Sensational Spider-Boy: Cold War by Blitzkrieger

Words: 134k+

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( The Civil War is over, Adrian Parker aka Spider-Boy is an outlaw. Teaming up with a spymaster, and anyone still left willing against IronMan's 50 State Initiative and all of SHIELD. Adrian will travel across the country & world fighting friend and foe alike, the world has turned gray, and with it his own inner demons. But most importantly,it will be revealed of who's his mother is. )

Chapter 1: From Sidekick to Outlaw



In the middle of the Arizona desert, a large Shield base stood. It had a crescent shapped building around a large concrete training ground. It large lights standing over the perimeter of it which was a long wired fence with towers around it. The base had an airstrip looking over a large canyon gorge, with a hundred foot drop.

SHIELD state base 48, sometimes confused for Area 52, or at least that's what Fury tells me.

Walking around the base were armored Shield troops holding machine guns, they were walking in rows of two, both of them didn't notice a black blur leap over the fence and start to run toward the base. As spotlights of the base moved around, the shadow climbed to the top of the base.

The base has been changed from whatever classified stuff it use to do, to train a new group of superheroes for what Fury says star calls 'The 50 State Initiative', a superhero team for every state.

The shadow was small, wearing all black and two lenses of a mask, reflecting the moonlight. The ones here are called the Champions or was it something else, I'm trying to remember which one.

The figure climbed to a vent and opened it before sliding into the vent, he stuck to the top of the vents looking over his shoulder down below to see other guards marching down the hallways. He waited till the passed pulling out a small device, it was a small circle with eight small legs. It started to crawl down out of the vent up to camera without being seen. It latched on and started to beep red till it turned red. Through the wires and walls to a large monitor room with dozens of cameras across the base, a SHIELD Agent one of them started to get staticy before settling.

Alright, if Fury is right about his tech than the cameras should be hacked and be looping the same footage for the last two hours.

The shadow crawled out of the ceiling vent and stuck to the shadows from the lights that were only dimly lit. When a spotlight of the base passed by, they moved to the shadows away from it and kept climbing on the walls "I'm in." the figure said quietly holding up a black gloved hand with a white box on the back of his hand as he spoke in an ear piece "Good, head down the hall past the three doors to the next hallway." A familiar voice with a deep throat said back to him.

The small show crawled down the hallway till he turned around a corner, and at the end he saw two guards at a metal door. They appeared to be talking to one another and didn't even notice him on the ceiling. Out of the darkness two webs stuck onto their helmets pulling them forward followed by two loud smacking noises and two thuds of unconscious bodies on the floor.

Over two hundred guards, at least seven or eight superheroes who all work for Iron Jerk, not to mention the best security system just missed an eleven year old.

The shadow dropped down in front of the metal door and saw a keypad, also wit ha card key slot, a small red lit was attached to its side. Looking back at the two shield guards knocked unconscious. They shot a web toward their belt were a key card was and ripped it off the belt with the web before swiping it, the keypad turned green as the doors opened and the shadow slipped in into a large room. It was covered in about three dozen small monitors and five bigger ones with a single empty chair, "What am I looking for?" the shadow asked under his two lenses mask.

"Starks employed a Miss Pepper Potts code name Hera, to be this groups man, or woman behind the desk." Whoever the shadow was talking to said "To sync better with the team and their tech, he gave her a special neural headset." He said back to his agent.

The intruder picked up piece of tech that looked like a neckbrace, if somewhere to wear it than it would cover both their cheeks and neck, around the back of the head with two things on the ear. As well as a yellow band around the chest, "Does it look like a neckbrace from the eighties?" he asked.

"So, you found it?" the voice replied, "Yeah, attaching the bug." The intruder said pressing a small six legged device, "I thought spiders weren't bugs?"

I think my dad be upset I got that wrong.

The intruder looked at headset saying "Whatever." or neckset was started to activate "So what are we doing?"

"Starks changed all the passwords to all Shield files after our stunt in LA." The voice said to him, "So we're downloading the passwords."

The voice replied "Yes."

