Commonwealth Preservation (A Fallout Planquest) by Oledoms

Words: 180k+


(Seven years before the bombs fall, one Commonwealth decides to prepare for the worst. America is lost, but It would be best to not join it is fall. Do what you can to save the commonwealth.)


October 23rd. 2077

The Day of Reckoning, the Apocalypse, the Bombing, those are the names associated with the Final days of America as whole. The PRC and the USA, stoked by years of bitter war, launched nukes upon one another destroying civilization as a whole and throwing Humanity back into the stone age. It would be two centuries before civilization returns to the Wasteland. A Pale Shadow but civilization, nonetheless.

However, this was not 2077. This is 2070, seven years before the bombs drop. Yes the writing is clear for all to see. The Bombs will drop soon and yet, America remained focused on China and Alaska, denying the threat even as underground shelters, called Vaults, are built to protect the populace.

Yet for some this was not enough, there was too much focus on weapons, too much focus on pie in the sky and funding corporations.

Your Commonwealth saw this and began the process of creating a new agency, one dedicated to preserving as much of the Commonwealth as possible. America may be on death's door, but you can still save what is yours.

There are only three Commonwealths in America with the resources and manpower to make this plan feasible. Now, which one made this initiative?

[] Southwest Commonwealth, Composed of the southern pacific states, the Southwest is made up of California, Hawaii and Nevada. Its wealth and resources beyond most states reach but is also the closest in China and such can be a focus of nuclear warheads. It also has many military bases and other facilities run by the government.

+ Plus 2 Commonwealth Dice

+ Decent Resource Base (Start with 600 Resources, 150 per Turn)

+ Well Educated Population (+1 Research Dice)

- Government Mandates

- Water Resources Limited

- Priority target for Nukes

[] Texas Commonwealth, Composed of the State of Texas and Arkansas, the wealth of the state had been from its Oil and Cattle and the state have been amongst the richest in the United States even during these times. However, Texas is also a parched dry land and many projects will need to focus on water resources in any post-war preparation.

+ High Resource Gain (Start with 400 per Turn)

+ Pork for Government Approval

+ Can Import additional Talent

- Secessionist Ideology

- Water Mandate

- Low Population Density

[] New England Commowealth, Composed of the States of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, this Commonwealth is known as the home of the Institute and holds many of the brightest minds in the country. While not the richest Commonwealth, technology can be leveraged for profits and other benefits.

+ Plus 2 Research Dice

+ Not a Priority target for Bombs

+ High Population Base

- Low Defensive Options

- Low Resource Allocation

- Low Options for Non-Research Funding

Also, should I show the effects of a finished project on the Wasteland as a whole?

[] Yes, Wasteland Effect is activated and each finished project will show how your project will affect the people.

[] No, no need to spoil the surprise.

A/N Okay, this will be my first quest in SB and is based from for the House Quest and the Eve of Destruction quest on SV. May not update often since I am a bit of a slow writer. This will be in the planquest format where each project will have a corresponding progress and each Die will be D100.

Director Choices

The New England Commonwealth deciding to build their own way of survival despite the Government's (and many corporation's) reluctance. Still, any effort would require its leader and from the dozen's to hundreds of choices, have been whittled down to Four. Each of them has their own merits and drawbacks.

Choose which one you will prefer

[] Thomas Stackhouse, the current of the Commonwealths Public Works Department and a fairly popular choice by many in the Commonwealth. With him being on the Helm of the new Department, he can bring his considerable talents in Infrastructure and Logistical Projects.

- +1 Commonwealth Dice

- Reduced Government Approval Loss in projects

- Unlock Additional Infrastructure Projects

[] Dr Theodora Greene, PhD. As expected of her name, Dr. Greene is one of the world's leading agroecologist and naturalist. Specializing in creating, newer, hardier and more fruitful breed of plans. Putting her in charge of the agency will open new avenues in research in biology and ensure that even in the even that the bombs fall, there will be a way to use nature and prevent starvation.

