Jaden's Harem- Return of the Supreme King by GhostKaiser23

Be warned for this is a work of utter degeneracy!!!!

Word: 145k+

Link: -https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12290211/1/Jaden-s-Harem-Return-of-the-Supreme-King

( A different Jaden enters Duel Academy, powered by the gentle darkness and trained and raised by Yugi Moto himself, and how will Duel Academy handle him? )

Chapter 1

Co-Writer GreyKing46

We do not own these Yu-Gi-Oh characters.

"Okay, what is behind door number...Whatever?" Ghost spoke as: he, Catherine, Grey and Luna were walking through the multiverse.

"You know, I love Ben 10 and Spider-Man but I hope this is a new world." Grey sighed

"You think we'll take a break with all this sex and perversion and have a vanilla chapter?" Luna asked

"No." Ghost sighed, shaking his head

"Not a chance." Catherine added

"I hope so." Grey sighed as everyone entered

"And lookie here...Another cinema room." Ghost sighed

"...Something tells me it's going to be a fun one." Ghost smiled

"Dueling out with your crew in the schoolyard." Grey sang

"Finding trouble, never looking too hard." Ghost carried on with a smile

"Some things you gotta learn, hit or miss." Ghost added

'Boys...' Catherine thought with a kind smile

"Its GX time!" Grey cheered "My favourite Yugioh series! It's time for some Glory Days!"

"Well...Let's get ready for a lot of crazy." Ghost smiled and rubbed his hands together.

"So... What is this story about?" Luna asked

"Should we give a mini spoiler?" Ghost asked pointing to the description.

"... Eh?" Grey shrugged

"The...The blurb at the top. That bit." Ghost explained

"... What?"

Ghost rolled his eyes and read the top bit of the paper. "What happens when history changes? The destiny of one's life and choices rewritten. See the story of Jaden Yuki as he goes through Duel Academy with a different breed of hero."

"See? Was that so hard?" Catherine chuckled

"Not really, no." Ghost answered. "Let's start this story."

*start the story*

Our story begins at a stadium, inside are multiple people trying to get into the prestigious Duel Academy: the place where it turns young, adaptable duellists into future duel monsters champions

One figure was entering the arena. He was not late, although he did stick back away from everyone

This boy had brown hair, a red shirt under a grey jacket and grey trousers. His name was: Jaden Yuki

He had soft gold/brown eyes with two toned brown hair, the second tone being more orange-ish and was a tuff on the top of his head

'Hmm...' He looked past the crowd to see the various people duelling with their cards. Wearing arm sized devices on their arms and bringing holographic models of each monster to the field.

These were Duel Monsters

For years the game had been popular, people from around the world were playing with these cards and had fun. Which was why most people started to play with them.

The game had all but encased the world

Jaden looked on at the duel in front of him win his duel. "Congratulations cadet. You're in." proclaimed the instructor

The Duel was won by a black haired British man. The guy had an empty field besides an 1800 ATK monster and a set trap while the instructor had three monsters with at least 2000 ATK each. However the black haired duellist had used his trap, Ring of Destruction, to destroy his own monster and deal his monsters ATK to both players as damage. Luckily he had enough life points to survive. The instructor, not so much.

"I Knew I would." The black haired man spoke with a tone of accomplishment and walked off.

"Wonder who that kid is." Jaden whispered to himself

"Alright, who's next up to join Duel Academy?" A voice spoke.

This man was wearing a blue jacket with gold tassel shoulders and a frilled pink neck collar, he was quite tall and thin with a modified bob-cut hairstyle with a substantially long pony tail.

Jaden quickly ran down, past the crowed and jumping into the duel arena

"W-Wait! Wait! I'd like to join!" Jaden called out as he landed

"Hmm... A Slacker. As expected." The clown looking... thing frowned

"Sorry. Jaden Yuki, ready for the duelling." Jade smiled awkwardly

"Game on teach!" He grinned, activating his unique DuelDisk

""Teach"? It's "Doctor" to you." The instructor responded, activating his own duel disk. It had a large body where the deck and graveyard section was across his chest and the "field" area was separated so both his arms were free.

Jaden's DuelDisk looked like the classic Duelist Kingdom DuelDisk but the silver was instead black, the red turned black and the actual card slots where purple

"Ready, Mr Yuki?" The teacher asked

"Born ready." Jaden nodded

"Let's duel!" They both called out.

