what else could be done with it right now. It alone, at this level of power, just didn't mesh well with what you had. Haetae on the other hand meshed perfectly with your martial arts.

Gravity... it was incomplete. You just knew it. But how to get the rest...?

Standing up, you cracked your neck from side to side. Time to get back at it.

"Han-san?" A voice asked.

How do they keep finding you? Turning around, you saw the person who had spoken was not who you had expected.

Hyoudou Issei, one of the three perverts... seemed to be on a date. With a real girl. That wasn't just a body pillow or like his hand with lipstick on it.

Did Hyoudou actually have more game than you? That... that kind of pissed you off.

"Hyoudou." You replied. "What are you doing here?"

"W-well I was just on a date with Yuma and we were... passing by." He explained.

"Hi!" "Yuma" greeted you. "Are you one of Issei-kun's friends?"

"Yuma you probably shouldn't talk to him..." Issei murmured, looking nervous.

Man, even Hyoudou looked down on you? That's just pathetic.


Choices -Voting closed - 35 voters


"What do you want, Hyoudou? I'm just practicing Karate."


"Nope. He ignores me as I go through my daily life."


Just because I beat up priests does not make me a bad person Hyoudou.


+You can do much better, I recommend to go therapy is you hate yourself to the point of dating Hyoudou


"Better listen to him, I'm a Korean after all."


"Just playing with my dog."


"Oh yeah, we're best friends."


+Begone Thot


Just leave


"Do you know Fred?"

"Hyoudou, what do you want?" You asked him. "I'm just practicing Karate."

"N-nothing really, I just... saw you as we were walking by." Hyoudou said. "Sorry, we'll just be going now."

As Hyoudou left with Yuma, the girl seemed to be staring at you curiously before basically being pulled out of sight.

You sighed

"Sometimes I think I'm used to it and then... whatever."

Choices -Voting closed - 55 voters


Just keep practicing


Go for a jog


Take Haetae for a walk.


+focus on improving your gravity power


You feel a bit confident. Go check out that abandoned church


Maybe spend a tiny bit of money at an arcade.


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Dice: 1d100+20

34 + 20 = 54

Dice: 1d100+20

28 + 20 = 48

Dice: 1d100+20

29 + 20 = 49

Dice: 1d100+20

63 + 20 = 83

Dice: 1d100+20

81 + 20 = 101

Dice: 1d100+5

12 + 5 = 17

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100+5

85 + 5 = 90

Dice: 1d100+5

58 + 5 = 63

Dice: 1d100+5

43 + 5 = 48

Dice: 1d100+5

93 + 5 = 98

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

81 = 81

Dice: 1d10

2 = 2

Dice: 1d100

14 = 14

Dice: 1d100

41 = 41

Dice: 1d100

82 = 82

Dice: 1d100

58 = 58

You got back to training without a second thought, and for this Haetae was out doing his own thing. You got yourself with gravity again and encased yourself in water as you did the movements, again and again and again.

But you didn't seem to be getting any more immediate effects. Maybe if you did it day after day.

Instead, you focused on your gravity applying it quickly, in a more focused field, and finally as far apart as you could make it reach. Your reach really surprised you, going far past what you could actually see in your current location.. You'd estimate about... 200 meters of range in any direction.

By the end of your training, you felt like you could move Gravity a bit stronger than before. Three... no, four. You could increase the weight of Gravity by five times what it normally was.

As you finished up, you looked at Haetae and saw that he...

Choices -Voting closed - 41 voters


Was wagging his tail in anticipation.


Was growling.


Was just relaxing in the water.


Dice: 1d3

1 = 1

Dice: 1d3

3 = 3

Dice: 1d100+20

23 + 20 = 43

He was wagging his tail. It was somewhat surreal to see this apparently divine beast so excited over something that wasn't you paying him the smallest amounts of attention.

Looking in the same direction as Haetae, you saw an older man come into view. He didn't seem suspicious or anything.

Just really intense.

"So, you're the reason I was feeling that, huh?" He asked, looking directly at Haetae. "I hadn't expected something divine to show up in Kuoh, though maybe with the circumstances I should've been on guard."

Haetae just wagged his tail and panted, large tongue drooping.

"Playing dumb, eh?" The man asked. "That won't work. I know what you are. Don't even try to conceal it from me!"

