Danganronpa: Despair's Therapy by cantsleep25

Link: -https://fiction.live/stories/Danganronpa-Despair-s-Therapy/PSzrFmkrnP5kganqK/home

( A world of the talented, the hopeful, the despaired. You among them are an oddity, a foreigner to this world. As such, you'll rise above all that challenge you. What is humanity to a god? )


It wasn't your decision to be in this world! If anything you'd rather be

back within the stars! Watching the various worlds march towards their

untimely demise! But your boss being a salty bastard sent you on

vacation to the 'wonderful' world of Danganronpa!

This story does not start within a world of hope and despair, it starts within the stars at the far corners of reality. You are a lesser deity among creatures of unfathomable power, you are a worker god. You are currently employed under a being known as The Voice, or more colloquially 'Apophis'. A creature that forms itself out of stars and manipulates various universes for his sick amusement.

Your job as an employee is to handle the tossed out worlds that Apophis no longer takes interest in. Quite frankly, you're a fancy janitor for a being of immense cosmic power. The worst part? Apophis is generally considered the weakest amongst the ageless creatures that can only be referred to as 'Gods', and you work for him.

It's pathetic, you're not a prideful creature in all honesty but it does sting to know that you are so unimportant that you have to work as a janitor for the weakest deity. However, it's not all bad. Since your job is to manage the worlds Apophis doesn't take interest in you've found yourself enjoying messing with the various inhabitants of the universes he tosses out.

After all, Apophis tossed them out, so who cares if you play with them for a bit before trashing them? Hell, who cares if you don't trash them at all? Apophis doesn't want them, you do. You enjoy your playthings, they give you your only amount of joy in this pathetic job you work.

The issue? Your boss took notice. Worse is that he cared a lot about what you were doing.

The familiar voice of your boss echoed around you as the stars formed into a snake, his tone irritable, "Employee Number 92460. I've become aware of certain 'activities' you've been partaking in. Like… Not doing your required duties, ignoring company policy, breaking our laws… Oh, and most importantly conspiring against your employer." He… Also found out about that.

So maybe you were convincing fellow disgruntled employees and by extension other lesser deities to conspire against your boss. All for the purpose of instating you as the new Voice. You even came up with a good name for yourself! 'Seth', a fierce name for a god that controls universes, right?

Yet your boss didn't seem as excited as you… For obvious reasons… "I know we don't interact much as you're rather low on the totem pole of our 'company'. But as much as I appreciate the attempt to overthrow me… I also happen to enjoy my current position." Well yeah, that's the entire reason why you wanted his position. Who wouldn't want to own entire universes?

Despite the tone of his voice having been angered this entire time it all of a sudden took a joyous turn, "Yet, I can't find it within myself to truly punish you. How could I not love the dedication? Even if it's against me I still can't help but gush about how well your plan was going! If it wasn't for the fact that one of your fellow conspirators betrayed you, you'd probably at least have gotten to fighting me!" Huh! Who the fuck betrayed you… It was 11037 wasn't it?

"It was." That fucking bastard couldn't keep his jealousy in check.

With a clearing of his throat Apophis spoke up once again, "Now, now. You have nothing to worry about… Since I have no desire to truly punish you and I do value your service as an employee… I have decided that you'll be sent on indefinite… Vacation…" No… No, no, no. No! Not vacation!

The true form of The Voice appeared before you, in all of his intimidating glory. A serpent of white with hands as long as his arms. He was 'disfigured' to all hell, but it's more likely that you aren't powerful enough to understand his true shape.

He spoke solemnly as his tail slithered towards you, "Yes, vacation time. Since you've worked for me for the past three thousand millennia I thought it was finally time for you to have a break. Your obsession with your work has clearly affected you mentally. Some time to relax and reflect will do you some good." As he finishes talking he slams his tail into you.

You feel yourself leave your 'body' behind as you plummet into one of the many worlds below. Who could say where you'd end up?

When you next awoke it was dark, and wet. You couldn't breathe… You can't breathe! You're drowning… No! You're being drowned! Somebody is holding you down, choking you out within shallow waters! You try to fight against the vice grip around your neck, but it's fruitless. Your arms are frail in comparison to whoever is drowning you.

