The Queen and the Sword by Wolf Strife

This fic is only 4 chps long its uncertain if it will continue or not but premise is very interesting and something rarely explored

Another spin on this would been Elza being shirou's mother instead which is also sadly something most fanfic authors don't explore

Words: 13k+


(Enter a world where Shirou is not the son of Kiritsugu Emiya, but is the son of another. A world where he is not a direct participant of the Fifth Holy Grail War. What kind of adventures will he embark on? What will he see and what will he do? Only time will tell as we embark on this adventure of his.)

Chapter 1: Prelude: A Fate by any other Name

AN: This idea has been brewing for quite awhile in my mind so why not have some fun with this. This a fic where different from the traditional routes as I am not going to involve Shirou in the Fifth Holy Grail War or at least not directly involve him. He will have a similar relationship with that of Kiritsugu and even a similar meeting with him, but other that, that will be his only involvement with the Holy Grail Wars. This story will focus on his relations with characters and his time at the Clock Tower and the precarious events that I have planned for this story. Also, this will not turn into a harem fic, nor will Shirou have multiple love interests in this. That's all I will say, but for now, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/Stay Night or any of its spin-offs, or any of the Type-Moon's series such as Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoki/Garden of Sinners, Mahoutsukai no Yoru/Witch on the Holy Night, Melty Blood or any related series nor do I own any of the characters from any of the series. All of the mentioned above are owned by Kinoko Nasu and Type Moon. This is purely a work of fanfiction inspired by the universe Nasu and the rest of Type-Moon created.

Prelude: A Fate by any Other Name

Zelretch's Pocket Dimension, 1987

"This won't do... Nor this or that. Should these events take place and especially this close to each other... I dare to think what may happen. Then there is the matter of that woman being that boy's mother. There are many paths this can take and many of them can cause a catastrophe of epic proportions, yet none require my direct intervention as of yet. Not that I have no need to interfere, but still, this doesn't look all too good for the association, yet I can't help but stay curious as watching these events transpire. Lines severed and the axis has been altered dramatically from that timeline and this one and yet it is still fluctuating. The outcome is not a desired one, yet it is more salvageable than the previous one. Whether the great spider will awaken or not is unclear. And then there is the matter of those three."

Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg sat on his chair looking at the book before him. Stroking his beard with a pondering look on what to do with the situation laid out before him. First he had to ascertain all the facts and separate them into their proper settings. But before that, he should address the guest that made their way to see him. Even if it is through an advanced form of projection or illusion magecraft.

"To what do I owe for the pleasure of your acquaintance, Mage of Flowers? Did you come to ascertain the timeline before us now... or do you know how to deal with such a timeline where you would interfere yourself? Or have you become content with sitting this one out and watching from that tower of yours."

"If I have an answer for you, it would be the former of your questions, would that satisfy your curiosity or would you like my opinion on the events of this timeline? Either way, I already know that any answer I give would not be able to sway your curiosity as this timeline is full of many curiosities, Zelretch of the Jewels." A smile stayed present on Merlin's lips as he approached the man in the chair and his book, his eyes never leaving the pages of said book. "What do you suggest I do, Court Mage of King Arthur? Advise me as you would have your own King."

Merlin turned the page of the book and gazed at it as he read the contents of the next page. He then placed his finger on a block of text in the middle of the page. "If I have to give an answer, I would say the best place would be here, if you wish for that person to have a chance to survive the fifth holy grail war. Your old apprentice, the older sister of the fifth, the Archelot heiress, the Barthomelloi heiress, Illyasviel Von Einzbern, and the Fraga girl as masters, she would have her hands pressed to just survive and this is not including the servants and the overseer and his little golden friend. But should the requirements be met, she would survive and have a better chance at winning it this time around, though the odds on the latter are low."

"The descendant of Nagato? I see, though for some reason, she will be a bit of a challenge. Moving on, how about the situation in Norlisk, Russia in 2006 and 2007?"

"As for that situation, that can be handed with some difficulty but it is manageable. The thing I worry about is that the Grail there is an artificial one that powered with nuclear technology and magecraft. Unless the thing goes critical, I see no reason for you to involve yourself when Shirou can handle it himself."