- Unlocks Agricultural and Economic Projects

- Unlock Resources through sales of food and agriculture products

- Bonus to Flora based research

[] Atty. Silas Fowl. A slimy, crooked bastard. That is what you can say about Fowl. However, his skill in not only worming his way into the hearts (and pockets) of politicians is astounding. He is not popular to the people and would probably line his pockets than spare any thought to the civilians of the Commonwealth but should the Vultures at Washington come at us, he is our last best hope.

- Unlocks Pork Projects for additional Funding

- Projects to increase Government Approval

- Trading Government Approval for Additional Funding

- -10 Resources per Turn, a man has to be rightly compensated for his work after all

[] Dean John Blackstone, the current Dean of the C.I.T and among the most well-connected men in the most prestigious university in the country. While a very skilled administrator and highly competent in science. His prickly personality have made him unpopular outside of the Institute and his arrogance have hurt the pride of more than one politician.

- 1 Reroll on a Nat 1 on Research category

- Get contracts in the Military and Government for funding

- -2 Government Approval per Turn, it seems being a know it all have offended some politicians and would love to see him disgraced.

Q1 2070

Being into an office is not a new experience, but the only one you have been was the one on the University and it was never as large as this one.

The Director's Office for the Commonwealth Preservation Bureau was a white wall with the flag of the Commonwealth with the Stars and Stripes beside it. Part of you still do not understand how you ended up on this position, all that you remember is that two men from the Governor's office picked you up and brought you before the Governor of Massachusetts and the Northeastern Commonwealth Senator and decided that you would be the head of the new agency.

Part of you was happy that you were given this chance but most of all you felt apprehension as you now feel the clock ticking. All you can do is be ready.

Q1 2070

Resources: 300 (+150 per Turn)

Government Approval: 65%

Director: Dr Theodora Greene, (+5 to Flora Projects)

Free Dice (2 Dice)

Commonwealth (3 Dice)

[] Agri Vaults Phase 1: 25R per Die, (0/250) (Flora)

Large Underground Facilities that are most populated by robots and a few experts. Agrivaults not only contain seeds for many crops but also frozen embryo and breeding populations of animals that can produce huge amounts of food. Should worse come to pass, there will be more than enough to restart agriculture in a particular area.

[] Supply Depots Phase 1: 15R per Die, (0/100)

The original reason for the existence of the Agency, these bunkers are filled with all the necessities for survival. From massive stocks of food, medicine, ammunition and other necessary supplies for survival, should the worse come to pass, there will be enough supplies for a thousand people for a whole year with rationing.

[] Weapons Depot Phase 1: 15R per Die (0/150)

Similar in appearance and function to Supply Depots, these Bunkers are equipped with millions of rounds of Ammunition, hundreds of kilograms of bombs and thousands of guns from Assault Rifles to shotguns and pistols. This was at the request of the Military and Police officials who predict a massive amount of chaos after the bombs drop and would require massive stocks of weaponry and firepower to replenish their stocks in the event of unrest

[] Subway Radiation Proofing (Boston)20R per Die (0/250)

Inspired by similar setups in the Soviet Union (although there is no way in hell you would publicly acknowledge that fact), this will allow you to put Hermetic sealed doors and lead lining on many subways to provide a shield for radiation. While it will not be as effective as Vaults when the time comes, you can shield more people without the expensive tickets needed for Vaults

Research (5 Dice)

[] Rad-Resistant Crops (20R per Die, 0/300) (Flora)

The greatest enemy of Crops in the aftermath of a nuclear exchange is radiation, which caused most crops to either die out or mutate. Using targeted radiation and a mix of hormones and other chemicals, you can create crops that can survive large amounts of ambient radiation in the air and soils and still be able to feed people.

[] Nutri-Pills: (20R per Die, 0/400)

While most nutrient pills are designed not to replace food but to supplement them, Full-Pills have been made ground up to be a compact, mobile and long lasting replacement for food. Larger than a pills and similar in appearance to a hard candy, these pills can permanently fend off starvation in only a small package.

[] Alternative Nuclear Shelters Program (25R per Die, (0/300)

Vault-Tec are the propriety holders of the Vaults, underground shelters where Humanity can emerge once the radiation subsides. While constructing them is hard not only for the material cost but also for the location, which needs to be located near population centers and also on the bedrock to prevent from collapsing. Gather many of your best experts to see if there is another way to protect more people rather than building underground shelters.

