Center of the Web (Spiderman/Marvel) by TrashGoat

Well in my opinion there must be more fanfics about the possible future kids and pairings of spidey this work gives us a taste of that in several different flavors!!!

Words: 22k+



"-And I'm telling you, that guy was all over you!"

"And I'm telling you that's bs, his eyes were all over me. My ass, to be specific."

"You do have a nice ass."

"Well, thank you for that completely straight comment, Kate. Really need it right now."

"I mean, if you want something straight out of her that isn't an arrow, you are in the wrong company, girl."

"Hey, what does that mean?!"

"Shut up, the both of you." She giggled, taking the keys out of her purse, and starting to search for the right one to enter her apartment. Something a bit hard due to the fact she was a tad tipsy. "Besides, did you see that mustache? I'm not that desperate, especially not when I'm with you girls."

"Now who's the one making no heterosexual comments?" Kate mocked her, half-assedly brawling against Cass, none of the two putting too much effort into it. The two of them were, also, a tad tipsy.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Was her smart reply, finally managing to find the right key and put it in the Keyhole. "Besides, don't try to dodge what we were going for. We all saw how disappointed you were that Chavez couldn't go clubbing with us."

"Because she is my friend!" She once again tried to defend herself.

""Suuuure."" The outraged expression on the Bishop girl got another giggle out of both.

However, the laugh died quickly. And that didn't go unnoticed by either Cassie or Kate.

"Nad?" Kate asked with a suddenly serious tone, putting her hand inside her own purse, searching for something that Nadie just knew was a mini-crossbow. Most likely, purple as well.

Cassie, for her side, took a step back and closed her fists to the sides, ready to activate the Pym Particles inside her body. Most likely, to decrease her size and ride one of Kate's arrows as they have been jokingly practicing lately.

"Someone is inside." She declared calmly and with cold eyes. "And it's not Jan."

Did someone exist that was stupid enough to try to steal from the house of an Avenger? Surely, but steal from Janet Van Dyne, AKA, the woman that both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers respected and appreciated enough to go on a manhunt over someone disrespecting her? Now that was a new level of boldness that Nadia didn't know if she should respect or laugh about.

Then again, it existed the chance that whoever this intruder was, they had the power to back up their confidence. For starters, the fact that she hasn't received a single warning from the non-invasive AI that she installed to warn her about anything going wrong inside her home and that they were even able to even enter the floor was already a fair point towards that theory.

Taking a step in, closely followed by her two friends, all of them still wearing a variety of night dresses, Nadia began to inspect her surroundings. It was in the small things, the photos flipped over carelessly, the small print of a male boot near the living room's entrance, and the distinct smell of alcohol.

And the almost unnoticeable blood fingerprint on the glass right next to the door that someone had hastily tried to erase.

All things she picked up almost immediately thanks to her training in the Red Room, someone that came naturally to her no matter the situation, much like the SOS message that she immediately sent to Jan without even looking at her phone as they fearfully, yet very carefully close distance towards their target.

Taking everything into consideration, sticking together and searching every corner of the apartment was the best they could do. The intruder was very careless, so an expert spy was very unlikely, and there was no risk of bombs, as it would have made way more sense to connect it to the door opening.

However, all of this was put on hold when Nadia was taken by surprise by the fact that the intruder was exactly in the first spot she first searched. And if that was a surprise, the fact that he was bleeding was an outright shock.

The less is said about the tears leaving his green eyes, the better.

Spoiler: ???


He looked roughly around their age, and despite his sitting position on the only loveseat in the living room, she was able to judge he was roughly around Kate's height, the taller among the three of them. But by far, his most prominent traits were his snow-white hair and his bright green eyes, hidden behind a pair of rectangular glasses.

He wore a stereotypical black and white dress suit that was one or two sizes too big for his fairly slim body. Around his torso, there was a very noticeable stain of dry blood, but from the look of it, he didn't seem to be at any risk of dying by a hemorrhage.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt if the hand hesitantly resting on above the hidden injury was any indication.

Finally, there was a metallic suitcase right in front of his feet, a suitcase that only by looking at it she was able to say had more functions than just storing clothes. However, it was clearly broken in several parts, needing more than a few parts to be ready to be used again.

Finally, the beaten man noticed their presence, and at exactly the same time, she was able to notice the crossbow - purple, just as she assumed - rising right above her shoulder.

"Ok, whitey," Kate started, ready to fire an arrow that was certainly going to at least maim the poor bastard if he tried anything funny, "you have one minute to explain what the fuck you are doing in my friend's place or you'll get my arrow through your foot. Plus another one if you don't leave the building in the next minute as well."

Kate's threat sounded legit because, in Nadia's experience, that sounded like something Kate would do without thinking too much about it.

"Yeah…" He quietly answered, slowly raising his hands as a sign of surrendering. "That's fair. Whoever, to answer your question, I have… to leave two things very clear."

While the last part may have sounded like a threat to others, none of them reacted to it. All of them have been threatened enough to know when someone actually meant it and when someone just chose the wrong wording.