Suddenly all the lights in the SHIELD base lit up along with a dozen alarms, blaring lights, "Tripped the alarm, move to extraction." The voice said, as the Shadow dropped the headset "Way ahead of you."

It's never easy, but it's always fun!

The base started to go on full alert as Cape Killers armed and ran out of their barracks, they ran into the hallways "We have intruders, in the tech room." They headed straight for the room where the intruder burst out of straight toward the cape killers saw him coming "Intruder found enga- what they its just a god damn kid?" the one who spoke saw a web wrap up his flying out the windows were the Shield Cape Killers as bullets ripped through the metal and black kicks and punch's smashed into the Cape Killers armor and glass masks.

Finally a small figure clad in black broke out of the side windows of the compound landing on the pavement of the bases as a spotlight shown down on him revealing who he was. It appeared to be a boy, eleven or twelve years old, he had full brown hairs hidden under a mask that wrapped around the top of his head, but not his neck, chin. It had two wide bug eyed lenses around the eyes. His whole body was covered by a skin tight black suit that had a white spider on the torso that had legs that bent down than up and down again wrapping around to the back with the same logo.

If you've forgotten, my name is Adrian Parker, I'm eleven years old, and I'm also the youngest person to ever be wanted by the FBI, CIA, and SHIELD, or at least that's what my friend tells me, you may know me by another name.

"SPIDER-BOY GET DOWN ON THE GROUND, IN THE NAME OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT YOU ARE UNDER ARREST." A loud speaker from a SHIELD gunship looked down on him with a spotlight as Cape Killers rushed him. Some of them opened fire but his spider sense and reflexes allowed him to dodge and evade as he kicked and punched his way through them.

If your wondering why the black suit, I saw that my dad, Spider-man had switched to this more… stealthlier version, me, because my old one got torn to shreads over the course of last year.

Spier-Boy grabbed a Shield cape killer and through him into another, "All of you stand back, we'll handle this."

Spider-Boy spun around to see six new enemies, they were all varying shapes and sizes, and they weren't SHIELD agents. The lead one was wearing a mostly black suit with a white cape, yellow torso that had a orange shield on his chest that resembled that of a sniper scope logo. The same for almost all of them, except two. He had greying dark hair like Reed Ricahrds but fuller and less combed back. Two blue gloves with floating above the ground, he had light skin and brown eyes and a flowing white cape.

Henry Hellrung, code name Anthem, failed actor who use to play Iron Man on a TV show, he's got storm powers. Somehow he and Stark were such good friends he's the leader of this new team, whatever it's called.

Next to him on his right was a young woman, barely out of her teens with flowing blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin. Her suit nearly mimicking Anthems except it was more femine, a crop top short sleeved shirt with a dark black collar, the same logo, blue orange edged bracers on her wrists. Her legs were covered by dark black pants with x stitchings on the side.

Becky Ryan, use to be a pop icon, singer, dancer, I use to listen to her music but just never liked it. From what Fury has told me she can turn her entire body into whatever it wants to be, think Mystique combined with Mr. Fantastic.

Another woman with dark black hair, fair skin and full lips and even fuller breasts wearing a dark black shirt, with a hole cut out above her breasts with two red cirlces on her shoulders. She ahd on a white cape like Anthem, with white gloves wearing long sleeves over her forearm and biceps, and a set of tight pants that matched.

Magdalena Marie, aka Veda, was a great actor, super cool action woman, and super hot from what Johnny Storm says. She can summon these humanoid soldiers from organic material, and she can make them do whatever they want.

Another woman was floating up above, she was holding a large glowing sledge hammer with blue lighting come from it. She was wearing a suit similar to Veda but had a pink jack vest on her chest with pink hair. She appeared to be the youngest.

Mullahound Black, aka… Mullahound, use to be a mutant, but lost her powers on M-Day, from what Fury can tell me she's connected to the grid somehow, but she can also fly and swing that hammer really, really hard, so I think the ladder is more important.

On the ground in front of them was a man in a black and white suit with the same logo on the chest, wearing a full mask except for his mouth and a red visor covering his face, and the logo on his forehead. He wore white stripes on his arms and had two knee pads with a set of metal legs.