Jaden grinned, ready for battle.

But it wasn't always like this...


Some years ago, a young Jaden Yuki was holding a deck of duel monsters cards to his chest.

He was in an alleyway, some older kids surrounding him

"I won't let you take them!" He yelled, crying

"Come on kid, give us the cards and we'll leave ya." One of the older kids spoke

"No! I won't let you!" Jaden answered again, still crying

"Fine. We tried doing it the "easy way"." a second kid answered and kicked Jaden in the stomach.

Jaden flinched, yelling in pain as he fell over but he held his deck close and refused to let go

"Give us the deck kid!" another kid ordered and kicked Jaden as well.

"GACK!" Jaden gasped, blood shooting from his mouth "N... No!"

"You've got blood on my shoes..." The first kid snarled and kicked Jaden again in anger.

"... Jaden..." A soft female voice whispered from nowhere

"I... Won't let them take you Yubel..." He muttered in pain

"Hey! Back off!" A strong, powerful and confident voice yelled the group of kids looking over their shoulders to see a teen with insane hair coloured black and gold and maroon/purple

"Huh? Who the hell are you?" One of the kids asked turning around

"N-No way...I-It's him! I-It's-" The second spoke

"The King of Games...!" The third gasped

"Yugi Moto!" They called, the figure walking into the alley

Yugi looked down and saw Jaden coughing up blood and still clutching his cards to his chest. Yugi looked at all three of the boys and glared at them with a vengeful glare

And then his DuelDisk glowed to life, activating

Yugi was a tall teen with purple eyes, wearing a black tank top and black leather jeans with boots, hanging from his shoulders was purple/black jacket. Around his neck was a black choker, black bands around his wrists

"So...You think you're duellists?" Yugi spoke, causing the kids to gulp in fear. "Beating on someone smaller than you?"

The three began to back up in fear, sweating

"Thought so." Yugi commented "Are you okay?" Yugi asked as he turned his attention to Jaden, to see if he was alright.

"Y... Yugi?" He blinked in shock

"C... Come in everyone! W... We can take him together!" One of the guys muttered

"Hey yeah! He can't win three to one!" The second kid agreed

"He's just a punk!" The third nodded, the three activating their duel disks

"Fine." Yugi spoke with a determined look

*Small time skip later*

"THUNDER FORCE!" Yugi called out and a great blast of fire from a large red dragon attacked the three boys at once. Dropping their life points to zero.

The three slammed into a wall, looking up at a monstrous red dragon snarling down at them

This was the power of the King of Games. The power of the Egyptian Gods. Jaden saw the entire duel...and he was entranced by it. Mostly because of Slifer, The Sky Dragon. The majestic red dragon Egyptian God.

The three bullies literally wet themselves when they lost as the dragon remained, until the duel disks deactivated.

"How are you?" Yugi asked, kneeling in front of Jaden while the bullies ran away as fast as they could "Where are your parents?"

"They... They died." Jaden whispered "... The house caught fire."

"Oh my god...Do you need somewhere to stay? Do you have any relatives?" Yugi asked in concern

"N... No relatives. P... Please?" Jaden asked before a shadowy figure appeared behind Jaden

"Who's that?" Yugi asked looking over Jaden's shoulder.

"Y... You can see Yubel?!" Jaden gasped

"Clear as day..." Yugi answered "Is she your friend?"

"Yep! She protects me!" He smiled

"Well...I'll trust her then. Come on, we can head back to my house after you go to the hospital." Yugi spoke, helping Jaden up

Jaden nodded as he stood up and looked in amazement as he saw what looked like an army of duel spirits appear behind the teen

It was like they recognised their king and would follow him into battle.

"Wow! Look at all the duel monsters Yubel!" Jaden called up to his partner, smiling as he took in her form

Yubel was a demon girl like duel monster, she had large bat-like wings; wild blue and white hair that was separated dead centre on her head. Three eyes, two human ones and the third in a diamond in the centre of her head, her human eyes were a green left eye and an orange right eye. Her left arm looked more monstrous than her right, but both looked human like; the same with her legs.