You try to think how you ended up in this situation, but a variety of memories came forth and none of them were your own. Technically they weren't yours. They are now though. Akira Furuya, that is your new name. No longer are you associated with an employee number, you are now human…

You live within Japan and are the product of a foreign mother and a Japanese salaryman. Your mother originates from the Middle East though she has never specified which country. While your father died of overwork a few years back at his office job. Despite growing up during your teenage years with only a single mother to take care of you, you made it by.

In fact the boy known as Akira Furuya seemed to have a very powerful empathetic understanding. It was to such a degree that he began work as a psychologist in a renowned clinic within Tokyo.

Yes he became a psychologist as a teenager. It seems the major difference of this world is that humans occasionally have these things known as 'Talents'.

Talents give humans a near supernatural ability in whatever they are talented in and it's very likely that Akira has a talent in psychology. Because of this if someone proves they are talented enough in a subject they can usually bypass age restriction laws. Which Akira had done.

No… That's what you had done. You are Akira now, you have to get used to it. You, as Akira, had become a psychologist at the age of sixteen. Amongst adults, who have spent their whole lives studying the mind, you are the greatest. You even have a license to prescribe medicine! You could outperform anyone in your field ten times over because of your unique talent!

Yet despite that, you had fucked up. Badly.

Fifteen Minutes Ago, Akira Furuya POV

Your name is Akira Furuya, you are likely to be a student at Hope's Peak Academy. As you've been invited as the Ultimate Psychologist, in reference to your success as one since age sixteen. You live in Tokyo with your mother and work as a psychologist. A few years back you applied for a job at a famous clinic renowned for their psychiatric help.

They were uncertain of hiring you at first, but after completing all the necessary documentation and acing the necessary eligibility test you were hired. Afterwards you proved your worth by helping your various clients get sufficient help with their mental issues. Which in turn got you more clients and by extension more people who were happy with your service.

With the apparent exception of one. Last night as you were grabbing your things to head home you found a note on your desk. It was addressed specifically to you, so this had to be either a prank or someone who knows something. "Come to Shibuya River, alone at 12 AM. I know what you did." Apparently whoever wrote this is the only one who does.

You recognize the chicken scratch of whoever wrote this, but for whatever reason you can't remember who. It's obviously not one of your co-workers, most of them pride themselves on their clean handwriting. So it has to be a patient, but who?

Your curiosity compelled you to find out what this person seems to know, but you aren't an idiot. You wouldn't just blindly walk into possible danger without a weapon, taking a butcher knife from home and a pack of bandage wrap you headed to Shibuya River. The water was shallow tonight as you walked down the walkways.

Noticing a shady individual wearing a trench coat and hat standing on a service walkway that's supposed to be used to keep the river clean. The individual takes notice of you and waves you over… So that has to be the person who knows something you don't. Making your way over you keep your hand close to where you hid your knife.

An aged voice that you recognized rings out from the figure as you approach, "So you actually came?" You knew the now identified man in front of you. As a child the man known as Hojo Katashi witnessed the bombing of Nagasaki from afar knowing that he would never see his parents again. That day caused untold trauma for the man and he has had traumatic episodes every time August 6th comes around.

He developed a hatred for foreigners and has dealt with PTSD for the past sixty years of his life. His wife convinced him to seek psychological treatment and that's how the two of you met, but why was he the one who called you out? You haven't seen him in forever…

You needed to ask the question on your mind, "Old man Hojo… What's all this about? You haven't scheduled an appointment in three months? Why did you call me out here?" The man laughed as he held onto his hat.

The man's voice seemed to gain some youth to it as he began to rave and rant, "Don't act like you don't know your crimes! You damn foreigners are ruining this fine country with your bullshit! You gained my trust for a time you bastard. You screwed up when you gave me those damn pills! You ruined my life Furuya!" What…

The last session you had with Hojo Kitashi had involved an incident that occurred when his wife was in America. Apparently there was a bombing and his wife was one of the victims, he had nearly died from a heart attack when given the news. He came to you to seek help and he begged for anything that could ease the pain. So you prescribed some anti-depressants, hoping that they'd help the poor man.

