HammerTime by JollyHippopotamus

Words: 66k+

Links: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14294743/1/



(An SI/OC takes over Justin Hammer, two years before the events of Iron Man. with a lack of scruples, an international weapons conglomerate at his finger tips, and a hankering for humbling Tony Stark while still keeping him on the path to save the universe, what shenanigans will ensue?)

Chapter 1: I am Hammer!

So a bit of an MCU AU. The mutants are present in the world, along with corporations like Oscorp.

So a mix of marvel but 80 percent MCU. This is a villain SI/OC so expect bad behavior.

There's a lot someone with dubious morals and an international weapons company can do with knowledge of the timeline.

Justin Hammer is an interesting character to play with, he's not as incompetent as it's portrayed in Iron Man 2 - where the ex wife was made into a joke about hammer tech for example, despite the fact it was a rocket propelled bunker buster fired from ten-fifteen feet away and therefore wouldn't go off at that distance - Rhodeys incompetence there being made into another Hammer joke.

Anyway as usual, I don't own Marvel, the Avengers, X-Men or anything from Disney and etc etc, I make no money from this and it is entirely a free work from a fan. Don't sue, I is poor.

Hope you enjoy.


Nothing can perfectly encapsulate the word confusion, as completely - as waking up as not yourself.

He'd woken up slowly, feeling comfortable as all hell, which should have been his first clue, really. Because his bare bones shit bed hadn't ever been comfortable, not for as long as he'd lived in the rundown New York apartment he worked 80 hours a week to barely afford. Also there's always been this lingering smell… Like there was a dead body in the walls, and that odor now, for the first time did not meet him when he awoke.

He opened his eyes, blearily looking around, hands feeling impossibly fine sheets underneath him, is that… Silk? He thought, incredulously. Also, his blurry vision was not improving much even as he became more aware, to his confusion. He managed to locate a pair of glasses on a nearby nightstand and slid them on his face with shaking hands, his heart beating painfully fast in his chest. Because he never used to need glasses. He'd never had them before.

What was going on!?

He was in an opulent suite, the bed alone probably the size of his old bedroom. The four poster bed looked like something out of Arabian nights, translucent sheets hanging down, covering the bed from all angles. As he peeked out of the curtains of sheets, he saw the rest of the bright airy room he was in. It was filled with expensive looking everything. From antique looking dressers with inlaid gold motifs, a painting on the wall he was almost positive was a fucking Picasso or something , and a full size mirror that he was pretty sure was actually surrounded by a border of diamonds! One wall was simply floor to ceiling windows, showcasing an expansive and beautiful view of some manorground with the ocean lapping at it in the distance. There was a desk set up that he could swear looked exactly like the one the god damn president had in the oval office as well, what. The. Hell.

Where the fuck had he ended up? Who kidnaps someone and surrounds him with wealth? He wasn't exactly some little princess some dictator might kidnap for obvious reasons,( No one would kidnap him as a sex slave of all things, even he didn't want to have sex with himself) he was a down and dirty worker, with a rugged half broken body to match. He was the lowest of the low - the kind of worker everyone spat on while working them to the bones for nothing.

The ones that died alone in their apartments or on the street without anyone noticing. He'd resigned to that fate already, what else was there to do with life. He had no path forward.

And now he was here…. Wherever here was. Somehow. Also, he touched his glasses briefly, hands still trembling. Why? Why did he need glasses, now? What was happening?

Sliding out of the crazy large and comfortable bed proved easy, how could anyone sleep in these silky smooth sheets? He'd almost slipped straight onto the floor. His heart rate spiked as he found himself on his feet - completely naked and realized, while looking down, that he didn't recognize his own junk, or the rest of himself for that matter, and was he… Shorter? What… W-What is happening? He thought, almost in a daze, slowly moving towards the full sized standing mirror. His head was suddenly pounding, like a piercing pain behind his eyes was drilling its way into his skull. He looked in the mirror. And promptly fell down onto the floor, thankfully protected by a lush maroon carpet that was softer than anything he'd ever owned, he felt like he was having a seizure of sorts, not that he'd ever experienced one before.

But surely this incredible pain weakening his limbs and knocking him down was a seizure, because surely his mind was going. It must be. Yet…

The face looking back at him, the one he'd seen in the mirror, belonged to Justin Hammer. Or at least his actor - as he'd known him as in the Iron Man movie franchise. A movie he'd seen a dozen years ago. Acknowledging what was in front of him had immediately knocked him down, a mixture of shock and pain, the pressure he'd felt in his head - the rush of memories from Justin Hammer being assimilated.

He'd worked backbreaking shit jobs his entire life, constantly screwed over by someone, whether a corrupt government, a shifty co-worker, insane ex girlfriend or an asshole boss - he'd always gotten the short end of the stick. As he assimilated the memories, he grew more and more intrigued with the possibilities of a new life, however the hell that had happened didn't matter. The memories blended with his own until he wasn't sure what he was, but he wasn't fully him anymore.

Best he could tell, he was now Justin Hammer, 2.0.

Justin Hammer had pretty much been a joke - despite owning and running the largest weapons manufacturing company after Stark industries. He'd just been a punch line - the guy that just didn't measure up to Tony Stark. Although he was in every way, much wealthier and vastly more successful than a shitty minimum wage worker who could never get ahead (due to some unjustified jail time in his misspent youth) he was the same in one way - he burned for the chance to prove everyone wrong, to not be second best, the afterthought. To have the adulation he so rightfully deserved. That others were denying him for no good reason.

Yes… He thought, before passing out from the pain, This could work out just fine…


When he woke up, his disorientation was over, he'd accepted his new lot in life. His memories had fully settled in. He was now, for all intents and purposes, Justin Hammer.

It shouldn't be that easy. It really shouldn't. But his old life had been shit. Now he was suddenly rich. Of course he fucking accepted it immediately.

His old life had basically been a lonely hell working itself slowly to death, it wouldn't be missed. He was now completely and utterly Justin Hammer and happy about it.

And luckily for him, he was Justin Hammer, in 2006. Two years before Iron man. He had a head start to begin taking advantage of his knowledge. Original him, was in no way a scientist or engineer, and as much as it hurt him to admit it even to himself, Justin was not anywhere within the stratosphere of someone like Tony Stark. He had his own kind of genius, able to take anything that already existed and engineer it to perfection for the world markets. Able to anticipate or through any means necessary, create the market for his style of weaponry. The wheel and deal, backroom business and cutthroat actions of the world of billionaire, that was his jam.

He wasn't Tony Stark.