"Impressive." Yubel nodded

"Glad you think so." Yugi chuckled lightly

*At the hospital*

Jaden layer on a bed, begin patched up with Yugi sat next to him

"You're lucky these wounds are easily treated." The nurse spoke

"Th... Thank you." He nodded

"Thank you for bringing him here, Mr Muto." The nurse spoke to him

"Not a problem." Yugi answered 'Poor kid.' he thought

As the nurse left, Jaden was relaxing in the bed. He needed to recuperate.

'What IS this kid? He has the ability to see Duel Spirits and he has one of his own...Including this new power...What IS he?' Yugi thought. 'Though...He's not a bad kid.'

"My King is a very good child." Yubel nodded

"Your King? Care to explain?" Yugi asked politely.

Yubel was silent, sighing, before she sat down on Jaden's bed and began to tell a tale.

A tale centuries old. A tale of a prince of dark was forced to fight evil light. A tale of a girl sacrificing her life as a human to become the guardian of the boy she loved. A tale of a war. A tale of sacrifices. A tale of a love that transcended time. A tale of a king that passed away and was reincarnated in modern day.

Yugi looked at Yubel, then to the resting Jaden and then back to Yubel again. "Now that's love. I'll admit that." Yugi smiled

"My King is still young. He must become stronger to be ready for when the light returns." Yubel nodded before she noticed three figures behind Yugi's legs "Who are these three?"

Each of the figures revealed themselves.

The first had pale skin with a slight reddish tint, long red hair, yellow eyes, a blue gem in her forehead and small dragon wings on her back. She is also fairly skinny, the skinniest of the three. She also has a long red lizard like dress.

The second had lightly tanned skin with short blue bob-cut hair, red eyes, a blue gem on her forehead. She is slightly more muscular than the others, some smallish wings. She also has some spikes along her shoulders

The last was the most tanned/Egyptian looking skin with long blonde/white hair, large gold phoenix wings and bright red eyes. She has a blue gem on her forehead and some Egyptian styled makeup.

All the girls have priestess dresses that look like a Japanese kimono and an Egyptian dress

"They are the daughters of the Egyptian Gods." Yugi smiled

"A pleasure to meet you Ms Yubel." the girl wearing the red dress spoke and bowed "... He's cute." The red dressed girl then smiled as she looked innocent at Jaden, blushing

"...You find my Master, "cute"?" Yubel asked with wide eyes

The three girls nodded in agreement at that, the yellow/gold dressed girl holding a fan in front of her lower face

"...Let me guess...Ra's Daughter, Obelisk's Daughter, Slifer's Daughter?" Yubel asked pointing to the respective girl.

"Yes, that's right." Yugi nodded "Mana, daughter of Slifer. Berenice, daughter of Obelisk. And finally: Cleo, daughter of Ra."

"Hello." They all nodded. Mana smiled happily, Berenice grinning widely and Cleo looking calm/royally graceful

"Nice to meet you." Yubel smiled, seeing the trio only as polite and genuinely kind.

That was when Jaden mumbled in his sleep, waking up

The girls huddled behind Yugi in shock as they were a little scared, but excited.

"I... Morning." Jaden mumbled

"Jaden...Are you feeling okay?" Yubel asked kindly, kneeling down to him.

"Better. Thank you Yubel." Jaden smiled

"Wonderful...Oh, do you want to talk to Yugi?" Yubel asked

"Yugi?!" He gasped

"Forgotten me already?" Yugi chuckled "I don't blame you, you WERE beaten up pretty badly."

"Oh... It... It's Yugi!" He gasped in amazement

"Yeah...Yeah that's right." Yugi nodded

"... Wow..."

"So, you have a duel spirit; I'm impressed. Not many people can see them. Let alone have one. And she's very kind and protective to you." Yugi commented respectfully

"She's awesome!" Jaden nodded

Yubel blushed lightly, making sure that only she knew. 'Oh Jaden.' she thought happily

And as such history changed from what we all knew

*Present Day*

Jaden: 4000

Crowler: 4000

Jaden looked at his hand, seeing what he had. He had Monster Reborn, Draining Shield, Negate Attack and two monsters he liked, Elemental Heroes Clayman and Sparkman

"I shall start by playing Confiscation, paying 1000 Life Points to discard one card from your hand!" Crowler smirked cruelly

Crowler: 4000 -3000

"Ah. I remember these cards from when I was a stupid rookie." Crowler smirked as he looked at large holograms of Jaden's hand "I guess I shall destroy your Monster Reborn."