It seems they didn't. The man got more manic as he slowly approached you, a twitch in his eyes as he spoke, "For three months I have had nothing but the most horrifying thoughts plague my brain! Every night I closed my eyes only to see her face everywhere I turned! Then I see that man's face! The one who killed her! Then I see yours! Get out of my head Furuya! Get out!" With a final yell he runs towards you.

You go to grab your knife but you're taken aback by the speed of the elderly man, he grabs onto the scruff of your shirt and throws you into the river basin. Your knife disappears into the shallow but murky waters as Hojo jumps down and slams his foot into your back pushing you head below the surface of the water.

You kick at the man's leg making him fall over in a yowl of pain as you stand up. The water goes up to your knees. Before you can do anything you feel a fist slam into your skull as you are slammed into the wall behind you. Disoriented you try to gain your bearings as Hojo begins to choke you with an iron grip.

You desperately fight against him but he slowly pulls you beneath the water, and eventually your head is fully submerged in the river. So that's the situation. You are being murdered in the middle of the night within Shibuya River…

Present Time, Akira Furuya POV

You're losing breath. You can't breathe. You're going to die if you don't do something. You can't give up yet, you've made it so far. You have your whole life ahead of you. You… Can't… Die… Yet…

Choose your path -Voting closed - 17 voters


Try to maneuver his hands away from your throat then clamp down on them with your teeth


Keep fighting, kick him and hard


Pull him in and force him under the water instead


Give up and sink into the shallow depths


Bo5 1d100- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

35 = 35

Dice: 1d100

50 = 50

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 80.

34 = 34 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100

96 = 96

Dice: 1d100

42 = 42

With newfound strength you grab the left hand of Hojo as you force his fingers towards your maw before clasping down with your teeth. Holy shit… Did you just… Bite off his fingers? As the old man howled you quickly spit out the human parts that were suddenly in your mouth. Why did you do that?

As you think about what you did you notice the metallic taste within your mouth, it was delicious. Your teeth glistened with red blood as you stared at the man holding his hand that was now missing three fingers. Clutching his hand close to his chest he backed up against the wall, "P-Please! D-Don't! I won't tell anyone what happened here! Just don't kill me!"

You didn't want to kill him, you didn't even want to hurt him. Then he attacked you, and tried to kill you. Why shouldn't you kill him… He tried to kill you, why shouldn't you do the same?

Walking towards the man with hazy eyes he tried desperately to get away from you. He didn't get far as you brought your hand down on his shoulder knocking him into the shallow water.

Spluttering as he did his best to get away, you watch with pity before you hold your now pained skull. "What am I doing? What the hell is wrong with me…" Watching the obviously insane man claw his way away… You wonder what to do next.

What do you do? -Voting closed - 8 voters


Help him out of the river then leave


+Tell him even if he does bring up what happened no one would believe him


Leave him


+Threaten him to make sure he doesn't tell anyone


Your sense of pity took over as you walked over to the fallen man. Even though he fought against you at first you helped him out of the river and onto the walkway. Before you could say anything the man passed out then and there. With heavy breaths you slick back your hair and begin walking away as fast as possible.

You try to avoid thinking about what happened but you keep coming back to the thought of biting Hojo's fingers off. How at that moment the blood was delicious, but now it's metallic taste was like bile. You couldn't get it away from your taste buds, it still lingered with disgust. To remind you of what you did.

However, another feeling came forward. Joy at his pain, to have someone wrong you and then have them hurt in a way that is tenfold worse. A form of schadenfreude if nothing else.

You need to stop thinking about this, you have school to prepare for. You should never have come out here, your hubris is what caused all that to happen.

Well, Akira's hubris anyway. You'd have never done something like that… Forget the fact that you bit a man's finger off for a second… If it wasn't such a high stress situation, you'd have never done anything like that…

No, no… You have to accept responsibility for what happened, you and Akira are one now. You are Akira Furuya, and he is you. His foolish actions earlier are your foolish actions, and your stupid decision to bite that man was his stupid decision as well.

