Path of Cultivation: The End is Nigh by spiderling


(What to do when horrors beyond human imagination roam the earth? You punch them in the face.)


Pre-Post apocalyptic quest with a lot cultivation and evolving your character.

Have you ever wondered why people all over the world, from all different cultures, shared the same primordial fears? Darkness, sharp claws, big black eyes, multiple legs, fresh and throbbing meat, and unnatural skull shapes? Well, it wasn't a coincidence.

This world, the human world that they had created for themselves, is just a facade from what reality really entails. But humanity, in their ingenuity, had created ways to keep what lurked in the shadows at bay. From the first bonfire to the kaleidoscope of lights that are the cities, their invasive and almost alien nature kept humanity safe and sound. Those things, the natural predators of humanity, just felt repulsion from the sapiens monkeys. However, as time changes humanity, it also changes nature itself.

The reality is separated by mysteries, almost a force of nature as normal as gravity. The farther from civilization or the least known from collective humanity, the more mystery accumulated in the area, and the artificial barrier that separated humans from the primordial horrors weakened. It reached the point, like the guts of a forest or the depths of the sea, where things could seep in. Some of them are called curses, others yokai or cryptids, so many infinities of forms, shapes, and natures as a combination of colors. However, again, as the light of technology shone upon these plants, the mystery went away, and those who hunted these abominations cleaned up what was left.

This way we reach modernity—almost no more mysteries, no more monsters, only myths from old ages and some families that keep the traditions more out of a moral duty than necessity. That would be if the people had stopped there; they played so much with the fundamental strings that hold reality together that they broke them.

In a greedy attempt to harvest the old power of the ancient mysteries, they tried to snuff the light once again. There were just small holes to take a peek inside, but once the floodgates were opened, they were impossible to close. Now, for the first time since the Stone Age, humanity has lost its campfire, and what lurks in the shadows can once again walk in plain sunlight.

What is the type of body that will have to survive when the end is nigh? The last and best hope of humanity.

Choices -Voting closed - 61 voters








Pick your best friend. You can have two top girls, but if you have that, there will be a lot of friction and conflict between the two, not the lewd kind of friction.

The wolf

A child born with the curse of loneliness. An orphan who even thought that she had been bullied and isolated since she was young. The only helping hand someone even gave her was a young boy once, as he asked to give him his big red ball back, the boy invited her to play, and from there, they forged an unbreakable and almost obsessive relationship. The girl became a wolf, a hound obsessed with protecting and taking care of the only member of her pack. Hitting the gym, learning martial arts, and doing all kinds of brutal acts to defend the only member of her family.

The thug

What were governments except for huge gangs? That was this child's way of thinking, raised by gangsters and thugs who never had any respect for the laws or any institutions. Bratty and aggressive, she was a happy-go-lucky troublemaker born with not only the talent to break bones like candy bars but also a stupid level of luck. However, this girl's luck only started when she met a boy after stealing his lunch money. After that, fortune began to rain on her, leaving only one conclusion. That boy was her lucky charm, and she would do anything to keep her source of fortune near her. She even treated him as her secondhand and personal assistant, whether he wants it or not.

The nerd

He was her only friend! The kid met her in a random chat room, and they lived in the same city. Though neither of the two were predators, they met and became great friends, but sadly, not everybody could handle the intensity and ego of this girl. She was a massive bookworm and passionate about any esoteric or normal knowledge, to the point where she was obsessed with learning new things and experimenting with them. That would not be that bad if it were for her huge ego and almost megalomaniac tendencies. Lucky for her, her good friend was always there to put this imp in her tracks. Just by talking, since the girl also studied anatomy, and saw getting a perfectly ripped body as another puzzle to resolve.

The burned

Saved by a courageous boy from a car crash where her whole family died, her skin was marked by the fire, and her heart was marked by this act of generosity. The burned one had become devoted to her savior. This devotion had grown to dangerous degrees of obsession, to the point where she will get angry and possessive when the boy gets in danger or even when other girls talk with him since it was her duty to protect him. In what way did she protect him? With a machete and some genes that appear in one in a billion people, It was clear that this girl had some loose screws, but in hell, only the devil can help you.

The depressed

A normal, depressed girl had been working in a local bakery since she was a kid. It was almost strange how well that place was doing, even if their food was shit and they had almost no sales. After an encounter with the boy, they began to talk a lot, going on and off but always staying together. Mostly, the girl would talk to this kid while she had those days when she couldn't get out of bed and needed something to push her around; that kid's voice was the only thing putting some life in her body.