"Oh man...Okay." Jaden frowned and discarded the Monster Reborn from his hand.

"Next I play two face downs... And then okay Heavy Storm, destroying all spell and traps on the field!" Crowler grinned

"But why destroy your own cards?" Jaden asked

"Because my dear boy: these aren't ordinary cards I'm discarding." Crowler answered as two monsters materialised onto the field. They looked like two golden lion headed snake creatures with samurai helmets. "These are Wicked Tokens!"

In the stands a blonde girl flinched at the sight. The girl looked to be the same age as Jaden and was very beautiful

She had mid-back length blonde hair, with some for a fringe. She had C-Cup breasts concealed back by a white and blue accented sleeveless shirt that also had a "belt" around the neck area like a button collar. She also wore a short blue skirt that only covered down to her upper thigh. She wore blue boots that went up to her lower leg's middle. And finally blue fingerless gloves that went up to her elbow. She seemed to be about 16 with glistening golden eyes.

Next to her was a girl who looked about three years older than her. The girl had long mid back length, slightly spiky, teal hair and a set of cold, piercing teal eyes. She was wearing a nesr identical outfit to the blonde except the white and blue of the shirt was swapped around, she did not wear gloves and she had a set of tight blue pants instead of a skirt

"That jerk. Using his real deck against some poor kid." The blonde sighed

"Guess the Professor wants to make an example of him." The older girl answered

"You're too soft though Alexis. I, at least, hope we get to see the rare monster Crowler has stashed in his deck."

"Next, I'll sacrifice my two Wicked Tokens to summon, my: Ancient Gear Golem!" Crowler proclaimed summoning a great rusted monster that looked like a giant man.

Ancient Gear Golem

Level 8

3000 ATK, 3000 DEF

"There it is! The rare card!" The now named Alexis gasped

"I knew it." The older girl spoke

"Whoa..." Jaden gasped seeing the Ancient Gear Golem staring him down.

"Yes. That's it. Tremble in fear!" Crowler laughed

But it wasn't fear that Jaden was trembling in...It was adrenaline. Excitement. It was the duelling spirit. A challenge!

"This is awesome! Is it my turn?!" Jaden grinned

"Awesome? You think this is "awesome"? You're facing down a monster with 3000 ATK and DEF points." Crowler answered

"Yea, I know! This is what a duel is! Both players using their all, trusting their decks and seeing what combo's you can pull out! Every monster has a use; every monster has the possibility to turn the tables! I just need the right card and I can turn this around, maybe even win!" Jaden smiled happily

Crowler, along with Alexis and the older girl went wide eyed...This kid had a fire none of them had seen. It was incredible.

"My turn: DRAW!" Jaden called as he dramatically drew a card and you could almost see a trail of gold from the card, like it was glowing "Sweet!" Jaden smiled as he looked at the card before he showed it off, the card being a green magic card which had a green and blue pot on it with a weird smirking face on "I use the magic card: Pot of Green! The magic of this card allows me to draw two more cards!" As he put the card into his graveyard he drew two more from his deck... And grinned at what he saw

'He's smiling. What could he have gotten?' Crowler thought 'Doesn't matter. His hand doesn't have anything that can rival my Gear Golem.'

"First I will summon this guy! Come forth: Evil Hero Infernal Gainer!" Jaden called as he placed one of his drawn cards onto the field, a skeletal clad warrior with bone like armour and a cape emerged on the field

Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

Level 4

1600 ATK, 0 DEF

The question on everyone's lips at the sight of the monster was "The heck is an Evil Hero?"

"Infernal Gainer? I've never heard of that monster before." Crowler spoke, trying to examine the monster Jaden just summoned

"Yea. Let's just say it's rather rare for now." Jaden smiled as he grabbed there's cards from his hand and held them high "I now use Dark Fusion to fuse together the Elemental Heroes Sparkman and Clayman in order to summon out a friend for Gainer!" After he said that he placed all three cards into his graveyard and held his hand forward with a purple Fusion Monster card from his hand "Come forth: Evil Hero Lightning Golem!"

