SPIDER-BOY: Civil War by Blitzkrieger

Words: 36k+

Link: -https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12531619/1/

( Civil War, the superheroes are at each others throats over the death of hundreds by a super powered battle gone wrong, as the world Adrian knows and loves is being torn apart. Adrian will struggle with his own demons about what's right and what's wrong. Will he fight for Iron Man's Registration Act or for Captain America's Resistance, as Spider-Boys life will be changed forever. )

Chapter 1: Worse Birthday Ever




I'll never forget this day, it's the day everything changed

"Happy Birthday Adrian!" Everyone yelled as Mary Jane brought out the cake, Adrian was sitting at the head of the Parker apartment with one of the stupid pointed hats on. He was wearing a blue fantastic 4 shirt with a set of shorts. Around the table where his friends and some of their parents. Franklin Richards and the Fantastic 4, the Powers kids secretly known as Power Pack, but their parents didn't know. Also a few of Adrian's school friends who didn't know about his adventuring as Spider-boy.

I wanted to keep my Birthday small, just the family, along with my friends. Dad said we'd go to a Spider-Boy Birthday party later, or something… to bad for what was about to happen.

As Adrian blew out the candles all the parents clapped, as Jack Power stuck a finger in the cake to take a piece of frosting

My birthday no less, it been about a week since we moved into Star Towers. After one of dads school friends turned into Molten Man and burned down Aunt Mays house. (See Amazing Spider-Man #519)

Everyone clapped or celebrated before they all started to cut cake, "So what you wish for?" Katie Powers asked Adrian, "Katie, that's not how it works." Franklin added "You can't tell anybody your wish." The Fantastic Four kid pointed out.

"Alright everyone, lets cut this cake." Mary Jane said handing out plates to everyone, as Aunt May cut the cake. "You'll love this Adrian, it's the same cake I've made Peter since he was just a baby." Aunt May said as she handed Adrian the first piece of cake. "Hey Jack get the TV on, New Warriors should be on right now." Adrian said over to Jack Powers, who was already holding the remote "Way ahead of you." He said as everyone got their cake and sat around the living room to eat and watch TV. All of the parents hung back and at their cake around the table "So what you get Adria, Johnny?" Peter asked Johnny as Reed spoke with the Power kids parents, and Sue and Mary Jane talked. "My old playboy collection." Johnny said "Please tell me you didn't?" Peter asked.

Still not as cool as the Iron Spider suit Iron Man said he was making for me, can't wait to see it, he made my dad one so it figures I'd get one... eventually.

Johnny snickered "Relax, none of them are collectables." He said.

Back with the kids, the TV was just starting to show the New Warriors TV shows theme song intro, the screen opened up with the New Warriors already fightimg some supervillains "This time on New Warriors, the team is going head to head with all timers from Stamford Conneticut." The announcer said "Whoa is that Speedfreek?" Franklin said as Speedball tackled him out a window, Namora and Night Thrasher were both fighting a woman in what looked like pajamas holding ninja weapons "Is that Coldheart?" Alex asked as he ate some of his cake "Can't tell without her costume?" Adrian said as Namora punched the ninaj woman.

The camera instantly changed to show one of the villians running he had white hair wearing a purple and black suit "Whoa, is that Nitro?" Jack nearly yelled "Whoa he's a tough one." Adrian said as they saw Namora fly over in the air and tackle Nitro right into a school bus next in front of a school. The Camera zoomed in on the two, Namora grabbed him "On your feet Nitro, and don't bather trying any of your exploding tricks." Namora drew back a fist ready to strike when Nitro snickered "Oh baby, don't you even know…" Adrian's eyes got wide as Nitros started to glow, "You're playing with the big boys now."

Nitro exploded into a fire ball of energy making the entire screen go to static as the signal was lost. Everyone in the entire room froze as some dropped their cakes as they all looked stunned.

Worst birthday ever.


