Night of the Blue Bloods by Wolf Strife

Only two chps for now but the pairing is a unique one and a interesting idea hope you enjoy kek :V

Words: 10k+


(A drunken night leads to Shirou winding up in a hotel bed with the last person he'd ever expect to be in bed with, he wonders exactly what he has gotten himself into. Find out next on this thrilling story of Night of the Blue Bloods!)

Chapter 1: Prologue: A Blessing or A Curse

AN: Hello all and welcome! This has been an idea that has been brewing in my mind for a while now. So I thought it would be best be written down for all of you to read. Now in case you're wondering, This a Shirou Emiya fanfic where it's an AU that deals with Shirou's life after the fifth grail war. He isn't in love with Rin, Sakura, or Luvia in this route, but he is Rin's apprentice and attends the Clock Tower with her. It explores what his life could be like if he became a mage fully associated with the Clock Tower and the Mage's Association. It also explores a relationship Shirou has with someone he normally wouldn't interact with.

Prologue: A Mistake or A Blessing?

Shirou felt a pounding in his head as he awoke, groaning as he opened his eyes, his vision slowly adjusting to the light that broke through the gap in the curtains. How much had he had to drink last night. He really wished he hadn't accepted those drinks last night. Whatever was in it was strong enough to get him drunk as hell last night. He remember accepting drink after drink and then it was all just a massive blur soon after. As he stared up at the ceiling, he came to a realization that this was definitely not his dorm room, nor was it a room he was familiar with. Most likely, it was someone else's room or a hotel room. As he tried to sit up, he felt something weighing down on his left side; he tilted his head down and his eyes widened as shock and panic took over his mind as he laid there, looking at the very person in question.

'This... This can't be real right? This is just a dream, isn't it?'

He gazed at the woman who was sound asleep, clinging to him as if he was a body pillow. Her left arm was stretched and wrapped around his waist, tightly holding onto him as her head was nestled into his chest and finally, her left leg was strewn across his legs beneath the blanket covering the lower halves of their bodies. Her chestnut brown hair was unkempt and let loose of its usual well kept ponytail, reaching down her back, stopping at her shoulder blades. She appeared to be still asleep, which was his only saving grace at the moment. He didn't know wether or not to count his blessings.

Shirou carefully tilted his head and took in his surroundings. They apparently were in a hotel room, an expensive one at that, but still, not too big. Alright, he decided he had two options he could go for. The first would be either waiting for her to wake up and either being spared reluctantly or killed immediately. The second would be hoping she wouldn't wake up as he tried to silently as possible sneak out of the room. His right arm was, thankfully, not trapped beneath her. He reached slowly and carefully and gently grabbed hold of her wrist, lifting it slowly so he could carefully and quietly slide out of the bed without disturbing the woman using him as a body pillow. If only life wasn't unnecessarily unfair at times.

The woman's wrist snapped out of his hand and went back to its original position, wrapped around his upper torso, but with her hand and arm tightening their hold on him. Her left leg snaked around his left leg, tangling them together even further. He felt her right hand squeeze down on his right shoulder. He stiffened a bit before glancing downward to see the woman's brown eyes gazing back at him, giving him a heated stare.

"Stop moving."

That was all that was needed to be said before she laid her head down back on his chest, closing her eyes. The woman in question was apparently just as, if not more so, hung over as he was. He was spared for now. The woman hadn't loosened her grip on his shoulder or side yet, despite looking comfortably asleep at the moment.

Shirou had no choice but to resign himself in the matter. He didn't wish to be punished further, though he expected a punishment to come out of this, considering who this woman was after all. So he decided to relax as much as he could before being given his last rites. Then again, she might spare him and made sure he stayed quiet about the whole incident.

"Your name is Emiya, right? Shirou Emiya?" The woman had asked as she kept her eyes closed, her voice soft and low, yet authoritative and commanding. "Hailing from Fuyuki, Japan, adoptive son of one Kiritsugu Emiya, the Magus Killer, and step-sibling of one Ilyasviel Von Einzbern. Age of twenty-two, attribute is reinforcement, while your element and origin are sword, making you a reincarnation, though due to your circumstances and input and testimony given by Miss Tohsaka and Lady Einzbern, you are considered a 'dud'. Speciality is 'Tracing'. You were the Master of Saber, Arturia Pendragon, during the Fifth Holy Grail War, is that correct?"