But… He didn't need to be. There was knowledge in his head now, knowledge that could alter the world. And more importantly - him and his company. Tony Stark would stop weapons development. That was practically set in stone, surely. Justin certainly wouldn't do anything to stop that! And what opportunity that alone would bring. Not only cheap SI shares for him to buy up so that he could be a constant thorn in Stark's ass, but in the thousands of employees of SI that he could poach indiscriminately during the period after Stark's press conference, when the dolt would do absolutely nothing to calm the worries of his company and its employees.

He'd offer them triple the salary if he had to, the cost would be worth it to get all those employees, the best of the best. Working and creating for him. Sure they couldn't use proprietary Stark technologies, but they'd be experienced weapons developers, they'd find new ways to make superior weapons that didn't utilize proprietary Stark Tech.

And Justin had plans for ways to get some of his own tech that could catapult Hammer industries from the everyman's weapons company - to the reputation now held by Stark Industries.

Hammer industries, despite being considered a joke by the likes of Tony Stark. Was a global Aerospace, Defense, Security and advanced technology company. Justin had started the company himself, and still owned it in its totality, having used whatever investors and loans he could, combined with the family fortune from the luck of being born rich, without giving away shares of his baby. He had factories in over 45 countries and contracts with the militaries of over a hundred countries. Stark was practically exclusively selling to the USA and NATO, with the odd American ally thrown in. Justin wasn't nearly as discriminating and there was plenty of profit in that.

Sure he didn't sell to enemies of America… Not obviously anyway. But that still left a hundred countries to ply his trade in. And if some ghost production runs ended up in the middle east, well they must have been stolen from any of the smaller countries Hammer sells to, obviously.

So, okay, he wasn't a paragon of virtue. But he made money. A lot of money actually. He could understand why he'd be considered a rival to Tony Stark, even if that damnable movie had portrayed his future very badly. He'd been a joke. That would not happen.

If anyone should be called the merchant of death, it was obviously Justin Hammer. Tony just had better PR due to his old man having been moderately important.

And because fucking anything that walked made the news more often then someone pulling off a new weapons deal.

He switched his thoughts off the tracks, thinking about Tony too much wouldn't bring anything positive. He continued thinking about his assets. Hammer industries also provided much of the law enforcement package to the majority of the world's countries, they even had several large contracts in North America for just that - including the FBI, ATF and the CIA. Stark was more for the big shiny inventions most of the time, leaving Justin the smaller but still very profitable law enforcement market.

Missiles might cost a lot more per unit. But the military only bought so many of them - while law enforcement was constantly buying and upgrading their gear. Especially in America. And if criminal gangs found their way into shipments of Hammer weaponry and armor piercing bullets - forcing law enforcement to buy more expensive and specialized gear from Hammer industries, well… That was just business. What separated Justin from all the competition that he'd eventually swallowed up.

Of course there was nothing Justin could really do about shipments being robbed by criminals. That was a police issue. As the major supplier to law enforcement he was of course never a suspect. Justin couldn't quite stop a smirk as he paced around his suite pondering his company and the way forward. Unlike Obadiah Stane, Justin didn't leave evidence around to be found. None pointing to him, anyway. If someone bothered to investigate, he'd lose a few plant managers. No real loss.

He couldn't help but be smug thinking of how the CEO of SI was a traitor. Which brought his thoughts back to his company, and the comparison to SI.

So… while his company did not quite reach the size of SI due to it being more diversified,with several products outside weapons, Hammer industries was still in the top 20, Justin's own fortune also placing him amongst the top 20 richest men in the world. If he could handle the next few years right…. He'd claw himself to number 1 in both categories. He'd be higher up already, if the likes of Roxxon energy and the Rand corporation were not around, even Oscorp was around, which worried Justin slightly. Not that they'd be a threat necessarily. If Norman Osborn would be anything like normally portrayed, the company was likely doomed anyway. No, the worry lay in if this amalgamation of companies denoted a new timeline or not. He needed Iron man to happen the same as before - it was vital. If the Green Goblin and the X-Men and everything else was a thing… Who knows what would happen?

Magento might crush Tony like a grape the first time he'd fly out in his suit. And it just wouldn't be satisfying to Justin if Tony didn't get to live and see Justin surpass him across the world. Tony could have his suit. Justin would have the world, instead.

He'd need to research world history and notable people. Unfortunately he'd never paid any real attention to anything outside the business world, aside from top generals for the purpose of gaining more contracts, of course. He'd been…. A little more self absorbed then he was comfortable with now. An ego wasn't bad, but closing yourself into a bubble was - he'd lost sight of the bigger picture. Searching his new, yet old at the same time, memories, proved that his ultimate downfall had been his success. Justin Hammer did not really do anything that did not involve his business in some way. Or should he say now, he, didn't do anything outside the pursuit of business. He could see what would happen, Stark industries kept increasing their profits even while dropping out of the weapons business, Tony celebrated everywhere, Justin would probably have started becoming dangerously risky, sloppy. Anything to get one over Stark. Leading to that whole Vanko fiasco.

He wouldn't mess that up this time…

And he needed to be more involved in the world. Not to the same extent as man whore Tony Stark. But he needed to be more than Justin Hammer, a random corporate CEO to the public. He'd been too reclusive and frankly, too impulsive in many ways.

One consequence of that, which he needed to fix, ASAP. Was his habit of going through staff. From his personal staff to his assistant to his security detail. They all either got fired, or resigned, within months of working with him. He couldn't have that continuing. With all that needed to get done, and all the threats he might face for improving his lot in life… He needed a trustworthy assistant ala Pepper Potts. He needed a well trained trustworthy security detail.

Preferably enhanced.

Justin grabbed his personal laptop, not bothering to dress as he sat down at his desk, he'd need to set things in motion. Two years might seem like alot. But if he was going to be able to take proper advantage, there would be alot of prep work for it. Thank god he didn't answer to a board of directors - because the empty factories and warehouses he'd need to build and/or purchase, the laboratories and robotics departments he'd need to create and keep basically idle, for now. It would cost a bundle to acquire, but it would be worth it. If he could step directly in SI's shoes the minute Stark ends the weapons deliveries. He'd be a shoe in for taking their place. Not allowing any other competitor the time or resources to get in ahead of him.

First however. He needed to research this world. And he needed to find staff that could do the job he needed, and were loyal. If not to him yet, entirely loyal to the almighty dollar would do, for now.

Justin grinned, as he started typing, the world lay at his fingertips now. He did not intend to rest on his laurels.

Tony Stark would one day have to acknowledge that Justin Hammer did more to save the world than he ever could.


Being extremely wealthy had its benefits. Within a few days Justin had already secured interviews with several notable people that could ensure not only his safety, but could also assist him in running his business and his eventual business empire.