The two of you are one, for now anyways. Why did everything have to be so complicated already, you haven't even been here for thirty minutes! Walking towards your apartment complex you scour through Akira's… Your memories.

Within three days you'll be heading to Hope's Peak for a tour of the facilities and to turn in your letter of denial or acceptance for joining the school. Of course it will be a letter of acceptance. Why would you not join a school that guarantees success? Technically you've done fine up until now, but denying the request to join the school would definitely be frowned upon for someone as talented as you.

Opening your apartment you see your mother fast asleep on the couch. Doesn't even look like she's moved an inch, and still drunk to high hell it seems... Walking past her you enter your room and then go onto the balcony. Looking up into the night sky you feel the rays of the crescent moon touch upon your skin.

Sitting in one of the chairs you continue to stare at the celestial body. You think about the near future, feeling a sense of despair within you. However, just as quickly as that feeling appears, it disappears. Completely replaced by sadistic glee. Something fun is going to happen in the near future. You just know it.

Story Gains…

Taste for Torment perk gained!

Crescent's Curse quirk gained…

It's been three days since that night. You've noticed a change about your life, for the past three days you have been waking up later than usual. Normally that wouldn't be too big of an issue, but it's too consistent and happened too fast to be natural. Something about you has changed and you can't tell what it is. You just know there's something wrong with you…

Sadly you don't have time to worry about it, your tour of Hope's Peak is today and you're already halfway there. Embarrassingly you don't have a license, living in a big city with many forms of travel have left you without the need or desire to do so… Well for the old you, the new you wishes he could be the one behind the wheel instead of your drunkard of a mother.

Not that she's a bad driver, but it's clear she's still hungover from her last night of hitting the town. You'd rather make it there in one piece, but it seems unlikely with her hollering and honking her horn every time she has to stop. Taking the brunt of the noise you can feel your ears ring… Even if you two get there without a crash, you'll probably be hard of hearing for the next few months.

Speaking of getting there… You have arrived at your destination… Hello, Hope's Peak. "Out brat. I might be your mother but I ain't your taxi. Got places to be, bars to clear out, and men to meet. So scram." You've long gotten use to your mother's crudeness. Listening to her words you jump out of the car and head towards the building.

Despite her vulgarity your mother didn't use to be so debauched, but after your father died she kind of just broke. She's the one person you couldn't seem to fix. Though, to be fair to yourself, it's probably because she doesn't want to be fixed. Meh, your mother isn't what's important. You're currently standing outside the gates to Hope's Peak Academy.

There is also a rather intimidating man standing right outside of it and he's fast approaching, you may have flinched at his glare. Dude's intimidating as hell. Voice is almost as intimidating, "You're Akira Furuya, right? Head inside, one of your upperclassmen is going to take you to the Headmaster."

Well then.

Mikan Tsumiki will be your guide

Dice: 1d15

8 = 8

Bo5 1d100 for Mikan Mischief- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

91 = 91

Dice: 1d100

82 = 82

Dice: 1d100

62 = 62

Dice: 1d100

85 = 85

Dice: 1d100

98 = 98

Entering the entrance hall you look around to find nobody around. You were told an upperclassmen would be there to bring you to the Headmaster's office. Yet nobody is here. "Eep!" Before you could wonder where that noise came from you found yourself without sight and on the floor as you feel something incredibly soft on your face.

As you go to remove whatever is on your face you find your hands landing upon supple skin. Are these thighs? "Eek! Stop, stop, stop! I'm s-s-s-sorry!" Pushing whoever was on top of you off, you find yourself in the presence of a blushing girl with a meek expression on her face. Did she just trip over you and somehow land her ass straight on your face?

Before you could scold her for tripping over you she broke down into tears, "Hgk… I… I… I'm sorry! Forgive me! I-I didn't mean to… I swear! I-I w-was going to be late f-for the t-tour… S-So I started r-running, and I d-didn't notice y-you until it was too late! W-Wait… Oh no, oh no, oh no! You're A-Akira Furuya aren't you!" She seems terrified as she says your name.