James Wa, Calamity. use to be a baseball player in Japan and was on his way to the MLB, even heard the Mets were going to take him, which I was stoked for. To bad he got in an accident and lost his legs, now he's got some bionic ones mixed with what Starks giving to him.

Lastly behind the mall was a giant robot with a glowing red dot screen monitor with a head, covered in guns.

Sgt. Micahel Fields, Fury says this guy was at the Battle of Mogadesha, lost the use of his legs. Was rescued after he got captured and once they made a movie about his life he wasn't to happy about how it portrayed his life. One bad day at a Liberty Memoria lProtest, and he lost the use of his legs. But Uncle Stark gave him a new set of legs as Supernaut… that names as dumb as-whatever this teams called.

Anthem landed in front of Spider-Boy, "You really want to go up against the Order, young man."

"That's it!" Adrian said out of nowhere, to Anthem making all of the registered superheroes look at him strange "Pardon?" Veda asked, "The Order, your name I totally forgot." Adrian said slapping his masked forehead. "I mean, Stark is making so many superheores to fill his Superhero army." Adrian said as he kicked a helmet toward them.

The Order stared at him "I'd mind what you say about Tony Stark young man." Anthem said "He's made this country a safer place for everyone, and has put his life on the line for this country, and the world."

I'm out numbered seven to one, time to do the math

Spider-Boy tucked the small spider bot into his glove, "He's turned the worlds biggest intelligency agency into his private club, he's betrayed his friends turning them into the FBI's most wanted cause they disagree, and he murdered the greatest one of us all." Spider-Boy shot a web at a large truck and pulled it right off the ground and hurled it at The Order "WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THAT?" he yelled as Anthem held up his hands and blasted the truck. It exploded "Alright, grab the kid but don't break." Anthem yelled as the explosion of the truck disappeared and they saw no one was there. "Where'd he go?" Calamity asked, "Supernaut scan, while Pepper gets ready." Anthem ordered as the robot exoskeleton.

"On it." Suddenly Supernaut felt a tap on his shoulder his heads camera saw Spider-Boy right on his back "So what are you, the prototype for Iron-Mans rejected suit?" he asked as he smashed his fist into the black hud of Supernauts robots head ripping apart the glass and metal. He backflipped of him and shot a web right into Vedas face "Stupid brat." Mullahound yelled flying toward him and swinging her hammer at him.

Calling me a brat, man that gets old, than again I'm not that old.

He saw her coming and when she swung he pressed his foot off her hammer, shooting a set of webs at Anthem webbing him up as Anthem tried to summon a small storm around himself "Geez hammers, and thunder powers, still trying to make Thor." Adrian said as he landed on the top of a tank "Cause the last one worked out so well."

Keep it cool, these guys are highly trained, by SHIELD, by Iron Man, keep them talking.

Spider-Boy said as a group of large humanoid monster men appeared around him "Just cause I can't see, doesn't mean I can't fight." Veda said under the webbing as she tried to pull it off summoning her golems "What are you doing Spider-Boy, get to the extraction." Fury yelled in his ear "I'm trying." Adrian whispered.

Fury is another story, he trained Shield, trained Iron Man, and he's training me.

Adrian started to kick and punch at them, his blows removing parts of their bodies but they kept coming. "Different when your not the one fighting." Spider-Boy said as he flipped out of Vedas puppets. He was met by Anthem blasting him with a blast of wind, after breaking free from the webs "Than fight me.". He flew straight towards one of the bases bright lights. Shooting a web out of wrist and latched onto the poll swinging around "Please, you haven't seen me fight."

And trust me, Fury is a lot harder coach than Iron Man.

Spider-boy donkey kicked Anthem right in the chest knocking the wind out of him, Spider-Boy bounced of Anthems chest and swung his leg around kicking Mullahound right in the face, she was pushed back but her hammer was able to hit him in the back sending him right into one of Vedas mud men. They grabbed him and held both his arms and legs as they recovered. "You know we're required under law by the registration to unmask you." Anthem coughed getting up "But I've seen you on Milk boxes for the past six months." Anthem added "Beats looking at your cheesy actor face." Adrian said under his mask.