Currently, he'd flown to New York, making his New York office his home base for now, especially for meeting his prospective employees. It was a bit more secure than his lavish California villa or his manor in Britain. It had a dedicated private security firm guarding the premises and a safe room capable of handling anything below a nuke.

He'd found, during his research, that while not too much differed from the MCU, as far as he could tell. Mutants being a thing was known, although neither the X-Men or Magneto had popped their respective heads out yet, not officially. Mutants were known more broadly amongst the upper echelons of government and intelligence agencies than the wider world at the moment. The government and SHIELD keeping a lid on things. His contacts couldn't tell him the specifics, but the X-Men and the Brotherhood had indeed clashed at least once - and were known to the government under those monikers. Justin had a feeling it would all kick off for real, once Iron man stepped into the open - or maybe that was more of a hope, he didn't want that derailed, so much hinged on it.

His current secretary, Victoria, escorted his first appointment in, and Justin rose from behind his desk with a charming smile on his face. "Lady Domino, a pleasure."

Domino, a tall, confident black woman with a confident smirk on her face and a white brand around her left eye, slid into a chair, crossing her legs, showcasing knee high leather boots, "Call me Domino, we both know I'm not a lady."

"That will be all for now, Victoria." Justin said with a smile, shooing off his secretary, coming around the desk with some swagger and taking a position leaning back slightly onto the front of the desk, almost but not quite sitting down, looking over his future acquisition.

"Like what you see?" Domino quipped with a challenging look on her face and a raised eyebrow, crossing her arms under her chest.

Justin smirked appreciatively, "I wouldn't have approached you if I didn't like everything about you, Domino, sweetheart!" He said, making a grandiose sweeping gesture.

"I guess I'm just a lucky girl like that." She chuckled, her eyes still challenging, searching.

Justin abruptly left his position at the desk, aware of the slight tensing in the muscles of Domino's arms at his sudden movement, even mercenaries were cautious when dealing with billionaires it seemed. He smirked to himself as he picked up a crystal carafe from a side table stocked with all kinds of alcohol, "A drink?" He asked casually. Pouring himself one, either way.

"Well… What girl can say no to free booze." She drawled, after a moment's pause.

"It's 300 years old, actually. Amazing what money can buy, isn't it? it tastes almost exactly the same as today's drinks to me." Justin chuckled as he poured her one, "Ice?" He asked, interrupting himself, on seeing Domino's uncaring shrug, he added two ice cubes, before bringing it over, "Just tastes more… Expensive." He finished with a small toast, as Domino grabbed her drink.

As Domino took a sip, Justin laughed softly, "Fascinating really," He mused out loud, at her questioning look, "It must be amazing going through life, knowing you won't be poisoned, because luck, or should I say probability itself, would make me drop the glass, or any other number of interruptions due to bad luck on my part, or good on yours." He saluted her with the glass of alcohol. "An amazing ability."

Domino held the glass tightly in her hands, "Most would say it's an underwhelming ability. Most have." She said, tilting her head curiously, studying Justin.

"Most aren't as clever as I, or as you, my dear." Justin said with a wink, the charming smile not dropping one iota. "Luck is a super power worth its weight in gold."

"If you say so." Domino said with a shrug, looking amused, taking another sip of her drink.

"Would you like it?" Justin said abruptly, toying with his glass. "Your weight in gold?" His eyes suddenly pierced hers, weighing her reaction.

Domino froze for a moment, gauging how serious he was, before a small smile bloomed into being on her face, "Does it have to be my weight in gold?" She asked playfully, "I mean, I've been hitting the salad bars lately, I'm in pretty fine form, not ready for a weigh in."

She gestured to her body, which in the black and form fitting clothes she was wearing - definitely could not be called heavy in any manner.

Justin grinned sharply, "Five year contract. You work for me, no one else. And you'll receive double your weight in gold at the end of every year." He winked, "Plus a signing bonus, you'll walk out of here, today, with your weight in gold if you sign on."

"Guess I better start bulking up." Domino mused, swirling the alcohol in her glass. "Never thought I'd be a corporate girl."

"Must be your lucky day." Justin joked, a pleased smile on his face, making the mutant laugh.


Unfortunately most of the rest of the day was not as productive, several of the people he was interviewing for positions at Hammer industries were just too obviously unfit for the job, or plants. Having just hired Domino as one of his bodyguards, Justin had her stand behind him for the interviews, her powers over probabilities, what most simply simplified to 'luck' helped her suss out the most suspicious applicants immediately. As Domino was now tied to him, for large amounts of money she definitely wanted, her 'good luck' could be put to use. As someone guarding him from threats, and subconsciously and consciously looking out for herself, by looking out for him. She just purely accidentally - managed to fluster one man to reveal he was here under false pretenses, expose another as a SHIELD agent by the lucky coincidence of having run into her in her previous work, and outright proved the others bad intentions just by the nasty amount of bad luck they had in front of us.

Domino had protected clients before in her job as a mercenary, and none of them had gotten as much as a paper cut. This extra stuff was just an added bonus. Useful, very useful, but not even why he hired her.

Her powers were absolute bullshit. And also under his employ, now. He'd have to be careful not to grow overconfident. They worked for her. So as long as he kept her close and aligned to his vision, she'd be a boon personally and professionally. If he tried to use her to manipulate the stock market, for example, it would likely not work, or so he theorized. Too impersonal and abstract to her immediate wants and needs. Something that worked for an immediate area was the ticket, it would have to be tested, but he doubted it worked nationally and globally. For now, it would do either way, as one of his bodyguards she'd be able to do enough.

As long as her luck kept him alive, she was worth any amount of money. Or anything else she wanted for that matter.

"Last appointment for the day…" Justin mused out loud, leaning back in his leather chair. It seemed he'd have to go for something more unconventional in finding a good assistant. All the applicants today had been garbage or literally planning to betray him immediately upon being hired.

Domino, who was sitting on another chair behind him to his right, and busy cleaning her multitude of weapons, sighed. "Another little patsy, boss?" She complained lightly.

Justin preened slightly, being called boss by a literal superhero or antihero or whatever she was, did massage his ego massively. From the shake of her head and little amused smirk, she knew it too.

"No, the next one actually… Could perhaps be your partner. If things work out." Two bodyguards were better than one, after all. Even with two, they couldn't be around 24/7, but he'd count on regular security while he was asleep and the like, Domino staying in a room near him should be enough in theory to assist him. Plus he did intend to get an entire security detail as well to protect him, but his two bodyguards were for the possibility someone got past that detail. Domino wasn't only hired for her power of probability, she was an actual mercenary/assassin of great skill. He'd actually have to burn some favors in the state department after these interviews to ensure she wouldn't be arrested for showing up in public with him. Her protection work wasn't an issue. The people she'd assassinated were.