"Nuclear Technology huh... Those mages who had secretly partnered up with the Soviets back in 1917 certainly been busy. As for the incident in Snowfield... Flat Escardos and that girl should be enough to deal with the True and False Grail War. I shall remain an outsider as well for that Holy Grail War."

"You find that your intervention is not needed. Well we will leave it to them, though I do have to ask, if Shirou Emiya is not the protagonist of the Fifth Holy Grail War-"

"The protagonist of the fifth war is actually the Barthomelloi heiress. As for Shirou... He is not adopted by Kiritsugu Emiya in this timeline."

Merlin's head shot up with eyes wide as he stared into the Second Magician's eyes. Did he mishear? "What do you mean he ain't the Magus Killer's son?" The shock and confusion were present as he registered what Zelretch just said. The Wizard Marshal only smiled as he gave his answer.

"Oh, he remains with his biological mother in this route, though it ain't some ordinary woman in this timeline either. His mother in this timeline is-"

-scene break-

-October 20th, 1987, Misaki General Hospital

Inside the hospital's LDRP(1) room laid a woman on a bed with a small bundle in her hands. A smile graced her lips as she gazed upon the miracle she held in her arms, carefully as to not wake the small bundle of joy. Her boy, her precious baby boy had finally arrived after 14 hours of labor.

Never in her wildest dreams would she had thought of having a child of her own to raise but here she was now as her red eyes gazed down at her son. But one thing had been had still plagued the mind of one Touko Aozaki.

She had yet to come up with a name for her son.

The woman had frowned as she tried as it dawned on her. She looked over at the sleeping figure of her sister in the corner on the chair and chuckled softly. Who would of thought her own child could mend the fracture in their bond as sisters, especially after all she had put Aoko through nine months ago. Even if it is only a little bit.

She then returned her gaze back at her son and smiled as she realized the perfect name for him. It was only fitting considering that she was a survivor who carved her own path as she soldiered on in this crazy moonlit world of theirs. She had taken down an Dead Apostle Ancestor, killed Francesca Prelati thirty times after being called a "certain name", made a pact with the elemental and phantasmal beast known as Lugh Beowulf, rose to the rank of "Grand" within the Clock Tower, and had accomplished many, many things in her life. And now... now she was the mother to the bundle of joy that she had just brought into this world.

There was only one name in that would fit this boy who would carry on as her legacy in this world and she wouldn't choose any other. He was her son and she knew that he would make her proud regardless of what he does because he is her son. Nothing will change this fact.

"You know, I didn't plan to have you and yet... here you are, in my arms. You are my flesh and blood, my son. My precious baby boy." Touko whispered to him softly. "While some may think that getting drunk and having a one night stand would be a problem, I know that it wasn't a mistake and I do not regret giving birth to you. There is only one name I can give you and there is only one name that will suit you, my little soldier of the blue blossoms." She looked up at the moon for a moment and then at the sleeping Aoko before returning to gaze upon her son with a loving gaze that only a mother could give. "That's right... your name shall be Shirou Aozaki."

-Chapter End-

Annnnnd cut! I hope you guys enjoy this little prelude. I know this was short but I don't want to give more than I already have at this point so please bear with me. This is my first Fate fanfic and it's something I personally have been planning for a while and something I want to see through from start to finish.

(1) LDRP - This what is called a Labor, Delivery, Recovery, and Postpartum (LDRP) room. In the LDRP, you will give birth here and your baby will stay with you until you are ready to go home. Many of these facilities use the nursery only for babies who are ill, rather than for well newborn care.

Chapter 2 here since I though this was too short cut

Night of Flame-Scabbard of Blades

Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/Stay Night or any of its spin-offs, or any of the Type-Moon's series such as Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoki/Garden of Sinners, Mahoutsukai no Yoru/Witch on the Holy Night, Melty Blood or any related series nor do I own any of the characters from any of the series. All of the mentioned above are owned by Kinoko Nasu and Type Moon. This is purely a work of fanfiction inspired by the universe Nasu and the rest of Type-Moon created.