"Geez the mouth on this kid." Calamity said getting the boys attention, "Least I don't have the most confusing name."

The speedling looked at the web slingeer "What?"

"You heard me, Calamity." Spider-Boy said sarcastically "I mean come on, what kind of speedster doesn't have a speed like name." he pointed out "Calamity is an awesome name." Calamity said rushing up to him with his super speed "My Cheetah legs let me go almost mock one." He pointed out, Spider-Boy rolled his eyes under his mask "Well there are at least two names you could go by, Cheetah, Mock, at least those make sense."

Just got to get them talking, get distracted.

"You know, he has a point James." Supernaut said inside his slightly damaged suit "Wait you agree with him?" Calamity asked, "Your name is just a cheesy out of the cereal box name." the speedster barked.

So far so good.

Spider-Boy shrugged "To be fair, the name Supernaut, makes sense, Juggernaut was taken so he gets a pass, but if I were you I'd change it to something more robotic, maybe Robonaut, the Iron Soldier, heck even Robotron." Mullahound cocked a brow "Those last two weren't bad."

Come on, keep it up.

Anthem slapped his hand on his forehead as they talked "You don't even have a superhero name." Calamity pointed out, "She doesn't need one, Mullahound Black." Spider-Boy said as Vedas golems held him in place "That has got to be one of the coolest names I've ever heard and that's coming from a kid who knows a guy named Luke Cage." Spider-Boy said as Calamity bit his lip "Okay, what about these two?" he asked pointing to Veda and Anthem.

Almost there, just a little more idiot.

"Calamity, focus, it doesn't matter-" Anthem started "Oh no it does, come on Anthem, Veda?" Calamity asked Spider-Boy "Weeeell, the way I see it Anthem is just a cool name, and Veda just sounds cool." Calamity rushed up to Adrian again this time right in his face "And Calamity doesn't?" he asked as Veda tried to not look so sheepish at how angry he was getting

The boy shook his head "Not even close, because Calamity would mean your legs did more than just make you fast, and for some one whose super fast, your super slow."

Show time

"Slow for what" Calamity asked, to which Adrian answered "This." He drew back his head and smashed his skull right into Vedas visor cracking it. Before Spider-Boy tore his hands out of the golems Veda was controlling and webbed her up. He yanked her right at Anthem making her loose control of the golems that turned back into the ground. Before Calamity could react Adrian dropped both his feet onto the Speedsters legs ripping the metal apart

Fury once told me, when you can't win all else fails, fight dirty.

Instead of trying to attack Mullahound or Supernaut Adrian rushed them and leapt over the two with a flip before webzipping his way to the other side of the base. "Fury, I'm heading to the extraction."

He looked over his shoulder to see The Order and half of Shield right behind him, "To late kid, extract is coming to you." Fury said as Adrian saw something coming his way behind Shield and it was coming in fast.

Oh boy, this will be fun.

Spider-Boy rushed toward the end of the base right towards the drop of the side of the cliff the base was on. Behind him Anthem and Mullahound were in hot pursuit "Wheres he going to go now?" Mullahound asked as something whizzed past their heads. At the end of the air strip Adrian leapt off the cliff side turning around in the air and shooting two webs at a dark black quinjet with and latching on as it flew off into the night taking him with it.

Anthem and Mullahound arrived at the edge of the cliff to see him fly away right out of their grasp "Man, the boss will be pissed." Mullahound sighed.

Up above them, Spider-Boy crawled up to the jet as it flew using his webs as ropes into the Qunjet, it was dark black, like a stealth bomber and at the helm of the ship was a man in dark blue fatigue with white glows and boots. He wore a harness and belt that were both white with pistols. "That wasn't part of the plan" he said as Adrian pulled his mask off as he sat next down to him "I got caught up Colonel Fury." Adrian said as he buckled up "If your going to do this kid, than you need to follow my orders to the letter." Fury said as Adrian took out the small spider droid "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trip the alarm." He added.

"You didn't I did." Fury said as he flew them away.

What the hell!

"I wanted to see how you would work under pressure with a limited time, and you failed." Fury said as Adrians face fell he groaned "Does that mean?"

