Camp Witchwood by killertpu

Words: 6k+



An old camp is reopened, and you're desperate for a summer job...

"Charles Xavier Raymond! You're going to work at a Summer Camp!"

Those were the last words Mom really said to you, or that you really bothered to remember from that damnable harpy.

Long story short: you, Charles Xavier Raymond, recently graduated from college, and made absolutely nothing of your degrees. As it turned out, an Art Degree really just amounts to working for minimum wage at a Starbucks while listening to rich upper class women prattle on about their son's new million dollar business.

Regardless, you were in debt, had a shitty job, and only now just quit the aforementioned job so that you could waste your summer days away in relative peace while playing video games, and yanking it to porn. Of course, Mother did not approve, and it seems she got a new boyfriend for the summer as well… So you needed to go. Hence why you're reminiscing about your shitty fate as you take a bus loaded full with loud, socializing campers-to-be. It was either this, or homelessness. At least you're getting paid, right?

The place you'll be working at is called, "Camp Witchwood." Apparently it got the name due to it either being a haven for witches back in the olden days, or because it was used as an execution ground for the aforementioned witches. Regardless, people believed this place to be haunted for a very, very long time. That's why it's now a tourist attraction for young adults, high-school graduates, and anything in between!

You, of course, are just here to work. Mom told you that you'd be working for a 'friend' as a groundskeeper for the duration of the summer. Said friend was quickly described as an "adventurous green thumb," which means you're going to be worked to the bone while staying here. Thanks, Mom.

Your thoughts are disrupted by the slow, screeching halt the bus makes. "We're here!" Shouts the driver. "Enjoy your stay!"

Everyone empties out quickly. You're the last one out with your backpack, and small suitcase. Compared to the larger suitcases the riders are pulling out from the bus' hold… You're rather under prepared for the situation.

"So you're the one lil ol' Lily sent to me, yah?"

You note the drawl, and turn to face the smile of an older woman. She's about mom's age- no- likely a few years younger than her, but still quite in shape from a life of living in the outdoors. She's wearing a thick vest and pants over a thin bodysuit, likely used to protect herself from scratches while on the trail. Still… you've never seen clothing like hers before…

"Name's Karen. Karen Tell." She continues without missing a beat, eyes shining like golden pools of honey. You just noticed that there is a barcode tattoo beneath her right eye. Wonder where she got that from? "Park Ranger." She continues, and raises her hand. Obviously expecting a shake.

You look at her hand as if it's readying to bite you. "Charles." You finally say, grabbing her hand. "Park… Groundskeeper?" You question yourself if that title is correct, and it's quickly affirmed with a happy nod from the ranger. "At least for the summer."

Ms. Tell breaks the handshake before shrugging. "Fair enough. Still, I hope that you'll do a good job this summer. Too many youngins nowadays just think it's all about picking trash, getting high, and banging the first hussy that knocks on their door!"

You shake your head. "I'm not like that, Ma'am. I'm just-"

You're interrupted by a sudden hard slap on the back. "Atta boy!" Says Karen. "You'll fit right in!"

God, you honestly hope not.

Karen takes you aside, and down a trail leading deeper into Witchwood. You were honestly expecting things to be a bit run down, but at least the sign posts are clear, and look to have undergone some fresh repainting.

"The park consists of four private cabin lots, and two open campsites for either trailers, or for proper camping." Karen's sudden explanation makes you jump, but if she noticed it, or not, isn't confirmed as she continues. "My cabin is at the back of the park, next to the forest proper, and yours will be at the front of the park, close to the road. There's your new home now!"

Karen's sudden attempt at gassing you up is suddenly made apparent as you're taken down a different trail towards a, well, at least it can be called a home…

20 Feet long, and 20 feet wide. A perfect, slightly elevated square smack dab in the middle of a grassy field with a hastily constructed porch before a sliding door. At least it looks, relatively, new.

"What happened to the old home?" You ask, curious. You can smell the mystery here.

Karen makes an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of her neck. "That obvious, huh?"

You nod.

"Well… the last house… exploded."

You blink, turning to her. "E-Exploded?"

"Previous groundskeeper had a meth lab."

"...Ah." You nod slowly. "I see."

You're given a few minutes to explore your new home for the next few months. It has all the essentials needed to survive: A washroom, shower stall, drop-down bed, table, kitchenette, some seats, a pull-out couch, And even a wall-mounted flat-screen TV! Though, your disappointment was immeasurable when you learned there was no cable, or satellite for it yet. It seems mother intends that you die of boredom.