[] Rad-Adsorbing Plants Research 25R per Die, (0/350) (Flora)

Ever since the discovery that Sunflowers can absorb radiation from the air and soil for safe disposal, the concept of using plants to clean up radiation has been a frenzy amongst many in the botanical community. Previous accidents such as Chernobyl and Fukushima have been the site of countless fields of sunflowers. Perhaps in time, you can induce the same effects on other plants, even enhance it to a better degree that what sunflowers can.

[] Recharger Weapons Systems (30R per Die) (0/300)

Energy weapons, by their nature drink electricity like water and in the event of an apocalypse, it would be inevitable that all Microfusion Cores and Electron Charge Packs will eventually run out and most energy rifles will be useless. While the department is not particularly interested in making deadlier weapons, there is some merit a weapon that as no further need for logistics.

[] Enhanced Chemical Fertilizers (20R per Die) (0/600) (Flora)

The recent food shortages and riots means that more food is needed. Funding research to make a more powerful Fertilizer capable of increasing yields up to 25% will not only be a profitable enterprise but also save many more lives.

Government (3 Dice)

Lobby for Additional Funding Phase 1: (50R per Die) (0/150)

While you have a largely decent funding for the agency. There is just so much to do there is barely enough for you to accomplish your goals, not to mention expanding your operations in the short amount of time. By reaching out to your contacts with the government, you can lobby for more funding and support. (-10 Government Approval, 100R per Turn)

Government Contracts: (20R per Die) (0/100)

While your primary mandate is to prepare for the apocalypse, there is nothing wrong with asking what we can do for the government to expand our funding and get approval for some of the more controversial projects

Government Mandates: (20R per Die) (0/50)

The main goal of the Department is clear, prepare for the apocalypse. However, that is a very vague statement as the agency was born from a sense of hopelessness and desperation. Perhaps contacting the government of the Commonwealth on what we can give them will increase proof of the necessity of our existence.

Blackmail Material: (15R per Die) (0/400)

The creation of the Preservation Bureau has made many enemies in Congress and the Senate and no doubt, some are sharpening their knives and others are salivating for your budget. Playing dirty politics is a sad and unfortunate choice but in the name of the survival of your agency, you will have no choice.

Search for a Deputy: (5R per Die) (0/50)

While you were promoted as director for your competencies, the other candidates have their own specialties that can help your purpose as well as a few new comers that can assist you in your agency's purpose.

Corporate (3 Dice)

[] License Vault-Tec, Vault Layout: (50R per Die, 0/200)

Vaults are the greatest creation of Vault-Tec, the ultimate say in Nuclear Exchange Survival and they fiercely depend this position in the dirtiest way possible. However, a work around can be made by Licensing production of Vaults and allow us to make our Vaults for Human Habitation

[] Corporate Contract Review (15R per Die, 0/150)

While we are a Government Entity, there is no Harm in taking contracts for projects from Corporations. Through our contacts in C.I.T and other government entities, we can accept Corporate Funding to increase our capabilities.

[] Open Project to Private Sector (25R per Die, 0/200)

The U.S Government, from time immemorial have always used is economy to throw money at a problem, usually by having corporations to complete a certain request. While it will be undoubtedly expensive, we can contract corporations to finish our projects and allow our personnel to focus on what is most important. (Activate Outsource Dice)

[] Purchase Tech Production Licenses

[] PipBoy 3000, RobCo (100R to purchase)

[] Mister Handy, General Atomics (150R to purchase)

[] Protectron, RobCo (120R to purchase)

- Write In

A/N: There will be two main metrics, Resources and Government Approval, if Government Approval becomes zero then the game will end. You can trade Government approval for additional resources and there will be several projects that will cost Government Approval.

Q1 2070 Results

Dr. Theodora Greene groaned as she felt another round of migraine hit her, it has been hours since the last meeting with the Governor and the Commonwealth Senator and she felt drained beyond what she had ever felt before. While the Commonwealth Preservation Bureau had broad powers to do what it need, it was still necessary for your agency to find the government's preferences.