Lightning sparked and roared before a massive lightning-bolt crashed in front of Jaden revealing a purple, teal and gold armoured warrior

Evil Hero Lightning Golem

Level 6

2400 ATK, 1500 DEF

"Don't Sparkman and Clayman become Thunder Giant?" A random student asked

"And what is with this Evil Hero thing? How can a Hero be Evil?" Another asked

"Simple!" Jaden case dramatically, pointing to the sky "Evil Heroes are Heroes willing to do a few villain-esk things in order to BEAT the villains! There are more brutal, doing what needs to be done! Which also makes them more powerful than their Elemental counterparts! For example: Lightning Golem here! Old Thunder Giant's effect would only allow it to destroy a monster weaker than it, as well as require me to discard a card! But Lightning Golem? He can destroy any monster on your field, payment free!" Jaden called dramatically, pointing at the professor's monster "And I know JUST what I am aiming for!"

"No!" Crowler gasped

"Yes! Go Lightning Golem, destroy the Ancient Gear knockoff! Voltic Ball!" Jaden called

Lightning Golem nodded, as if it listened to what Jaden said like it was alive. It charged a massive hold of electricity in its hand and thrust its arm forward, making Ancient Gear Golem explode

"My precious Golem!" Crowler cried in fear and defeat

"And what to know the best part? MY Golem can still attack since that was just his effect!" Jaden smirked

"This kids gonna win." Alexis blinked, in pure awe

"I know my monster's ATK adds up to 4000, more than enough to end you, but you know what?" Jaden grinned

"W... What?" Crowler whimpered

"I want to show off!" Jaden cheered "I activate the effect of my Infernal Gainer! I remove him from play and a FIEND type monster, which Evil Heroes just so HAPPEN to be, that I select, like... Say... Lightning Golem?... Well the selected monster can attack again!" Jaden grinned. He took Gainer's card off his duel disk and put it in his pocket carefully, the monster turning into light and flying into Lightning Golem's chest orb "Now, Lightning Golem! Attack the Teach directly with two times the power! Hell Thunder!"

"HRRERGAAAHHHH!" Lightning Golem roared as he unleashed a massive blast of thunder, electrocuting Crowler who screamed as his life points hit zero

Crowler: 3000 - 0000


"Gotcha!" Jaden grinned, pointing at the smoking Crowler with his first two fingers pointing while his last two where curled tightly and his thumb resting under his fingers

"Who... Are you?" Crowler muttered as he fell to the floor, black with soot and sparking slightly

"I'm Jaden Yuki, adopted Son of Yugi Moto and the next King of Games!" Jaden called proudly, smirking lightly as his eyes flashed gold for a second "Well, see ya teach!" He waved nonchalantly as he ran out of the arena and up the stairs finding a small blue haired guy and a black haired guy in the area he wanted to sit, the black haired guy being the one to defeated the teacher before Jaden's turn

The whole place was electric with energy and shock. This kid beat the TEACHER of Duel Academy on his first turn! It was just amazing.

Plus he was the adopted son/pupil of Yugi Moto?!

"Well... Looks like this year so be interesting." Alexis smiled

"It looks like it." The older girl answered, only SLIGHTLY impressed.

"Hey." Jaden greeted a short blue haired; grey/teal eyed boy small circular glasses and the black haired British teen that defeated the instructor before Jaden's duel

"Nice to meet ya. What's your name?" Jaden asked kindly with a smile

"S... Syrus Truesdale..." The blue haired boy stuttered

"Nice to meet you, Syrus." Jaden chuckled

"Likewise" The black haired boy answered

"... And you are?" Jaden asked

"Bastion Misawa." The boy replied

"Oh, nice to meet you Bastion." Jaden responded

"H-Hi there." Syrus added

"Why are you so shy Sy?" Jaden asked jokingly

"Sy?" Syrus gulped at the nickname and felt ashamed

"Short for Syrus. Sorry, that a bad nickname?" Jaden laughed nervously

"N-No! It's just...I don't...Never HAD a nickname before. Well, not by other people." Syrus answered

"Your friends never gave you one?" Jaden asked

"I um...I never had a lot of friends." Syrus admitted

"Well you've got one now." Jaden grinned

Syrus smiled and turned to the front of the stadium.

Jaden's duel was the last of the invitation, everyone wondering what would happen next

"Alright everyone. Quiet down." One of the instructors ordered

As one the crowed quieted down

"All of you, who failed the initiation: try again next year. All of you who passed? Welcome to Duel Academy. And based on your scores for your tests will determine where you will be placed in the dorms." The man spoke

"I wonder where I'll be placed." Jaden muttered

"Obelisk, obviously." Syrus muttered sadly "While I'll just be a Slifer reject."

