Colonial Marine Quest by karmac

Words: 112k+


(Join the United States Colonial Marines today! Shoot guns, wear fancy armor, and ride around space with the toughest sons-of-bitches you'll ever meet. Or die trying.)


Alright Jarhead listen up, it's 2184 and space is full of Communists, Corporations and Wildlife that don't much like the look of red-blooded Americans. The past twenty-or-so years have had their ups and downs; we came out of the Tientsin Campaign stronger than we've ever been, but with no war left to fight. Fortunately Weyland-Yutani and the Hyperdyne Corporation have started racing each other to see who can make the most colonies in the middle of barely-explored space, in some kind of corporate dick-measuring contest. Seeing as we're contracted to protect said colonies the Corps is spread pretty thin by our efforts, something the UPP and a number of freshly-formed Terrorist groups have taken advantage of to spread their borders or sabotage our own. In more recent times, we've been spread even thinner with W-Y pulling us into their bullshit corpo-war crap, the UPP testing the strength of our border colonies yet again, and terrorism at an all-time high across the majority of our space-borne colonies.

You've got your work cut out for you Marine, shit, half the damn galaxy wants you dead. Don't make it easy for them.

Before we put your boots on the ground, let's figure who's filling them.

As a reminder though, the Corps doesn't care what's under your M3 Personal Armor; you're a Marine and that's the important part.

Choices -Voting closed - 5 voters






Didn't know they stacked shit that high anymore, let's go over the basics of a Marine now, these are the Core Values that determine what you do and don't suck at;

Strength - The more you have, the Healthier you are and the more Shit you can carry. On-top of that this helps you be better at operating Heavy Machinery, duke it out with the best of them in Close Combat, and give you the Stamina you need to last in dangerous environments.

Agility - This is what gets you through a fire-fight, and determines if you'll get the chance to start beating ass before your enemy does. Basically, this gives you an easier time in Ranged Combat, improves your general Mobility for when you've gotta move quick or quiet, and assists your general aptitude at Piloting.

Wits - Marines need to be able to think on their feet, and see trouble before it sees them, this helps with that. In particular you'll find yourself better at Observation of the battlefield, have the natural instincts to handle Survival in the wild, and cover the use of gadgets or gizmos with Comtech.

Empathy - Some people think we're just slabs of meat that solve problems with firepower, and they're right, but this'll help when that either isn't an option or the 'human element' might prove more beneficial. This'll make people more susceptible to your Command, or more unlikely to see through any Manipulation, and lends itself to providing decent Medical Aid; nobody likes a cold-hearted doctor.

(You've got 14 Attribute Points to spread between these four, none can start lower than 2 and none can go higher than 5. We'll handle the skills after.)

Choices -Voting closed - 12 voters


Standard Marine Array: Strength 5, Agility 4, Wits 3, Empathy 2


Competent Sociopath - Strength 5 Agility 4, Wits 4, Empathy q


The lovable brute: empathy 5, strength 4, agility 3, wits 2


The brawny genius: wits 5, strength 4, empathy 3, agility 2


Charismatic Gunslinger - Strength 2, Agility 5, Wits 3, Empathy 4


Pilot with a marksman rifle:

Strength 3, Agility 5, Wit 4, Empathy 2


A real corn-fed, brick-shithouse type of guy huh? The DI's must've loved you.

Speaking of, did you learn a damn thing back at Camp Lejeune, or were you too busy lifting other Recruits? What MOS did you apply for Private?

(This will determine what Skills you'll have a boost to starting out, and what Talents will be available right now.)

Choices -Voting closed - 25 voters


Breacher - You bring the pain, whether it's up close or from afar, from shock batons to the M5 RPG you're ready for anything. Skills: +1 Ranged Combat & +1 Close Combat. Talents: Banter, Subdue, Overkill, Past the Limit, Weapon Specialist (M5 RPG).


Rifleman - Standard issue bad-motherfucker training, you don't have the bells and whistles of other MOS', but when it comes down to a straight-up fight they'll wish you were there. Skills: +1 Survival & +1 Mobility. Talents: Banter, Overkill, Past the Limit, Stealthy, Watchful.


Hospital Corpsman - You're a Combat Medic, that means you're a Rifleman till somebody gets shot to shit, and the squad will ALWAYS have your back. +1 Medical Aid & +1 Observation. Talents: Banter, Bodyguard, Hug the Dirt, Overkill, Past the Limit.


CBRN Specialist - Part scientist, part marine, you're in charge of clean-up whenever someone brings chemical weapons to the fight. +1 Observation & +1 Heavy Machinery. Talents: Banter, Inquisitive, Nerves of Steel, Overkill, Weapon Specialist (M230 Incinerator).


Dedicated Marksman - Snipers are timeless, being able to drop a man a mile away unnoticed is a skill many of your superiors appreciate. +1 Ranged Combat & +1 Observation. Talents: Banter, Killer, Overkill, Past the Limit, Weapon Specialist (M42A Scope Rifle).