You respond properly, "Yes… My name happens to be Akira Furuya, um who are you? I didn't quite get your name…" As you confirm your identity you see her get even more scared as her eyes begin to water up!

The girl began breaking down into sobs, "I'm so, so SORRY! If… If I had known…" She's barely holding it together. What a weak-willed girl…

What are you supposed to do with her like this?

What do you do? (If you deviate it will use up the first action of your school day to do the tour) -Voting closed - 20 voters


Help her up and try to calm her down


+Headpat her


+"Don't worry, I forgive you."


Snap your fingers in front of her face to surprise her while hopefully stopping her self degrading spiral. See exactly how easy it is to get her to fall in line even when she's meant to be 'in charge' by getting her to give the tour after she's a bit more cognizant while telling her where you'd like to go.


"You'll have no issues making it up to me later then? Will you?"


Deviate from what you came to do (+What)


Sighing to yourself you walk over to the quivering mess of a girl and pat her head with your most serene smile. Her sobbing stops as her eyes turn into one of awe.

It's amazing how quick of a turn her emotional state took, though you could tell she was looking for your attention to begin with. "Nah don't worry about it so much, you don't need to apologize or anything. Though since you are… You're forgiven." She chokes on a gasp before getting up on her own.

She turned herself away from you as she began fiddling with her thumbs, muttering to herself as she sways from side to side. "He forgave me… Hehe~... Forgave me…" Now it's getting a bit creepy… She isn't one of those people who get off from people talking to them is she?

With a jump she faces towards you once more as she begins to break down again, "Ah! I need to take you to the Headmaster's office! I'm wasting your time again! Forgive meeee!" You shake your head as she moves to run off.

Landing your hand upon her shoulder you keep her still as she looks into your eyes, "I-It's t-this way…" Nodding to her she walks ahead of you. You follow close behind but you take notice of something… The um… Noticeable sway to her hips… Giving you more than a decent view of her backside every other step.

Taking you to the fourth floor, Mikan leads you to a set of large doors before turning to you and speaking, "U-U-Ummm… This i-is th-the headmaster's office… H-He's probably u-upset with m-me for taking s-so long… U-Um! Y-You should p-probably head inside… I-I mean! U-Um… I didn't mean to be so presumptuous! I'm sorry!" At that she ran off to god knows where.

Staring at the doors for a moment you push them aside and enter the room. Sitting at the desk was just a regular man, something you were not at all expecting from a school whose sole purpose is to teach the talented. If you were told he was a regular salaryman you'd believe it.

Yet despite his average appearance he commanded an aura of respect, "Akira Furuya, correct?" His voice wasn't anything special either, the main thing of note was the amount of gravitas that he held when he spoke.

Not wasting a second you spoke swiftly, you didn't want to waste your time anymore than necessary, "My name is Akira Furuya, yes. I was invited to Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Psychologist, correct?" He nods his head as he holds out his hand.

Pulling from your pocket your acceptance letter you hand it over to the headmaster. He opens it up and proceeds to scan it over, "Everything looks in order. Just twenty more days before your first day of class then. I hope you'll come to be proud of the decision to join Hope's Peak as a student. Mikan Tsumiki will be your guide for the premises. If you have any questions, direct them to her."

And as soon as you entered the headmaster's office, you left. Though Mikan didn't seem to be anywhere in sight… Did she really just run off and not come back?

Bo5 1d100 DC 70- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 70.

8 = 8 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 100.

72 = 72 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 70.

89 = 89 (Success!)

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 70.

54 = 54 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 70.

19 = 19 (Fail)

Dice: 1d100

Options: Sum. Threshold: 70.

6 = 6 (Fail)


Dice: 1d14

13 = 13

You waited for twenty more seconds but then you began to get worried she actually ran off without you. But before you could go look for her a boisterous laugh came from down the hall. "Hey there! Huh… Wait a moment, I don't recognize you…" A large man turned the corner, an absolute unit of a guy who could probably snap you in half with his pinky…

Before you could say anything he walks up to you and slams his hand into your back, almost causing you to buckle over in pain, "Oh I got it. You're one of my soon to be underclassmen right?! Wasn't Mikan supposed to give you the grand tour… Speaking of… She seems to be missing… Are you waiting for her right now?"