The lion

A good Christian girl who oozes charisma and confidence. This girl was a walking lion of virtue, with a body sculpted by God himself and a charisma that could turn a murderer into a saint. Always helping the order with her physical might and friendly personality, she became good friends with this boy, who was her little helper in her mind. It was not a strange occurrence that the lion took the boy on one of her crusades for good without taking into consideration his feelings. After all, she was doing something good, and there was no reason in her mind for her little friend to refuse.

Choices -Voting closed - 69 voters


The burned


The wolf


The lion


+Top two girls, this vote needs at least half or more of the total votes of the winner to get in.


The thug


The depressed


The nerd


Even though things look bleak and will look a lot worse in the future, this little boy had a small boon. He was born into one of the old families that kept the traditions used to fight against the paranormal alive. One could call it sorcery, shamanism, magic, cultivation, chi, etc. The main thing was that the boy was not only born in that family but also had some sort of talent for it. An essential tool that would help to survive the chaos that would be rampaging around the world.

Roll for your family status. Roll low and you are just your mom and dad working full time jobs and having some sort of old book and connections to the paranormal. Higher and you can be part of a sect that has fought legendary creatures in the past and they are always vigilant for the future.

Family status- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

72 = 72

Dice: 1d100

85 = 85

Now we roll the boy's talents in this unfair world. Some people are born stronger than others; that is the simple rule of nature. A person can be born pathetic, weak, or incredibly overpowered. However, destiny had its way around those problems, the weak can surpass the strong with sheer training or the strong can become weak because of the lack of challenge. At the end of the day, the boy's will is the only thing limiting his power. Remember! Nobody in this world is locked with their elements; you can always learn new ones from old books and teachers or walk the thin line between life and death.

The first roll indicates your cultivation elements:

1-9 = One Basic Element.

10-60 = One Uncommon Elements.

60-75 = One Rare Elements.

76-94 = One Epic Elements.

94-99 = One Legendary Elements.

100 = Two Legendary Elements.

The second roll indicates your potency for those elements; the higher the roll, the more discounts you will have when creating techniques with your initial elements.

1-9= -25% Discount.

10-60 = 0% Discount.

60-75 = 25% Discount.

76-94 = 50% Discount.

94-99 = 75% Discount.

100 = 90% Discount.

Original cultivation element roll- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d100

20 = 20

Dice: 1d100

87 = 87

Finally, there goes the country where you will start. Take into consideration that this is more a flavor thing than a mechanical thing. Most things will start with the myth and culture of these areas and then evolve into more nightmarish stuff. The one thing you will need to take into consideration is the amount of . . . civilization in those areas. Third-world countries will decay into a hell hole faster than the first ones. That can be good from the point of view of giving more . . . materials to farm and fewer problems with the law and the army.

Choices -Voting closed - 46 voters


United Stated






























Epic element affinity- Closed - 2 posters

Dice: 1d100

91 = 91


/roll 1d100

Dice: 1d100

60 = 60

Select your family sect and starting location:

The Fishermen (Alaska): Old sailors who cleaned the krakens and sea monsters on the glacial land of Alaska long ago, when there was still a mystery in this frozen hell. Specialists with harpoons, some of them say their day of glory may have passed, but some of them wait for the golden age to return again. On the current date, they are one of the owners of a massive fishing company on the island of Kodiak.

The Cowboys (Texas): From the old time of the Wild West, when people needed to hunt down not only outlaws but also horrible monsters roaming the plains, this family learned how to shoot a gun before walking. Masters of gunfu, the art of shooting stuff until they stop moving, currently have one of the biggest gun stores in San Antonio, Texas. They are also famous for their trick shots they perform at some parties where they get too bored and drunk.

The Natives (Georgia): There was a reason why, until today, Appalachia was considered an extremely dangerous zone for mysterious reasons. Now just imagine how bad things would be without the Cherokee tribe constantly hunting the horrors that lurked in those forests. This family are legendary monster hunters who gave fear to what lurks in that green hell. Big in number and knowledge of the ancient ways, they don't have much money or political influence, but they make up for it with sheer power.