As expected, their first suggestions were for lack of a better word, obscene, bunkers everywhere and even more Vault's enough for the whole government personnel and their families. It was only through mustering all of your will to negotiate them into making lower demands for the agency, at least some demand that is actually achievable as well as possible, corresponding rewards for the work.

Reaching for another cup of coffee, freshly grown and modified to hold more caffeine per bean. She savored another sip of the true black gold and let the warmth and the chemical ease her pain. There was more waiting when she stares back at the mountain of paper waiting for her to look at.

Government Mandates: (20R per Die) (55/50) (55)

Supply Depots now have Government Approval Reward Attached per phase

Weapon Depots now have Resource Rewards Attached per phase

Supply Depot Complete Phase 5 – Deadline Q4 2071 (+20 Government Approval, -20 Government Approval if did not meet)

Weapons Depot Complete Phase 5 – Deadline Q4 2073 (+25 Government Approval, -20 Government Approval if did not meet)

Seed Vault Complete Phase 3 – Deadline Q4 2074 (+100 Resources, -30 Government Approval if did not meet)

Complete Alternative Nuclear Shelters Program or buy the Vault-Tec License (+20 Government Approval)

Q1 2070 Results

Resources: 40R +150 per Turn

Government Approval 75%

Supply Depots Phase 1: 15R per Die, (99/100) (99) (Autocomplete) (+10 Government Approval)

Despite some delays due to officials attempting to sabotage the project and NIMBY's trying to halt the project, the First Wave of the Supply Depots have been completed and is now filled with thousands of tons of dehydrated food and medical supplies and even some common ammunition like 10mm pistols. In the even that these bombs fall, there is enough supplies and medicine to sustain the entire population of the City of Boston and surrounding suburbs for a year and even more with strict rationing.

Spoiler: Wasteland Effect, Supply Depot

The Wasteland Effect: The Preservation Bunkers

Millions of Lives were snuffed out when the bombs fell, but as it turns out this is merely the beginning of their troubles as chaos quickly ran as what few supplies that were not blown up was quickly swapped of the shelves by panicking citizens. The Preservation Supply Depots became a beacon of hope for many, with the ones located on the cities quickly being fought over by many roving bands of desperate survivors. As the years went by the stocks and the few remaining Depots dwindled but on the ones far away from civilization, became the focus of many prospectors who seek to plunder these Bunkers for their fortunes.

More than a few became shelters for some employees of the Preservation Bureau when the bombs fell, having the same radiation resistance as Vaults if not as comfortable. After the radiation subsides, these Preservation Bunkers will become the base for trading companies who will use the contents of the Bunkers to trade with many communities.

Subway Radiation Proofing (Boston): 20R per Die (177/250) (88, 89)

On the second week of January, many residents on Greater Boston were awakened as workers began sealing off several access points. After several complaints from rather annoyed citizens and the government chastising said complaints about your work, your personnel had to make assurances that the work was needed as a shelter to nuclear fallout which had worked to mollify the people. Thankfully, the surplus of people who were laid from the factories who are replacing their workers with protectrons means that you have a lot of available manpower for hire and were able to hire multiple shifts of workers and allow near constant progress and such many were completed early but there are more that needs to be done.

Rad-Resistant Crops (20R per Die, 84/ 300) (79, Bonus 5)

The First Phase of what would hopefully be the foundation of a radiation resistant agriculture. Hybridization and limited exposure to radiation are the name of the game with many crops being tested, primarily for radiation resistance, calorie count and nutrition. While there are some promising crops being done, more research will need to be done for agricultural purposes.

Rad-Adsorbing Plants Research 25R per Die, (81/350) (Flora) (4, 72, Bonus 5)

While the Rad-Resistant Crops was going quite well, Radiation Absorbing plants had a less pleasurable result. Only advancing due to sheer stubbornness and the amount of resources being poured into it. Unlike Rad-Resistant Crop which involves merely altering the composition of an existing plant or hybridizing for favorable traits. This program involves taking a specific trait of the sunflower and inputting it into a hardier and more capable plants.