Shirou had tensed. Of course she would interrogate him, not like he had a choice in this manner. He nodded his he answered her. "Yes. That is all correct, though I do have to wonder, why are you asking this if you know the answer already?" He made sure he wasn't asking too much of her. He knew she had no patience for fools and her temper could spike if asked or told something that she wouldn't like.

The woman responded by squeezing his side and shoulder once more, only a bit tighter than before. He flinched from the pain and slowly looked down at the woman who held all the power right now. "Isn't it obvious, I thought those two would of taught you etiquette and lessons when dealing with one of the Lords of the Clock Tower, if so, they have been sorely lacking. I might employ someone adequate to teach you proper manners."

"I meant no disrespect. I'm just curious that's all."

"Only curious? Well then, allow me to educate you as the one Lord who dictates the Department of Policies and the Barthomelloi Family." The woman paused briefly before gazing up at him, her chocolate brown eyes gazing into his amber gold, a smile of mischief gracing her lips. "I know you're no fool, Shirou Emiya. A fledgling Magus like you would normally not of caught my interest, even if you are the adopted son of the Magus Killer himself, but I did some digging, and lo and behold, what did I find, a rather particular gem in the rough of all these quarts. While not a diamond, but a copper coloured ruby, if one were to exist. Imagine my surprise he would be fit to be the father of my heir."

Shirou's eyes widened at her words, only for his cheeks to burn crimson hot, tearing his gaze away from the attractive brunette only for her to squeeze his shoulder and side once more before she trailed her hand from his ribs to his abdomen and used her index and middle fingers to trace his muscles, making him relax before making him shiver as she lightly caressed his skin with just the tips of her nails. She only took his silence to continue on with her speech.

"What's wrong? You weren't this embarrassed last night. Where is the man who passionately screamed my name all throughout the night. Oh how I just adore your screams of pleasure. You're not bad down their either, you know. Just imagine the next session we have, Daaaaaarrrrrrllllliiiiinnnnggg~."

Shirou shuddered violently as she whispered the last word into his ear softly, blowing on it with her hot breath before placing a gentle kiss upon the crook of his neck. Shirou sucked in a breath before gazing downward, trying to think of anything else. That's when he noticed a tiny shiny object on her left hand. His eyes narrowed in confusion as he made the object out to be a ring of some sort on her left ring finger.

'Could it be some sort of mystic code?'

"Trace On." He muttered to himself as he began to structurally analyze the ring, knowing that if he were to try and grab at it, she would definitely put him in a most uncomfortable position. She looked at to what she was staring at and furrowed her brow in confusion. That's when she noticed the ring. It was a simple ring, made of a silvery steel with two amber gems and a diamond embedded in the center.

'That's weird... when did I start wearing a ri-'

She paused as her eyes widened in slow realization she then slowly brought her attention to his left hand that was wrapped around her waist and noticed a perfectly matching on his left ring finger as well. Her head slowly turned as the events of last night slowly came back to her all at once after She and Shirou had left the party and towards the point where they woke up together in this room. His eyes then drifted to where she was staring and his eyes slowly met hers as it dawned on him that they were matching a set of perfectly identical rings, his eyes were as wide as hers. The room became deathly silent and Shirou could of sworn he saw ice form on the walls and in the air as if the temperature had dropped below freezing.

What could be said later on, if anyone had asked them, is that it was Shirou who screamed like a little girl and fell off the bed in shock. For one, it was out of embarrassment and for wanting to keep her reputation and professional pride in tact. And as for Shirou, well he has learned very very quick that pissing off his newly wedded wife was absolutely not an option.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the start of this story I've been working on. While my other fic, The Queen and the Sword are still ongoing, this fic will be its own complete entity. I would like to give thanks to my friend, Zephyr, who has been helping beta and edit both of my stories and for helping me figure out and write the ending of this prologue , for all his wonderful work! This fic is a fun little project I'll be working on in the meantime when I'm not working on the Queen and the Sword. Have a wonderful night and enjoy!