It didn't take long for everyone to clear out, the Powers went home first, followed by the Fantastic Four who went straight for Stamford, Dad and Mary Jane agreed to leave Franklin with us which was better than nothing…. But all I could think is what had happened to the New Warriors.

Adrian was sitting in his rooms windowsill, Franklin was laying on a sleeping bed fast asleep with the TV playing cartoons. Adrian was wearing his pajamas which where just some boxers and a red shirt that had the double Daredevil D's.

Zach, Dwayne, Namorita Robbie, what were you guys thinking…

He looked back at Franklin, and got up.

I need some air.

Eventually Adrian was high over the roof tops of New York City in full Spider-Boy gear, he looked down at the city below looking for something anything to take his mind of it. But the city that never sleeps was still, quiet like a ocean before the storm. He landed on top of a building looking out across the city skyline.

"Penny for your thoughts son?" Spider-Boy looked back and sighed to see Captain America "Oh… hey Cap." Adrian loosened up seeing Captain America in full red, white and blue. He had his shield over his shoulder and sat down next to Spider-Boy who had taken his father and his signature crouched position. "It just like before." Captain America said as he looked down at the city. "What is?" Adrian asked him.

"December 7th, 1941… the day-" "They day Pearl Harbor was attacked." Spider-Boy said interrupting him Captain America looked over at him "Surprised you knew that?" Captain America said smirking "I had a history test last week, so no biggy." The walled web crawler replied. A long silence followed the two "Cap… what did you mean when you said like before?"

The old soldier sighed "Our country is on edge like before, but Pearl Harbor is what united us this… this is what could divide us." Cap explained.

Up above they could both see the Shield Hellicarrier flying overhead, "Shields been going to get more funding, and more jurisdiction by next Friday." Captain America said "Isn't that a good thing, Shields always been there for us?" Spider-Boy said.

"I'd like to think that, but that could change.." Captain America got up from his seat and started to leave "The Avengers are calling a meeting soon, son, with the X-Men, Fantastic Four and anyone else who thinks they have an idea on how to handle this." Adrian got up too before he asked "Cap…?"

Captain America froze and didn't turn around "You were in Stamford today what happened… what happened to the New Warriors?" Adrian asked.

"I'm sorry Adrian… there gone."


Adrian was sitting in class at school he and Jack Powers and Franklin where sitting next to each other, "Did he really say that?" Jack whispered to Adrian who nodded "Yeah, apparently everyone is going to be at Stark Towers soon, talking it over." Adrian said back to him in a hushed voice as the bell rang for recess. Both boys got up and headed out, "Uncle Johnny told me my Dad and Mr. Stark were talking all night last night after they got back from Stamford." Franklin said as they walked out of the schools main building into the recess yard. "If the grown ups are all talking where does that leave us?" Franklin asked Adrian as they three boys occupied a corner away from earshot. "Whats your dad saying about it?" Jack asked "Well I really haven't aske-" "He Richards!" all the boys looked to see a bunch of 6th graders heading toward them. "Heard your families going to get arrested for blowing up a bunch of kids." One of them said as Jack and Adrian got between them and Franklin "The Fantastic Four didn't have anything to do with it booger brain." Jack hissed at them "Yeah it was those dumb fucking New Warriors." Adrian felt his hand clench into a fist as he heard them spit on the graves of his friends.

"They weren't trying to kill anyone, they were trying to catch crooks." Adrian said up to the lead one, the 6th grader was much taller than Adrian, "Yeah well all they did was go and kill over 600 people last I heard, won't be long till the government go after Richards family and kill them-." "GRAAA!" Franklin rushed past both Adrian and Jack and tackled the 6th grader to the ground and started to beat him senseless with both hands. Soon both boys and the sixth graders where in an all out brawl.