Alternative Nuclear Shelters Program (25R per Die, (222/300) (80, 49, 93)

Gathering your best structural engineers, nuclear experts and sustainability experts and practically locking in them in a room to brainstorm a form of shelter than can survive the post-apocalypse. Since Vaults are out of the question for the time being, unless the license can be bought. It had to be a surface building which has many advantages and disadvantages but months of effort hatched hundreds of buildings which stretch to plain worthless to utter ridiculous, but there are some promising designs.

Search for a Deputy: (5R per Die) (50/50) (18, 32)

While you are a director of the Commonwealth Preservation Bureau, you are not an all knowing, all wise ruler. You were an Agroecologist for heaven's sake, your specialty has always been in plants and animals and everything agriculture. Not politics or preparing for the end of the world. Luckily, you have managed to reach out to several promising candidates to be your Deputy. While you are still the one who will decide the future, you can reap the benefits of your Deputy,

Choose your Deputy (Choose one)

[] Thomas Stackhouse: the current of the Commonwealths Public Works Department and well known for his work in many of the Commonwealths' critical infrastructure. While he will no longer become the director, his knowledge and experience in infrastructure and contact amongst many unions and blue-collar groups means your department can expand operations on the ground (+2 Commonwealth Dice, +5 to all Commonwealth Projects, Unlock Recruit Construction Groups )

[] Colonel Samantha Sharp, U.S Air National Guard: The previous commanding officer of Hanscom Air Force Base which was closed and all of its assets transferred over to the Canadian Occupation Force, she does not have much knowledge of civilian affairs but her contacts within the US Military is invaluable in getting contracts and keeping in touch with the latest developments (Unlock Military Projects, Military Contracts and Military Research Programs)

[] Atty. Silas Fowl: A slimy, crooked bastard. That is what you can say about Fowl. However, his skill in not only worming his way into the hearts (and pockets) of politicians is astounding. He is not popular to the people and would probably line his pockets than spare any thought to the civilians of the Commonwealth but should the Vultures at Washington come at us, he is our last best hope. (+1 Dice for Corporate and Government, Unlock Additional Funding Options, Unlock Political Extortion, -10 Resources per Turn)

Corporate Contract Review (15R per Die, 164/150) (54, 70, 40)

Usually, it is the Corporations who are paid by the government to do the work for them, usually being cheaper due to bidding. But such is the wealth of the Corporations that they can make requests to the government in exchange for some good old-fashioned pork. With your authority and connections, you are more than capable of making it happen.

Choose 3 Contracts

[] Nuka-Fruits (Nuka-Cola) (Research) : The basic Nuka-Cola flavor is derived with the flavor of seventeen fruit essences, no matter how many times the company have attempted to change the flavor, the customers always seem to dislike the flavor and they have been forced to return to the original. But with the expertise of Dr. Greene and the C.I.T, perhaps this can be changed. (+40R per Turn once completed)

[] Nuka Bunkers (Nuka-Cola) (Commonwealth): Similar in Appearance to the weapons and supplies Depot except painted red and with the Nuka-Cola Logo. This will hold not only millions of bottles but also fill up with automated dispensers. Fully automated, these Bunkers can make up to a million bottles of Nuka Cola per year. (+60R per Turn once completed)

[] Auto-Cache (RobCo) (Commonwealth): Designed in competition against, Vault-Tec Vaults. These Caches are fully automated shelters with dozens to hundreds of fully automated Protectrons and Mister Handies designed to cater to the whims of the citizens inside. In exchange for your assistance Mr. House will not only provide continuous funds but allow you to construct your own Auto-Cache and even a free license for a RobCo Product. (+50R per Turn once completed, License to build Auto-Cache, 1 Free RobCo Product for production)

[] PipBoy Upgrade Research (RobCo) (Research): The PipBoy 3000 is considered to be the most advanced model of the PipBoy currently available but technology advances faster as always, especially in the C.I.T. By using your connections and leaning to the Institute to improve upon the PipBoy (50R per Turn once completed, Unlock Advance PipBoy Modifications)

[] Civilian Power Armor Program (West Tek ) (Research): Power Armor is usually used for military purposes, specially in the on-going offensives in China and in home security. However, a person strengthened by servos and protected by armor has a lot of uses in the civilian market, from rescue to labor purposes. (+30R per Turn once completed, Unlock Power Armored workers.