Luckily he had no contracts with Sokovia, considering her killing several of its opposition leaders and protesters had kick-started unrest there.

"If I'm lucky, they're a total hottie." Domino said cheekily, giving one of her guns an air kiss, watching the door intently.

Justin swiveled on his chair, facing her, "You're already working for a total hottie, darling!?" He protested.

She made a face, shaking her head, lifting her hand in a so-so gesture, "Eh, seven out of ten, boss."

Justin turned back to the door, what a hit to the ego. He bet Tony Stark never got told he was a seven. He was honestly offended, he cracked his neck, letting it drop, he wouldn't be Tony Stark. He wouldn't let his ego decide everything, although petulantly he labeled her a six out of then in his mind. Just breathe…

The door opened, and in came the only other appointment he arranged for a possible bodyguard. He was willing to pay good money for it, so he didn't bother scheduling a multitude of interviews. He intended to have his first two choices. Well…. His first two choices that were available. There were many others he'd love to have protecting his bacon.

He just didn't think the likes of Magneto did henchmen work.

"~Lucky~" Domino sing-songed as Eileen Harsaw sashayed in. And the woman fit the description of a hottie, for sure. It was like a playboy centerfold had just walked in, long blonde hair, curvy body and legs that went for miles. It was hard to believe this woman was a mercenary.

Justin turned on the charm again, smiling widely as the blonde bombshell wearing a business casual look, stopped in front of his desk and appraised Domino with a wary look, "Welcome Eileen, or do you prefer… Phantazia?"

"Eileen will do." She said shortly, cocking her head, eyes narrowed, "I know you rich boys are ridiculous, but are you trying to hire yourself a harem?" She asked, somewhat mockingly. Feeling him out, no doubt.

"He wishes." Domino snorted, one arm resting over her knee, that she'd pulled up on the chair, the other playing with a disassembled gun. Still her eyes never left Eileen's.

Justin's face twitched slightly, "I hire the best." He said pointedly, "The fact that the best happen to be women…" He held his hands out in a what can you do gesture. That said, it's not exactly a downfall that they are both very attractive women. Good for my reputation if nothing else.

"I came to this interview out of curiosity more than anything else." Eileen said dismissively, already half turning away. Making it clear she wasn't impressed.

"Are you thinking long term or short term here?" Justin asked, with some bite to his voice. Nothing made him angrier than being dismissed. He was still one of the richest men in the world, if nothing else, yet. He could definitely disappear people. Even mutants.

"You have nothing I want." Eileen stated bluntly. Domino gave a low whistle, holding her hands in the air playfully when Eileen turned her way with narrowed blue eyes.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Justin said, calming himself down, crossing his hands in front of him on the desk. "Money of course, you can attain anywhere." He said casually, eyes intent on the blonde woman's. "Although most wouldn't offer as much as me, for such a thing as bodyguard work."

"As you said, money I can get anywhere." Eileen said with furrowed brows, "What are you getting at, rich boy?"

Justin barely suppressed another annoyed twitch. His smile turned somewhat darker, "You're a mutant." He said bluntly. "Domino here, will through my connections, be completely free of any previous entanglements with the law..." He shrugged lightly, "Just as an example of my reach."

Domino's head tilted slightly as she heard that. Justin hadn't actually told her that, yet. But it was the first point of his argument now.

"The 'law' doesn't even know I exist." Eileen snorted, "You don't have anything to tempt me with." She turned to leave. Her curiosity apparently sated.

"You're a mutant." Justin repeated slowly. Shaking his head, making it clear he thought she was a bit slow on the uptake.

Eileen stopped, a growl at the back of her throat. "So you keep saying…" she bit out, testily.

"How long do you have? A year? Five? I give it a decade at most." Justin said, leaving back casually. His charming smile back on his face. Domino watched him carefully, with interest.

Eileen turned back around, glaring at him, "Get to the point." Her tense posture indicated she wasn't as clueless about what he was saying as she pretended.

"Mutants will be considered a threat!" Justin said with a dark smile, tilting his head just enough to let light flash across his glasses, like a boss, "Now or in the near future, it will happen. You know it. I know it."

"I know a guy that will have something to say about that." She said, some amusement leaking through her cold facade.

"Magneto?" Justin asked, carefully. Smirking at the shock on the woman's face. "I see I was right, and how exactly do you expect the government to react against such a threat as he?"

"He will persevere." She snapped shortly.

"Will he? Against all of the government, the army, the alphabet soup agencies?" Justin mocked, "Even if he beats them all, he'll just confirm to the world what's already coming. That the average citizen will be afraid of you." Justin met her eyes, "The day is coming soon, when you'll all have to be registered, caged, studied." He flashed a smile, "You can't win against the whole world."

Her eyes flashed, "Never!" She shouted, "He would not allow it!" Subconsciously she was taking a step forward, Domino immediately raising her now once again assembled guns, tsking loudly. Eileen stopping in place, aggravated.

"Now, imagine if one worked under someone the US government is working closely with? Someone they need?" Justin cajoled gently, "Would the government really risk the entire industrial defense complex machine for two mutants?" He met Domino's eyes, and then slowly moved his head to meet Eileen's… No … Phantazia's eyes. "Freedom. I offer you freedom from the war that is coming. From the persecution. My umbrella protecting you, sheltering you, the riches of the world at your fingertips."

"You can't guarantee that." The blonde woman snapped, but she looked slightly shaken, her eyes kept twisting to Domino, as if gauging her reaction, her beliefs.

"In two years time, I will be the only name that matters in US weapon manufacturing, and that's just the beginning." Justin exclaimed confidently. He chuckled, shaking his head, "Oh, sweetheart," He said a bit condescendingly, "At that point I could pardon Magneto himself."

Phantazia hesitated, licking her lips. Before she slowly walked forward to sink into one of the chairs in front of the desk. She hesitated again, "I'm listening." She finally said.

Justin smirked, he had her. Now, she might be a closet Magneto supporter, but honestly that didn't matter as long as she stayed loyal for the next five years. He only needed five years to turn the world on its head.