Smartgunner - The M56A2 Smartgun is a real piece of work, and those that use it are a breed apart, you're ready to clean house with precise automatic fire. Skills: +1 Ranged Combat & +1 Stamina. Talents: Banter, Machinegunner, Overkill, Past The Limit, Weapon Specialist (M56A2 Smart Gun).


Forward Observer - Despite our advancement in detection technology, nothing beats a pair of eyes out in the field, you're the badass Commando that Sarge sends out to see what's what. +1 Observation & +1 Mobility. Talents: : Banter, Watchful, Stealthy, Remote, Hug the Dirt.


Comtech Marine - The other Jarheads need someone that knows how to cut through a bulkhead, or slice a computer system, that's you. +1 Comtech & +1 Observation. Talents: Bypass, Banter, Overkill, Past The Limit, Remote.


Assault Marine huh? Yeah you fit the bill alright, so what fancy little tricks did you pick up?

(As a note on what 'Push' means, whenever you roll and either beef it hard or don't get the number of Successes you want, you can 'Push' to re-roll any dice that failed. Normally you can only do this once per roll, but as you can see some Talents modify that rule.)

Choices -Voting closed - 17 voters












Top 2 Talents will be the ones you keep.


We've almost got all the details sorted out soldier, just gotta fill me in on what the DI's actually taught you back in the pits. I know, I know, I hate paperwork too.

(For this poll you'll have 10 Skill Points to spread across the board, with Ranged Combat & Close Combat already starting at Rank 1. Points increase Skill Ranks 1-to-1, no increased cost for higher Ranks. So if you want to set Comtech to Rank 3 that's a flat 3 point cost, for example.)

Strength (5) - Heavy Machinery (0), Close Combat (1), Stamina (0)

Agility (4) - Ranged Combat (1), Mobility (0), Piloting (0)

Wits (3) - Observation (0), Survival (0), Comtech (0)

Empathy (2) - Command (0), Manipulation (0), Medical Aid (0)

(Final Edit: No Skill can start higher than Rank 4.)

Choices -Voting closed - 15 voters


"Killing Machine"

Ranged Combat - 4

Close Combat - 4

Stamina - 2

Survival - 1

Mobility - 1


You're not touching me BUG!

+3 medical aid

+3 ranged combat

+2 survival

+2 observation


More spread out:

-Strength (5)

Heavy Machinery (0)+1

Close Combat (1)+1

Stamina (0)+3

-Agility (4)

Ranged Combat (1)+2

Mobility (0)+2

-Wits (3)

Observation (0)+1

Survival (0)+1

Comtech (0)+1

-Empathy (2)

Command (0)+1

Medical Aid (0)+1


Strength (5) - Heavy Machinery (1), Close Combat (3), Stamina (3)

Agility (4) - Ranged Combat (3), Mobility (1), Piloting (0)

Wits (3) - Observation (0), Survival (1), Comtech (0)

Empathy (2) - Command (0), Manipulation (0), Medical Aid (0)


Write up your own Skill Arrays, keeping in mind that Rolls for this quest will be a number of D6's equal to your Attribute + Skill Rank.


Alright, that's about it, just need one last little detail from you Marine.

What's your goddamn name? Can't call you Maggot out in the field, might get you mixed up with some other bastard.

Choices -Voting closed - 15 voters


Jack Sullivan


John Hardman (Please have better names)


Blast Hardcheese


John Doe


Chad Thundercock


Michael McDoesn'tExist


Imma Buster Cherry


Randolph P. Checkers III


Ulysses Van Buren


William Barton


Ace Adams


Uncle Roger


Dude McMan


Thad Chundercock


Hlast Bardcheese


Colly L. Mareen


Mike Oxlong


+Friends call me Ligma


Togo Garm




Blank (Left that part unanswered and somehow got in)




We're done. PFC Jack Sullivan, welcome aboard the USS Sulaco. She's been through some shit, and punched out the other side looking better than her challengers, so don't complain about her being an older Conestoga-class; she gets the job done just like you. Now head over to Requisitions and get your standard kit, DOUBLE TIME!

(For being a Breacher, you'll get a standard set of gear that'll be re-issued to you in the event it gets fucked up or goes missing, don't make a habit of it though. Additionally you're going to be allowed to pick a couple extra bits and pieces, so let's go over them)

Standard Kit:

- M41A Pulse Rifle, U1 Baton Rounds, Stun Baton, M5 RPG, Riot Shield, Military ID Key Tags, Standard BDU, M3B Standard Boots, IMP Individual Marine Pack (includes Personal Medkit), M10 Ballistic Helmet, M3 Personal Armor, TNR Shoulder Lamp.

Your equipment, consisting of ID Tags, a Standard BDU, Standard Boots, an IMP Pack and a TNR Shoulder Lamp aren't very special. The ID Tags let you open doors you're allowed to enter, the IMP Pack lets you carry more Shit, and the Shoulder Lamp lets you see in the dark hands-free.

Your armor, consisting of the M10 Ballistic Helmet and M3 Personal Armor, provide 6 dice for attempting to block incoming damage. Keep it on, and don't poke holes in it. Your CM4 Riot Shield offers an extra 5 armor dice, but only if you spend a SLOW ACTION to make use of it.

