The Great Schism (Halo SI) by The Propa Orky Reda

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( Jiralhanae, although new to the Holy Covenant has given birth to a well beloved and respected member of its society. One who was friend to those High and Low. Now, that same man has been named a Arch-Heretic and his arrest has lead to Riots upon the very holy city of High Charity itself.

The only question; What now? )


The Jiralhanae was chained to the wall. His fur was burnt and scorched, and a piece of his lip was missing alongside the words Heretic carved onto his chest. Before his cage, a trio of Sangheili Stood guard. Each tense and utterly on guard, almost worried as one says, "The Ship-Master is worried."

"I know. The Riots on Holy High Charity have rung throughout space all because of the capture of this traitor. I do not understand why we don't kill him now," The youngest of the three warriors snarls, wearily eyeing the chained Heretic.

"The Prophets demand his death be in sight of all and in sacred ground," The Leader clarifies, keeping his eyes locked upon the doorway in or out of the cells.

"The False Prophets know if they kill me in some backwater colony, then there will be a dozen who rise up with my name. For they know My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. That the truths I speak of the great journey hold true. That they have twisted the Great Journey so that only they may guide us, when in the hearts of any sentient may there be the capability to guide any who are lost in the dark onto the path of the Great Journey," The Giant had finally spoken caused the youngest of the Trio guarding him to pause in his vigil and turns towards the Heretic.

The other two, wearily eyeing the Doorway as the youngest shouts, "Silence your words Heretic before I cut out your tongue."

The giant just chuckled, shaking his head and smiling towards the youngest with a soft look of pride, "Your loyalty, although blind is to be commended. You are young, yet you've risen so far. I know who you are, Lozo 'Dama. Sole son, to a lone mother. Your father perished in the line of duty against pirates. He would be proud of you as many ancestors of your Clan would be."

Lozo'Dama recoils at the words reaching for his sword only for the leader of the trio to grab his wrist, "Don't. The Heretic's words are his only form of power over you. Do not give him the purchase he needs to escape."

"That is not true. Asan 'Mudamai, for Information, is just as powerful. I know, you are such a proud leader often passed up in promotion. Words are a strength, one of many, but mine are augmented by the emotions and truth behind them. The False Prophets gave but words to the Unggoy as they starved and withered, while I gave food and heart. The Prophets gave words to the T'vaoan when I gave them financial success out of worry for their future," The Jirahelle slowly raised his head, his eyes staring towards the elder guard.

"Heretic, Suffering is a part of the great Journey. You only appeal to those below, so you may guide them from the truth," Asan Mudami kept his eyes locked onto Lozo, weary of the younger male letting his Pride overcome his duty.

"Suffering is a part of life. It can build strength in men for hard times, which strength can be used to create good times. The suffering of my people allowed us to lose our meaning into the darkness, and I intend to light the way for not just them but for all. Even if they scorn me for speaking the truth, then so be it. But I will not let the False Prophets bind a proud species like the Sangheili by their own honor nor pit my people's ignorance against others for their own gain," His words, finally dragged the attention of Asan to him. Shangelli meets the eyes of the brute and finds no deceit in them.

"Heretic, you admit that your people are ignorant yet you still seem adamant in this path. Your words, so covered in honey, the start of all things treacherous. At least, for the sake of your people admit the wrongs of your heresy and spare the lives of many," This time there was a measure of respect in Asan's words

"I am not perfect, but I know the Men of Shangelios have their own Honor which is unquestioned. An honor, which binds them to the chain of the False Prophets greed. An honor, which exists amongst the clan and its sons. Yet, it has been used to blind the Elite's of the Covenant. What would it say of my own Honor if I surrendered to what I did not believe in? What use would my honor be if I just allowed False Prophets to abuse you," Asan goes silent for a few moments.

The door slides open, and soon, the trio turns towards a robed female Sangheili who stands in the doorway. The female was adorned with a faint piece of jewelry upon her forehead with a beautiful red ruby held upon it by a chain of gold. Asan turns away from the Heretic and bow, "Broodkeeper, Mehe 'Kungam you are not meant to be here."

"My Husband has allowed me to speak in his stead. Although the Heretic has ascended to the status of Arch-Heretic and he is slated for death before the Prophet's there are still questions I must gather. His influence in the Civilian sector was wide, and must be known before he perishes. My Husband has been tasked with the pursuit of the Heretic's connection and resources," Asan nods at that, and takes a step aside.

