Duelist's Awakening by tomer3392

Link: https://fiction.live/stories/Duelist-s-Awakening/YBsmEDPiraM7ybACz/chapter-1/7zwpk832p29cD4tEy


I just wanted to have fun and play Yugioh with my friends, but now it seems I am a part of something bigger, and no matter what choice I make I can't return to my normal life anymore... guess I can still have fun and gamble on my soul in this children's card game.

chapter 1

I jolted awake with a start, my heart pounding against my chest as if trying to escape the confines of my ribcage.

Panic surged through me as I scrambled to my feet, my mind still foggy from the haze of unconsciousness.

For a brief, terrifying moment, I was convinced that a truck was barreling down on me, its headlights blinding me as it roared toward me with deadly intent.

But as my eyes adjusted to the dim light of the alleyway, I realized that I was alone.

The only sound was the distant hum of the city, a cacophony of life that seemed to mock my disoriented state.

I stumbled out of the alley and onto the sidewalk, blinking in confusion as I took in my surroundings.

Everywhere I looked, I saw Japanese characters plastered on billboards and advertisements, their meaning lost on me as I struggled to make sense of where I was.

"Move aside, kid," a voice snapped, jolting me out of my daze.

I turned to see a passerby eyeing me impatiently, gesturing for me to clear the path.

Surprised that I could understand the words despite the foreign tongue, I quickly obliged, stepping aside to let them pass.

As I checked my belongings to ensure nothing was missing, my hand brushed against a piece of paper tucked away in my school bag.

Curious, I pulled it out and unfolded it, my eyes widening in disbelief as I realized it was written in Egyptian hieroglyphics.

I struggled to comprehend how I could understand the ancient language, but as I read the words aloud, their meaning became clear.

"Joseph Jones, descendant of the slaves," I recited, my voice trembling.

"You were supposed to perish, but I spared you for reasons I see no reason to give you. You have a second chance, better make it interesting."

My heart hammered in my chest as I continued to read, the words sinking in with each passing moment.

"In this world, there were a Joseph just like you," I murmured, my mind reeling.

"He was bullied and pushed to the edge until he chose to fight back. It was the first and last time in his miserable short life he tried to fight back for once."

My hands shook as I read on, the mention of a mother named Eve and a father named Moses sending a shiver down my spine, those are the names of my parents, did I really body-jacked another version of myself?

I had to find out if what the note said was true.

With newfound determination coursing through my veins, I sprinted toward the address listed on the note, my heart racing with each step.

I pounded on the door, my breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as I waited for someone to answer.

The door swung open, revealing a familiar face framed by concern.

My mother stood before me, her eyes widening in alarm as she took in my disheveled appearance.

"Joseph, sweetheart, are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

I swallowed hard, trying to steady my nerves as I searched for the words to explain everything that had happened.

But as I opened my mouth to speak…

what will you tell your mother? -Voting closed - 8 voters

VOTESjust a little tired mother.5/6"Y-Yeah Mom, I'm alright, just feeling a little under the weather, I think I will go to rest a little in my room,"2/3Sure1/2…1/2

Choices -Voting closed - 3 voters

VOTESkeep writing in first person3/3go back to third person0

I took a deep breath, forcing myself to calm down as I turned to face my mother.

"Just a little tired, Mom," I said, managing a weak smile as I kissed her on the cheek.

She eyed me skeptically, her concern evident in the furrow of her brow.

"Are you sure, Joseph? You seem... off," she murmured, her voice tinged with worry.

I nodded quickly, eager to put her fears to rest.

"Yeah, I'm fine, really," I assured her, my words coming out in a rush as I made a beeline for the door.

"I'll be in my room."

As I dashed upstairs, I could hear my mother calling after me, her voice trailing off as she mentioned dinner would be ready in an hour.

I didn't stop to listen, my mind already racing ahead to the mysteries awaiting me in my room.

As I entered, a wave of familiarity washed over me, soothing my frazzled nerves.

My room looked exactly as I remembered it from my old life: comic book heroes posters adorning the walls, stacks of comics piled in one corner, and my trusty PlayStation One sitting proudly on its shelf.

With a sigh, I sank onto my bed, feeling the weight of the day's events settle around me like a heavy blanket.

It was then that I felt something in my pocket, something I hadn't noticed before.

Curious, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my Duel Monsters cards.

To my surprise, they were in pristine condition, but the English text had been replaced with Japanese characters.

As I began to examine my cards and piece together a deck, the hours slipped by unnoticed.

In my mind, I silently thanked whoever had saved me from the brink of death, grateful for the chance to start anew in this strange new world.

The next morning, I donned my "new" navy blue school uniform and made my way to Domino High School, the school where the Joseph of this world had once walked the halls.

Entering the classroom, I scanned the room for an empty seat. My eyes fell upon three open spots: one near a kid with wild purple, gold, and black hair.

Another near two towering figures—one blonde, the other seemingly a typical Japanese schoolboy.

The last spot is beside a girl with short brown hair.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering which seat the original Joseph had occupied…

Where did the other me sit? -Voting closed - 7 voters

VOTESnear the kid with the wild hair6/63the two boys1/21the girl1/11

I took a deep breath as I made my way to the seat near the kid with the messy hair, hoping it would be a good choice.