The Believers (New Mexico): They are a complicated group of people. They had a lot of names in the past: sky hunters, wind riders, and winged devils . . . now? They are called just a butch of UFO conspiracy lunatics, always looking to the sky for something that never existed—or it did. They are so silly, they even said they have contacts with the "Men in Black" and they "Do work for them from time to time", what a bunch of crazy tinfoil hat schizos. However, they own a really big hardware store in Roswell that never has a lot of clients but had really cheap goods.

The Witches (Massachusetts): The daughters of the witches they didn't managed to burn in Salem. Old wise women who clashed with the church once a long time ago in a forgotten war burned and left to become dust in the wind, now living a peaceful life in Salem. Their ancient way keep alive in secret. Currently, they just own a big tea shop in the middle of the town, a really popular one that should have such a huge electrical and gas bill, but hey, they must be doing some crypto mining there.

The Cleaners (Michigan): From Detroit, the land of rust, smoke, and tar, this family is a strange one. They started as normal mystery hunters with some support from the Protestant Church, but as the city began to die and new ruins littered the metropolis, new monsters appeared. Thanks to that, they were forced to change, to adapt, to become one with the grime and dirt of the city. Anyway, their way to fix problems was by hitting their work with their fists, a hammer, or a wrench no matter if it was a broken TV, a car, or flesh-eating zombie machines. They are currently known for having contact with everybody, from the police to the crime gangs of the city. Even if they just own a small repair shop, they are basically untouchable.

Choices -Voting closed - 32 voters


The Fishermen (Alaska)


The Natives (Georgia)


The Cleaners (Michigan)


The Cowboys (Texas)


The Witches (Massachusetts)


The Believers (New Mexico)


Name suggestion for the MC- Closed - 13 posters

Hanta (Meaning "hunter" in the native tongue of alaska tribes)

Oops thought this was for Anons

Roxas Destiny




Mack (Short for Mackerel)

Fish Sticks




Manannán (Celtic sea god)


O. R. Ca

Choices -Voting closed - 30 voters


Black Hair


White Hair


Red Hair


Blonde Hair


Brown Hair.


Multicolor anime hair


Select your Epic element:

Soul: The power to manipulate what makes you and other people themselves. This grants a slow but practically limitless power to manipulate other people's minds and bodies. Weak in sheer power but almost unlimited in applications.

Holy: The power of the HOLY LIGHT OF PURIFICATION. An extremely powerful concept based on the user's faith in their religion is being able to burn away flesh and darkness like paper soaked in gasoline or cause all kinds of miracles. However, this concept is really tied to one personal belief and faith, either in the religion or in themselves.

Undead: The concept that allows you to break the laws of nature and revive all kinds of creatures to serve as undead minions, or break or tame undead cryptics.

Life: The concept that allows you to bring life and be in one with nature, from healing punches to manipulating life in a more conceptual way. Grow plants, animals, etc. Even using techniques that can cause an extreme amount of damage by simply overhealing your targets and causing all kinds of plagues and diseases.

Death: The end of everything. A simple concept with a simple goal—to kill anything, even immortal or eternal creatures—can be slayed with mastery of this particular concept. Such is the power of this element that it can even kill non-living things, like "killing a curse.".

Mind: The power to manipulate not only other people but also animals and cryptic minds. From illusions to direct mind slavery, this can range from hypnotic punches that slowly alter your enemy's vision of reality to shattering perceptions of the world.

Senses: This concept is not only in the way you collect information about the world but also in how other people do it. This indeed has a lot of practical illusions you can make in combat, but also ways to enchant your own senses to even take a peek into the future or the past.

Aura: This concept is based on extending yourself outside your body, with each part of you becoming unchained from the limitations of your flesh. From punches that can pass any kind of defense to extending your senses past what you are supposed to be. Even your feelings can spread outside your mind to other people or creatures.

Motion: The perpetual concept that rules over everything that is moving, from the biggest star to the tiniest particle. Increasing the speed is only the start, as this concept can also affect any natural law of physics, like expanding the distance between two points and making a bullet run out of kinetic energy before reaching you.

Happiness: The power of happiness and hope. This concept can even bend the laws of reality to make a happy ending or bring hope to the people around you. It is similar to luck manipulation.

Sadness: The power of sadness and dismay. Bring your opponents to the deepest pit of despair when even an elder god can give up on life and just die.

Love: The power of love, not only from your girlfriend or wife but from your family and friends. You are literally powered by their love and affection, being able to withstand even getting torn in half if your heart is in the right place.

