Primitive age of Xianxia (Honghuang Style xianxia, Pseudo insert mc)) by DaoistDreamwalker

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( In the primitive era, Pangu has just opened up the primordial universe. A Primitive World in which the process of creation is still incomplete. Yet already powerful beings walks the earth. Innate gods, powerful immortals spawned from heaven and earth, reincarnations of even older godfiends, primordial beasts born of rage and filled with eternal hunger, and native innate creatures born weaker and helpless. In this time, the fame figures of mythology like the Three Pure Ones, the Jade Emperor, or the Monkey King are yet to exist.

It was in this era that a sea god came to be. An impossibility that wasn't meant to be. A creature that was fundamentally incomplete spiritually, physically, and mentally. A failure by the standards of existence. But all the same, an inhabitant of this archaic world.

Can this life shift the course of history? Is the Primitive World destined to walk down the events of Investiture of the Gods and Journey to the West? Or will history change to the flapping of a single butterfly. )


In the beginning, before the current world order. Before all the nations of men, demons, ghosts, and gods. Before the cataclysmic battles that decided the course of history. Before the Three realms and even before the oldest of myths of the oldest of gods themselves. The Chaos Sea encompassed the space which will one day house the Primitive World which eventually transformed into the Three Realms.

The Chao Sea, the infinite realm which encompassed all existence since the beginning of creation. The vast expansive space which housed all things past present and future. The highest plane of existence thought possible by all manner of celestial beings.

It is the colourless yet colourful timeless transcendental void beyond the understandings of even enlightened immortals. A level of space in which anyone who has not truly come into ownership of themselves, their true souls would be torn apart on a fundamental level. That was to say, anybody below the realm of Golden Immortal or equivalent should cease to exist upon entry.

This was the boundless nothingness which birthed all things and housed the ever birthing ever dying multiverse. This was due to the Great Dao, the celestial mind which commands the Chaos Sea and brings about creation and the existence of universes. Countless Chaos Worlds, universes with their own individual spacetimes in their own right come into existence and perish all the same as commonly as one would see clouds in the sky.

Time and distance was nearly impossible to measure and directions were as confusing as it could possibly get. Even the most skillful of navigators would be lost easily. In fact, this was while societies and large gatherings did not stray far from their place of origin creating pseudo domains where they were active. Very rarely do travelers wonder to far off recesses of the Chaos Sea.

Just about the only thing consistent within the vast expanse of chaos was a chaos cycle. An approximate measurement of how long it takes for a Chaos World to be born, age, and perish. A cosmic cycle or a cosmic year if you will.

Yet perceptions of this measurement was perceived differently depending on geography. Though the amount of time it takes is consistent across all creation. The universes within could experience anywhere within a single day to billions of years.

And it was in one obscure corner of the Chaos Sea where the origins of the primordial Primitive World would exist. Within the area immediate of a white oval, a society of extremely powerful immortals resided.

Cultivators, seekers of the Dao, the one truth, the absolute path. A society with an obsessive desire for self improvement and individualism. A society in which each member experimented and cultivated their own path to power.

Few in number yet great in strength, the Chaos Godfiends were among the masters of the Chaos Sea.

Born chaos lifeforms within the Chaos Sea as Golden Immortal innate gods, they were inducted into the civilization by their seniors and forced through many trials. After which they emerged on the other side as a member of the philosophy.

While individualistic in nature, they were not entirely solitary. These beings regularly interacted with each other in exchanges, developed language and friendships. Factions formed and warred over resources, xiantian spiritual treasures born from energy just like themselves or special connate herbs. And even a chaos cycle to them was referred to as a yuanhui.

Their language script was mystical by nature and unintelligible for ordinary creatures. Only substantially powerful cultivators or immortals can even begin to comprehend the writing. Their legacies were vast and sought after for their insight into the Dao and the wealth they've gathered over many years.

In ancient times many, their ancestor and patriarch Taichu past on his mindset to them in the form of cultivation philosophy. To maddeningly pursue the Dao for it is the ultimate absolute truth in all things. Nothing else truly matters and all things are but a means to an end in seeking the Dao.

This this way, they gained enlightenment and infinite power. All in service of reaching the final realm. The mythical Dao realm.

Cultivation was a long and arduous path. Many died wether in conflict or by accidents. From Golden Immortal as a starting point, forming the great unity and growing the cosmic tree in Great unity Golden Immortal, to finally sprouting the Dao fruit as a Chaos Immortal.