Chapter 1: Night of Flames/Scabbard of Blades

Fuyuki General Hospital, Fuyuki City, 1994

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

That was the sound that could be heard from the heart monitor as Touko Aozaki sat next to the bed in the Fuyuki Hospital. Concern, fear, and anxiousness marred her face as she looked over at the body of her dear son of seven laying in the bed beside her. She kept playing the events from a few nights ago in her head over and over. Sure whatever Emiya did with that golden noble phantasm did its trick and physically healed whatever curses were afflicting Shirou caused by that fire, but... he hasn't awaken yet. She shouldn't had left him alone in her safe house. Touko reached out and ran her hand through Shirou's red hair.

"Just what is going on in that head of yours, my little soldier?"

-Flashback, five nights ago-

"Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff..."

The accursed flames burned everything and anything with in their embrace. Touko raced through the ruins, avoiding the flames and that black mud that had claimed the body of her puppet. She had gone out on a grocery run to stock up her safe house in Fuyuki. She needed to find Shirou and get out of this inferno before it was too late. She placed a rune on Shirou that would allow her to find him no matter where he was. All because there was a delay in shipping in getting materials for Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald's order, she had to deliver them in person and she had brought Shirou along with her when she made the delivery. She had decided to stay and lay low to see how the fourth war would finish playing out. She was always curious on how one was conducted, but she hadn't predicted this.

"I got to reach Shirou... got to get to him... before... before..." She picked up her pace as her breathing became heavier. She had gotten swept away by the flames and mud while she was in the store. Her puppet body killed as she, the original, took its place moments after. Shirou, however had no such protections other than ones she had placed on them with her runes. Whatever the hell that mud is made out of, she knew those protections wouldn't last forever. Panic was evident on her features as the corpses were strewn all over the place.

Those that were still alive, she could hear their cries for help, begging for her to help them, but she couldn't... She had to find her Shirou. She just had to. She felt fear and despair filling her being, her heart pounding in her chest and her ears. She could hear the curse of that black mud, whispering in her ears. While her real body hadn't been affected by the curse, thanks to the runes placed on her own body to rid herself of any inflictions made to her person, the lingering residue remained.

Thump... Thump... Thump... Thump...

'He's dead you know... he's dead and it's all your fault...'

'Shut up...'

'You left him... You left him all alone...All alone in that house...abandoning him to his [FATE]...

'Shut up.'

'You're a failure... a failure as a human...a failure as a magus... a failure as a sister... a failure as an apprentice... a failure as a daughter and granddaughter...a failure as a moth-'

"Shut up!"

'But it'strue, you know, kind of like a young woman aborting her fetus, you abandon him to his [FATE]... Failing him as his mother! YOU HAVE FAILED HIM, TOUKO AOZAKI!'


Touko screamed at the top of her lungs, firing off a volley of spells off everywhere within sight, drowning out the voice that had whispering its accursed words. She didn't stop firing at what she could until she could no longer hear its dreaded voice. Everything around her was annihilated with in minutes but it felt like an eternity. Her red hair fell from its ponytail. Her heart was now pounding in her chest even worse than before as she panted in exhaustion as she placed her hand on her knees. "Get a hold of yourself. You can't let it get to you Touko, find Shirou and get to safety."

She had continued on her way, shakily making her way through the rubble and ruin and the corpses all around her only to find her search to reach an end. Only a few feet in front of her, was her son lying on the ground, only for her eyes to widened at the person who was kneeling above him.


Her body shot forth in a full on sprint as a new fear and panic rose from within her as thought of nothing else but protecting Shirou. She knew who was that was next to him and she would be damned to let anything more to happen to her son. She leapt forward and landed with a slight skid, aiming her arm at the man in front of her. Her eyes widened as an enraged snarl appear on her lips. A curse ready to fire at the man should he try anything. "What... are you doing to my son, Kiritsugu Emiya?"