The man suddenly grew wings and took to the sky, wielding what seemed to be a blue spear made of light.

"Be on guard, dog of heaven!" He shouted, while Haetae just looked confused.

Choices -Voting closed - 34 voters


"Why are you picking a fight with my dog?"


+gravity X5


"Ah, you're a Fallen Angel right?"


"Are you related to Rias Gremory in some way?"


Oh? are you approaching me


Dice: 3d150+75

Options: Individual.

9,37,110 + 75 = 84,112,185

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Dice: 1d100+500

79 + 500 = 579

Dice: 1d100+500

93 + 500 = 593

Dice: 1d100+500

20 + 500 = 520

You looked at Haetae, who just seemed confused, and the man flying in the air, who seemed really pumped up.

"Okay, I think I understand." You nodded. "Gravity."


The flying man slammed I to the ground immediately, the ground giving way a bit under his now increased weight. The sound me made when he hit the ground sounded painful, and you wouldn't doubt that you'd given him a broken nose.

"Why are you trying to pick a fight with my dog?" You asked him.

He forced his way back up to his feet, his nose indeed broken, and looking more annoyed with the gravity than truly hampered. "That's a holy beast floating next to you. I can feel the holy energy, no doubt just like that of an Angel, exuding from it." He explained. "I want to know what it's doing within territory shared by Devils and Fallen."

"Oh, you're a Fallen. Well, I'm not sure about what you think but this is Haetae." You replied.

"Haetae... some kind of oriental beast?"

"...something like that. To my knowledge, he isn't exactly angelic."

Haetae just floated over to the man and started licking his face. You could see the broken nose healing and setting back into place in real time.

"Healing me?" He barked out a short laugh. "That kind of mercy will get you killed... Haetae."

You just gave him a flat look. He was taking this too seriously.

Choices -Voting closed - 30 voters


"Okay what do you actually want?"


+ "Yeah... Haetae is about a day old..."


"Are you just here for a fight? Because I think I could handle that better than Haetae."


"Should I just assume all Fallen are like you, or are you the exception?"


Dice: 1d10

6 = 6

"Haetae is about a day old so far so... yeah." You informed the Fallen Angel, scratching your cheek.


"So, what did you actually want?" You questioned him.

"Well, truth be told, I'm itching for a fight. I felt that spark of holy energy and got all excited." A bloodthirsty grin came over his face. "Care to indulge me?"

Choices -Voting closed - 37 voters




+So what is your name?


+too the death or spar?


+If you lose you must help me around at the cafe im working in for free


+Break his nose again


Alpha Strike


+use 2X gravity


"Hold on, I don't even know your name."


+Try to fight him with your gravity restraint, if it doesn't work release it


Nothing else to do then go punch him


+Break his nose with a heel kick.


+Attack while you are still talking.


+do not use gravity


Come at me






"I'm not so sure about that..."


Dice: 3d150+75

Options: Individual.

68,94,102 + 75 = 143,169,177

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d120+50

34 + 50 = 84

Dice: 1d120+50

78 + 50 = 128

Dice: 1d120+50

25 + 50 = 75

Dice: 1d120+50

34 + 50 = 84

Dice: 1d120+50

61 + 50 = 111

"Sure." You replied easily. "Before we start, what's your name?"

"Dohnaseek," he replied, "why do you ask?"

"It's rude to fight a stranger, isn't it?" You asked.

"...ha. Haha... Hahahahahaha!" Dohnaseek doubled over laughing, sounding both jovial and threatening. "That's a hell of a response, boy! What's your name?!"

"Han Dae-Wi." You replied, taking your stance before repeating him. "Why do you ask?"

"Because it's rude to not know the name of someone when you're going to try to kill each other!" Dohnaseek declared, before shooting towards you.

He was fast, you realized, incredibly so. He was like a speeding bullet, and you only just barely managed to slow him down with gravity. He drew back his arm to stab at your face with his spear, and you caught his elbow with a binding of water and ice.

"What?" Dohnaseek asked, confused. "But you're not using any magic."

Your left hand moved up, palm up, while your right hand moved back. He was just slowed down enough for you to hit him with this. You pivoted your hips, and sent your arm flying forward. Dohnaseek manifested another spear of light in his offhand and blocked your attack, but with gravity pushing him back the force was multiplied.