She'd be incredibly useful. Her abilities with electromagnetic and bioelectric fields were not only able to immediately disrupt and make inoperable - the weapons of the common human. Guns. Tanks. Helicopters - making an assault on him almost impossible. She could also affect super powers. As in turn them off when near her, or make them behave erratically, if too powerful to shut off completely. She could control bioelectric energy fields and the nervous system to boot, inflicting pain, paralysis and loss of coordination. So anyone attacking him would have an incredible hurdle to get over to get past her and Domino's probability power twisting luck their way. She wasn't as unknown to law enforcement as she thought, her power set he'd gotten from their files, personally he had no memory of her from what little he knew of the X-Men.

Obviously the more enemies and the more enhanced she faced, the less useful her powers would be, she could only do so much after all, so she wasn't all powerful, but she would be very useful.

His personal safety was practically guaranteed now.

And if she wasn't 100 percent loyal. Well… Mutants didn't lead particularly great lives in most cases, even the mercenary kind. Five years of getting anything she wanted, money, power, fame, men, women, food, technology, weapons, jewelry and clothing. Anything.

She'd have to be very determined to hate him to not end up wanting to stay.

Justin would win her over. Both of them. They were too useful to end up in the always war between the X-Men and the Brotherhood. Or whatever would happen once the Avengers and SHIELDRA intervened in mutant affairs.

He almost wanted Tony Stark to come attack him now, once he became Iron Man. The look on his face when Phantazia could just disable his suit with a wave of her hand.

Justin could hardly wait.


Unfortunately any further search for the perfect loyal competent right hand man or woman had to be put on hold. With the amount of purchases that Justin was pushing through, including large swaths of server farms, his presence was actually needed in many cases. As over half of his intended purchase existed in the United States - that meant smooching with state politicians to ensure everything went smoothly, and that no one threw a wrench into it all just to try and gain bribes from him - or that Roxxon or another large company took the chance of doing some corporate sabotage just because they could. So he'd been traveling across America for the past week.

He'd regularly done the same to other companies, so he knew the bastard's would do it if given a chance.

Which found him, dressed to the nines, his two bodyguards following behind him, entering a charity gala in Colorado of all places, each impeccably dressed in the finest fabrics and jewelry money could buy. Domino rocking a pink number, while Phantazia went all black and backless, her pale features standing out even more, Justin had no idea where they hid their weapons, he knew they still had some. Their primary job was as bodyguards after all, even if mundane weapons weren't their only way to achieve that.

He was donating ten million to this charity, it was for children or puppies or something, he hadn't listened when Senator Byron invited him, he'd been too annoyed, he still had another three states to visit. At least his donation vastly eclipsed the rest combined, which would surely get him some nice coverage in the news at least, and with him looking good together with the old senator, the well connected man would ensure the state didn't put any hurdles in the way for his purchases, or argue the fact that some of the land would not be filing the appropriate schematics for what they were building, or any. For national security reasons, of course.

Just business as usual. The kind of wheeling and dealing that had brought Hammer industries past its rivals. Except for the one…

He'd barely entered, shaking hands with the old man who should really just lay down and die already, after spending 50 years in the United States Senate, when a commotion erupted behind him.

His guards immediately drew him to the side slightly, before they both relaxed, immediately recognizing the commotion for the non-threat it was.

"It's just Tony Stark." Domino said, smoothing down her dress, rolling her eyes.


"What the fuck is Tony Stark doing in Colorado?" Justin said lowly, feeling his blood boiling. And sure enough to the shouts of questions from the press that had let him through with barely any notice - Tony Stark strolled inside without a care in the world, a wide grin on his face.

"Mr. Stark, I had no idea you were joining us today." The old Senator wheezed out, stepping forward with a politician's smile on his face, reaching out with a hand.

Tony stepped forward and gave the Senator a friendly pat on the shoulder, completely avoiding his outstretched hand, "Wouldn't miss it for the world, I'm a big proponent for… The environment?" Tony looked around, lifting his sunglasses slightly, "I'm sorry, my personal assistant probably sent me something on what today was for, but I don't read anything she sends me, so I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea."

"It's a charity gala for the organization for preserving the climate and natural beauty of Colorado." The Senator explained long sufferingly, with a tight smile. Obviously the man had dealt with Stark before. Also, the environment? Justin had really not been paying attention to this gala, it appeared. And what was Byron even doing here? He was a NRA bought, die hard republican. The environment. Is everyone going crazy nowadays? What's wrong with life when you can't even count on die hard old fossils to keep consistent. Justin lamented mentally.

Tony paused, "Wow, that's a mouthful. PCNBC then? That works…." He looked around smugly, raising a hand to the crowd that had gathered, "Right? I love the environment, I'm very pro environment." He put his arm around the shoulder of the old Senator, who visibly looked annoyed now, "Tell me - sorry I forgot your name," Tony paused as if to let the man introduce himself, before continuing on the second he opened his mouth, "Nevermind, not important, look, who's donated the most? I'll just add another mil, be the biggest shark, you know how it is."

"That would be me, Anthony." Justin said, stepping forward. "I'm sure Senator Byron has more guests to greet, if you'd let the man go." He made sure to send the Senator a pointed look, the man definitely owed Justin one now. There better not be any issues with those server farms.

He wasn't sure talking with Stark was worth the cost of the three hundred million dollars he was intending on spending in this state.

"Justine! Fancy seeing you here." Tony greeted him with that arrogant smirk he always wore on his face. Justin would eat a sidewinder missile if Tony arriving here was just a coincidence. And Stark wondered why he called him Anthony, when the smug asshole kept calling him Justine. The nerve of the bastard.

Either way, the press was around, so were influential state politicians and lobbyists. So he couldn't push back too hard. Image was everything when one couldn't shrug off all public opinion and the government - like Tony fucking Stark.

"Anthony. I'm glad you found the time to come and donate to a worthy cause." Justin managed to grind out politely, ignoring the slight name change he'd been hit with, seeing the Senator shuffle away, Tony completely forgetting his existence, would at least earn him a favor, it better. Justin's two guards slid up to his side, immediately drawing the man whore's gleeful attention.

"What are you fine ladies doing with Justine, you know he's in the small arms business right?" Tony chuckled, stroking his chin, "I'm in the missile business, there's quite the large difference." He winked, before waving his hand dismissively towards Justin, "No worries, Justine, I won't keep them for long, you know how the Stark charm works, no hard feelings."

Justin barely managed to keep his face straight. He didn't know what was worse, the fact Tony believed he could just grab the two women from him just like that, with stupidly obvious innuendo to boot, or the fact that he could remember it actually working in the past. God he couldn't stand the man. "Anthony, a little childish, don't you think?" He chided, unable to keep completely quiet.

"The adults are talking." The man shushed him, Justin barely suppressed his almost violent reaction, as Tony turned towards Domino, "What do you say? Want to find out the difference between a number one?" He slid his eyes towards Justin, a carefree smirk on his face, "And number, whatever Justine is, 20? 25?"