Your weapons are a little more detailed;

- M41A Pulse Rifle: Accuracy (+1), Damage (2), Range (Long), Weight (1), Qualities: Armor Piercing (Halves your enemies Armor Dice), Full Auto (Can be used to go FULLY AUTOMATIC, adding 2 Dice to Shooting, but increasing Stress by 1 Level), Grenade Launcher (Mounts an Underbarrel Grenade Launcher with it's own Weapon Profile)

- U1 Grenade Launcher: Accuracy (+1), Damage (Blast 9), Range (Long), Weight (0.5) (Ignored for the Underbarrel), Qualities: Can fire other grenade types (example: Baton Rounds change the Damage to 3 and force Critical Injuries to be non-lethal, at the cost of doubling enemy Armor Dice)

- M5A3 RPG: Accuracy (+1), Damage (5), Range (Extreme), Weight (2), Qualities: Single Shot, Armor Piercing.

- Stun Baton: Accuracy (+1), Damage (1), Range (Engaged), Weight (0.5), Qualities: Stun Effect (Anything hit by this that takes a point of damage, has to roll STAMINA or be STUNNED for one ROUND), Power Supply 5 (You roll these dice to see if the weapon starts losing charge once you hit someone with it)

Your options for EXTRA GEAR are as follows;

- Six Signal Flares (What it says on the can)

- A Combat Knife (Less Accurate, but more Damaging than your Stun Baton, without the Shock)

- A pair of Bi-Mex Anti-Flash Sunglasses (Normally for reducing the effect of bright lights on your eyes, but legend has it they can deflect lasers)

- Polymer Climbing Rope (Handy)

- Folding Entrenching Spade (Good for digging foxholes, or when you just feel like moving dirt)

- Samani E-Series Watch (Tracks the time for you, and lets you know if there's breathable oxygen in your environment)

- M4A3 Pistol (A timeless sidearm, not known for it's accuracy, but it's got some punch to it and you can use it up close with one hand)

- M240 Incinerator Unit (For when you really, really need to pour on the heat)

- M37A2 12 Gauge Pump Action (State of the art, when it comes to close encounters)

(Edit: A weapon's Damage stat, is how much it's gonna hurt the bad guy as long as you succeed the relevant dice roll to hit them with it. Extra successes can make you do more damage, but it's harder to bank on that.)

Choices -Voting closed - 15 voters


- M37A2 12 Gauge Pump Action (Our job is breaching shit, of course we're bringing a shotgun)

- Six Signal Flares (What it says on the can) (know what signal flares are also good for? emergency light sources)


- A pair of Bi-Mex Anti-Flash Sunglasses (Normally for reducing the effect of bright lights on your eyes, but legend has it they can deflect lasers) [preferably aviator styled]

- Six Signal Flares (What it says on the can)


- Six Signal Flares (What it says on the can)

- Folding Entrenching Spade (Good for digging foxholes, or when you just feel like moving dirt)


Sunglasses and a Knife


Shotgun and entrenching spade


Choose TWO OPTIONS from the list of EXTRA GEAR, and write 'em in.


Our valiant Hero is almost ready for some real action, but before we get to the meat and bones of it, let's do a quick roll to find out some more about his history before he got to the USS Sulaco.

Maybe he's had a unique experience, or maybe he's made a very important friend somewhere along the line.

Reader Posts- Closed - 1 poster

Looking for you guys to roll 2D6, first 5 will be kept.

Dice: 2d6

1+1 = 2

Dice: 2d6

2+5 = 7

Dice: 2d6

3+4 = 7

Dice: 2d6

5+1 = 6

Dice: 2d6

4+5 = 9

Choices -Voting closed - 14 voters


Your training days at Camp Lejeune were hell. A vindictive drill sergeant singled you out for merciless punishments. Gain the Tough talent. (Tough adds 2 to your Health stat, which is currently 5)


You picked up a maintenance jack during a colony siege. It got your squad into the heart of the complex where the fight was won. You kept hold of this useful tool, which works so well it give an additional bonus +1 to HEAVY MACHINERY when using it.


You threw yourself in front of a colonist and saved them from an insurgent attack. Your M3 armor saved you and you saved the colonist. You gained a Marine Commendation Medal and the Bodyguard talent.


The MAU trained for Operation Crossbow, a secret attempt to seize a UPP space station. Gain the Zero-G Training talent. The op never took place or, if it did, your platoon did not participate in it. (The talent provides: You get +2 to MOBILITY rolls in zero-G.)


Somehow you managed to break every regulation in the book at bootcamp and pass with flying colors (gain mirror shades and reputation as a marine on the edge, now hit the showers)


Choose one of the following Events, these may be expanded upon further in the Quest.


A headshot knocked you down, the bullet embedding into your helmet. You picked it out and still wear it today—the bullet that should've killed you. Gain the bullet as a signature item. (Signature Items are another way of removing Stress Levels)


Next: Chapter 1 - Operation Blaze of Glory →