Why? by jarec

Found a nice World of Darkness One-shot enjoy

Words: 342

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/2597428/1/Why

(Caine is probably the most tormented being in the world of darkness. What are HIS thoughts?)


Always alone.

So has it been since I killed my brother. Killed the first part of my joy. Killed him for You, and how was I rewarded? A curse that has plagued me for a hundred centuries. Why? You never told us what was wrong and what was not, You simply punished us when we broke laws we knew nothing about!

Daily You appear in my dreams. You tell me that if I only repent You will forgive all that has been. You cannot forgive me, only my brother can do that, and from him I have heard nothing. And I have yet to forgive You for your betrayal. Of me and my father both.

But I am repentant, do not doubt that. My children rule the nights, and if I were to appear to them, they would make me the king of all the earth. I would rule the darkness forever, and could make of the earth the Paradise You meant it to be. But I do not. I wander the earth, sleeping in holes, knowing no peace or rest. Always seeking the place my father told me of. Your place. Your Garden. Perhaps there I will be able to speak to You, and receive answers.

If what I did was so wrong why did You not stop me before my dear brother was already dead?

If my children are all blasphemies, why did you grant them a road to salvation? Why place it in the hands of my weakest son?

Why are peace and love denied me?

Why am I suffered to live and live and live?

Why have you not struck down the evil doers of my line? Why are they allowed to prosper?

Why? Why? Why?

The road has been long, and I do not know how much time the world has left. My grandchildren stir, the moon beasts stalk me, nd the world teeters on the edge of Oblivion. Yet I go on. I must. For my brother. For my father.

For myself.


Always alone.