"You like numbers, huh?" Domino said casually, putting her hand on her hip, "Well… You'd be a nine out of ten, but your attitude bumps that down to an eight." She shook her head, "I don't bother with anyone under 10/10, sorry, sweetie." And oh, how it burned that she scored the ass higher than him still, even seeing what a tool Tony was.

Instead of being bothered by that, Tony grinned, "Let's grab a couple drinks, once we'll get comfortable, I'll get you to a ten soon enough." He suggested grandly, before turning to Eileen, giving out a low whistle, "Three is better than two, and blondes always know how to have fun, what do you say, babe? Join us?"

"I would pull out your spine and beat you with it, Stark." Eileen responded coldly. Gaining a d'aww from Domino as she stage whispered, "She's defending our honor boss."

If anything Eileen's glare at Domino was frostier then the one she'd subjected Stark to.

Tony snapped his finger and pointed at Eileen. "You, I want even more now." He grinned at Justin, "You've hired them? I expected better from you Hammer." His grin was unrepentant, the fool was enjoying this way too much.

"Whatever depravity is on your mind right now, Anthony, I remind you, that I am not you." Justin drawled, "We have a gala to attend, so do you, how about we move on, your adoring fans, will surely miss you, otherwise." Justin tilted his head to the large crowd of guests that weren't moving any further - as they were all standing and waiting for Stark.

Without waiting for any no doubt patronizing or disgusting come back, Justin led the ladies by their arms, further into the conference hall that was holding the charity gala. The glam and rich decor, utterly immaterial to Justin after having run into Stark.

"Rich boys." Eileen said with a downturned twist of her lips, a look of dislike on her face.

"Please don't compare me to the likes of Stark." Justin warned harshly, his blood still boiling, there was no way that the man had thrown himself away from his partying - to come here for an environmental gala. No… He was no doubt wondering why Justin was buying up so much real estate. He was here snooping.

The gala ended up being a complete disaster. Not only did Justin miss out on any press due to Stark's presence, the ass beat his donation and managed to somehow ruin the deal Justin had spent his hard pressed time working on. He'd been leaving the gala when he ran into Stark holding an impromptu press conference on the stairs of the conference hall, having gotten approval from the state senate to move forward with heavy investment in the state.

Tony's eyes met Justin's as the man whore billionaire pontificated about how he'd beaten out an inferior bid, and that surely all of Colorado was rejoicing the incoming presence of Stark industries over that of lesser companies.

If he hadn't had the five year plan in his head, and the knowledge of the suffering Tony Stark would go through soon enough - he might have ordered Domino to attempt to influence the bastard with her power.

Probably wouldn't have worked anyway, so it was for the best. One thing he did believe in was the saying - never give an order that can't be obeyed.

Domino mostly used her powers completely subconsciously, altering the luck of someone else from a distance - someone that was no threat to her. It would have been a foolish order, unlikely to work. Now if he asked her to kill him, she'd probably be able to fire blindly behind her and still manage to ricochet a way into the bastard's rotten heart. But Justin definitely didn't want him dead.

Just wanted him to suffer, really.

Justin was definitely not interested in any more foolish endeavors involving Tony fucking Stark, however. So he dropped those lines of thoughts.

As they entered the Limo, he growled out an order at his temporary assistant, "Cancel the meetings in North Dakota, Arizona and Texas. We'll wait for Stark to lose interest, we can't go into a bidding war." His assistant immediately got on her phone, starting the process to cancel meetings with some high profile politicians - it would cost him. There was no doubt about that. But he wasn't kidding, he couldn't afford to get into a bidding war with Stark right now.

He'd lose interest soon enough. It was just incredibly annoying that he'd gotten involved at all. Probably that damnable AI getting involved. Picking up on his unusual spending spree and alerting Stark.

He bitterly slumped back in the limo as Domino and Phantazia took their seats, Domino next to him, Phantazia up front with the driver to watch for threats. Domino's luck would always be more accurate right next to him, while Phantazia had the perfect power set to immediately disrupt a threat appearing.

He'd have to pivot - deal with internal business for now. Keep any acquisitions that Stark could interfere in to the minimum. At least… Any large public acquisitions…

He turned towards Domino, "You have contacts, find me Aldrich Killian. Then arrange for him to meet me at the New York office."

"When do you want him, boss?" Domino said, casually tapping away at her phone.

"Yesterday. Just get him in." Justin said, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from the fridge, not bothering with a glass as he took a sip. "Stark's gonna make an alcoholic of me!" He growled, suddenly throwing the bottle, smashing it on the limo floor, Domino not even reacting, just tapping away, but his secretary eeped and dropped her phone mid call.

Justin forcibly calmed himself, riding sullenly the rest of the way, not doing anything until he got on his private jet and into the air, then he sat down with his laptop, and started plotting, if he couldn't move forward as quickly business wise. Well, there were other things he could do.

Research and development for example.

He still needed a security detail.

A right hand.

He took a deep breath, watching the clouds outside the window, he'd get Stark. Eventually he'd surpass him.

He wouldn't be laughing at him for much longer.


The next day he felt much better, letting the annoyance at Tony Stark wash away, as he walked into his New York offices, making sure to greet every employee by name, as annoying as it was to memorize that stuff, it actually did work for creating loyalty, as ridiculous as that notion was. Considering how often he was likely to be in the states now, he might have to think about moving corporate headquarters from London to here, considering all the important events that would happen in America.

Possibly best to wait for the chitauri invasion, he'd be able to buy up a lot of cheap New York real estate afterwards. He wasn't an insurance expert, but surely an alien invasion would not be covered in anyone's policy. If he remembered correctly, the accompanying marvel tv shows had shown a lot of stalled rebuilding and worn down areas after the invasion. He could step in, buy cheap, build what he needed for Hammer Hegemony in New York, then sell the rest of the land for a heavy profit once the alien hysteria settled down and prices went back up.

As he made his way towards his office, his secretary rushed up to meet him, Domino stopping her with a hand gesture when she got too close.

"Yes? Victoria? What is it that is so urgent?" Justin said trying to remain polite and professional, he needed his people to become loyal. He needed to avoid his knee jerk reflex of shoving them down to their rightful position.

"S-sir! There's a man that arrived outside your office, he doesn't have an appointment, I'm not sure how he got all this way, I called security, they weren't aware he was in the building." Victoria rushed out, a flush to her cheeks, "Security is on their way." She added, belatedly.

Justin rubbed his forehead, kneading it. "Cancel the security alert. My guard will be enough." He ordered. If whoever was here, had decided to come and bother him by sneaking past his security, then they would likely be useless anyway.