Fist of the Black Turtle

The Fallen Angel's weapon cracked a bit as he was launched back into the bank of the river. Not giving him time to get up, you took a step forward before slamming your fist into the ground. Around you, teeth of ice sprung up and shot towards Dohnaseek. Luckily for him, and u luckily for you, he had recovered enough to shatter the ice with his two spears as they approached.

"You're a surprise." He said, standing and twirling his spears. "A human with unnatural powers that also practices some form of martial arts. I have to say I like it."

You didn't reply, instead just getting into position again.

Choices -Voting closed - 16 voters


Fight aggressively, if you overwhelm him he won't have a chance to attack.


Fight defensively, you just need to turn this into a battle of endurance until you can find openings to strike at.


Dice: 3d150+75

Options: Individual.

91,110,117 + 75 = 166,185,192

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 2d120+50

Options: Individual.

42,101 + 50 = 92,151

Dice: 2d120+50

Options: Individual.

89,100 + 50 = 139,150

Dice: 2d120+50

80+23 + 50 = 153

Dice: 2d120+50

33+40 + 50 = 123

Dice: 2d120+50

Options: Individual.

34,35 + 50 = 84,85

Dice: 2d120+50

Options: Individual.

3,85 + 50 = 53,135

You stepped forward to launch yourself at Dohnaseek, after all if you didn't give him time to attack his better speed wouldn't matter, when a searing pain shot out of your side. Looking down, you saw a deep cut with blood flowing out of it.

Water erupted behind you immediately afterwards, revealing that Dohnaseek actually threw one of his spears at you. He clicked his tongue on annoyance.

"Seems like I missed. Must be getting rusty." He commented casually.

You felt a chill go down your spine. You hadn't even seen it happen. You were utterly terrified right now. Haetae licked your wound, causing it to heal, but even still you could feel a phantom pain.

At the same time... you felt amazing. This was what a real life and death fight was like. You didn't know if you liked it or if you were just feeling adrenaline rushing through you, but it felt like you had more energy now than the entire rest of your life combined.

"I know that look." Dohnaseek commented. "First time feeling the warrior's bliss, eh? Believe me when I say, it's something to chase after."

Whatever it was... it was helping you to concentrate.

"Are you going to keep talking, or are you going to come at me seriously?" You asked him.

"If you insist!" Dohnaseek shouted before launching himself at you once more with gusto.

Choices -Voting closed - 39 voters






Dice: 3d150+75

Options: Individual.

61,62,131 + 75 = 136,137,206

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d150+50

145 + 50 = 195

Dice: 1d150+50

137 + 50 = 187

Dice: 1d150+50

134 + 50 = 184

Dice: 1d150+50

80 + 50 = 130

Dice: 1d150+50

148 + 50 = 198

Dice: 1d150+50

106 + 50 = 156

You knew you couldn't catch him at the speeds he was moving, so you had to do something risky. As Dohnaseek rushed towards you, you readied yourself.

His speed flashed and pierced your side as he slammed into you, but you wrapped your arm around his and held tight while holding yourself and him still with water and gravity. You pushed as hard as you could and you could feel one of your eyes begin to bleed from the exertion.

Gravity X8

And then your wrapped Dohnaseek in water to halt his movements further.

The pain in your side was searing but you forced yourself to ignore it as best you could.

Dice: 1d150+75

45 + 75 = 120

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Dice: 2d150+20

Options: Individual.

62,37 + 20 = 82,57

Dice: 2d150+20

Options: Individual.

111,113 + 20 = 131,133

Dice: 2d150+20

Options: Individual.

22,110 + 20 = 42,130

Dice: 2d150+20

Options: Individual.

86,77 + 20 = 106,97

Fist of the Black Turtle

Dohnaseek was blown back by your fist slamming into his solar plexus, only to be pulled back in by a gravity assisted blast of water to his back.

Kick of the Phoenix

The shockwave produced by your stomp caused cuts to appear on his arms and legs, blood staining the water around you both. When Dohnaseek tried to attack you, you suddenly lifted the Gravity, before focusing it entirely on his thrown limb to throw him off balance. Then, you released the gravity and water entirely.

"You finally ran out of energy eh-?!"