"Touko Aozaki... let me help save him... this is my fault... please?" The magus killer looked up, his face expressing a desperate look, despair shaking him to his core. She almost lowered her guard, though she couldn't, despite the honesty in his voice, Touko couldn't put her trust in his words, he was still a magus after all. A mage just like her. "What do you get out of this? Why is all of this your fault? Explain yourself and I might just let you live."

"I have something that can protect him from the curse. Something that can keep him alive. It... it's a noble phantasm that I had used to summon my servant." He stopped for a moment to take breath as his gaze landed on Shirou. "I was at the epicenter and I was the one who told Saber to destroy the grail. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't want this to happen. A hole appeared in the sky and then the black mud spilled forth. I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Get ahold of yourself, Emiya! If you're truly honest about helping me save Shirou there, then prove it or so help me, I'll leave you here to rot. You're of no use to yourself in this state you've got yourself in." If it wasn't for this situation right now, She wouldn't be wearing her emotions on her sleeve right now like a certain sister of hers. "Now... how can this noble phantasm help me save my son." He looked up at her, a desperate hope in his eyes, a slight spark before he placed a hand on his chest, he closed his eyes and for a few moments, he stayed silent before he reached back with his hand, pulling out a golden light from his chest, that took the shape of a golden scabbard. Her eyes widened in shock. 'That... That can't be... but it is...'

-Flashback End-

She was drawn out of her memories as a knock was heard on the door. Touko gazed over at the door and frowned. She knew who was there thanks to the bounded fields she had set up around Shirou's hospital room. No better time to get her answers now was there. "Come in."

The door opened as Kiritsugu Emiya, the Magus Killer entered the room. Closing the door behind him, a look of relief washed over his face as he looked over at Shirou before the emotionless mask he usually wore took present again as he directed his gaze on Touko again. They stood there in silence for a few moments before one of them finally spoke, trying to figure out the others motivations.

"You know, I wouldn't have pegged you for someone who tries to save others." Touko began after the silence became too much. "Usually when someone ends up on your radar, they usually wind up dead or worse. If I didn't know any better, I would of guessed you were the one to cause that fire, but that doesn't match your M.O. now, does it? You usually try to keep things contained with in the bounds of concealing the mystics."

Kiritsugu stayed silent for several minutes, trying to figure out what to say. To him, Touko Aozaki is a wild card. One with a reputation for being troublesome, even by Clock Tower standards. "You studied up on me, I see. But you are correct in saying that fire and that... mud... doesn't match the description of my more... unpleasant methods."

"I think we know enough that we can skip the pleasantries and get down to business, shall we?" Touko said as she removed her spectacles and the features of her face sharpened as she narrowed her eyes at the man in front of her as he nodded. "First off, What happened exactly had caused the Fuyuki holy grail to cause all that destruction?"

The man only sighed and clenched his fist before speaking again. "It was Angra Mainyu. I only know this after deducing the culprit by checking the records of the second and third war prior to the fourth war and noticed the only irregular summoning was avenger in the third war and the master was an Einzbern homunculus. I met the servant in the grail after I killed the master of Archer... they... took the form of my wife... trying to twist my dream and wish into something horrendous. I then commanded Saber to destroy the grail and then that portal opened up the black mud and flames spilled forth and well... you know the rest."

"Do the Einzberns know about this?" Touko asked as her grip on the bed's railing tightened a bit. She had a serious bone to pick them. They knew the risks and summoned something that dangerous? "I'm not sure. If they don't, it has probably kept itself concealed not to alert them their presence, but if they do, they probably don't care or think it's too insignificant to really do anything that could cost them in the end. All they care about is obtaining the Heaven's Feel at any cost."

"And they will discredit you at any turn because you failed to obtain the grail for them." Touko finished as she studied him for a moments. "There's more, isn't there? Out with it, what of yours do they have." The man gritted his teeth together. "My daughter... Illya... they have my daughter and already have barred me from getting to my daughter the moment I failed to obtain the grail for them."

Touko's eyes were wide with shock as she stared at the man before her. Who would of the thought the Magus Killer would be a doting and loving father. She placed her spectacles on as her expression softened and her eyes took on a calmer appearance. "And you'll need my help for this, won't you? But if I'm going to take up this job in helping you get your daughter out of their hands, then what am I going to get out of this? This deal is a two way street after all."