As I settled into my seat, I noticed that nobody seemed to react to my presence.

The kid beside me was still engrossed in his toy, oblivious to my arrival.

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the lack of attention.

But my moment of respite was short-lived.

The teacher entered the classroom, and suddenly, everyone stood up in unison, leaving me sitting awkwardly in my chair.

The middle-aged teacher's stern gaze fell upon me, and he called out my name, asking why I hadn't stood with the rest of my classmates to show respect.

I blushed furiously, stammering out an excuse about daydreaming and not noticing the others standing.

The teacher's expression remained unimpressed as he warned me that it better not happen again.

After the awkward encounter with the teacher, the rest of the day went relatively smoothly.

Well, except for history class, where I struggled to understand anything about Japanese history.

With a groan, I gathered my school bag at the end of class, only to notice the two students—the blonde one and the brown-haired one—laughing as they tossed a golden box between themselves.

"Give it back!" the wild-haired kid shouted, his frustration evident.

The tall, brown-haired kid threw the box at the blonde, calling out, "Joey, catch!"

The blonde caught the box with a smirk, addressing the wild-haired kid as Yug.

"You know, Yug," he said, examining the golden box, "I'm going to teach you how to be a man."

As I watched the scene unfold, a sense of unease gnawed at me.

Should I intervene?

Choices -Voting closed - 6 voters

VOTESI will try and make them give the box back to Yugi4/5+throw one of your useless cards in their face as a distraction if they refuse and try to get it2/31Challenge then to a D-D-D-D-Duel3/32+tell Yugi to run if we get the puzzle1not my problem1/1I will try and go to the teacher to get help0

roll bo3 1d20 to see if the card trick works dc 14- Closed - 1 poster

Dice: 1d20

10 = 10

/roll 1d20

Dice: 1d20

16 = 16

Dice: 1d20

13 = 13

Dice: 1d20

6 = 6

Feeling a surge of determination, I couldn't stand idly by while Joey taunted Yugi. "Hey! Give him back his box!" I called out, my voice ringing out in the classroom.

Joey's laughter echoed through the room as he turned to face me.

"Joseph? Since when did ya grow a pair?" he sneered, his smirk widening as he opened the box to see what was inside.

I took a step forward, meeting Joey's gaze with steely resolve.

"Listen, Jones," He began, "while I'm happy to see you out of your shell and, you know, socialize, I'm trying to toughen up Yugi here. So why don't you just go home and we can continue this another day, alright?"

But I had another idea.

"Want to see a card trick?" I asked, a mischievous glint in my eye.

"I bet I can do a card trick so good you'll leave that box."

Joey's smirk faltered slightly, but he remained unfazed, "Yeah? What trick?"

Without hesitation, I reached into my pocket and retrieved a Yu-Gi-Oh! card—the Meda Bat.

With a flick of my wrist, I sent the card flying towards Joey at an angle, cutting through the air and grazing his hair, momentarily blocking his vision.

Startled, Joey stumbled back, and in the chaos, he inadvertently tossed the golden box into the air.

As the box soared through the air, Yugi gasped, reaching out to catch it before it hit the ground.

I caught the box in my hands, my heart pounding in my chest as a wave of memories washed over me.

For a moment, I relived the day I was struck by a truck, the image of the Eye on the golden box flashing before my eyes.

Quickly masking my reaction, I handed the box to Yugi with a casual shrug.

"Here. Next time, don't bring this kind of stuff to school if it's so important to you."

Yugi's eyes widened in surprise before he broke into a grateful smile, thanking me profusely.

Behind me, Tristan helped Joey to his feet, his voice tinged with anger. "Hey! What's the big idea, Jones?"

Joey took a threatening step towards me, and for a moment, I was at a loss for what to do.

But then, a voice rang out from behind Joey, cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Leave him alone, Joey. Really? Bullying your classmates?" It was the short-haired girl, her tone stern and unwavering.

Joey and Tristan exchanged a glance before hastily making their exit, "damn it, it's Tea, this is not over you hear!"

As Joey and Tristen ran out of the classroom I sighed, Yogi and Tea walked over to me, "thank you, Joseph, this box was a gift from my grandfather," Yugi started to say while I set in a chair trying to count to 10 and take deep breaths trying to calm down while keeping my distance from that box as far as I can without making Yugi notice.

"so what is in that box anyway Yugi?" asked Tea, while I continued to sit and just listen as I could not trust myself to stand right now.

"well Tea, this box came straight from Egypt, my grandfather gave it to me, and inside it is a puzzle that for thousands of years was not solved until now," Yugi said as he opened the box to show a piece of the puzzle to us, while once again I could feel the same uncomfortable aura coming from inside the box, it was like I was sitting near a bomb that was about to explode at any moment.

I could try and continue to listen, or find a good excuse to get out of this conversation and away from that box, but what?

I- what should I do? and what is with that puzzle? -Voting closed - 9 voters

VOTEStry and stay in the room (will roll for that)6/7+ Show Yugioh some of your cards3/5Talk about duel monsters2/4+ ask yugi about his hair lol1/2+ Distract yourself from the evil box by thinking of sexy cards lol1

roll bo3 1d20 dc 14 to keep hold of yourself- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20

19 = 19

Dice: 1d20

18 = 18

Dice: 1d20

20 = 20

1+ to ??? you can now interact with 1-star monsters (strong enough for one monster at a time)… guys what the fuck? we don't even have a magic Item.