"What's wrong with Slifer?" Jaden asked "Slifer's awesome."

"It's the lowest dorm." Bastion informed

"...So...Slifer's the lowest and Obelisk's the highest?" Jaden asked

"That's right." Bastion nodded

"...Who came up with THAT system?" Jaden asked

"Kaiba. He owns the school." Bastion shrugged

"...Then the system is like his quiet revenge on Yugi." Jaden commented

Bastion nodded at that, humming

Over the time, different people were being told where they were being put in. Until they got to Bastion, Syrus and Jaden.

"Bastion Misawa: Ra Yellow." The instructor proclaimed

"Most logical choice." Bastion nodded, walking away

"I'll see you two at the academy." Bastion waved to Jaden and Syrus.

"See ya, Bastion." Jaden waved

"Bye." Syrus added

"Syrus Truesdale. Slifer." The instructor called out

"... I knew it." He grumbled, walking away

"Hey, Sy...I'll see you in Slifer." Jaden reassured him, trying to cheer him up.

"... What?" Syrus blinked

"Jaden Yuki." The instructor called, pulling out another piece of paper

"I'm not gonna leave you alone in that dorm." Jaden responded

"But-But what if you're Obelisk? Or Ra?" Syrus asked

Jaden was quiet, walking up to the instructor

"Slifer." The instructor spoke.

"Sweet!" Jaden smiled at the result.

"WHAT?!" The hall gasped

The entire stadium was in shock. This kid, the adopted child of Yugi Muto: THE King of Games; was in Slifer?! The lowest ranked dorm in the school!

Especially after what he did against Crowler!

People were calling this whole thing a "payback" since he humiliated Crowler in one move.

Other, arrogant, players decided that this was proof that he had gotten 'lucky' against Crowler and would be easy to defeat

"Thanks for this teach. See ya at the school." Jaden just accepted the placement and went off to find Syrus.

He sat down, Syrus staring at him in shock not saying a word.

Little did 99% of the hall know but three figures appeared around Jaden

There were: a girl wearing a red dragon like dress, long red hair, a blue gem in her forehead, A/B-Cup breasts and yellow eyes.

A blue haired lightly tanned skin girl with short blue bob-cut hair, red eyes, a blue gem on her forehead. She is slightly more muscular than the other girls, some smallish wings on her back and D-Cup breasts.

And finally an Egyptian tan girl with long blonde/white hair, large gold phoenix wings and bright red eyes. She has a blue gem on her forehead, B-Cup breasts but a heart-shaped ass and some Egyptian styled makeup.

The same children that where with Yugi when Jaden was a child, only grown up into teenagers

"Congrats on getting in, Jaden." Mana, the red haired girl, smiled

"He'll be rising through the school immensely." Cleo, the blonde haired girl, added

"Please. We all know he asked Uncle Yugi to get him into Red because he loves Uncle Slifer over mine and Cleo's dads." The blue haired girl, Berenice, rolled her eyes with a tomboyish smile "And he'll stay there, at least unofficially, until he graduates."

"Y-You're in Slifer." Syrus spoke in shock

"Of course. I told ya." Jaden chuckled

Mana grinned and hugged Jaden's arm excitedly, smiling boyishly

"Now, with all of you sorted into your dorms: we'll get your uniforms and times to tell you when to dock for the island." The instructor called out "As well as your room numbers. Good luck, future duellists." The instructor finished, walking off

"Well, see you tomorrow Sy." Jaden smiled

"I...Okay Jaden. Bye." Syrus answered and left

Jaden smiled as he left the arena, not noticing the people staring at him

One of them was a black haired girl, wearing an Obelisk Blue jacket and trousers and a glare on her face.

"The Slifer Slacker thinks he's so tough." The girl snarled weakly, wearing the boy's uniform instead of the girls. Her name flunkies nodded in agreement with the girl

"So what're you gonna do Jazz?" one of them asked

"Simple. Take him down a few pegs." Jazz smirked

"Good idea. Show him who's boss." One of the others spoke

They both nodded, drooling a bit over the girl's body as she stood up and began to walk away

'I'll show that slacker who's the best at the school.' She thought

To be continued

If you have any comments please leave them in reviews.