Mehe 'Kungam slowly strides forward. She stares at the tortured and abused creature before her, who simply smiles and nods while speaking in a deep voice, which makes the woman's hand straighten around her own wrists slightly, "A pleasure."

"You were a distinguished and beloved leader at one time. Look at what you've become," She spoke, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.

"If the lady wishes, we can hide his visage," Lozo Dama offers softly.

"I will endure the sight. Thank you," Mehe nods, with a soft smile towards the young man before turning back towards the chained giant.

"The greatest thing a man can do is die for his ideals. To be fair, I did not expect to ever get this far. I served my time in the military, and did all I could silently fixing issues until I could no longer keep quiet. I find it funny how none of you will even mention my name," The Giant's shackles pull him tighter than usual as the Bodyguards. The giant grunts in discomfort.

"Your name has been purged from all systems. You are a nameless Beast to avoid shame to countless others of your species. All the work done by your hand has been threatened to be cast down by your actions yet here you smile-" Here words come to a stop as the air shimmers behind her.

Lozo pulls her to the side, igniting his blade, only for his strike to be parried by a rapidly disclosing Sangheili. Asan's eyes widen as he shouts, igniting his own blade and darting forward, "Move!"

Lozo, was far too slow to avoid the invisible foe that strikes his head and sends him falling to the ground. Soon, four more figures began decloaking. A trio of Sangheili with a single Jiralhanae Stalker. Asan shields Mehe with his body as his remaining partner pulls out his plasma pistol and sword.

"What is this, Heresy," Asan shouts as the Jiralhanae moves towards the control panel. Typing into it as the other three elites circle Asan and his partner.

The Stalker snorts as he clicks on the panel and says, "Tryrdovius, what have they done to you!"

The giant, known as Tryrdovius, just chuckles as his chains finally vanish, and he falls to the ground. Grunting as he slowly rises, staring at the three elites standing between him and freedom, "Do not worry for me, old friend. I am just glad that you've arrived and that Old Debts have been repaid."

One of the uncloaked Sangheili nodded, "It was you who saved the Saga Wall of my people, and my brother's life. I would not be a son of Sanghelios if I allowed anything to stand between me and that debt. Even, if you killed a Prophet."

"I am glad, that although they slander me with the words of Arch-Traitor that you stand here today," The Sangheili standing behind Asan, rears back his blade and swings it upon Asan only for Tryrdovius to cover the distance in a split second and grab the Sangheili by the shoulder and pull him back.

Asan, quickly rears around aiming his blade at the traitor as he snarls, "What! How dare you, I have drawn my blade with you before. You are akin to a Brother in Duty to me, but I find you siding with the Heretic!"

"I am sorry. There has been no greater pain in my life than to choose between brother or truth. My Honor, is robbed but- I cannot stomach this any longer. You have not seen the horrors of the Prophet's which has been shown to me," The traitor in question spoke with clear shame in his voice, and Tryrdovius face softens as he pats the traitor on the shoulder.

"I will not allow you to whore away your Honor for my cause. If it is something you hold dear I will not throw it away when that can be avoided," Tryrdovius mutters, reaching forward and pressing his palm into the blade of the traitor. The Sangheili in question stares at Tryrdovius pulls his hand back.

"Your blade has tasted blood. Now, put it away. You treated me with some respect, Asan, so please put down your blade," The Traitor squeezes his eyes shut and, with a simple click, turns off his blade.

Asan snarls only to stumble as a plasma pistol shit hits him, causing him to flinch long enough for the Stalker to slam his pistol into the back of the Sangheili's head sending him down. Tryrdovius walks over and nods to him, "May you find your way on the Great Journey."

The Stalker unclips a pistol from his hip and hands it to the Jiralhanae who towered over him, "You know, many say they would kill to be taller but I find it has many drawbacks in combat. Let us leave this ship."

He does stop, checking to make sure Asan was knocked out fully before turning towards Mehe, "Thank you."

"Go quickly before they realize what has been done. May you be blessed in the Journey ahead," The Giant just smiles at her. Chuckling for a few seconds before turning his back and heading towards the door.

"May you be blessed in the Journey ahead," The Group says back to her as one before making their escape.