After the school yard rumble, Adrian, Jack, and Franklin where being walked out of the school by their parents. Adrian had a black eye and Jack a cut lip, but Franklin seemed to have gotten the worst. Not physical but emotional, his uncle Johnny Storm had come to get him. He was wearing his full blue Fantastic Fours suit heading straight toward one of the Fantasticars. Franklin gave Adrian one last look before getting in "I can't believe you got kicked out of school for fighting." Mary Jane said as they walked back to Stark Towers. "You didn't hear what they were saying, they kept telling Franklin hi parents would be arrested and that-" "Adrian listen!" Mary Jane snapped.

"Your dad has enough on his plate as is." MJ replied "After Stamford Tony and Reed both came to see him personally, I don't know what but he hasn't said a word about it."

Adrian looked surprised "… Where is he?" Adrian asked her.

"What?" MJ asked, "Where's dad?" he asked. Before she could answer Adrian took of across the street dodging traffic making Mary Jane scream after him "ADRIAN!"

He ran into an alley and tore off his civilan clothes wit his Spider-Suit underneath it, he reached into his pocket putting on his mask and swining off before Mary Jane could follow.

Have to talk to him, have to find dad he'll know what to do, he always does.

After an hour of swinging Adrian landed on top of one of the buildings out of breath, he had looked from queens to Bronx in search of his father. "Where are you…" he grumbled "MJ's worried about you?" Spider-Boy looked back to see his Dad swinging up behind him, he was decked out in the Iron Spider suit, "There you are!" Spider-Boy said holding his arms up "I've been looking all over for you?" Spider-Boy added looking up at Spider-Man.

He's wearing the suit Ironman gave him, why.

"I know…" Spider-Man said next to him, Peter crossed his arms "What did Iron man and Mr. Fantastic have to say?"

"They said the Government will pass a Super-Human registration act, it means we'll all have to sign up for the Government or go to jail." Spider-Man replied "But that's insane, all we've ever done is help people."

Spider-Man shook his head "The Public doesn't see it that way." He explained "They don't see anything dad, don't they even know that we lost people too, Speedball, Microbe, Namora, Night Thrasher… they were our friends!" Spider-Boy yelled at his dad "Four compared to six hundred isn't enough." Spider-Man said down to his son. "So where does that leave us?" Arian asked Peter. "Ironman and Reed told me that our best option is to work with the government, to try and give the people someone they can trust." Spider-Man said "What about Captain America?" Adrian asked "Captain America said he we need to keep our masks, our secrets are important and that if we work for the government than the politicans will tell us whose right and whose wrong."

"What about you?" Spider-Boy asked, "I'll do whatever I have to, to protect our family, now lets go home."

Things didn't get any easier after Stamford, Johnny Storm was mobbed outside a night club, a hacker released information about former New Warrior who were attacked in public. People have been protesting outside the White House and Congress for days.

Adrian was sitting inside his room watching TV, he was watching a news broadcast showing the She-Hulk, Jennifer Walters on TV "A ban on super heroes?" she asked the host "Well in a world with thousands of super-villans that's obviously impossible Larry." Adrian watched She-Hulk cross her arms "But training them up and making them carry badges? Yes, I'd say that sounds like a reasonable response."

But who hands out the badges?

He changed the channel to another one in mid broadcast, "-Like Speedball for example." The man speaking had a short mustache, suit and bald head "Nobody lieks to speak ill of the dead, but here was a boy who by all accounts couldn't even name the President of the United States." He held up both hands as he hyporictally spoke bad about the dead "Their powers can be a as awesome as nuclear weapon bill, Shouldn't they be tested before they're allowed to work in our communities"

I guess that makes sense, but you can't hold everyone accountable to what a psychopath did.

The channel changed again to a man with brown hair, glasses a goatee with a portly body "—Human torch, the latest in a series of attacks on New York Super-Community. More at eleven, plus the growing pressure on the President." Adrian gripped the remote even tighter "—The people of Stamford ask: What are his proposals for Superhero Reform?"