Taichu, also known as the Ancestor of Grand Beginnings founded the Chaos Godfiends civilization due to his desire to pass on his mission. He arrested chaos lifeforms at random and brought them to a safe haven, his Taichu Temple and imparted to them the single minded philosophy of seeking the Dao.

Taichu was greatly admired and worshipped even. But if there was thing the Godfiends will always hold against him, it was his refusal to speak of the Wuji principle.

Cultivation was hard and arduous, the aspect of the final steps, the steps of attaining and perfecting the Dao was the hardest above all. Chaos Immortals sprout their Dao fruits hence they gain the Great Principle. This was why first step Chaos Immortals were known as Great Principle Chaos Immortals.

They enhance and improve their Dao until phenomenas begin forming on their fruits, thus their Dao transform to show their insight. This was the second step, Primal Origin Chaos Immortals.

Reaching the pinnacle, the stage where further improvements of the path is no longer possible was attained at the third step. The step in which an immortal has reached the limits of their path. This stage, Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal was where the Chaos Godfiends reached their summit of strength.

But Taichu was never at this stage. He stood above and beyond at the fourth step of Chaos Immortal realm. The step in which the unbound infinite inception of the Dao representing the supreme ultimate and limitless ultimate are comprehended. By studying and attaining Wuji, Taichu was a Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal.

This legendary stage was the final realm, the precursor before finally reaching the transcendent state of Dao realm.

But he never imparted the secrets as to how to attained that step. Taichu left the Chaos Godfiends after teaching them but never imparted the final steps. Wether he wished for them to learn of it themselves or lost interest was up for debate.

Hence for many Chaos Cycles, this race of immortal gods reigned in their corner of the Chaos Sea. Supreme and indomitable, inducting countless others and producing many illustrious experts.

By the time of the current era, over a hundred and eight thousand Chaos Godfiends had reached between the Great Principle Chaos Immortal stage and the Primal Origin Chaos Immortal stage. Yet they were ultimately small fries.

The true masters numbered three thousand. Three thousand absolute beings of unimaginable strength. Each and every single one of them perfected their paths reaching the Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal stage.

They stood heads and shoulders above the rest and reigned like kings becoming beings similar to living concepts. But ultimately, they could not progress further. The mystery of Wuji was simply too much.

So while some still desperately clung onto the ideology, searching for the way to progress such as the Chaos Cricket and his devilish companion. Many choose to vie for dominance instead.

In the vast expanse of the Chaos Sea, the three thousand Chaos Godfiends formed factions. Clans of immortals with similar mindsets that set out to prove their supremacy.

The largest of these were the Demonic War Alliance led by the Chaos Demon Ape and his second in command Beast Emperor Shenni. This faction in terms of overall strength was the strongest of them all.

Another noteworthy group was the trinity of experts including the Great God of Vast Oceans Tian Haii, the god of the Five Elements Huoyun, and the Great Immortal Yang Mei.

In the constant fighting and struggles, a hierarchy was somewhat established.

The invincible and solemn Destiny Demon God stood lofty at the very peak never having suffered defeat. He was a true abomination of creatures possessing many heads and eyes and the power to perceive destiny itself. Every battle was guaranteed in his favour.

Below him were the Four Great Chaos Godfiends. The Chaos Demon Ape, mighty god of war who single handily tore the civilization a new one. Sichen the lord of time who with his sands, blew away the competition.

Yang Mei and Five Elements Huoyun also entered this group as invincible immortals. The former was a master of spacetime greater then even the Ancestor Qiankun while the latter could sever the connections of an immortal and their treasure.

Glorious and unparalleled, the Chaos Godfiends were truly invincible.


Nothing lasts forever.

There's always someone out there better then you.

And the Chaos Godfiends learned this the hard way.

Eons ago, long before Taichu even had the idea for Chaos Godfiends. The ovoid structure of pure white stone existed in this corner of the Chaos Sea. Everyone had thought this to be a natural geographical feature, another oddity of the Chaos Sea.

But that was false.

This egg like structure was not an ordinary object. It was instead the private cultivation grounds of a far more ancient and far more powerful expert.

His name?


Pangu lived for nearly fifty thousand Chaos Cycles. He had been around since the earliest time periods of the Chaos Sea. His mastery was extremely high and his attainment was at the peak of Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal.

Except he wasn't just that. He was so much more.