More importantly, Nadia didn't feel like the guy was bad. She was still more than weary, yes, but his tone, his body language, and his face, everything pointed out that he actually did not want a fight. She also noted a slight accent to his words, an almost unnoticeable French Canadian one, to be more exact.

"This?" He began, taking their collective silence as a green light to continue, pointing at his face with some struggle, once again not trying to move too much in order to not get shot. "Isn't tears."

The statement took them all by surprise, the blond one among them going as far as taking a step back by the shock.

"What?" She asked with a lifted eyebrow, trying to convince herself that she just had heard wrong.

"Tears." He repeated, with the same seriousness as before. "I'm not crying. This is… eye sweating."

"Eye-swea… Yeah, ok, I'm going to fire."

"Wait, wait! Kate, calm down." Cass stopped their raven-haired friend from doing something she may regret later.

"Also," he began again, interrupting the argument between the two ex(?)-members of the Young Avengers, "I actually have no idea where here is. Is this New York? Please tell me this is New York. Also, please tell me that there is a good, responsible group of Avengers."

Nadia really wished to have joined their friends in the mutual, almost synchronized act of looking at each other in confusion, but she knew better than to let her eyes off a possible target.

"Ok then, Dark and Mysterious, why don't you tell us how you ended up here? Plus how you ended up like that." She asked, confidently taking a step forward with her arms crossed, something that seemed to surprise the albino.

"Not even Dark, Mysterious, and Hot? Man, I've been slacking off for real." That comment almost made her smirk. Almost.

"Not into blood kink." Probably. She had never experienced it, but she was fairly certain. "Now, will you-"

The small, almost imperceptible sound of buzzing, accompanied by a faint light above her was the only warning she had before her mother figure, legal guardian, and verified badass that was Janet Van Dyne manifested right in front of her, a sting blast pointed towards the only male in the room, making him even eager to raise his hands further, even if such thing clearly hurt him.

Nadia had no idea how the older woman could manage to look intimidating and absolutely breathtaking in a summer dress that she would categorize as both two decades old and very southern mom-like.

Spoiler: Janet Van Dyne (Wasp)


But then again, she wasn't a fashion designer, so she kept that to herself.

Jan, still ready to blast the boy into Kingdom Come if he even tried to even speak out of turn, looks back at them, her facial expression becoming softer when she realizes that they were all fine.

Then she looked at the boy again, and any trace of anger disappeared, becoming more like… annoyance. Also, the blast strength clearly dropped several levels, even if entering in contact with one would still hurt as hell.

"So, any reason why I shouldn't blast your leg?" The threat was very familiar, but this time, the nameless teenager didn't dare to try to banter.

"A-ahhhhhhhhmmmmm." Panic was written all over his face, and small drops of sweat started to appear on his forehead. "Janet Van Dyne? Avengers Founding member? Total girl boss?"

"Yup, the same." Nadia answered for her mom with a proud look, receiving an amused gaze from her.

"Why the hell I am in the Wasp's apartment-OOOOOoooooooooooh." He realized something, and by God, everyone in the room was very interested in what he had to say.

"Boy," Janet started, now with a hand resting on her hip in the way she tends to do when she failed to clean her room, "I don't wanna hurt you. Actually, I feel like doing so would be like kicking a stray dog, but by all that is sacred in this world, if you don't give me an excuse not to do so-"

The light from her first began to shine brighter intensely once again.

"Ok, ok!" He blurted out in panic. "But it's really complicated and… awkward, and I dunno if I should give my name, cuz, stuff and-"

"Dude, you don't really have much of a choice." Cassie commented from the side with a shrug, something which the dude tried to find a reply for, but after five seconds of having his mouth open, he gave up.

"Fair." He finally granted with a sigh of defeat.

"Good." Lowering her hand altogether, the tension around the room finally died off. "Because the thing you are seated in is worth 5000$ dollars, and you kind of ruin it."

"Actually, it's more like 5750$ dollars plus shipping, but who's counting?" Apparently? Him, if the look of surprise on her mom's face was anything to go by.

"Impressive, but that doesn't answer my questions." She firmly stated, along with her friends, moving until next with the older woman, joining together in the interrogation. "And no funny replies, I'm not in the mood."

She was supposed to be on a date, so she could understand why that was the case.

Catching on that he wasn't in a position to go against the woman, the mystery person made an effort to sit still in the seat, taking a deep breath of air to answer the question.

"I… had a fight with, hm, let's say a sibling." The doubt in his voice left it quite clear that it wasn't exactly his brother he was talking about, but they let it pass. "We had a disagreement on a few things, and the rest of my siblings got involved and… It got kind of bloody, to say the least."

"Hm." The experienced heroine, who had already quite obviously taken the lead in the situation, acknowledged. "Any names? I'm tired of thinking of you as 'The Phantom Burglar' in my head, no matter how good the name is."

Once again, conflict was written all over his face. She could almost see how he tried to come up with something, anything at all that could make him get away with it without having to say his real name or lie.

He came up empty-handed in the end. Lying was a possibility, but if he wanted the help of the Avengers, had to know that speaking honestly was the only way to go.