Adrian crushed the remote as he turned off the TV and sat back down on the bed, he heard a knock on the door "Adrian are you in here?" It was Aunt May, "I'm here Aunt May?" Adrian said leaping over to the door and opening it to see Aunt May, right next to Tony Stark. "Hello Adrian, good to see you again." Tony was wearing a dark black suit with a matching Tie. "Uh… hi Mr. Stark." Adrian said stepping back. "Mrs. Parker, I was hoping to speak with Adrian alone for a moment."

"Oh, of course." Aunt May said leaving, Stark walked into the room seeing all of Adrians posters of superheroes. He was particular interested in the one of the New Warriors. "To bad about the Warriors." Iron Man said walking up to them, he noticed it was signed too and pressed his hand on Speedballs signature "Why is it everyone keeps blaming them, it was Nitro." Adrian said crossing his arms "Nirto did explode, but Speedball, Robbie attacked them and provoked him." Tony said turning around, "What do you want?" Adrian asked, "I finished your Iron Spider suit, its just like your dads, I even added a full armored mask." Tony said not answering his question.

Adrian didn't even seem that interested, "Why-are-you-here?" the boy asked again. "I'm sure your dad has already told you about the Superhero Registration Act coming up." Stark said down to the boy "He might of mentioned it?" Adrian said as he looked away sitting on the bed.

"It means anyone with powers or high tech like me has to register with the Federal Government, we'd be helping people through the law." Tony said as he sat down on the bed next to him "And if we don't?" Adrian asked him.

Tony was silent for a second "Those who don't will be arrested, but the point is the age limit." Tony said putting his hand on Adrians shoulder "The youngest you can be to be actually deployed to warzones is sixteen." Adrian got off the bed pushing Starks hand away "So what, I'm eleven."

"So what?" Stark said standing up "So what is that whether you like it or not Adrian, you're the poster child for every kid who wants to be a Superhero, you Power Pack, even Franklin Richards all the kids with powers think they can be superheroes because of you." Tony said changing his tone and giving Adrian a hard glare "I need your help Adrian, you and your dads, when the time comes." He said "I'm not asking you as Tony Stark, I'm asking you as Ironman to help save the world." Adrians eyes got wide as Tony headed to the door "Just think on what I said." As he opened the door Mary Jane was standing there.

"Mrs. Parker." Tony said as he shut the door "What are you doing here Tony?" she asked arms crossed "I was speaking with Adrian, hopefully Peter will talk with him soon." Stark said walking past MJ. "Stark?"

Tony looked back at her "Yes Mary Jane?" he asked "You and Peter can talk all you want, but you stay the hell away from Adrian." Tony was silent as he reached the door of the unit, "I hope I can."

Mary Jane looked back at Adrian's door and opened it "Adrian?" she asked as she suddenly felt the rush of a draft coming from one of the windows. She saw it was wide open and next to it was a bunch of Adrian's clothes. She walked up to the window and looked out it to see a mile away was Spider-Boy swinging off "Be safe." She whispered.

Far from her up above the city that never sleeps Adrian yelled out "GOD DAMMINT!" He screamed as he landed on top of a building, trying to clear his head.

Why is everything changing, why is everyone arguing…. I can't deal with this.

He started to pull his hair when he suddenly heard police sirens, he saw them speeding down the streets at full blast.

Okay, something I can deal with.

He followed the cop cars down two blocks and around the corner to see a burning building, the walls of which randomly exploded rushing out of with a bank bag was a man in a dark black suit with yellowish orange stripes running up to the head and down his back "Constrictor?" Adrian said swinging on to the nearest light pole "Oh come on, just the spider brat, that's insulting!" Constrictor yelled up at Spider-Boy who cocked is brow under his mask "As insulting as your breath?" Spider-Boy said swinging over him.

Oh come on, that was lame, my heads not in the game.