"The security here is shit." Phantazia said bluntly, undoing the safety on her semi-automatic pistols.

"Yes, I'm aware. I'm fixing it, I only have so many hours in a day." Justin said with exasperation, waving her forward, Domino spinning her own guns in her hands lazily. "Go make sure it's not a very idiotic assassin, please, sweetheart."

"I guess I'll stay with the boss, as usual, good luck!" Domino said cheerfully, saluting Phantazia.

Justin pulled out his phone, sending out emails on production runs and regular business that he was drowning in without someone he could trust to take care of it for him. There was no point in wasting time while waiting. Tony Stark owed Pepper Potts the entire world, no wonder Justin never did anything but business. Without a Pepper Potts, he never had time for anything else.

There were too many things he couldn't delegate to anyone less than beholden to him.

Phantazia returned shortly thereafter, shaking her head, "Just someone very determined for a job interview, I've checked him, he's got nothing on him."

Justin put his phone away, an annoyed twitch to his eyebrows, "Well, then." He strode forward, Domino and Phantazia falling in right behind him again, Victoria trailing behind them all, still looking unsure of herself. At the last moment, Justin waved her away, if there was going to be anything compromising involved. Or if his guest needed to end up dead, the less people involved the better.

He entered the waiting area, stepping forward with a smile, while inwardly his mind was moving at lightning speed upon seeing and recognizing the man within. "So, an interesting way to apply for a job, Mr, Bakshi." He said sharply, shaking the man's hand firmly.

Phantazia took position at the door, as Domino walked on forward into his office, correctly assuming the meeting would move there soon.

"I was not aware that you knew of me, Mr, Hammer. It's an honor." Sunil Bakshi said smoothly.

The Indian looking, British born man was someone Justin recognized as a HYDRA operative, or at least he would be in the future, whether he was one yet… That was an important question to answer.

"Come into my office," Justin said charmingly, leading the well coiffed man forward, Phantazia taking up the rear. "I'm sure you're here looking for the role of my personal assistant and right hand man, although I haven't advertised that openly, so I'm impressed you not only found that out, but then infiltrated this far into my building. Shows… Moxy."

As soon as they entered the office, finding Domino sitting on his desk, kicking her feet in the air, Justin ordered coldly, "Paralyze him from the neck down."

Phantazia immediately did as asked while Sunil Bakshi tried to rear back and strike at her. It did him no good. Phantazia's power acted immediately at this close range. Shutting down his nerves. Without needing to be asked, she grabbed the falling body of Bakshi and dragged him over to a chair, sitting him down awkwardly, Justin coming to stand in front of him. He had to hand it to the man, even in this situation, his eyes remained free of panic.

"Now, you will tell me everything. And if I, or one of my pretty associates here," He gestured to the grinning Domino and the cold Phantazia." Believe you are lying at any point. You'll never walk out of this room." Justin said calmly. He turned to Domino, "Flip a coin for me, darling, heads I'm lying, tails I'm telling the truth." Justin told her, waiting for her to fish out a coin before telling her, "I am an elephant."

Domino flipped the coin. It landed on heads. She flashed the coin for Bakshi to see. But for Justin it wasn't enough of a point yet. "Flip it again." He ordered. And again. He made Domino flip the coin fifty times before he finally stopped. Showing the coin to Bakshi, revealing it's not a fake, "fifty times in a row… Heads." He told the man quietly, leaning down to stare him straight in the eyes. "Are you feeling lucky?"

"Boss, that's my bit." Domino complained. "Eileen he's co-opting my bit again!" She whined playfully.

"It's boring, and useless. You're boring and useless. Shut up." Phantazia told Domino coldly.

"She loves me, she really does." Domino said to the paling Bakshi, "She just shows it in odd and mysterious ways."

"I've only known you for days and I already want to kill you." Phantazia said with narrowed eyes.

"The line between love and hate~" Domino retorted, winking at her. Drawing a disgusted huff out of Phantazia.

Justin chuckled, grabbing Bakshi by the shoulders, leaning right into him, "My subordinates are eccentric, but I think they earn that, by you know," He couldn't help the no doubt maniacal smile blooming on his face, "Having the ability to squash you like a bug." He could see that Bakshi was very aware of his situation.

"Now, Mr, Bakshi, I actually believe you would be a very good fit for the position you're seeking. As long as any flights of fancy you have are… correctly managed." Justing said abruptly, walking away from Bakshi, having a seat behind his desk. "If you are truthful enough…"

"Flip a coin, Domino." He ordered, staring at the nervous looking man that was somehow managing to stay fairly composed. "The question is…"

"Are you HYDRA? Mr. Bakshi?" Justin said softly, with dark intent. There was no question about what would happen with the wrong answer in that tone. By the way Bakshi paled even further and swallowed noisily. Justin already had his answer. Yet, he needed it to be official. "Answer me!" He shouted, slamming a hand down on the desk.

"Y-yes! But I only just got recruited last year! I'm not here for HYDRA! I saw an opportunity for my own advancement!" Bakshi said, a slight tremble to his otherwise steady voice the only sign of the tightrope between life and death the man knew he was walking on.

"HYDRA, is a fairytale now, they were eradicated." Phantazia stated bluntly, fingering her guns. Before raising a disbelieving eyebrow as Domino raised the coin in the air. Truth. As long as she wanted to know the truth, her probability powers would keep helping her suss it out.

"Erik is going to lose his shit." She swore quietly, but Justin still heard it. He'd have to nip that in the bud, he couldn't have Magneto rip SHIELD apart yet.

"HYDRA call themselves SHIELD nowadays." Justin volunteered freely. His subordinates needed to know what the threats were. He'd deal with ensuring Phantazia didn't pass it along yet, later.

"You're shitting me!" Domino let out a laugh, "Oh, that's delicious. The good guys are Nazi's, alright, my decision to sign up seems an even better deal, now."

Bakshi looked intrigued at that revelation, "You are dangerously well informed." He said softly.

"And you are a HYDRA operative, and therefore useless to me." Justin said pleasantly, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. "Or…?" He left hanging, dangling a lifeline.

Bakshi was not an idiot, he saw what I was doing, but he also knew it was his only path forward. "I am not trusted in the organization yet, but whatever information I have, will of course be at your disposal, sir." He managed to get out while projecting an aura of seriousness and dedication.

"Oh, he's good." Domino acknowledged, playing with the coin. "He'd be pretty useful, you know." She pointed out.

If Bakshi had a tail he'd probably be wagging it right now, the man seemed to be trying to project a certain - I'll be a good boy, master - vibe, with his face alone.