Once again before you can say anything he spoke up boisterously, "Oh I get it! She got antsy and headed to the restroom right! Everyone knows that when you need to go you gotta go! So don't get upset with her if she takes a bit!" That's… Not all that unlikely in all honesty but you doubt that's where she went.

Finally given the chance you speak up, "I don't know… That girl was rather shy, but I doubt she would've said nothing if it was something like the bathroom. Besides, she ran off after she brought me to the headmaster's office. Hell she was begging me to 'forgive' her or something along those lines when she ran off…"

At that his face darkened, "Hey… New kid… You weren't bullying Mikan or anything were you?" W-What! Where did he get that idea from!

You acted quickly, hoping to avoid getting beat down by the absolute goliath of a man in front of you, "H-Huh! What? No! Why would I do that? I just met the girl for goodness sake. She was super skittish and was apologizing every second she spoke!" He seems to lighten up at that.

He slams his hand back against your back as you once again barely avoid falling over, "Haha, so it was just Mikan being Mikan I see… Well, you seem like a good enough guy! Anyways, my name is Nekomaru Nidai! The Ultimate Team Manager! What's your name!"

He's an… Excitable fellow… "Um… I'm Akira Furuya, the Ultimate Psychologist, future student of Hope's Peak Academy…"

As you spoke Nekomaru brought his hand to his ear as if trying to hear better. Once you finished your introduction he brought his hand up to his chin as he went into deep thought before crouching lower towards the ground. Meeting your eyes with his own.

Then he spoke, loudly, "LOUDER!"

Jumping back in fear you bring up your hands in defense, "Wha… Huh?"

"If you're going to introduce yourself you can't half ass it like that! You gotta speak loudly from the gut! Tell me your name with some pride dammit!" He pointed to you accusingly as if you had done something wrong.

You think you understand what he meant… So you get into a similar posture and yell back, "I'm Akira Furuya, the Ultimate Psychologist! I look forward to being your underclassman!" You have no idea why you did that, you'd usually never do something so embarrassing… Yet Nekomaru was able to easily get you to do as he commanded.

So that's the power of talents huh? "Haha! Yep just like that. Anyways if Mikan ran off she probably isn't coming back due to embarrassment! So how about I give you the Nekomaru Tour Special? What do you say?" Even if Nekomaru seems like a good guy, you don't know if you want to leave Mikan unattended. She seemed like quite the weak-willed girl.

What do you want to do? -Voting closed - 13 voters


Have Nekomaru give you the tour


Go look for Mikan


Wander around on your own


Choices -Voting closed - 8 voters






You wanted to accept his offer in all honesty… But… You were worried about Mikan, weak-willed as she was, she didn't seem to be someone who'd leave a job half finished. "Nah I'm fine. I'm sure Mikan will come back soon, you just continue with what you were doing!" Nodding at your words Nekomaru walks off, waving his hand behind him.

As soon as he is out of sight you run towards where Mikan had run off to before you went into the Headmaster's office. You see no obvious signs of her… Though for some reason even without any evidence to point you towards the direction of where she supposedly went. You continued to wander in a certain direction.

Eventually you come to a hall with classrooms on the right wall. In the middle of it you see Mikan and a rather large fellow speaking to each other. You didn't interrupt them but instead watched from a distance, not wanting to disturb their talk. "I still have to take our underclassman on a tour of the school!" You could only make out that part due to how loudly it was said.

She didn't even stutter or hesitate when saying that. After yelling she sighed and started walking in your direction. However, she never saw you, as you had hid around the corner and watched her walk off. You begin to wonder why you were doing this. Wouldn't it be easier just to grab her and ask for the tour?

Yes, it probably would be… But… That feeling from the previous night returns, you know something exciting is about to happen. You don't want to miss it, even if it puts Mikan in danger. So you continue to follow from a distance, stalking her every move. Mikan shifts herself around clearly uneasy, you wonder if she's feeling that sensation of being watched. Because well… She is being watched.