Spider-Boy felt his second sense surge as Constrictor dropped the bank bag and held up both his arms shooting out his adminatium coils. Spider-Boy dodged "So kid, hows it feel knowing you super jack offs days are numbered!?" Constrictor said as Spider-Boy swung back around and tried to kick the supervillian "I'm more surprised you stole wolverines gimmick, metal stuf coming out of my hands, reall original." Spider-Boy said flipping over him and smashing his foot into the crooks arm as he blocked sending the Supervillian right into a wall. It didn't keep him down for long Constrictor tore out of the wall and shot both his coils at Spider-Boy who barely dodged "Well I know one thing brat." He said through his coils using them like whips.

"Once the feds are done with you, they'll come for Supervillians-" Adrian dodged another coil but the next one was too close and hit him right in the side of his left hip "Gyaah!" Adrian yelped as he stumbled to the ground holding his side which was already starting to bleed "I might as well help them out already." Constrictor said shooting both his coils right at the boy. When a flesh of red white and blue appeared in front of Adrian.


Both of Constrictors coils ricocheted right off the metal shield of Captain America who had appeared almost out of thin air. He didn't hesitate throwing his shield right into Constrictors face knocking him out cold before it returned to his hand "Nice work son, Constrictors been on a spree ever since Stamford." Cap said extending his hand down to the kid before noticing the wound "You need first aid."

"I'm fine." Spider-Boy said webbing up the wound the white webbing bleeding a red a bit before settling "FREEZE!" both Superheroes looked to the direction of the shouting to see about a dozen cops all guns trained on them "Uh guys, bad guys over there." Spider-Boy said pointing to the unconscious constrictor. "I said freeze Kid!" one of the cops said "Weapons down gentlemen, the crisis has passed." Captain America said holding his hands up and getting between the cop and Spider-Boy. "You first Captain." The cop said as the super soldier hardened his glance at the cop before finally the cop lowered his gun. "Let's go son."

Captain America told me how everyone was reacting to the possibility of the Superhuman Registration Act becoming law. The public heroes as Captain America referred to them like Ironman, the Fantastic Four, even Ms. Marvel were willing to support it. But the street heroes like Daredevil, Luke Cage. Cap even brought up how it could affect my dad.

Adrian and Captain America where sitting on top of the same building they had spoken on the night before "Don't see why your worried Cap, your already deputized?" Adrian said banging on the back of Cap where his shield was. "Not the point, this would undo decades old tradition of the superhero community." Captain America said "Not only that once we start unmasking Heroes than we start arresting anyone with an opposing view." Cap said as they ate their hot dogs. "Anyway, how is your dad taking it, son?" Adrian shrugged as he laid back down on the side of the building "He's been distant, said he'd do whatever he can to protect us."

"Sounds like Peter-" "Mr. Stark came to see me today." Spider-Boy said interrupting Captain America "What he say?" Cap asked.

"He said he wants my help, he told me about the Act and how kids like me are causing it." Spider-Boy said both hands behind his head as he looked up at the clouds "You think the Act will pass?" he asked Captain Rogers.

The super soldier sighed "Its going to pass, than go into-affect midnight the following day after" "What!" Spider-Boy said shooting up and looking at him "So what does that mean, whats going to happen to us all?" he asked him as a shadow was cast over the whole city. Both of them looked up to see the SHIELD Hellicarrier fly over them blotting out the sun "I'm about to find out, Shields new Director Hill wants to meet with me about the Act, meanwhile Tony and Reed have gotten everyone he can at the Baxter Building your dad included." Captain America said while from the airship a quinjet flew down towards them and hovered right over the building in front of Captain America with the doors opened to the jet where two Shield Agents were waiting. "Wish me luck son." Captain America said before getting on and flying up to the airship.

"Good luck." It was more of a whisper than a wish.

Adrian looked over the city skyline at the Baxter building glistening in the sun.

What do I do…. What can I do?