Fury looked back and smiled with an evil glint in his only eye.



So, Fury has, has a lot of bases like Cap said to him. Fury is the only level thirty three member or he was till he went underground. But that didn't stop Fury, he told me that the Bunker he gave Captain America was one of many, like the one we're using. This one has everything. About a dozen different rooms for people, a meeting room, lab, a hanger and garage for Fury's private Quinjet, and about a dozen other cars, planes, helicopters, bikes etc. But I think Fury's two favorite rooms are his monitor room, and the training room.

Adrian flipped over another laser blast, he was wearing his spider suit but without the mask. He was in a large metal room that was similar to the danger room, but it also had multiple turrets coming out of the floor, walls, and ceilings. Adrian dodged each of their laser blasts as robot arms leapt out of the walls and started to try and grab them. Adrian shot webs at them tangling up in the webs.

Remember how I said Fury was a harder coach than Stark?

The spider boy grabbed metal turret and tore it out of the wall and through it at some arms making them explode.

I may have undersold it.

He heard a door open behind him and saw four very large hulking robots with single red eyes and full metal bodies like humans without necks. They than all opened their arms and chests to show various weapons, chainsaws, extra guns, turrets, even one with a flame thrower.

Elsewhere in the safehouse, Nick Fury was in a large monitor room with a dozens of monitors one of them a camera showed Adrian trying to fight the robots. He turned away and held up the small black spider drone, taking some twezers he opened it up. He removed a small chip and placed it in the bin of a machine next to the computer. The screens all opened up dozens of files, with codes, pictures and schematics.

He heard a loud crashing sound coming from the monitor Adrian was on, Fury looked back at it to see Fury ripping out the robots arm that had the chain saw and used it as a weapon slicing and slashing away at the robots.

If your still confused, Fury decided that if I was going to work with him, I'd have to go through what he calls 'Training Wheels Program', actually he didn't come up with it. It's a training regimen Iron Man and Captain America came up with for the Avengers.

Adrian drove the chainsaw arm into one of the robots as another opened up its chest with a unibeam and aimedit right at him. His spider sense kicked in and he moved out of the way making the robot hit another, from Fury's monitor room the one eyes former director smiled.

This isn't the only thing I have to learn.

Later the boy was in the safe houses laboratory, he was looking through an advanced microscope, wearing a white shirt and jeans looking at something under the scope.

I mean I don't mind the physical stuff.

After the lab, Adrian was sprinting on a treadmill at full speed the whole treadmill was shaking at his running.

But the learning… it's like being in school.

Adrian was asleep at a metal desk with about a dozen files, and a computer inside his private living quarters. It had a single bed, a metal desk that fit into the corner with a computer, and that was it. His suit was lying on the side of the room on his bed, he was snoring loudly when suddenly a red alarm started to blare in his room.

He sprung up onto the ceiling clinging to the walls, "Kid, come see me in the monitor room."

Yawning, Adrian got up and left his room behind. After he suited up he walked into the monitor room, "Alright, what is it now, more training room or lab stuff?" Adrian asked.

"No, you remember what Captain Americas real goal was?" Fury asked him, Adrain crossed his arms "Get the SPHA repealed."

"In a way, but it was also showing people you didn't need a mask to do it, so… how abot picking up where Captain America left off."


I swore that the top three states I would never visit, are Alabama, Texas and Oregon, why not Texas at the top…. Well, we don't have time for the reasons.

"HAIL HYD-" Spider-Boy kicked a man in green and yellow fatigues with a yellow H on his face and chest right in the face "Oh shut up, if I have to hear one of you guys shout that one more time I sweat to god." Spider-Boy was in a large warehouse surrounded by members of HYDRA, they were all in green holding laser rifles and weapons. "Kill this kid already." One shouted shooting at Adrian who dodged. Spider-Boy shot two webs at a crate in the warehouse and swung it right into them. "Cut one limb off, two more shall take it's place." One of the HYDRA agents said running right toward Spider-Boy with a grenade in a suicide attempt. "Not today." Spider-Boy said shooting a web at the mans face and kicking the grenade out of his hand making it explode part of the ceiling away.