As Yugi explained that the golden box and the puzzle inside it were a memento from his grandfather, a hush fell over the classroom. Tea's curiosity got the best of her, and she asked Yugi if he had ever solved the puzzle.

Yugi shook his head sadly. "No, I've been trying for the past eight years, but with no success. But I'm sure that one day, I'll figure it out," he said with a determined glint in his eye. "And, well, it might sound a little silly, but I almost thought that the prize for solving the puzzle is a wish in return."

Tea's eyes sparkled with interest as she asked, "What would you wish for, Yugi?"

Yugi's smile widened, but he shook his head. "It's a secret," he said coyly, his gaze shifting between Tea and me.

Meanwhile, I wrestled with my fight or flight response to the strange aura emanating from the puzzle. But I refused to cower from some silly puzzle. With determination coursing through my veins, I joined the conversation.

"Do you know what the 3D gold puzzle makes at the end?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

Yugi shrugged. "I'm not sure, but that's part of the fun," he replied.

A moment of silence passed before Yugi spoke up again, his voice filled with a hint of shyness. "Um, Joseph, Tea, would you like to come with me to my family's toy store? Maybe we can try to solve the puzzle together."

My heart skipped a beat at the invitation, on one hand, I just wanted to go home and just look at myself in my room to forget the stupid puzzle, but on the other hand part of me knew that if I refused it would hurt Yugi as he up until now trusted me and Tea to tell about his Grandfather's priceless gift to remember him by… and he does seem lonely.

What should I do? -Voting closed - 4 voters

VOTESI will Go with Yugi and Tea4/4I will Go home to try and forget about that creepy puzzle0

-Joey POV-

Tristan and I bolted out of the classroom, leaving behind the chaos of our failed attempt to taunt Yugi.

As we made our way down the hallway, Tristan began to grumble about Tea always ruining our fun.

"Yeah, she's such a buzzkill," I agreed, rolling my eyes.

But then, with a smirk, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of the puzzle from the golden box.

"But hey, our fun might be over, but Yugi's lesson is still not," I said, flashing the puzzle piece at Tristan.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Why do you have to bully Yugi, Joey?" he asked, his tone tinged with disapproval.

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could, a voice cut through the air from behind us.

"Bullying?" The voice belonged to a tall, buff dark-haired teen, and his mean look sent a shiver down my spine.

I sneered at him, "Nothing! Keep outhe this, you..." I started, but Tristan quickly intervened, placing a hand over my mouth with a scared expression.

"Nothing, it's nothing!" Tristan said hastily, shooting me a panicked look.

He whispered to me, "Joey, who do you think you are picking a fight with? This ogre is the hall monitor, Ushio!"

Ushio looked at us with a smirk before simply stating that bullying is bad and walking away.

As he disappeared around the corner, Tristan let out a sigh of relief.

"That was close," he muttered, running a hand through his hair.

I, however, was seething with anger.

"Ushio! I'm gonna get you someday!" I vowed, my fists clenched in frustration.

With a scowl, I stormed over to the window and flung the last piece of the puzzle out into the school's pool below, watching with satisfaction as it disappeared beneath the surface with a splash.

As Yugi extended the invitation to join him at his family's toy store, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement.

"Sure, count me in," I replied eagerly, a smile spreading across my face.

Tea's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as she nodded in agreement.

"I haven't solved a good puzzle in a long time. It'll be fun!" she exclaimed, her excitement contagious.

Together, the three of us made our way to Yugi's family store.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as I glanced up at the store sign, which read "GAME" in bold English letters.

Yugi was lucky to live in a toy store, surrounded by endless possibilities for fun and adventure.

As we entered the store, a short old man came to greet us, causing Tea to scream in fright.

I shot her a bewildered look, wondering what had startled her.

"Why did you scream like that? Did you see a ghost?" the old man asked, his voice tinged with amusement.

Tea turned to Yugi, her eyes wide with shock.

"I thought you said the puzzle was a memento from your grandfather!" she exclaimed.

Yugi's expression remained stoic as he clarified, "I meant that one day, the puzzle would become a memento."

The old man feigned anger, shouting, "BRAT!!!" in mock outrage.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange, finding the whole situation rather amusing.

The old man approached me, extending his hand in greeting.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must be a new friend of Yugi's. My name is Solomon Moto," he introduced himself.

I shook his hand firmly. "I'm Joseph," I replied.

After the introductions, Yugi, Tea, and I made our way upstairs to Yugi's room.

We spent the rest of the day trying to solve the puzzle together, but unfortunately, our efforts were in vain.

As Tea bid us farewell and headed home, Solomon stopped me for a moment to express his gratitude.

"Thank you for being Yugi's friend," he said sincerely.

I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as I replied, "Yugi's a nice kid."

As I glanced around the room, my eyes landed on a new set of Duel Monsters that had arrived.

My excitement reignited, and I couldn't resist the urge to go and check them out.