You cut the Fallen Angel off by launching yourself into a furious combination of punches and kicks that helped the focus the movements of the air around you.

Dance of the White Tiger

That knocked him back into the air where he took flight.

"An admirable job, Han Dae-Wi, but this is where you lose!" Dohanseek dove straight towards you, spear at the ready.

You stepped forward and thrust your arms forward while keeping them apart. At the same time, you focused the hydrokinetic power of Haetae around you and into your attack. That left you a new attack, but one you'd seen before.

Storm of the Blue Dragon


Charyeok: Haetae

Water Dragon's Storm

Water coalesced into the shape of a dragon as wind swirled around it. With a push, you released the water and wind straight at Dohnaseek.

"An admirable effort, but it's not enough!"

"I know."

Gravity X10

The increased gravity called the Fallen Angel to suddenly plummet towards the ground uncontrolled, just as he met the dragon face first. The impact was amazing, sounding almost like an explosion rather than a blow. The wind tore at him while the water smashed into him. Then finally, he slammed into the ground even harder than before.

Panting, you closed your bleeding eye and covered it with one hand. Haetae was there to lick it healed, but it felt like all he really did was help it to stop hurting as much.

"So," you breathed out, clutching your knees, "how was that for a fight?"

The Fallen's words were muffled by the ground he was currently buried in.

"Say again?"

Dohnaseek's head suddenly burst out of the ground, his face covered by blood and dirt. "It was glorious! To think that I would be outmatched by a human is unthinkable. That just means I have to push myself even further in pursuit of martial glory!"

"'re kind of obsessed about that, aren't you?"


"...alright then. I think that means I won."

"I'll give you this fight, Han Dae-Wi, just remember that I will become stronger than you and fight you ince more in the future." Dohnaseek declared. "Now tell me, how many centuries have you been training to be able to use such amazing techniques?"

"I'm sixteen." You replied. "And I only really get the non Karate stuff today. The more esoteric Karate stuff I got yesterday."


"Yeah, it came to me in a dream." You explained.

That seemed to take a lot of wind out of his sails. He slumped over some and let out a disappointed sigh. "Am I just weak? Could that be it? Only sixteen? Wait how long do humans live again?" Dohnaseek just kept muttering to himself, completely ignoring you.

Choices -Voting closed - 37 voters


"If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure I might be the future Jade Emperor."


+ask him about his training


"Are you okay?"


Just quietly leave. You need to change your clothes.


"... there there buddy."


+Join me, if you are weak train to become stronger too.


+"So next fight in month or so? That enought for you to train, right?"


+ Pretty sure I was the Jade emperor in a past life


The really lucky one reach 100 years old.


"Nice Hat, where can I get one?"


You know i could use a training partner


"Thats rough buddy"


Dice: 1d100

18 = 18

"If it makes you feel any better," you spoke up scratching the back of your head, "I'm pretty sure I'm the next candidate to be the Jade Emperor. I've got two Jade Emperors talking to me in my dreams, and one of them let ke control gravity to an extent in the first place."

"The Jade Emperor?" He asked before chuckling. "That explains having some form of divine beast following you. Though there hasn't been one in centuries."

"I see... well, you're not really weak. I couldn't even keep up with your speed, so I had to slow you down." You explained. "Honestly, if you just trained more I probably wouldn't be able to catch you in the first place."

Dohnaseek sighed. "I would, but there aren't exactly many escalating opponents around anymore since the Great War ended."

"Well, you could always just do stuff like push ups and sit ups and such." You suggested. "Practicing with your spear would help too."

Dohnaseek just gave you an odd look.


"What's a push up?" He asked.

" can't be serious."

"I've never heard of that or a sit up. And how would I practice with my spears unless I had an opponent?"


Choices -Voting closed - 69 voters


"You're working out with me from now on."


+also sparring, more experience IS good.... sa long as you also train *sigh*


"I thhink I know what your problem is."


"So you only train through fighting?"


+The packing order is me Haetae dirt then you


+"Alright that's it. Welcome to Boot Camp"


"Just... look up workout videos online. They'll help."


"Okay, I think you should probably work out with me." You told Dohnaseek.

"So, more fighting then?" He asked with a grin.

"...yes, but also a lot more preparatory work." You replied. "Do you know what protein is for?"

"That's meat, right?"