On the bright side, I get to fight terrorists

The terrorists rushed him trying to restrain him only to be met by black footed and gloved kicking and punching on a heroic level.

Best thing about terrorists, you don't really have to hold back.

The terrorists dog pilled on him only to be blown away by him breaking them off.

He looked around seeing none left standing, "That all of them?" Spider-Boy asked, "Looks like, good work kid." Fury said in his ear piece, "Yeah, I'll start webbing them up and call the cops." Spider-Boy said as he started to spin webs around the entire group of incapacitated Hydra agents, "Good work now-" Adrian stopped as he heard Fury stopped "What is it?"

Spider sense!

"GET OUT!" Fury yelled through the ear piece as the ceiling exploded open and flying into the building tearing through the metal and beams. Spider-Boy leapt out of the way to giant creature.

Spider-Boy shot up to see the creature, it was almost as big as the Thing, and almost the same shade of orange. "Is that… an Armadillo?" Spider-Boy asked Fury, the Armadillo man looked p and smirked with a wide face and fangy teeth "Hola nino." He said in spanish. The widnows on both sides of the warehouse crashed open and so did both walls. Five more people appeared.

The first one was a man in all white with a cape, tight black pants and shirt, with a gun belt around his hip and a ten gallon hat he had two white handled six shooters, his white mask was featureless and had only two eye holes. Ash he jumped through the window with a man dressed as a native American warrior with brown chaps, a red loin cloth some bone like armor and a wolfs hood holding a spear

Coming through the door him a man in a Similar outfit using some sort of wind power like a twister, wearing another ten gallon hat and black mask, the blue suit had a popped collar with two T's on both sides of his chest with black gloves. His lowerbody swirled with a force of a twister.

On the left side two women burst in on the other side, a native American or Mexican woman with a red headband wearing a black cape with a red tint and yellow suit, her body was engulfed in flames as she landed next to another womam. She was Caucasian with flowing blonde hair wearing a red white and blue suit. She had the same getup like the other two cowboy men, with red gloves and white edges, with matching boots. She had on a white star over her chest also holding a six shooter pistol.

"Reach for the sky-" the one in white said before cutting him off "Wait… is that Spider-Boy?" he said lowering his guns for a sec before raising them again, Spider-Boy was still looking around under his mask "… Fury." He whispered as quietly as possible. "This is the Texas registered super hero team, The Rangers Armadillo, Phantom Rider, Red Wolf, Texas Twister, Firebird and Shooting Star." Fury said into his ear.

Not to hard to put which name to which honestly, leave it to Texas and its ego to come up with a name like this, didn't have time to research this team- slow down just think.

Shooting Star lowered her gun "I think it is, he's on Starks Priority target list." The blonde said as Adrian looked over at her under his bandana mask.

Shooting Star, got a gun, doesn't look like anything else than a marksman, probably knows how to fight too, other than that human.

"Whats his name… Andrew… Andy, no Adrian." Phantom Rider said as he moved a bit, "Alright look here son, under the Super Human Registration Act, section 1.5 page 2, no minors under the age of sixteen are allowed to engage in unregistered superhuman activities, or face time in juvenile hall." Phantom Rider said as he put his guns down.

Phantom Rider, I know this guy, he's human but his costume isn't. Can turn intangible and walk on air, like the girl he's a crack shot.

The one with the tornado around his body disappeared, "Don't think he's listening to you Rider." Texas Twister said, Adrian curled his slowly into fists making his knuckles pop.

Texas Twister, how… original, guy can make tornados it seems, this guy could be a problem.

The boy heard the last two "Didin't this kid drop the Hellicarrier on Ms. Marvel." Armadillo said with a thick latino accident, "Geez, really?" the dark skinned woman said. Spider-Boy looked back over his shoulder "Kid, get out or go through them." Fury said in his ear.

Armadillo and Firebird, Armadillos probably just a thing version of the same animal, big strong, that shells got to be tough as hell. Firebird, Human Torch knock off by the looks of it.