"Let me guide you around the rest of campsite!" Karen is still wearing a smile as you finish the tour of the house. "Right now only three lots are occupied, but that's likely to change in the near future. The owners of those lots are…"

Pick three starting victims groups:

Choices -Voting closed - 27 voters

VotesAcademy of Saintess Lisa: "Don't really know much about those nuns, or the girls that they educate; but they're polite, if a bit reserved, folk." [Keywords: Holy, Trusting, Naive, Repressed.]18/201The Dark Moon Group: "Very dark, very weird, and very goth! Basically a bunch of amateur filmers that believe in the occult, ghosts, and other such things. We get them from time to time because they believe this place to be haunted, or something. Can you believe that?" [Keywords: Investigators, Versed, Creepy, Loners.]16/18From Society to Nature Group: "They call themselves 'Naturists', or sumthin, buuuut they're honestly more like-a bunch of no good hippies… They still pay though!" [Keywords: Chill, Weed, Pacifists, Psychedelics.]11/132Leon City's Bearcats: "From what I heard they're a popular minor league football team composed of post-Highschool graduates. They won a pretty major game, and so are celebrating here in Witchwood - with the cheerleader squad." [Keywords: Ego, Teamwork, Alcohol, Narcissism.]8/9Cameron High School for Intellectuals: "Buncha smart kiddos those are! They won some fancy prizes during some smarts competition, and now here to destress, and such. Bit hoity toity though." [Keywords: Intelligent, Nerdy, Arrogant, Weak.]6/7Albert's School for Troubled Youths: "What's there to say? They take in a bunch of rough and tumble kiddos, and try to give them a proper education, and future. There in Witchwood because this class of students averaged C+!" [Keywords: Strong, Cunning, Delinquent, Mistrusting.]5/6

"The Academy of Saintess Lisa!"

You blink. "Nuns?"

"And students! Their nunnery focuses on 'raising young and prospective ladies right', or something." Karen adds before shrugging. "Their conservatives, and I doubt they'll stir up a ruckus compared to the other two groups."

The Park Ranger raises two fingers. "Second are the weirdos."

You blink, again. "W-Weirdos?"

"Yeah. Just a bunch of goth-y teens who believe in the occult, and ghosts, and that this place is haunted! Who could believe that!" Karen places her hands on her hips, and barks out a laugh. Though… it does sound a little bit forced.

"I had them set up their camp at the farthest lot from the nuns. You know… being polite, and all."

You nod.

Ms. Tell coughs. "A-Anyways… we've also got the hippies."

You resist the urge to blink for a third time. "Hippies, huh?"

"Yeah. Just a buncha naturists." Another shrug. "They're kinda free-spirited, and such, so we'll havta watch 'em carefully. I don't really care if they walk around naked on their grounds, but not everyone wants to see a dick swinging!"

You go green. "You're kidding, r-right?"

"Nope!" Says Karen with an unnatural amount of enthusiasm. "Though, there are bare tits too, if you're interested?"

Her eye wag was entirely unneeded. "Whatever." You sigh, giving up. This woman knows no filter. "Anything else?"

Karen hums for a moment, thinking. "Why don't we go meet them?" She suggests. "You get a lay of the land, and know the people you manage. It could be a worthwhile experience!"

You think on it.

Choices -Voting closed - 23 voters

VotesGo see those occultist weirdos first, you guess...11/12Go meet the nuns, and their students first.9/11Go see those hippy, and their (supposed) nudist ways.6/61

After a moment of thinking, you shrug. "Let's go see the goths, I guess."

You and Karen don't go see them right away. You do grant yourself time to at least place your stuff, and have a quick shower too. That bus smelled like dust, and mold, and you wanted that stink out of your clothes asap. After that refreshing shower, you got dressed into some proper outdoor clothing, and joined Kate outside.

It doesn't take long for Karen to enter a new spiel. "So… this camp has been around for a couple hundred years, or so. Well, I'm using the term 'camp' pretty generously."

"Who owned it before?" You ask.

Karen shrugs, you get the feeling she'll do that a lot. "Dunno. Buncha colonizers back during the colonial era, then some church folk, or so I heard, and then a criminal gang, or so I heard, again, and then witches, scholars, the church again, and so on until we reached the modern era. Now, this land was owned by some rich guy with a lot of old money in his pocket. Like, real old money. Anyways, he didn't pay his taxes, so the government seized it a couple years ago, and is now reopening the place as a park!"

"That's cool." You admit after hearing what was likely a very watered down series of historical events. "So, like, any written records of this happening?"

"Nope!" Karen answers with slightly forced cheer. "All hearsay!"

You give the park ranger a flat look. "Cool…"

The last few minutes then devolved into simple, friendly banter. Though, it is a conversation mostly led by Karen, but entirely revolved around you. She wanted to know you more. It was plain for all to see.

Of course, the questionnaire quickly stalled after entering the first lot…

"Who're the fuck are you?" The crude words of a woman likely just a few years younger than you flows out like water. Of course, before she asks again, she spies the badges on both your and Karen's person. "Oh." She suddenly says. "I guess you can't fuck off."

Despite the swearing, Karen is all smiles. "We won't hassle you for long miss…" She tries to fish for a name, and gets a stone cold glare in return. "Yeesh…" She sighs.

"We're just here to examine the lot. Make sure everything is order." You try to be professional as you give the woman a quick up and down look: Lithe figure, short black hair with pastel white highlights, venomous light yellow eyes, pierced ears, and accessorized with a spiked black collar, two silvery chain necklaces, the longest one dangling with a spider ornament. Her clothing of choice is a black tanktop that keeps her midriff exposed to reveal a fishnet bodysuit, a bellybutton piercing, and the straps of what is likely a black thong wrapping around her upper hips. Finally, there are her loose blue chins, a black belt just barely keeping them wrapped around her waist, black sneakers, and a pair of those loose elbow-length fingerless gloves.