You two have long since left the school and you believe she's heading to the off campus dorms. As she approaches one of the surface level apartments you close in on Mikan, that sense of danger filling your soul. Something really fun is about to happen, you just know it, and you gotta be a part of it! "Yo Mikan! Why'd you run off?"

She was midway through opening the door as you called out to her. She jumped in shock before turning to you. Her heart was beating out of her chest with how frantically she was looking around, "A-Akira? W-What are you d-doing here?"

You already had a lie at the ready, "I was waiting for you to come back to give me the tour, but you didn't show up. So I went looking for you... I saw you leaving campus when I reached the entrance and began following you. You're pretty quick on your feet you know, I could barely keep up with you…"

You stopped for a moment to look at Tsumiki before continuing, "Ah… Are you doing something important right now? I can just go wait at the front gate for you if you are…" You could see Tsumiki shivering with tears pouring from her eyes, but beyond that you can barely make out her face.

Her voice came out intoxicated as if she just got plastered on the best alcohol she could find, "T-Thank you for y-your concern A-Akira, but I'm n-not doing anything t-too important. O-One of m-my classmates just wanted m-me to check in on someone…" Check in on someone? Must be that girl by the door.

"You mean her?" She stiffened upon seeing the black haired girl.

She was immediately suspicious but only attempted to back away, "W-Who… W-Where's Ryota!"

An intruder then? Going to have to act fast.

How will you deal with the current situation?

Bork Bork -Voting closed- 11 voters


You're in a public courtyard - you should be able to just speak to the girl. (+What)


+Call her freckles cute!


+Is she looking for Ryota to?


+Is she Ryota's girlfriend?


+Lie about talking to Nekomaru and mention him thinking about coming to check in on Ryota as well


Maximum bluffing go! (+What)


Try to walk up to Mikan slowly to get her away from the girl.


Bo5 1d100- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

69 = 69

Dice: 1d100

93 = 93

Dice: 1d100

85 = 85

Dice: 1d100

72 = 72

Dice: 1d100

1 = 1

Dice: 1d100

62 = 62

Hacker used a crit to cancel out the nat 1! (HACKER 5/6 (IF HE DOESN'T LURK))

Approaching slowly, as you stroke your chin thoughtfully. You come to the conclusion that the girl in front of you is beyond dangerous. She could probably kill you within a second. Yet despite that feeling, you could tell one very important thing. This girl, was self-conscious! Incredibly so! She's never felt a bit of positive reinforcement in her life!

How could you tell all this with her being stone faced and glaring at you? Easy. Talents are fucking bullshit! Your talent for psychological analysis basically gave you her life's story with just a glance.

Of course specific details are left out but you could tell that the girl was a military girl, potentially a mercenary. However you couldn't tell what she did as a mercenary. Probably kill people? That's about all you could figure out…

So… The girl in front of you is a killer… A trained killer… She could probably snap both your necks in like… Two seconds… Alright. Well shit. There's only one way out of this, "Hey! Are you checking on 'Ryota' too or something?" Her eyes soften as if she stopped seeing you as a threat.

She goes to 'explain' why she's here but, you didn't give her a chance, "Ah, now I get it! You're his girlfriend aren't you! The man has good taste, your freckles are pretty cute!" She lights up like a lightbulb, and out of the corner of your eye you see Mikan glaring at the girl when you mention that she was cute.

After glaring at the girl for a moment her eyes opened wide in panic as she held onto her head yelling out an apology, "H-His g-girlfriend… I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to be suspicious of you!" You couldn't help but stare judgingly at Mikan, who just admits that in front of someone?

Looking back at the girl you see her scratching her reddened cheeks as she muttered to herself, "Cute? Cute freckles? Girlfriend? What… Cute… Freckles, cute. Why?" She seems to have overloaded from the compliment…

Tired of her prolonged reaction you brought her out of her stupor, "Uh you ok? I'm sorry if I came off a bit forward. I just thought your freckles were pretty cute ah-..." That made it worse. She's practically steaming in embarrassment now.