Justin sighed, tenting his hands in front of his face, studying the man. He would be very useful. That was the problem. The temptation to use him. Hire him, let him inside his business. It was there, but the risks… Even if Bakshi was not yet the man who worked for Whitehall and who knew several heads of HYDRA, he'd still be a large potentially devastating risk.

Yet… Bakshi, like so many others who'd become fanatical HYDRA loyalists, was the kind of man that would latch onto an ideal and follow it slavishly. Why couldn't that ideal be Justin's? HYDRA was heading for the trash heap within years. Whatever little loyalty the man held to the organization would evaporate once the winter soldier debacle happened. He'd have a firm position as the right hand man of, possibly by then - the CEO of the largest conglomerate in the world.

It was keeping him from selling Justin out until then that was the concern. And it was a pretty big concern, all things told.

"Domino." He said, a lingering thought striking. "Flip a coin, truth or lie. Today Sunil Bakshi is going to betray me."

"Today Sunil Bakshi will sell me out to HYDRA."

"Today Sunil Bakshi will steal secrets from my company."

And on and on it went. Understanding blooming in my subordinates and begrudging respect in Bakshi's. The man understood. He would live. He was hired. Justin was pointing out with ruthless efficiency how Domino would check, everyday, the man's loyalty. So if ever he decided to betray Justin, he'd have less than a day to get away before all of Hammer industries and its money went for his head.

Would Domino's powers stretch to this limit? Or was the coin flip a very situational and an immediate response tactic only. Justin had no idea. But as long as Bakshi believed it. That's what mattered. Bakshi was not yet a HYDRA fanatic, he wouldn't die for them. Not at this point in time. Justin could twist the man into serving him instead, he'd become a very useful subordinate. Or a very dangerous one.

Risks. You couldn't do business without them.

"Phantazia, release Mr. Bakshi." Justin ordered mildly. Watching as the British man shuddered in relief at being able to move his limbs again, yet he refrained from making a spectacle, sitting at attention, showcasing his resilience.

"I will not let you down, sir." He said seriously.

Justin smiled, and it wasn't a nice smile, "Mistakes happen." He said lightly, "Betrayal. Lies. Deceit." He continued in a light tone, "Even HYDRA won't protect you from my wrath in that case. My company and my position, even just my money. Would be more valuable to them than your skin. They'd sell you to me in a heartbeat."

The best part was, it was true. And Bakshi understood it as well.

"What would you like me to do, sir. It's not an organization you can just… Leave." Bakshi asked, smoothing his tie somewhat nervously, finally showing some emotion.

"Oh, continue on, but let them know you're cultivating me as an asset, so you can't go on any missions or be in contact with them very often, I have too much of a spotlight on me, you know." Justin said, waving a hand negligently. "Once in a while divert a shipment of weapons their way or something to make it appear you're working for them still. Just implicate some plant manager or something, preferably someone we can afford to lose, HYDRA will fall, I can promise you that. In today's age, secrets like that can't stay hidden, and I don't need you implicated once they burn." Justin laughed lightly, "If you are implicated, you'll be dead of course, so make sure to keep yourself squeaky clean."

"Thank you, sir. I will endeavor to make myself worthy of your belief in me." Bakshi promised, bowing slightly. A twitch in his cheek was the only sign of how stressed the man was about the peculiar situation he'd found himself in today. Not exactly what he'd bet on for a job interview, Justin wagered.

"I will be watching you, I will kill you if I even think you're thinking of the wrong thing." Phantazia said slowly, from behind him, "Just one wrong move, and I'll do worse, I'll leave you alive, fully paralyzed…"

Justin smiled genially at the pale Sunil Bakshi. "Don't worry about her, she'll warm up to you." He tsked, shaking his head at Phantazia, "That's not how we treat people employed here, Eileen."

"You're my meal ticket, Hammer, I don't want him to fuck it up and get you assassinated, because Nazi's are apparently a thing again." She said coldly, tapping a finger on Bakshi's shoulder, "I was not kidding." She made sure to remind him.

"She really isn't." Domino agreed, jumping off the desk, stretching, "We've got a good thing going here, it could be your good thing too…" she suggested, "Permission to take a load off, boss?" She asked.

Justin waved his hand, "Don't go too far, the day is far from over." He peered at Bakshi with a thoughtful frown, several plans that had been percolating in the back of his mind were drawn to the forefront now. Domino happily skipped out of the room, as Phantazia remained right behind Bakshi.

"I have a task for you, before I give you the keys to the kingdom." Justin said finally, after studying the man for a few minutes. "I'll give you a black account, with enough, but not a crazy amount in it, hire disposable assets - no trace back to this business, myself, or even to you. I want you to track down and capture a man named Kevin Thompson."

"He might be calling himself… Kilgrave."


Authors note:

I can't help myself can I? Another story, oy ve.

As usual I don't go into deep detail into the SI, his beliefs and practices will be sprinkled throughout the story. No one wants to hear about a generic SI life for two thousand words - or several chapters worth. His motivations and impact on Justin Hammer will shine throughout the story and memories and such will pop up now and then to show motivations and impacts of the old life.

I also avoided the trope of the Ancient One coming to say hi. Just like she doesn't stop every rape and murder she sees, she has no reason to interfere here. Justin Hammer isn't killing avengers or creating incursions, so she couldn't care less that he's transplanted into the dimension.

Personally I love the MCU's Tony Stark, so no one complain he's going to come off as an ass, because one, he kind of is, two, Justin Hammer could see him save an orphanage and find something bad about it. By the nature of who the story is about, Tony will be getting fucked a bit.

So this SI and Justin Hammer have something in common, they both have a bit of an inferiority complex, and a habit of blaming their problems on someone else rather than taking accountability for their actions. That said, unlike Justin Hammer, the SI has experience from the bottom of the bottom, and work ethic and grit to go with it, so not quite the whine baby silver spoon fool portrayed in the MCU.

So a Justin Hammer with knowledge of the timeline, and a wish for the limelight above all else - someone that wants to matter. Well he might not be a very pleasant person at times - but it's probably going to be pretty amusing.

Also it's going to be interesting to write what in essence is a villain - but not an evil monologue, hold the world hostage from his volcano base, kind of villain.

More like the kind of villain that will seek to endlessly profit and take advantage of a crisis, while at the same time ensure the heroes win and keep their eyes on said crisis instead of him.

After all, all his stuff is on this planet, can't let the heroes all die or something and fail to protect it from Thanos or the Kree or any other idiot.

Anyways Divine and Conquer should be out sometime this weekend if everything goes as planned.