As I browsed through the packs, Solomon approached me once again. "Have you ever played the game?" he asked.

I shook my head. "No, I haven't," I admitted.

Solomon raised an eyebrow. "Well, if you ever decide to start playing, what would be your reason for doing so?" he inquired.

I paused for a moment, considering his question carefully…

for what reason should I duel? -Voting closed - 9 voters

VOTESto have fun and make new friends.6/63to win money and new cards in tournaments.3/32+to find a girlfriend2/21To have a harem of card girls. metaphorically ofcourse, haha1/21Find rare cards and have the most fun :D.1/1To survive and find a true home (why so serious lol)1to show my superiority, and overcome any opponent with power and no mercy1/11

I paused for a moment, considering his question carefully, and after a second of thinking about it, I had only one answer to his question, "to have fun and make new friends, of course."

After hearing my answer Solomon gave me a soft smile and said, "With an outlook like that you can go far kid, tell you what, I see you don't have a card holder for your deck," Solomon started to say as he went to the counter and bent down to take something.

When he returned to me he gave me a cool deck holder that can latch to a belt and said, "And as thanks for being Yugi's friend and a nice boy I will give you one free pack, don't get used to it boy, it's just a one-off thing."

"Thanks," I said with a smile as I took the cardholder and latched it to my belt.

now I just need to decide which pack should I take…

which should I take? -Voting closed - 9 voters


Metal Raiders5/5

The Legend of Blue Eyes4/4

We got:

• Swamp Battleguard (Common) x1

• Dream Clown (Common) x1

• The Little Swordsman of Aile (Common) x1

• Ancient Brain (Common) x1

• Niwatori (Common) x1

• Battle Steer (Common) x1

• Sword of Deep-Seated (Common) x1

• Ring of Magnetism (Common) x1

• Mask of Darkness (Rare) x1

what should I take out from my deck, and what should I enter? (changes to our deck?)- Closed - 2 posters

Add: Sword of Deep-Seated (Common) x1 Dream Clown (Common) x1 Swamp Battleguard (Common) x1 Battle Steer (Common) x1 Remove: Armored Starfish


Choices -Voting closed - 5 voters


Add: Sword of Deep-Seated (Common) x1 Dream Clown (Common) x1 Swamp Battleguard (Common) x1 Battle Steer (Common) x1 Remove: Armored Starfish



surprise roll, roll bo3 1d20 dc 14- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20

18 = 18

Dice: 1d20

7 = 7

Dice: 1d20

18 = 18

Dice: 1d20

6 = 6

because I don't have any idea about what to do with this perception crit, I will put it in the crit bank for later use.

As I exited the toy store, a sense of contentment washed over me.

But my cheerful demeanor came to a halt as I caught sight of a poster plastered on a nearby wall.

It advertised a Duel Monsters! card tournament happening in a week's time, promising rare cards as prizes for the top three winners.

A grin spread across my face as I read the details.

This sounded like the perfect opportunity to test my skills and see just how good my deck really was.

With newfound excitement, I made a mental note to mark the date in my calendar.

-Joseph bedroom-

ready for bed.

As I climbed under the covers, I couldn't shake the feeling of optimism that lingered from earlier in the day.

"Things are looking up," I murmured to myself, a smile playing on my lips.

"Tomorrow's going to be a good day."

-the day after-

As I navigated the halls, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that hung in the air, seems like Joey and Tristan were gone from class today and everyone was looking worried.

It was as if a dark cloud loomed overhead, casting a shadow over everything.

As I set at my desk I noticed Ushio calling out to Yugi.

Intrigued, I followed them discreetly, my curiosity piqued by the ominous look in Ushio's eyes.

What I saw next made my blood run cold.

Joey and Tristan lay beaten on the ground, their bodies bruised and battered.

Yugi's expression was one of horror and concern as he rushed to their side, his voice trembling as he asked what had happened.

Tristan groaned in pain, muttering, "It hurts," as Joey shot a glare in Yugi's direction.

"You bastard," he spat, his voice laced with anger.

"Are you happy now?"

Yugi recoiled as if struck, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"No, this isn't true," he insisted, his voice shaking with emotion.

"I would never ask for this."

But Ushio's cruel smirk told a different story.

"Friends?" he sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

"Those two who pick on you every day? Well, no matter. You owe me now for me being a good bodyguard. How about 200,000 yen? Sounds fair, right?"

As I watched the scene unfold, a sharp pain pierced through my skull, causing me to wince in agony.

Images flashed before my eyes, memories that weren't my own but belonged to the original Joseph.

I saw Ushio beating him mercilessly, demanding money in exchange for his supposed protection.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

This wasn't just a one-time incident; Ushio had been extorting money from kids for years, preying on their fear and vulnerability to get a quick buck.

Yugi's desperate plea broke through my reverie, snapping me back to the present.

"Please stop," he cried, his voice trembling with fear.

"If you want to hurt someone, hurt me!"

But Ushio's laughter echoed through the hallway as he lifted Yugi by his shirt, his fists raining down upon him with brutal force.

"So you don't want to pay for my service, huh?" he taunted, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure.