Fear: The concept that makes the stronger creature the weakest vermin. You can reach the point where you don't only inflict fear on your target, but you almost become their worst nightmare.

Disgust: The concept that generated an absolute sense of revulsion in everybody and anything. Such is the level of this power that if you touch someone while infused with this concept, the skin itself will tear from its flesh to avoid getting touched by you, and even bullets will avoid touching you.

Anger: The concept of rage that allows the impossible to become possible out of your sheer berserker power. Blood-shot eyes, a maw foaming saliva like a mad dog, and a roar that can shatter mountains. An unlimited source of power, but that comes with the cost of being incredibly hard to control.

Surprise: I will not tell what this element does! Where is the surprise in that?

Choices -Voting closed - 34 voters
























Choices -Voting closed - 42 voters


































Choices -Voting closed - 26 voters






On a cold morning in October 2000, on the frozen island of Kodiak, Finn was born in the hospital. When that baby's lungs filled with air for the first time, his whole small, naked, and frail body shivered with unnatural energy. The second that the boy began his life, his core of self got connected to the concept. His first breath ignited the fundamental engine that made each martial artist in his family run with fierce determination.

Finn gains:

Concept of Life: The concept that allows you to bring life and be in one with nature, from healing punches to manipulating life in a more conceptual way. Grow plants, animals, etc. Even using techniques that can cause an extreme amount of damage by simply overhealing your targets and causing all kinds of plagues and diseases.

Later that day, while his mother was cradling him in that pristine hospital room while resting on a bed, something began get near the place. Finn's father was the first to react as the sound rumbled across the long hospital room, a cold sweat running down his forehead while his mother let out a deep sigh.




The doors of the private room shut open as a tall woman barged in, her archaic wooden leg creating a loud sound each time it struck the floor.

Dressed in a dark green suit, a boat captain's hat, and a white shirt, she seemed older than the island itself. Wrinkled old pale skin, gray eyes that lacked any life but at the same time burned with passion, and a massive long silver mane that reached her waist.

Before the parents could say anything, the woman got closer to the baby and quickly snatched it from the mother, looking at him with her piercing glare. "Boy! You dared to be born with the aspect of life?! Are you challenging me?!" She yelled at him with a thunderous roar that made the whole hospital shake.

Choices -Voting closed - 26 voters




Shit eating grin.




Don't react.




Finn just answered with a laugh. There was something on the old woman as his ears were ringing at the sound of that woman's words. He didn't understand anything, but that gaze was just funny to him.

The grandma made a sharp smile that could have gutted out a fish and nodded.

"Grace is picking a fight with an infant again," the father muttered, as his in-law was not in the best mental state. He wasn't even sure how old the woman was—just that she owned the family fishing company and had the money for anything she wanted. Even bullied little kids.

The mother just shook her head and quickly grabbed her son back from that woman's hands. "Mom, he is just a baby . . ." the woman muttered as she embraced her newborn again.

A huge and terrifying cackle came out of that old sea witch's dry lips as she saw the infant. "He is not a baby! He is a Hanta! A hunter born to clean the seas from all the whales! Laughing at the face of death like any good sailor! I am looking forward to training him for the new golden age."The woman exclaimed, lost in her delirium again.

"Did she stop taking her meds again?" The father asked with a worried tone. She was a kind old lady except when she had her . . . episodes.

The mother shrugged, already used to this kind of life, and especially Grace was paying each hospital bill in this expensive private hospital. "Probably," she said out loud, knowing that her mother was lost in her own mind and that she would not care about her opinions.

And so . . . 5 years passed.

Choices -Voting closed - 29 voters


You like to play with your grandma (1+ hunting)


You like helping your mom in the kitchen (+1 Cooking )


You like just playing around with other kids (+1 Leadership)


You like to play hide and seek (+1 Sneaking)


Grandma took you on a fishing trip :D


you liked picking fights with other kids(1+unarmed)


Grandma taught you to punch propa (+1 unarmed)


You like watching your dad playing the guitar (+1 Music )


As the years passed and the boy began to grow, he got really attached to his grandma, as he got kidnapped by her a few times. Basically, they played together a lot; she was trying to teach Finn how to throw toy harpoons from a young age. Something that got the boy's parents mad, from the ramblings of the woman of old's invented stories to the fact that Grace was even teaching him how to "gut" the plush fish that he caught. However, Finn found this whole thing really fun—just breaking and throwing stuff—what else a 5-year-old boy could want? He even began to associate the smell of old tobacco and fish that oozed from Grace with the concept of fun.