"Looks like this calf did the bulls work for us." Texas Twister said kicking a Hydra agent covered in webs, Spider-Boy was silent waiting to see what they would do "Stow it Twister." Phantom Rider said as he holstered his guns and took out some handcuffs "Listen here son, need you take off your mask, put your hands on your head and get on the ground." Phantom Rider said as he started to walk toward Adrian as the others were all trained on them. Spider-Boy got tense up before kicking off the ground so hard he cracked it "The hell I will!" he snapped as he rushed Phantom Rider.

Shooting Star pulled the trigger on her gun and Adrian dodged each of her bullets, "Red Wolf move." She snapped not wanting a crossfire making the liscened hero duck, meanwhile Spider-Boy grabbed onto the Phantom Rider and through him right into Texas Twister who was already summoning up the winds, "Get'em." Shooting Star snapped

He shot the webs at the Rangers behind him grabbing Red Wolf spear and Shooting Stars gun out of their hands he smashed them on the ground "You want me, come get me." He said as he ran right for the warehouse exit. He burst through the metal doors like they were nothing and started to swing out into the city.

"Firestar, Twister, with me." Phantom Rider barked running after him taking to the air "Armadillo, Shooting Star, he's heading to main street, cut him off." Rider ordered as they chased after him.

This is why I never wanted to come to Texas, cause Texans think they are all that.. also the heat, it's murder.

Spider-Boy zipped through the buildings of Dallas, the Rangers members following fast behind like a posy after an outlaw, "Firestar, take'em." Phantom Ryder said running next to her. "You got it." Firestar whizzed, past the two me and grabbed Adrian by the arms before he could shoot another web "That's enough niñito." She said as he looked over his shoulder.

"Oh please, you think a second rate human torch is going to stop me." He spun around taking both her arms with him as he landed on her back forcing her to fly down into a car smashing in the roof "Or any of Starks lakies?" he asked jumping onto a lamp post. Both Twister and Phantom Rider landed next to him arms at the ready.

"Hands up lil'partner." Texas twister said small tornados wrapped round her both his arms "How about no, you cereal box excuse for a Superhero." Spider-Boy said as he pulled the top of the lamp post off with himself as he hurled it right at the Twister.

Texas Twister blasted the post away from himself trying to blast Spider-Boy with the winds as he leapt and dodged with his spider sense "Your breaking the law kid." Twister snapped "Only thing breaking the law is that mustache." he said as he barely dodged a blast of wind landing next to a car. He ripped said cars door off and used it as a shield blocking the gusts of wind.

His spider sense flared when he looked behind to see Phantom Rider, "Hands behind your head." The officer said.

He won't shoot, he's a hero, I'm a criminal right now.

Spider-Boy spun the car door around smashing Phantom Rider with it sending him flying back into the street. "Rider!" Shooting Star and Armadillo who was rolled up into a ball and her on top of a horse riding down the street, on the back was Red Wolf. She shot over at Spider-Boy and he dodged each of her shots, "Hold your fire Shooting Star, he's a minor." Texas Twister said circling around him, as she got off next to Phantom Rider"He sure aint acting like it." She said as Armadillo leapt into the air "Than lets stop treating him like he's not amigos." Armadillo barked as he headed straight for the boy down below.

Time to put that weight lifting to use.

Armadillo turned into his ball form the size of a truck and fell right on top of Adrian and all the Rangers gasped, Spider-Boy had caught Armadillo. His knees bent his body crouched over holding the giant monster like atlas holding the world.

"¿Cómo?" the monster said in espanol, and Adrian replied in the same tongue "Fuerza de araña, perra." Spider-Boy pressed off the ground hurling Armadillo right at the two gunmen. The monster uncurled his body as he crashed into them and Spider-Boy dodged a blast of fire and wind from Firebird and Texas Twister. Both hands shot toward them webs spitting out and grabbing both of them and pulling them toward him making both heroes crash into each other. Red Wolf appeared out of nowhere above Adrian but his spider sense let him grab the native American hero by the throat "Red Wolf is it?" Spider-Boy asked and the hero gulped nodding "Tell Stark something for me." Spider Boy webbed up the registered super hero before dropping him on the ground "Tell him I've just started."