Pangu reached the Limitless Supreme stage aeons ago. For countless Chaos Cycles, he has been cultivating, adventuring, tempering himself to the absolute limit. Even as far back as Taichu's creation of the Chaos Godfiends, Pangu had already been capable of attaining the absolute pinnacle.

Dao realm, the omnipotent summit of all existence. One's existence at that stage would equate to that of the Great Dao itself, the instinctual will which brought all things to life and acts as the supreme authority of the Chaos Sea.

Dao realm was the final stage that a Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal sought for, a stage too far away for even the Chaos Godfiends to think about. Yet Pangu was capable of reaching it long ago.

The throne of the Great Dao was already created, Pangu's own Dao had long reached the Dao realm. It was not a recent breakthrough, but an ancient one. A solid foundation for the Dao realm where Pangu could just step upon the throne to ascend.

Yet for whatever reason he never chose to do so.

Pangu remained as a Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal till the very end. He ignored history even as it went on around him, caging himself from outside influences. Meditating and contemplating, Pangu to the outside world appeared heavily conflicted.

It was unknown what his thoughts were or why he did the things he did. Those that knew Pangu personally would've likely all been long gone by know and the Chaos Godfiends never had the chance to ask him.

For the tragedy that caused the downfall of the Chaos Godfiends had no true causes within their control. The incident was due to the selfishness of Pangu. The feelings of grief, despair, rage that the godfiends felt was palpable to their final moments.

Pangu's emergence from his cosmic egg was a solemn event. The hairy giant was bare chested, naked except for a leaf loincloth wrapped around his waist. He stood upon a massive green lotus possessing thirty six petals. Behind him floated a massive jade disc with the engravings of a butterfly hovering like a halo.

In Pangu's hands was a single handed axe that possessed horrifying might.

These treasures were all extremely powerful artifacts. Treasures far more powerful than even the strongest of xiantian spiritual treasures or even their upgraded chaos spiritual treasures. These were Dao realm spiritual treasures.

Pangu Axe.

36 petals Chaos Green Lotus

Chaos Jade Dic

Three protective which in unison exploded in power. The incident drew the attention of every godfiend who was alive at the time. Their presences were the first thing Pangu saw.

Yet the great god never attempted to communicate with them. He seemed to stare at them with regret for a short period of time. His eyes carried conflicted messages and his face was one of hesitation. Yet his look of resolve obviously indicated he had come to a decision.

Future generation praised Pangu for his sacrifice. For his gift. Yet this generation of archaic lifeforms saw him as the greatest of all evils. A curse, a blight, a monstrous destroyer.

Faster then the godfiends could even realize what was going on, Pangu had already made his move. In a single instant, a hundred and eight thousand lesser godfiends were drawn towards the giant.

The Chaos Godfiends were not small. Each and every single one of them were massive in size, incomprehensible large compared to modern lifeforms. They easily eclipsed tens of thousands of kilometres in length.

Yet they were but mere specs of dust in front of Pangu. Pangu who stood in the infinite void as a giant billions of kilometres tall. Pangu who only gave them a pitying look of regret followed by a sigh of guilt.

When he struck, Pangu felt guilt. He could only feel guilt. But his resolve was simply too strong. He had long made up his mind and nothing could've stopped him.

In a flash, all of the lesser godfiends were slain. They were ground down to the last atom and transformed into mystical clouds of gas. Their Daos floated into Pangu's open hand into a swirling ball of energy.

Realizing their danger, the Chaos Godfiends attempted to flee. Yet in one breath, Pangu caged them all in sealing spacetime in a barrier impenetrable by even the strongest of Primal Zenith experts.

Towards these greater godfiends, these three thousand supreme ones. Pangu lifted his axe in greeting.

"I am Pangu," he said. "Chaos Godfiends, please die."

The godfiends felt despair, but they also felt anger. Their prides were hurt and seeing no other option, they charged forth towards their deaths.

The first one to fall did not charge with them. The Chaos Cricket leapt in front of Pangu's strike and was killed on the spot joining the orb in Pangu's hands. He was followed by an army of mighty beings.

One after the other, these powerful immortals fell.

Chaos Sky Dragon.

Sun Demon God.

Moon Demon God.




Yang Mei.


The Chaos Demon ape was the most ferocious in his assault. After the Destiny Demon God was mercilessly cut down powerless to do anything, the monkey of war dialed Pangu with vigor. In his final moments, the monkey had reached a breakthrough.