"It can be, there's other things it's in too though." You explained. "Like certain vegetables."

"I see... what does that have to do with training?" Dohnaseek asked.

"Protein helps you build muscles."

"It does?!"

"...and you can also build muscles by doing things like exercising. Jogging, squats, and so on."

"Explain more to me!"

This... would be a long day.


"And these simple exercises can make you stronger and faster?"

"Yeah, if you keep at them every day, with appropriate amounts of resistance." You finished your explanation. "But make sure to rest too, or else you could weaken yourself long term."

"I see... then an occasion like Lent would weaken you, correct?"

"That's... a fasting ritual, right?" You asked.

"Yes, a forty day fast."

"Yeah, that would probably cut into development of proper muscles and such." You agreed. "At the least, it isn't the most healthy."

Dohanseek looked at you for a bit, before arching his back and letting out a bellowing laugh. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The followers of God are merely weakening themselves! Truly, the Fall was nothing more but another step towards development!"

"...I'm glad you're happy. I don't really have much free time, but I guess when I have the time to we could meet up here to try and work out." You told Dohnaseek. "You're probably going to want a different outfit though. That could make you overheat."

"I shall endeavor to do so, Han Dae-Wi." He actually bowed to you a bit. "You have aided me greatly on this day."

"Oh, another thing." You said. "My number. If you want to coordinate more you can call me."

He took the proffered piece of paper, staring at it intensely, before nodding and pocketing it.

"And if you wish to seek me out for another match, I and the other fallen are currently based within the abandoned church somewhat nearby." The fallen angel told you.

"Right. I'm taking off." You said, climbing up the embankment. "Gotta change my clothes. These are ruined."

With that, you left the fallen angel with a wave and set off home.

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Dice: 1d4

4 = 4

Dice: 1d4

4 = 4

Dice: 1d4

4 = 4

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d1000

980 = 980

Dice: 1d100

78 = 78

Dice: 1d100

37 = 37

Dice: 1d100

71 = 71

As you were walking home, Haetae came put on his own. He started licking your face all over and you felt your aches and pains just fade away. You saw a few people stop and stare, but you just ignored them. You were always getting stares because you weren't Japanese, so you were just used to it.

On the way back, you passed by a park and...

The sky...

It was blood red.

Looking around, you saw Hyoudou and Yuma.

Yuma had wings.

Black bird wings.


Oh, she was a Fallen. It still made no sense how Hyoudou managed to land a girlfriend first.

"Could you die for me?" Yuma(?) asked.

You know... you could probably do something about this...

Choices -Voting closed - 40 voters


Yeah, he's a dumbass but he doesnt really deserve to die.


Kindly inform her that while Issei may be a pervert who deserves to die, this is a public park and a dead body will greatly inconvenience everyone else. Please take their lover's spat somewhere else


+ 'Oy, shitty fallen. No killing perverted idiots in public.'


Try to save his life by seducing her.


Eeeeeeeh not your problem.


Punch her in the Tits with your strongest attack.


Stick around just to be sure she's ACTUALLY going to kill him and it's not.just some weird reverse I'd die for you thing.


+Laugh at him, laugh in his stupid face.


+Gravity full power

+Hatae shields Issei


Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

96 = 96

Dice: 1d100

50 = 50

Dice: 1d100

42 = 42

Choices -Voting closed - 25 voters


Maybe act like the Jade Emperor a little. He's pretty Wise.


+Kneel (Use Gravity)


Just get Issei out of there




Try to solve this diplomatically




Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100-20

93 - 20 = 73

Dice: 1d100-20

57 - 20 = 37

Dice: 1d100-20

61 - 20 = 41

Dice: 1d100-20

20 - 20 = 0

Dice: 1d100-20

83 - 20 = 63

Dice: 1d100-20

32 - 20 = 12

Dice: 1d100-20

55 - 20 = 35

Dice: 1d100-20

15 - 20 = -5

Reader Posts- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

56 = 56

Dice: 1d100

25 = 25

Dice: 1d100

82 = 82

Dice: 1d100

94 = 94

Dice: 1d100

17 = 17

Dice: 1d100

53 = 53

Dice: 1d100

8 = 8

Dice: 1d100

37 = 37

Dice: 1d100

77 = 77

Dice: 1d100

15 = 15

Dice: 1d100

60 = 60