I felt a surge of anger and determination coursing through my veins, I was about to interfere but my body didn't want to listen to me locked in place as if it remembered the terror the Ushio inflicted on it.

courage roll, roll bo3 1d20, dc 14- Closed - be the first to post.

Dice: 1d20

4 = 4

Dice: 1d20

Options: Sum. Threshold: 14.

4 = 4 (Fail)

Dice: 1d20

Options: Sum. Threshold: 14.

9 = 9 (Fail)

for the crit we can level up our ??? and now see level 1 monsters even in other people's decks, and also get ???

or we can bank it.

Choices -Voting closed - 11 voters

VOTESuse the crit8/11bank it0

I will not let him hurt my friend!!! (what should I do?) -Voting closed - 13 voters

VOTESchallenge him to a duel5/83Pull another Kaiba and throw a common card at him (I don't want Joseph to go to jail)4/61try and fight him2/4make your mama jokes to make him chase me0give him money to leave Yugi and everyone alone0call a teacher0

I fumbled through my bag, my hands trembling with adrenaline as I searched for my camera.

Finding it nestled among my textbooks, I pulled it out hastily, flipping it open and aiming it at the unfolding scene before me.

With a press of a button, the camera flashed, illuminating the hallway and catching everyone's attention.

My heart pounded in my chest as I locked eyes with Ushio, determination burning in my gaze.

"Leave them alone, Ushio," I demanded, my voice laced with anger.

"Or I'll show this picture to the teachers."

Ushio's eyes narrowed as he recognized me as one of his past victims.

"You bastard, after everything I did for you?" he growled, his voice dripping with malice.

I cut him off, my voice steely with resolve, "The only thing you did was bully us and steal our money," I retorted.

"And now you're trying to do the same to Yugi."

Ushio seemed surprised by my sudden defiance, but he quickly regained his composure, "You know, I could just kick the shit out of you and take that fucking camera and break it," he threatened, his eyes flashing with malice.

I didn't flinch, "You do that, and I'll snitch," I warned, my voice unwavering.

Ushio gritted his teeth, clearly weighing his options.

"So what do you want?" he finally spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

I took a deep breath, my resolve hardening.

"I challenge you to a duel," I declared, my voice ringing out with authority.

"If I win, you leave them alone. And if I lose, I'll forget what I saw here today. Does that sound fair to you?"

Ushio's face contorted with rage, but he begrudgingly nodded.

"Fine," he seethed, his voice filled with venom. "But you'll pay for this, you fucking Gaijin."

With a cruel smirk, he reached into his bag and pulled out a deck of cards.

"Some of these cards were bought with your money," he taunted, his laughter ringing out mockingly.

"Thank you for that. Haha. Tell you what, I'll even let you have the first turn before I win this."

I clenched my jaw, suppressing the surge of anger that threatened to consume me.

With a determined nod, I knelt down on the floor opposite Ushio, shuffling my deck of cards with a sense of purpose.

As we both drew our opening hands, our eyes locked in a silent challenge.

And with a simultaneous shout of "Duel!" we began our battle, the fate of our friends hanging in the balance.

Our hand:

succubus knight (normal): ATK:1650, DEF:1300

Fireyarou (normal): ATK:1300, DEF:1000

Hitsusu-Me Gient (normal): ATK:1200, DEF:1000

Sword of deep-seated (spell): The equipped monster gains 500 ATK/DEF. If this card is sent to your GY: Place it on top of your Deck.

Enchanting Mermaid: ATK:1200, DEF:900

Field: empty

what will I do? -Voting closed - 7 voters

VOTESSummon Fireyarou (Bait to see if he has a stronger monster)3/4Summon Fireyarou in ATK position.1/2Set Enchanting Mermaid in Facedown defense position1/2place Enchanting Mermaid in the defense position to see what he have1/1

Quick Punch him in the face when he's isn't looking

This choice is troll/spam/against the ToS.

place Enchanting Mermaid in the defense position to see what he has

"Draw!!!" both I and Ushio shouted as I looked over my cards.

Joseph LP:2000

Ushio LP: 2000

'not a bad pick, but I can't attack this turn so I better start with one of my weaker monsters to see if he has something nasty waiting for me.'

"I start my turn by summoning Fireyarou in Attack position! and I end my Turn!!!"

as I place my monster on the board Ushio starts to laugh at me, "You called this a monster, what an idiot he didn't even put it in defense position in case I have something stronger than it, fine then, let me get this over with so I can start to bash your face in Joseph."

"Draw!!!" Ushio said as he with a smirk took one of his cards and placed it on the field.

"I start my turn by using this spell card Tribute to the Doomed"

"This card lets me destroy a monster on your side of the field if I discard one card," Ushio said as he took a monster and set it in his GY, I could only frown as I did the same, and took Fireyarou to the GY.

"Next I summon Basic Insect in attack position!!!"

Basic Insect (normal): ATK:500 DEF:700

"Now I attack you directly"

Joseph LP: 1500

Ushio LP: 2000

"After that, I sat a card and end my turn, your move Joseph."

Joseph LP: 1500

Ushio LP: 2000

Our hand:

succubus knight (normal): ATK:1650, DEF:1300

Hitsusu-Me Gient (normal): ATK:1200, DEF:1000

Sword of deep-seated (spell): The equipped monster gains 500 ATK/DEF. If this card is sent to your GY: Place it on top of your Deck.