"You're staring, pervert." The woman suddenly drones out, clearly annoyed. "Whatever. Look around, I'm not going to stop you."

You cough awkwardly, and nod your head. "Thank you, mi-"

She's already walking away. "Whatever."

"...Rude." You mutter, but before your annoyance could be fully realized, you're given a hearty slap on the back again by Karen.

"Don't think too hard about it." She assures you. "We just need to make sure they all aren't breaking the law, or something."

"...And if they are?" You ask.

Karen's smile thins. "Then we tell them firmly, but politely, that they need to leave."

You nod.

It only takes a few minutes to explore their camp as they chose an open campground to post up their tents. As Karen stated before… they're kinda weird, and wouldn't stop staring at you. Not in the worrying way in which they're trying to hide something, but in a way that you felt like they were trying to cast a curse on you… Still, beyond some creepy black books, a lot of cameras, and electronics that look to have been ripped off a live set of some sort of ghost hunter series… Nothing was out of the ordinary.

Next was the nuns.

"Thank you for being concerned about us, Miss Tell, and Mister Raymond. I'll be happy to guide you across our camp."

Frankly, you only barely held on to the conversation the Head Nun was giving you, but you did catch her name, Sister Amelia Crownsworth. A holy woman with platinum blonde hair peeking form her veil, and bore a pair of bright and beautiful eyes that glittered like pink diamonds. If she was a sinner, then her greatest sin was the fact that she swore herself to celibacy before donning the cloth. Her black habit struggled to keep her body in check, stretched across her plump figure, and large breasts.

"A-Apologies." Sister Amelia suddenly says, blushing. Shit, she caught you peeking. "My habit had only just come out of the dryer, and to my greatest shame, it s-shrank in the process.

You're smacked across the back of your head by Karen. "Not a problem, Sister." She says, a dangerous glint shining in her eyes as they narrow. "We're just here to make sure everything is in order."

Nun makes a polite smile, and nods. "This way, please. Oh," She suddenly adds, looking to you. "The ladies aren't used to seeing men, so… please conduct yourself properly."

It was a very polite way to say, "Keep your hands to yourself."

"Of course." You assure. "I'll always be in sight."

The academy rented one of the cabin lots that had a set of six cabins to house the nuns, and their students. It also had a REC center, though what they did there beyond prayer sessions, and bible study, is unknown to you. Still, plenty of cute ladies were running around, but they were always accompanied by a hawk-eyed nun. The chance of you ever chatting up one of the students would likely be impossible, and you can already tell that you're on thin ice.

Finally, it was the hippies' turn.

Honestly, you were kind of hoping that you'd see some topless women strutting about as you arrived, but you quickly thought against it as the risk of also seeing some guy's sausage as well was also extremely high as well. Either way, you were determined to keep your eyes looking straight ahead this time.

Thankfully, your fears were assuaged.

The only hippy that approached you and Karen was another woman. Tall, with tanned skin shining in the dusky sunlit as it dips into the mountain. Her hair was white, obviously dyed, and was wearing some kind of decorated veil attached to a corolla etched with a rainbow pattern over her forehead. Though, not all the colors of the rainbow were included. The two other articles of clothing she wore were much simpler than her ornate piece of headgear: only a large, dark brown shirt, and fuzzy pink animal slippers depicting a bear, you think, or… a bunny?

"S-Sorry…" The woman suddenly says, yawning loudly. "I was having a nap."

You blink, looking towards the sky turning dark. "At this hour?"

"The moon's going to be full tonight." She explains with a drowsy smile. "It's going to be killer! We'll be pleasing the spirits, and respecting nature tonight, that's for sure!"

You're wondering if it's going to involve them running about naked, and judging by how a lucky gust of wind blew between her legs, making her shiver, you think that'll likely be the case.

"Your name?" Karen suddenly asks.

The hippie blinks once. "Oh, right, I guess that's important, huh?" She raises a hand. "Anna Hicks, but all my friends call me Alty. Easier to remember, and such."

You give her hand a professional shake. "Pleasure to meet you, Alty. I'm Charles Raymond, Groundskeeper."

"And I'm Karen, Park Ranger."

"It's good to see the land is in such capable, and strong hands." Alty's compliment was unheeded, but it felt natural. She was genuinely appreciating the two of you, though, you've yet to work even a full day here.

"T-Thanks." You tell her. "You too."

Your back is given a good slap by Karen. "Show us around!" Asks the park ranger. "Seems like you guys have everything in order, so this won't take long at all!"

As expected, the tour was quick. It comes to no surprise that the hippies chose the other open camp ground to settle in. There were several tents set up as well, and it seemed that most were occupied for sleeping in preparation for the midnight event, but others were clearly for…

You'll leave them to their privacy, of course. The bottom of Alty's ass peeking from beneath her shirt proved to be a much better distraction.

As dusk finally passed, and the clear night sky could truly be beheld, the preliminary tours of Camp Witchwood's guests had finally come to an end…

Next: First Hunt →