Among all the others, he was quite possibly the only one to have seen the Wuji principle and realized how to reach it. Yet it was all too late. Pangu obliterated him until there was nothing left. His Dao of war joined up with the rest transforming into a nascent world core in Pangu's hands.

"Damn you! Pangu you call yourself? You're just a barbaric beast!"

The Chaos Godfiends were swiftly cut down. All perished save for one final soul. The immortal of raging seas, Tian Hai who was part of a trifecta with Huoyun and Yang Mei. At the last moments, his brothers saved him, pushing their weakest comrade away while they perished.

Tian Hai, stubborn and ruthless attacked anyway. Pangu received his blow with a pitying look. He was not injured in the slightest. This Tian Hai might as well have been a bug to him.

"I may've killed you all, yet you may soon find yourselves waking up to a new world. It is a gift you must not squander. Those of you with the will and strength to be reborn. Please die godfiend," Pangu said with a tone of regret.

"Damn you Pangu! Damn you and your cursed gifts! Why don't you die instead!" Tian Hai screamed transforming into an all encompassing wave.

To this Pangu only sighed regretfully. He was impressed with Tian Hai's power and commitment. But he also found the raging sea god lacking.

Pangu was not ignorant of the individuals he had slain. He had seen them all from within his cosmic egg. Tian Hai in particular was ruthless and lawless. He had no qualms about slaughtering Chaos World's worth of living beings if it meant he could improve. Suffice to say, he was not a particularly pleasant individual.

Seeing as he was so committed to killing Pangu, Pangu decided to attack harder then he tried with the others. His axe swung down cutting through the wave. Along with it, Tian Hai was extinguished in mere moments.

His soul was cleaved apart, destabilizing and began breaking down even as it was sucked into Pangu's hand. Unlike the others, Tian Hai's chances of reincarnating as significantly lower.

His labour done, Pangu went on to his real task.

His axe was raised high, its edge shone. Swirls of chaos clouds swirled into his axe producing a protrusion. Chaotic Sword Qi, named after the tool specialized in cutting for having the most lethal cutting power ever seen.

This substance was something Pangu not only invented but also a master at using. With it, Pangu attacked the fabric of reality itself.

Like a blacksmith beating their metal, Pangu cut into the Chaos Sea itself. His harvested Daos coursed forwards transforming into a golden orb. Seeing this, the resigned Pangu smiled.

"To hell with the Chaos Sea. Let me rewrite you!" Pangu declared.

His aim was to change the Chaos Sea entirely. With his power, he desperately tried to force his desire into all creation.

Was the plan crazy? Yes. Was it stupid? Yes. Did Pangu know? Yes.

Will it actually work? No.

Was he going to stop? No.

Pangu used all his might. He began burning his ow Nascent Soul for power. He hung his life on the line for this one singular great deed. A deed that will change the fabric of reality as it knew it.

In far of distance, a set of blue brothers turned their heads feeling something off with the Chaos Sea. A sleeping god deaf to the world did not notice, but a multi coloured serpent far away felt it too.

But the most prolific person who not only felt but saw Pangu's actions was the original lifeforms. The primordial spirit and turned his gaze for the first time in aeons.

"Foolish," he said before ignoring the world again.

Pangu's actions grew desperate. The Chaos Sea was not easy to destroy, Pangu knew this. Even now, his body suffered backlash after backlash from the Chaos Sea's fabric's tear down.

His own body tore apart as he relentlessly attacked.

"This shall be my greatest will. Pangu Manuel Final Art, Heavens Opening Slash!" He declared.

He swing his axe harder then it had ever had before. He combined his Jade Disc and his lotus into his attack. An attack who finally broke through the fabric of the Chaos Sea. An attack that shattered his axe, broke apart his lotus, and heavily damaged his disc.

"I apologize old friend," Pangu said weakly. The rift before him opened up to horrifying sounds. Pangu manifested his Dao and attempted to push it forwards. Along with the golden core in his hand he tried to fuse them into the Chaos Sea.

If successful, he would rewrite the Chaos Sea into a new iteration to itself. A new world for which he would've created. A mad suicidal yet dastardly beautiful move. This move meant to penetrate into Great Dao within the Chaos Sea.

Ultimately though, it was foolish.

Yet it was not an unexpected result. the rift spewed forth chaotic energies enveloping Pangu and his harvest. The void swallowed them whole along with the former civilization of the Chaos Godfiends. But afterwards, everything seemed to return to normal.