Even as she was fumbling over her own words trying to keep herself composed she did get out a statement, "Ah… Uh… No, I'm not R-Ryota's g-girlfriend… I am 'f-friends' with him though…" It's rather impressive that she managed to keep an impassive tone even while she was stuttering in embarrassment.

"Oh so you did come to check in on him then?" Was the obvious question, but you did feel a moment of worry.

With a look of recognition her skin turns back to its natural color as she looks at you with a knowing stare, "Um, actually no. Ryota recently decided to move farther away from Hope's Peak as he felt the school was invading his privacy. He asked me to grab a few things that he left behind in his dorm." That story is so rife with holes that the only reason why you're not calling her out is because it's going to save your ass to not to.

Despite you knowing the story was complete bullshit, Mikan sighed in relief, "Thanks for telling us… I-I had been worried something happened to Ryota… Thankfully it's just him being himself as usual… Um… If you d-don't m-mind me asking, c-could I have your n-name?" The girl gets stone faced again and for a moment you worried that she was going to attack you two.

Then the unexpected happened… "It's… It's Mukuro Ikusaba…" She actually gave her name? You could tell she wasn't lying even without your talent. Another thing you picked up on was that she wasn't answering Tsumiki, she was specifically telling you her name as she twiddled her thumbs.

Mukuro Ikusaba? Weird name, a bit edgy for your tastes, but from what you could tell it was her name. Perhaps the name she gave herself? Though the girl didn't seem like a chuunibyou to you…

Then again, looks can be deceiving? You guess? Eh, regardless you kept up the flirting to keep the girl off balance, "That's your actual name? If so that's rather cool, I didn't expect something like that to be associated with a cute girl in all honesty!"

You really need to find another descriptor beyond cute girl, but honestly she seems socially dense enough to be satisfied with the singular compliment. "Uh, you really think so?" Forget seems, she is that socially dense! As she heard your continued compliments she once again gets flustered as she scratches at her cheeks.

You see the chance finally, "Yep! As much as I'd love to continue this conversation, sadly the sun's starting to go down… And Mikan still needs to give me a tour of Hope's Peak. Since we know that 'Ryota' is fine now, it'd probably be best if we headed back." You grab onto Mikan's arm and start leading her away. She doesn't try to fight back as her face becomes ecstatic from the close contact.

Though Mukuro doesn't seem as happy as she wilts a bit as you two walk away, "Oh… Bye…" You feel a bit bad, but you didn't want to risk anything. If the situation was less tense you might have tried to extract some info on who the girl was, but again, not the time.

On your walk back to the school at some point Mikan began nuzzling her head into your shoulder. Her interest in you has taken a weird turn, you've known her for all of a day and she already is this physically attached… You barely did anything to manipulate the girl, just some kind words… Must be one of those dependent types, or possibly worse, a yandere.

Her face is flushed and occasionally she chuckles to herself in lust as she pushes her cheek further into your arm. You even heard her say something rather concerning, "He chose me…" You barely made it out, but she said it only a few minutes after you two had left Mukuro to her devices.

As you two reached the school you let go of Mikan's arm, much to her annoyance, "So howabout that tour?"

She gets meek again as she starts poking her fingers together, "U-um, y-yes, r-right. W-We'll s-start with the c-classrooms, ok?" With a quick nod you two headed back into the school.

After all that? You can't really remember anything interesting happening, but you did manage to grab a map so you won't be lost when the first semester starts. Oh, you also found out that Mikan doesn't have a phone, but a dorm phone. So you got 'her number' on your way out.

Honestly the day was weirder than it needed to be. Everything involving Mikan and that Mukuro girl just gave you this intriguing feeling. You know that something has moved off course, but you can't tell if it's a good or bad thing yet.

Heh. Regardless, who can tell what the future holds? Whatever occurs, i's certain to be fun!

Maybe this vacation won't be so bad… Just a few more weeks to tell…

Story Gains!

Mikan Tsumiki has gained 50 Adoration!

Mikan Tsumiki has gained 25 Loyalty from found perk!

You found a perk for Mikan Tsumiki, Attached!

Mukuro Ikusaba has gained 10 Adoration and Lust!