Enchanting Mermaid: ATK:1200, DEF:900

Aqua Madoor(normal): ATK:1200, DEF:2000


Joseph's side is empty

Ushio has one card set on the board

what should I do? -Voting closed - 7 voters

VOTESSet Aque Madoor in Facedown defense position.5/7

"you may laugh now Ushio, but just like your bug, you will be squashed too," I said as I drew a card

'Aque Madoor huh? With this, I will have a 2k wall that will protect me, sounds good,'

"First thing first I set a monster in defense position and end my turn, your turn Ushio," I said, as he with a smirk on his face drew a card and gave me the most mean-spirited grin I had ever seen.

"time to take one more step for your beating Joseph, I will start with summoning my Hitosu-me Giant in attack position,"

Hitosu-me Giant (Normal): ATK:1200, DEF:1000

"AND AFTER THAT I WILL USE HIM TO ATTACK, TAKE HIS WORTLESS MONSTER OUT OF THE FIELD!!!" Ushio screamed with glee, I could only smirk in return.

"Not so fast Ushio, my monster Aque Madoor has 2000 defense, and that means you will take 800," I said while Yugi, Joey, and Tristan stood around us and looked at the board.

Joseph LP: 1500

Ushio LP: 1200

"Wow, Joseph is really good," Yugi said.

"before finishing my turn I will put my basic card in defense position, your move," Ushio gritted out.

Joseph LP: 1500

Ushio LP: 1200

Our hand:

Dream Clown (Effect): ATK:1200, DEF:900

Effect: When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field.

succubus knight (normal): ATK:1650, DEF:1300

Hitsusu-Me Gient (normal): ATK:1200, DEF:1000

Sword of deep-seated (spell): The equipped monster gains 500 ATK/DEF. If this card is sent to your GY: Place it on top of your Deck.

Enchanting Mermaid (normal): ATK:1200, DEF:900


Joseph's side has Aqua Maddor in defense position

Ushio has one card set on the board, a basic bug in defense mode, and a Hitsusu-Me Gient in attack mode

what should I do? -Voting closed - 7 voters

VOTESNormal Summon Enchanting Mermaid in attack position and Equip Sword of Deep-Seated to rise its ATK points to 1700ATK and 1400DEF2/5Summon succubus knight in attack mode, blow up his bug2/2+Attack his giant with Mermaid1/2Summon Dream Clown in attack and kill his gient1

"I draw," I said as I took another card from the top of my deck to see Dream Clown.

'I should just finish it with my Succubus Knight,' I thought to myself, as my hand went near the card but I stopped at the last second as another thought crossed my mind, 'But what if his set card is a trap? it would be better to use a weaker monster and use my sword to buff it.'

"first thing first, I want your Gient out of the board so I will use this," I said as I placed my Enchanting Mermaid in attack position, "My Enchanting Mermaid!!!"

Enchanting Mermaid (normal): ATK:1200, DEF:900

"And this is not all, I use a spell to make her something I doubt you have an answer to, I use the Equip spell Sword of deep-seated!"

"This Equip spell will give my monster 500 attack and defense, making my Mermaid have 1700 attack points, and leaving your giant in the dust."

Enchanting Mermaid (normal): ATK:1700, DEF:1400

"Now I attack your giant and bring you down to 700 life points, your move Ushio," I said as Ushio became pale seeing the monster I have brought.

Joseph LP: 1200

Ushio LP: 700

"T-this can't be happening, fuck, FUCK!!!" Ushio screamed, seemingly fearing that I win and out him as a thief and a criminal, ruining his life.

As he draw a card and looked at it, he could not stop himself from laughing, "Hahaha, this, this brings a smile on my face, the card I am about to bring out is a card I got from using your money, time to end this!!!"

"I summon my ace monster to trample you down Joseph, behold, Gaia The Fierce Knight!!!"

Gaia The Fierce Knight (Normal): ATK:2300, 2100

I could only stare in disbelief, 2300 Attack points? only one card in my deck has something greater.

"Yugi, what is happening, I didn't follow any of this, is Joseph winning?" Joey asked as he looked at what just happened in the game.

"Things are not looking good Joey," Yugi said with worry

"And now my loyal Knight, trample his monster down!" he said, as I took my Mermaid to the GY.

Joseph LP: 1000

Ushio LP: 700

My spell has one more effect, should I use it?

my spell has one more effect, should I use it? -Voting closed - 6 voters

VOTESno4/4use the second effect1/2

Joseph LP: 1000

Ushio LP: 700

Our hand:

Tripwire Beast (Normal): ATK 1200, DEF 1300

Dream Clown (Effect): ATK:1200, DEF:900

Effect: When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field.

succubus knight (normal): ATK:1650, DEF:1300

Hitsusu-Me Gient (normal): ATK:1200, DEF:1000


Joseph's side has Aqua Maddor in defense position

Ushio has one card set on the board, a basic bug in defense mode, and FUCKING Gaia The Fierce Knight in attack mode

what should I do? -Voting closed - 3 voters

VOTESSet Tripewire Beast in Facedown Defense mode.1/3

checking if Ushio did not let Gaia make him too confident in his win

dc 17

Dice: 3d20

Options: Individual.