Finn learns:

+1 Throwing.

One afternoon, while Finn was playing with other kids in the kindergarten, a public one since it was his parents' insistence that the boy would be like any normal kid no matter the money they had, something strange happened.

There was this girl that who played on the gravel with this red rubber ball, and by accident, it bounced out of her hands and landed over Finn's face. Not harming the boy but making him almost fall, something that for a 5-year-old like him only made him giggle.

The strange and sad girl had dark brown skin, piercing blue eyes, and brown hair tied into a ponytail. She was taller than the rest of the girls in the park, even taller than some of the boys, and for that, she got bullied a lot. However, her angry and ravenous attitude didn't help; on top of all, she was a grumpy kid.

Finn's logic was simple: the bigger the girl, the bigger she could throw stuff like his grandmother, so it must be really fun to play around with her."Hi,is this your ball?" Finn asked while giving that big red ball back to that lonely girl.

The big girl looked down, almost guilty for accidentally harming the boy with her hands clasped behind her back. "Hi-hi I am Amaruq," she muttered with a nervous tone, expecting to get bullied or yelled at but actually receiving a friendly smile.

"That is too long; come, Ama, let's play," the boy said after letting out a giggle, his piercing green eyes clashing with the deep blue ones of Ama. He liked that color; it reminded him of the sea.

Ama blushed and nodded, not knowing how to play with others. "Thanks . . ." she whispered, as the girl didn't even want ruin the moment by asking the boy's names.

"Finn, I like short names," the boy said, finally presenting himself. From that day on, they became friends.

And so . . . 5 years passed.

Choices -Voting closed - 24 voters


You were in the car with your grandma after a typical training lesson with the harpoon when . . .+1 Piercing weapons


You were in the car with your grandma after a typical day sharpening harpoons when . . . +1 Smithing


You were in the car with your grandma after a typical training session of Sambo when . . . +1 Unarmed


As the year passed, a few things became clear. Ama was Finn's best friend, and the girl was a beast, growing even taller than before and becoming the jealous protector who refused to leave his side. It was almost worrying for his parents how much this native American girl was attached to the boy, but that was nothing compared to the other big fan that the boy had, his grandma.

She was just obsessed with training him and teaching him how to hunt whales for some obscure reason. The mad woman even went as far as to take him in secret multiple times a week to train using a wooden spear to fight. It was a good exercise for developing his body, and with all the training she was giving him, the young boy was already showing some muscle definition, even though he was only 10. However, Finn's parents worried about the eternal fantasy land that Grace seemed to live in and that some of that madness would attach to their son.

Finn learns:

+1 Piercing weapons.

One night, when they were getting back from their training session on that old black Mustang that Grace used to drive, the duo quickly found something extremely dangerous in the middle of the road. It was a car crash. Two of them had collided, and a huge fire had sprouted in the center, creating a blazing inferno in the middle of the road that stopped the car in its tracks.

Finn opened his eyes, as this was the first time he had seen something like this. The heat, the stench of burned rubber, and the sound of crackling embers were shocking. However, in the middle of this hell, he opened the car door on his own as he saw a green spark in the middle of that fire. Something told him that there was someone alive inside.

The boy sprung to action, obeying his heart, not his brain. "Granny, come to help!" Finn exclaimed as the boy opened the door of the car.

"I don't think so," the woman answered with a cold tone after letting out a sigh.

Finn was shocked by the lack of empathy from his grandma. "Why?! There is someone alive there!" He exclaimed while begging her to do something.

"Meh, I simply don't care for those normal boring people," she muttered with a dismissive tone.

The boy froze for a second and let out a muffled whimper. "Ah," he mumbled, closing his fist. Then, without this instant of doubt, he rushed to save the person in danger without caring for his own life.

It was stupid, it was risky, and it was a bad idea, and for that, Grace let out a thunderous laugh of satisfaction. "Be greedy, boy! Risk your life! Make whatever you want and challenge my ideals!" She exclaimed while tipping her hat to him and watching her grandson potentially do something lethal.