The only difference was that now there was a new Chaos World forming.


Rather then a Chaos World which had a limited lifespan, this could not be called that. This creation of Pangu was something else entirely. It had so much going on, so much chaos, so much powerful materials within that it was collapsing in on itself. The parts going in was simply too powerful, the natural course of events was a massive explosion expelling all the Daos, Pangu's damaged treasures, and the fragments of the Chaos Sea.

Pangu had failed in his intended goal. But he had expected that for it was a suicide gamble to begin with. A great deed that could never had worked.

Within the new Chaos World, spacetime was already collapsing. This new creation simply did not have the ability to withstand the pressure of its own weight. It flatted like a closing rift that was stretching horizontally while the space within minimalized.

It would've been a hopeless thing if not for Pangu. Pangu floated within the new collapsing Chaos World. He had shrunk from his previous immense size to a now comparatively normal human size. Space had also flattened with him to a now almost two dimensional plane.

Pangu was dying, his attack caused him to suffer tremendous damage to the point where his death was assured. But he did not immediately die. His body, broken as it was was still functional. However given time he would waste away and perish, alone and unknown.

Seeing this, Pangu stood back up. Space may be collapsing around him but he did not care. He raised his arm and grabbed hold of the Chaos World's roof. In his final moments, he refused to allow his work to go to waste.

Hence Pangu steadied his feet and arms. Then he pushed up. And up. And up. And up. And up. And up.

Pangu grew as he pushed. He separated the top(Heaven) from the bottom(Earth). He forced the two apart and thus facilitated the Chaos World's ability to start coming into being. Pangu continued to push upwards even as he felt himself breaking down, he forced himself to last just a little while longer.

The Chaos World accepted Pangu's labour. His Dao along with the golden orb merged fully into the universe becoming its core. They helped stabilize things and his Dao began the process of creating life

Below him, the land slowly formed. This Great Wilderness forming around his feet took in the the hairs and sweat that fell from Pangu's body. Each strand transformed into forests, each droplet into rivers.

Eventually, the Great Wilderness consolidated into a single landmass broken down by barriers into five portions. Five continents connected by land, circular in nature and surrounded by four seas. Small islands floated at the furthest edges of Great Wilderness becoming poles.

But as creation was processed, Pangu's Dao began spewing forth life. Innate creatures born as immortals. But they were not in true ownership of themselves, not Golden Immortal and their true souls inhabited the river of souls bound to Pangu's Chaos World.

For many years, Pangu continued to grow, all the while living beings came into existence underneath his watchful eye. Yet it was not just innate creatures who were born.

The hatred, the rage, the fury of the Chaos Godfiends. The manifestation of Pangu's ruthless actions had taken form as well. The black muck produced conglomerated into creatures around the world.

Creatures who while powerful, were mindless and always hungry despite their immortality. These primordial beasts roamed the land even before the first innate creatures. When the first lifeforms appeared, theses beasts acted out their impulses.

And thus, the great scourge of beasts hunting living beings began. Pangu was powerless. He could only watch as these beats consumed the newborn living beings.

But ultimately, Pangu felt regret. He looked at himself, looked at the world around him, analyzed his current state and everything that led up to it. He couldn't help but feel a sense of self loathing.

But it was too late to change anything.

Above Pangu's head, the Starry Skies formed as another dimension to complement the Great Wilderness. It was a vast world of stars floating submerged in near invisible starry water. It was separated only by the barrier that was a skybox of sorts that projected the Starry Skies to the Great Wilderness.

And thus, eighteen thousand years past. The Chaos Godfiends decided to measure a Chaos Cycle as a hundred and twenty nine thousand six hundred years. Thus the time cycle of Pangu's Chaos World was the same hundred and twenty nine thousand six hundred years, a single yuanhui.

Sadly, Pangu's physical form could only last for eighteen thousand. On the eighteen thousandth year, Pangu's form gave out. Since he died, the sky should logically crash into the earth restarted the destruction of this Chaos World. Yet this was not the end.

As a final act of kindness, Pangu transformed his body into a mountain. A tall celestial construct that sprouted into the sky. Its peak touched upon the heavens themselves permanently acting as a pillar that kept heaven away from earth.

Pangu had as a final gifted, transformed into the celestial mountain Mt Buzhou.

Thus marked the true beginnings of the Primitive World.