"Selin…" He muttered with reluctance and a little pain. "Just… Selin, for now."

"Ok, Just Selin. What's your deal then? Besides having a very complex family and crashing at my place like this."

"I…" He tried. "Everything is possible. Everything that could happen has or will happen, but there are things that are more likely than others, depending on where and/or when you are."

"I think he lost it." Kate said what everyone else was thinking. "Nad, know any spy thingy that makes him talk straight again."

"Yeah, I think it's called silence, Kate. Now hush and let him cook." Cass replied, interested in what the now-identified Selin had to say about this whole thing.

"I'm that." He declared once Janet gestured to him to do so. "I'm one of the most likely scenarios to happen. A possibility."

"Time travel." Cass's words were accompanied by a nod from the male teenager. "So, some apocalyptic warning? Here to fix one mistake?"

"No, nothing… well, maybe. I-" Letting out a frustrated groan, he looked Janet directly in the eyes and spoke again. "Something happened. Someone or something messed with time and one of the possibilities that was kind of competing against ours, just, disappeared. Like as if it never even existed."

He was troubled. He wanted to say a lot of things but he didn't know where to start, so Janet was giving him breathing room to get his act together and explain things in his own right.

"It wasn't meant to happen…" He whispered. "We came here to see what went wrong, and if possible, do what we had to fix it, but… turns out that what we had to do was more than we imagined and… some of us still wanted to do it, some didn't want to do it at all, and others didn't want to allow the first ones to do that thing, and…"

"Here you are." Jan finished for him, crossing her arms. "I guess you were in the latter faction."

He nodded.

"And you lost."

He nodded again.

"But that doesn't explain what you are doing here."

He nodded… again.

"You… you can't share with anyone what I'm about to say, ok?" He begged with worry. "Please. I trust you, but you this is very sensitive-"

"I will do what I can, Selin." And there she goes Janet using her very maternal tone, full of worry and determination alike. "But you need to trust us first."

That was what finally destroyed the remaining walls between them and him. Opening his mouth, he prepared to drop a bomb.

"I'm Spiderman and Black Cat's son." He admitted, waiting for a reaction….a reaction that didn't come, or at least not in the form he expected.

"That's it?" Kate asked, unimpressed. "Not being harsh on your backstory dude, but Giant Girl here and I fought against, and alongside Kang the Conqueror at the same time in our first fight."

"No, that's not it." He answered, a little bit exasperated. "Right now, there are six Spider-Persons going around with knowledge of the future with completely different goals, some of them trying to mess with something that shouldn't be messed with."

And then, Selin looked Janet straight in the eye and muttered something that did, in fact, manage to say something that took all of them by surprise.

"The reason why I am here is because someone that knows all the codes let me in." He started, and at that point, Nadia's eyes were already widening with realization. "Benedick. Your and Spider Man's child… and I have no idea where he is right now."

- X -

Krakoa's Gates were built with the only one purpose in mind, to connect all mutants to the new Mutant Nation, however, that didn't mean that the Quiet Council, the supreme authority in the living island, would allow anyone to go to the heart of the prosperous country unchecked.

No, Magneto and Professor X knew better than to allow that. Any previously unidentified Mutant was allowed to use the portals, but as soon as they did, Krakoa, the island itself, informed both the leaders present on the island, and the first line of defense meant to protect the place.

Which is why he wasn't all that surprised when as soon as he crossed the plant portal, a welcoming party consisted of Colossus, Hellion, Surge, Gambit, and at least two of the Stepfords, though chances were there was a third one more hidden somewhere.

"You are not welcome here, Spiderman." Colossus declared in, a firm and stern voice. "You shouldn't even be capable of using the Gates, we made sure of that."

In response, all he could do was raise his hands as a sign of surrendering, the battle stance still remaining despite his best efforts.

"You caught me. I'm not Spiderman." At least not the one they knew, but that part will have to wait. His costume surely must have given them an idea he wasn't his father, right? "But don't worry, Krakoans, I've just come to bargain…"

Spoiler: Spiderman (?)


AN: I know what you are asking. "Why the hell are you writing this? The cliche about several future child meeting their parents, really?" and my answer to that is…

Did you know that Spiderman got cucked? No, I'm not talking about the Green Goblin and Gwen, I'm talking about MJ and…"Paul"

You can ALL thank the supervising producer on She-Hulk: Attorney at Law and the guy responsible for that Ultimate comic where Wolverine and Spiderman switch bodies and Logan tries to bone an underage MJ for this fantastic read.

Look man, I'm no snowflake, I have read all kinds of shit (some of which I'm not particularly proud of), but this is some BS that makes my blood boil. I need it to write this, something where Peter gets some W from time to time because this shit made me angry and kind of made me lose all the respect that I had for MJ (The Raimi and 90s versions weren't the best and we all know it.)

Would I continue this? Idk. Again, this is just some venting I really fucking need, all I know is that if I do it, I will make my darm hardest to give Peter what he deserves.

Let's just all hope that Into the Spidervese 2 cleans our hearts, minds, and eyes of this abomination.