Finn's skin was burned away as the blazing heat from the fire made him gasp for air. Despite the pain, he managed to take an almost unconscious girl from the backseats of one of the cars. The small little girl with dark green eyes had all her body covered in burns, as she was in a condition a lot worse than the boy that was dragging her away from this accident.

"Mom! Dad!" She managed to scream as the touch of Finn temporarily woke her up from her state of shock, claiming for her parents while the boy needed to use all his little muscles to push her away. It hurt—the burns on his skin, the smoke in his lungs, the cries of sheer desperation from the little girl—but he could not stop. Finn needed to save her life, and so he did.

As the ambulance sirens blasted in the distance and the boy hugged the girl, both began to cry. From both physical and emotional pain, they were frail and weak, but they were alive, and now they were together. It was a tragic story, but this was how Finn met Lucy for the first time.

Training for the next 8 years -Voting closed - 26 voters


+2 Leadership


+2 Smithing


+2 Cooking


+1 Piercing weapons


+1 Throwing


+2 Music


+2 Marine Biology


+2 Unarmed


Eight years passed, and Finn kept living a normal life without many problems. He was just a normal teenager who went from time to time to visit his grandma and keep practicing the things she had taught him. Finn focused on his studies and the family business, becoming something like a natural leader and person who had his way not only with people but also with animals. After all, everybody knew that he would be the one chosen by Grace as her successor as the head of the company. Of course, the teenager didn't believe this crazy woman's ramblings, but there was something about him that was weird, and he knew it. From the moment that he saved Lucy, there was this feeling that something was near his grasp but unable to be obtained, like having that horrible sensation of wanting to sneeze but being unable to do it.

Finn learns:

+2 Leadership.

Anyway, the boy grew into a muscular and athletic young man. Fine muscles could be seen even across his shirt, piercing green eyes, and a long black mane tied into a ponytail. Finn's pure white skin was the perfect contrast for those emerald seas that were his eyes; add some really nice muscles and a gentle face, and coming from a really wealthy family, he should be swimming in girls, right? Well... no. . .no.

Finn had two best friends and two big problems. Ama and Lucy had grown into a pair of overprotective monsters.

Ama had grown from a shy girl to a feral wolf. The girl not only hit the gym like crazy as she grew up but also learned Krav Maga and boxing, even getting a few chances to get into the MMA circles with her sheer strength alone. However, the thought of separating from Finn even for going over a tournament in another city had her anchor on the island. She was aggressive and brutal; even if it wasn't necessary, she was on top of the boy all the time. Ama saw herself as a guard dog, even if she looked more like a hungry wolf, starving for her prey.

Lucy was even worse, more mentally unstable than Ama. The crying child became this tall woman with a demigod body obsessed with Finn and being only there for him. The crazy girl went so far as to stab another student in the arm with a pen after she compliment the boy's ponytail. It became worse as her obsession with sharp things didn't stop there. With the help of books and the internet and showing her huge talent for learning anything quickly, she became really skilled in a Filipino martial art known as Tire machèt. That, plus the sharp machete she always carried around to "take out bad weeds," made her a looming threat that quickly scared away anyone not crazy enough to deal with her. Lucy was as obsessed with worshiping Finn as Ama was with protecting him.

So since the two loved Finn, they should get together fine, right? No, at all. They fought all the time, from insults to shouting to getting the other one to bleed. Finn's main role was breaking their fights apart because the second the two were alone, something bad always happened. However, they were his friends, and he couldn't just abandon them.

The worst part was that the boy had the hots for the two, and he couldn't decide which of them he should choose. Finn was also afraid of breaking the hearts of any of those two crazy girls and risking his life.

Lucy had grown into this big 1,86-meter amazon, which would be beautiful if it weren't for the burn scars covering her body. With deep golden eyes, dark green hair, and a body with more muscles than an anatomy encyclopedia, she lacked in the breasts department, but it made up for an amazing set of legs and a well-toned ass.

Ama was a monster, a 2-meter giant with an imposing set of muscles that could even be seen under her winter clothes. However, she kept her more feminine figure like her big, rounded ass with a nice set of tits. Even with all her exercise and muscle, for some miracle, she managed to keep all her fat in the right places.

Now that high school was over and the three had a sabbatical year to fool around, one cold summer morning, Grace asked Finn a special favor.

Choices -Voting closed - 12 voters


Grandma asked you to go camping in the middle of a remote forest.


Grandma asked you to spend one weekend in an old cabin she had in a remote corner of the island.