"I'll offer my place of residence that I used during the war as compensation for the loss of your safe house during the fire. It's located in the Miyama district. In addition to this, I'll offer whatever I can as service to helping you with whatever business you have regarding the moonlit world." Touko nodded her head in approval and agreement, finding these terms acceptable.

"Then this pact is sealed. Though I must warn you, I may not always be able to pay you properly at times, but I will find something to reward you for your services as you are under my employment. Is this acceptable to you?" The man nods his head in agreement. Kiritsugu had enough money stashed away as he was frugal with how he spent it and more than enough for an entire lifetime. "There is one other thing though. I think that scabbard you implanted into my son affected his origin and element."

Kiritsugu's head shot up in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"When I checked it, they were both sword and sword instead of fire and wind." Touko confirmed with a frown on her lips. "Then that would mean-"

That's when they were interrupted as they both heard the sound of a groan from the lips of one Shirou Aozaki as he begun to wake up in his bed. His eyes slowly opened up as they slowly adjusted to the light of the room. His head tilted to the left as he took in his surroundings before his eyes landed on Touko. His lips formed a smile as his expression brightened immediately. "Mama?" He asked as he saw her, Touko smiled back as she reached down and ran her hand through his hair with a tender smile. Her red eyes meeting his amber golden ones. His eyes then went to kiritsugu. "Is this the man who saved me? From that inferno?"

"Yes, this is Mr. Kiritsugu Emiya. He is indeed the man who found and saved you during the fire. Without him, I may have lost you. I'm sorry I left you back at the safe house..."

"It's okay Mama. You didn't know it would happen." He smiled warmly at her, reassuring her that he was alright. His expression then changed into a puzzled one, which Touko took notice of immediately. "Is something wrong Shirou? You can always tell me what's wrong dear."

"Well... as I was dreaming... I saw a sword stabbed into a scabbard. Well... I think it was a sword. It was mostly this formless white energy thing, but it kept changing forms as I got closer." Kiritsugu and Tokyo both listened in with curiosity and interest as Shirou described his dream to them. "It was like... changing shape each time. First it was the formless form of energy and then it took the form a blue and golden sword with a golden blade before turning into two identical swords of white and black and then another pair of swords that had revolvers attached to them. Then it became a this giant gray sword made of stone before it became this katana with gray samegama wrapped around the tsuka. The scabbard was this beautiful blue and gold and felt almost sentient and then I heard a voice in my head, I didn't see anyone, but it told me to grasp the hilt of the sword and I pulled it out and then..."

Shirou paused for a moment to leave them in suspense before smiling at them. "I woke up here!" Touko smiled and ruffled his hair "Well that's an interesting dream Shirou. We can discuss it more later, Okay. Right now, I want to talk about why Mr. Kiritsugu is here. You see, due to the loss of my property, He has kindly offered us to let us use his place as our own in exchange for our help with some personal matters of his. He will in kind be helping me and offering his services for some jobs and plans I have in place for the future, is that alright with you?"

"Of course it is, Mama! He seems like a cool man, like in one of those spy movies you showed me." Shirou nodded his head in approval. "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine! Does that sound good with you, old man." Touko bit back a chuckle as Kiritsugu gave her son a small smile.

"Of course it does, Shirou, of course it does."

-Chapter End-

AN: Annnnnnd cuuuuut! Well this concludes this chapter of The Queen and the Sword! This chapter was hard to write as I was intentionally writing Touko as a parent and not a magus. The conversation with Kiritsugu and their interactions also contributed to this and it was tricky to write it the way I wanted it to. Next chapter will officially debut Aoko in a bigger role instead of like her cameo mentioned in the prelude. As for who I've chosen as the main heroine, she'll show up soon and I'm not spoiling who, but it's none of the usual suspects. I can confirm it's not Rin, Sakura, Luvia, or even Saber, so good luck guessing friends! So without further ado, see you all next time!