Omake: Iron Womb Sect by Xicree on What's a Mad Scientist?! (Cultivation / Xianxia)

Normally I don't post fan omakes of fics but I liked this one and I also have a intense hatred to jade beauty twig, stick beauty standarts xianxia novels present so let it be known everyone shall understand the beauty of milfs lol

Yes by sharing this omake I am basically declaring war on jade beauty lover simps bring it on all shall know the beauty of milf you twig lover fools!!!!!!


Cult of the Iron Womb.

A sect who take the basic principles of Dual cultivation and the path of creating new life from their own bodies to create a cultivating sect of powerful women outside of the 'Jade Fairy' archetype so often seen by other feminine sects.

In the Iron Womb the initiate is first induced on the path from youth, practicing a minor form of dual cultivation with each other via simple skin to skin contact such as hugging and hand holding as a way to get accustomed to the feeling of passing Qi between themselves and that which is Not themselves though not with the focus yet of becoming stronger. It is infact advised along this path that those who take it stay at lower levels of cultivation until such time as they can fully explore it, ie after full sexual maturity and the ability to carry to term a pregnancy.

Once at the point of sexual maturity they are induced to have at lest one child first before pushing further into the depths of the technique, to accustom themselves to the rhythms of another soul developing, attached to oneself and how one's body shares resources with said other being. This is the first and most important step.

Next is to turn inward any experience with Dual cultivation methods, focusing now upon the womb once filled with life, now emptied of it and thus the perfect vessel for crafting a Qi cauldron. The practitioner is then induced to recreate and focus upon those memories of the sensations of development within them, those who were at least minor cultivators during their pregnancy now having a major advantage as they craft what is essentially a Formation within their own womb which mimic the ebb and flow of life forming within the womb, coaxing and occupying it with false life which in turn stabilizes into a kind of ever growing Qi reactor, allowing the base principles of Dual cultivation to be continually applied in an ever growing inter reaction which encourages the 'Mother's' body to grow more matronly as time goes by. Breasts and hips become larger and wider, and a constant flow of Qi rich liquid milk begins to be produced... this liquid too (Colloquially known as the 'Milk of the Pearl') can be drank and shared with others. It is especially encouraged to drink from other initiates of similar or higher level to oneself as it fortifies and reinforces the feedback loop of Qi around which their cultivation is based.

Once the 'Child' has been firmly established within the womb the 'Mother' can now nurture and improve upon it as they grow, pushing the Formation construct further and further towards becoming an autonomous artificial spirit which manages and enhances their internal cultivation and can with time itself come to cultivate in a manner much more akin to an actual partner. With the establishment of the 'Child' is is customary to mark a crest over the womb, usually painted using inks derived from mixtures which use 'Milk of the Pearl' as it's base. Once connected with the crest a noted phenomenon is that the crest will grow ever more elaborate, marking the mother with what is essentially a unique Womb-tattoo into which the 'Child' will eventually migrate... Leaving the mother's womb free once more to repeat the process. This in turn actually allows the mother something which other cultivation sects struggle with... the ability to have children easily and without risk to mother, child, or the resources needed to sustain them thanks to the cultivation method itself reinforcing and fortifying the 'Motherly' aspects of the user.

Once established within their tattoo the 'Child' can then be removed and placed on other potential candidates. This gives the Iron Womb sect a formidable ability to essentially speed run newer recruits through the initial stages of their cultivation method, though it is thought of best to go through each stage on one's own if possible to do so. That lack of possibility for some has in fact made the Child Transplantation method one which is popular never the less for those who could not otherwise know the joy of developing a babe within their own body in order to understand the deeper mysteries of the cult. Women who are barren, and men, can thanks to this, be integrated into the cult without issue, eventually learning to craft a 'virtual womb' from which they can birth 'Childs'. Men especially who take this path will find their bodies restructuring and sculpting itself to a more feminine bend, breasts, hips and facial features alike.

On the other hand as the method shapes one towards Motherly proportions this does not mean that it removes or inhibits the paths towards deeper strength, in fact being the opposite... it is often found that muscle, bone, and skin become more suited to hardship and endurance, and that there comes a certain level of Body Cultivation that effortlessly integrates itself with their cultivation practice more so than many other cultivation methods. Uniquely there is also a strong focus on organically grown, autonomous formations fueled and run by 'Childs' which have migrated away from their Mothers (or Lost them) and still wish to be useful to the Cult.

As such the cult has a reputation for being Tough and capable... as well as for taking in and nurturing other smaller Sects, often sending gifts of 'Milk of the Pearl' and making deep alliances via blood ties. And with their focus on having children also comes a deep, practiced understanding on the arts of raring children. Iron Womb practitioners are often requested by other sects as nurse-maids and caretakers for their own young masters and mistresses, creating deep cultural links between them.

Spoiler: Typical Iron Womb Warrior Maiden

So there you go... a sect of ARA ARA Mommy Cultivators from Dual Cultivation methods... also they FUCK!!! (Lots of practice Baby making!)