As I brought my spell card to the GY while thinking of how I would get over his knight, Yugi gasped.

"no," Yugi said with worry.

"What happened Yugi?" Tristan asked.

"Joseph just made a misplay, he could have used the sword effect to get it back and buff his Aqua, but instead he placed it in the grave."

'shit, what did I do?!' I thought to myself as Ushio just kept laughing.

I have nothing to do but stall until I will get my Ace, "I will put a monster face down, and end my turn."

"Joseph, where did all your bravado go? well no matter, get ready for a beating, because I set a monster face down, and attack with my knight, say goodbye to your face down!!!"

with a grunt, I take my monster to the graveyard.

"I will make this slow and painful just like you like it, I end my turn."

Joseph LP: 1000

Ushio LP: 700

Our hand:

Steel Ogre Grotto #1 (normal): ATK:1400, DEF:1800

Dream Clown (Effect): ATK:1200, DEF:900

Effect: When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field.

succubus knight (normal): ATK:1650, DEF:1300

Hitsusu-Me Gient (normal): ATK:1200, DEF:1000


Joseph's side has Aqua Maddor in defense position

Ushio has one card set on the board, a basic bug in defense mode, Gaia The Fierce Knight in attack mode, and a monster face down on the field

what will you place face down? -Voting closed - 6 voters

VOTESHitsusu-Me Gient3dream clown1/3Steel Ogre Grotto #11

After I drew my next card, I put my giant face down and Ushio killed it.

'I have to draw my ace.' I thought to myself.

"Hi, I got another card I got from the same pack I pulled my knight from, here see it and weep asshole! I use Pot of Greed which lets me poll two cards from my deck."

'For some reason, I think I heard someone screaming from the void.' I thought to myself, as Ushio draw two cards from his deck.

"And with that, I end my turn"

Joseph LP: 1000

Ushio LP: 700

Our hand:

Steel Ogre Grotto #1 (normal): ATK:1400, DEF:1800

Dream Clown (Effect): ATK:1200, DEF:900

Effect: When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field.

succubus knight (normal): ATK:1650, DEF:1300

Dragon Treasure (spell):

A Dragon-Type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points.


Joseph's side has Aqua Maddor in defense position

Ushio has one card set on the board, a basic bug in defense mode, Gaia The Fierce Knight in attack mode, and a monster face down on the field

what do you place face down? -Voting closed - 6 voters

VOTESSteel Ogre Grotto #14/6

After I drew my next card, I put my Steel face down and Ushio killed it.

"here is another monster for you, I summon my Dark King of The Abyss in attack position"

Dark King of the Abyss (Normal): ATK:1200, DEF:800

"and with that, I end my turn."

Joseph LP: 1000

Ushio LP: 700

Our hand:

Tri-Horned Dragon (Normal): ATK:2850, DEF:2350

Dream Clown (Effect): ATK:1200, DEF:900

Effect: When this card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position, destroy 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field.

succubus knight (normal): ATK:1650, DEF:1300

Dragon Treasure (spell):

A Dragon-Type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points.


Joseph's side has Aqua Maddor in defense position

Ushio has one card set on the board, a basic bug in defense mode, Gaia The Fierce Knight in attack mode, a monster face down on the field, and The Dark King of the Abyss.

my god... -Voting closed - 11 voters

VOTESSUMMON THE TRI HORN DRAGON UNLEASH CARD EFFECTS GROM HIS POWER USE SPELL CARD FOR MAX DAMAGE4/61+Attack his King of the Abyss.4/51Summon Tri-horn and equip is with dragon Tresure and attack his dark king of the abyass3/4Summon Tri-horn and equip is with dragon Tresure and attack his bug.1/13

how do we summon our ace? give me something good -Voting closed - 7 voters

VOTESUnworthy no more, face the might of my Tri-horn Dragon!4/51"Dragon that was left forgotten, hear my call, and rand the very earth with your rage, I summon you THREE-HORNED DRAGON!!!"3/3+ Slam that bitch down like we punching some one and look our opponent in the eye1/2+Chant "+"OH POWERFUL DRAGON WITH THREE HORNS! HEAR MY CALL AND DESTROY MY FOES! TRI-HORN DRAGON!"1The incarnate destruction of 3 that pierces the heavens, answers my call Tri-Horn Dragon!!!1

'Things are not looking good for me,' I thought to myself, as I draw my card while closing my eyes, hoping that I could get my dragon to win and help my friend.

(ALL) colossal dragon Roar (Read description) (youtube.com)

'W-what was that, Has no one heard it?' I thought, as I looked around only to see no one reacting.

As I looked at the card I could not stop myself from smiling.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Anime OST: Passionate Duelist (Extended) (youtube.com)

"What are you smiling about? there is no way you have something better than my knight," Ushio said.

"This is where you are wrong Ushio, for in my deck there is one such monster, and I just draw it!!" I said, as Ushio's eyes widen,

"You bluffing!!!" Ushio shouted.

"Let me show you why you are wrong Ushio, all this time you bullied, stole, and made everyone around you miserable, now it's time to end this," I said, as I held my card up to the sky

"I summon you my dragon what was considered unworthy, but no more, face the might of my Tri-Horned Dragon!" I shouted as I placed my card on the board, making Ushio start to hyperventilate.

