
Cas opened his somber eyes to the flash of the sun's rays, which blinded him immensely. The silence of the room was too quiet for his liking as he turned over and leaned on his feet. He suddenly felt a sharp stab in his body. But he still persisted as he limped around the room. He peeked into the darkened hallway, as the hand of an old man caught his attention.

He quickly wobbled over there and turned on the light to see that it was officer Aaron, and Akil unconscious. Cas grabbed Aaron and Akil's hand as he hurried and threw hm on a nearby couch. Cas stumbled around and found a pack of ice along with a towel and threw it on top of his head,

Just as Cas went for another ice pack, suddenly Akil yanked Cas around, and punched him in his jaw. Cas went to the ground heavily.

Akil stood over him with a pissed off look, as he shouted up close this time.

"I Swear on my whole bloodline, if you decide to shank random nigga's again. I will whoop yo black ass of this earth! You hear me?" Akil shouted while holding his side.

Cas shrug profusely as he stood up.

"Didn't have to punch me jackass." Cas muttered as he went into the kitchen and tossed another ice pack towards Akil, as he signaled his finger toward Aaron as he placed the ice pack on top of his head.

"So what happened to you two? Cause to me you have a huge knot on your forehead," He said as he took a seat on the couch.

Akil sighed as he thrusted himself down onto the seat.

"Well it was a long night yesterday, after we dropped you off here. Akil said while chewing on a ripe banana from the fruit bowl in front of him.

And so Akil told Cas about the emergency call, the murder, and the masked duo again.

Silence soon followed the conversation, as it came to an end.

"So what are you gonna do now?" Cas asked as he closed his eyes.

Akil thought for a moment as he sat there and looked over towards the unconscious Aaron.

". . . I- I'm going to rest. Then Im going to get stronger, and after all of that I'm going to go kick some ass. This is a town I love, and some masquerade duo ain't gonna ruin it!" Akil said as he raised his fist into the air.

A few days later.

Aaron was sent into the hospital as he gave a temporary pass to Cas and Akil to gather information about the murder, but it is only until the rest of the police force gets back at the end of the month.

Although they were both partially injured they had a grudge to settling

Busy month has begun.