Tri-Horned Dragon (normal): ATK:2850, DEF:2350

"This can't be happening!!!" Ushi said.

"I can't believe this," Yugi said.

"Believe what Yug?" Joey asked as Tristan seemed to have fallen asleep two turns ago.

"What Joseph summoned is considered the second strongest monster in the game, there were only 10 of them ever printed," Yugi said as he looked in awe.


"NOOOO" Ushio screamed as he lost.

Joseph LP: 1000

Ushio: 0

Winner: Joseph.

Choices -Voting closed - 8 voters


Make shit up (3 weeks until season 1)5/8

Pegasus was extra creative suddenly and created new two sets (Yugioh season 0 will be longer than a month until the start of the show we all known)1/1

As the dust settled from our intense duel, Ushio's cards lay scattered on the ground, his expression one of disbelief.

"I lost?" he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Gathering my own cards, I fixed him with a hard stare.

"Never again will you do what you did to me, or tried to do to Yugi," I stated firmly, my voice unwavering.

"If I even hear a rumor, I'll show this picture to the teachers and my parents. Am I clear, Ushio?"

Ushio simply nodded, his demeanor defeated as he collected his cards and slunk away, a look of fear and confusion etched across his face.

It was clear he had never been in this position before, where the tables had been turned and his victims had the upper hand.

As Ushio retreated, Yugi rushed over to me, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Joseph," he exclaimed, his voice filled with relief.

I offered him a reassuring smile. "This is what friends do," I replied simply. "We look out for each other."

In the background, Joey averted his gaze from me and Yugi's direction, unable to look at either Yugi or myself due to his past actions.

With a heavy silence hanging between us, he and Tristan silently made their exit, shame evident in their posture.

-Yugi's POV, night time-

As I sat in my room, the golden puzzle laid out before me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration gnawing at me.

The pyramid puzzle was nearly complete, save for one missing piece.

Desperate, I rifled through the golden box in search of the elusive fragment, but it was nowhere to be found.

With a pang of despair, I slammed my hands down on the desk, tears of frustration welling up in my eyes.

It seemed as though my dream, my wish, would forever remain out of reach.

But just as I was on the brink of despair, Grandfather entered the room, his keen eyes immediately falling on the almost complete puzzle.

Concern etched his features as he asked, "Yugi, what's wrong?"

I sniffled, wiping away my tears as I confessed, "I'm sorry, I think I lost a piece. Now the puzzle will never be complete. I'm sorry for losing something so important that you gifted me to keep safe."

Solomon paused, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"That's okay, Yugi," he reassured me, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

"Look at that—you've basically completed it, something no one has been able to do for 3000 years."

As I gazed at the nearly finished puzzle, still sad I lost a piece.

And then, to my surprise, Grandfather brought out the missing piece from his pocket.

My heart leaped with joy as he handed it to me, "Grandpa thank you!!!" I screamed happily and hugged him.

- an hour before-

Joey completely drenched in water even though there was no rain that day, came to Yugi's family store,

"you are one of Yugi's friends, welcome," Solomon said.

"I- Yes, I am and I found this, please don't tell Yugi that I brought it," and with that Joey ran not wanting to be seen.

-Yugi's POV, now-

As Solomon left the room, I took a deep breath, steadying myself before inserting the final piece into the puzzle.

As the last piece clicked into place, the eye on the puzzle began to glow, casting an ethereal light across the room.

And in that moment, as the glow enveloped me, I felt a surge of power coursing through my veins.

My eyes widened in astonishment and everything turned black…


Sitting alone on a bench in the park, darkness enveloping me like a shroud, I cursed Joseph's name under my breath, each word dripping with venom.

With trembling hands, I tore through the deck of cards I had purchased with his money, shredding them into pieces until only one card remained clutched tightly in my fist.

As I prepared to tear that final card as well, a voice shattered the silence behind me. "Ushio, let's play a shadow game."

Startled, I turned to see Yugi standing there, his demeanor cold and his smirk sending chills down my spine.

In his hand, he held a bundle of money, his eyes gleaming with a fierce determination.

"What now? I already said I'd leave everyone alone," I protested weakly, my voice betraying my fear.

But Yugi's glare only intensified. "You have something that doesn't belong to you," he stated icily. "So we will play a game."

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I reluctantly agreed…

-The next morning-

My thoughts were consumed by the haunting image of seeing Ushio on the way to school, giggling madly as he tore leaves from the ground.

Shaking off the unsettling feeling, I entered the school grounds, relieved to see both Yugi and Joey talking to each other nearby.

As they noticed me, they greeted me warmly, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude wash over me at their presence.

Approaching me, Yugi held out a card, a solemn expression on his face.

"I don't remember where I got this," he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"But I remember Ushio mentioning that a card just like this was bought with your money. So, I think this belongs with you."

"Thank you, Yugi," I said sincerely, my voice filled with gratitude.

changes to our deck? -Voting closed - 6 voters


Add Gaia

- get rid of the lowest attack monster in the deck (QM picks)


switch sand stone for gaia


Next: Chapter 2 →